NR :: Volume #2

#154: Snow Queen

Bloody Crucifix! 血色十字架 This is a seedling source from the northern ancient tradition, in south Noble, few people use, because Southern Sorcerer Alliance thinks that this way is bloody the cruel, insufficient civilization. 这是一种源自于北方的古老传统,南方贵族中,很少有人使用,因为南方巫师联盟认为这种方式过于血腥残忍,不够文明。 At least in the surface is. 至少表面上是。 However Marvin knows that present White River Valley, is in the keenest struggle. 但是马文知道,现在的白河谷地,正处于风口浪尖。 If compares with a ship White River Valley, then greets it, will be the strong winds rough sea waves. 如果将白河谷地比作成一艘船的话,那么迎接它的,将是狂风巨浪。 Braves all hardships, is the total defeat, the key watched this campaign. 到底是乘风破浪,还是折戟沉沙,关键就看这场战役了。 He knows, since Savage Lands Development Decree issues, White River Valley this small place, again the low key does not get up. 他知道,自从蛮荒开拓令发布之后,白河谷地这个小地方,就再也低调不起来了。 Relates all sorts of performance before Marvin again, his myths rose dramatically. 再联系马文之前的种种表现,他的传说度已经飙升。 At least in East Coast, even south other areas, Baron Marvin is the character who this summer wields great power with great arrogance. 至少在东海岸,甚至南方的其他地区,马文男爵已经是今夏最炙手可热的人物。 About the Marvin's hearsay, innumerable. 关于马文的传闻,数不胜数。 High the popularity brings not necessarily is the advantage. 知名度高带来的不一定都是好处。 Rising of White River Valley, will definitely cause dreading of many person. 白河谷地的崛起,肯定会引起很多人的忌惮。 Makes Marvin feel that what is only gratified, the White River Valley position in was too remote, like inland territory, does not adjoin the tomb with Southern Sorcerer Alliance territory. 唯一让马文感到欣慰的是,白河谷地的位置是在太偏僻了,不像内陆领地,和南方巫师联盟领地毗陵。 Nearby White River Valley, has Mederly River Beach City. But Gemstone Bay, then does not belong to any personal Noble. 白河谷地附近,只有梅迪尔丽河滩城。而宝石湾,则并不属于任何私人贵族 That is the Southern Sorcerer Alliance eastern supreme headquarters, belongs to parliamentary all directly. 那是南方巫师联盟的东部大本营,直接归属议会所有。 But Three Rings Hightower was different, although these three Hightower in name are the alliances, but in fact, distinguishing right from wrong of respective territory or division. 三环高塔则就不同了,这三座高塔虽然名义上是联盟,但事实上,各自的领地还是划分的泾渭分明。 This was the advantage of remote districts. 这就是偏远地区的好处了。 At least before developing. Does not use the suppression of bitter experience peripheral influence. 至少在发展起来之前。不用遭遇周边势力的打压。 The bonus is so, attention and pressure that White River Valley faces are also the unprecedented hugeness. 饶是如此,白河谷地面临的关注度和压力也是空前的巨大。 This after is together relatively backward territory. From the territory resident, to garrison. To Marvin this person, has not prepared corresponding. 这毕竟是一块相对落后的领地。从领地居民,到警备队。到马文本人,都没有做好相应的准备。 White River Valley itself, is unable to bear such pressure. 白河谷地本身,是无法承受这样的压力的。 Luckily Marvin's friend are many. But after experiencing all sorts of risks, he obtained the support of various aspect influences. 幸亏马文的朋友多。而在经历了种种冒险之后,他得到了各方面势力的支撑。 But that eventually is others' Strength. Before today obtains Darkness Guard, he is actually not steady. 但那终究是别人的力量。在今天得到黑暗卫士之前,他心里其实都是不稳的。 Others' Strength, always has the unreliable time. 别人的力量,总有靠不住的时候。 Only then own Strength, is most real. 只有自己的力量,才是最真的。 ...... …… This batch of Adventurer. Before impossible carefully not to have looked before Marvin, article that issued. 这批冒险者。之前不可能没有仔细看马文之前发布的条文。 However they such did. 但是他们还是这么做了。 This means that holds having plenty of such people of evil intention to White River Valley to Marvin. 这意味着对白河谷地马文抱有恶意的大有人在。 This group of people are the enemy hire, disturbs White River Valley Order. 这批人就是敌人雇佣过来,捣乱白河谷地秩序的。 But in this war. Marvin cannot permit the occurrence of any mistake. 而在这场战争中。马文不能允许任何差错的发生。 Therefore he has gotten down the cruel methods. 所以他下了狠手。 The unusual time, must line of extremities. 非常时刻,必须行非常手段。 Even if has a cruel reputation, Marvin also refuses to balk! 哪怕落下一个残暴的名声,马文也在所不惜! No matter how Drew persuaded, Marvin eventually Bloody Crucifix standing! 所以不管德鲁如何劝说,马文终究还是把血色十字架给立了起来! One mile place outside Spider Cave. Adventurer Spider Cave that catches up from Gemstone Bay, first can see this terrifying conspicuous cross! 就在蜘蛛地穴外一英里的地方。从宝石湾赶过来的冒险者们一出蜘蛛地穴,第一眼就能看到这恐怖显眼的十字架! The cross has 5-6 meter high fully, above has hung all over that batch of Adventurer number of people. 十字架足有五六米高,上面挂满了那批冒险者的人头。 But under cross, is piling headless corpses. 而十字架下,则是堆着一具具无头的尸体。 Side is setting upright a wooden sign, above wrote the Adventurer cause of death not to observe territory Order, entered the pumpkin destruction. 旁边竖着一块木牌,上面书写了冒险者们的死因不遵守领地秩序,擅入南瓜地破坏。 This charge, which country regardless in, somewhat forced. 这个罪名,无论在哪个国度,都有些勉强了。 However present White River Valley, Marvin's thunder method. Is the best means of consolidated rule. 但是现在的白河谷地来说,马文的雷霆手段。是巩固统治的最好办法。 He made Drew send two smart fellows to guard this place, was responsible for registering and reporting enters White River Valley Adventurer. 他让德鲁派了两个机灵的家伙驻守此地,负责注册和报备进入白河谷地冒险者 Each Adventurer, will obtain one to arrange the number plate. Has not arranged Adventurer of number plate, will be pursued by the garrison. 每一个冒险者,都将得到一个编号牌。没有编号牌的冒险者,会被警备队驱逐出去。 If there is a resister, kills! 如有反抗者,杀! Naturally, the members of garrison could not complete such Quest. 当然,警备队的队员们是完成不了这样的任务的。 The performers stand behind them Darkness Guard. 执行者是站在他们背后的一名黑暗卫士 His name is 18. 他的名字是【18】。 He will guard this place, becomes the garrison member behind military force safeguard. 他将驻守此地,成为警备队队员身后的武力保障。 Right, 19 Darkness Guard. They not own name. 没错,十九黑暗卫士。他们并没有自己的名字。 Marvin simply numbered to them. Leader is Zero, According to order. To 18. 马文干脆给他们编了号。首领是【零】,按照顺序。一路到了【18】。 Darkness Guard do not have the objection, this also facilitates Marvin to direct their behaviors. 黑暗卫士们对此毫无异议,这样也方便马文指挥他们的行为。 ...... …… After Bloody Crucifix establishes, has initiated a stir in territory. 血色十字架建立完毕之后,在领地里引发了一番轰动。 Formerly had not evacuated the sandbank Adventurer to frighten fearful and apprehensive, many people secretly were disseminating Marvin's to be flagitious. 先前还没有撤离河滩的冒险者们纷纷吓得胆战心惊,很多人都在暗地里传播马文的凶残。 More people, pack the baggage quietly, fled White River Valley. 更多的人,悄悄收拾行李,逃离了白河谷地 But the news also quickly transmitted to construct the front front of temporary camp. 而消息也很快传递到了正在修建临时营地的前方战线。 Regarding this group of Adventurer, they do not have too to respond but actually. 对于这帮冒险者们来说,他们倒没有太多反应。 First, in the batch of Adventurer of temporary camp, is Marvin recruits personally, uniform Second Step skilled person. Their qualities are higher, some even are the veterans of disbandment, they know that during the war must make anything. 首先,在临时营地的这批冒险者,是马文亲自招募的,清一色的二阶好手。他们的素质更高,有些甚至就是退伍的老兵,他们知道在战争期间必须做什么。 Moreover, they also hope in war that in soon will then have, will not have the situation that the person on one's own side has the internal strife. 另外,他们也希望在接下来即将发生的战争中,不会有自己人起内讧的情况。 After all they face, is terrifying ogre! 毕竟他们面对的,是恐怖食人魔 This race to bravely be always famous. 这个种族向来以骁勇善战著称。 The Marvin's action, instead made them feel relieved. 马文的举动,反而让他们更加放心了。 No matter what, under the Marvin's order, the war preparations is carrying on good order. 不管怎么样,在马文的命令之下,战争准备井井有条地进行着。 Massive Adventurer basically shifted that side the temporary camp. 大量的冒险者基本上都转移到了临时营地那边。 Some of them build their camp, some have joined the repair of main camp, is doing bustling. 他们有的修筑自己的营地,有的则加入了主营地的修葺,热火朝天地干着。 Rear service team also crazy is bustling about, they unceasingly ship the front the most important water and grain. 后勤队伍也疯狂的忙碌着,他们不断地将最重要的水和粮食运送到前方。 Under Anna's command and adjustment, all orderly. 安娜的指挥调度下,一切都紧张有序。 ...... …… In the evening, in conference room. 傍晚,会议室内。 „Sorry made two wait for a long time.” “很抱歉让二位久等了。” I have handled something.” “我去处理了一些事情。” Marvin sits on the chair, is also having Daniela that the whole face is not feeling well to apologize to well-mannered Oren. 马文坐在椅子上,对着彬彬有礼的奥伦还有满脸不爽的丹妮拉致歉道。 Is unimportant.” A Oren first speech. “不要紧的。”奥伦抢先一步发言。 As if in this motorcade. This Knight Leader status also wants to be higher than Mistress Daniela. 似乎在这个车队中。这位骑士长的地位比女主人丹妮拉还要高一些。 They take a seat one after another. 两人相继入座。 Thinks that two know from the Anna mouth, a while ago occurred at the White River Valley matter?” “想必二位已经从安娜口中知道,前段时间发生在白河谷地的事情了吧?” Marvin visits them, comes straight to the point: That woman. Also says my fiancee.” 马文看着两人,开门见山:“那个女人。也自称我的未婚妻。” Daniela cold snort|hum: That is the Double Snake Cult person. In the going south journey, they have attacked us. Meanwhile, they as if relate with certain territory Landgraf closely, we have to change course the line.” 丹妮拉冷哼一声:“那是双蛇教的人。在南下的路途中,她们袭击了我们。同时,她们似乎和某些领地领主关系密切,我们不得不改道而行。” This made us arrive in the White River Valley time to lengthen many.” “这让我们抵达白河谷地的时间延长了好多。” Unexpectedly some people dare to pretend to be me, when I see her, I must kill her!” “居然有人敢冒充我,等我见到她,我一定要杀了她!” Marvin becomes silent. 马文默然无语。 Did own this cousin, think the matter simply? 自己这个表妹,是不是把事情想得太简单了些? He could not bear knock the table with the index finger: „The Zhu strength is very strong. Although has not arrived at Legendary, but Quasi-Legendary strength. In addition Great Cyan Shepherd Leader grants her Divine Power, the average person may unable to massacre her.” 他忍不住用食指敲了敲桌子:“的实力很强。虽然没有到传奇,但准传奇的实力。再加上天青牧首赐予她的神力,一般人可杀不掉她。” Now she is not the issue, she died.” “不过现在她已经不是问题了,她已经死了。” Who knows that Daniela smiled suddenly strangely: Yes?” 谁知道丹妮拉突然诡异地笑了笑:“是么?” The next second, she holds their palms together suddenly. Then opens. 下一秒,她突然双手合十。然后张开。 Snowflake descends from the sky, finally turned into a snow and ice mirror. 一朵雪花从天空降落,最终变成了一面冰雪般的镜子。 In the mirror, impressively is onsen. 镜子里,赫然是一池温泉 Looks at the background, as if in a cave. 看背景,似乎是在一个山洞里。 „Is this?” Marvin is somewhat surprised. “这是?”马文有些惊讶。 Does Daniela this woman, meet spell unexpectedly? Before used the Reconnaissance skill, did not have Perception to have Combat Profession to the opposite party! 丹妮拉这女人,居然还会法术?之前自己使用侦察技能,并没有感知到对方存在战斗职业 This fellow are too many? 难道这家伙比自己强太多? Is unlikely? 不太可能吧? In Marvin heart one cold, starts to reexamine own cousin to get up. 马文心中一凛,开始重新审视自己的这个表妹起来。 In mirror that but his attention just a shift, the cold ice congealed, has to concave-convex the shadow drilled from onsen suddenly! 只不过他的注意力刚刚一转移,寒冰凝成的镜子里,一个凹凸有致的影子陡然从温泉里钻了出来! Her hair dangles. Both hands open, reveal fair body. 她的头发垂下。双手张开,露出白皙的身体。 Looked at one merely, Marvin on the brow tight wrinkle: Is impossible!” 仅仅看了一眼,马文就眉头紧皱:“不可能!” Who knew at this time. The women gain ground suddenly, as if arrived to realize anything! 谁知道就在这个时候。女人陡然抬头,似乎到意识到了什么! pā lā! The mirror was shattered. 啪啦!镜子破碎。 Damn woman, pretended to be me, unexpectedly has not allowed me to peep!” “该死的女人,冒充我也就算了,居然还不允许我偷窥!” The righteousness that Daniela said that Marvin had nothing to say in reply. 丹妮拉说的理直气壮,马文无言以对。 But shock in his heart did not have the woman in Vanish mirror, impressively is Zhu! 只不过他心中的震撼还没消失镜子里的女人,赫然是 Wasn't she died? 她不是已经死了么? Is very surprised?” Daniela sneered saying: Great Cyan Shepherd Leader Voter. Where is so easy to kill.” “是不是很惊讶?”丹妮拉冷笑说:“天青牧首选民。哪里是那么容易杀死的。” She is the same with her lord, has dead , but Reborn ability. You at least must kill her three times, she can die completely!” “她和她的主子一样,都拥有死而复生的能力。你至少要杀她三次,她才能完全死亡!” Three times? 三次? The Marvin brow wrinkles was tighter. 马文眉头皱的更紧了。 Zhu has not died, this for him, but was an unprecedented bad news. 没死,这对他来说,可算是一个前所未有的坏消息了。 Even if in territory has Constantine to assume personal command, but by the Zhu ability, creates quite fearful destructive power completely. 就算领地里有康斯坦丁坐镇,但是以的能力,完全造成相当可怕的破坏力。 During the war especially, god knows she will do to have an accident! 特别是在战争期间,天知道她会干出什么事来! „Are you worried about her?” “你在担心她么?” Daniela smilingly looks at Marvin: My dear elder brother, although I do not like you, but I pretend to be my woman repugnantly.” 丹妮拉笑眯眯地看着马文:“我亲爱的哥哥,虽然我真的非常不喜欢你,但是我更讨厌冒充我的那个女人。” I just said that so long as she appears, I will kill her!” “我刚刚已经说了,只要她出现,我就会杀了她!” Oren nodded: Since the young lady said that then she will certainly live up to one's words. Sir Marvin, although our young ladies is a little cunning and unreasonable sometimes are willfully unreasonable, but she at least has the same merit, that i.e. arrives to achieve.” 奥伦点了点头:“既然小姐这么说了,那么她一定会说到做到。马文大人,虽然我们小姐有些时候有点刁蛮任性不讲道理,但是她至少有一样优点,那就是说到做到。” Knight Oren!” Daniela becomes angry out of shame saying: Who is cunning and unreasonable willfully does not reason with?” 奥伦骑士!”丹妮拉恼羞成怒道:“谁刁蛮任性不讲理了?” Oren said seriously: Young lady, before the master goes out, told me, must tell Sir Marvin about all your.” 奥伦一本正经地说:“小姐,老爷出门前吩咐我,一定要告诉马文大人关于您的一切。” Only then he had understood after you all, is willing to marry you, this is good. Otherwise, we are impossible to force him to marry your. Clylande Household, has not married the matter that compels to marry.” “只有他了解了你的所有之后,然后愿意娶你,这样才行。否则,我们不可能勉强他娶你的。克里兰德家族,没有强娶强嫁的事儿。” Daniela acted crazy finally: Oren, in one hour I do not want to hear you to speak!” 丹妮拉终于发飙了:“奥伦,一个小时内我不想听到你说话!” Oren has not opened the mouth, the Daniela sudden hand, the terrifying cold air blooms from her control, pitiful Oren was frozen an ice sculpture immediately! 奥伦还没开口,丹妮拉突然一张手,恐怖的寒气自她手心绽放,可怜的奥伦顿时被冻成了一座冰雕! Marvin looks holds breath cold air. 马文看得倒吸一口凉气。 Such strength...... Should not be Legendary? 这样的实力……该不会是传奇吧? Daniela is very as if satisfied to the Marvin's expression, she lifts the head arrogant, looks at Marvin: 丹妮拉似乎对马文的表情很满意,她傲慢地抬起脑袋,看着马文: Snow and ice form supplementary spell, good?” “冰雪形态的附带法术,不错吧?” In a while, when I promote Legendary, snow and ice form qualitative transformation is Ice Angel form, When the time comes I even can turn into the winter the entire mainland!” “再过一阵子,等我晋升传奇,冰雪形态蜕变为【冰天使形态】,到时候我甚至能将整块大陆变成冬天!” Marvin listens to the narration of Daniela, in the mind to reappear suddenly a previous generation cauldron cauldron famous noun. 马文听着丹妮拉的叙述,脑海里陡然浮现出一个前世鼎鼎有名的名词。 Snow Queen?” 冰雪女皇?” Snow Queen?” Daniela seems first time hears this noun: 冰雪女皇?”丹妮拉似乎是第一次听说这个名词: I like this name. Oh, I decided that later this was my prestige!” “我喜欢这个名字。哎呀,我决定,以后这就是我的威名了!” ...... ( to be continued ) ……(未完待续) ps: Second ~ will have Burst tomorrow, therefore zero point will have from now on also one chapter. ps:第二更~明天有爆发,所以零点过后还有一章。
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