NR :: Volume #2

#160: Engage in fierce battle!

In the billowing yellow sand, both sides flushed just like two mighty currents generally in one. 滚滚黄沙之中,双方宛如两道洪流一般冲在了一起。 Anzula Man-Bear stature compared with ogre also tall and strong, Marvin works as first one step, incomparably threw to ogre fiercely. 安祖拉人熊的身材比食人魔还魁梧,马文当先一步,勇猛无比地冲着一头食人魔扑了上去。 Without a doubt, in Burst Under the skillful utilization, that ogre was thrown by him. 毫无疑问,在【爆发】技巧的运用之下,那头食人魔被他扑到了。 pā pā! 啪啪 The cut-throat palm strikes, is directly blue the silt that the head of ogre pats, however this fellow vitality, according to such was patted on the ground by Anzula Man-Bear tenaciously, can revolt unexpectedly. 凶狠的掌击,直接把食人魔的脑袋拍的淤青,然而这家伙生命力顽强不已,被安祖拉人熊按在地上这么拍,竟然还能反抗。 His club was flung on the ground, he also tries to grasp that sturdy wooden bat, however Marvin will actually not give him such opportunity. 他的棒子被甩在了地上,他还试图去抓那根粗壮的木棒,然而马文却不会给他这样的机会。 Roar! 吼! Man-Bear savage scratching, directly the eyeball of ogre digging. 人熊一记凶残的抓挠,直接把食人魔的眼珠子给挖了出来。 This fellow hurts áooo to call, lost the ability of revolt thoroughly! 这家伙疼得嗷嗷叫,彻底失去了反抗的能力! Although ogre is inborn Second Step monster, majority of grown ogre is Third Step, but that is because of their huge build and Strength! 食人魔虽然是天生的二阶怪物,大部分的成年食人魔更是三阶,但是那是因为他们庞大的体型和力量 The ogre strength is greatly infinite, Constitution is special, the resilience is powerful, can therefore promote to Third Step very much easily even is Fourth Step Quasi-Legendary such strength. 食人魔力大无穷,体质特殊,恢复能力强悍,所以很容易就能晋升到三阶甚至是四阶准传奇这样的实力。 However, majority of ogre also only halted in this, little had ogre to be able by fighting hand-to-hand the strength promotes Legendary. 然而,大部分的食人魔也仅止步于此了,很少有食人魔能够凭借肉搏实力晋升传奇 After all their fighting hand-to-hand abilities are strong, is impossible to compare favorably with Dragon Race and so on creature. 毕竟他们的肉搏能力再强,也不可能媲美龙族之类的生物 The only exception, possibly is Iron Armor And so on heterogeneous. Normally, Ogre Sorcerer relatively is actually more common, this creature is movement mana reservoir, has enough creativity and comprehension ability promotes Legendary. 唯一的例外,可能就是【铁甲】之类的异种。正常情况下,食人魔巫师倒是相对常见一些,这种生物就是移动魔力池,有着足够的创造力和领悟能力去晋升传奇 Therefore Marvin presents Legendary Ogre Sorcerer not to be novel regarding the tribe . Only the appearance of Iron-armored Ogre made him feel the accident. 所以马文对于部落里出现传奇食人魔巫师并不新奇。只有铁甲食人魔的出现让他感到了意外。 However now all do not matter. 不过现在一切都无所谓了。 Iron Armor has Ibo to cope, Daniela and Zhu hit just happy, Constantine and O'Brien collaborate. That ogre Magician can run away must burn the high-grade incense! 铁甲自有伊布对付,丹妮拉打得正欢,康斯坦丁奥布雷恩联手。那头食人魔法师能逃走都要烧高香了! Remaining these ogre Soldier, nature copes with by his army! 剩下的这些食人魔战士,自然由他的大军来对付! ...... …… When Marvin lead 16 Darkness Guard one step entered in ogre first. 马文率16名黑暗卫士当先一步杀入了食人魔的阵中。 They just like a handle sharp knife blade, the heart of straight thrust ogre camp. 他们宛如一柄利刃,直刺食人魔阵营的心脏。 Marvin Observation, these ogre, even if under the threat of landslide, were still maintaining certain lineup. 马文观察到,这些食人魔即便在山崩的威胁之下,仍然保持着一定的阵型。 This means them after training. 这就意味着他们是经过训练的。 Luckily Anzula Man-Bear is fierce, can form the suppression on Strength to ogre! 幸亏安祖拉人熊勇猛无匹,在力量上还能对食人魔形成压制! But Darkness Guard have Second Step, but Strength does not lose to ogre similarly. 黑暗卫士们虽然只有二阶,但是力量同样不输给食人魔 Their Heroic Spirit Fright. Will reduce greatly the ogre battle efficiency. 他们身上的英灵恐吓。会大大降低食人魔的战斗力。 Altogether 16 forms, such have inserted in the ogre camp. Cuts a big opening. 一共16个身影,就这么生生地插入了食人魔的阵营中。划开一个大口子来。 ...... …… Walks, according to the plan, supports Sir Marvin!” “走,按照计划,支援马文大人!” Goderion roars, more than 40 White-Silver Church Guardian Knight also send out! 古德里安一声怒吼,40多名白银教会守护骑士同时出动! But other one side. Knight also set off of River Beach City patrol leader. 而另外一边。河滩城巡逻队的骑士出发了。 They follow closely the Marvin's footsteps, has killed to that opening. 他们紧随马文的脚步,冲着那个口子杀了进去。 Catches up with from the mountain ogre, is the first step of plan. 食人魔从山上赶下来,是计划的第一步。 The second step, splits up them! 第二步,就是将他们分化开来! Cannot make ogre gather! 不能让食人魔聚集在一起! This fellows, independent combat is a skilled person, but gathers together, is an invincible army any army runs into them to be in the battlefield a nightmare. 这帮家伙,单打独斗是一把好手,但是聚在一起,就是一支铁军任何军队在战场上遇到他们都会是一场噩梦。 But the division battlefield, is the Knight specialty! 而分割战场,正是骑士们的拿手好戏! Although facing two meters high ogre, Knight somewhat feels weak. However in battlefield, is unprecedented, has a slim chance of survival. 尽管面对两米多高的食人魔,骑士们还是有些发虚。但是在战场上,只有一往无前,才有一线生机。 Charge that is initiated by Goderion and River Beach City patrol leader chief Knight follows the gap that Marvin kills respectively. From two wing cutting in the past! 古德里安河滩城巡逻队首席骑士发起的冲锋分别顺着马文杀出来的缺口。从两翼切割过去! 40 ogre, several Fourth Step powerhouse and several Third Step ogre of most elite deal a head-on blow to by Marvin and his Darkness Guard. 40多头食人魔,最精英的几头四阶强者和十几头三阶食人魔正被马文和他的黑暗卫士所迎头痛击。 Surplus, was divided two parts, was cut separately by two sides Knight. 剩余的,则被分割成了两个部分,分别被两边的骑士生生划开。 Recruits Adventurer in list to close, they deferred to Marvin to divide good lining up in formation before, grasped special weapon. Approaches step by step under the cover of Knight. 招募名单中的冒险者一拥而上,他们按照之前马文划分好的列队,手持特殊的武器。在骑士们的掩护下一步步靠近过去。 Second Step Sorcerer Group also moved. 二阶巫师团也行动了。 Each Second Step Sorcerer can ride the magic carpet low altitude to float, this at least can guarantee their securities. 每一名二阶巫师都可以乘坐魔毯低空漂浮,这样至少可以保证他们的安全性。 They start to act according to the Marvin beforehand instruction. At the right moment attacks ogre. 他们开始根据马文之前的指令。适时地攻击食人魔 ...... …… Roar! 吼! After intense fighting hand-to-hand, Anzula Man-Bear is finally rotten first ogre head flexure! 一阵激烈的肉搏之后,安祖拉人熊终于将第一头食人魔的脑袋生生挠烂! This to Marvin, is one consumes the physical strength the matter. 这对马文来说,也是一件非常消耗体力的事情。 The ogre reproductive property was too strong, fights hand-to-hand is also great, massacres a head merely, has consumed his these many Strength. 食人魔的再生能力实在太强了,肉搏也是一等一,仅仅杀掉一头,就消耗了他这么多的力量 Luckily, he does not fight in isolation! 幸好,他不是孤军作战! Each Darkness Guard, can one-to-one constrain formidable ogre forcefully. 每一名黑暗卫士,都能一对一强行拖住一名强大的食人魔 Their helmet and armor are firm, body is also powerful. 他们的盔甲坚固无比,身体也非常强悍。 Even if one were swept by the ogre sturdy club, after several seconds , the racket the dust can still stand, brandishes greatsword to come up on to the belly of ogre. 就算被食人魔粗壮的棒子一下扫出去,几秒钟后拍拍尘土依然能站起来,挥舞着大剑食人魔的肚子上来上一记。 Both sides pestered continuous, have formed the aspect of deadlock temporarily. 双方纠缠不休,暂时形成了僵持的局面。 During fights randomly, Marvin does not forget the Observation war. 乱战之中,马文不忘观察战局。 The situation seems developing toward that aspect that oneself think. 情况似乎正在往自己所想的那方面发展。 The battlefield was cut three parts, that the main battlefield is Darkness Guard that leads to put together stiffly. 战场被切割成三个部分,主战场是自己带领的黑暗卫士硬生生拼出来的一块。 Here has locked most powerhouse in ogre. 这里锁定了食人魔中的最强者 But by north and south, under the rush of cavalry soldier, although lost many manpower, but divides successfully ogre. 而南北两侧,在骑兵的冲杀之下,虽然损失了不少人手,但是成功地将食人魔们分割开来。 Each ogre are facing over ten times enemy attacks! 每一名食人魔们都面临着十倍以上的敌人攻击! These enemy including had Knight of impulse, grasps Adventurer that the shackle is used to fetter them to move specially, but sturdy Soldier, grasps the bow crossbow sneak attack Wanderer also to have unceasingly uses the spell attack Sorcerers, is killing this batch of ogre effectively! 这些敌人包括了拥有冲击力的骑士,手持铁链用来专门束缚他们行动的冒险者,而身强力壮的战士,手持弓弩偷袭的游荡者还有不断使用法术进攻的巫师们,正在有效地杀伤着这批食人魔 Although they are formidable, however in the face of the Marvin's tactic, by serious weakening. 他们虽然强大,但是在马文的战术面前,被严重的削弱。 Although each possibly some people died. However regarding ogre this type of war sharp weapon, Marvin has achieved well. 虽然每一刻都可能有人死去。但是对于食人魔这种战争利器来说,马文已经做到了最好。 In the square formations of north-south two wings, had ogre to drop down respectively. 南北两翼的方阵中,已经各自有一头食人魔倒下了。 The tactic initially sees the effect. 战术初见效果。 Then. Is long has engaged in fierce battle, they must insist that ogre Fang Zhongjiang suffers a defeat and flees! 接下来。就是漫长的鏖战了,他们必须坚持下去,食人魔一方终将败亡! ...... …… After billowing sand dust, ogre is monster that the first batch clash, but they are not only one batch hide Beast on mountain. 滚滚沙尘过后,食人魔是第一批冲出来的怪物,但是他们并非是唯一一批躲在山上的野兽 Quick, the sound rises from all directions, the massive wolves sprint from the mountain under. They behind are also combining goblin, kobold and Jackalman as well as other do not calculate formidable creature. 很快的,嗷呜声四起,大量的狼群从山上疾跑而下。他们身后还混杂着地精狗头人豺狼人以及其他不算强大的生物 Thinks that these creature are the influences of Ogre Tribe subordinates. 想必这些生物都是食人魔部落麾下的势力。 Marvin already considered them in inside. 马文早就将他们考虑在了里面。 He jumps high, by far to these monster. Is one Brutal Intimidation! 他高高跃起,远远冲着那些怪物。就是一声【野蛮震慑】! Darkness Guard also similarly on own initiative use itself on Heroic Spirit Fright Frightens these monster! 黑暗卫士们也同样主动使用自己身上的【英灵恐吓】去吓唬那些怪物 In an instant, that crowd of monster messed up. Majority of preliminary creature, does not have the means to frighten through such powerful will. 刹那间,那群怪物就乱了套。大部分的低级生物,是没办法通过这么强悍的意志震慑的。 The Sorcerer Group firepower first transfers, massive range sorcery lose. In groups Reap these tiny lives. 巫师团的火力第一时间调转,大量的范围巫术丢出。成群地收割着这些渺小的生命。 All are developing toward good aspect! 一切都在往好的方面发展! After Marvin helps Darkness Guard massacre ogre once more, finally physical exertion was similar. 马文帮助一名黑暗卫士再次杀掉一头食人魔之之后,终于体力消耗的差不多了。 He restored Human Form. 他重新恢复了人类形态 This may somewhat be dangerous in the battlefield. 这在战场上可就有些危险了。 Two Darkness Guard have collected immediately, one on the left and other on the right, protects him in the center. 两名黑暗卫士立刻凑了过来,一左一右,将他保护在中央。 He prepares to withdraw, then directs again. 他准备后撤一下,然后再行指挥。 This is a war, by far not like individual risk simple refreshed, so long as kills the present enemy. 这是一场战争,远远不像个人冒险那样简单爽快,只要把自己眼前的敌人干掉就可以。 As Commander, Marvin must look over overall situation, after breaking through the enemy defense line. The victory is only time issue. 作为指挥官,马文必须纵观全局,冲破敌人防线之后。胜利只是时间问题。 They require the time to consolidate fruits of victory. But Marvin, then must maintain calm, Observation variable that may occur any time. 他们需要时间来巩固胜利果实。而马文,则必须保持冷静,观察随时可能发生的变数。 He withdrew from the battlefield temporarily. 他暂时退出了战场。 ...... …… North. Two respectively irregular fight in bustling is carrying on. 北方。两场各不相干的战斗正在热火朝天的进行着。 Zhu and Daniela. 丹妮拉 Ibo and Iron-armored Ogre. 伊布铁甲食人魔 Both sides occupy wasteland together respectively, incomparably is fighting with raw hate. 双方各自占据一块荒原,凶狠无比地搏斗着。 Although the fight degree is the same intensity, however the way of both sides is actually entirely different. 尽管战斗程度是一样的激烈,但是双方的方式却是截然不同。 Daniela or Zhu, are formidable, they battle, although same sparks flying in all directions, but is the resistance between spell. 无论是丹妮拉还是,都是强大的施法者,两人交战虽然同样火花四溅,但是都是法术之间的对抗。 Has to say. Daniela under Ice Angel form, indeed formidable excess! 不得不说。冰天使形态下的丹妮拉,的确强大的过分! Unexpectedly can in strongest the Voter resistance with Quasi-Legendary. Demonoid Warlock bloodline really precious incomparable.” “居然可以和准传奇中最强的选民对抗。魔形术士血脉果然珍贵无比。” No wonder Clylande Household such regarded as important the bloodline pure degree.” “难怪克里兰德家族这么看重血脉的纯正程度了。” However from both sides battle, Zhu has not restored obviously in peak condition. She such worries to look for itself, definitely wants while this opportunity, to destroy own motion. 不过从双方交战情况来看,显然没有恢复巅峰状态。她这么着急来找自己,肯定是想趁着这个机会,破坏自己的行动了。 What makes her not think, a Marvin side, were many Daniela this variable. 只不过让她没想到的是,马文一方,多了丹妮拉这个变数。 Both sides remain deadlocked. Who cannot reach an agreement to win, but Daniela should not have the too big danger. After is must in the future with the snow and ice goddess hard anti- woman. 双方目前处于僵持状态。说不好谁赢,但是丹妮拉应该不会有太大的危险。毕竟是日后要和冰雪女神硬抗的女人。 But other one side, the fight of Ibo and Iron Armor appeared very barbaric. 而另外一边,伊布铁甲的战斗就显得非常野蛮了。 The strength of both sides, is imbalanced like another pair. 双方的实力,也不像另外一对那么均衡。 Iron-armored Ogre completely is a suppressed side. Ibo basically is brandishing playing Iron-armored Ogre. 铁甲食人魔完全属于被压制的一方。伊布基本上是在把铁甲食人魔抡着玩。 Just, the Iron Armor vitality was too powerful, Ibo sufficiently slaughter dragon strength, hits him merely crazily spits blood to continue. 只不过,铁甲的生命力实在太强悍了,伊布足以屠龙的实力,也仅仅是把他打得狂吐血不止。 After a twinkling, he can also stand once more and Ibo resists hardly. 一眨眼之后,他还能再次站起来和伊布硬抗。 Simply is the most perfect trainer.” Marvin shook the head. “简直是最完美的陪练啊。”马文摇了摇头。 Now he can conclude that in this Iron-armored Ogre Legendary Specialty has surely Exceed Grade Recovery With Rapid Growth These two types. 现在他可以断定,这头铁甲食人魔传奇专长中必定有【超级复原】和【快速生长】这两种。 These two big Legendary Specialty, make him hang the life under the attack of Ibo squally shower. 这两大传奇专长,才让他在伊布狂风骤雨的进攻下吊住性命。 However also hangs, his suffering a defeat and fleeing, is obvious. 然而也只是吊住而已,他的败亡,已经是显而易见的了。 Marvin relaxed. 马文松了一口气。 The general situation has decided. 大局已定。 However at this time, roared from the most important ogre mouth sends out. 然而就在这个时候,一声怒吼从最重要的一头食人魔口中发出。 His skin is brown, has an eye. 他的皮肤是褐色的,只有一只眼睛。 After this roars, all ogre start to close up to him unexpectedly as if by prior agreement! 这声怒吼过后,所有的食人魔竟然不约而同地开始向他靠拢! „It is not good!” “不好!” This fellow is their battlefield Commander, he is gathering same race Strength.” “这家伙是他们的战场指挥官,他在聚集同族力量。” Cannot make him such do!” “不能让他这么做!” In the Marvin heart sinks, immediately gets angry loud exclaims: Goderion!” 马文心中一沉,立刻高声怒吼道:“古德里安!” White-Silver Knight of whole face dust understood the Marvin's meaning immediately! 满脸灰尘的白银骑士顿时明白了马文的意思! That cannot make these ogre gather together! 那就是不能让这些食人魔汇聚在一起! This needs Knight to organize Charge once more, washed out them. 这就需要骑士们再次组织冲锋,将他们冲散了。 This also means that will have many Knight dead. 这同时也意味着,会有更多的骑士会死去。 ogre is not easy to cope, each Charge, will have Knight to be grasped to discontinue, falls the smashing. 食人魔不是那么容易对付的,每一次冲锋,都会有骑士被生生抓下马,摔成粉碎。 Even if so, River Beach City and White-Silver Church Knight, has completed building up silently. 然而即便如此,河滩城白银教会骑士们,还是默默地完成了集结。 Adventurer do not have the means to surround ogre, they too strongly were really powerful. 冒险者们没办法困住食人魔,他们实在太强壮有力了。 Although in this time battlefield, has dropped down ten ogre. However remaining these monster gather in together, is still formidable Strength. 虽然此时的战场上,已经倒下了十多头食人魔。但是剩下的这些怪物们汇聚在一起,依然是一股强大的力量 They must prevent all these! 他们必须阻止这一切! To!” “冲!” In the leadership of Goderion and under another Knight Leader, Knight initiated Charge once more! 古德里安和另外一名骑士长的带领之下,骑士们再次发起了冲锋 They incomparably must divide ogre firmly in the north-south two wings. 他们坚决无比地要将食人魔们分割在南北两翼。 But Marvin's vision, then aims at ogre that has sent out to roar! 马文的目光,则是对准了那个发出怒吼的食人魔 Commander!” 指挥官是吧!” So long as has killed him, this victory was settled!” “只要杀了他,这场胜利就板上钉钉了!” In the Marvin's eye reveals one murderous aura. 马文的眼里露出一丝杀气。 sōu sōu! 嗖嗖 The next second, the double blade in the hand, his whole person incomparably overran cleverly. 下一秒,双刀在手,他整个人灵巧无比地冲了过去。 With a strength!” “借一把力!” Roars with Marvin's, Darkness Guard both hands gather, whatever Marvin jumped in own hand, then made an effort to hold to the sky Marvin! 伴随着马文的怒吼,一名黑暗卫士双手聚拢,任由马文跳到了自己的手上,然后用力将马文向天空上托去! Leaping Onto Roofs, Vaulting Over Walls and Drifting Light Plundering Shadow! 飞檐走壁浮光掠影 26 points Agility make Marvin Burst leave the terrifying flexibility, his whole person as if meets the qing gong to be common, fast is leading the way on the shoulder of player and enemy. 26点的敏捷马文爆发恐怖的灵活性,他整个人仿佛会轻功一般,在敌我双方的肩膀上飞快地前行着。 Almost is short several time of breath, he rushed to that Commander. 几乎是短短几个呼吸的时间,他就冲到了那名指挥官 Makes way, this ogre gives me!” “让开,这头食人魔交给我!” The Marvin voice has not fallen, double blade already the cold brightness flashed through, cuts maliciously! 马文话音未落,双刀已然寒光闪过,狠狠斩下! ...... ( to be continued ) ……(未完待续) ps: Second delivers, 3500 + big chapter of ~ looked at a monthly ticket list page, suddenly Discovery previous quite familiar, he meow since opening the book has pressed us stubbornly primitive...... The disparities of 100 votes, everybody gives a strength, strove to surpass the past, the coconut tree passed the time period also to meet Burst. ps:第二更送上,3500+的大章~瞄了一眼月票榜页面,突然发现前一名好熟悉,他喵的不就是从开书以来一直把咱压得死死的原始么……只有100票的差距,大家给点力,争取超过去,椰子过阵子还会爆发的。
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