NR :: Volume #2

#164: Ancestral Enigma

Seemed small many youth called Grandfather Really a strange experience.” “被看上去比自己小不了多少的少年叫【爷爷】真是一种奇怪的体验呢。” The young people in picture blinked: What did you call to come? Are you Jean or the Miller child?” 画里的年轻人眨了眨眼睛:“你叫什么来着?你是吉恩还是米勒的孩子?” I called Marvin. My father is Jean.” Marvin briefly. “我叫马文。我的父亲是吉恩。”马文简单地说。 They fortunately?” Drew a people to say very much worriedly: „After I leave, was very long has not paid attention to White River Valley, I have given your father the valley land, but his natural talent was not very outstanding, I have been worried about you very much.” “他们还好吧?”画中人很苦恼地说:“我离开之后,就很久没有关注过白河谷地了,我把谷地交给了你父亲,但他的天资并不是很出众,我一直很担心你们。” „After you do leave?” “你离开之后?” Marvin is surprised. 马文大吃一惊。 „Hadn't you passed away?” “难道你没有去世?” Young people hā hā smiles: Naturally, that is just a practical joke, but now looks like, I a short time could not go back, perhaps regarding strength general ordinary person, makes them think that I died will be better.” 年轻人哈哈一笑:“当然,那只不过是一个恶作剧而已,不过现在看来,我一时半会是回不去了,对于实力一般的凡人来说,或许让他们以为我已经死了会更好吧。” Marvin thought immediately the head a little gets muddled. 马文顿时觉得脑袋有点发蒙。 His grandfather, has not died unexpectedly! 自己的爷爷,居然还没死! He just started also to think that this picture scroll was one supplements Keeps a souvenir photo spell alchemy goods. Inside person and words beforehand record. 他刚开始还以为,这幅画卷是一个附带了【留声留影】法术炼金物品。里面的人和话语都是事先录制好的。 But has not thought that own grandfather is living unexpectedly. 但没想到,自己的爷爷居然还活着。 Then this picture...... 那么这幅画…… „After this picture several minutes, will destroy. You were very likely long cannot see me, Little Marvin.” “这幅画几分钟之后就会销毁。你很可能很久都见不到我了,小马文。” The young people look to the Marvin's eye, flashes through one gently, although Marvin thought that this gentle flavor is a little out of sorts, but he braced oneself to accept. 年轻人看向马文的眼里,闪过一丝慈祥尽管马文觉得这点慈祥的味道有点违和,但是他还是硬着头皮接受了。 After all he is his grandfather. 毕竟他是自己的爷爷。 Cross-planar Communication. Is a very troublesome matter, only if you can find the person to duplicate similar alchemy goods.” 跨位面沟通。是一件很麻烦的事情,除非你能找人复制出类似的炼金物品来。” The young people were finally serious: Our time are not much, I know that you have many questions. But I must pick importantly told you.” 年轻人终于严肃了些:“我们的时间不多了,我知道你有很多疑问。但我必须捡重要的告诉你。” Following two -and-a-half points, are the young people are all talking endlessly, but Marvin, his each few words at heart. 接下来的两分半钟,全是年轻人在喋喋不休,而马文,则将他的每一句话都记在了心里。 These contents, really shocked. 这些内容,实在太震撼了。 Marvin in confirmed at heart repeatedly that this guarantees own grandfather confession own matter not any errors. 马文在心里反复确认,这保证自己的祖父交代自己的事情没有任何错漏。 The time arrives, the picture scroll lower half starts the automatic combustion control. 时间一到,画卷的下半部分开始自动燃烧起来。 „The time of it seems like exchanging greetings are not much.” The young people smiled gently: Although you cannot become Sorcerer make me be surprised. However Ranger Secondary Profession Demonoid Warlock is also a very interesting road. I still saw many powerhouse Blessing on you, on you seems shouldering the expectations of many person.” “看来寒暄的时间不多了呢。”年轻人轻轻笑了笑:“虽然你没能成为巫师令我感到惊讶。但是游侠兼职魔形术士也是一条很有趣的路呢。我还在你身上看到了更多强者祝福,你身上似乎肩负着很多人的期望。” I am proud for you.” “我为你感到骄傲。” This picture will stay behind finally remainingly. That vestiges are planar coordinate, if you can get so far as the Cross-planar Communication goods, can try to contact with me, I know some of your also many issues. However now you can only bit by bit search......” “这幅画最终会留下一点残余。那点残余是一个位面坐标,如果你能弄到跨位面沟通的物品,可以试着联系我,我知道你还有很多问题。但是现在你只能自己一点一点去探……” Exploration This word has not said eventually that the picture burnt Ashes. 【探索】这个词终究还是没有说完,画燃烧成了灰烬 Marvin walked cautiously, receives a small crystal in Ashes. 马文小心翼翼地走了过去,将灰烬里的一颗小小的晶体收好。 This was planar coordinate that the grandfather mentioned. 这就是祖父提到的位面坐标了。 At this time, his back suddenly broadcast a kǎ lā kǎ lā sound! 就在这个时候,他的背后突然传来一阵卡拉卡拉的声音! Formidable Ice Angel, relieved finally from the Petrify condition. 强大的冰天使,终于从石化状态中解除出来了。 She incomparably looks at empty stone platform angrily, somewhat rude looks at Marvin: What have you done?” 她愤怒无比地看着空荡荡的石台,有些失态地看着马文:“你都干了什么?” Marvin looks at Daniela tranquilly: I attained my grandfather to give my thing.” 马文平静地看着丹妮拉:“我拿到了我爷爷送给我的东西。” That is all.” “仅此而已。” Daniela does not dare to believe overran, holds the Marvin's wrist|skill. 丹妮拉不敢置信地冲了过去,一把抓住马文的手腕。 The ice-cold aura transmits from her. 冰冷的气息从她身上传递过来。 „Did you, put on really?” The Daniela expression is depressed. “你真的,戴上了?”丹妮拉的语气沮丧无比。 She looks at Marvin with clenched jaws: Why is you!” 她咬牙切齿地看着马文:“为什么是你!” My father has told me obviously, it is belongs my.” “我父亲明明跟我说过,它是属于我的。” It should be my.” “它应该是我的。” Said last. She appeared somewhat is out of sorts. 说道最后一句。她显得有些失神了。 Marvin has patted her shoulder gently: Do not mind that perhaps your father guessed mistakenly.” 马文轻轻拍了拍她的肩膀:“别介意,你父亲也许猜错了呢。” How to say again that we are also the whole families. Not?” “再怎么说,我们也是一家人。不是么?” ...... …… Then to the bangle is in itself not the treasure, but only in Clylande Household has enough intelligence person to put on. 那对手镯本身并不是什么宝物,但是只有克里兰德家族中有足够资质的人才能戴上。 Its effect, is used to control the genuine treasure. 它的效果,就是用来控制真正的宝物。 After once putting on, the Clylande Household person does not have the means to injure him. This is the restriction of bloodline. 而一旦戴上之后,克里兰德家族的人就没办法伤害他。这就是血脉的制约。 In the past Marvin's grandfather, has used this point, stole the treasure. Opens access to escape from Ravis Dukedom. 当年马文的祖父,也是利用了这一点,才偷出了宝物。一路畅通无阻逃出拉维斯公国的。 In Clylande Household, has such a rumor. Who has put on this to the bangle, who can become King of the Northland. 克里兰德家族内部,有着这么一个传言。谁戴上了这对手镯,谁就能成为北地之王 The Marvin's grandfather has put on, however he does not have the interest to King of the Northland, in the south dozens years, had then left This World. 马文的祖父戴上了,然而他对北地之王没兴趣,在南方过了几十年,然后离开了这个世界 Right, he indeed left This World, left Fenan. 没错,他的确是离开了这个世界,离开了费南 But this did not represent him dead. 但这并不代表他已经死了。 Marvin remembered the childhood, father and Uncle Miller funeral that when held the grandfather, seemed not very sad. 马文记得小时候,父亲和米勒叔叔在举行祖父的葬礼的时候,似乎并不是很悲伤。 They know probably their fathers are Vanish, but was not the death. 他们大概知道他们的父亲是消失,而不是死亡。 He left This World, where as for the present, he does not have to state clearly with enough time. However guessed according to Marvin's, he now likely in Hell! 他离开了这个世界,至于现在在哪儿,他没有来得及明说。但是根据马文的猜测,他现在很可能在地狱 The Numanite secret and Clylande Household treasure for a long time most precious object, until now, Marvin knew finally he * mother is any gadget! 努曼人的秘密、克里兰德家族珍视已久的至宝,时至今日,马文终于知道了他*妈的到底是什么玩意儿! That is a head of Fiend Great Monarch! 那是一位魔鬼大君的脑袋! Although above in addition held the innumerable ancient seals, when the grandfather told the Marvin's time this news, the latter was frightened heavily. 尽管上面加持了无数古老的封印,但是当祖父把这个消息告诉马文的时候,后者还是被吓得不轻。 The head or the true body of Fiend Great Monarch, peacefully lie down in that secret passage deep place now. 魔鬼大君的脑袋还是真身,现在就安安静静地躺在那条密道的深处。 Thinks of here, Marvin does not even dare to sleep in castle. 想到这里,马文甚至都不敢在城堡里睡觉了。 His grandfather is really the heart is also big. Buries such a timing bomb in White River Valley unexpectedly, he did not fear that this bomb powerful has not continued to exert the seal, will cause the aura to leak, brings in many disasters? 自己的祖父也真是心大。竟然把这么一颗定时炸弹埋在白河谷地里,难道他就不怕这颗炸弹没有强有力的施法者持续施加封印,会导致气息外泄,引来很多祸患吗? In fact, since the half year, these disasters of White River Valley bitter experience, have been this are caused by the head of seal completely. 事实上,这半年以来,白河谷地遭遇的这些灾难,完全都是这颗被封印的脑袋引起的。 That Mr. black-clothed. Is an illusory image that the Fiend Great Monarch head condenses forcefully. He has the knowledge that the Fiend Great Monarch for thousands of years accumulate spatially, but does not have any strength. 那个黑衣老人。是魔鬼大君脑袋强行凝聚出来的一个幻影。他空有魔鬼大君千万年来积累下来的知识,但却没有任何实力。 Then, this is also a pitiful fellow. His head had been chopped by initial Numanite. They derive the knowledge and bloodline Strength from the head of Fiend Great Monarch, they have made first batch of man-made bloodline Warlock successfully. This group of people, are initial Numanite. 说起来,这也是个可怜的家伙。他的脑袋被最初的努曼人砍了下来。他们从魔鬼大君的脑袋里汲取知识和血脉力量,他们成功制造了第一批人造血脉术士。这批人,就是最初的努曼人 They are formidable, is domineering and tyrannical in Multiverse. They are one group of crazy laboratory technicians and scientists, they crave in modulating artificial bloodline, likes getting up various formidable creature Captivity, derives their Strength. 他们强大无比,在多元宇宙横行霸道。他们是一群疯狂的实验者、科学家,他们热衷于调制人工血脉,喜欢将各种强大的生物囚禁起来,汲取他们的力量 This Fiend Great Monarch is one of the bad luck ghosts. 这位魔鬼大君就是其中的倒霉鬼之一。 He by the person generation use of Clylande Household. Depends the formidable incomparable vitality, with Strength that derives from void. He can barely manage to maintain a feeble existence. 他被克里兰德家族的人世代利用。仗着强大无匹的生命力,和从虚空中汲取的力量。他才得以苟延残喘。 On that head, was exerted too many ancient seals, he has formidable Strength spatially, but is actually not able to display. 那颗脑袋上,被施加了太多古老的封印,他空有一身强大的力量,但却无法施展。 But. He can only start to try the thing that poisons people's minds this is also he most excels. 无奈之下。他只能开始尝试蛊惑人心这也是他最擅长的东西。 He attempted to be innumerable, the last time, succeeded finally. 他尝试了无数次,最后一次,终于成功了。 He has misled the Marvin's grandfather, takes away the Clylande Household secret place him. 他蛊惑了马文的祖父,将他带离克里兰德家族的秘地。 However he was also defeated, the Marvin's grandfather is in Clylande Household the most outstanding talent( young language). Although in bystander opinion, he has the Sorcerer rank of Third Step \; But in fact, his Warlock rank has surpassed Sorcerer. Although has not stated clearly, but Marvin estimated that own grandfather at least was Legendary upward. 然而他也失败了,马文的祖父是克里兰德家族中最杰出的天才(年轻人语)。虽然在外人看来,他只有三阶巫师等级\;但事实上,他的术士等级已经超过了巫师。虽然没有明说,但马文估计,自己的祖父起码是传奇往上了。 He has seen through the fiend clever trick. And his Captivity in White River Valley this small place, then once more by oneself tyrannical Strength, to that head on newest seal. 他识破了魔鬼的诡计。并把他囚禁白河谷地这种小地方,然后再次凭借自己强横的力量,给那颗脑袋上了最新的封印。 Fiend Great Monarch stopped thoroughly. 魔鬼大君彻底消停了。 However he has not given up. 但是他没有放弃。 Both sides carried on a gambling to make. The Marvin grandfather who this time, is always proud lost, he must fulfill the treaty, therefore he was forced to leave Fenan. 双方进行了一次赌约。这一次,向来自负的马文祖父输了,他必须履行条约,于是他被迫离开了费南 He thinks that he can return quickly, but he was surrounded. 他以为自己能很快返回,但是他被困住了。 Therefore these many years pass by in a hurry. 于是这么多年匆匆过去。 To today, has drawn support from Daniela Strength. Marvin understood the truth of matter. 一直到今天,借助了丹妮拉力量马文才了解到了事情的真相。 Because of departure of Marvin grandfather, Fiend Great Monarch the seal on head starts to become less crowded. 因为马文祖父的离去,魔鬼大君的脑袋上的封印开始松动。 Gradually. He can start to condense the illusory image, although is little, but has given him to help oneself to provide the condition. 渐渐的。他又可以开始凝聚幻影了,虽然只有一点点,但是已经给他自救提供了条件。 He has misled Doceroya as Mr. black-clothed, has misled King Cobra and Miller, misled ogre he not to dare to see a stronger person, because such he will be seen through. 他以黑衣老人的身份蛊惑了多西罗亚,蛊惑了眼镜王蛇米勒,蛊惑了食人魔他不敢去见更强的人,因为那样他会被识破。 He hopes that these people can rescue naturally, with Lie. 他希望这些人能将自己解救出来当然,是用谎言 However Marvin's appears, making all these is impossible. 然而马文的横空出世,让这一切都变得不可能起来。 Marvin has put on that to known as Ancestral Enigma The bangle, Strength on bangle was stimulated again, Fiend Great Monarch the quiet for a long time seal on head will be activated again. 马文戴上了那对叫做先祖之谜】的手镯,手镯上的力量重新被激发,魔鬼大君的脑袋上的许多沉寂已久的封印会重新被激活。 According to grandfather's words, at least in six months, he did not have the means to condense any illusory image to come. 按祖父的话来说,至少在半年之内,他是没办法凝聚出什么幻影来了。 Naturally, he also warned Marvin, in a short time do not bump that head. 当然,他也告诫马文,短时间内千万不要去碰那颗脑袋。 Only if he can by his illusion will appraisal of Strength in through the secret room. 除非他能以自己的力量通过密室里幻境意志鉴定。 That Great Fiend Skull is Marvin grandfather copy Fiend Great Monarch the alchemy goods of cheap tricks manufacture, only then relies on strength of the to resist such mind to attract, can resist misleading of Fiend Great Monarch. 那个大魔鬼头颅就是马文祖父仿造魔鬼大君把戏制造的炼金物品,只有凭借一己之力抵抗住这样的心灵魅惑,才能抵抗住魔鬼大君的蛊惑。 Therefore Marvin will not have the idea of Fiend Great Monarch in a short time. 所以马文短时间内是不会去打魔鬼大君的主意了。 However Demonoid Warlock rank promotion, had as if found a brand-new direction. 不过魔形术士等级提升,似乎找到了一条全新的方向呢。 No matter what, Marvin has clarified the strange Mr. black-clothed origin finally. And temporarily has resolved territory the crisis. 不管怎么样,马文总算弄清楚了诡异的黑衣老人的来历。并且暂时解除了领地的这个危机。 But Daniela is depressed incomparable, she once pledged that cannot obtain the head of Fiend Great Monarch, does not return to Northland. 丹妮拉则是沮丧无比,她曾经发誓得不到魔鬼大君的脑袋,不回北地 She makes Oren return to Ravis Dukedom, told her father this matter. 她让奥伦返回拉维斯公国,将此事告诉她的父亲了。 Regarding this Marvin also has no alternative. 对此马文也无可奈何。 In territory many Daniela, pours did not fear that she will make any matter. After all Ancestral Enigma In her hand, she will not contact the head of Fiend Great Monarch to herself silly, such only by the sly fiend control. 领地里多一个丹妮拉,倒也不怕她会闹出什么事情来。毕竟【先祖之谜】在自己的手里,她不会傻到自己去接触魔鬼大君的脑袋的,那样只会被狡猾的魔鬼控制。 However, what Marvin has not thought that one day later, he felt Daniela to keep White River Valley merely to the pleasant surprise that oneself brought! 不过,马文没想到的是,仅仅在一天之后,他就感受到了丹妮拉留在白河谷地给自己带来的惊喜! ...... …… One day later, in conference room. 一天之后,会议室内。 Marvin called the people, is mainly discussed after the war, how to construct White River Valley. 马文召集了众人,主要是讨论战争过后,如何建设白河谷地 He discussed slightly some own ideas, has not thought of this time, Daniela has stood suddenly. 他稍微谈了一些自己的想法,没想到这个时候,丹妮拉突然站了起来。 I also nothing can do in any case here.” “反正我在这里也没什么事情可以做。” Constructs country is the thing of my since childhood study, as your fiancee, if you believe that I, this matter give me.” “建设一个国度是我从小就学习的东西,作为你的未婚妻,如果你相信我的话,这件事情就交给我吧。” The people present look at each other in blank dismay, has revealed the color of suspicion to Daniela. 在座的众人面面相觑,都对丹妮拉露出了怀疑之色。 Marvin slightly one hesitant: 马文略一犹豫: You said your view first.” “你先说说你的看法吧。” ...... ( to be continued ) ……(未完待续) ps: Second delivered ~ ~ to dig for a long time pit, finally filled. Actually many pits, were coconut tree already designed, every so often, the book review area always some people said that this unreasonable that was unreasonable, was actually only the time has not arrived. We hope that everybody many Patience in reading. Recently during being in the plot transition, the quick new story will launch ~ ps:第二更送上~~挖了好久的坑,终于填上了。其实很多坑,都是椰子早就设计好的,很多时候,书评区总有人说这个不合理那个不合理,其实只是时候未到而已。希望大家在看书的时候多一点耐心。最近处于情节过渡期间,很快新故事就会展开~
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