NR :: Volume #2

#159: This round, calculates my 【Sought the subscription!】

Three Legendary Disassociation Art! 三个传奇解离术 Safe and sound. 安然无恙。 Marvin stared in a big way both eyes, takes a look at present this man carefully. 马文不由瞪大了双眼,仔细打量眼前这个男人。 His stature is not specially tall and strong, but the figure is perfect. He wears simple black clothes, without any Legendary or magic aura. 他的身材并不是特别魁梧,但是身段非常完美。他穿着一身简单的黑色衣服,没有任何传奇或者魔法的气息。 His eye is the brown, seems is a little shy. 他的眼睛是棕色的,看上去还有点腼腆。 This completely is a feeling of neighbor big boy. 这完全就是一个邻家大男孩的感觉。 However is such a man, hard anti- three Legendary Disassociation Art, his clothes had not been destroyed. 然而就是这么一个男人,硬抗三个传奇解离术,就连他身上的衣服都没被破坏。 This is simply inconceivable. 这简直不可思议。 As if saw the doubts in Marvin eye, that person shows a faint smile: Your good Marvin.” 似乎是看到了马文眼中的疑惑,那人微微一笑:“你好马文。” I called O'Brien. Do not worry, sorcery is invalid to me.” “我叫奥布雷恩。别担心,巫术对我无效。” O'Brien. 奥布雷恩 Marvin has certainly heard this name! 马文当然听说过这个名字! This generation of Night Traveler's Leader, in Night Traveler of most mystical low key, the hearsay said that he year to year in north resistance evil Strength, today has free time to run White River Valley to come? 这一代夜行人的首领,夜行人中最神秘低调的一个,传闻说他常年在北方抵抗邪恶力量,今天怎么有空跑白河谷地过来了? Is because have awakened Darkness Warrior? 难道是因为自己唤醒了黑暗勇士 In the Marvin heart guessed secretly. 马文心中暗暗猜测。 Moreover one side, with the appearance of O'Brien, Constantine unexpectedly long breathed a sigh of relief. 另外一边,伴随着奥布雷恩的出现,康斯坦丁竟然长长地舒了一口气。 Marvin notes, Constantine alone faces Ogre Sorcerer time, actually somewhat keeps on vacillating. 马文注意到,康斯坦丁独自面对食人魔巫师的时候,其实是有些游移不定的。 His uncertain being victorious opposite party. 他不一定打得过对方。 Legendary Ogre Sorcerer is very formidable existence, but dependence Night Traveler and Firearms Shooter advance a step Legendary Constantine most major characteristics are comprehensive, but insufficiently is expert. Only if there is a Endless Ocean help. Otherwise he is very difficult why resisted a formidable this also initially to capture Scarlet-red Shepherd Leader the time, he needed the help of Archdruid. 传奇食人魔巫师是一个非常强大的存在,而依靠夜行人火线枪手进阶传奇康斯坦丁最大的特点是全面,但不够专精。除非有无尽之洋帮助。否则他很难对抗一个强大的施法者这也是为什么当初追捕赤红牧首的时候,他需要大德鲁伊的帮忙了。 But this Ogre Sorcerer, perhaps in the spell Burst strength. Also wants to be stronger than Scarlet-red Shepherd Leader. 而这头食人魔巫师,恐怕在法术爆发力上。比赤红牧首还要强一些。 However after the O'Brien form appears, Constantine immediately became calm. 不过当奥布雷恩的身影出现之后,康斯坦丁顿时变得从容了很多。 He looked at O'Brien: For a long time does not see.” 他看了一眼奥布雷恩:“好久不见。” Yes, does not see for a long time.” O'Brien has not turned head, on the mountain that but is at toward ogre with long hurried strides walks! “是啊,好久不见。”奥布雷恩没有回头,而是大步流星地往食人魔所在的山上走去! We had many years not to fight side-by-side.” “我们已经有很多年没有并肩作战过了。” Helps my slightly busy, I suddenly want to raise Legendary Ogre Sorcerer, when pet.” “帮我个小忙吧,我突然想养一头传奇食人魔巫师宠物了。” Marvin hears to stare dumbfounded. 马文听得瞠目结舌。 This Night Traveler Leader, was too fierce. Do this words also dare to say? 这位夜行人首领,也太凶猛了吧。这种话也敢说得出来? By Legendary Ogre Sorcerer Strength, can definitely clear heard him to speak each words that. 传奇食人魔巫师力量,肯定能清晰的听见他说的每句话了。 Really. Ogre Sorcerer on mountain flies into a rage. 果然。山上的食人魔巫师勃然大怒。 In an instant, spell pounds down just like the torrential downpour generally. 刹那间,法术宛如倾盆大雨一般砸下。 Each spell. The goal is O'Brien. 每一个法术。目标都是奥布雷恩 Latter is without turning a hair, step by step stand forth. 后者面不改色,一步步地向前走去。 Legendary Spell Immunity?” 传奇法术免疫?” Marvin puts out such a word difficultly. 马文艰难地吐出这么一个词。 The Ogre Sorcerer speed is nothing less than quick, if each spell hit Marvin, were ready proper hanging. 食人魔巫师的施法速度不可谓不快,每一个法术如果命中马文,都是妥妥的挂了。 However O'Brien hard anti- these many spell. Unexpectedly a matter does not have! 但是奥布雷恩硬抗这么多法术。居然一点事情都没有! This too exaggerated. 这太夸张了。 That is Legendary Magician! 那可是传奇法师啊! Hey, leaves is so surprised, boy.” “嘿,别这么吃惊,小子。” This fellow simpleminded, if the four limbs are not developed, how can, when our bosses?” “这家伙头脑简单,如果四肢再不发达一点的话,怎么能当我们的头儿?” Constantine relaxed very much jokes. 康斯坦丁很放松地开玩笑说。 Marvin is silent. 马文默然。 Still then said in advance O'Brien: You know that I can hear the words that you spoke?” 还在前进的奥布雷恩回头说:“你知道我能听得到你说的话吗?” Considers as finished, does not haggle over with you, I am not indeed sly.” “不过算了,不和你计较,我的确没那么狡猾。” Constantine said seriously: Boss, my this is praising you.” 康斯坦丁一本正经地说:“头儿,我这是在赞美你。” Turned head he to say to Marvin: 回头他对马文说: You looked that this is also of a agree his few merits acknowledges own shortcoming.” “你看,这也是他为数不多的优点之一肯承认自己的缺点。” Therefore I elect him to make Leader to everybody to be very puzzled freely. Has not come up to his head with Purple Brilliance an artillery.” “所以我尽管对大家选他做首领很不解。还是没拿紫耀冲他脑袋上来一炮。” Marvin coughs, does not appraise. 马文咳嗽一声,不予评价。 Constantine enforces finally: 康斯坦丁终于严肃起来: Makes your person withdraw two miles.” “让你的人退后两英里。” Marvin nodded. 马文点了点头。 At that moment he orders besides himself, all people withdraw two miles. 当下他命令除了自己之外,所有人退后两英里。 Nobody questioned the Marvin's order. All that because has today. Has subverted their cognition to the This World. 没人质疑马文的命令。因为今天发生的一切。已经颠覆了他们对这个世界的认知了。 In Ogre Tribe, presented Legendary unexpectedly? Moreover more than one? Iron Armor Legendary Sorcerer? Did this also make the person develop savage lands well? 食人魔部落里,居然出现了传奇?而且还不止一个?一个铁甲一个传奇巫师?这还让不让人好好开拓蛮荒了? Is Elven Martial Saint the friend of Sir Marvin? But that angel girl who just presented that who is also. 精灵武圣马文大人的朋友?而刚刚出现的那个天使似的女孩,又是谁。 Now stands that two side Marvin is sending out the fellow of terrifying aura, with the toe thinks that was also Legendary. 如今站在马文身边的那两个散发着恐怖气息的家伙,用脚趾头想想也是传奇了。 Shouldn't this be a normal savage lands development campaign? How to turn suddenly passes on oddly great to fight? 这不应该是一场正常蛮荒开拓战役么?怎么突然变成传奇大战了? All people silently retroceded, these originally continuously in two wings Adventurer of being unsolicited, starts to contract to retrocede. 所有人都默默后退了,就连那些原本一直在两翼的不请自来的冒险者们,也开始收缩后退。 Nobody is a fool. Looks at these powerhouse movements, seemed prepares to go all out one. 没人是傻瓜。看这几个强者的动作,似乎是准备大干一场了。 They are pick up a bargain. Does not suffer as an innocent bystander. 他们是来捡便宜的。不是受池鱼之殃的。 ...... …… „Do you want to do?” The Marvin sinking sound asked. “你想干嘛?”马文沉声问道。 Helps you that mountain bomb flat.” In the Constantine eye flashes through one murderous aura. “帮你把那座山轰平。”康斯坦丁眼里闪过一丝杀气。 Just that three Disassociation Art, was startled to him. If not O'Brien, perhaps he can only resist with beloved Purple Brilliance! 刚刚那三道解离术,也惊到他了。如果不是奥布雷恩,说不定他只能用心爱的紫耀来抵挡! This makes him very angry. 这让他非常愤怒。 Purple Brilliance according to was adjusted instantaneously the angle by him on the ground, has aimed at mountaintop! 紫耀被他按在地上瞬间就调整好了角度,对准了山顶 Many thanks.” Marvin has patted striking one's chest: This round, calculates my.” “多谢了。”马文拍了拍胸脯:“这一发,算我的。” After all after six trebuchets shatter, can catch up with from the mountain ogre, had the Constantine remote precision. 毕竟六架投石机坏掉之后,能够把食人魔从山上赶下来的,也只有康斯坦丁的远程火力了。 Since one have joined Night Traveler, has not helped the Night Traveler organization, instead is continuously with the aid of Night Traveler's Strength, he is a little embarrassed. 自己加入夜行人以来,没有怎么帮助夜行人组织,反而是一直在借助夜行人的力量,他自己都有点不好意思了。 This round of Dragon Fang shell, naturally must be in own account. 这一发龙牙炮弹,自然要算在自己的账上。 Who knows that Constantine looks the strange color: Really?” 谁知道康斯坦丁面露古怪之色:“真的?” Naturally real.” Marvin looks at O'Brien fiercely incomparably Ogre Sorcerer spell hard anti-. Is thinking at heart this fellow is any Profession and Specialty, or is any mysterious ability, can achieve this point. On the mouth was naturally more optional. “当然是真的。”马文看着奥布雷恩勇猛无比地把食人魔巫师法术一个又一个硬抗下来。心里在想这家伙到底是什么职业专长,又或者是什么神奇的能力,才能做到这一点。嘴巴上自然就随意了些。 Constantine smiles: Worthily is Sir Marvin, filthy rich. I prepared to shell out.” 康斯坦丁嘿嘿一笑:“不愧是马文大人,财大气粗。我原本准备自掏腰包的。” After all a round First Glimmers of Dawn Compare Dragon Fang Expensive.” “毕竟一发【晨曦】要比【龙牙】贵点儿。” Wait / Etc.! 等等! First Glimmers of Dawn? 晨曦】? Marvin recovers instantaneously, stared to tighten Constantine suddenly: What were you saying? You use isn't Dragon Fang?” 马文瞬间回过神来,猛然盯紧了康斯坦丁:“你在说什么?你用的不是龙牙?” Naturally.” Constantine said seriously: „The Dragon Fang destructive power is very strong, but is linear, the failure zone is limited.” “当然。”康斯坦丁一本正经地说:“龙牙的破坏力很强,但是是线性的,破坏范围有限。” I just had said that wants that mountain top bomb flat.” “我刚刚说过了,要把那个山头轰平。” First Glimmers of Dawn Is most good choice.” “【晨曦】才是最佳选择。” Marvin swallowed saliva, in the heart has not the good premonition: Wait / Etc.. First do not worry, how much money do I only want to know round of First Glimmers of Dawn?” 马文咽了一口唾沫,心中有着不好的预感:“等等。先别着急,我只想知道一发晨曦多少钱?” Is more expensive than Dragon Fang.” “比龙牙贵一点吧。” Constantine does not know that pulls out a pure white shell from there. Filled in the Purple Brilliance chest cavity maliciously. 康斯坦丁不知道从那里掏出一枚洁白的炮弹。狠狠地塞到了紫耀的膛里。 The next second, he takes away the spanner, has aimed at mountaintop. 下一秒,他扣动扳手,对准了山顶 How many to be expensive!?” Marvin asked loudly. “到底贵多少!?”马文大声问。 kā chā! 咔嚓 Constantine started without hesitation Purple Brilliance. 康斯坦丁毫不犹豫地发动了【紫耀】。 Next second, huge bang the sound submerges the Marvin's sound directly. And tore the Marvin's eardrum fair meteor to rumble from the barrel crazily together directly. 下一秒,巨大的轰隆声直接淹没马文的声音。并且疯狂地撕扯着马文的耳膜一道白皙的流星直接从炮膛里轰了出去。 With Dragon Fang goes straight there and comes straight back differently, First Glimmers of Dawn Assumes the parabolic striation, flew to that mountain mountaintop. 龙牙的直来直去不同,【晨曦】是呈抛物线状,飞向了那座山的山顶 Its speed is not fast! 它的速度并不快! ...... …… That is anything!” “那是什么!” Good terrifying sound.” “好恐怖的声响。” Is secret weapon of Sir Marvin?” “是马文大人的秘密武器吗?” Beyond two miles, the people look that this fears them this life unable to see made the magnificent scene that one shocked compared with today. 两英里之外,众人怔怔地看着这一幕恐怕他们今生都看不到比今天更令人震撼的大场面了。 First Glimmers of Dawn Increases rapidly, then split up the innumerable tiny fragment bullets to pound to mountaintop. 晨曦】急速攀升,而后分化成无数枚细小的碎片状子弹砸向了山顶 In the mountainside, Ogre Sorcerer realized that has not suited, he lifts up high magic staff, tries to carry the terrifying Strength bullet to intercept these. 山腰上,食人魔巫师察觉到了不对劲,他高举法杖,试图将这些携带着恐怖力量的子弹拦截下来。 What a pity, all these were too late. 可惜,这一切已经太晚了。 O'Brien roars suddenly. Ogre Sorcerer spell was broken! 奥布雷恩猛然一声怒吼。食人魔巫师法术生生被打断! Is defeated! 施法失败! Marvin stands by Constantine, first by tinnitus that almost Purple Brilliance mass-criticizes, then must see stars by O'Brien this throat roar. 马文站在康斯坦丁旁边,先是被紫耀一炮轰的差点耳鸣,然后又被奥布雷恩这一嗓子吼得眼冒金星。 What Profession is this fellow? Roar? Is away from such can break enemy?” “这家伙到底是什么职业?狮子吼?隔着这么远都能打断敌人施法?” Marvin looks to the O'Brien vision. Has been full of the awe. 马文看向奥布雷恩的目光。充满了敬畏。 This fellow, is he has met in powerhouse probably, existence that sufficiently and Nicholas contends with. 这家伙,大概是他遇到过强者中,足以和尼古拉斯抗衡的存在了。 Compared with him, Inheim may miss a level! 和他比起来,因海姆都有可能差一个层次! ...... …… Ogre Sorcerer cannot prevent First Glimmers of Dawn, the next second, these crash in mountain top bullet Burst leave the bright ray suddenly! 食人魔巫师没能阻止晨曦,下一秒,那些坠落在山头的子弹陡然爆发出明亮的光芒! hōng hōng hōng! 轰轰轰 Each bullet. Penetrates in the mountaintop fine drawn, then explodes instantaneously. 每一颗子弹。都深入山顶的细缝之中,然后瞬间爆炸。 Entire mountain top. Blasted out thoroughly, innumerable crushed stones billowing , the entire mountain is vacillating! 整个山头。彻底被炸开,无数碎石滚滚而下,整座山都在动摇! The dust flies upwards, Marvin narrows the eyes to focus, the eyesight penetrated the sandstorm, he sees that mountain mountaintop, sliced off one-third stiffly! 灰尘飞扬而起,马文眯着眼,目力穿透了风沙,他看到那座山的山顶,硬生生被削掉了1! So terrifying destructive power! 如此恐怖的破坏力! The massive stones roll down, ogre that pounds stamp one's foot. 大量的石块滚下,砸的食人魔们直跳脚。 Finally, under roaring of ogre, they flushed! 终于,在一头食人魔的怒吼之下,他们冲了下来! They did not have the escape route, hides on the mountain again, so long as Constantine comes round of First Glimmers of Dawn again, they will be buried alive! 他们已经没有退路,再躲在山上,只要康斯坦丁再来一发晨曦,他们就会被活埋! The Marvin's goal has been achieved, he deeply inspires, the nod said: This round, calculates my.” 马文的目的达到了,他深吸一口气,点头说:“这一发,算我的。” ...... …… O'Brien turns head: Walks Constantine. My may unable to capture alive him.” 奥布雷恩回头:“走吧康斯坦丁。我一个可活捉不了他。” Constantine receives good Purple Brilliance rapidly, pulls out a handle shotgun to hang the body, the right-hand man holds a pistol respectively, followed rapidly. 康斯坦丁迅速收好紫耀,掏出一柄散弹枪挂身上,左右手各持一把手枪,迅速跟了上去。 Their Vanish in sandstorm. 两人消失在了风沙中。 In the Marvin heart decides slightly. 马文心中稍定。 Had these two big Legendary to handle Ogre Sorcerer, following these ogre, oneself should be able to deal with. 有了这两大传奇搞定食人魔巫师,接下来的这些食人魔,自己应该能应付。 All people get ready for action!” “所有人做好战斗准备!” Marvin progresses to return, the people naturally also saw all these, although the sandstorm is big, but the ogre huge body does not have the means to be covered. 马文策马而回,众人自然也看到了这一切,风沙虽然大,但是食人魔庞大的身躯可没办法被掩盖。 All people have completed combat readiness, according to Marvin beforehand operation plan, is divided into echelons. 所有人都做好了战斗准备,按照马文之前的作战计划,分成一个个梯队。 Sir, they initiated Charge!” “大人,他们发起了冲锋!” The White-Silver Knight head, is still familiar Goderion. This fellow is Third Step. 白银骑士的负责人,依然是熟悉的古德里安。这家伙已经是三阶了。 He said to Marvin seriously: If we do not initiate anti- Charge, perhaps cannot resist! Our defense lines will be torn into shreds.” 他严肃地对马文说:“如果我们不发起反冲锋的话,恐怕抵挡不住!我们的防线会被撕碎。” All right, you followed to be after death good because of us, other people, double envelopment. Do not let off a fish slip through “没事,你们跟在我们身后好了,其余人,两翼包抄。别放过一个漏网之鱼” Marvin ordered with ease. 马文轻松地下令说。 The next second, he stands up from failure to discontinue, overran to the direction that the ogre army clashes unexpectedly! 下一秒,他翻身下马,竟然冲着食人魔大军冲过来的方向冲了过去! Roar! 吼! Appears with the Anzula Man-Bear big form in the sand dust, 16 Darkness Warrior also silently grasp greatsword, follows in Marvin behind, killed to ogre! 伴随着安祖拉人熊高大的身影出现在沙尘中,16名黑暗勇士也默默地手持大剑,跟在马文身后,杀向了食人魔们! The most intense hand-to-hand fighting, has begun finally slowly. 最激烈的肉搏战,终于缓缓拉开了序幕。 ...... ( to be continued ) ……(未完待续)
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