NR :: Volume #2

#162: Fiend Great Monarch

fiend? 魔鬼 Marvin deeply inspires, this crowd of ogre really and fiend has the relations. 马文深吸一口气,这群食人魔果然和魔鬼有关系。 Relates to oneself again in Mr. black-clothed who outside the Jackalman tribe sees, gradually seemed to be bright about hidden treasure that in castle contains. 再联系到自己在豺狼人部落外看到的黑衣老人,关于城堡中蕴藏的宝藏似乎已经渐渐明朗了。 Many clues link, puzzles seem to be same, has spelled to form gradually quickly. 许多条线索联系在一起,仿佛一块块拼图一样,渐渐已经快拼成形了。 In the Marvin's mind has reappeared indistinctly that three eye Great Fiend Skull design. 马文的脑海里隐约浮现过那三只眼的大魔鬼头颅的图案。 Numanite gains Strength from fiend there, Clylande Household was the Numanite descendant in the past own grandfather left home to carry off the treasure of Ravis imperial family, now buries in White River Valley, and has incurred many disasters. 努曼人魔鬼那里获取力量,克里兰德家族又是努曼人的后裔当年自己的祖父离家出走带走了拉维斯皇室的宝物,如今就埋在白河谷地里,并且招致了诸多祸患。 Actually no matter that thing is anything, in brief the affirmation and Hell could not be inseparable from. 不管那件东西究竟是什么,总之肯定和地狱脱不了干系了。 Daniela so wants, she definitely knows that is anything. 丹妮拉如此想要,她肯定知道是什么。 The short several instances, in the Marvin's mind have thought various means probe Daniela to gain many information. 短短几个瞬间,马文的脑海里就想到了各种办法,试探丹妮拉来获取更多的情报 However in current, what he is most important was ended this war. 不过在当前,他最重要的还是将这场战争结束。 You thought that what value this Iron-armored Ogre also does have?” Marvin asked. “你觉得这头铁甲食人魔还有什么价值么?”马文问。 Ibo shook the head saying: Intelligence quotient low make the blood boil of this fellow, I suspected simply he said Common Language not entire.” 伊布摇头说:“这家伙的智商简直低的令人发指,我怀疑他连通用语都说不全。” That killed.” Marvin indifferent [say / way]. “那就杀了。”马文淡然道。 Early did not say.” Ibo shrugs, does not know where pulls out a broken sword, chopped stupor skull in Iron-armored Ogre maliciously. “不早说。”伊布耸了耸肩,不知道从哪里掏出一把破剑,狠狠地砍下了昏迷中的铁甲食人魔头颅 He will break then the sword to pierce the heart of Iron-armored Ogre, stirred a pulp his chest cavity, confirmed after Iron-armored Ogre died. Receives the hand. 然后他又将破剑刺穿铁甲食人魔的心脏,把他的胸腔搅了个稀巴烂,确认铁甲食人魔已经死亡之后。才收手。 The Ibo's procedure has the truth. 伊布的做法不是没有道理的。 The Iron-armored Ogre reproductive property was too strong, even if cuts the head, can heavy New Life long come out. Must completely destroy his strategic point. 铁甲食人魔的再生能力太强了,就算割下脑袋,也能重新生长出来。必须要把他的要害完全破坏。 ...... …… Marvin looks at the battlefield that the sand dust raises, during each ogre fell into has fought single-handedly. 马文看着沙尘扬起的战场,每一头食人魔都陷入了孤军奋战之中。 However they are very wild, Adventurer, Knight damage quite a lot. 但是他们很狂暴,无论是冒险者,还是骑士们都损伤颇多。 Made Marvin feel only gratified was, own these Darkness Guard, has not been injured. 唯一令马文感到欣慰的就是,自己的那些黑暗卫士,没有一个受伤的。 After going through long long night war, they are good at preserving itself compared with ordinary Soldier. But formidable strength and reaction capacity, makes them easier to survive in the battlefield. 在经历了漫长的永夜战争之后,他们比普通战士更擅长保全自己。而强大的实力和反应能力,也让他们在战场上更容易存活下来。 Was the time ended this war.” “是时候结束这场战争了。” Marvin nodded to Ibo. A latter foot trampled the head of Iron-armored Ogre, one trampled the space. 马文冲着伊布点了点头。后者一脚踹起了铁甲食人魔的脑袋,一把踹到了天上。 Marvin vertical leaps, jumped directly, then roars. In front of all ogre, stepped on the head of Iron-armored Ogre maliciously in the under foot! 马文一个纵跃,直接跳了上去,然后怒吼一声。当着所有食人魔的面,将铁甲食人魔的脑袋狠狠地踩在了脚下! On lip big head, but also unceasingly Bleed. 碗口大的脑袋上,还在不断地流血 Still was shocked in resisting stubbornly ogre. 还在负隅顽抗的食人魔都惊呆了。 Iron-armored Ogre in their mind, without doubt is War God general existence. 铁甲食人魔在他们心目中,无疑是战神一般的存在。 If Commander died, they will be angry, but now in them most formidable Legendary powerhouse was killed, leaves ogre, only then huge panic! 如果说,指挥官死了,他们还会愤怒的话,而现在他们之中最强大的传奇强者都被杀了,留给食人魔们的,只有巨大的恐慌! Their morale drop suddenly. Some ogre even start to retreat! 他们的士气急剧下降。有些食人魔甚至开始溃逃! All people, prepare to chase down.” “所有人,准备追杀。” Gives them to strike finally.” “给他们最后一击。” Marvin lets somebody cool off or calm down orders. 马文冷冷地下令。 In not far away sandstorm, O'Brien and Constantine walk shoulder to shoulder. In former's hand also grabs crystal ball. 不远处的风沙里,奥布雷恩康斯坦丁并肩走来。前者的手里还抓着一只水晶球 In crystal ball, ogre of micro version is making threatening gestures. 水晶球里,一个微缩版的食人魔正在张牙舞爪。 Marvin grows the one breath, this time, is the general situation has decided. 马文长出一口气,这一次,真的是大局已定。 ...... …… Within a half hour, the sandstorm is tranquil. 半个小时之后,风沙平静。 In the battlefield, has left behind more than 40 ogre corpses. As well as many other monster corpses. 战场上,留下了40多具食人魔的尸体。以及更多其他的怪物尸体。 ogre cannot run away again quickly, after all runs the cavalry soldier who they run. 没有一头食人魔能逃走他们跑的再快,毕竟是跑不过骑兵的。 Entire Ogre Tribe. Being annihilated. Commander died in battle, Iron-armored Ogre died in battle, Ogre Sorcerer is captured! 整个食人魔部落。全军覆没。指挥官战死,铁甲食人魔战死,食人魔巫师被俘! As for a human side, there is not small casualties. However considered what faces is one by the monster tribes of two Legendary ogre leadership, Marvin can lead them to achieve this step, was good. 至于人类一方,也有不小的伤亡。但是考虑到面对的是一个由两名传奇食人魔领导的怪物部落,马文能带领他们做到这一步,已经非常不错了。 The fight of Zhu and Daniela also already ended. As Great Cyan Shepherd Leader Voter, her assurance to the opportunity is very accurate. 丹妮拉的战斗也早已结束。作为天青牧首选民,她对时机的把握还是很准的。 After Ibo knocks down Iron-armored Ogre, she starts to attempt to retreat. 早在伊布铁甲食人魔撂倒之后,她就开始尝试撤退。 What a pity Daniela is in hot pursuit, she has abandoned the big vigor, flees the battlefield. 可惜丹妮拉紧追不舍,她废了好大劲,才逃离战场。 This makes future Snow Queen not be feeling well, although is not willing to acknowledge that her heart of hearts knows, running away of Zhu, by no means because , because other Ibo and two big Legendary! 这让未来的冰雪女皇非常不爽尽管不愿意承认,她内心深处还是知道,的逃走,并非因为自己,而是因为伊布和其他两大传奇 Makes her feel what is not feeling well, Constantine enough has restrained her behavior, side present Marvin, really seemingly also has two stronger Legendary powerhouse appearances. 更让她感到不爽的是,一个康斯坦丁已经足够约束她的行为了,现在的马文身边,竟然貌似还有两个更强的传奇强者的样子。 Who is this fellow? How can invite super expert to help like this? 这家伙到底是什么人?怎么能请来这样的超级高手来帮忙? Daniela these doubts at heart, naturally are nobody explain for her. 丹妮拉心里的这些疑惑,自然是没人替她解答的。 In battlefield disorderly piece, all people start to clean spoils of war, is the corpse of companion. 战场上凌乱一片,所有人都开始打扫战利品,然后是同伴的尸体。 The procedures of many damage control need to do. 有很多善后的手续需要去做。 But these matters, did not need Marvin to worry personally. 只不过这些事情,就不需要马文亲自操心了。 He dialed four Darkness Guard to give Anna, making her be responsible for the damage control measures of this war personally. 他拨了四个黑暗卫士安娜,让她亲自负责这一次战争的善后事宜。 But he, then in the tent of temporary camp. 而他自己,则是在临时营地的营帐之中。 Here, an entirely new interrogation will soon launch. 在这里,一场别开生面的审讯即将展开。 ...... …… In the tent, has Marvin and O'Brien two people. 营帐里,只有马文奥布雷恩两个人。 Ibo after the war ended, worries to surmount that mountain, rushes in camp that the sailors establish. 伊布早在战争结束之后,就着急着翻越那座山,赶往水手们建立的营地中去了。 He helps Marvin, that side camp presented temporary Strength to be void. 他来帮马文,那边的营地却是出现了一个暂时性的力量空虚。 Does not have Legendary to assume personal command, how god knows Third Step expert Roberts will do. 没有传奇坐镇,天知道三阶高手罗伯茨会怎么做。 But Constantine, then intimate is still accompanying Daniela, does not make the latter have any searches the castle opportunity. 康斯坦丁,则是依然非常“贴心”地陪着丹妮拉,不让后者有任何搜索城堡的机会。 Therefore in the entire tent, has Marvin and O'Brien. 所以整个营帐里,只有马文奥布雷恩 This Night Traveler Leader method is exceedingly high, at least before, Marvin never has seen the so mysterious method. 这位夜行人首领的手段通天,至少在之前,马文从未见过如此神奇的手段。 On the table, transparent crystal ball calmly is laying aside. 桌子上,一个透明的水晶球静静放置着。 In crystal ball. Impressively is Ogre Sorcerer of diminished version. 水晶球里。赫然是缩小版的食人魔巫师 Has not related.” O'Brien said very much temperately: He is sealed all mana now.” “没关系的。”奥布雷恩很温和地说:“他现在被封掉了所有的魔力。” With installing pet in crystal ball is similar. You can try to trace it.” “和装在水晶球里的宠物差不多。你可以试着摸摸它。” Marvin hollow laugh. 马文干笑一声。 He does not have the O'Brien that powerful heart and strength. 他可没奥布雷恩那么强悍的心脏和实力。 Can fill in crystal ball Legendary ogre, when pet plays, perhaps entire Fenan also few. 能把传奇食人魔水晶球里当宠物玩的,恐怕整个费南也没有几个了。 I need to ask his several questions.” “我需要问他几个问题。” Marvin said. 马文说。 Does not have the issue.” O'Brien said very much refreshedly. “没问题。”奥布雷恩很爽快地说。 He holds crystal ball, mysterious Strength permeates in Ogre Sorcerer in crystal ball by his palm. 他一把抓住水晶球,一股玄而又玄的力量透过他的掌心渗入水晶球内的食人魔巫师中。 The latter has shown the painful incomparable look immediately. 后者立刻露出了痛苦无比的神色。 This is Ahnzedian masterpiece Ball of Cursed Words. Entire Fenan did not have many.” O'Brien said lightly: Naturally. Can make me use up Ball of Cursed Words creature, did not have many.” “这是安泽地人杰作咒言之球。整个费南也没有多少了。”奥布雷恩淡淡地说:“当然。能让我用掉咒言之球生物,也没多少了。” You have any issue, can ask him, he does not have the means not to reply. Moreover he replied that is the truth.” “你有什么问题,都可以问他,他没办法不回答的。而且他回答的,都是真话。” Then, he turned around to leave the tent: Asked that has remembered my pet also me. Thanks.” 说罢,他转身就离开了营帐:“问完了记得把我的宠物还我。谢谢。” Among moment, in tent only remaining a Marvin person. 须臾间,帐篷里只剩下了马文一个人。 Marvin looked to crystal ball dew panic-stricken color Legendary ogre. Asked the first question: 马文看向了水晶球里面露惊恐之色的传奇食人魔。问出了自己第一个问题: Is who teaches your magic? Do not tell me you are inborn comprehension.” “是谁传授你的魔法?别告诉我你是天生领悟的。” ...... …… The Ball of Cursed Words great power, Marvin understood quickly. 咒言之球的强大威力,马文很快就领略到了。 Really. Under the Marvin's interrogation, Ogre Sorcerer anything said. He as if no means to control his mouth. 果然。在马文的质问之下,食人魔巫师什么都说了。他似乎没办法控制自己的嘴巴。 On Ball of Cursed Words was exerted by O'Brien True words, All issues that therefore he asked facing Marvin, can only reply truthfully. 咒言之球上被奥布雷恩施加了【真言】,所以他面对马文所提出的一切问题,都只能如实回答。 Within a half hour. Marvin complexion has given back to O'Brien Ball of Cursed Words heavily. 半个小时之后。马文面色沉重地将咒言之球还给了奥布雷恩 He obtained too many information from the Legendary Ogre Sorcerer mouth. 他从传奇食人魔巫师口中得到了太多的信息。 He needs to comb carefully. 他需要仔细梳理一下。 First, the birth of this Legendary Ogre Sorcerer indeed is not accidental, but some people in deliberately nurture. 首先,这位传奇食人魔巫师的诞生的确不是偶然,而是有人在蓄意培养 That Mr. black-clothed, said that is some Hell Fiend Great Monarch incarnation. In Ogre Tribe also on Shrieking Mountain Range barely manages to maintain a feeble existence, he comes in front of Ogre Sorcerer. 那个黑衣老人,自称是地狱某一位魔鬼大君的化身。早在食人魔部落还在尖叫山脉上苟延残喘的时候,他就现身在食人魔巫师面前。 Is he, helping him promote for Legendary. 是他,帮助他晋升为了传奇 But that Iron-armored Ogre, under the Fiend Great Monarch incarnation , to promote through the special means forcefully. 而那位铁甲食人魔,也是在魔鬼大君的化身下,通过特殊的办法强行提升的。 Therefore they also offended on Shrieking Mountain Range most formidable monster. 为此他们还得罪了尖叫山脉上最强大的怪物 Although these monster because of the Lance Your Godship Order Shackles reason, do not have the means to descend the mountain Slaughter. However monster on mountain massacres mutually, but Order Shackles does not have the means to take into consideration. 尽管这些怪物都因为兰斯神上秩序枷锁的缘故,没办法下山杀戮。但是山上的怪物相互残杀,可是秩序枷锁没办法顾及的。 In order to avoid that formidable existence, was that Fiend Great Monarch incarnation told them mystical spell. Can pass through Order Shackles, descends the mountain to seek asylum. 为了躲避那位强大的存在,又是那位魔鬼大君化身告诉了他们一种秘法。可以穿越秩序枷锁,下山避难。 Therefore will present Ogre Tribe to leave the Shrieking Mountain Range matter. 所以才会出现食人魔部落离开尖叫山脉的事情。 In other words, actually descending the mountain of Ogre Tribe, is that Mr. black-clothed a result of plan. 换句话说,其实食人魔部落的下山,也是那位黑衣老人一手策划的结果。 Otherwise Marvin can develop savage lands directly, does not need to fight this war to make White River Valley Domain expand to the coastline edge. 否则马文可以直接开拓蛮荒,不需要打这一仗就能让白河谷地领域扩张到海岸线边缘。 All, from Double Snake Cult Miller and Cold Water City Doceroya. To Jackalman and ogre, is that Mr. black-clothed plans in the back.” “所有的一切,从双蛇教米勒寒水城多西罗亚。到豺狼人食人魔,都是那个黑衣老头在背后策划。” „Does he actually want to do?” “他到底想干嘛?” Marvin is worried. 马文心事重重。 If were Fiend Great Monarch stares at White River Valley that treasure. That is not he can resist. 如果真的是魔鬼大君盯上了白河谷地的那件宝物。那就不是他一个人可以抵抗的了。 What makes Marvin somewhat obscure is, if is really so, why he can such take the trouble to use these circuitous methods? 只不过让马文有些费解的是,如果真是如此,他为什么要这么费力用这些迂回的手段呢? Can't he visit to take? 他不能自己上门来取么? Marvin recalls that initially both sides interlocked, but time, Marvin as if felt his strength by a more formidable Strength seal. 马文回想起来,当初双方交错而过的时候,马文似乎感受到了他的实力被一股更强大的力量封印着。 It is not good, must open treasure as soon as possible the secret. 不行,必须尽快揭开宝物的秘密了。 In the Marvin heart set firm resolve secretly. 马文心中暗暗下定了决心。 ...... …… After frigid war, White River Valley appeared busier. 惨烈的战争过后,白河谷地显得更加忙碌了。 Marvin sent for building a sentry post tower in ogre mountain mountaintop, this was an extremely good commanding point, can simultaneously Observation White River Valley and Eastern new port. 马文派人在食人魔山顶建立了一个哨塔,这是一个极好的制高点,可以同时观察白河谷地和东方的新港口 Then he first turns back in castle. 而后他就先折返回城堡中。 He returned to his study room. 他重新返回了自己的书房。 He hesitant, finally clenched teeth, the order servant looks for Daniela. 他犹豫了一下,最终还是咬了咬牙,命令仆人找来丹妮拉 ...... ( to be continued ) ……(未完待续) ps: Second, slightly is later today, sorry. Daytime has the matter. The renewal can retard, but will absolutely not have. Everybody must believe moral integrity ~ of coconut tree ps:第二更,今天略晚,抱歉。白天有事。更新会延迟,但绝对不会没有的。大家要相信椰子的节操~
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