NR :: Volume #2

#152: Darkness Guard 【Fourth!】

Before several minutes, Marvin has awakened Country of Perpetual Night Warrior. 几分钟之前,马文唤醒了永夜之国勇士们。 He has not sought for Old Blacksmith, but attempts itself through Perpetual Night Imprint, leaves Country of Perpetual Night. 他并没有寻找老铁匠,而是试图自己通过永夜印记,离开永夜之国 Just, he is first time uses Perpetual Night Imprint after all, therefore in the localization White River Valley process, presented some deviations. 只不过,他毕竟是第一次使用永夜印记,所以在定位白河谷地的过程中,出现了一些偏差。 He is bringing these Warrior, arrived at that piece of jungle between River Beach City and in White River Valley. 他带着这些勇士们,来到了河滩城白河谷地之间的那片密林里。 Helpless Marvin can only lead them to return. 无奈的马文只能带着他们返回。 He does not know one in Country of Perpetual Night these days, outside passed how much time, properly speaking should be not long. 他也不知道自己在永夜之国的这些日子里,外面流逝了多少时间,按理说应该是没有多久的。 When he sees is the weather is the high noon, he realized that some have not suited. 但是当他看到是天色是正午的时候,他就察觉到了一些不对劲。 Time-Flow Speed as if had a problem, this makes him have to sharply hurry back to castle. 时间流速似乎出现了一点问题,这让他不得不急着赶回城堡 Who knew at this time, his suddenly Discovery in own territory border, unexpectedly many a magnificent and expensive motorcade. 谁知道就在这个时候,他突然发现在自己领地的边境上,竟然多了一个如此华贵的车队。 Before the opposite party does not settle down, very has the Noble style actually. 对方驻足不前,倒是挺有贵族风范的。 But that reveals 50% crecent moon flags, made Marvin recall anything. 而那面露出一半的新月旗帜,则让马文回忆起了什么。 But he still in waiting and seeing, inside seems very ominous girl unexpectedly shouts loudly to himself. 只不过他还在观望的时候,里面一个看上去就很凶的女孩子居然对自己大喊大叫。 This made Marvin not be feeling well, immediately counterattacks. 这让马文不爽了,立刻予以还击。 ...... …… „Is this your territory? Are you Marvin that runs around?” “这是你的领地?你就是那个到处乱跑的马文?” The girl incomparably looks at Marvin surprisedly: You in territory, deceived me not to say obviously unexpectedly in!?” 女孩惊讶无比地看着马文:“你明明在领地里,居然还欺骗我说不在!?” Marvin thorough was muddled: What were you saying?” 马文彻底糊涂了:“你到底在说什么?” At this time. Knight discontinues immediately, quick steps arrived in front of Marvin. 就在这个时候。一名骑士立刻下马,疾步来到了马文面前。 He good a standard Knight courtesy: Sir Marvin of respect, we come from the Ravis Dukedom motorcade.” 他行了一个标准的骑士礼节:“尊敬的马文大人,我们是来自拉维斯公国的车队。” I am this line of Chief Knight Leader. Oren. Please allow that I reported to you, the young lady on carriage, honored Ms. Daniela she was your cousin.” “我是此行的首席骑士长奥伦。请容许我向您介绍一下,马车上的这位小姐,尊贵的丹妮拉女士她是您的表妹。” Meanwhile, she is also your fiancee. We come on behalf of the Ravis Dukedom imperial family, before visited your castle, we knew you not in territory, therefore waited outside.” “同时,她也是您的未婚妻。我们是代表拉维斯公国皇室而来,之前在拜访您的城堡的时候,我们得知您不在领地内,所以在外等候。” You as if return from River Beach City evidently. Therefore does not know that this matter is also very normal.” “看样子您似乎是从河滩城那边返回。所以不知道这件事情也是很正常的。” The Oren manner is friendly, elegant bearing. Likely true Knight. 奥伦的态度非常友好,风度翩翩。像个真正的骑士 Compared with him, Daniela on carriage appeared a little petty. 和他比起来,马车上的丹妮拉就显得有点小家子气了。 After Marvin listened, immediately a brow wrinkle. He has rubbed the temples: 马文听了之后,顿时眉头一皱。他揉了揉太阳穴: Wait / Etc., what did you say?” “等等,你说什么?” Another fiancee? Moreover my cousin?” “又一个未婚妻?而且还是我的表妹?” Has not waited for the Knight Oren reply. Daniela then cannot bear asks fierce: 还没等骑士奥伦回答。丹妮拉便忍不住厉声问道: What is Another fiancee?” “什么叫【又一个未婚妻】?” „Did you have other woman?” “难道你已经有别的女人了?” Marvin becomes silent. He thought that he does not have the means and this cunning and unreasonable woman communication. 马文默然无语。他觉得自己是没办法和这个刁蛮的女人沟通的。 He went to Oren the vision. 他把目光投向了奥伦 The latter is also somewhat helpless, he can only look to Marvin: „Does Sir Marvin, you want to make me give you to explain here clearly?” 后者也是有些无奈,他只能看向马文:“马文大人,难道您想让我在这里给您解释清楚么?” Marvin had also realized some are not right. 马文也意识到了有些不对。 This time he has also thought that the ajar crecent moon flag, indeed is the flag of Ravis Dukedom imperial family. 此时的他也已经想起来了,半掩的新月旗帜,的确是拉维斯公国皇室的旗帜。 Initially Zhu that fake goods came territory time, has not held the flag actually, but said in the name in private visiting. 当初那个冒牌货来领地的时候,倒是没有打出旗帜,只是说以私下拜访的名义而来。 Marvin took a fast look around one carefully this motorcade. 马文仔细扫视了一遍这个车队。 including Oren, these Knight seem well-trained. 包括奥伦在内,这些骑士看上去都训练有素。 The White River Valley garrison, absolutely is not their matches. 白河谷地的警备队,绝对不是他们的对手。 If before. His some words of worry, present he, has not needed to be so discrete actually. 如果是之前。他还有些顾虑的话,现在的他,倒是不需要那么谨慎了。 At that moment he thinks. Said: Such being the case, everyone first goes to my castle.” 当下他想了想。说道:“既然如此,诸位就先去我的城堡吧。” Before I indeed in territory, did not have any matter, we can discuss in detail.” “之前我的确不在领地,有什么事情,我们可以详细谈。” Oren nodded, starts to speak but hesitates saying: Must give you a horse......” 奥伦点了点头,欲言又止道:“要不要给您一匹马……” Marvin smiled, apologized the good intention of opposite party: Temporarily does not need.” 马文笑了笑,谢过了对方的好意:“暂时不需要。” Said. No matter he also Daniela look, direct acceleration. Flushes away in the castle direction. 说罢。他也不管丹妮拉的眼神,直接一个加速。往城堡方向冲去。 His speed was much faster, suddenly on Vanish on hill. 他的速度快得吓人,眨眼间就消失在了山岗上。 Good fierce skill.” Oren has profound respect immediately. “好厉害的身手。”奥伦顿时肃然起敬。 Anything. Completely is a child.” Daniela disdain said: We walk, Knight Oren.” “什么嘛。完全就是个毛孩子。”丹妮拉不屑地说:“我们走吧,奥伦骑士。” Yes, Young lady.” “是,小姐。” The carriage starts slowly, the motorcade from Ravis Dukedom drives into the White River Valley boundary finally. 马车缓缓开动,来自拉维斯公国的车队终于驶入白河谷地的地界。 ...... …… Marvin, fast is going through in territory. 马文独自一人,快速地在领地中穿行着。 He prepares to return to castle ahead of time, asks Wayne and Anna outcome what's the matter. 他准备提前返回城堡,问问维尼安娜究竟是怎么回事。 Who knows that at this time, the White River Valley northeast, suddenly had some conditions! 谁知道就在这个时候,白河谷地的东北方,突然出现了一些状况! Marvin saw large quantities of Adventurer are building up, but few individual garrisons anxiously are also dealing. 马文看到了大批的冒险者在集结,而寥寥几个人的警备队也在紧张地应对。 What situation? The person and on Adventurer of bar garrison?” “什么情况?警备队的人和冒险者杠上了?” In the Marvin heart sinks. 马文心中一沉。 At this time, had this matter unexpectedly. 在这种时候,居然发生这种事情。 This has a little gone beyond his expectation. 这有点超出了他的预料。 Properly speaking, since knows that after having Constantine assumes personal command, Adventurer were law-abiding. 按理来说,自从知道有康斯坦丁坐镇之后,冒险者们都安分了很多。 Today this what's the matter? 今天这又是怎么回事? Cannot allow him to think that the Adventurer number of that batch of building up has surpassed 100! 容不得他多想,那批集结的冒险者数目超过了100! The garrisons are overwhelmed by sheer numbers, Drew, he seemed also persuading anything, however these arbitrary Adventurer were completely mindless, they were pushing and shoving the member of garrison provocatively! 警备队寡不敌众,德鲁也在其中,他似乎在劝说着什么,然而那些蛮横的冒险者完全不讲理,他们挑衅般地推搡着警备队的队员! A Marvin heart anger, overtook immediately. 马文心头一怒,立马赶了过去。 ...... …… The north side of several farmhouses, are one piece also calculates the open land. 几家农舍的北边,是一片还算开阔的土地。 On the land the type has filled the pumpkin, but these Adventurer are wantonly is actually destroying all. Several ordinary residents look panic-stricken these uncouthly barbaric people intrude the pumpkin place, actually does not dare to stop. 土地上种满了南瓜,但是那些冒险者却是在大肆地破坏着一切。几个普通的居民惊恐地看着这些粗鲁野蛮的人闯入南瓜地,却不敢阻拦。 To the appearance of garrison, cannot prevent them. 一直到警备队的出现,都没能阻止他们。 Stop! Are you doing!” “住手!你们在干嘛!” Drinks to resound severely, Marvin rushed to the scene immediately. 一声厉喝响起,马文顿时就冲到了现场。 He fixes the eyes on looked that this batch of Adventurer have over a hundred people fully, and harbors evil intentions obviously! 他定睛一看,这批冒险者足有上百人,而且明显不怀好意! I am White River Valley Landgraf Marvin, are actually you doing!” “我是白河谷地领主马文,你们究竟在干嘛!” Facing these many Adventurer, Marvin does not have any to fear intent, his vision looks straight ahead several obviously is leading Adventurer, asked severely. 面对这么多冒险者,马文却是没有任何惧意,他目光直视几个明显是带头的冒险者,严厉地质问道。 Drew saw Marvin to come, came to say immediately in a low voice: Sir Marvin, I also just arrived, this group of people are newly arrived, they seem cause trouble intentionally...... Wants me to inform Sir Constantine?” 德鲁马文过来了,立马过来低声说:“马文大人,我也是刚到,这批人是新来的,他们看上去是故意来闹事的……要不要我通知康斯坦丁大人?” Does not use.” “不用了。” Marvin waved, goes forward once more one step. 马文挥了挥手,再次上前一步。 In this time Savage Lands Development Decree, I early have the explanation.” “这次的蛮荒开拓令中,我早有说明。” If there is Adventurer to dare to destroy my territory Order, I do not appease.” “如有冒险者胆敢破坏我的领地秩序,我绝不姑息。” I give the opportunity that you one time explained.” “我给你们一次解释的机会。” His all alone, as if behind has the mighty force. 他孤身一人,却仿佛身后有千军万马。 That Adventurer of several lead looks at each other one, in the eye flashes through color of the disdaining in abundance: „Are you Marvin?” 那几个带头的冒险者对视一眼,眼里纷纷闪过一丝不屑之色:“你就是马文?” We do not want to do. But wants to pick a pumpkin to eat.” “我们也不想干什么。只不过想摘点南瓜吃而已。” In your recruiting list does not have us, we came, does not have the thing to eat, naturally can only begin.” “您的招募名单上没有我们,我们来了,却没有东西吃,自然只能自己动手了。” Then, that helps Adventurer yacket immediately. 说罢,那帮冒险者顿时哄堂大笑起来。 Marvin shook the head: I have given you opportunity.” 马文摇了摇头:“我已经给过你们机会了。” The next second, in his eye flashes through one to kill intent: 下一秒,他的眼里闪过一丝杀意: Dark bodyguard, does not remain.” “暗黑卫士,一个不留。” His, appears suddenly a 19 big person's shadow! 他的身后,突然浮现出十九个高大的人影来! Everyone 's shadow, unemotionally, they grasp the great sword, initiated Charge to over a hundred Adventurer fiercely! 每一个人影,都面无表情,他们手持巨剑,猛地冲着上百个冒险者发起了冲锋 ...... ( to be continued ) ……(未完待续)
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