NR :: Volume #2

#150: Sage, Ruling King and powerhouse 【Second!】

That is monster of headman surface beast body. 那是一头人面兽身的怪物 It calmly lies on the ground, two eyes have the Marvin's fist to be so big. Side the monster, is inserting a worn-out iron sword. 它静静地趴在地上,两只眼睛有马文的拳头那么大。在怪兽身旁,插着一把破旧的铁剑。 Three roads, spread slowly behind it. 三条路,在它背后缓缓蔓延开来。 Each road, as if leads to the different directions. 每一条路,都似乎通往不同的方向。 Marvin deeply inspires. 马文深吸一口气。 Road of Thorns arrived here, basically was the final stage. 荆棘之路走到这里,基本上就是最后的阶段了。 The pain and dread passed. 痛苦和恐惧都已经过去。 Then is Choice. 接下来是【抉择】。 ...... …… Your good Marvin.” “你好马文。” The monster mouth spits the criticism, however its sound very ice-cold. 怪兽口吐人言,但是它的声音非常冰冷。 Let the person, as soon as listens all over the body to live coldly. 让人一听就通体生寒。 Marvin does not know this monster name, but he knows that it follows orders Guardianship here. 马文不认识这个怪物的名字,但是他知道,它是奉命守护这里的。 If not pass through his permission, does not have the means to adopt Road of Thorns last. 如果不经过他的允许,就没办法通过荆棘之路的最后一段。 Therefore he also walked, before arriving at the monster body: Hello, Sir.” 于是他也走了过去,来到了怪兽身前:“你好,先生。” Sir? I like this name.” The monster with that grand dragon claw flexure behind, there, two tenacious wings was drawing. “先生?我喜欢这个称呼。”怪兽用那巨龙般的爪子挠了挠背后,在那里,两对坚韧的翅膀收拢着。 It seems, this is a quite formidable fellow. 看上去,这是一个相当强大的家伙。 As Night Traveler, since you have arrived here, that showed that you have the Patience strength resistance pain, has willpower to resist dread.” “作为一名夜行人,既然你已经走到了这里,那就证明你有忍耐力对抗痛苦,有意志力对抗恐惧。” But wants to inherit the King of the Night's inheritance, is not that simple.” “但是想要继承夜之王的遗产,可不是那么简单的。” What is well-known, you want to obtain something, must give up.” “众所周知的是,你想要得到一些东西,就必须放弃一些。” Told me your choice.” “告诉我你的抉择吧。” The ice-cold expression of monster is still continuing. 怪兽的冰冷语气还在继续。 It spoke a few words every time. Marvin all over the body ice-cold, however he slowly is approaching. 它每说一句话。马文都通体冰冷,然而他还是在缓缓地靠近。 He walks is very slow, step is very stable. 他走的很慢,步伐很稳定。 Choice? What choice?” Marvin asked something already known. “抉择?什么样的抉择?”马文明知故问。 Actually he in the previous generation in Night Traveler expert public a video had already looked at the similar scene. He also knows meaning that the monster back three roads represent. 其实他早就在前世的时候一位夜行人高手公开的视频里看过相似的场景了。他也知道怪兽背后三条路代表的含义。 That expert, initially halted in this. He has made the choice, was failed. 那位高手,当初就是止步于此。他做出了选择,然后失败了。 Afterward many people were discussing that should make what kind of choice, however looked like in Marvin, actually the thoughts of all people entered an erroneous zone. 后来很多人都在讨论,应该做出怎样的抉择,但是在马文看来,其实所有人的思维都进入了一个误区。 If he is that Night Traveler, or changes an extremely careful player. Perhaps can handle this First Step section Quest. 如果他是那位夜行人,或者换一个极为细心的玩家。说不定就能搞定这一阶段的任务了。 Ancestors time he did not have means attempt, because he was not Night Traveler. This, he can try his choice actually whether is correct. 上辈子的时候他没办法尝试,因为他不是夜行人。这一世,他倒是可以试试自己的选择是否是正确的了。 Therefore he has been approaching. 所以他一直在靠近。 ...... …… The both eyes of monster closely are staring at Marvin: I will tell the significance that you my behind each path represent.” 怪兽的双目紧紧盯着马文:“我会告诉你我身后的每一条道路所代表的意义。” You cannot each road walk, you can only choose a road.” “你不能每条路都走,你只能选择其中一条路。” The next second, starts from the leftmost path. The clear and stirring pictures have reappeared in front of Marvin's. 下一秒,从最左边的道路开始。一个个清晰而震撼人心的画面浮现过马文的面前。 The first article the road, is Sage's Road. 第一条路,是圣贤之路 The end point of this road, was the ancient times worthy people of former times. They spare no sacrifice themselves, Guardianship entire Fenan. 这条路的终点,就是远古先贤。他们不惜牺牲自己,守护整个费南 Steps this road, means that followed ancient times the Sage's footsteps, undertook the Guardianship entire Fenan world the responsibility. 踏上这条路,就意味着追随远古圣贤的脚步,承担起守护整个费南世界的责任。 This is a very difficult path! 这是一条非常艰难的道路! Initially King of the Night, walked is this road. 当初夜之王,走的就是这条路。 ...... …… Sage's Road. Will he elect such?” 圣贤之路。他会这么选吗?” By stove, around Night Traveler two generations of Leader vision staring distant places. 火炉旁,夜行人前后两代首领目光凝视远方。 O'Brien cannot bear ask. 奥布雷恩忍不住问道。 They can see Marvin to arrive at the three-road junction, faced with the interpellation of monster. 他们能看见马文来到了三岔路口,面临怪物的质询。 Does not know.” Shien is still the appearance of unemotionally. I thought that he will not choose this road.” “不知道。”希恩依然是面无表情的样子。“不过我觉得他不会选这条路。” This boy is far from Saint.” “这小子绝非圣人。” O'Brien shrugs: Does not elect well. Initially I had chosen Sage's Road, was failed.” 奥布雷恩耸了耸肩:“不选也好。当初我就是选了圣贤之路,然后失败了。” ...... …… I reject.” Marvin said decisively. “我拒绝。”马文果断地说。 I had self-knowledge, was not the material of Sage.” “我有自知之明,并非圣贤之材。” Monster slow. In both eyes flood an extraordinary splendor: Is very good, then, makes me give you to demonstrate the second road.” 怪兽缓了缓。双目中泛起一丝异彩:“很好,那么,就让我给你展示第二条路。” The first article road Vanish in Marvin's vision end. 第一条路消失马文的目光尽头。 The second article on the road, flood lifts heavy objects the heavy ripples. 第二条路上,泛起重重涟漪。 White River Valley and River Beach City, as well as strange and familiar new port appears in the Marvin's field of vision. 白河谷地河滩城、以及一个陌生又熟悉的新港口出现在马文的视野里。 He saw Old Steward, he saw many White River Valley residents, he also saw the members of garrison are bustling about. 他看到了老管家,他看到了很多白河谷地的居民,他还看到了警备队的成员正在忙碌。 This is your territory. This is your subject.” “这是你的领地。这是你的臣民。” You cannot the Guardianship entire world, that. Can a Guardianship side be also good.” “你不能守护整个世界,那么。能守护一方也是好的。” Therefore this second road, is Ruler's Road.” “所以这第二条路,就是君王之路。” Ruler's Road. 君王之路 Means that you need Guardianship, is not the entire mainland, but is own territory. 意味着你需要守护的,不是整个大陆,而是自己的领土。 All subjects, under your blessing. 所有的臣民,都在你的庇佑之下。 They survive because of you, regardless of bitter experience what kind of disaster, you needs Guardianship they. 他们因你而存活,无论遭遇怎样的灾难,你都必须要守护他们。 This is Monarch's of a country responsibility. 这是一国之君的责任。 First ancient many King, such had done. Perhaps they cannot call Sage, but regarding their territory person, they are Deity. 先古很多王者,都曾经这么做过。他们或许称不上圣贤,但是对于他们自己领地的人来说,他们就是神明 They lift up lands by strength of the Monarch. 他们是以一己之力扛起一片土地的君主 Takes this road, means that you must pledge, Guardianship own territory, life-long faithful. 走这条路,意味着你必须承诺,守护自己的领土,终生不渝。 Marvin calmly looks at the present picture. 马文静静地看着眼前的画面。 The voice of monster resounds by his ear: 怪兽的声音在他耳旁响起: „Will you choose Ruler's Road?” “你会选择君王之路吗?” ...... …… His meeting?” O'Brien asked again. “他会吗?”奥布雷恩再次发问。 Old Blacksmith cannot bear show the whites of the eyes: How do I know?” 老铁匠忍不住翻了个白眼:“我怎么知道?” I think that you are more intelligent than me.” O'Brien replied very much honestly. “我以为你比我聪明。”奥布雷恩很诚实地回答。 Old Blacksmith becomes silent, after the moment, he said: Cannot.” 老铁匠默然无语,片刻后,他说:“不会。” Why?” O'Brien appears very surprised. “为什么?”奥布雷恩显得很惊讶。 Old Blacksmith sneers: Because he has made choice.” 老铁匠冷笑一声:“因为他已经做出了选择。” ...... …… I reject!” “我拒绝!” Marvin such as said. 马文如是道。 Therefore second road also Vanish in his at present. 于是第二条路也消失在他的眼前。 The monster looked that his look is somewhat bad. 怪兽看他的眼神有些不善起来。 „, Young Night Traveler, you is a selfish fellow.” “哦,年轻的夜行人,你是个自私的家伙。” I started not to like you.” “我开始不喜欢你了。” But stems from the responsibility. I must explain the third road with you.” “但是出于职责。我还是要跟你讲解第三条路。” Looked like you are prepares to choose this road. Right, this road is most relaxed, but. A person starts off, is very dangerous. Perhaps you thought that you are very formidable, but one day, you will fall!” “看起来你是准备选这条路了。没错,这条路最轻松,但是。一个人上路,也是很危险的。或许你觉得自己很强大,但总有一天,你会栽跟头!” The third article on road. 第三条路上。 Marvin became formidable Night Dominion, murder are countless. 马文成为了强大的暗夜主宰,杀人无数。 He became most powerhouse of entire mainland, but he can only Guardianship person. 他成为了整个大陆的最强者,但是他只能守护自己身边的人。 Some familiar faces have delimited him at present: Anna, Wayne and Hathaway...... And unexpectedly also has Lola! 一些个熟悉的面孔划过他的眼前:安娜维尼海瑟薇……其中居然还有萝拉 These are he closest friends. 这些都是他最亲密的朋友。 The third article the road, is Powerhouse's Road. 第三条路,就是强者之路 . Unceasing grow stronger, protects few people. 独自一人。不断变强,保护寥寥几人。 Someday. You can become peerless powerhouse, but in front of the disaster, is protects who you can do only and several people. 或许有一天。你可以成为绝世强者,但在灾难面前,你唯一能做的就是保护好自己和几个人。 Then looks that the massive innocent lives were whinning dying. 然后看着大量无辜的生灵哀嚎着死去。 This is lonely Powerhouse's Road. 这就是寂寥的强者之路 ...... …… Looked like he must choose Powerhouse's Road.” “看起来他是要选择强者之路了。” O'Brien some said discontentedly: „Was this somewhat selfish?” 奥布雷恩有些不满地说:“这是不是有些自私了?” Old Blacksmith sighed: You cannot the Patience point, when he does make the decision again rubbish?” 老铁匠叹气说:“你就不能耐心点,等他做出决定再废话?” O'Brien nodded. At once he said with amazement: What?!” 奥布雷恩点了点头。旋即他惊讶地说:“什么?!” „Did he reject unexpectedly?!” “他居然又拒绝了?!” ...... …… In front of three-road junction. 三岔路口面前。 Marvin third time said rejection. 马文第三次说出了拒绝。 This time, he was very near with the monster. Nearly to including monster pore, the purity that can look. 这一次,他已经和怪兽很近了。近到连怪兽身上的毛孔,都能看的一清二楚。 I reject this road.” “我拒绝这条路。” He said. 他说。 The monster was angry: Not!” 怪兽愤怒了:“不可以!” This is the Road of Thorns last stage, you must make the choice!” “这是荆棘之路最后一个阶段,你必须做出抉择!” Told me, your choice was anything, otherwise you were impossible to pass!” “告诉我,你的抉择是什么,否则你不可能过关!” His appears three paths. 他的身后重新浮现出三条道路。 Sage, Ruling King and powerhouse. 圣贤君王强者 However at this time, Marvin did one to let continuously in peeping Old Blacksmith and O'Brien amazed incomparable matter! 然而就在这个时候,马文干出了一件让一直在偷窥的老铁匠奥布雷恩惊诧无比的事情! He rushed fiercely, throws to the monster side, then has drawn out that iron sword. 他猛地冲了上去,扑到怪兽身旁,然后拔出了那把铁剑。 You are making anything!” The monster appears is panic-stricken. “你在做什么!”怪兽显得惊慌失措。 I was telling you my choice!” “我在告诉你我的抉择!” Marvin is lifting up high the iron sword. Jumps high, inserted to the head of monster maliciously! 马文高举着铁剑。高高跃起,冲着怪兽的脑袋狠狠地插了下去! Thorn! 刺! It seems very obtuse iron sword complete root submerges the head of monster. 看上去很钝的铁剑齐根没入怪兽的脑袋。 That is goes to your mother *!” “那就是去你妈*的!” Explodes thickly with Marvin's, the monster starts to whin painfully. 伴随着马文的爆粗,怪兽开始痛苦地哀嚎。 The body of its terrifying starts the sudden reduction. Turned into small illusion magic. It only then the fist is so small, stubbornly was actually sewn by the iron sword in the stone. 恐怖的身体开始急剧的缩小。变成了一只小小的幻魔。它只有拳头那么小,却被铁剑死死钉在了石头上。 I must take my road, even if must make the choice, is not one's turn you to manage.” “我要走自己的路,就算要做抉择,也轮不到你来管。” Marvin loosens the hand, let somebody cool off or calm down said. 马文松开手,冷冷地说。 The next second, a brand-new road launches in front of Marvin. He neglects has been whinning painfully illusion magic directly. The half step walked. 下一秒,一条全新的路在马文面前展开。他直接忽略了痛苦地哀嚎着的幻魔。快步走了过去。 ...... …… By the stove, Old Blacksmith and O'Brien are dumbfounded! 火炉旁,老铁匠奥布雷恩目瞪口呆! I said. That handle iron sword inserted there that many years, why nobody Discovery!?” “我说。那柄铁剑插在那里那么多年了,为什么没人发现!?” This he * mother unexpectedly is illusion magic? How Marvin sees!” “这他*娘的居然是一只幻魔马文是怎么看出来的!” „Is this correct choice?” “难道这才是正确的抉择?” They are the shock are incomparable. 两人都是震惊无比。 For these years, never has Night Traveler through Road of Thorns last pass/test. 这么多年来,从来没有一个夜行人通过荆棘之路的最后一关。 Because of everyone, has made the choice. 因为每一个人,都做出了抉择。 However nobody like Marvin, has made the fourth choices outside three road. 但是没有一个人像马文这样,做出了三条路之外的第四种抉择。 Has killed the monster, takes own road. 杀了怪兽,走自己的路。 This is King of the Night leaves descendant's test! 这才是夜之王留给后代的考验! ...... …… Marvin continues to go forward along this road, quick, his front presented a mountain. 马文沿着这条路继续前进,很快的,他的前方出现了一座山。 Endless Mountains. 无尽之山 He looks up upward, this mountain is not steep, but actually cannot see the end. 他抬头往上看去,这座山并不陡峭,但是却是看不到尽头。 Only then crossed this mountain, can arrive in the Warrior deep sleep Sea of Darkness. 只有翻过这座山,才能抵达勇士们沉睡的黑暗之海 Marvin deeply inspires, starts to climb this mountain peak. 马文深吸一口气,开始攀登这座山峰。 This is since King of the Night leaves behind Country of Perpetual Night, some first people step this mountain. 这是自从夜之王留下永夜之国后,第一次有人踏上这座山。 Marvin is gradually upward, the mountain climbing is a very laborious work, especially does not have the end mountain. 马文一步一步向上,爬山是一个非常辛苦的活儿,特别是一座没有尽头的山。 Capturing that he knows, actually also arrived here. Because nobody can rush to Road of Thorns. 他所知道的攻略,其实也就是到这里了。因为没有人能闯过荆棘之路 Then, must totally depend on him. 接下来,就必须完全靠他自己了。 Road of Thorns tested the Patience strength and willpower also to have the decision-making ability separately.” 荆棘之路分别考验了忍耐力、意志力还有决断力。” What then Endless Mountains can test?” “那么无尽之山要考验什么?” Really is not endurance......” “不会真的是耐力吧……” Marvin crawled, looked up, still could not see mountaintop. 马文爬了一段,抬头看了看,依然是看不见山顶 He was tired the whole body not to have vigor. 他已经累得浑身没劲儿了。 He clenches teeth upward to crawl, to the physical strength could not endure finally, he prepares to rest. 他咬着牙又往上爬了一段,到了体力终于吃不消的时候,他准备休息一下。 Who knows that at this time, his suddenly Discovery, their both hands suddenly become rough incomparable. 谁知道就在这个时候,他突然发现,自己的双手突然变得粗糙无比。 This at is not the hand of 15 -year-old youth. 这根本不是15岁少年的手。 Just the front puddle, Marvin reluctantly the past, one looked toward inside. 刚好前方有一座水潭,马文勉强走了过去,往里面一看。 In pond water, startled the middle-aged person who allowed and have experienced the hardships of life is visiting him wear a look of panic-stricken. 潭水里,一个面带惊容、饱经沧桑的中年人正惊恐地看着他。 ...... ( to be continued ) ……(未完待续) ps: Second, seemingly incautiously killed the monthly ticket total list first ten. That makes the monthly ticket come is more violent! ps:第二更,貌似一不小心杀进了月票总榜前十。那就让月票来的更猛烈些吧!
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