NR :: Volume #2

#157: Iron Armor 【Third!】

Next day. Temporarily the camp builds officially completely. 次日。临时营地正式修筑完整。 All influences, defer to Marvin's to arrange, settles respectively. 所有的势力,都按照马文的安排,各自安顿下来。 But many Adventurer, then lingers beside the camp, prepares after commencing of action, sorts a benefit. 而更多的冒险者们,则盘桓在营地之外,准备在战斗开始之后,拣点甜头。 High noon. 正午时分。 Outside the camps, all will soon participate in the soldiers of this war being built up. 营地外,所有即将参与这场战争的士兵们被集结了起来。 Yes, regardless of your beforehand status is anything, once participated has developed the savage lands honorable campaign, your status was a soldier. 是的,无论你之前的身份是什么,一旦参与了开拓蛮荒的光荣战役,你的身份就是一名士兵。 You must obey the Landgraf's order. 你就必须听从领主的命令。 No matter how you think that at least the superficial work must do. 不管你心里怎么想的,至少表面功夫还是要做的。 All people, gather outside the camp, according to influence of respective ownership. 所有人,都在营地外集合,按照各自归属的势力。 Marvin rides a horse, from the north slowly. 马文骑着马,从最北边缓缓而来。 When his waist saber, this was his grandfather developed savage lands sword in the past left behind. 他腰间佩剑,这把剑还是他祖父当年开拓蛮荒时遗留下来的。 Now, returned in his hand. 如今,又重新回到了他的手中。 This pre-battle mobilization, raises the morale actually mostly. But the issue is, the army of Marvin subordinates, collects completely in all directions stiffly. 这种战前动员,其实多半就是鼓舞一下士气。但问题是,马文麾下的大军,完全是四面八方硬生生凑起来的。 Besides the small number of people, they are not loyal to Marvin. 除了少数人以外,他们对马文毫无忠诚可言。 No matter Marvin did speak, it is estimated that was also very difficult to encourage them to fight bravely for oneself. 马文不管说什么话,估计也很难激励他们为自己而奋战。 Therefore he simply has drawn out the saber, weapon that symbolically and soldiers of most front lift up high collided, then transfers the wharf, returns to their front. 所以他只是简单地拔出了佩剑,象征性地和最前排的士兵们高举起的武器碰撞了一下,然后调转马头,重新返回他们的前方。 The next second, he lifts up high saber, the loud anger exclaimed: 下一秒,他高举佩剑,大声怒吼道: Honor!” “荣誉!” Wealth!” “财富!” Development!” “开拓!” His sound is loud and clear. Resounds through by the ear of everyone, is ordinary just like the startling thunderclap! 他的声音洪亮。响彻在每一个人的耳旁,宛如惊雷一般! That is because, he has used sorcery scroll. 那是因为,他使用了一张巫术卷轴 Besides these Sorcerer. All people are the spirit shake, their vision condense finally completely on Marvin, finally condensed on the sword point of that handle saber. 除了那些巫师外。所有人都是精神一震,他们的目光终于完全凝聚在马文身上,最终凝聚在了那柄佩剑的剑尖上。 Marvin looks at all these satisfied, his vision sweeps from everyone: 马文满意地看着这一切,他的目光从每一个人身上扫过去: Warrior.” 勇士们。” Our older generations were once innumerable explore savage lands, opens pure lands in Fenan that monster stands in great numbers.” “我们的先辈曾经无数次探索蛮荒,于怪物林立的费南之中开辟出一片又一片净土。” At the present, we will follow their glory, sets out to savage lands.” “而今,我们将追随他们的荣耀,向蛮荒中进发。” I. Baron Marvin, will take Southern Sorcerer Alliance promulgation Savage Lands Development Decree as the evidence. Leads you once more, develops savage lands.” “我。男爵马文,将以南方巫师联盟颁布的蛮荒开拓令为据。再次带领你们,开拓蛮荒。” Today's fight, merely is a start. The wealth and resources that we can obtain, imagine you are more.” “今天的战斗,仅仅是一个开始。我们能获得的财富和资源,远比你们想象中的要多。” We are irresistible.” “我们不可阻挡。” All monster. Will be slaughtered by us cleanly. Five years and ten years later, this place incomparable Prosperity. But we also because help alliance developed the brand-new domain to be praised.” “所有的怪物。都将被我们屠戮干净。五年、十年之后,此地将无比繁荣。而我们也会因为帮助联盟开拓了全新的版图而得到嘉奖。” Title, manor, money and beautiful woman...... All are extremely easy to obtain.” “爵位、封地、金钱、美女……一切都唾手可得。” Now, please with me together, draw out your weapon!” “现在,请你们与我一起,拔出你们的武器!” Last, Marvin almost exclaimed hoarsely. 最后一句,马文几乎是声嘶力竭地吼道。 kuāng dāng! 哐当 Disorderly but the resounding [gold/metal] iron hands over the whining noise to resound immediately! 杂乱但是响亮的金铁交鸣声立刻响起! All people have drawn out weapon. 所有人都拔出了武器 They look at Marvin silently, no matter they are holding what kind of goal before this, attended this war. 他们默默地看着马文,不管他们此前是抱着怎样的目的,参加这一战的。 Since to battlefield, then they only then a goal, that projects on the enemy! 但是既然到了战场上,那么他们就只有一个目的,那就是打到敌人! After all their enemies. But terrifying ogre! 毕竟他们的敌人。可是恐怖食人魔 A team human soldier, not necessarily is a ogre match. 一个小队人类士兵,都未必是一头食人魔的对手。 Also wants to play to put thoughts at this time, is no different than itself to court death. 在这种时候还想玩花心思,无异于自己找死。 Marvin is lifting up high the saber. To that mountain, cuts suddenly! 马文高举着佩剑。冲着那座高山,猛然斩下! sōu! 嗖! In the air broadcasts cut sound. 空气里传来被划破的声音。 set off!” 出发!” The armies start slowly. 大军缓缓开动。 ...... …… On ogre mountain, huge, but does not lose the flexible form to bustle about crazily. 食人魔高山上,一个个庞大但是不失灵活的身影正在疯狂地忙碌着。 They are constructing the fortification. 他们在构筑防御工事。 ogre is not pure savage lands monster, part ogre has considerable high Wisdom, they can say Common Language. 食人魔并非单纯的蛮荒怪物,部分的食人魔拥有相当高的智慧,他们能够说通用语 About Savage Lands Development Decree, they also heard. 关于蛮荒开拓令,他们也已经有所耳闻。 In addition that Mr. black-clothed warning. They had already been ready. 再加上那位黑衣老人的警告。他们早就做好了准备。 Entire Ogre Tribe, altogether has 45 ogre. Each head, is while prime of life. 整个食人魔部落,一共有45头食人魔。每一头,都是正当壮年 They move from Shrieking Mountain Range, to survive \; But reason that they have not sneak attacked White River Valley , because monster on Shrieking Mountain Range, was fettered by Power of Order. 他们从尖叫山脉上迁徙下来,为了生存\;而他们之所以没有偷袭白河谷地,是因为尖叫山脉上的怪物,都被秩序之力所束缚。 This is the imprisonment that past Lance Your Godship supposed. 这是当年兰斯神上设下的禁锢。 Only when bystander on own initiative infringement time, this Power of Order will be relieved. 只有当外人主动侵犯的时候,这种秩序之力才会被解除。 All ogre are very excited! 所有的食人魔都很兴奋! They already want to descend the mountain, taste the human flavor. Has suffered from not having the opportunity. 他们早就想下山,尝尝人类的味道了。只是一直苦于没有机会而已。 After all the Jackalman meat is too bitter, does not have the means entrance simply. 毕竟豺狼人的肉太酸涩,简直没办法入口。 But Savage Lands Development Decree that now, Marvin issues, launched the attack to them, this means that tied up does not have in their fetters again. 而如今,马文发布的蛮荒开拓令,对他们发起了进攻,这就意味着,捆绑在他们身上的束缚再也没有了。 They can break in human territory recklessly, holds own domain. 他们可以肆意冲入人类领地,占据自己的地盘。 This is each ogre long-awaited matter. 这是每一头食人魔都梦寐以求的事情。 In fact, if not their Leader prevents severely, majority of ogre already flushed, brandished weapon to pound the meat patty these delicate human. 事实上,如果不是他们的首领严厉阻止的话,大部分的食人魔早就冲下去,抡起武器把这些柔弱的人类砸成肉饼了。 They already could not constrain innermost feelings bloodthirsty *. 他们早已压抑不住内心嗜血的*。 Their not understand, why Leader insisted that must defend stubbornly on the mountain, kills directly not? 他们不明白,为什么首领坚持要固守山上,直接杀下去难道不更好吗? These human at all possibly are not the formidable ogre matches! 这些人类根本不可能是强大的食人魔的对手! Must know that each ogre, has race Specialty Innate Divine Strength since birth! 要知道,每一头食人魔,生来就有一个种族专长天生神力 This means that their initial Strength will not be lower than 20 points! 这就意味着,他们的初始力量不会低于20点! This is an unusual terrifying digit. 这是一个非常恐怖的数字。 In addition their strong resiliences, similarly powerful Constitution missed except for Agility, ogre was almost most perfect Soldier. 再加上他们超强的恢复能力,同样强悍的体质除了敏捷差了点,食人魔几乎是最完美的战士 But human? 人类 human in the ogre eye is only one of the food, the flavor is pretty good. 人类食人魔眼里只是食物的一种而已,味道还不赖。 Just, in this Ogre Tribe, the order of Leader is higher than all. They know his formidable Strength, will therefore not affront him easily. 只不过,在这个食人魔部落中,首领的命令高于一切。他们知道他强大的力量,所以不会轻易冒犯他。 Since Leader said that must defend stubbornly on the mountain. Defends stubbornly. 既然首领说要固守山上。就固守吧。 Leader also has pledged in any case, sooner or later one day, will lead them to rush to this mountain. Crashes in human territory, preys on the game that oneself like wantonly. 反正首领也承诺过,迟早有一天,会带领他们冲下这座高山。冲进人类领地,大肆地捕食自己所喜爱的猎物的。 ...... …… West of ogre mountain, two miles place. 食人魔山以西,两英里处。 Under Marvin's hints, the army stopped the advance. 马文的示意之下,大军停止了前进。 To this distance, both sides have been able to see mutually. 到了这个距离,双方已经能相互看得见了。 Moreover at the grown ogre sprint speed, three minutes can break in the human camp, therefore maintains certain distance necessary. 而且以成年食人魔的冲刺速度,三分钟就能冲入人类阵营,所以保持一定的距离还是有必要的。 Sees only in the foot and mountainside. Has constructed the strict fortification. 只见山脚和山腰上。已经构筑起了严密的防御工事。 This does not conform to the ogre style. 这可不符合食人魔的风格。 Marvin slightly knitting the brows head. 马文微微皱了皱眉头。 Attacks the mountain forcefully the words, perhaps the tactical situation will be frigid. ogre occupied the high ground. Their side is suspending many stones. By their terrifying strength of arm, at least can pound one-fourth miles distance these stones! 强行攻山的话,恐怕战况会非常惨烈。食人魔们占据了高地。他们身边摆着很多石块。以他们恐怖的臂力,至少能将这些石块砸出去1英里的距离! Perhaps if the mountaineering, has not killed in front of ogre forcefully, will be battered to death! 如果强行登山,恐怕还没杀到食人魔面前,就会被生生砸死! This way is not wonderful.” “这样下去可不妙啊。” Marvin sees the look that behind the people have dreaded. They are * every embryo. Once were pounded by that stone, must die without doubt. 马文看见了身后众人畏惧的眼神。他们都是*凡胎。一旦被那石块砸中,必死无疑。 Must think that means catch up with from the mountain these monster.” “必须想个办法把这些怪物从山上赶下来。” Marvin wields a sword, has issued immediately the first instruction. 马文一挥剑,立刻就下达了第一个指令。 Quick, under a protection of River Beach City patrol leader, six trebuchets started movement forward slowly. 很快的,在河滩城一支巡逻队的保护之下,六架投石机缓缓开始了向前的移动 Other armies, disperses, is maintaining the distance, encircles slowly to the mountain. 其余的部队,也分散开来,保持着距离,缓缓冲着山这边围过来。 Since ogre are not willing to get down, before then. They do not need scruples ogre Charge. 既然食人魔们不肯下来,在此之前。他们也不必顾忌食人魔们的冲锋了。 The Marvin's strategy is very simple, that is no matter what, must catch up from the mountain ogre! 马文的战略很简单,那就是不管怎么样,都得把食人魔从山上赶下来! Compels them to fight with one's own side on the flat land. This obtains the only means of victory. 逼他们在平地上和己方战斗。这是取得胜利的唯一办法。 But six trebuchets that Mederly delivers, turned into his spoon of win. 梅迪尔丽送过来的六架投石机,变成了他的取胜之匙。 The ordinary trebuchet, normal throwing range is about one-sixth miles to about one-fifth miles. 普通的投石机,正常投掷距离大约是1英里到1英里左右。 These six trebuchets that however Mederly provides, is not the ordinary goods. 但是梅迪尔丽提供的这六架投石机,可不是普通货色。 They were solidified magic, the firing distance doubled has. 他们都是被固化了魔法的,射程增加了一倍有余。 Each trebuchet four soldiers are responsible for controlling, another person as Commander. 每一架投石机都有四名士兵负责操控,另外一人作为指挥官 But the person of logistics group was responsible for transporting a car(riage) car(riage) stone. In the stone has rubbed the resin and hot oil. 而后勤组的人则负责将一车车石块运了过来。石块上抹了松脂和热油。 Even if the exploratory attack, Marvin must give to probe as far as possible Ogre Tribe hidden card. 就算是试探性的攻击,马文也要把食人魔部落底牌尽量给试探过来。 Finally. Under the shield of people, army arrived at about the ogre mountain second half mile. 终于。在众人的掩护之下,大军来到了食人魔山下半英里左右。 Six trebuchets are maintaining certain distance, the soldiers are adjusting the angle intensely, starts to aim. 六架投石机保持着一定的距离,士兵们紧张地调整着角度,开始瞄准。 But ogre on mountain somewhat is obviously restless. 而山上的食人魔显然有些不安起来。 Some ogre throw the stone to the mountain hot tempered. 有些食人魔暴躁地向山上丢石头。 Their strengths are very big, but the distance pounds some human side disparities. 他们的力气很大,但是距离砸到人类一方还是有些差距的。 Under the Marvin's order, all people have been ready. Once ogre were enraged, to descending the mountain, to fight according to the concept of operations of under former Marvin deciding. 马文的命令之下,所有人都做好了准备。一旦食人魔被激怒,冲下山来,就要按照之前马文下定的作战方针进行战斗。 Only by doing so, they can take this mountain at the minimum price. 只有这样,他们才能以最小的代价拿下这座山。 Sir Marvin, the trebuchet has prepared to finish!” 马文大人,投石机已经准备完毕!” That Commander shouts loudly. 那名指挥官大声喊道。 The Marvin's saber aims at ogre has established in the mountainside fortress, ordered: Pounds to me!” 马文的佩剑指向了食人魔建立在山腰的“堡垒”,下令说:“给我砸!” The sound that the next second, jumps resounds, several crushed stones left the human position suddenly, under the magic in addition holds, each stone flies is very high! 下一秒,蹦蹦蹦的声音响起,十几块碎石猛然离开了人类阵地,在魔法的加持之下,每一块石头都飞的很高! Because moreover, in the stone has rubbed the reason of resin and hot oil, under the high-speed friction, each stone turned has been burning the Flame stone! 不仅如此,因为石头上抹了松脂和热油的缘故,在高速的摩擦之下,每一块石头都变成了燃烧着火焰的石头! hōng lóng lóng! 轰隆隆 The stone smashed in the ogre fortress scattered, at once, in the mountainside had a disorder. 石头零零散散地砸到了食人魔堡垒中,一时之间,山腰上出现了一丝紊乱。 Continue!” “继续!” Marvin said maliciously. 马文狠狠地说。 Quick, next round projection is ready. 很快的,下一轮投射准备就绪。 The people are anxious incomparably look at all these. 众人都是紧张无比地看着这一切。 After three rounds, the mountainside place, turned into a sea of fire, ogre are angry. 三轮过后,山腰处,已经变成了一片火海,食人魔们愤怒无比。 Although these Flame do not have the means to cause the damage to them, but has actually enraged them. 这些火焰虽然没办法对他们造成伤害,但是却激怒了他们。 They roar in abundance, looks fierce to the mountain, wishes one could to kill immediately! 他们纷纷怒吼,冲着山下龇牙咧嘴,恨不得立马杀下来! However makes Marvin be not quite right what is, oneself such have provoked, this group of ogre have not killed unexpectedly! 然而让马文感到不对劲的是,自己都这么挑衅了,这帮食人魔居然还是没杀下来! Who their are Leader?” “他们的首领到底是谁?” Marvin is searching for the clue diligently. How ogre to be long almost, he had not noticed that who is giving orders. 马文努力地搜寻着线索。奈何食人魔们都长得差不多,他也没看到谁在发号施令。 Sir? Can continue?” Commander of trebuchet asked. “大人?要不要继续?”投石机的指挥官问道。 Marvin had not replied with enough time, suddenly, in ogre between halfway up the mountainside, runs out of whole body skin fiercely is the shallow black fellow! 马文还没来得及回答,突然间,半山腰间的食人魔中,猛地冲出一个浑身皮肤都是浅黑色的家伙来! He roars, jumped down from the halfway up the mountainside unexpectedly directly! 他怒吼一声,竟然直接从半山腰上跳了下来! hōng! 轰! After huge sound, a trebuchet was broken by his huge body! 巨大的声响过后,一架投石机就被他庞大的身体生生砸碎! But he, is safe and sound. 而他自己,却安然无恙。 All people frighten heavily. 所有人都吓得不轻。 The Marvin corners of the mouth twitch slightly Iron Armor? 马文嘴角微微抽搐【铁甲】? Legendary ogre!? 传奇食人魔!? ...... ( to be continued ) ……(未完待续)
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