NR :: Volume #2

#155: Clylande 【First】

Marvin bursting out laughing. 马文哑然。 Does not have to think a few words that one blurted out, but also made Daniela shift to an earlier time to learn really own future given name. 没想到自己脱口而出的一句话,还真的让丹妮拉提早了获知自己日后的名号。 To this time, he recalled finally, since see Daniela to start, why continuously feeling of looking familiar. 到了这个时候,他终于回忆起来,自从自己见到丹妮拉开始,为什么一直有一种眼熟的感觉了。 Just, he also thought is the resonance between bloodline. 刚还是,他还以为是血脉之间的共鸣。 After all in Fenan, among many bloodline truly has the resonance. Marvin since first sees Daniela, felt that she is out of the ordinary. 毕竟在费南,很多血脉之间的确存在共鸣。马文自从第一眼看见丹妮拉,就感觉她与众不同。 But this and bloodline does not have anything to relate actually, because, he knows her! 但这和血脉其实没什么关系,而是因为,他认识她! But that Daniela of Marvin understanding, is not present she, but after is Great Cataclysm, Snow Queen! 只不过马文认识的那个丹妮拉,不是现在的她,而是大灾变之后的【冰雪女皇】! That time Daniela, although is also the unusual beautiful appearance, but with the present is somewhat different. 那个时候的丹妮拉,虽然也是非常美貌,但是和现在还是有些不同的。 Now recalls that Marvin suspected mostly is Snow Queen that because see, is Daniela under Ice Angel form! 现在回想起来,马文猜想多半是因为自己见到的冰雪女皇,都是冰天使形态之下的丹妮拉 Demonoid Warlock this Profession, after promoting to the certain extent, can choose form, replaces original Human Form, becomes main form. 魔形术士这个职业,提升到一定程度之后,可以选择一种形态,代替原来的人类形态,成为主要形态 Future Daniela, was very likely to change into Ice Angel form in her mouth her main form, therefore appearance some are different. 日后的丹妮拉,极有可能将她的主要形态换成了她口中的冰天使形态,所以样子有些不一样了。 ...... …… But as the matter stands, Marvin looked that is immediately different to the Daniela look. 只不过这样一来,马文看向丹妮拉的眼神立刻就不一样了。 A such powerful character, unexpectedly is own cousin!? 这么强悍的一个人物,居然是自己的表妹!? In the Marvin's memory, Northland Ravis Dukedom is a few not by country that Great Cataclysm destroys. 马文的记忆里,北地拉维斯公国是少数几个没被大灾变摧毁的国度 Moreover. Ravis Queen is also this young lady at present, but also expands while Great Cataclysm unceasingly own territory. 不仅如此。拉维斯女王也就是眼前这位小姐,还趁着大灾变不断扩张自己的领地 She called the king in Northland. Finally has intense conflict with God of Ice and Snow, is in a rage. Both sides have battled for enough one month! 她在北地称王。最终与冰雪之神发生强烈的冲突,一怒之下。双方激战了足足一个月! But in this month, entire Fenan entered the winter of myriad things freeze. 而在这一个月的时间里,整个费南都进入了万物冻结的冬天。 Daniela has not boasted, future she, indeed has to make entire Fenan fall into the winter ability! 丹妮拉并没有吹牛,未来的她,的确拥有让整个费南陷入冬天的能力! This is terrifying Demonoid Warlock Strength, Numanite Strength! 这就是恐怖魔形术士力量,努曼人力量 In comparison, Marvin's two big form, Beast Form or Shadow Form. And Daniela Ice Angel form differs too far. 相比之下,马文的两大形态,无论是野兽形态还是阴影形态。都和丹妮拉冰天使形态相差太远。 This and pure of blood relationship also has the relations. 这和血统的纯正性也有关系。 Marvin's awakens, is occurred under the stimulation of movement of Lucky Fairy stiffly. Otherwise by him on that thin Numanite bloodline that almost can disregard. Is impossible to awaken Demonoid Warlock this Profession. 马文的觉醒,是硬生生在幸运精灵的催动之下发生的。否则以他身上那稀薄的几乎可以无视的努曼人血脉。根本不可能觉醒魔形术士这个职业 It seems like this cousin, has the fiancee, actually name brand.” “看来这个表妹、还有未婚妻,倒是正牌的了。” Certainly is because I the information tramsmit of transfiguration Anzula Man-Bear on Holy Grail Struggle the north, they have then sent for investigating.” “一定是因为我在圣杯争夺战变身安祖拉人熊的消息传递到了北方,然后他们派人调查过了。” However, even if I displayed to have the Demonoid Warlock ability. Why does the Ravis imperial family such regard as important me?” “不过话说回来,就算我表现出了拥有魔形术士的能力。拉维斯的皇室为什么这么看重我?” Also can marry me future Snow Queen?” “还要把未来的冰雪女皇嫁给我?” Behind this has certainly reason.” “这背后一定是有原因的。” Marvin had not been delivered becomes confused pleasantly surprised. 马文没有被送上门来的惊喜冲昏头脑。 They seek for their grandfather, coming White River Valley to look for itself, certainly has the reason. 他们寻找自己的祖父,来白河谷地找自己,一定是有原因的。 Sure enough, both sides talked a while, quick, Daniela talked about this line of key points. 果不其然,双方交谈了一会儿,很快的,丹妮拉就谈到了此行的重点。 ...... …… After ten minutes, Daniela looks at Marvin silent. 十分钟之后,丹妮拉沉默地看着马文 But Marvin was pondering. 马文在思考。 Daniela is very honest. 丹妮拉很坦诚。 At least she exposes is very honest. 至少她展露的很坦诚。 This time comes White River Valley, she represents Ravis Royal Family to handle two matters. 这次来白河谷地,她代表拉维斯王室来做两件事情。 First, with the Marvin engagement. 第一,和马文订婚。 Second. Brings back a thing. 第二。取回一件东西。 The first matter, stems from a Clylande Household ancient tradition. 第一件事情,源于克里兰德家族的一个古老传统。 Mysterious and huge Clylande Household, has numerous branches and clansmen. And Ravis Royal Family. Is most splendid. 神秘而庞大的克里兰德家族,拥有众多分支和族人。其中拉维斯王室。就是其中最出色的一支。 In this household, each descendant may awaken Numanite bloodline, becomes Demonoid Warlock. 这个家族之中,每一个后代都有可能觉醒努曼人血脉,成为一名魔形术士 Naturally, this probability is not high. 当然,这个概率并不高。 In order to guarantee pure of blood relationship, Clylande Household always severely stipulated that only permits household to be related trhough marriage. Simultaneously for the latter generation can be born more formidable Demonoid Warlock, in some branches also has another custom. That must get married with the bloodline most intimate opposite sex. 为了保证血统的纯正性,克里兰德家族向来严厉规定只准家族内部通婚。同时为了后一代能诞生出更强大的魔形术士,部分分支中还有另外一条规矩。那就是必须和自己血脉最亲近的异性成婚。 In the generation of branches that however Daniela is, unexpectedly each is female! 然而丹妮拉所在的这一代分支中,竟然每一个都是女性 If wants to get married. She must seek for other branches male. This always takes seriously blood relationship pure Ravis Royal Family is intolerant. 如果想要成婚。她就必须寻找其他分支的男性。这对向来重视血统纯正性的拉维斯王室来说是不可容忍的。 When they are worried for this matter, Marvin appeared in his field of vision. 就在他们为这个事情而苦恼的时候,马文出现在了他的视野里。 Marvin and Daniela, have the common paternal great-grandfather, they is a branch person. 马文丹妮拉,拥有共同的曾祖父,他们是一个分支的人。 Therefore according to the household custom, they gets married surely. 所以按照家族规矩,他们必定成婚。 Naturally, person who the custom dies lives, is not each Clylande Household descendant is willing to be fettered by the damn custom. 当然,规矩是死的人是活的,并不是每一个克里兰德家族的后代都愿意被该死的规矩所束缚的。 For example Grandpa Marvin's, is one. The time rebel who he is young is incomparable, to defy this custom, he left Northland, arrived at the south. 比如马文的爷爷,就是其中的一个。他年轻的时候叛逆无比,为了违抗这条规矩,他离开了北地,来到了南方。 However regarding Ravis Royal Family, what is most important, he has also carried off a Clylande Household most precious object! 然而对于拉维斯王室来说,最重要的是,他还带走了克里兰德家族的一件至宝! It looks like in Marvin, this Daniela comes White River Valley, a bigger goal is brings back that treasure for Ravis Dukedom. 马文看来,这次丹妮拉白河谷地,更大的目的就是为拉维斯公国取回那件宝物。 As for engagement...... God knows after taking the treasure, can she walk away directly. 至于订婚……天知道取完宝物之后,她会不会直接一走了之。 By the Daniela so arrogant disposition and strong strength, Marvin self-examined that could not control temporarily. Moreover this bewildered engagement, Marvin do not have any interest. 丹妮拉如此高傲的心性和超强的实力,马文自问是暂时驾驭不了的。而且这种莫名其妙的婚约,马文自己也没什么兴趣。 ...... …… „Sorry, Miss Daniela.” “很抱歉,丹妮拉小姐。” Marvin thinks that finally has made such reply: About that treasure that you said that I knew nothing.” 马文想了想,最终做出了这样的回复:“关于您说的那件宝物,我毫不知情。” My father was killed by the Double Snake Cult person, he has not disclosed the matter of any treasure with me. But the grandfather, I did not have any impression.” “我的父亲被双蛇教的人害死,他并没有跟我透露什么宝物的事情。而祖父,我更是没什么印象了。” Perhaps this matter, I cannot help.” “恐怕这件事情,我是帮不上忙的。” He has his idea. 他有自己的想法。 This treasure is the grandfather brings from household, surely is extremely valuable. 这件宝物是自己爷爷从家族中带出来的,必定是极有价值的。 Can make Ravis attach great importance, and has the relations with Great Fiend. Involved too many things. 能让拉维斯如此重视,而且和大魔鬼有关系。牵扯到太多的东西了。 Marvin is impossible such to leave own thing to deliver own grandfather. 马文不可能就这么把自己祖父留给自己的东西送出去。 Yes?” “是么?” Daniela has narrowed the eye: Such being the case, then my request.” 丹妮拉眯了眯眼:“既然如此,那么我有一个请求。” You said.” Marvin is very polite. “您说。”马文很客气。 Can make me look in your castle. Perhaps that treasure, was hidden in some place.” “能不能让我在您的城堡里找一找。说不定那件宝物,就被藏在某个地方呢。” If you are willing treasure Return to its Rightful Owner. You will obtain the support of wealth and resources that Clylande Household cannot imagine!” “如果您愿意将宝物物归原主的话。你将得到克里兰德家族想象不到的财富和资源的支持!” Daniela in the negotiations, is actually calm, seemed like with that the cunning and unreasonable girl was just entirely different. 丹妮拉在谈判的时候,倒是非常冷静,和刚刚那个看似刁蛮的女孩截然不同了。 Marvin was silent. 马文沉默了。 Is impossible.” “不可能。” Marvin said decidedly: This is my castle, I will not make anybody search for the thing in my domain randomly.” 马文断然说:“这是我的城堡,我不会让任何人在我的地盘乱搜东西。” Moreover such as you see, I am preparing a war. At least during the war, I will not allow this matter to occur.” “而且如您所见,我正在准备一场战争。至少在战争期间,我不会允许这件事情发生。” A Daniela brow wrinkle. 丹妮拉眉头一皱。 The Marvin's tough stance has stemmed from her expectation. 马文的强硬态度出乎了她的预料。 You thought that your White River Valley can contend with formidable Ravis Dukedom?” “难道你觉得,你的白河谷地可以和强大的拉维斯公国抗衡吗?” She said in a soft voice. 她轻声说。 In Daniela control. Has fermented snowflake. 丹妮拉的手心里。已经酝酿出一朵雪花。 Marvin has not opened the mouth. 马文没有开口。 Because at this time, a charming uncle jumped from the window suddenly. He has shaken brand-new windproof coat. Said at will: 因为在这个时候,一个帅气的大叔突然从窗户外跳了进来。他抖了抖崭新的风衣。随意地说: Marvin, why does your each fiancee, want to begin to you?” 马文,为什么你的每个未婚妻,都想对你动手?” The snowflake dissipates suddenly, Daniela revealed has not dared to believe the color! 雪花猛然消散,丹妮拉露出了不敢置信之色! Constantine sat in the position of conference room at will. Looked to Daniela, the review said: They are very attractive.” 康斯坦丁随意地坐在了会议室的位置上。看向了丹妮拉,点评说:“不过她们都挺漂亮的。” Marvin shows a faint smile, expressed gratitude to the Constantine nod. 马文微微一笑,冲康斯坦丁点头表示感谢。 Had this Legendary character to assume personal command, has not become Legendary Daniela, does not dare to be dissolute! 有了这位传奇人物坐镇,还没有成为传奇丹妮拉,根本不敢放肆! Energy that he negotiated also fully. 他谈判的底气也足了很多。 Allows me to introduce, this is Sir Constantine.” “容我介绍一下,这位是康斯坦丁大人。” Marvin shrugs: White River Valley has no intention with the Ravis resistance. I am very really busy, I have a war to prepare.” 马文耸了耸肩:“白河谷地无意和拉维斯对抗。我现在真的很忙,我有一场战争要去准备。” Therefore now, please allow my I must say good bye now. Your person I will arrange, but please do not make to surpass me to permit the range the matter. Otherwise your I know that the result will be very awkward.” “所以现在,请容许我失陪了。您的人我会安排好的,但是请不要做出超出我允许范围的事情。不然你我都知道结果会很尴尬。” While convenient, if you make a long journey, for a long time did not have the combat exercise. Sir Constantine is possibly willing to accompany you to practice.” “顺便,如果您长途旅行,许久没有实战演练了的话。康斯坦丁大人可能愿意陪您练习一下。” „Did you say?” “您说呢?” He looked to Constantine. 他看向了康斯坦丁 The latter takes away the wine class before Marvin body, sip, has smiled to Daniela: 后者自顾自地把马文身前的酒杯拿走,抿了一口,冲丹妮拉一笑: Naturally, this is my being honored.” “当然,这将是我的荣幸。” ...... …… In the night bedroom, Marvin has still not slept. 深夜的卧室里,马文依然未眠。 The daytime negotiations are only troublesome start, although there is Constantine to block Daniela temporarily. However he knows that his cousin is not absolutely easy to cope. 白天的谈判只是麻烦的开始,虽然有康斯坦丁暂时挡住了丹妮拉。但是他知道,自己的这位表妹绝对不是那么容易对付的。 This means. Constantine must keep in castle. 这就意味着。康斯坦丁必须留在城堡里。 This war, lost Legendary to participate, became difficult. 这场战争,失去了一位传奇参与,就变得艰难了起来。 However Marvin particularly did not worry. 不过马文并不是特别担忧。 After all, he also has another friend. 毕竟,他还有另外一个朋友。 Shouted......” “呼……” Luckily also has Ibo.” “幸亏还有伊布。” Elven Martial Saint in the battle efficiency that in the battlefield can display, will not compare the weakness that Constantine comes absolutely! 精灵武圣在战场上能发挥出的战斗力,绝对不会比康斯坦丁来的弱! Tomorrow must leave the temporary camp, prepared the war officially.” “明天就要动身去临时营地,正式准备战争了。” Daily of White River Valley, is responsible for by Anna and Wayne. Keeps Darkness Guard and two Enchanting Shadow Assassin emergency, should suffice.” 白河谷地的日常,还是由安娜维尼负责。留一名黑暗卫士和两名魅影刺客应急,应该够了。” Constantine diverts Daniela and Oren.” 康斯坦丁牵制丹妮拉奥伦。” Must ahead of time and Ibo the approximately good time.” “必须提前和伊布约好时间了。” A each article matter, has delimited in the Marvin's mind. 一件件事情,在马文的脑海里划过。 He pondered unceasingly. 他不断地思考。 To the daybreak, he has not fallen asleep. 一直到黎明,他都没有睡着。 Damn...... Unexpectedly lost sleep.” “该死……居然失眠了。” Wait / Etc., the matter, I have not handled probably.” “等等,好像有一件事,我还没搞定。” Marvin has pulled open the data panel, looks skill points and two point free attribute points that a big pile has not assigned, tap the head fiercely. 马文拉开了数据面板,看着一大堆尚未分配的技能点和两点自由属性点,猛地一拍脑袋。 Really was too recently busy, after advance a step Third Step, unexpectedly has not assigned including skill points and attribute points! 最近实在太忙了,进阶三阶之后,居然连技能点属性点都没有分配! Ranger has 24 points, Marvin thinks that lost directly completely Listen On. This skill is easy-to-use in individual fight, moreover 50 points Listen can open the important skill Listening In On Arguments From Afar, These 24 colored worth. 游侠有24点,马文想了想,直接全部丢到了【聆听】上。这个技能在个人战斗中非常好用,而且50点的聆听才能开启重要技能【听声辩位】,这24点花的很值得。 Night Traveler had 36 skill points hesitant, Marvin, threw 20 points Night Jump On, the surplus 16 points temporarily put aside. 夜行人有36点技能点,马文犹豫了一下,把其中的20点投到了【暗夜跳跃】上,剩余16点则暂时搁置。 The Firearms Shooter 30 points, what a pity these skill Marvin temporarily cannot use, is the firearms has the relations, after he Purple Brilliance gives back to Constantine, did not have one own pistol. 火线枪手则有30点,可惜这些技能马文暂时用不上,都是和枪械有关系的,他把紫耀还给康斯坦丁之后,还没有一把自己的手枪呢。 As for most important two point free attribute points. 至于最重要的两点自由属性点 Marvin started to worry. 马文开始犯难了。 Continues to pile Agility? Balances to develop? 继续堆敏捷?还是平衡一下发展? ...... ( to be continued ) ……(未完待续) ps: The diligent coconut tree wants Burst today! First delivers! The friends of college entrance examination do not read, tests to look again also with enough time, who told me how many college entrance examinations to come? Tests to add for you. ps:勤奋的椰子今天又要爆发了!第一更送上!高考的朋友们就别看书了,考完再看也来得及,谁告诉我几号高考来着?考完为你们加更。
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