NR :: Volume #2

#151: Perpetual Night Imprint 【Third!】

This is how possible!” “这怎么可能!” Actually what's the matter?” “究竟是怎么回事?” I will be why old these many!” “为什么我会老了这么多!” Marvin incomparably looks in pond water panic-stricken, his trying hard makes itself calm! 马文惊恐无比地看着潭水里的自己,他努力让自己镇定下来! Data panel! 数据面板! He could not see his data panel. 他看不见自己的数据面板了。 Slightly in the Marvin heart decides is illusion spell? 马文心中稍定难道是幻术 However what can illusion spell, be hoodwinked including the data panel by oneself? 但是什么样的幻术,能让自己连数据面板都被蒙蔽了呢? He can feel that his vitality bit by bit is passing. 他能感觉得到,自己的生命力正在一点一点流逝。 Every time walks one step toward the mountain on, is older. 每往山上走一步,就苍老一些。 This where is Endless Mountains, clearly was the mountain of death! 这哪里是无尽之山,分明是死亡之山! Marvin's at heart, first time had the surprised uncertain mood. 马文的心里,第一次出现了惊疑不定的情绪。 This situation is very rare. 这种情况很少见。 Since crossing over, no matter in any situation, he can on various records with the aid of data panel distinguish the thing. 自从穿越以来,不管什么情况下,他都能借助数据面板上的各种记录来分辨事物。 However on this strange Endless Mountains, he unexpectedly including examining the ability of data panel lost. 但是在这座诡异的无尽之山上,他竟然连查看数据面板的能力都失去了。 This outcome what's the matter? 这究竟是怎么回事? He caught the eye to look at that mountain, the mountain has been silent, still could not look at the end. 他抬眼看了看那座山,高山沉默不语,依然是望不到尽头。 Marvin has rested a while, recovered some energy reluctantly. 马文休息了一会儿,勉强恢复了一些体力。 He has settled down moment by pond water, finally clenched teeth, has made own decision. 他在潭水旁驻足了片刻,最终咬了咬牙,做出了自己的决定。 No matter what, since have chosen this road, can only go forward, cannot retrocede. 不管怎么样,既然自己选了这条路,就只能前进,不能后退。 Dies does not draw back. 死也不退。 I do not believe that King of the Night will set up the death checkpoint to deal with the successor together!” “我就不信了,夜之王会设置一道死亡关卡来对付后来人!” Marvin has been ready for any sacrifice, he no longer manages himself on the unceasing senility. But gradually, crawls strenuously upwardly. 马文豁出去了,他不再去管自己身上不断的衰老。而是一步一步,吃力地向上爬去。 ...... …… By the stove, Old Blacksmith stopped hammering. 火炉旁,老铁匠已经停止打铁了。 They incomparably see the Marvin tiny form heavily. Is climbing on that mountain unceasingly! 两人沉重无比地看着马文渺小的身影。在那座山上不断攀登着! This is also the Endless Mountains of their first experience to myths! 这也是他们第一次见识到传说中的无尽之山 „Really is this, real?” O'Brien somewhat anxiously asked: Why I felt his vitality to pass really crazily!” “这,真是真的吗?”奥布雷恩有些紧张地问:“为什么我感受到了他的生命力真的在疯狂地流逝!” Old Blacksmith becomes silent. 老铁匠默然无语。 I have not looked at the related record!” “我没有看过相关的记载!” Anybody has not arrived at Marvin this step.” “没有任何人走到马文这一步。” He seems indeed unceasingly senile, crawls again some time, he will turn into a hoary-headed old person.” “他看上去的确正在不断地衰老,再爬一段时间,他就会变成一个白发苍苍的老人。” O'Brien said decidedly: I cannot make him die here.” 奥布雷恩决然道:“我不能让他死在这里。” If this is also part of test?” Old Blacksmith asked back: clear(ly) knew is the test, but faced the threat of death, particularly looks helplessly one aged rapidly, was this matter that few people can accept?” “如果这也是考验的一部分呢?”老铁匠反问道:“明知道是考验,但是面对死亡的威胁,尤其是眼睁睁地看着自己迅速变老,这是很少有人能接受的事情吧?” „But if this is not test. But is King of the Night before him violates the penalty of rule?” “可是如果这不是考验。而是夜之王对他之前违背规则的惩罚呢?” O'Brien knit the brows to say. 奥布雷恩皱眉说。 Old Blacksmith has gotten hold of the fist, has not spoken again. 老铁匠握紧了拳头,没有再说话。 In his eye filled worried. 他的眼里充满了担忧。 Because he does not know. Then will have anything! 因为他也不知道。接下来会发生什么! ...... …… On Endless Mountains, Marvin is still climbing. 无尽之山上,马文依然在攀登。 In his brain has put behind all matters, or he has thrown other matters after the brain. 他脑子里已经忘却一切事情,或者说,他已经把其他事情都抛在了脑后。 He only remembers a matter. 他只记得一件事情。 That insisted. 那就是坚持。 This road is elects. Must walk. 这条路是自己选的。一定要走完。 Even if bets own life. 哪怕赌上自己的命。 , His body senile speed starts to speed up gradually. 渐渐的,他的身体衰老速度开始加快。 Crossed one, he rests once more time, he saw oneself hair turned grayly. 过了一阵,他再次休息的时候,他看到了自己头发已经变成了花白。 His whole body flesh corrugation, body starts to reduce, the bone becomes frail. 他浑身肌肤都起皱,身体开始缩小,骨头变得脆弱。 Continues upward to walk, the time that he rests became a lot. 继续往上走,他休息的时间变得多了起来。 Luckily this mountain is not steep, sometimes, even is very gentle. 幸亏这座山并不陡峭,有些时候,甚至很平缓。 Marvin that otherwise pants. Was impossible to continue to go forward again. 否则气喘吁吁的马文。根本不可能再继续前进了。 He is dragging the old and frail body, step by step, upward walks. 他拖着苍老而脆弱的身体,一步步,往上走。 Gradually. A marvelous feeling raises from his heart. 渐渐的。一种奇妙的感觉自他心中升起。 His soul has as if been separated *. He looks that his body crawls slowly upwardly, then throws down on the mountain. 他的灵魂仿佛脱离了*。他看着自己的身体缓缓地向上爬去,然后摔倒在山上。 He flutters in the mountain, looks that own corpse makes decent gradually, the person the skin removes, finally, the bleached bone also turned into fine powder. 他飘荡在山中,看着自己的尸体渐渐风化,人皮褪去,最后,就连枯骨也变成了齑粉 He changed into a body with this mountain. 他和这座山化为了一体。 Really. Such died?” “真的。就这么死了?” Ignorant, he did not have means maintains the sobriety of brains. 浑浑噩噩之间,他已经没办法保持头脑的清醒。 However he is still approaching. 然而他依然在向上去。 His soul. Still is spelling to try, proceeds, does not retrocede. 他的灵魂。依然在拼尽全力,往前走,决不后退。 At this time, a sound suddenly resounded in his moral nature: 就在这个时候,一个声音突然在他心底响起: What significance does this have? This senseless insistence, is impossible to succeed.” “这有什么意义呢?这种无谓的坚持,是不可能成功的。” Marvin is blurry, does not know how should reply him. 马文迷迷糊糊的,不知道该怎么回答他。 He continues to flutter upwardly. 他只是继续向上飘荡。 His such manner as if angered dark that to exist formidable. 他这样的态度似乎惹怒了冥冥中的那个强大存在。 Strong winds blow, almost blows off his soul! 一阵狂风吹来,差点把他的灵魂吹散! , He sobers suddenly. 陡然间,他清醒过来。 That sound resounds once more: What significance does this have?” 那个声音再次响起:“这有什么意义呢?” What significance has? 有什么意义? Marvin is thinking at heart silently: „It is not each insisted that is meaningful.” 马文在心里默默地想到:“不是每一个坚持,都必须要有意义的。” Since has made the decision, must walk.” “既然做了决定,就一定要走下去。” His soul becomes more and more weak, almost must dissipate in the wind. 他的灵魂变得越来越虚弱,几乎要消散在风中了。 At this time, in darkness suddenly presented golden light! 就在这个时候,黑暗中突然出现了一道金光! Golden grand eagle circles in flight from high skies, in the world suddenly becomes light. 一只金色的巨鹰高天上飞旋而下,天地间陡然变得一片光明。 Entire Country of Perpetual Night, first time blooms such brilliance, grand eagle feather is splendid, it illuminated all! 整个永夜之国,第一次绽放出这样的光辉,巨鹰身上的羽毛熠熠生辉,它把一切都照亮了! It flies fast, held Marvin. 它快速飞下,一把抓住了马文 The next second, it is fanning the wing suddenly, in the rapid flight toward the sky goes! 下一秒,它猛然扇动着翅膀,往天空上疾飞而去! grand eagle brought Marvin to pass through the thick cloud layer. 巨鹰带着马文穿越了厚厚的云层。 This time, rises a distance every time, Marvin felt that own vitality were also many. 这一次,每上升一段距离,马文就感觉自己的生命力又多了一些。 His * came back, was the hair changes the original color, his wrinkle also started Vanish. 他的*回来了,然后是头发重新变回了原来的颜色,他的皱纹也开始消失 His brains become clear. 他的头脑变得清晰起来。 grand eagle holds him gently, he can see all sorts of sceneries in dark cloud easily! 巨鹰轻轻抓住他,他能轻易看到乌云中的种种景色! In a piece with imagination gloomy different, in cloud unexpectedly evade colorful. 和想象中的一片灰暗不同,云里竟然闪烁着五颜六色。 Marvin cannot see clearly that is anything. However he thinks very beautiful. 马文看不清那是什么。但是他觉得很美。 Passes through the final cloud layer, he gained ground, saw mountaintop. 穿越最终的云层,他抬头,看见了山顶 Originally Endless Mountains. Also has the end eventually.” “原来无尽之山。终究也是有尽头的。” He is thinking time, grand eagle accelerates suddenly, then has placed mountaintop him gently. 他这么想着的时候,巨鹰陡然加速,然后轻轻将他放在了山顶 He stands in Endless Mountains mountaintop, bird's eye view all, a distant place piece of jet black sea, is silent. 他站在无尽之山山顶,俯瞰一切,远方一片漆黑的海,寂静无声。 At this time, an eye from darkness in bright. 就在这个时候,一双眼睛自黑暗中亮起。 Marvin knows. That is King of the Night's will. 马文知道。那是夜之王的意志 Finally bet right!” “终于赌对了!” He looks at all that in data panel records, has gotten hold of the fist excitedly! 他看着数据面板里记录的一切,兴奋地握紧了拳头! ...... …… By stove. Sees has not known that many great storms Night Traveler two generations of Leader do not know should say anything. 火炉旁。见过不知道多少大风大浪的夜行人两代首领已经不知道该说什么了。 They lost the Marvin's trail. Since that moment that since grand eagle leaves, they know that Marvin succeeded. 他们已经失去了马文的踪迹。自从巨鹰出的那一刻起,他们就知道,马文成功了。 He obtained the King of the Night's affirmation. 他获得了夜之王的肯定。 Because of that only grand eagle, they knew. 因为那只巨鹰,他们认识。 He is one of the King of the Night best partners. 他是夜之王最好的伙伴之一。 After King of the Night leaves. grand eagle forever entered Country of Perpetual Night. He pledged forever Guardianship here. 夜之王离开之后。巨鹰则永远地进入了永夜之国。他发誓永远守护这里。 It seems like my retirement is not far.” O'Brien has self-ridiculed one: You said is very right, he really out of the ordinary.” “看来我离退休不远了。”奥布雷恩自嘲了一句:“你说的很对,他真的与众不同。” He can be competent the Night Traveler's Leader position.” “他能胜任夜行人的首领位置。” However Old Blacksmith has actually patted his shoulder: Also is not the time.” 然而老铁匠却是拍了拍他的肩膀:“还不是时候。” Marvin is our hopes, he will be in the future.” 马文是我们的希望,他是未来。” However you, are our present. Present Night Traveler and Fenan Continent, without you, lost a very important pillar. You understand.” “而你,是我们的现在。现在的夜行人费南大陆,没有你,就失去了一个非常重要的支柱。你明白的。” O'Brien nodded. 奥布雷恩点了点头。 Makes us have a look at Marvin this boy, but can also create many miracles.” “让我们看看马文这小子,还能创造多少奇迹吧。” ...... …… mountaintop, that eye and Marvin have looked at each other for a long time. 山顶,那双眼睛和马文对视了许久。 That low and deep sound resounds once more: „Are you my heir?” 那个低沉的声音再次响起:“你就是我的继承人?” Marvin said seriously: I do not know. This depends on you.” 马文一本正经地说:“我不知道。这取决于您。” The eye sparkled, finally said: You adopted the test. Inherits my thing with the qualifications.” 眼睛闪了闪,最终说道:“你通过了考验。用资格继承我的东西。” The next second, that eye merged into one organic whole, turned into an unusual mark. Integrated the Marvin's chest. 下一秒,那双眼睛融为一体,化成了一个奇特的印记。融入了马文的胸口。 In his mind were many immediately memory about this mark. 他的脑海里顿时多了一些关于这个印记的记忆。 The name of this mark was called Perpetual Night Imprint. 这个印记的名字叫【永夜印记】。 It is the status symbol of King of the Night true heir. 它是夜之王真正继承人的身份象征。 Had Perpetual Night Imprint, he can come and go out Country of Perpetual Night freely! 有了永夜印记,他可以自由出入永夜之国 Moreover in Country of Perpetual Night, he can also the Summon Grand Eagle Bellas help. 而且在永夜之国内,他还可以召唤巨鹰贝拉斯帮忙。 Makes him feel what is pleasantly surprised, entered that flash of his within the body in Perpetual Night Imprint, King of the Night gives back to him to increase temporary Blessing! 更让他感到惊喜的是,就在永夜印记进入他体内的那一瞬间,夜之王还给他增加了一个临时的祝福 This temporary Blessing effect terrifying is incomparable! 这个临时祝福的效果恐怖无比! King of the Night's temporary Blessing: Strength + 15, Constitution + 15( continues for three minutes)】 夜之王的临时祝福:力量+15、体质+15(持续三分钟)】 Has three minutes! 只有三分钟! Always thought Agility Marvin immediately understood all. 向来思维敏捷马文立刻就明白了一切。 The next second, he utilizes Perpetual Night Imprint. Rapid Summon Grand Eagle Bellas! 下一秒,他运用永夜印记。迅速召唤巨鹰贝拉斯 Under the Marvin's summon. grand eagle dive , a Marvin stride. Jumped carrying on the back of grand eagle. 马文的呼唤下。巨鹰俯冲而下,马文一个跨步。跳到了巨鹰的背上。 We go to Sea of Darkness!” “我们去黑暗之海!” Marvin is touching on the grand eagle neck the soft feather, so said. 马文抚摸着巨鹰脖子上柔软的羽毛,如此说道。 sōu! 嗖! Golden grand eagle just like the sharp knife blade, has broken out all together, flies toward Sea of Darkness! 金色的巨鹰宛如一道利刃,劈开了一切,往黑暗之海飞去! ...... …… After one minute, grand eagle descends on the beach. 一分钟后,巨鹰降落在海滩上。 Near the beach, is inserting a handle heavy incomparable stone dagger. 海滩边上,插着一柄沉重无比的石剑。 Through Perpetual Night Imprint, Marvin knew this function of sword. 通过永夜印记,马文知道了这把剑的作用。 Two minutes......” “还有两分钟……” Strength and Constitution addition has the time limit! 力量体质的加成是有时间限制的! He must fight a battle to force a quick decision! 他必须速战速决! Thinks of here, Marvin rushed to that immediately the stone dagger edge, grasps the sword hilt, will have pulled out maliciously! 想到这里,马文立刻冲到了那把石剑边缘,一把握住剑柄,将之狠狠地拔了出来! This is very heavy the sword, does not have these 15 Strength that King of the Night increases, Marvin is impossible to pull out it! 这把剑很重,没有夜之王增加的这15点力量,马文是不可能将它拔出来的! Stone dagger any attribute, above has not had a special effect. 石剑没有任何属性,上面只有一条特效。 That breaks out Sea of Darkness! 那就是劈开黑暗之海 Marvin deeply inspires, through Perpetual Night Imprint, he can feel that the stone dagger was responding to itself. 马文深吸一口气,通过永夜印记,他能感觉到石剑在回应自己。 The next second, he rushes to seashore, a sword has divided maliciously. 下一秒,他冲到海边,一剑狠狠地劈了下去。 The sea water caves in immediately. 海水顿时塌陷。 The terrifying rough sea waves separate from both sides! 恐怖的巨浪自两旁分开! The Petrify photographs, raise from the sea in slowly! 一个个石化的人像,缓缓地自海中升起! A 19 deep sleep does not know that many years Warrior, regain consciousness finally once more! 十九个沉睡了不知道多少年的勇士,终于再次苏醒! The stone dagger falls to the ground, Warrior open both eyes, is gazing at Marvin. 石剑落地,勇士们纷纷睁开双眼,注视着马文 Their knee kneels down only, just like treated King of the Night such in the past. 他们单膝跪下,正如当年对待夜之王那样。 Perhaps they did not have the deep sleep beforehand Legendary strength now, but they are still invincible Warrior. 或许他们现在已经没有了沉睡之前的传奇实力,但是他们依然是战无不胜的勇士 Marvin long vented anger. 马文长长地出了一口气。 Had these true Warrior. 有了这些真正的勇士 This campaign, he won! 这场战役,他赢定了! ...... …… What?!” “什么?!” White River Valley Baron Marvin not in territory?” 白河谷地马文男爵不在领地?” In cool carriage, a girl knitting the brows head of wear magnificent and expensive women's clothing: Does not want to see me not to borrow me, inferior can such excuse also look?” 清凉的马车内,一个穿着华贵衣裙的女孩皱了皱眉头:“不想见我就不想借我,这么蹩脚的借口也找得出来?” Does not know how really the father thinks, wants to marry this countryside place me unexpectedly!” “真不知道父亲是怎么想的,竟然想把我嫁到这种乡下地方来!” Knight outside carriage said temperately: Young lady appeases anger. This reason a little has indeed been perfunctory, but the subordinate heard that this Sir Marvin, as if indeed likes running all over the place outside.” 马车外的骑士温和地说:“小姐息怒。这个理由的确有点太敷衍了,但是属下听说,这位马文大人,似乎的确喜欢在外面乱跑。” „The master below order, we are personally impossible to violate, therefore, we here waited a while.” “老爷亲自下的命令,我们不可能违反,所以,我们还是在这里等一会儿好了。” Waited, when goes?” The girl is not feeling well very much said: If for that thing, I am not willing to come to this damned place!” “等等等,等到什么时候去?”女孩很不爽地说道:“如果不是为了那件东西,我才不愿意来这种鬼地方呢!” Young lady needs Patience.” Knight said with a smile: In the past the grandfather of Sir Marvin has stolen away that most precious object in household, alone leaves Ravis. We found many places, could not find.” “小姐还是需要一点耐心。”骑士笑道:“当年马文大人的祖父偷走了家族里的那件至宝,独自离开拉维斯。我们找了很多地方,都找不到。” Has not thought that this time had found his descendant, must treat carefully.” “没想到这次找到了他的后裔,一定要小心对待。” No matter what, we must look for that treasure. Like this you can transfer to the master.” “不管怎么样,我们都必须要把那件宝物找回来。这样您才能给老爷一个交待。” The girl could not bear say: Or do we snatch?” 女孩忍不住说:“要不我们去抢过来吧?” I thought in any case this territory does not have many people, it is estimated that does not have expert. By our Knight, can attack and occupy this castle very much easily. Then slowly looks.” “反正我看这个领地也没多少人,估计没有高手的。以我们的骑士,可以很轻易地攻占这个城堡。然后再慢慢找。” The Knight bursting out laughing smiles: 骑士哑然而笑: Young lady, no matter what, Sir Marvin is also the Clylande Household descendant.” “小姐,不管怎么说,马文大人也是克里兰德家族的后裔。” Although his grandfather made mistakes, but this mistake has nothing to do with him, he possibly does not know this matter.” “虽说他祖父犯了错,但这个错误和他无关,他可能都不知道这件事情呢。” Said again, from blood relationship, he with your bloodline most intimate elder brother.” “再说了,从血缘上来看,他可是和您血脉最亲近的哥哥呢。” According to the household custom, you get married, is the ironclad fact. Do you want to attack your fiance's castle really?” “按照家族规矩,你们两个成婚,也是铁定的事实。你真的要攻打自己的未婚夫的城堡吗?” The girl becomes silent, can only thrash the carriage cushion with fist furiously. 女孩默然无语,只能用拳头奋力地捶打马车坐垫。 At this time, a person passed through from the motorcade, visits them curiously. 就在这个时候,一个人从车队旁走过,好奇地看着他们。 The girl is not feeling well shouts: What looks at to look!?” 女孩不爽地喊道:“看什么看!?” Marvin is stunned: My territory, can't I look?” 马文愕然:“我的领地,我难道不能看了?” ...... ( to be continued ) ……(未完待续) ps: Third, 3500 +. Being late again also has one chapter! ps:第三更,3500+。再晚点还有一章!
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