NR :: Volume #2

#165: territory conception

Behind Marvin's, is a complete White River Valley map. 马文的背后,是一张完整的白河谷地地图。 The map is the Marvin grandfather leaves behind, improves after the Marvin's father personally, but to Marvin this generation, has not carried on the territory survey again. 地图是马文祖父遗留下来的,经过马文的父亲亲自完善,但是到了马文这一代,并没有进行再一次的领地勘测。 This map, can only be a schematic diagram at best. 这份地图,充其量只能算是一份草图了。 After all present White River Valley, expanded at least two times. 毕竟如今的白河谷地,已经扩大了至少两倍。 From the north mine to south White River, from has developed near the seacoast with the River Beach City intersection point directly. 直接从北部矿场到南边的白河,从和河滩城的交界处一直开拓到了海岸边。 Marvin decided that waits for today's conference to end, must first go to River Beach City to look for two maps to survey Master to come, drew up a detailed White River Valley map. 马文打定主意,等今天的会议结束,第一时间就要去河滩城找两个地图勘测师来,绘制一份详细的白河谷地地图。 However now, made do with is good. 不过现在,将就着用用就好了。 Daniela does not have stage fright completely, as if really oneself, when Marvin's fiancee. 丹妮拉完全不怯场,似乎真把自己当马文的未婚妻了。 She has arrived at the Marvin's position, pointed at the coastline on map saying: 她走到了马文的位置,指着地图上的海岸线说: „Do you prepare to establish port here?” “你准备在这里建立一个港口?” Marvin nodded: Indeed so.” 马文点了点头:“的确如此。” Might as well again toward south some.” “不如再往南一些。” Her slender finger following the coastline downward, impressively referred to the place of White River estuary. 她纤细的手指顺着海岸线往下,赫然指在了白河入海口的地方。 Establishes port in this place, is most appropriate. Can develop the seaborne commerce outward, toward, as far as I know, your southern inland river is also very deep.” “在这个地方建立港口,最合适不过。往外可以发展海上贸易,往内,据我所知,你们南方的内陆河也是很深的。” Couple days ago bored time I go to White River to look, the river surface is open, river water very slow, but the water is deep, coming up that many sea boats open.” “前几天无聊的时候我去白河里看过,河面开阔,河水很缓,但是水非常深,很多海船都开的上来。” If establishes port here, then repairs the beforehand abandoning wharf, can make a connection with your territory thing direction thoroughly.” “如果在这里建立港口,然后再修复之前的废弃码头,就能彻底打通你领地的东西方向。” Daniela spoke with confidence. 丹妮拉侃侃而谈。 Marvin nodded. Said: I just started also such to plan.” 马文点了点头。说道:“我刚开始也是这么打算的。” But, the geology of White River Valley estuary is very bad, is not suitable to establish port. Because of reason of river water washout. That lands are hard to establish city. Let alone, there closer savage lands.” “可是,白河谷地入海口的地质很差,非常不适合建立港口。因为河水冲刷的缘故。那片土地非常难以建立城市。更何况,那里更接近蛮荒。” Daniela said confidently: This issue wraps on me.” 丹妮拉信心满满地说:“这点问题包在我身上。” Was not the soil was softer, so long as you felt relieved that gave me to manage, six months later, you can see brand-new port absolutely!” “不就是泥土柔软了些么,只要你放心交给我去办,半年之后,你绝对能看到一个全新的港口!” The people are maintain the suspicions to the Daniela words. 众人都是对丹妮拉的话保持怀疑态度。 Only had Alchemist that joined in the fun to say suddenly: Steel-rock Dust?” 唯有来凑热闹的炼金师突然开口说:“钢石粉吗?” Some Daniela accidents look at this Alchemist: Good, such place of countryside also knows Steel-rock Dust Talented person.” 丹妮拉有些意外地看着这名炼金师:“不错嘛,这么乡下的地方也有知道【钢石粉】的人才。” The Marvin's corners of the mouth twitch slightly. 马文的嘴角微微抽搐。 Said resembles not to know that Steel-rock Dust is the same. But the price and channel of that gadget, are current White River Valley cannot withstand? 说的好像自己不知道钢石粉一样。只不过那玩意儿的价格和渠道,都是目前的白河谷地承受不起的吧? However he has thought carefully under. Not being groundless that Daniela said. 不过他仔细想了下。丹妮拉说的不无道理。 The White River estuary indeed is a very important strategic point. If can occupy this place, not only foreign or internal. Is convenient. 白河入海口的确是一个很重要的战略要地。如果能占据这个地方,不仅对外或者对内。都非常方便。 His hesitation moment: If I do want you to establish port in three months?” 他沉吟片刻:“如果说,我要你在三个月内就把港口建立好呢?” Daniela shrugs: Budget must turn two times.” 丹妮拉耸耸肩:“预算要翻两倍。” Marvin nodded, the Daniela estimate ability is very strong. Establishes brand-new port, needs to put in a huge amount of manpower and resources. Needs the enormous money. 马文点了点头,丹妮拉的估算能力还是很强的。建立一个全新的港口,需要投入大量的人力物力。需要极大的金钱。 After port establishes, you also need enough ships. 港口建立好之后,你还需要足够的船只。 Current Marvin, a [The Southern] this ship that only then snatches after the war ended, Marvin sent for dealing with them. 目前的马文,只有抢来的一条南方号这条船早在战争结束之后,马文就派人对他们进行了处理。 These slave, chose majority of left voluntarily, few parts remained, Marvin made them live in the White River Valley east first is also nearby new port. 那些奴隶,大部分都选择了自行离开,少部分留下来的,马文让他们先居住在白河谷地的东部也就是新港口附近。 They possibly become the new port first group of residents. But [The Southern], then anchored silently in the sand beach, started the first phase of reconstruction. 他们可能成为新港口的第一批居民。而南方号,则是默默地停靠在了沙滩上,开启了第一期的改造工作。 The engineer from River Beach City started to make the overall transformation to [The Southern]. 来自河滩城的工程师已经开始对南方号进行整体的改造。 The transformation time probably takes one month. After transforming, [The Southern] will turn into another ship at least outlook completely is this. Gold Cattle Chamber of Commerce wanted to say anything, did not have the means. Once because on outwardly and Marvin tore to pieces the facial skin, Marvin can definitely complain them to carry on the slave trade in secret. 改造期大约需要一个月。改造完毕之后,南方号会完全变成另外一条船至少外型上是这样。金牛商会就算想要说什么,也没办法。因为一旦明面上和马文撕破脸皮了,马文完全可以控诉他们进行私底下的奴隶贸易。 The Southern Sorcerer Alliance non- definite orders forbid the slave trade, but must have License, is very obvious, [The Southern] did not have such License, therefore can only disguise become the merchant transports slave secretly. In any case present Marvin. Like most did not start to be the person to rub to pinch. White River Valley, develops gradually formidable. Did not fear that his Gold Cattle Chamber of Commerce walks. 南方巫师联盟并不明文禁止奴隶贸易,但是必须要拥有许可证,很显然,南方号还没有这样的许可证,所以只能伪装成商船偷偷运输奴隶。反正现在的马文。可不像最开始那么任人揉捏了。白河谷地,也渐渐发展强大。不怕他金牛商会找上门来。 ...... …… The following time, Marvin sits in side on own initiative, but Daniela, then became the lead of conference. 接下来的时间,马文主动坐在旁边,而丹妮拉,则成为了会议的主角。 About each comment that Marvin gave, has carried on the improvement. 关于马文提出的每一点意见,都进行了完善。 The northern mine will continue to begin. According to material that the Marvin father keeps, the north mine interior not only has a very deep iron mineral lode, but also possibly has other associated mineral lode. 北部矿场将继续开工。根据马文父亲留下来的资料,北部矿场内部不仅有一条很深的铁矿脉,而且还可能有伴生的其他矿脉。 However has been before this insufficient concerned about the economy of White River Valley, miner is also continuously scarce. 但是此前一直碍于白河谷地的经济不足,矿工方面也是一直紧缺。 The comment that Daniela gave was to purchase slave. Moreover measures land in large numbers the purchase. 丹妮拉对此提出的意见是购买奴隶。而且是大批量地购买。 Constructs territory to need the manpower. A slave cost is one-fifth of freeman, although their lives were short, but benefit compared with hiring miner high many.” Daniela said calmly: I did not know about the southern quotation that however in Northland, this is our general procedures.” “建设一个领地是需要人力的。一个奴隶的成本是一个自由民的1,虽然他们的寿命短了点,但是效益比雇佣矿工高的多了。”丹妮拉冷静地说:“我对南方的行情不了解,但是在北地,这是我们通行的做法。” If you want to leave behind a benevolent reputation, is very simple, gives these slave to pledge: Diligently work full three years, then automatically becomes the free man.” “如果你想要留下一个仁慈的名声的话,很简单,给予这些奴隶承诺:努力工作满三年,则自动成为自由人。” Majority of people you only need to them a hope, will go all out for you.” “大部分的人你只需要给他们一点希望,就会拼命为你工作。” „Before this and you, these slave that releases are different. slave on that ship is a southerner, moreover majority are the child and woman, you also granted them to be free. But slave that you need to purchase, is young and vigorous male. Among northern City State has the war frequently, many people defeated to be captured have become slave. I know that has a place, purchases these slave best places.” “这和你之前释放的那些奴隶不同。那艘船上的奴隶是南方人,而且大多数是小孩和女人,你也允诺他们自由。而你需要购买的奴隶,则是年轻力壮的男性。北方城邦之间经常发生战争,很多人战败被俘就成了奴隶。我知道有一个地方,是购买这些奴隶的最佳地点。” Daniela has not said that Marvin lightly has added: Bass Port.” 丹妮拉还没说完,马文就已经淡淡地补充道:“鲈鱼港。” The former commended nodded: It seems like your this Landgraf is not Bai Dang.” 前者赞许地点了点头:“看来你这个领主也不是白当的嘛。” Marvin sighed. Has accepted the person of higher civilized education as one. What he to the slave system is really resists. 马文叹了一口气。作为一名接受过高等文明教育的人。他对奴隶制度的确是非常抵制的。 However now this situation, if not defer to the Daniela means that indeed does not have the means rapidly to construct territory. 但是现在这种情况,如果不按照丹妮拉的办法,的确没有办法快速地建设领地 He is not Sage. Is impossible to help everyone. Just like Daniela said that he indeed needs one batch slave that young and vigorous and must be obedient. 他不是圣贤。不可能帮助到每一个人。正如丹妮拉所说,他的确需要一批年轻力壮而且又要听话的奴隶 ...... …… Has finished talking the northern mine and new port, then, the Daniela vision put toward the south. 谈完了北部矿场和新港口,接下来,丹妮拉的目光放往了南方。 Has saying that the time that although she treats in White River Valley is very short, but basically territory has understood on. 不得不说,她虽然在白河谷地待的时间很短,但是基本上把领地上都了解了一遍。 South of White River, is very fertile lands. But will have many monster to harass the resident. 白河以南,是一片非常肥沃的土地。只不过会拥有更多的怪物骚扰居民。 By the manpower of garrison, does not have means to clean up these monster completely cleanly. 以警备队的人手,没办法把这些怪物全部清理干净。 However Daniela proposed another means. 但是丹妮拉提出了另外一种办法。 Establishment Adventurer Camp. 建立【冒险者营地】。 West south of White River. Approaches the River Beach City place, establishes Adventurer Camp. 白河以南的西方。靠近河滩城的地方,建立一个冒险者营地 Here, establishes a place of similar village, has a rest, supplies, to restore weapon for Adventurer...... Vented wants * to look. 在这里,建立一个类似村庄的地方,供冒险者歇脚、补给、修缮武器……还有发泄欲*望。 This idea already fermented to be very long in the Marvin mind. However Daniela can actually in such a short time raise, has saying that this future Snow Queen indeed has to govern an ability of country. 这个想法在马文脑海中早就酝酿了很久了。但是丹妮拉却能在这么短的时间内就提出来,不得不说,这位未来的冰雪女皇的确拥有治理一个国家的能力。 How should construct about the Adventurer Camp concrete facility, Marvin also early has the plan at heart. 关于冒险者营地的具体设施该如何建设,马文心里也早有方案。 The plan is also very simple: To River Beach City. 方案也很简单:向河滩城要呗。 In any case Mederly and his transaction are still continuing, Marvin sets any request to River Beach City now, she must clench teeth to comply. 反正梅迪尔丽和他的交易依然在持续,马文现在对河滩城提出任何要求,她都要咬牙答应。 Now loot a burning house does not squeeze, after must wait for her to promote Legendary, demands again? 现在不趁火打劫压榨一下,难道要等她晋升传奇之后再索取吗? ...... …… According to the conception of Daniela, Adventurer Camp, once establishes to complete, can before by the Adventurer effective placement that Savage Lands Development Decree attracts. 按照丹妮拉的构想,冒险者营地一旦建立完成,就可以将之前被蛮荒开拓令吸引过来的冒险者有效的安置下来。 They can start to explore to the south. There is the place of savage lands. If the popularity condenses, gradually will pursue savage lands. 他们可以开始向南方探索。那里是蛮荒之地。但是一旦人气凝聚起来,就会渐渐将蛮荒驱逐。 Marvin can start out some monster capturing and killing commands suitably, like this comes this place to capture and kill the magic creature monetary reward hunters such as the multitude of people moving to and fro. Continuously. 马文可以适当地开出一些怪物捕杀令,这样前来此地捕杀魔物的赏金猎人们将如过江之鲫。源源不断。 Moreover south White River indeed has many have magic creature of economic efficiency, has killed them, Adventurer can also make an unexpected wealth. 而且白河南方的确有很多颇具经济效益的魔物,杀了他们,冒险者自己也能发一笔横财。 Here becomes mainland southern Adventurer Heaven. 这里将成为大陆最南方的冒险者天堂 ...... …… In addition, the recruiting of ranger and sentry had also been put on the program by Daniela. 除此之外,游骑兵和哨兵的招募也被丹妮拉提上了日程。 Because in her conception, such vast territory, must establish enough defense mechanism. Otherwise the enemy wanted to seep too to be really simple. 因为在她的构想里,这么辽阔的领地,必须要建立足够的防御机制。否则敌人想要渗透进来实在太简单了。 Here. Here, here. Here most essential...... Must build the sentry post tower.” “这里。这里,还有这里。这里最关键……一定要建立哨塔。” Place that the Daniela fingertip refers, impressively is the crown of ogre mountain. 丹妮拉指尖所指的地方,赫然是食人魔山的顶部。 Said like her here geographical position is superior, can the bird's eye view entire White River Valley range. The north side can see the Spider Cave position, the south can see future Adventurer Camp, the East looks out River Beach City, the West can see new port. 诚如她所说,这里的地理位置非常优越,可以俯瞰整个白河谷地的范围。北边可以看到蜘蛛地穴的位置,南方可以看到未来的冒险者营地,东方则是遥望河滩城,西方更是可以看到新港口 This place must establish the daily on-duty the sentry post. 这个地方必然是要建立日常值班的岗哨的。 As for other Daniela finger of several places, is the strategic points. 至于丹妮拉其他指的几个地方,也都是要害。 Marvin looked that appreciated to the Daniela look more and more. 马文看向丹妮拉的眼神越来越欣赏了。 This girl, although age is small, but the strategic point was too fearful. 这个女孩,虽然年纪比自己还小,但是战略眼光太可怕了。 Now, did you believe me?” “现在,你相信我了吗?” She blinked, looks at Marvin: I am the woman who four years old will draw the construction blueprint.” 她眨了眨眼睛,看着马文:“我可是四岁就会画建筑图纸的女人。” Marvin decides finally: Good, total design proposal, is improved by you.” 马文最终拍板:“好,总的设计方案,就由你来完善吧。” At this time, other people finally could not sit still. 就在这个时候,其余人终于坐不住了。 Looks that Marvin and Daniela frequented each other half of the day, Anna and Wayne cannot bear ask: 看着马文丹妮拉你来我往了半天,安娜维尼都是忍不住地问道: Marvin young master( elder brother), you said these many, is, money?” 马文少爷(哥哥),你们说了这么多,可是,钱呢?” Marvin and Daniela look at each other one, very has the tacit understanding to respond: 马文丹妮拉对视一眼,十分有默契地回应: Taking advantage of!” “借!” ...... …… Lends money, lends money crazily, this is most important reason that Marvin must attack the ogre mountain. 借钱,疯狂借钱,这就是马文要攻打食人魔山的最重要原因。 Had this gold mine, he takes the pivot by this, lends money everywhere. 有了这座金矿,他以此作为支点,到处借钱。 In Sorcerer Tower outside River Beach City. 河滩城外的巫师塔内。 Mederly complexion looks a detailed list that pale Marvin delivered recently. 梅迪尔丽面色铁青地看着马文最近送过来的一张清单。 Above is arranging in order the massive commodity and manpower demand. 上面列着大量的物资、人力需求。 He * mother unexpectedly also one dozen of prostitutes * female such marvel demand! 他*妈的居然还有一打妓*女这样奇葩的需求! Makes her feel what goes crazy, end of the detailed list, writes 2000 Sorcerer Gold Coin(s) impressively! 更让她感到发狂的是,清单末尾,赫然写着2000枚巫师金币 „To press out to do me really?” Mederly is pinching that detailed list stubbornly. “真想要把我榨干么?”梅迪尔丽死死掐着那张清单。 However the next second, her complexion was slightly more attractive. 不过下一秒,她的脸色稍微好看了些。 Originally is borrows, six months?” “原来是借啊,半年时间么?” She hesitant, eventually has authorized Marvin's all requests. 她犹豫了一下,最终还是批准了马文的所有要求。 The similar picture, occurred in the Southern Sorcerer Alliance headquarters. 同样的画面,发生在了南方巫师联盟的总部。 Just, this borrowing demand, promoted 10000 Sorcerer Gold Coin(s) impressively! 只不过,这一笔借款需求,赫然提升到了10000巫师金币 ...... ( to be continued ) ……(未完待续) ps: The renewal delivered ~ Marvin to be heavily in debt, can everybody support a point? ps:更新送上~马文要债台高筑了,大家要不要支援一点?
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