NR :: Volume #2

#156: On the eve of war 【Second!】

advance a step Third Step time, the Marvin's total rank from Level 10 rises dramatically to Level 13 directly, therefore, he has two point free attribute points to assign. 进阶三阶的时候,马文的总等级直接从10级飙升至13级,因此,他有两点自由属性点可以分配。 However the issue came, present he, Agility has reached as high as 25 points, had Leaping Onto Roofs, Vaulting Over Walls With Drifting Light Plundering Shadow Two big strong Special Quality. 但是问题来了,现在的他,敏捷已经高达25点,拥有了【飞檐走壁】和【浮光掠影】两大超强特质 It can be said that his Agility was intrepid, wants to attain next Agility Specialty, can only be good to 29 points. 可以说,他的敏捷已经非常强悍,想要拿到下一个敏捷专长,就只能到29点才行。 29 points, are all human creature attribute extreme limit. To break through this extreme limit, must use all sorts of means that the promotion life level. 29点,是一切人类生物的属性极限。想要突破这个极限,就必须使用种种办法,提升生命层次。 For example gains Divinity, is means. 比如获取神性,就是一个办法。 On Marvin has Virtual Godhead, has Extinguishing the World Double Snakes Divinity, therefore breaks through 29 points extreme limit actually issues. 马文身上有虚拟神格,有灭世双蛇神性,所以突破29点的极限倒不是问题。 The key is, his Agility has surpassed other attributes to be too many. 关键是,他的敏捷已经超出其他属性太多了。 Other essential attributes, Strength in Stone Giant Belt Under addition, still only then 15 points, but Constitution, has 13 points. 其余的主要属性,力量在【石巨人腰带】加成之下,依然只有15点,而体质,更是只有13点。 Strength affects the Ranger attack ability, the Marvin's blade is quick, if cannot break the defense of enemy, that is also useless. 力量影响游侠的进攻能力,马文的刀再快,如果破不开敌人的防御,那也是无用的。 But Constitution, is restricting the Agility display effect. 体质,则制约着敏捷的发挥效果。 Enough Constitution has not taken the pivot, Agility of superelevation is equal to the castle in the air, does not have the means to achieve the effect. 没有足够的体质作为支点,超高的敏捷等于空中楼阁,没办法发挥出效果的。 Marvin remembers indistinctly, extreme limit Agility that Constitution can support is two points. 马文隐约记得,一点体质所能够支撑的极限敏捷是两点。 Similar 1 : 2 proportions. 差不多一比二的比例。 In other words, Agility that 13 Constitution can support is 26 points. If Marvin continues to lose two attribute points to Agility on completely, even if that his Agility arrived at 27. Still also can only achieve 26 Agility effects. 也就是说,13点体质所能支撑的敏捷是26点。如果马文将两点属性点继续全部丢到敏捷上,那么即使他的敏捷来到了27。依然也只能发挥出26点敏捷的效果。 This is the restriction of Constitution. 这就是体质的制约。 Without powerhouse is malformed development, this is reason. Six big attributes complement one another, can only say. Has been expert, has the leaning branch, but cannot serious lame. 没有一个强者是畸形发展的,这就是其中的缘由。六大属性相辅相成,只能说。有所专精,有所偏科,但不能严重瘸腿。 These truth, Marvin is clear. 这些道理,马文都非常明白。 But the issue is, so precious free attribute points will assign in other Constitution, Strength or attributes, he thought that was a pity. 但问题是,将如此珍贵的自由属性点分配在体质力量或者其他属性上,他又觉得非常非常可惜。 Free attribute points is very rare. 自由属性点是很难得的。 But Constitution and Strength, other promotion means. 体质力量,还有其他的提升办法。 He thinks. Finally free attribute points will assign to Agility, then. His Agility arrived at 26 points, achieves extreme limit that Constitution has been able to support. 他想了想。最终将一点自由属性点分配给了敏捷,如此一来。他的敏捷就来到了26点,达到了体质所能支撑的极限 But the remaining that he temporarily puts aside, to prepare emergency requirement. 而剩下的那点,他暂时搁置,以备不时之需。 After ending this war. He must promote his Strength and Constitution well. 结束这场战争之后。他必须要好好提升自己的力量体质了。 Strength at least promotes to 20 points above, obtains Strength ultra long Special Quality.” 力量至少提升到20点以上,获得力量超长特质。” „The Constitution words, at least must promote to 17 points about, only by doing so, can display Ranger or the Night Traveler's battle efficiency completely.” 体质的话,至少也要提升到17点左右,只有这样,才能完全发挥出游侠或者夜行人的战斗力。” In the Marvin heart set firm resolve secretly. 马文心中暗暗下定了决心。 After assigning good attribute points and skill points, Marvin has inspected the data panel. 分配好属性点技能点之后,马文重新检查了一下数据面板。 In Quest column, Road of Darkness this Quest already Vanish. 任务栏中,黑暗之路这条任务已经消失 The Quest reward also appears. 任务奖励也随之出现。 10,000 General Experience. 10000点通用经验 Not other things. 没有其他东西了。 This result does not make Marvin feel to be startled, he has one premonition, the game System that oneself body carries. Itself seems equal to direction. The significance of existence is to help Marvin integrates This World as soon as possible. 这个结果并不让马文感到吃惊,他有一种预感,自己身体所携带的这个游戏系统。本身似乎相当于一个指引者。其存在的意义就是帮助马文尽快融入这个世界 In addition, it did not have other to affect. 除此之外,它没有别的作用了。 However no matter what, Marvin's is very firmly grateful these digitizations the instructions. Otherwise after passes through, but also does not know really should be what to do good. 不过不管怎么说,马文的确很感激这些数据化的指示。否则自己穿越之后,还真的不知道该怎么办才好。 But 10,000 points General Experience to Marvin are also very satisfied. 而10000点的通用经验马文来说也是很满足的。 In Fenan, the gain experience is very difficult, even if before is, one has mass-criticized red dragon, Dragon Race experience doubled, 16,000 experiences. 费南,获取经验是非常困难的,就算是之前一炮轰了一头红龙,龙族经验翻倍,也不过才16000的经验而已。 exceed toward behind. The rank is more difficult to promote. 越往后面。等级越难提升。 Now the Marvin's experience accumulated has reached about 30,000 points, Slaughter Experience 20,000 point. General Experience 10,000 points. 现在马文的经验累积达到了近30000点了,其中杀戮经验两万点。通用经验10000点。 The bonus is so, still the insufficient Night Traveler's rank promotion. Level 5 Night Traveler, needs 35,000 points experiences. 饶是如此,依然不够夜行人的等级提升。5级夜行人,需要35000点的经验。 But wants advance a step Night Dominion, its pretage condition is Ranger Level 8 / Night Traveler Level 9. In other words, total rank addition that Secondary Profession can provide, most is also Rank 4. 而想要进阶暗夜主宰,其前置条件是游侠8级/夜行人9级。也就是说,兼职所能提供的总等级加成,最多也就是四级 Means that even if Marvin to most plan carefully promote Legendary, at least also needs Level 8 Ranger, Level 9 Night Traveler, as well as Level 6 Demonoid Warlock( 6 divide 2 to be equal to 3). 哪怕马文以最精打细算的办法晋升传奇,至少也需要8级游侠,9级夜行人,以及6级魔形术士(6除以2等于3)。 8 + 9 + 3 = 20. 8+9+3=20. Just Fourth Step peak, Quasi-Legendary. To go a step further again , to promote Legendary, must Ranger Level 9 or Night Traveler Level 10. 刚好四阶顶峰,准传奇。想要再进一步,晋升传奇,就必须游侠9级或者夜行人10级 Therefore is most essential, is the ranks of promotion these two Main Profession. After all second Secondary Profession Firearms Shooter Not only has Experience Penalty, but also does not include in the total rank. 所以最关键的,还是提升这两个主职业的等级。毕竟第二兼职火线枪手】不仅具有经验惩罚,而且还不计入总等级之中。 The valuable experience, is centralized is effective above Night Traveler and Ranger. 宝贵的经验,还是集中在夜行人游侠之上才有效。 As for Secondary Profession, god knows Demonoid Warlock this Profession whether to break through Second Step this and Marvin's bloodline whether to awaken the relations. 至于兼职,天知道魔形术士这个职业能否突破第二阶这和马文的血脉能否觉醒有关系。 By Marvin this talent, can awaken Demonoid Warlock is the effect of Lucky Fairy forcefully stimulation of movement, even if stays in First Step for a lifetime is not strange, therefore he did not count on that this Secondary Profession can give itself too to help on Road of Legends, only if...... 马文这种天分,能够觉醒魔形术士已经是幸运精灵强行催动的效果了,就算是一辈子停留在一阶也不奇怪,所以他一点都不指望这个兼职能在传奇之路上给自己太多帮助除非…… Only if can find to break through the Second Step means.” “除非能找到突破二阶的办法。” This, perhaps also really and Clylande Household has had to do, after all they most understand the Demonoid Warlock person.” “这样的话,恐怕还真得和克里兰德家族打打交道了,毕竟他们才是最了解魔形术士的人。” To be honest, Marvin to household that this braves suddenly, a little conflicts from the bottom of the heart. 说实话,马文对这个突然冒出来的家族,打心底还是有点抵触的。 But in his heart also accepted this fact mostly. 只不过他心中多半也接受了这个事实。 If one are not the Clylande Household person, definitely does not have the means to awaken Demonoid Warlock Strength. The inheritance of White River Valley, is always a little strange. From grandfather that generation, has the name, does not have the surname. Initially Marvin also had asked about this matter, but the father is also insufficiently detailed. 自己如果不是克里兰德家族的人,肯定没办法觉醒魔形术士力量白河谷地的传承,向来是有点奇怪的。从祖父那一辈开始,就只有名字,没有姓氏。当初马文还询问过这件事情,但是父亲也是语焉不详。 Now wants to come, the grandfather is also quite puzzled. He is impossible to choose another surname to inherit, but if uses Clylande is the surname, was easy to make Ravis Royal Family find. 现在想来,祖父也是相当纠结。他不可能选择另外一个姓氏传承下去,但是如果使用克里兰德为姓的话,又容易让拉维斯王室找到。 Therefore simply does not use the surname. 所以干脆不用姓氏。 Marvin Clylande?” 马文.克里兰德么?” Marvin by comfortable pillow. Is thinking. 马文靠在舒适的枕头上。怔怔地想着。 Also calculates the good name. 还算不错的名字呢。 ...... …… East White River Valley, a stretch of temporary camp has built the forming. 白河谷地东方,一片临时营地已经修筑成形。 This place is away from the mountain that ogre is, not over five miles. The terrain between both sides is open, is very difficult to occur to sneak attack this matter. 此地距离食人魔所在的高山,不会超过五英里。双方之间的地形开阔,很难发生偷袭这种事情。 Adventurer and rear services units, are building various facilities bustling. 冒险者和后勤队们,正热火朝天地修筑着各种设施。 In war building up that Marvin issues made, explicitly explained the situation of enemy. 马文下达的战争集结令里,已经明确说明了敌人的情况。 Over 40 ogre! 超过40头食人魔 This was an unusual terrifying digit. 这是一个非常恐怖的数字了。 Must know that each ogre, natural is the elite template. They live to have the Second Step peak strength. 要知道,每一头食人魔,天然就是精英模板。他们生下来就具备二阶顶峰的实力。 Majority of ogre, quick can grow up \; When they march into the later years. Will leave the tribe on own initiative, chooses a liking place to wait for passing of life slowly. 大部分的食人魔,很快就能成年\;而当他们步入暮年的时候。会主动离开部落,选择一个喜欢的地方慢慢等待生命的流逝。 Therefore you little can see the ogre childhood or the old man in Ogre Tribe. 所以你很少能在食人魔部落里看到食人魔幼年或者老者。 Over 40 ogre. Most of them should be Third Step. 40头以上的食人魔。其中绝大多数应该都是三阶 A number of number not small Fourth Step monster. As for Legendary...... Adventurer have not understood too many. 还有一批数目不小的四阶怪物。至于传奇……冒险者们并没有了解太多。 However information in Marvin, but is demonstrating clearly, in Ogre Tribe definitely has Legendary to exist. 但是马文手里的情报,可是清清楚楚地显示着,食人魔部落里绝对有传奇存在。 Also may be Sorcerer! 还有可能是巫师 This is a very troublesome matter, especially after visiting of Daniela. 这是一件很麻烦的事情,特别是在丹妮拉的拜访之后。 Hathaway in Three Rings Hightower. She was studying secret spell recently, does not have blank pipe Marvin completely. Otherwise if one's own side has Legendary Sorcerer to lead a cheer, the war will become simply. 海瑟薇远在三环高塔。她最近在研究一个秘密法术,完全没空管马文。否则如果己方有传奇巫师助阵的话,战争将会变得简单许多。 „The Legendary ogre words, Ibo should be able to handle, at least can divert.” 传奇食人魔的话,伊布应该能搞定,至少能牵制住。” But other people, other monster on including mountain, can only depend upon our Strength.” “但是其余的人,包括山上的其他怪物,就只能依靠我们自己的力量了。” Marvin rides a horse, is inspecting camp slowly. 马文骑着马,缓缓巡视着营地。 Everyone in camp sees Marvin, salutes to him. 营地里的每一个人看见马文,都向他行礼。 The Bloody Crucifix matter has spread. Each Adventurer of present, very awes to Marvin. 血色十字架的事情已经传开了。现在的每一个冒险者,都对马文十分敬畏。 Before arranging this war, he has made most arrangement properly to White River Valley. 在筹备这场战争之前,他已经对白河谷地做了最妥善的安排。 Anna and Wayne are responsible for assuming rear area as before. The garrisons kept half to them, meanwhile has Enchanting Shadow Assassin and Darkness Guard. 安娜维尼依旧负责坐镇后方。警备队留了一半给他们,同时还有一名魅影刺客和一名黑暗卫士 Had them, enough handles in territory the possible trouble. 有了他们,足够搞定领地里可能出现的麻烦。 Constantine also socializes with Daniela as well as Oren., Her cousin also has that elegant bearing Knight Leader fortunately only appears very much has the Patience appearance. 康斯坦丁还在和丹妮拉以及奥伦周旋。唯一值得庆幸的是,自己的表妹还有那位风度翩翩的骑士长都显得很有耐心的样子。 Oren even gave such information on behalf of Ravis direction Marvin: The matter of treasure, in any case is a whole family, waits for the war to fire off discusses again also good. 奥伦甚至代表拉维斯一方向马文传递出了这样的信息:宝物的事情,反正都是一家人,等战争打完再商量也行。 As for some these words many authenticity. Marvin does not know. 至于这句话到底有多少真实性。马文就不知道了。 No matter what, Constantine this big strength was diverted. 不管怎么样,康斯坦丁这一大战力算是被牵制住了。 However is good because of...... Purple Brilliance Again was borrowed by Marvin. 不过好在……【紫耀】再一次被马文借过来了。 This gadget can slaughter dragon Legendary Item. Constantine is also helpless very much, tied up Marvin this pirate ship, he was ready for any sacrifice. 这玩意儿可是能屠龙传奇物品康斯坦丁也是无奈的很,被绑上了马文这条贼船,他算是豁出去了。 As for Marvin, he is actually very confident, for him, if will become White River Valley and future territory ratio a company, Constantine and the others will be the risk investor, oneself will be the shareholder is also the company operates. In any case bounced check already allow many, does not care promises some again. 至于马文,他倒是挺坦然的,对他来说,如果把白河谷地和未来的领地比成一家公司的话,康斯坦丁等人来说就是风险投资人,自己即是股东也是公司运营者。反正空头支票自己已经许出去了不少,不在乎再多许诺一些。 The red dragon corpse and gold mine, had many rare and precious material Marvin under ogre mountain range to show some previous generation company founders' when striving for venture capital project flickering ability. 红龙的尸体、金矿、还有食人魔山脉下的更多珍稀材料马文已经展现出了前世部分公司创始人在争取风险投资项目时的忽悠能力。 The project has not started to do, the good prospect as if the tentacle has been possible to result. 项目还没开始做呢,美好的前景仿佛已经触手可得了。 He the influence that oneself can condense, dragged down completely. 他将自己所能凝聚的势力,全部都拉下水了。 ...... …… White-Silver Church Knight and Divinist have been ready, White-robed Collins leads personally. 白银教会骑士神术师已经准备就绪,白袍柯林斯亲自领衔。 The River Beach City two patrol leaders also reported to Marvin that comes with them, stone soldier who six trebuchet 25 people compose! 河滩城的两支巡逻队也向马文报道,和他们一起过来的,还有六架投石机25人组成的投石兵! Tower of Ashes Second Step Sorcerer Group, arrives in the battlefield today, their leaders initially that potential difference killed Marvin purple-robed Sorcerer in the Magior Institute entrance impressively. Her name was called Shirley. 灰烬之塔二阶巫师团,也在今日抵达战场,他们的头领赫然是当初那位差点在马戈尔学院门口杀死马文紫袍巫师。她的名字叫雪莉 This Second Step Sorcerer Group comprised of 18 people, is fight Magician that Hathaway reassigns stiffly composes, each has the good strength. 这支由18人组成的二阶巫师团,是海瑟薇硬生生抽调出来的战斗法师组成的,每一个都具备不俗的实力。 As for White River Valley, recruits Adventurer on list besides Marvin, the militiamen of several garrison members and some reserve duties will also follow Marvin. 至于白河谷地自己,除了马文招募名单上的冒险者外,十几名警备队成员和一些预备役的民兵也将跟随马文 But this part, holds the post of the responsibility of messenger, simultaneously Marvin also has to exercise their meanings. 只不过这部分,大多数担任传令兵的职责,同时马文也有锻炼他们的意思。 Genuine backbone Strength, that 17 follow in Marvin behind Darkness Guard! 真正的中坚力量,还是那17名跟随在马文身后的黑暗卫士 Marvin rides in immediately, is looking at the gunsmoke on mountain from afar, that is Ogre Tribe initiates the symbol of provocation. 马文骑在马上,远远望着山上的硝烟,那是食人魔部落发起挑衅的标志。 Very obviously, building on a large scale of human must initiate their vigilances. 很显然,人类的大兴土木不可能不引发他们的警觉。 ogre is not a fool. 食人魔又不是傻瓜。 They have prepared fight. 他们已经做好了战斗的准备。 The war, must come. 战争,就要来了。 ...... ( to be continued ) ……(未完待续) ps: Second! Thank the book friend Night shade,】 With Old King v5 1 w hits to enjoy! A while renews Leading Character Card, if there is errors to ask respectfully to point out. Data thing this is too difficult to consider as finished, is insufficient at the elementary student mathematical level of coconut tree! ps:第二更!感谢书友【夜影、】和【老王v5】的1w打赏!一会儿更新主角人物卡,如有错漏敬请指出。数据这东西这是太难算了啊啊啊啊啊啊啊啊啊啊,以椰子的小学生数学水平根本不够用啊!
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