NR :: Volume #2

#158: Legendary ogre 【Fourth!】

Iron Armor, is in ogre quite outstanding heterogeneous. 铁甲,是食人魔中一个比较出类拔萃的异种。 This ogre, often close combat ability powerful going against heaven's will, their bodies, very difficultly by Ruin. 这种食人魔,往往近战能力强悍的逆天,他们的身体,很难被毁灭 But at present this ogre, obviously is outstanding person. 而眼前这头食人魔,显然就是其中的佼佼者。 Legendary ogre! 传奇食人魔 A Marvin brow wrinkle, he already knows that in Ogre Tribe will have Legendary, but has not thought that unexpectedly is Iron-armored Ogre! 马文眉头一皱,他早就知道食人魔部落中会有传奇,但没有想到居然是铁甲食人魔 This creature destructive power was too fearful, can call „the king of battlefield simply! 这种生物的破坏力实在太可怕了,简直可以称之为“战场之王”! During the short several breath, he continuously destroyed two trebuchets! 短短几个呼吸之间,他就已经连续破坏了两架投石机! By trebuchet soldier, cannot escape death by a hair's breadth. 投石机旁的士兵,也没能幸免于难。 Mainly is this fellow drops from the clouds, too has exaggerated, other people were shocked by his terrifying strength. 主要是这家伙从天而降,实在太夸张了,其余人都被他恐怖的实力震撼住。 The army who Marvin pieces together, first had the indistinct collapse sign unexpectedly. 马文拼凑出来的大军,竟然第一时间就出现了隐约的崩溃迹象。 This Iron Armor Legendary ogre goal is to destroy all trebuchets!” “这头铁甲传奇食人魔的目的就是破坏所有的投石机!” Does not know that this idea is he wants to come out, has the person to instruct!” “就是不知道这个想法是他自己想出来的,还是另有人指示!” Without a doubt, this crowd of ogre iron core does not descend the mountain, wants human to climb mountains. 毫无疑问,这群食人魔是铁了心不下山,要人类上山了。 If this Iron-armored Ogre is Leader, that is easy to do, so long as kills it, other ogre definitely will lose control. 如果这个铁甲食人魔首领,那还好办,只要把它干掉,其余的食人魔肯定会失控。 When the time comes wins certainly is Marvin's. 到时候胜利一定是马文的 But accidentally is not, but was big on the trouble. 但万一不是,可就麻烦大了。 In battlefield fast changing, not being able to allow Marvin to think that he has made immediately the decision! 战场上瞬息万变,容不得马文多想,他立刻就做出了决定! No matter what, this Legendary ogre needs some people prevent! 不管怎么样,这头传奇食人魔必须要有人阻挡! He enhances the sound fiercely. Shouted one to the mountain on: Ibo!” 他猛地提高声音。冲着山上喊了一句:“伊布!” The next second, the Elven Prince agile form jumped down from another side of mountain. 下一秒,精灵王子矫捷的身影从高山的另外一侧跳了下来。 His bouncing, must exaggerate compared with Iron-armored Ogre! 他的弹跳,比铁甲食人魔还要夸张! But his stance. Also stretches compared with Iron-armored Ogre, almost killed side Iron-armored Ogre instantaneously! 而他的姿态。也比铁甲食人魔更加舒展,几乎是瞬间就杀到了铁甲食人魔身旁! hōng! 轰! Iron-armored Ogre responded that turned around suddenly, a fist bang has approached Ibo. 铁甲食人魔反应过来,猛然转身,一拳轰向了伊布 However verve Elven Martial Saint has not always met the tough head-on with toughness with him, his body from the sky displayed inconceivable the tunability, he held the arm of ogre. 然而向来刚猛的精灵武圣并没有和他硬碰硬,他的身体在空中展现出了不可思议地调整能力,他一把抓住食人魔的手臂。 Meanwhile, he takes his body as the pivot. In airborne revolving, falls to the ground finally steadily. 与此同时,他以自己的身体为支点。在空中一旋转,最终稳稳地落地。 Roar!” “吼!” Iron-armored Ogre is roaring. 铁甲食人魔在怒吼。 Ibo is without turning a hair. Holds the body of ogre to catch up suddenly, unexpectedly Iron-armored Ogre has pounded with the posture that being similar the shoulder has fallen stiffly! 伊布面不改色。抓住食人魔的身体猛然发力,居然硬生生用类似过肩摔的姿势把铁甲食人魔砸了出去! Direction that he pounds, impressively is the unpopulated area north. 他所砸的方向,赫然是北方的无人区。 Very obviously, he understands the Marvin's meaning. That must be separated from the battlefield this Iron-armored Ogre! 很显然,他明白马文的意思。那就是要把这头铁甲食人魔脱离战场! Cannot make him continue to destroy the trebuchet again! 不能再让他继续破坏投石机了! Because this is besides sorcery, a human side can only ogre the means of the mountain compelling. 因为这是除了巫术之外,人类一方唯一能把食人魔从山上逼下来的办法。 The Ibo's strategy is very successful, Iron-armored Ogre was flung over a hundred meters, has not waited for him to crawl, the Ibo squally shower general attack approached! 伊布的战略很成功,铁甲食人魔被甩出去上百米,还没等他爬起来,伊布狂风骤雨一般的进攻已经来临! Although Iron-armored Ogre is also Legendary, but the combat capability, compares or has the disparity with Elven Martial Saint. 铁甲食人魔虽然也是传奇,但是战斗能力,和精灵武圣相比还是有差距的。 Both sides fight, Iron-armored Ogre has been immediately under, by straight backlash that a Ibo fist fist hits. 双方一交手,铁甲食人魔立刻就处于了下方,被伊布一拳一拳地打的直后退。 Several suddenly. He was exited by the Ibo bang several miles far, is away from the battlefield far away, was impossible again the battlefield. 几个眨眼间。他就被伊布轰出去数英里远,距离战场老远,根本不可能再战场了。 ...... …… That is Elven Martial Saint. Sir Ibo!” “那是精灵武圣伊布大人!” Day, Sir Marvin also had such ally, no wonder he dares to issue Savage Lands Development Decree.” “天呐,原来马文大人还有这样的盟友,难怪他敢发布蛮荒开拓令。” The people are the exclamation are incomparable. 众人都是惊叹无比。 Ibo's appears, immediately made this group of people have the dependence to be ordinary. 伊布的出现,顿时让这群人有了依靠一般。 In their morale raises once more. 他们再次士气上提。 Marvin let somebody cool off or calm down orders saying: Continues to give me to pound!” 马文冷冷地命令说:“继续给我砸!” Meanwhile, the River Beach City patrol leader and one team of White-Silver Knight also arrived by the trebuchet. 与此同时,河滩城巡逻队和一队白银骑士也来到了投石机旁。 They know, these three trebuchets that remains. Cannot be destroyed absolutely. 他们都知道,剩下来的这三架投石机。绝对不能被破坏了。 They do not believe that in ogre also has second Legendary Iron-armored Ogre! 他们也不相信,食人魔中还有第二个传奇铁甲食人魔 The stone soldiers were frightened heavily. 投石兵们被吓得不轻。 Just also with compatriot who fought side-by-side. Was ground the meat sauce by Iron-armored Ogre instantaneously. 刚刚还和自己并肩作战的同胞。瞬间就被铁甲食人魔碾成了肉酱。 That impulse is not average person can withstand. 那种冲击力不是一般人可以承受的。 Is good the group of soldiers who in Mederly delivers indeed are elite elite. 好在梅迪尔丽送过来的这批士兵的确是精锐中的精锐。 Even if in such a case, they clench teeth to persist in completing their Quest. 即便是在这样的情况下,他们还是咬牙坚持完成自己的任务 On giving trebuchet stone. 不停的给投石机上石块。 Is burning one after another Flame ogre fortress of stone once more bang to halfway up the mountainside, this time, ogre as if could not sit still. 一轮又一轮燃烧着火焰的石块再次轰向半山腰的食人魔堡垒,这一次,食人魔似乎坐不住了。 They start become angry incomparable, even no longer dodges these stones. 他们开始变得愤怒无比,甚至不再闪躲这些石块。 Some ogre pound these stones with the fist angrily, even if by ogre *, faced with the Flame stone of trebuchet, will be injured. 有些食人魔愤怒地用拳头去砸那些石块,但是即便以食人魔的*,面临投石机的火焰石头,也会受到伤害。 Many ogre start áooo to call. 不少食人魔开始嗷嗷叫起来。 Marvin narrows the eye, in the heart is sneering: I do not believe that living that in this case, ogre can also endure?” 马文眯着眼睛,心中冷笑一声:“我就不信了,在这种情况下,食人魔还能忍的住?” ...... …… According to his experience, ogre this type arrogantly and easily enraged creature, already should get down is. 按照他的经验,食人魔这种自大又容易被激怒的生物,早就该下来了才是。 This creature, even if clearly knows to defend stubbornly on the mountain to be quite advantageous, will choose the frontage and human resists hardly. This is their forms of combat. 这种生物,就算明知道固守山上比较有利,也会选择正面和人类硬抗。这是他们的战斗方式。 Definitely some people are restraining their behaviors. 肯定有人在约束他们的行为。 Judging from the present situation, perhaps was not Iron-armored Ogre. 从目前的情况来看,恐怕不是铁甲食人魔了。 „......” “难道……” Second Legendary!?” “还有第二个传奇!?” Such thought from the Marvin's mind appears, flame clouds suddenly sky over three trebuchets formation! 这样的念头自马文的脑海中浮现出来的时候,一片火红色的云朵陡然在三架投石机上空形成! Mother *, often is Burning Cities With Fire Rain!” “妈*的,动不动就是【焚城火雨】!” These did Legendary Sorcerer have the creativity, Legendary Ogre Sorcerer was also same!” “这些传奇巫师还有没有创意了,就连传奇食人魔巫师也一样!” Marvin somewhat is immediately breathless, he just wants to order to make the soldiers flee nearby the trebuchet to bring the trebuchet to escape is impossible, the person can run away is! 马文顿时有些气急败坏,他刚想下令让士兵们逃离投石机附近带着投石机逃跑是不可能了,人能逃走一个是一个! This is Burning Cities With Fire Rain of diminished version, but the sense of purpose is very strong, destroys this other three trebuchets! 这是一个缩小版的焚城火雨,但是目的性很强,就是摧毁这剩余的三架投石机! Can start spell in such remote distance, moreover spell accumulation is so quick. Had Legendary Sorcerer! 能在这么遥远的距离发动法术,而且法术聚集的这么快的。只有传奇巫师了! Sorcerer Group from Three Rings Hightower does not have means to interfere his! 来自三环高塔巫师团根本没办法干涉他的施法! However at this time, another end of sky, suddenly flew big gloomy incomparable clouds! 然而就在这个时候,天空的另外一端,突然飞过来一大片阴沉无比的云朵! This dark cloud and fire cloud fusion in one. Has not had the report in expectation, instead was docile incomparably fuses in one. 这片乌云和火云融合在了一起。没有发生预想之中的爆裂声,反而是温顺无比地融合在了一起。 Two cloudlet smooth fusions, Fire Rain turned into the normal waterdrop finally. 朵云顺利融合,结果火雨变成了正常的水滴。 Marvin hears, on the mountain hears an inconceivable roaring sound. 马文听到,山上传来一个不可思议的怒吼声。 He sees, that is stature quite diminutive ogre. He grasps a handle long scepter, ogre with dreading the vision visits him. 他看到,那是一个身材较为矮小的食人魔。他手持一柄长长的权杖,身旁的食人魔都用畏惧的眼光看着他。 This fellow is ogre Leader!” “这家伙才是食人魔首领!” The people are suddenly enlighted. 众人恍然大悟。 Just, just Burning Cities With Fire Rain of that failure what's the matter? 只不过,刚刚那个失败的焚城火雨又是怎么回事? The Marvin heart has a feeling. Looked to the south. 马文心有所感。看向了南方。 When a magnificent and expensive carriage does not know from, stopped there. Nearby is gathering many Adventurer do not dare to approach. 一辆华贵的马车不知从何时起,就停在了那里。旁边聚集着的很多冒险者根本不敢靠近。 By the carriage has Knight. 马车旁有一个骑士 Daniela. 丹妮拉 Just that dark cloud, was manifestation of her Strength. 刚刚那朵乌云,正是她的力量的体现。 This time she, float in the sky of carriage, the wing that a pair congeals incorruptible opens behind her slowly. 此时的她,正悬浮在马车的上空,一对冰霜凝结成的翅膀在她背后缓缓张开。 Her appearance had some changes. Became chillier. The whole body is twining lively ice element, however her vision, has not locked ogre Leader. 她的模样发生了些许的改变。变得更加清冷了。浑身缠绕着活泼的冰元素,然而她的目光,并没有锁定食人魔首领 „Is this Ice Angel form?” “这就是冰天使形态么?” Marvin slightly somewhat is also out of sorts. 马文也略微有些失神。 Present Daniela, had in the future a Snow Queen several points of imposing manner. As Strength of ice control, destroys Burning Cities With Fire Rain for her but is actually not the difficult matter. 眼前的丹妮拉,已经有了日后冰雪女皇的几分气势了。作为冰之力量的掌控者,摧毁一朵焚城火雨对她来说倒也不算难事。 Marvin just thinks that the start to talk expressed gratitude to her, who knows that she did not utter a word unexpectedly, flew suddenly to the north! 马文刚想开口向她表示感谢,谁知道她居然一声不吭,猛然飞向了北方! In there, a girl of green clothes, is coming leisurely. 在那里,一个青色衣服的女孩,正款款而来。 Zhu! ...... …… Marvin already knows. Today's fight cannot be so simple. 马文早就知道。今天的战斗不会这么简单。 But he has not thought that fight has not started, makes these many matters. 但他怎么也没想到,战斗还没开打,就闹出这么多事情来。 Iron-armored Ogre to Ibo. But dies, but Reborn Zhu is approaching unexpectedly quietly. If not Daniela, he cannot even the Discovery opposite party. 铁甲食人魔对上了伊布。而死而复生竟然在悄然靠近。如果不是丹妮拉,他甚至没能发现对方。 Such that own this cousin, really and formerly said that once sees the appearance of Zhu, does not die with her absolutely continuous. 自己这个表妹,果然和先前说的那样,一旦看到的出现,绝对和她不死不休。 Ice Angel is binding everywhere snow and ice, has fired into Zhu crazily. The latter sneers. Massive Divine Power release. 冰天使裹着漫天的冰雪,疯狂地冲向了。后者冷笑一声。大量的神力释放出来。 An unrivalled war will soon launch. 一场旷世大战即将展开。 ...... …… Marvin behind people, almost look to be scared. 马文身后的众人,几乎看傻了眼。 Always experienced Collins. Also again and again smiles bitterly. 就连向来见多识广的柯林斯。也不由连连苦笑。 Simple development savage lands, brings in these many Legendary Quasi-Legendary unexpectedly, does this make their these ordinary Second Step and Third Step soldier decide below heart to fight? 一个简单的开拓蛮荒,居然引来这么多传奇准传奇,这让他们这些普通的二阶三阶士兵怎么定的下心来战斗? Luckily Marvin behind support are also many. 幸亏马文身后的支援也不少。 hōng lóng lóng! 轰隆隆 At this time, Ogre Sorcerer while the attention of people when Zhu and on Ice Angel form Daniela, consecutively several lightnings, finally other three trebuchet Ruin! 就在这个时候,食人魔巫师趁着众人的注意力都在冰天使形态丹妮拉身上的时候,连续几道闪电,终于将剩余的三架投石机毁灭 This fellow, it seems like decides does not descend the mountain. 这家伙,看来是打定主意不下山了。 The tooth of Marvin air/Qi is itchy, one grasps has thought of the Purple Brilliance toolbox. 马文气的牙痒痒,一把抓过装着紫耀的工具箱。 At this moment, he cannot love dearly money the issue. 事到如今,他也不能心疼钱的问题了。 Does not catch up to descend the mountain this group of ogre, this weaponry had no way to hit! 不把这帮食人魔赶下山来,这仗没法打了! Who knows that at this time, a pair of stable hand has held down the toolbox. 谁知道就在这个时候,一双稳定的手按住了工具箱。 I come.” “我来吧。” Constantine. 康斯坦丁 He takes the Marvin's toolbox, opens instantaneously, in the people shock under the incomparable vision, has used merely for 2.3 seconds, completed Purple Brilliance Assembly! 他拿过马文的工具箱,瞬间打开,在众人震惊无比的目光下,仅仅用了2.3秒,就完成了【紫耀】的组装! This terrifying kills, impressively to Legendary Ogre Sorcerer. 这门恐怖的杀器,赫然正对着传奇食人魔巫师 Let the father this mountain bomb flat, look at them to roll down.” “让老子把这座山轰平了,看他们滚不滚下来。” Constantine sneers, the preparation begins. 康斯坦丁冷笑一声,准备动手。 However that Legendary Ogre Sorcerer as if realizes the threat. 然而那名传奇食人魔巫师似乎是察觉到了威胁。 His magic staff has aimed at Constantine suddenly, continual Legendary three Disassociation Art appeared in front of Constantine suddenly! 他的法杖猛然对准了康斯坦丁,连续传奇三个解离术陡然出现在了康斯坦丁面前! Inst-cast, Ultra-far Cast and Multi-cast! 瞬间施法超距施法多重施法 Three super Legendary Specialty! 三条超级传奇专长 In Marvin heart one anxious, this Legendary Ogre Sorcerer imagines wants to be fiercer. 马文心中一急,这个传奇食人魔巫师比自己想象的要厉害很多。 Such far distance, can lose three Disassociation Art to come unexpectedly! 这么远的距离,居然还能丢三个解离术过来! Constantine is also terrified one startled, he clenches teeth, lifts up Purple Brilliance like avoiding. 康斯坦丁也是悚然一惊,他一咬牙,扛起紫耀就像避开。 hōng! 轰! Then in this time, a big person's shadow drops from the clouds, kept off in front of Constantine stiffly. 便在此时,一个高大的人影从天而降,硬生生挡在了康斯坦丁面前。 Three Disassociation Art all together bang on him. 三道解离术齐齐轰在他身上。 The latter is safe and sound. 后者安然无恙。 Begins, Constantine.” “动手吧,康斯坦丁。” This Legendary ogre is a little troublesome.” “这头传奇食人魔有点麻烦的。” That person temperate smiles, then said. 那人温和一笑,回头说。 ...... ( to be continued ) ……(未完待续)
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