NR :: Volume #2

#163: Grandfather's picture scroll

In the study room, Marvin and Daniela opposite sit. 书房之中,马文丹妮拉对面而坐。 What's wrong, did Sir Constantine request to be on leave? You did not feel relieved, can therefore accompany me on own initiative?” “怎么,康斯坦丁大人要求休假了?您不放心,于是要主动陪我了?” Daniela sees Marvin, be relentless ridiculed. 丹妮拉一见到马文,就毫不留情地讥讽。 For these days, she indeed was entangled by Constantine somewhat was tired. 这几天,她的确被康斯坦丁缠的有些烦了。 She has the mission to come White River Valley, besides confirming Marvin's bloodline, is most important, brings back to that treasure. 她是带着使命来白河谷地的,除了确认马文的血脉之外,最重要的,就是带回那件宝物。 He once pledged in father's front, if do not come back that treasure belt, never will return to Northland. 他曾经在父亲的面前发誓,如果自己不把那件宝物带回来,就永远不回北地 This is a quite serious pledge. 这是一个相当沉重的誓言。 Marvin also knows something, previous generation time, White River Valley not anything fame, since Snow Queen controlled Northland to be very big successfully a stretch of area, this means that she should go well finally. 马文对此也略知一二,前世的时候,白河谷地没什么名气,但是既然冰雪女皇成功地主宰了北地很大一片疆域,这就意味着,她最终应该是得手了的。 What a pity present White River Valley, already today we are no longer as we have been. 可惜如今的白河谷地,已经今非昔比。 Perhaps nobody believes that several months ago also by White River Valley that one crowd of Jackalman can occupy, currently unexpectedly had over three Legendary to assume personal command! 恐怕没人会相信,几个月前还被一群豺狼人都能占据的白河谷地,现在居然已经有超过三名传奇坐镇了! This has not been counted with Tower of Ashes Master that White River Valley forms an alliance. 这还没算上和白河谷地结盟的灰烬之塔主人 Elven Prince, Catching Demon Hunter can also Ogre Sorcerer overflowing strong character, when pet plays...... 精灵王子,拘魔猎手还有一个能把食人魔巫师宠物玩的滥强人物…… Daniela thought that own world outlook must be subverted. 丹妮拉觉得自己的世界观都要被颠覆了。 Where braves these many Legendary? Normally, expert of this rank, many normal people cannot meet one for a lifetime. 哪里冒出来这么多传奇?正常情况下,这种级别的高手,很多正常人一辈子都遇不到一个。 However Marvin, can gather this kind of batch of Strength unexpectedly. 然而马文,居然能聚集起这样一批力量 This fellow, she could not completely understand more and more. 这个家伙,她是越来越看不透了。 Therefore looks for her regarding today's Marvin. She is some accidents. 所以对于今天马文来找她。她是有些意外的。 After all although the war had ended, but one pile of mess also wait for Marvin to tidy up. 毕竟战争虽然结束了,但是一堆烂摊子还等着马文去收拾呢。 ...... …… I want to chat with you.” “我想跟你聊聊。” Chats the matter about treasure.” “聊聊关于宝物的事情。” Marvin comes straight to the point. 马文开门见山。 From the Ogre Sorcerer mouth, he obtained many news. Actually descending the mountain of Ogre Tribe makes him somewhat restless. However is good because, he confirmed Order Shackles of Lance Your Godship establishment has not collapsed. That Fiend Great Monarch is also used to be special, the method that moreover is unable to duplicate made Ogre Tribe be separated from Shrieking Mountain Range. 食人魔巫师口中,他得到了很多消息。其实食人魔部落的下山让他有些不安。不过好在,他确认了兰斯神上设置的秩序枷锁还没崩溃。那位魔鬼大君也是用来非常特殊、而且无法复制的方法才让食人魔部落脱离了尖叫山脉的。 Then makes him relax. Otherwise Shrieking Mountain Range above monster can be free, let alone own small White River Valley, entire Gemstone Bay and entire East Coast are as for the south, must fall to the enemy. 这才让他松了一口气。不然尖叫山脉上面的怪物都可以自由下来了,别说自己的一个小小的白河谷地了,就连整个宝石湾、整个东海岸乃至于南方,都要沦陷。 On Shrieking Mountain Range is becoming a ghost monster, some ancient times heterogeneous, Star World is remaining. It is said also many god evils...... In any case before Marvin passes through, Shrieking Mountain Range is also only the opening to the outside world Spider Cave Instance Dungeon. Actually above has any gadget. Marvin is the hearsay. 尖叫山脉上面都是成了精的怪物,有些远古异种,星界残余。据说还有不少神孽……反正一直到马文穿越前,尖叫山脉还只是对外开放了一个蜘蛛地穴副本。上面究竟有什么玩意儿。马文都是道听途说。 In brief very terrifying and that's the end. 总之非常恐怖就是了。 Luckily also has Order Shackles invisible, but has formidable forming world of incomparable restraint strength to monster. Hearsay Order Shackles is Lance Your Godship builds with purest Power of Order, the collapse of Universe Magic Reservoir, has not affected the Order Shackles normal operation. 幸亏还有秩序枷锁一道无形,但是对怪物们却有着无比的克制力的强大结界。传闻秩序枷锁兰斯神上用最纯粹的秩序之力打造而成的,就连宇宙魔池的崩溃,都没有影响到秩序枷锁正常运行。 ...... …… You want to know anything.” “你想知道什么。” Daniela silent a while. Finally starts to open the mouth with the Marvin conversation. 丹妮拉沉默了一会儿。最终开始开口和马文交谈。 I want to know that the treasure in your mouth, what thing is?” Marvin said. “我想知道,你们口中的宝物,到底是什么东西?”马文说。 No comment.” Daniela replied. “无可奉告。”丹妮拉回答。 Is related with fiend.” Marvin said. “和魔鬼有关吧。”马文说。 The latter is aloof: „Is that also what kind of? We are the Numanite descendants, everyone knows that Numanite Strength came from fiend.” 后者无动于衷:“那又怎样?我们本来就是努曼人的后代,谁都知道,努曼人力量就是来自魔鬼。” Our household most precious object also is very related normal with fiend.” “我们家族的至宝和魔鬼有关也很正常。” Marvin nodded: But, is related with ultra powerhouse of Fiend Great Monarch this rank, was not quite normal.” 马文点了点头:“但是,和魔鬼大君这个级别的超强者有关,就不太正常了。” Fiend Great Monarch, is equal to Abyss upper layer Landgraf, wants intrepidly not to know many times compared with ordinary Divine God! 魔鬼大君,相当于深渊高层领主,比普通的神灵都要强悍不知道多少倍! Existence of this kind of rank. Unexpectedly will use the plot to White River Valley, although this also conforms to the fiend style, but also too exaggerated especially? 这样一个级别的存在。居然会对白河谷地用阴谋,虽说这也符合魔鬼的行事风格,但特么也太夸张了吧? This is the Marvin most puzzled place. 这是马文最困惑的地方。 Daniela deeply inspires. In the eye starts evade to hesitate: It seems like you have understood the lots.” 丹妮拉深吸一口气。眼里开始闪烁犹豫:“看来你已经了解到很多东西了。” Right. This thing, indeed and Fiend Great Monarch has the relations.” “没错。这东西,的确和魔鬼大君有关系。” I know before you, said that is perfunctory my excuse. Where you definitely know the treasure.” “我知道你之前说的,都是敷衍我的借口。你肯定知道宝物在哪儿。” Listening, Marvin, I, if has too many evil intentions, will not resist Zhu for you. Also such well does not sit with you now negotiates.” “听着,马文,我真的如果有太多恶意的话,不会替你去抵挡。也不会现在这么好好坐着跟你谈判。” The Daniela expression becomes very sincere: Believes me, that thing is not you can control. Only then our household person knows how to control him.” 丹妮拉的语气变得很诚恳:“相信我,那件东西不是你可以掌控的。只有我们家族的人才知道如何控制他。” Otherwise, the matter becomes very dangerous.” “否则,事情就会变得非常危险。” We are the whole family...... Elder brother......” “我们是一家人啊……哥哥……” Elder brother? 哥哥? In the Marvin heart sneers, Daniela worthily will be future Snow Queen, will cut freely in various mode. 马文心中冷笑一声,丹妮拉不愧是日后的冰雪女皇,在各种模式中切换自如啊。 The cunning and unreasonable willful natural disposition was hidden very well, started to play the kinship sign. 刁蛮任性的本性很好地被隐藏起来,开始打亲情牌了。 He is aloof. 他无动于衷。 „Are we whole families, this has not said. However I am interested actually very much, the word that just you used is He.” “我们是不是一家人,这点还不好说。不过我倒是很感兴趣,刚刚你用的词是【他】。” Marvin shows a faint smile: Treasure that we discussed that what you actually used was He But is not It. Is the treasure in your mouth, a living creature?” 马文微微一笑:“我们谈的宝物,你却用的是【他】而不是【它】。难道你们口中的宝物,是一个活物么?” Daniela closely makes a fist, realized one did not say inadvertently carefully. 丹妮拉紧紧握拳,意识到自己不小心说漏了嘴。 You also are really unreasonable.” Her expression restored immediately ice-cold: You think really these Legendary, they can protect you for a lifetime?” “你还真是不近人情啊。”她的表情立刻恢复了冰冷:“你真以为有这几个传奇,他们就能保护你一辈子了?” Do not think that I do not know, they may leave anytime. How Legendary is powerhouse possibly willing is a Third Step weak one works?” “别以为我不知道,他们随时都有可能离开。传奇强者又怎么可能心甘情愿为一个三阶的弱者打工?” Marvin shrugs: They do not have are working for me, they are the friend of mine.” 马文耸了耸肩:“他们没在为我打工,他们都是我的朋友。” Friend?” Daniela said fainily: Only then there is a use value, will become your friend?” “朋友?”丹妮拉淡漠地说:“只有有利用价值,才会成为你的朋友吧?” Truth told you also to might as well, that most precious object that our household left behind, indeed was a living creature...... Part.” “实话告诉你也无妨,我们家族遗留下来的那件至宝,的确是一个活物……的一部分。” I know, even if told you these, you impossible to give me the treasure, even if looks at one. You only then selfish. You only want sole possession of this treasure.” “我知道,就算告诉了你这些,你也不可能把宝物给我的,哪怕看一眼。你心里只有自私。你只想独吞这件宝物。” But I warned you. You are unable to control such formidable Strength!” “但是我警告你。你根本无法掌控这样强大的力量!” You will not only kill you, will also kill your person, even continually entire White River Valley. Because your selfish action besets with a crisis in the middle of unprecedented!” “你不仅会害死你自己,还会害死你身边的人,甚至连整个白河谷地。都会因为你的自私举动而陷入前所未有的危机当中!” The Daniela sound is one by one severe. 丹妮拉的声音一句比一句严厉。 Marvin shook the head, shows a smile: You made a mistake.” 马文摇了摇头,露出一丝微笑:“你错了。” I will make you look.” “我会让你看的。” Said that he sets out, puts out the key from drawer, shoves open behind cabinet, a secret door appears before them. 说罢他起身,从抽屉里拿出钥匙,推开身后的柜子,一间密门出现在两人面前。 Marvin turned head to say to Daniela: Actually this leafed door, I am not first time open.” 马文回头对丹妮拉说:“其实这扇门,我已经不是第一次打开了。” Previous opening time, it almost wanted my life.” “上一次打开的时候,它差点要了我的命。” In the Daniela eye reveals color of the burning hot: This time cannot. I will protect you.” 丹妮拉眼中流露出一丝炙热之色:“这一次不会。我会保护你。” Said. She goes forward, has gripped the Marvin's left hand gently. 说罢。她上前,轻轻握住了马文的左手。 A cool aura transmits from her body. Marvin only thought that the brains were more sober. 一股清凉的气息从她的身上传来。马文只觉得头脑更加清醒了。 You really know that is anything.” “你果然知道里面是什么。” Marvin deeply looked at Daniela one. 马文深深地看了丹妮拉一眼。 The latter shows a faint smile: This is our household thing.” 后者微微一笑:“这本来就是我们家族的东西。” Opens the door.” “开门吧。” The next second, Marvin opened that leafed door! 下一秒,马文打开了那扇门! Comes, is still that is bringing the Great Fiend Skull of strange smiling faces and three eyes! 迎面而来的,依然是那个带着诡异笑容、三只眼睛的大魔鬼头颅 In that flash that the front door opens, they simultaneously the body trembles! 在大门打开的那一瞬间,两人同时身体一颤! Daniela. Also had been decided a while by the will examination of this terrifying, after three seconds, she works loose. 就连丹妮拉。也被这恐怖意志检定定了一会儿,三秒钟之后,她才从中挣脱出来。 Her both eyes turned into a Pure Brightness from Chaos. 她的双眼从混乱变成了一片清明。 In the entire study room, immediately becomes ice-cold incomparable. 整个书房里,顿时变得冰冷无比。 Marvin by that hand that she holds, even caught incorruptible. 马文被她牵住的那只手,甚至染上了一层冰霜。 He could not help sneeze! 他情不自禁打了一个喷嚏! „Is this you protects my means?” “这就是你保护我的办法?” He works loose from the terrifying illusion, has a lingering fear looks at Daniela. 他从恐怖的幻境中挣脱出来,心有余悸地看着丹妮拉 His right hand was being frozen at the naked eye obvious speed. 他的右手正以肉眼可见的速度被冰冻着。 Opened Ice Angel form Daniela, the beautiful local products, are not having makings of keeping aloof. 开启了冰天使形态丹妮拉,美艳不可方物,更带着一种高高在上的气质。 She loosened the hand gently, a wing leaf. Suddenly flies toward inside! 她轻轻松开了手,翅膀一扇。突然往里面飞去! Marvin maintains composure to follow on the heels. 马文不动声色跟在后面。 The secret room is not big, both sides are empty. 密室不大,两旁都是空空荡荡的。 This is fake.” Daniela looked at that Great Fiend Skull. “这是假的。”丹妮拉看了一眼那个大魔鬼头颅 This is just alchemy goods, is used to send out with Great Fiend similar Chaos will spell.” “这只不过是一个炼金物品,用来发出和大魔鬼类似的混乱意志法术。” Her vision went to secret room deep place. 她的目光投向了密室深处。 Secret room deep place. The picture scroll, in the picture scroll, is a quite young person. 密室深处。有一个画卷,画卷上,是一个相当年轻的人。 The picture scroll seems average and not-so-wonderful, does not have what unique element. 画卷看上去平平无奇,没有什么特殊之处。 But young people the place of vision going, is a stone platform. 只不过年轻人的目光投向之处,是一个石台。 In stone platform, is putting a pair of silver bangle. 石台上,放着一对银色的手镯。 Is it!” “是它!” Daniela looks the pleasantly surprised color. She flew fiercely, one grasped to that to the bangle. 丹妮拉面露惊喜之色。她猛地飞了过去,一把抓向了那对手镯。 However at this time. The young people in picture scroll have lifted the head suddenly: 然而就在这个时候。画卷里的年轻人突然抬起了头: You are not my child, you do not have the qualifications to take away my inheritance.” “你不是我的孩子,你没有资格拿走我的遗产。” Daniela does not dare to believe looks at the person in picture scroll, the next second, the terrifying lasing of ray from the picture scroll comes out together. 丹妮拉不敢置信地看着画卷里的人,下一秒,一道恐怖的光线从画卷里激射出来。 Even if she under Ice Angel form, actually does not have the means to fend. 就算是冰天使形态下的她,竟然也没办法闪避。 Marvin saw that Daniela hit a target by the ray, turned into Petrify Ice Angel, incomparably fell distressedly on the ground. 马文眼看着丹妮拉被光线射中,变成了石化冰天使,狼狈无比地摔在了地上。 Regarding all these, he already knew how things stand. 对于这一切,他心里早就有数了。 In some notes or books that the grandfather leaves behind, he already knew the Guardianship treasure the rule. The grandfather leaves, has established it, only then has his direct line bloodline person to obtain this treasure. 在祖父留下的一些笔记或者书籍里,他早就得知守护宝物的规则。祖父离开的时候,就已经将它设定好,只有拥有他直系血脉的人才能获得这件宝物。 Although Daniela is her cousin, but is very obvious, she does not have the qualifications to take away this pair of bangle. 丹妮拉虽然是她的表妹,但是很显然,她没有资格拿走这对手镯。 Before the Marvin half step arrives at stone platform. 马文快步来到石台前。 Puts on it quickly.” The young people urging on picture scroll said: My Petrify are most can only limit her three minutes.” “快戴上它。”画卷上的年轻人催促说:“我的石化最多只能限制她三分钟。” In these three minutes, I had a lot to with you say.” “这三分钟里,我有很多事情要和你说。” Marvin not any hesitant, has put on two silver bangles directly. 马文没有任何犹豫,直接戴上了两个银色的手镯。 The next second, the silver light dodges, bangle direct stealth. He traces, bangle also, but the bystander is unable to realize. 下一秒,银光一闪,手镯直接隐形。他摸了摸,手镯还在,只不过外人根本无法察觉。 He looked up to the young people in picture scroll, finally could not bear ask: 他抬头看向了画卷里的年轻人,终于忍不住问道: Actually have you left behind what thing to me?” “您究竟给我留下了什么东西?” Dear grandfather?” “亲爱的爷爷?” ...... ( to be continued ) ……(未完待续) ps: The monthly ticket was exploded, must drop out first ten shortly...... Over the two days coconut tree rest, but also is every day stabilizes two...... Everybody helps, on June 8 is also on Monday, the coconut tree can once more Burst...... Seemed like Burst quickly became the habit...... ps:月票又被爆了,眼看要掉出前十……这两天椰子休息,但也是每天稳定两更哇……大家帮帮忙,6月8号也就是周一,椰子会再次爆发……貌似爆发已经快成为常态了么……
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