NR :: Volume #2

#153: Bloody Crucifix

The carriage rolls by hill slowly. 马车缓缓驶过山岗 Knight draws the reins, the good steed has stopped the footsteps immediately. 骑士一拉缰绳,上好的骏马立刻止住了脚步。 Oren, that side what happened?” 奥伦,那边发生了什么事?” The windowing curtain, has been bored to death Observation White River Valley Daniela to see from afar matter that the pumpkin has. 一直开着窗帘、百无聊赖地观察白河谷地丹妮拉远远地看到了南瓜地发生的事情。 Knight Leader Oren complexion is dignified: Probably is the Adventurer rebellion.” 骑士长奥伦面色凝重:“好像是冒险者暴动。” This time in process, we also heard, Baron Marvin has issued Savage Lands Development Decree, recruited many Adventurer.” “这次在来的过程中,我们也听说了,马文男爵发布了蛮荒开拓令,招募了很多冒险者。” But this situation, will often draw on many Adventurer, they are the astatic factors.” “但是这种情况,往往会招来更多的冒险者,他们都是不安定的因素。” Daniela somewhat is immediately excited: You said that some people are looking for a job?” 丹妮拉顿时有些兴奋起来:“你是说,有人在找事儿咯?” Oren said reluctantly: Indeed is this.” 奥伦无奈地说:“的确是这样。” Baron Marvin seems weak, his behind garrison is short-handed, although he is skillful, but only a person.” 马文男爵看上去势单力孤,他身后的警备队人手不足,他自己虽然身手不错,但是只有一个人呐。” Young lady, we want......” “小姐,我们要不要……” Daniela cold snort|hum: 丹妮拉冷哼一声: Made me wait outside territory to be so long, unexpectedly the grand welcome ceremony did not have, this tone I have not swallowed!” “让我在领地外面等了这么久,居然连个隆重的迎接仪式都没有,这口气我都还没咽下呐!” You are thinking unexpectedly also helps him?” “你居然还想着去帮他?” After all you are the whole families.” Oren stern said: „Did Clylande Household parental instruction you forget?” “毕竟你们是一家人啊。”奥伦正色说:“克里兰德家族的家训难道您忘了么?” Daniela looks the color of contingency immediately: Oren, you were quick and my father are tired of equally.” 丹妮拉顿时面露不虞之色:“奥伦,你都快和我老爹一样烦了。” Oren smiled: Does not dare, all were decided by the young lady.” 奥伦笑了笑:“不敢,一切还是由小姐决定。” Daniela is narrowing the eye, looks at distant place. 丹妮拉眯着眼睛,看着远方。 This time pumpkin. Marvin, seemed reproving anything. 此时的南瓜地中。马文独自一人,似乎在训斥着什么。 Meaning that these Adventurer have not retroceded. From this angle, they even can see certain Adventurer under the shield of front person. Has pulled out weapon. 那些冒险者并没有后退的意思。从这个角度,他们甚至能看见某些冒险者在前面的人的掩护之下。掏出了武器 They want to be disadvantageous to Baron Marvin.” Oren said seriously. “他们想要对马文男爵不利。”奥伦严肃地说。 Young lady, please immediately order, we overtake now, should also with enough time.” “小姐,请您立刻下令吧,我们现在赶过去,应该还来得及。” In the motorcade is Northland first-class Knight, from here Charge in the past, Oren definitely had the confidence to be able the inconsistency that this group of Adventurer clash. 车队里都是北地一流的骑士,从这里冲锋过去,奥伦绝对有信心能将这帮冒险者冲的七零八落。 Daniela has realized obviously also this point. 丹妮拉显然也意识到了这一点。 She bites the lip, reveals look that was not glad: Good. If he died in the hands of these Adventurer really comedy.” 她咬了咬嘴唇,露出了一丝不乐意的神色:“好吧。如果他真的死在这些冒险者的手里就搞笑了。” I changed a widow.” “那我就变寡妇了。” Oren, you led ten people in the past. Washes out these Adventurer on the line.” 奥伦,你带十个人过去吧。把那些冒险者冲散就行。” Oren nodded, just wants to take inventory manpower. 奥伦点了点头,刚想清点人手。 Who knows that at this time, a terrifying killing intent passed from the pumpkin that side! 谁知道就在这个时候,一股恐怖的杀意自南瓜地那边传了过来! kuāng dāng! 哐当 Entire motorcade all Knight cannot help but have drawn out longsword! 整个车队所有骑士都不由自主地拔出了长剑 After this has undergone the severe training, they facing crisis the instinct that has responded! 这是经受过严厉训练之后,他们面对危机之时产生的本能反应! How? Oren?” “怎么了?奥伦?” The Daniela surprise is incomparable. 丹妮拉诧异无比。 Oren is looks startled Rong [say / way]: These people...... Actually is who?” 奥伦则是面露惊容道:“这些人……究竟是谁?” Next second. 19 wore black-armored Warrior to clash from void. 下一秒。十九名身穿黑甲勇士从虚空中冲了出来。 Each of them, grasps both hands greatsword, the movement is exactly the same, initiated Charge toward Adventurer! 他们每一个人,都手持双手大剑,动作一模一样,向着冒险者们发起了冲锋 That flash that they present, the peripheral all things, received an inexplicable impulsion. 他们出现的那一瞬间,周边的一切事物,都受到了一股莫名的冲动。 By hill Northland Knight on motorcade, was affected, will therefore have such action. 就连山岗上的车队旁的北地骑士们,也受到了影响,所以才会有那样的举动。 But in fact, these Warrior power and influence do not aim at their. 但事实上,这些勇士的威势并不是针对他们的。 Darkness Guard pressure. What aims at Adventurer that is this group of acting recklessly! 黑暗卫士的威压。针对的是这帮不知死活的冒险者 Murderous aura of supplementing so is heavy......” “就连附带的杀气都这么重么……” Oren looks that 19 Warrior inserts in Adventurer just like the sharp knife blade generally, starts Slaughter to get up wantonly, the mouth muttered: This murderous aura...... Has killed many people!” 奥伦怔怔地看着十九勇士宛如利刃一般插入冒险者之中,开始大肆杀戮起来,嘴里喃喃道:“这种杀气……到底是杀了多少人啊!” As for Daniela. This was looks directly silly. 至于丹妮拉。这是直接看傻了。 Marvin obviously only then the 19 individual, as if there is mighty force to be common. 马文明明只有十九个人,却仿佛有千军万马一般。 The when body of each Darkness Guard, is reposing their those years fighting after fellow soldier died, soul that leaves behind. 每一个黑暗卫士的身上,都寄托着他们当年战斗袍泽们死去后留下的灵魂 Therefore each time they attack, the enemy will face the will threats of over ten thousand Heroic Spirit! 所以每一次他们进攻的时候,敌人将会面临上万英灵意志恐吓! This will threat, could miss much compared with dragon prestige, but made ordinary Professioner lose the revolt ability sufficiently. 这种意志恐吓,可能比龙威要差不少,但是却足以让普通的职业者失去反抗能力了。 They are irresistible. 他们不可阻挡。 They are the inborn Slaughter machines! 他们是天生的杀戮机器! ...... …… darkness greatsword is brandishing in the crowd. Warrior of unemotionally are slaughtering acting recklessly the life of Adventurer heartily! 黑暗大剑在人群中挥舞着。一个个面无表情的勇士们尽情地屠戮着不知死活的冒险者的生命! Drew and other garrison the member to look to be scared directly. 德鲁和其他警备队员直接看傻了眼。 Mysterious Sir Marvin, does not know that is also bringing when such a branch society stealth army unexpectedly? 神奇的马文大人,不知道什么时候居然还带着这么一支会隐身的军队么? As for these Adventurer. 80% people lost immediately to the control ability of body! 至于那些冒险者们。八成人在第一时间失去了对身体的掌控能力! Heroic Spirit Fright: Every other three minutes, the enemy will carry on a strong will examination. Strong will examination failure, then falls into thoroughly scared, loses the control of body. 英灵恐吓】:每隔三分钟,敌人将进行一次强意志检定。强意志检定失败,则彻底陷入恐慌中,失去身体的控制能力。 This is the Darkness Guard most formidable place! 这就是黑暗卫士最强大的地方! Marvin lets somebody cool off or calm down looks at all these. 马文冷冷地看着这一切。 Adventurer are whinning, they start to beg for mercy, but Darkness Guard will not manage these. 冒险者们哀嚎着,他们开始求饶,但是黑暗卫士不会管这些。 They only meet Slaughter. 他们只会杀戮 They live for Slaughter! 他们就是为杀戮而生的! Even if there is Adventurer to kneel on the ground, both hands discard weapon, they without hesitation will also chop his head. 哪怕有冒险者跪在地上,双手丢掉武器,他们也会毫不犹豫地砍下他的脑袋。 Dripping with blood. 鲜血淋漓。 In their dictionaries, has not called a halt this word. 在他们的字典里,没有停手这个词。 The order that because Marvin gives is one does not remain! 因为马文给的命令就是一个不留! ...... …… This completely is the lopsided fight. 这完全是一面倒的战斗。 19 individual, to over a hundred people. However 19 individual sends lossless, over a hundred individual that side, actually killed Lost Helmet, Remove Armor. 十九个人,对上百人。但是十九个人毫发无损,上百个人那一方,却被杀的丢盔卸甲 Both sides from the battle from the beginning, the war turned lopsided! 双方从交战一开始,战局就变成了一面倒! Because this not only formidable Heroic Spirit Fright. 这不仅仅因为强大的【英灵恐吓】。 Also because of this 19 obviously only then Second Step Heavy Armor Warrior, they have to endure compared with Ranger Agility, High Step Soldier Strength, with the most callous hitman quality. 还因为这十九个明明只有二阶重甲武士,他们却拥有堪比游侠敏捷,高阶战士力量,和最冷酷的杀手的素质。 Their forms of combat are simple and cut-throat, reckless kills the Mortal Enemy person. 他们的战斗方式简单而凶狠,就是不顾一切地杀死敌人。 Adventurer started to retreat. 冒险者们开始溃逃了。 They have to run away. 他们不得不逃。 No matter before them, wants to do any cheap tricks. However under the disparity of this absolute strength, they have frightened scared shitless. 不管他们之前想要搞什么把戏。但是在这绝对实力的差距之下,他们已经吓得屁滚尿流。 They cannot think through, where Marvin does such one crowd of terrifying murder machine! 他们怎么也想不通,马文是从哪里搞出这么一群恐怖的杀人机器的! Only then Marvin knows. These seem like have Second Step Warrior, once is Legendary powerhouse! 只有马文知道。这些看似只有二阶勇士,曾经一个个都是传奇强者 They are follow King of the Night to help other human and lives in the long night resist virulent savage lands magic creature powerhouse. 他们是追随夜之王在永夜中帮助人类和其他生灵抵挡恶毒的蛮荒魔物强者 At first they were corps, King of the Night have personally created them. 起初他们是一个军团,夜之王亲手缔造了他们。 Goal that they are born, is Kill Kill Kill! 他们诞生的目的,就是杀杀杀 Kills off various monster in savage lands time long night. 杀光蛮荒时期永夜中的各种怪物 Then plane division is not clear, on Fenan regularly will have terrifying star beast and hundred items of giants and so on monster patronage! 当时的位面划分还没有那么清晰,费南上隔三差五都会有恐怖星兽、百目巨人之类的怪物光顾! Darkness Guard corps, to guard Fenan is born. 黑暗卫士军团,就是为了守卫费南而诞生。 But their Guardianship ways are different, they have chosen Slaughter this road. 只不过他们的守护方式不同,他们选择了杀戮这条路。 Kills off all enemies. Can Guardianship behind person. This is objective that Darkness Guard is born. 杀光一切敌人。就能守护自己身后的人。这就是黑暗卫士诞生的宗旨。 ...... …… Initial time, Darkness Guard corps altogether has 10,000 individuals. 最初的时候,黑暗卫士军团一共有10000个人。 Afterward in long long night war. These people died unceasingly. 后来在漫长的永夜战争中。这些人不断地死去。 Their bodies died, however their Heroic Spirit actually last forever. This is King of the Night creation law. 他们的身体死了,但是他们的英灵却永存。这是夜之王创造的法则 Whenever Darkness Guard died, his soul will attach in own ally and on own fellow soldier! 每当一个黑暗卫士死去,他的灵魂就将依附在自己的战友、自己的袍泽身上! They follow their ally to fight together. 他们将伴随着自己的战友一同战斗下去。 Guards Fenan together. 一同守卫费南 The war continuously is carrying on, Darkness Guard steadily reduces. 战争不断进行着,黑暗卫士不断减少。 To finally. The war ended, only remaining their 19 individual. 到了最后。战争结束的时候,只剩下了他们十九个人。 On their 19 individual, actually load bearing Heroic Spirit of 10,000 ancient times martyr. 他们十九个人身上,却承载了10000个远古烈士的英灵 Therefore they are invincible. 所以他们战无不胜。 However the war had ended, King of the Night will also leave this world. 但是战争结束了,夜之王也将离开这世界。 Darkness Guard, always only exists for Slaughter, not having King of the Night's to control, they will lose the automatic control ability, they will turn into one crowd only to know Slaughter monster! 黑暗卫士,从来都只为了杀戮而存在,没有夜之王的控制,他们将失去自控能力,他们会变成一群只知道杀戮怪物 In order to protect oneself behind family member, they had sacrificed themselves. 为了保护自己身后的家人,他们牺牲了自己。 Similarly. After the war ended, they stepped into Country of Perpetual Night. 同样的。在战争结束之后,他们踏进了永夜之国 They frozen in Sea of Darkness, forever fell into the deep sleep. 他们将自己冰封在黑暗之海中,永远地陷入了沉睡中。 They distribute the pledge. Only when This World faced with the true terrifying disaster time, if there is a King of the Night's successor to arrive at Sea of Darkness, they will regain consciousness. 他们发下誓言。只有当这个世界面临真正的恐怖灾难的时候,如果有夜之王的继承者来到黑暗之海,他们才会重新苏醒。 This remaining 19 Darkness Guard, will continue to follow the successor to fight! 这剩下的十九黑暗卫士,会继续追随继承者而战! When they live when for Guardianship Fenan, deep sleep to save Strength, regains consciousness now. The goal also has one. 他们生时为了守护费南,沉睡时为了积蓄力量,如今苏醒了。目的也只有一个。 That is protected this piece of them Guardianship the mainland. 那就是保护这片他们曾经守护过的大陆。 Therefore, they do not hesitate all means. 为此,他们不惜一切手段。 Even if with passing of years. Their Strength suppressed fierce. 哪怕伴随着岁月的流逝。它们的力量被压制的很厉害。 Once Legendary, has Second Step now. 曾经的传奇,如今只有二阶了。 However Marvin knows that with passing of time, Darkness Guard Strength will come back. 但是马文知道,伴随着时间的流逝,黑暗卫士力量会重新回来的。 Most five months, they can restore to the Quasi-Legendary stage. 最多五个月,他们就能恢复到准传奇的阶段。 As for whether to promote Legendary once more, is uncertain. 至于能否再次晋升传奇,就不一定了。 He can control all these through Perpetual Night Imprint. 他可以通过永夜印记来控制这一切。 Had these Darkness Guard, his territory, had the genuine foundation! 有了这些黑暗卫士,他的领地,才有了真正的根基! They can come and go out Country of Perpetual Night and some Fenan's definite Coordinate freely, this Coordinate, at present on Marvin. 他们可以自由出入永夜之国费南的某一个确定的坐标,这个坐标,目前在马文身上。 Therefore he can summon directly them from void. 所以他可以直接从虚空中将他们召唤出来。 ...... …… Short eight minutes. 短短八分钟时间。 More than 100 Adventurer, killed cleanness. 100多名冒险者,被杀的干干净净。 Pumpkin, rivers of blood. 南瓜地里,血流成河。 That several households of peasant families, were scared completely. However is good because of Marvin to protect them such does, otherwise the so brutal method, the normal person definitely cannot bear. 那几户农家,完全吓傻了。不过好在马文是为了保护他们才这么做的,否则如此残酷的手段,正常人肯定受不了。 You reorganize corpse.” “你们来整理一下尸体。” The people of Marvin to garrison said: Drew, goes to northern Spider Cave to the White River Valley road which must be taken, builds a checkpoint.” 马文对警备队的人说道:“德鲁,去北方蜘蛛地穴白河谷地的必经之路,建立一个关卡。” Starting today, each application enters White River Valley Adventurer, must undergo the report.” “从今天开始,每一个申请进入白河谷地冒险者,都必须经过报备。” Has defying.” “有违抗者。” Kills.” “杀。” Marvin's each few words, said so is superficial. 马文的每一句话,说的都那么轻描淡写。 However listened in Drew and the others, is actually fearful and apprehensive. 但是在德鲁等人听来,却是心惊肉跳。 Sir, can this be too cruel?” Drew asked cautiously. “大人,这样会不会太残暴了?”德鲁小心翼翼地问。 Marvin has referred to the lands of under foot: This is my territory.” 马文指了指脚下的这片土地:“这是我的领地。” This is I wants the Guardianship place, who dares to act unreasonably, who dies. So is simple.” “这是我要守护的地方,谁敢乱来,谁就去死。就这么简单。” Was right, more than 100 individuals, you borrow several ox carts, gives me to pile to that checkpoint by completely.” “对了,这100多个人,你去借几辆牛车,全部给我堆到那道关卡旁。” I must manufacture Bloody Crucifix.” “我要制作【血色十字架】。” I must from today in the future, without any Adventurer, dare to cause trouble in my White River Valley.” “我要从今天往后,没有任何冒险者,敢在我的白河谷地闹事。” Marvin's expression, categorical. Without any maneuver leeway. 马文的语气,斩钉截铁。没有任何回旋余地。 ...... ( to be continued ) ……(未完待续) ps: Dark Blue Coconut Milk data record: 2015 / 06 / 01 st, you used Burst, You renew four chapters continuously \; 2015 / 06 / 02, your body falls into the weak condition, the price: Renewal detention \; Solution: The love of book friends( monthly ticket support)...... Good, examined the data panel, presents this condition coconut tree not to think. Therefore, stabilizes two today, if everybody monthly ticket is powerful, tomorrow will have Burst! ps:【深蓝椰子汁-数据记录:2015/06/01,你使用了【爆发】,你连续更新四章\;2015/06/02,你的身体陷入虚弱状况,代价:更新延迟\;解决办法:书友们的爱(月票支持)……好吧,查看了一下数据面板,出现这种状况椰子也不想的。所以么,今天稳定两更,如果大家月票给力的话,明天还有爆发咯!
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