NR :: Volume #2

#166: Once more set off

Southern Sorcerer Alliance East Coast headquarters. Ministry of Finance, in conference room. 南方巫师联盟东海岸总部。财政部,会议室中。 About White River Valley Baron Marvin this huge loan application, how everyone to see?” “关于白河谷地马文男爵这次的巨额贷款申请,诸位怎么看?” And a congressman inquired in a low voice. 其中一名议员低声询问。 Other four people are silent. 其余四人都是沉默。 After a while, some people laughed saying: 10,000 Sorcerer Gold Coin(s)? Since the alliance has been founded, hasn't lent such large amount loan?” 过了一会儿,才有人嗤笑说:“10000枚巫师金币?联盟成立以来,都没有发放过这么巨额的贷款吧?” „Does he guarantee with what?” “他拿什么来担保?” That congressman who opens the mouth first is female, she is the minister of finance department, name known as O'Conner. 最先开口的那名议员是女性,她是财务部的部长,名字叫做奥康娜 She looked at that person of one of the ridicule, said: Mr. Peter, if you have not looked at the appraisal to report that do not talk nonsense well?” 她看了讥讽的那人一眼,说:“彼得先生,如果您没有看过评估报告,就不要胡言乱语了好么?” Peter somewhat is at a loss for words immediately. 彼得顿时有些语塞。 On this time board, before each individual, has a light material. 此时的会议桌上,每个人身前都有一份薄薄的资料。 These are the evaluation report of development potential to Marvin this person and White River Valley. 这些都是对马文本人白河谷地的发展潜力的一份评价报告。 Southern Sorcerer Alliance when lends the loan is also very strict, has verified after the special person. 南方巫师联盟在发放贷款的时候也是很严格的,经过专门的人审核过的。 As far as I know, Baron Marvin territory indeed does not have enough short-term pay ability, however in this time war, Baron Marvin has developed savage lands successfully.” “据我所知,马文男爵领地的确没有足够的短期偿债能力,但是在这次的战争中,马文男爵成功地开拓了蛮荒。” He eliminated entire Ogre Tribe, it is said also has the Legendary ogre shadow.” “他消灭了整整一个食人魔部落,据说其中还有传奇食人魔的影子。” However in a Baron Marvin side, our Discovery many old acquaintances.” “而在马文男爵一方,我们发现了很多老熟人。” The O'Conner words have not said that hears the Peter screams: 奥康娜的话还没有说完,就传来彼得的惊呼声: How possible!” “怎么可能!” He grasps that material, looks at that familiar name. Twittering makes noise unrestrainedly: Catching Demon Hunter Constantine......” 他手持那份资料,看着那一个个熟悉的名字。情不自禁地呢喃出声:“拘魔猎手康斯坦丁……” Elven Martial Saint Ibo......” 精灵武圣伊布……” That coming and going freely O'Brien?” “还有那个独来独往的奥布雷恩?” Peter has swallowed saliva: Please tell me, this material is forge?” 彼得咽了一口唾沫:“请告诉我,这份资料是伪造的吧?” Other people with looking at the look of idiot look at him. 其余人拿看白痴的眼神看他。 Reason that they formerly silent, is because in several personal names by material shocking. They are thinking. Actually is what kind of person, can these many formidable people gather. 他们先前之所以沉默,也是因为被资料里的几个人名给震惊了。他们在想。究竟是怎样的一个人,能将这么多强大的人聚集在一起。 Not to mention the material front several pages once mentioned that Marvin as if also united several other Legendary powerhouse, eliminated did not have Scarlet-red Shepherd Leader that the opportunity killed including Sir Anthony. 更别提资料前面几页曾经提到,马文似乎还联合了另外几个传奇强者,消灭了连安东尼大人都没有机会干掉的赤红牧首 Without a doubt, purely from this report, Baron Marvin is one has the development potential person. 毫无疑问,单纯从这份报告来看,马文男爵是一个极具发展潜力的人。 Not, after this savage lands development campaign. The alliance has prepared to award the Viscount Marvin title, during the corresponding reward is also preparing. 哦不,这场蛮荒开拓战役过后。联盟已经已经准备授予马文子爵的头衔,相应的奖励也正在准备当中。 Southern Sorcerer Alliance. Very much has encouraged the able Noble outward expansion land, but not like these northerners, likes hitting in a domain, wins to suffer extreme distress for the little resources, rather each other generation becomes enemies. Also is not willing to take the footsteps to unknown savage lands. 南方巫师联盟。一直都是很鼓励有能力的贵族向外扩张土地的而不是像那些北方人一样,喜欢在一块地盘上打来打去,为一点点资源争得死去活来,宁肯彼此世代结仇。也不肯向未知的蛮荒中迈出脚步。 What lets some alliance being caught off guard, the Marvin's reward has not provided, this fellow visited to loan. 只不过让联盟有些措手不及的是,马文的奖励还没发放出去呢,这家伙就上门来贷款了。 The loan number, is unprecedented astonishment! 贷款数目,还是前所未有的惊人! 10000 Sorcerer Gold Coin(s)! 10000枚巫师金币 This was equal to 10 million Silver Coin(s)! 这相当于10000000的银币了! This number, is equal to half of Southern Sorcerer Alliance east headquarters finance department one year of making loans target! 这个数目,相当于南方巫师联盟东部总部财务部一年放贷指标的一半! If they have given out Marvin this sum of money, other territory borrow money from them again, will have the situation of having too many problems to tackle. 如果他们把这笔钱拨给了马文,其余的领地再向他们借钱的话,就会出现捉襟见肘的情况。 From this angle, the Marvin's request somewhat was really absurd. 从这个角度来看,马文的要求着实有些荒谬了些。 However the direct rejection seems not a very good choice. 然而直接拒绝似乎也不是一个很好的选择。 Because in Marvin's loan requisition writes made one move. 因为马文的贷款申请书上写的非常令人动心。 Ten thousand Gold Coin(s), a half year return. Pawn. Two gold mine. 一万金币,半年归还。抵押物。两座金矿 After having ended the savage lands development campaign, Marvin finds the person to explore the mineral lode in ogre mountain mid-hill immediately. 结束了蛮荒开拓战役之后,马文立刻找人勘探了食人魔山山腹中的矿脉。 The result makes him be overjoyed. 结果让他大喜过望。 According to father's note record, there has gold mine. However the survey result is not true. It is not one, but is two! 根据父亲的笔记记载,那里有一座金矿。然而勘测结果并非如此。不是一座,而是两座! Two mineral lode mutually parallel, mutual non-interference, south-north. Marvin a gold mine first exploit right will have given White-Silver Church as part of transaction, however the gold mine property rights, are his. 两条矿脉相互平行,互不干涉,一南一北。马文将其中一座金矿的优先开采权送给了白银教会作为交易的一部分,但是金矿的所有权,还是他自己的。 According to survey report. If these two gold mine maintain mining of certain intensity, takes about 20 years to mine probably completely. 根据勘测报告。这两座金矿如果保持一定强度的开采的话,大概需要20年左右才能全部开采完毕。 The hub value puts together. Surpasses 60,000 Sorcerer Gold Coin(s). 整体价值加在一起。超过六万巫师金币 The appearances of these two gold mine, making the Alliance Financial Department person somewhat in a dilemma. 正是这两座金矿的出现,让联盟财务部的人有些左右为难。 Minister O'Conner has sent for verifying, Marvin's survey report not any issue. No one has thought that near Shrieking Mountain Range that type of barbaric place, will be containing such hidden treasure. However now did not have the means that that mountain together with that side seacoast, was becoming the Marvin's private property. 部长奥康娜已经派人核实过,马文的勘测报告没有任何问题。谁也没有想到,在尖叫山脉那种野蛮之地附近,会蕴藏着这样的宝藏。但是现在已经没有办法了,那座山连同着那边的海岸,都成为了马文的私人财产。 Moreover his Savage Lands Development Decree is still becoming effective, so long as he continues to develop in six months, the effect that the development made unceasingly will continue. 而且他的蛮荒开拓令还在生效,只要他在半年内继续开拓,开拓令的效果就会不断持续。 God knows this ambitious young people will do anything. 天知道这位野心勃勃的年轻人会干出什么来。 It looks like in alliance upper layer, Marvin is one has potential Landgraf, is worth supporting nurture with emphasis. 在联盟高层看来,马文是一个非常有潜力的领主,值得重点扶持培养 In addition his long-term pay ability is very strong, this sum of money borrows as if not to have what hidden danger. 再加上他的长期偿债能力还是很强的,这笔钱借出去似乎没有什么隐患。 But was the number was too eventually big, therefore the finance department needs to hold this conference. 但终究是数目太大了,所以财务部才需要召开这个会议。 ...... …… everyone, material about White River Valley, everybody present thinks that had understood.” O'Conner looks to the people, stern [say / way]: Now votes.” 诸位,关于白河谷地的资料,大家现在想必都已经有所了解。”奥康娜看向众人,正色道:“现在来投票吧。” Was right, if everyone is worried to guarantee the issue, before one hour, Three Rings Hightower Dame Hathaway spreads the news, she is willing to be Marvin guarantees this batch of debts in his own name. But the time is tight, she did not have officially proposes the guarantee document with enough time, however Dame Hathaway prestige, but also is impeccable.” “对了,如果诸位担心担保问题的话,一个小时之前,三环高塔海瑟薇大人传来消息,她愿意以个人名义为马文担保这批债务。只不过时间仓促,她还没来得及正式提出担保文件,但是海瑟薇大人的信誉,还无可挑剔的。” O'Conner said that he said: I agree with providing of this loan.” 奥康娜说完,自己率先说:“我同意这份贷款的发放。” Agreement.” “同意。” Agreement.” “同意。” Peter that most starts to ridicule, shrugs: Agreement.” 就连最开始讥讽的彼得,也耸了耸肩:“同意。” Only then last person, silent a while, sighed: Forfeit.” 只有最后一人,沉默了一会儿,叹气说:“弃权。” The people sympathized looked at his one eyes. 众人都略带同情地看了他一眼。 This fellow is the Unicorn Household person. About Unicorn Household and Marvin's small gratitude and grudges, they also slightly have hearing. 这家伙是独角兽家族的人。关于独角兽家族马文的小恩怨,他们也略有耳闻。 It is said Unicorn is preparing to tidy up Marvin, finally welcomed the Antiquity Red Dragon E'er such total destruction. 据说独角兽就在正准备收拾马文呢,结果就迎来了太古红龙厄尔这样的灭顶之灾。 Present Unicorn Household already disintegrated. As several members of being a rear survival, this Sir, although is the high-ranking in Southern Sorcerer Alliance, does not have the means to give Marvin manufacture too many troubles. 如今的独角兽家族早就分崩离析。作为硕果仅存的几位成员,这位大人虽然在南方巫师联盟中身居高位,却也没办法给马文制造太多的麻烦。 4 : 0, passes perfectly. 四比零,完美通过。 Within a half hour, Bass Port, in Southern Sorcerer Alliance eastern office hall. 半个小时之后,鲈鱼港,南方巫师联盟东部办事处大厅中。 Congratulates you, Miss Anna. The application of Baron Marvin has authorized.” “恭喜您,安娜小姐。马文男爵的申请已经批准下来了。” O'Conner has given Anna a document personally, then behind looks around to her: So long as now Baron Marvin shows his Baron medal. Then signed is OK.” 奥康娜亲自将一份文件递给了安娜,然后向她身后张望:“现在只要马文男爵出示他的男爵勋章。然后签字就可以了。” Anna takes out a medal, smiled was saying: He has not come, but medal I brought.” 安娜取出一枚勋章,微笑着说:“他没有过来,不过勋章我带来了。” Doesn't have the issue?” “没有问题吧?” O'Conner has gawked, such important matter. Unexpectedly lets a Stewardess coming office? 奥康娜愣了一下,这么重要的事情。居然让一个女管家过来办? She could not bear ask one: That Baron Marvin now where?” 她忍不住问了一句:“那马文男爵现在在哪里呢?” He......” Anna signature, while said reluctantly: I do not know.” “他啊……”安娜一边签字,一边无奈地说:“我也不知道呢。” Her behind Lola was nod said: 她身后的萝拉则是点头说: Love that Sir Marvin became famous runs all over the place, after we have arranged big pile of Quest, oneself slide.” 马文大人可是出了名的爱乱跑呢,给我们布置了一大堆任务之后,自己就溜了。” ...... …… Right, said like Lola that Marvin in completing the plan of territory, after the people have arranged Quest of long-term short-term, once more left territory. 没错,诚如萝拉所说,马文在完成了领地的规划,给众人布置了长期短期的任务之后,再次离开了领地 This time, his direction to west. Besides Isabel, his other people do not have the belt. 这一次,他的方向是向西。除了伊莎贝尔之外,他其余人都没有带。 When Landgraf is actually not his strong point, he most understands the basic Management study general knowledge. How however rapidly to construct formidable territory, he basically has a concept roughly. 领主其实不是他的强项,他最多懂一点基本的管理学常识。但是如何快速建设一个强大的领地,他基本上只有一个大致上的概念。 At this time, Daniela displayed the shocking talent. 恰好在这个时候,丹妮拉表现出了令人惊艳的天分。 Marvin felt relieved very much has given her the construction of territory. Naturally, in Marvin not in day, final Acting Landgraf or Wayne. 马文很放心地将领地的建设交给了她。当然,在马文不在的日子里,最终的代理领主还是维尼 The loan of River Beach City is very simple, only needs a letter. Mederly obediently delivers the thing and money. 河滩城的贷款是很简单的,只需要一封信。梅迪尔丽就会乖乖把东西和钱都送过来。 After all Book of Nalu 6th Page also in her hands, she also in perceiving through meditation process. 毕竟纳鲁之书第六页还在她手里,她还在参悟过程中。 Before has not promoted Legendary. Hathaway momentarily can receive Book of Nalu, she does not dare not to do. 在没有晋升传奇之前。海瑟薇随时可以把纳鲁之书收回去,她不敢不做。 But loans this matter to Southern Sorcerer Alliance, he considers over and over, gave Anna to do. 而向南方巫师联盟贷款这件事情,他思虑再三,还是交给了安娜去做。 Such a large sum of money, other person of he did not feel relieved. Only then has supported his Stewardess to make Marvin relieved behind him silently. 这么一笔重金,其余人他都不放心。只有一直在他背后默默支持着他的女管家才让马文安心。 As for Lola, was sent the purchase commodity and slave by him. 至于萝拉,则是被他派去采购物资和奴隶的。 He has appointed Lola officially is White River Valley Financial Officer, is mainly responsible for purchasing and financial budget \; True financial power grasps in Anna. 他已经正式任命萝拉白河谷地财务官,主要负责采购和财务预算\;真正的财政大权还是掌握在安娜手里。 Daniela is mainly responsible for territory constructing this, other any matters do not manage. 丹妮拉主要负责领地建设这块,其余的什么事情都不管。 However her existence , after was to Marvin left White River Valley on an insurance. 不过她的存在,也算是给马文离开后的白河谷地上了一道保险。 Although there is Darkness Guard to guard present White River Valley frequently, but has met powerhouse accidentally, did not have the means to contend. 虽说有黑暗卫士时时刻刻守卫着现在的白河谷地,但是万一遇到了强者,就没有办法抗衡了。 After all Constantine and O'Brien left White River Valley successively. The former is because south red dragon corpse area this, as if had not understood how the dismemberment Dragon Race butcher, for the maximum of value, Constantine prepares to go into action to look for an old acquaintance personally. The fellow it is said personally has dissected over three grand dragon, the experience is quite rich. 毕竟康斯坦丁奥布雷恩先后离开了白河谷地。前者是因为红龙的尸体南方这一带,似乎都没有懂得如何肢解龙族的屠夫,为了价值最大化,康斯坦丁准备亲自出马去找一个老熟人。那家伙据说亲手解剖过三条以上的巨龙,经验相当丰富。 Luckily the red dragon corpse has in Thousand Paper Cranes not to have any problem, as for dragon blood bath matter, Marvin had consulted to Constantine, was reproven by the latter is the careless and wasteful use of nature's products. 幸亏红龙的尸体存在千纸鹤里也不会出现什么问题,至于龙血浴这种事情,马文曾经向康斯坦丁请教过,被后者训斥是暴殄天物。 Each dragon blood, can manufacture very good potion, is used to take a bath, no doubt can promote certain attribute, but the performance-to-price ratio is too low. 每一份龙血,都可以制作出一份很好的药剂,用来洗澡,固然可以提升一定的属性,但是性价比太低。 After Marvin knew, decides to wait for that butcher's arrival, simultaneously makes Constantine pay attention to help to recruit some Master Grade other magic herb Alchemist. 马文知道了之后,也决定等待那位屠夫的到来,同时让康斯坦丁注意帮忙招募一些大师级别的魔药炼金师 In addition, Ibo is following Anna and Lola goes north Bass Port, to assure the security of this fund. 除此之外,伊布跟随着安娜萝拉北上鲈鱼港,为了保证这笔资金的安全。 But other territory aspects, methodically are carrying on. 领地其余的各方面,都在有条不紊地进行着。 ...... …… Three days later, Marvin is bringing Isabel, has mounted west a River Beach City Northwest Deathly Still Hills mountain. 三天之后,马文带着伊莎贝尔,登上了河滩城西北方死寂丘陵最西面的一座山。 Shows before them, is stretching to the horizon desert. 展现在他们面前的,是一望无垠的沙漠 Sage Desert. 圣贤沙漠 Walks, our roads also steadily.” “走吧,我们的路还长着呢。” Marvin shouted the one breath, descends the mountain. 马文呼了一口气,率先下山。 ...... ( to be continued ) ……(未完待续) ps: Thank the book friend Cat ba that ba will not smile Hitting enjoys! The attention, will have Burst ~ tomorrow ps:感谢书友【丷不会笑的猫丷】的打赏!注意,明天有爆发~
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