NR :: Volume #2

#161: Blood-soaked Demon King

Above the battlefield, changes suddenly. 战场之上,风云突变。 The Marvin's powerful insertion, making other ogre somewhat restless, several nearby ogre broke out of the fetter immediately, immediately has depended. 马文的强势插入,让其余的食人魔有些不安,有几头附近的食人魔立刻就摆脱了束缚,立刻靠了过来。 They want to protect him! 他们想要保护他! This makes Marvin conclude that this fellow is this crowd of ogre true Commander. As for that two Legendary, Iron Armor, is Ogre Sorcerer, is only the leaders. 这让马文更加断定,这家伙就是这群食人魔的真正指挥官。至于那两位传奇,无论是铁甲,还是食人魔巫师,都只是领袖而已。 The war is Arts, person who the person who understands the direction and does not understand completely, the performance in battlefield is obvious. 战争是一门艺术,懂指挥的人和完全不懂的人,在战场上的表现非常明显。 Marvin has not paid attention to these ogre, the double blade still maliciously cuts! 马文没有理会那些食人魔,双刀依然狠狠斩下! Bang! 砰! ogre Commander holds up a sturdy wolf's tooth club furiously, kuāng dāng, sparks flying in all directions! 食人魔指挥官奋力举起一根粗壮的狼牙棒,哐当一下,火花四溅! Marvin's body taking advantage of opportunity whereabouts. 马文的身体顺势下落。 The double blade closely covers the wolf's tooth club, his waist abdomen catches up, the both feet to the previous shovel, gripped the forehead of ogre suddenly all of a sudden! 双刀紧紧扣住狼牙棒,他的腰腹发力,双脚陡然向上一铲,一下子就夹住了食人魔的脑门! ...... …… But several nearby ogre that other one side, wants to gather cannot achieve wishes! 而另外一边,想要聚拢过来的几名附近的食人魔并没有能如愿! Darkness Guard has stood. They grasp greatsword, is brandishing maliciously, compels to draw back this batch of ogre. 黑暗卫士一个个站了出来。他们手持大剑,狠狠地挥舞着,将这批食人魔逼退。 Regarding these bodyguards, Marvin was once King of the Night, was they pledges to fight to the death the character of protection. 对于这些卫士们来说,马文就是曾经的夜之王,是他们誓死保护的人物。 Marvin wants to make one-to-one space, they pledge to fight to the death must achieve this point. 马文想要制造出一对一的空间,他们誓死也要做到这一点。 In fact, they have such ability. 事实上,他们也有这样的能力。 Second round Charge that the battlefield north and south, Goderion and Knight Leader of River Beach City patrol leader initiates has begun once more. 战场南北,古德里安河滩城巡逻队的骑士长发起的第二轮冲锋再次拉开了序幕。 The warhorse dǔ dǔ dǔ sound is especially resounding in the battlefield. Puts on Knight of helmet and armor to support longspear, rushes ahead in the ogre camp maliciously! 战马笃笃笃的声音在战场上尤为响亮。穿着盔甲的骑士挺着长枪,狠狠地冲杀进食人魔阵营中! They vowed must these ogre camp division Four Divisions, Five Separations. 他们誓要将这些食人魔的阵营分割的四分五裂 The difficulty that however this time, they encounter previous time was bigger. 然而这一次,他们遇到的困难却比上次大了许多。 ogre close up to their Commander reckless. This makes Knight more passive. 食人魔们不顾一切地向他们的指挥官靠拢。这让骑士们变得更加被动。 This round Charge, although has prevented the ogre footsteps temporarily, but also has killed three ogre, still divides them by the north and south. 这一轮冲锋,虽然暂时阻止了食人魔的脚步,还杀死了三头食人魔,将他们依然分割在南北两侧。 However Marvin here loss is more serious! 但是马文这边的损失却更加惨重! one-third Knight lost the warhorse, one-fourth Knight were pounded by ogre on the ground, or the severe wound, or the minor wound, young Knight were died at the scene! 1的骑士失去了战马,1的骑士食人魔砸在地上,或重伤、或轻伤,有一名年轻的骑士更是当场死亡! The brutality of war. Finally shows. 战争的残酷。终于展现出来。 These pace back and forth in Adventurer of surrounding, has not dared to approach the battlefield. They can only try to encircle kill completing the order form ogre however regarding ordinary Adventurer, grown ogre is still very dangerous creature. 那些徘徊在外围的冒险者们,已经不敢靠近战场了。他们只能试着去围杀一头落单的食人魔然而对于普通的冒险者们来说,成年食人魔依然是非常危险的生物 Although is dozens kills ogre personally, however before going well, they have still paid ten human lives. 尽管是几十个人杀一头食人魔,但是在得手之前,他们依然付出了十条人命。 This is ogre this creature the place of terrifying. If not the majority of ogre intelligence quotient is not high. And its reproduction ability is low, this gadget simply is the human nightmare. 这就是食人魔这种生物恐怖之处。如果不是大部分的食人魔智商不高。且其繁殖能力低下,这玩意儿简直是人类的噩梦。 In the battlefield, whins a piece. 战场上,哀嚎一片。 On majority of soldier face is bringing dread. 大部分的士兵脸上都带着一丝恐惧 Does not have the means that each ogre fully has more than two meters high, strong incomparable, even if were chopped by greatsword on the body, so long as is not holds the heart, these simple injuries will recover quickly! 没办法,每一头食人魔都足有两米多高,强壮无比,就算被大剑砍在身上,只要不是捅进心脏,那些简单的伤势都会很快复原! This makes people very helpless! 这让人非常无奈! But the Marvin's allied armies, presented many casualties. This seriously affected their morale. 马文的联军,已经出现了不少伤亡。这严重影响了他们的士气。 If not Marvin is still fighting, Darkness Warrior furiously is still killing the enemy, perhaps they in light of this disintegrated also had the possibility! 如果不是马文还在战斗,黑暗勇士还在奋力杀敌,他们说不定就此分崩离析了也有可能! At this time. White-Silver Church Divinist got rid finally. 就在这个时候。白银教会神术师终于出手了。 The White-robed Collins stride forwards, was reciting Divine Art loud. 白袍柯林斯大步向前,高声吟唱着一个神术 This old fox, got rid finally. 这头老狐狸,总算出手了。 The silver-white brilliance condenses in the battlefield, can look, this is Divine Art of wide scope. 银白色的光辉在战场上凝聚,可以看得出来,这是一个大范围的神术 The silver light has covered all ogre, each ogre movement. Immediately presented a sluggishness! 银光笼罩了所有的食人魔,每一头食人魔的动作。都顿时出现了一丝迟滞! Divine Art Slow! 神术-迟缓 The ogre movement was slow, after Divine Art. Their movements appeared full of holes. 原本食人魔的动作就慢,在中了神术之后。他们的动作就显得更加破绽百出了。 This gave Marvin to kill ogre Commander to create the time only. 这就给马文单杀食人魔指挥官创造了时间。 Has saying that the assurance of Collins to battlefield, is great. 不得不说,柯林斯对战场的把握,也是一等一的。 Under his leadership, White-Silver Church Divinist also start to Divine Art that the battlefield uses itself to excel. 在他的领导之下,白银教会神术师们也开始向战场使用自己擅长的神术 These Divine Art cannot kill ogre directly, but or the gain person on one's own side, or weakens the enemy, actually sufficiently has about the war ability. 这些神术并不能直接杀死食人魔,但是或增益自己人,或削弱敌人,却足以产生左右战局的能力。 ...... …… The battlefield center, with a distortion incomparable movement, Marvin's body direct avoid the wolf's tooth club, the whole person has hung upside down on ogre! 战场中央,伴随着一个扭曲无比的动作,马文的身体直接躲开了狼牙棒,整个人倒挂在食人魔身上! The double blade backhand truncates! 双刀反手一削! The whinning sound of ogre Commander pain passed on immediately. 食人魔指挥官痛苦的哀嚎声顿时就传了过来。 Because of just that two blades, Marvin accurate incomparably had been inserting in ogre kneecap! 因为就在刚刚那两刀,马文精准无比地插入了食人魔膝盖骨里! He lets go, the waist abdomen catches up once more, the whole person turned over the past from the ogre head directly! 他松手,腰腹再次发力,整个人直接从食人魔脑袋上翻转了过去! pā! 啪! A Marvin foot tramples in the back of ogre. 马文一脚踹在食人魔的后背。 This strong incomparable fellow did not have the means to control own body finally, being able not help has knelt! 这头强壮无比的家伙终于没办法控制住自己的身体,情不自禁的跪了下去! kā chā kā chā! 咔嚓咔嚓 Inserted in ogre kneecap inside curved blade, under ogre Commander own body weight function, has scraped off ogre kneecap stiffly! 原本插在食人魔膝盖骨内侧的弯刀,在食人魔指挥官自己的体重作用下,硬生生地刮掉了食人魔膝盖骨 The painful roar resounds once more, he grabs the hand of wolf's tooth club is even shivering! 痛苦的吼声再次响起,他抓住狼牙棒的手甚至是在颤抖! Marvin turns around, incomparably extracts own curved blade from the both sides flexible. 马文一个转身,灵活无比地从两侧抽出自己的弯刀 sōu! 嗖! The wolf's tooth club has brandished maliciously, this time, the ogre Commander attack range is very big, although after Marvin prompt, jumped to receive the waist, on the chest is scratched! 狼牙棒狠狠地挥舞了过来,这一次,食人魔指挥官的攻击范围很大,尽管马文及时的一个后跳收腰,胸口上还是被擦到了! Burning pain stimulation Marvin's nerve. 火辣辣的疼痛刺激着马文的神经。 One covered with blood. 一片血肉模糊。 The Marvin temples pit-a-pat jump. 马文太阳穴突突直跳。 Just that if suffered solid, oneself were the fate of death! 刚刚那一下,如果挨得结实了,自己就是命丧黄泉的下场! This is the big build creature fight fearful place, although Marvin's Agility reaches as high as 26 points, but still might be seized the opportunity by the opposite party. 这就是和大体型生物战斗的可怕之处,尽管马文的敏捷高达26点,但是仍然有可能被对方抓住机会。 Possibly chops the opposite party several blades, he can go on living tenaciously. 可能自己砍对方十几刀,他还是可以顽强地活下去。 However the opposite party wants to oneself, oneself must be finished. 但是对方只要给自己一下,自己就得完蛋。 Double-bladed Ranger. When somewhat is indeed helpless facing certain monster, is one walks randomly Profession on knife point completely! 双刀游侠。在面对某些怪物的时候的确有些无奈,完全就是一个游走在刀尖上的职业 However all these, after advance a step Night Dominion. Will have a new look. 不过这一切,在进阶暗夜主宰之后。就会有所改观。 As Wanderer, Marvin defective is not supervelocity movement, but in fight gets rid of a kind of skill. 作为一名游荡者,马文欠缺的不是超高速的移动,而是在战斗中的摆脱类技能。 Assassin are skilled in this field of endeavor Vanish, Strong Invisibility Art and Shadow to pass through...... Various high and low ranks gets rid of a kind of skill to let them, when is like a fish in water facing the big fellow. 刺客们则精于此道消失强隐身术阴影穿越……各种高低等级的摆脱类技能可以让他们在面对大块头的时候更加如鱼得水。 Just, the Assassin words, want to kill ogre this type of thing are also very difficult. After all their defensive powers and vitalities were too powerful. 只不过,刺客的话,想要杀食人魔这种东西也是很难的。毕竟他们的防御力和生命力实在太强悍了。 Short weapons wants to achieve to ogre strikes fatally, is almost impossible. 短兵器想要对食人魔做到一击致命,几乎是不可能的。 cut throat? Others necks are sturdy, even if broke guarding. Was lacerated ogre of throat also to be able by the formidable resiliency to recover consciousness. 割喉?人家的脖子粗壮无比,就算破了防。被割破喉咙的食人魔也能凭借强大的恢复力缓过来。 Punctures the heart? At the ogre skin firm tenacity, ordinary Assassin cannot put on. 刺心脏?以食人魔的皮肤坚韧度,普通的刺客根本穿不进去。 In addition. They almost do not have the strategic point. 除此之外。他们几乎没有要害。 To kill them, besides sorcery, only then frontage resistance. 想要杀死他们,除了巫术之外,就只有正面对抗。 But Marvin, such does! 马文,也正是这么做的! By Agility of superelevation. He must bit by bit give the dismemberment this ogre Commander! 凭借超高的敏捷。他要一点一点把这个食人魔指挥官给肢解了! This is the thing that he most excels. 这才是他最擅长的东西。 ...... …… The painful roar resounds continuously. Both sides ogre goes all out to attempt the support. 痛苦的吼声持续不断地响起。两旁的食人魔拼命地试图过来支援。 However the Darkness Guard toughness has exceeded their imagination. 然而黑暗卫士的韧性超出了他们的想象。 They compose a defense lineup, keeps together the enough big open area Marvin and ogre Commander. 他们组成一个防御阵型,将马文食人魔指挥官留出一块足够大的空地。 Can approach them without any ogre. 没有任何食人魔能靠近他们。 Their fight experiences arrive richly fearfully, even if in the equivalent is inferior to these ogre, but relies on formidable will and Strength, keeps off outside easily simply them. 他们的战斗经验丰富到可怕,就算等阶上远不如这些食人魔,但是凭借强大的意志力量,将他们挡在外面简直轻而易举。 Both sides Knight, is tired incomparable. Although there is Divinist to treat to them, but each is surviving Knight, the body is having or the shallow or deep scar, these scars are simply alarmed. 两旁的骑士们,也是劳累无比。虽说有神术师给他们治疗,但是每一个存活着的骑士,身上都带着或浅或深的伤痕,这些伤痕简直触目惊心。 On the Goderion face hangs three to arrive at the bloodstain. Has wiped perspiration. 古德里安脸上挂着三到血痕。抹了一把汗。 What Marvin has done, this ogre made that called to be so miserable?” 马文到底干了什么,把这头食人魔弄得叫这么惨?” His vision passed through the battlefield, decided in the intense fight. 他的目光穿越了战场,定在了激烈的战斗中。 Next second. He only thought that the whole body fine hair stands upside down! 下一秒。他只觉得浑身汗毛倒立! Because in that moment, unemotionally Marvin attacks from the back, the double blade attacks, has downloaded half arm of ogre forcefully! 因为就在那一刻,面无表情的马文生生从背后突击,双刀出击,强行卸掉了食人魔的半只胳膊! The sturdy small arm from the sky flies, finally fell on the ground. 粗壮的小臂在空中飞起,最终落在了地上。 Marvin like the most callous butcher, bit by bit is decomposing his body. 马文就像最冷酷的屠夫,一点一点地分解着他的身体。 After kneecap was shaved. He did not have the means to stand, can only kneel in the ground and Marvin fight. 膝盖骨被剃掉之后。他已经没办法站起来了,只能跪在地上和马文战斗。 However after initial that next. Marvin did not give him again the opportunity. 然而除了最初的那一下之后。马文再没有给他机会。 His wolf's tooth club was already kicked not to know that by Marvin where. 他的狼牙棒早就被马文踢到不知道什么地方去了。 His body, had been chopped by a Marvin blade blade crazily. 他的身体,被马文一刀一刀疯狂地砍了下来。 Burst! 爆发 Double Blade Drifter! 双刀浪人 He such around the ogre Commander revolutions, in his mind reappeared initially Black Jack to kill the skill of that brown bear use. 他就这么绕着食人魔指挥官转,他的脑海里浮现出当初黑杰克杀死那头棕熊使用的技巧。 Catching Demon Footwork unknowingly became smoother. 拘魔步法不知不觉变得更加圆滑了。 ogre irresistibly, a blade sword strap the attack of Strength determination addition unceasingly is nibbling his body radically. 食人魔根本无法抵抗,一刀刀带着力量判定加成的攻击不断蚕食着他的身体。 During 30 seconds, in entire battlefield complete silence! 30秒钟之中,整个战场上都鸦雀无声! All ogre were shocked. 所有的食人魔都惊呆了。 Marvin such as Blood-soaked Demon King stands generally, in ogre Commander was reduced by the body of four limbs. 马文浴血魔王一般站立在食人魔指挥官被砍掉四肢的身体旁。 Pitiful ogre Commander, was hewn directly a person of stick, just like ogre most likes to such that human makes. 可怜的食人魔指挥官,直接被削成了人棍正如食人魔最喜欢对人类做的那样。 ogre were thoroughly angry, they face upward to roar, roar. 食人魔们彻底愤怒了,他们仰天怒吼,咆哮不已。 Marvin lets somebody cool off or calm down one: noisy fart.” 马文冷冷一句:“吵个屁。” His foot tramples, ogre Commander lay on the ground, the Marvin double blade has interlocked, was one strangles to death to his scruff! 他一脚踹下,食人魔指挥官趴在了地上,马文双刀交错,冲着他的后颈就是一记绞杀! The double blade pricks the neck of ogre, has inlaid. 双刀刺入食人魔的脖子,嵌了进去。 Really he * mother hard......” “真他*妈硬……” Marvin early is prepared, he same place skilled flying high turns, the both feet steps on maliciously in the joint place of double blade, cī lā! 马文早有准备,他原地一个熟练的凌空翻,双脚狠狠踩在双刀的关节处,刺啦 The double blade downward sinks, ogre Commander Person's Head Drops To The Ground. 双刀往下一沉,食人魔指挥官人头落地 The next second, all ogre fell into the wild condition thoroughly. 下一秒,所有的食人魔彻底陷入了狂暴状态。 However all these, are Marvin want exactly. 然而这一切,恰好就是马文想要的。 They started operating independently once again, they do not count at all costs to attack person, they have not tried to gather. 他们再度开始了各自为战,他们不计一切代价攻击着身边的人,他们没有试图聚拢起来。 Shouted, the tactic has succeeded......” “呼,战术成功了……” Then, is encircles kills.” “接下来,就是围杀的时候了。” Marvin grows the one breath. 马文长出一口气。 At this time, the battlefield north, graceful Elven Prince towed a lump of meat mountain to walk. 就在这个时候,战场的北方,优雅的精灵王子拖着一坨肉山走了过来。 How?” “怎么样了?” Marvin asked. 马文问。 Ibo shrugs: His Common Language said was too rotten.” 伊布耸了耸肩:“他的通用语说的太烂了。” „Before I stun, a word that he says is fiend.” “被我打昏过去之前,他说的一个词是【魔鬼】。” ...... ( to be continued ) ……(未完待续)
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