NR :: Volume #2

#149: Road of Thorns 【First】

Country of Perpetual Night. 永夜之国 This Half-Plane, even if in the Night Traveler organization, only then two people have qualifications opening. 这个半位面,即便在夜行人组织中,也只有两个人有资格开启。 One is Night Traveler Current Generation Leader, another was predecessor Leader Shien. 一个是夜行人当代首领,另外一个就是前任首领希恩了。 Shien when moves White River Valley, that set of one breath of Oak Town basement moving. Marvin does not know how he achieves, but wants to come predecessor Night Traveler Leader definitely to have own means and that's the end. 希恩在搬家到白河谷地的时候,就把橡木镇地下室的那套一口气给搬了过来。马文不知道他是怎么做到的,但是想来前任夜行人首领肯定有自己的办法就是了。 You, if wants, on this road, you probably to encounter many dangers.” “你要想好了,在这条路上,你可能会遇到很多危险。” Shien deeply looked at Marvin one: Danger that I said that is not on the body.” 希恩深深地看了马文一眼:“我说的危险,可不是身体上的。” Marvin nodded firmly. 马文坚定地点了点头。 He knows that the front is anything, because of this, he has the confidence to challenge some people have never succeeded the matter. 他知道前方是什么,也正因为如此,他才有信心去挑战这个从未有人成功过的事情。 Awakens the deep sleep Warrior, lets them and ice-cold regains consciousness from eternal darkness, fights for oneself again, fights for Guardianship Fenan. 唤醒沉睡的勇士,让他们从永恒的黑暗与冰冷中苏醒出来,重新为自己而战,为了守护费南而战。 This is difficulty extremely high Quest. 这是一个难度极高的任务 However, all during his control, he also calculate the understanding to this Quest, will otherwise not choose Night Traveler to take advance a step Profession. 不过,一切都在他的掌控之中,他对这个任务还算了解,否则也不会选择夜行人作为进阶职业了。 Chooses Profession, not only need consider this Profession formidable or not, but must consider secret that behind this Profession contains. 选择一个职业,不仅要考虑这个职业本身的强大与否,还要考虑这个职业背后蕴藏的秘密。 Fenan each Profession, is not the pure fight school or the style, its back has the well-established story. 费南每一个职业,都不是单纯的战斗流派或者行事风格,其背后都是有源远流长的故事的。 Night Traveler, is typical one. 夜行人,就是典型的一种。 Made Marvin be that what was only surprised, in oneself data panel did not have the Quest column of sound for a long time. Unexpectedly because of this matter, presented Quest again. 唯一令马文感到意外的是,自己数据面板内许久没有动静的任务栏。居然因为这件事情,再次出现了一个任务 Road of Darkness 黑暗之路 Description: To awaken the deep sleep Warrior, must experience the pain that in the past they experienced. You will take past the King of the Night's path, inherits his glory and responsibility.】 【描述:想要唤醒沉睡的勇士,就必须经历当年他们所经历的痛苦。你将踏上昔日夜之王的道路,继承他的荣耀和责任。】 Quest reward:?】 任务奖励:?】 ...... …… Is the Quest reward unexpectedly unknown? 任务奖励居然是未知? This was a little actually strange. 这点倒是有点奇怪了。 Actually from crossing over to the present, Marvin felt that the System in oneself body, is System, rather is a digitization auxiliary plug-in unit. 其实从穿越到现在,马文感觉,自己身体内的这个系统,与其说是一个系统,倒不如说是一个数据化的辅助插件。 Besides having two points he has not made clear beside, other. Actually completely is a normal world. 除了有两点他还没搞清楚之外,其余的。其实完全就是一个正常的世界。 These two points have the relations with Slaughter Experience, first: Why kills people also has kill monsters to obtain Slaughter Experience? 这两点都跟杀戮经验有关系,第一:为什么自己杀人还有杀怪会获得杀戮经验 Second: Why reward of System Quest. Is the majority General Experience? 第二:为什么系统任务的奖励。大部分都是通用经验 If abandons these two points, Marvin thought that own System basically is a recording instrument. 如果抛开这两点的话,马文觉得自己的系统基本上就是一个记录仪。 To own body and to fight the process, carries on pinnacle microscopic and digitization the record. 对自己的身体、对战斗的过程,进行一个极致的微观化、数据化的记录。 In addition, seemingly did not have many to use. 除此之外,貌似也没有多少用了。 This makes him have a feeling. As if did not bring original game System to pass through, but when passed through, because of some unknown reason, had and game System similar digitization all abilities. 这让他有一种感觉。似乎自己并不是带着原来的游戏系统穿越了,而是在自己穿越的时候,因为某种未知的原因,拥有了和游戏系统类似的数据化一切的能力。 This is regular one. 这是规则的一种。 This was explained perfectly was a pity this explanation also flaw that Marvin can think, that was the issue of experience. 这是马文能想到的最完美的解释了可惜这个解释还有一个破绽,那就是经验的问题了。 This is also he and indigenous people maximum difference. The promotion strength of indigenous people, depends upon exercise, depends upon the sudden enlightenment, depends upon all sorts of normal modes. 这也是他和原住民最大的不同。原住民的提升实力,依靠锻炼,依靠顿悟,依靠种种正常方式。 But like Marvin, does not hit dozen of Kill Kill to promote the strength. 而绝不是像马文这样,打打杀杀就能提升实力。 Behind this. Certainly has the reason of deeper level to wait for Marvin to excavate. 这背后。一定有更深层次的原因在等着马文去发掘。 However now, he must concentrate the attention, completes present Quest. 不过现在,他必须集中注意力,去完成眼前的这个任务 19 Legendary Warrior.” 十九传奇勇士。” Deep sleep in the darkness frozen sea. You must barefoot overstep Road of Thorns, climbs up Endless Mountains, finally found King of the Night's will.” “沉睡在黑暗的冰封之海中。你要赤足踏过荆棘之路,爬上无尽之山,最终找到夜之王的意志。” Only then truly becomes King of the Night's heir, you can awaken them.” “只有真正成为夜之王的继承人,你才能唤醒他们。” Before you, each Night Traveler has attempted, what a pity nobody has succeeded.” “在你之前,每一个夜行人都尝试过了,可惜没有人成功过。” This and strength has nothing to do. Only with disposition, will...... The luck has the relations.” “这和实力无关。只和心性,意志……还有运气有关系。” Old Blacksmith deeply looked at one: Me. Your luck absolutely is not bad.” 老铁匠深深地看了一眼:“就我而言。你身上的运气绝对是不差的。” The Marvin bursting out laughing smiles. 马文哑然而笑。 „The present time was different, I have one premonition, you may awaken them.” “现在的时代不同了,我有一种预感,你真的有可能唤醒他们。” Goes.” “去吧。” The Old Blacksmith voice just fell, the front presented a gloomy rugged alley. 老铁匠话音刚落,前方就出现了一条阴暗崎岖的小路。 Road of Thorns. 荆棘之路 Marvin deeply inspires, he takes off shoes, the both feet barefoot, walks toward the alley on. 马文深吸一口气,他脱掉鞋子,双脚赤足,往小路上走去。 Punctures......” “刺……” The first step! Marvin holds breath an cold air/Qi! 第一步!马文就倒吸一口冷气! The fierce aching feeling downloads from the sole, is stimulating his nerve violently. 剧烈的疼痛感自脚底下传来,猛烈地刺激着他的神经。 As if the needle, has inserted his sole suddenly. 仿佛有一根针,突然插入了他的脚底。 The terrifying sensation of pain forces him to draw back backward. 恐怖的痛觉逼迫着他向后退。 However he cannot draw back! 但是他不能退! In this awakens on the Warrior path, so long as has drawn back, failed. 在这条唤醒勇士们的道路上,只要退了,就失败了。 Advance, only then goes forward. 前进,只有前进。 The pain is empty fake, Marvin actually has not been injured, but is the sensory stimulation that on Road of Thorns transmits. 痛苦都是虚假的,马文其实没有受伤,只不过是荆棘之路上传递过来的感官刺激。 If this pain could not endure continually, that also discussed that what inherited King of the Night's will? 如果连这点痛苦都忍受不了,那还谈什么继承夜之王的意志 Marvin closely clenches teeth, his willpower is very astonishing. 马文紧紧咬着牙,他的意志力还是非常惊人的。 He has not retroceded, but walks toward the darkness deep place with long hurried strides! 他没有后退,而是大步流星地往黑暗深处走去! He knows that his step cross is bigger, are less with Road of Thorns contact, the pain will hurt will be instead lighter. 他知道,自己的步伐跨地越大,和荆棘之路接触的次数就越少,痛疼反而会轻一些。 ...... …… Looks at Marvin's back Vanish in the Road of Thorns end, Old Blacksmith turns head to return to by own stove gradually, does the matter that most preliminary trainee can handle diligently. 看着马文的背影渐渐消失荆棘之路的尽头,老铁匠回头返回了自己的火炉旁,孜孜不倦地干着最低级学徒才会做的事情。 Smelting standard iron slab. 熔炼标准铁块。 This is Country of Perpetual Night, regarding each Night Traveler, here is mysterious and vast, even if Leader, smatters. 这就是永夜之国,对于每一个夜行人来说,这里都是神奇而浩瀚的,就算是首领,也是一知半解。 Gradually, they have been used. 久而久之,他们已经习惯了。 A person's shadow is quietly appears side Old Blacksmith. 一个人影悄无声息地出现在老铁匠身边。 You thought that he will succeed?” “你觉得他会成功么?” Meeting.” Shien continues the hammering. “会。”希恩继续打铁。 That person said lightly: He joins Night Traveler to organize for about one month, you thought that he did comprehend King of the Night's will completely?” 那人淡淡地说:“他才加入夜行人组织一个月左右,你觉得他完全领悟了夜之王的意志?” No, King of the Night's will. Is nobody can comprehend.” Shien smiled, so said: Perhaps actually, we thought mistakenly.” “不,夜之王的意志。是没有谁能领悟的。”希恩笑了笑,如此说道:“其实,或许我们都想错了。” Each hope awakens 19 Warrior Night Traveler. In diligently closes up to King of the Night, but such achieves the bottom is right, no one talks clearly, not?” “每一个希望唤醒十九勇士夜行人。都在努力向夜之王靠拢,但是这么做到底对不对,谁也说不清楚,不是么?” But this is our responsibility. Guardianship this mainland.” In that person of expression had one not to be quick: You and Constantine have wasted the too much time on him, I when north need your support, you do not appear, unexpectedly follows small Baron to make some tommyrots willingly. I know that you have view to me. However among Night Traveler, each other is brothers.” “但这是我们的职责。守护这片大陆。”那人的语气中带了一丝不快:“你和康斯坦丁都在他身上浪费了太多时间了,我在北方需要你们的支援的时候,你们不出现也就罢了,居然心甘情愿地跟随一个小小的男爵做些荒唐事。我知道你们对我有看法。但是夜行人之间,彼此都是兄弟。” You made a mistake. O'Brien. We are not have the view to you.” “你错了。奥布雷恩。我们并不是对你有看法。” Shien said earnestly: But, that small Baron in your mouth, can a plan bury alive many Legendary not to have Scarlet-red Shepherd Leader that the means kill, can under the Starry Sky Swordsaint eye hid has put out Book of Nalu. Had killed couple days ago also red dragon.” 希恩认真地说:“只不过,你口中的那个小小的男爵,能一手策划坑杀了多少传奇都没办法杀死的赤红牧首,能在星空剑圣的眼皮子底下拿出了纳鲁之书。前几天还干掉了一头红龙。” He is only 15 years old.” “他才只有15岁。” When you were 15 years old, were you doing?” “你15岁的时候,你在干嘛?” O'Brien silent did not speak. 奥布雷恩默然不语。 Draws back 10,000 steps, if I have misread the person, Constantine has also misread the person, but Hathaway, Shadow Thief Owlet, Endless Ocean, Nicholas, cannot.” “退10000步,假如我看错了人,康斯坦丁也看错了人,但是海瑟薇不会,影贼不会,无尽之洋不会,尼古拉斯,更不会。” Old Blacksmith said easely: In history. East Coast also never has such a person, can reunite such Strength.” 老铁匠悠然道:“有史以来。东海岸还从未有这么一个人,能团聚起这样的力量。” Therefore I anticipated really very much, my disciple. Later can do any matter to come.” “所以我真的很期待,我的这个弟子。以后能够干出什么事情来。” This is I keeps the White River Valley basic reason.” “这才是我留在白河谷地的根本原因。” O'Brien deeply inspired, the expression was more moderate: Perhaps you are right. Although I have the formidable military force, but is not very always wise.” 奥布雷恩深深地吸了一口气,语气缓和了很多:“或许你是对的。我虽然拥有强大的武力,但是总是不够明智。” No, nobody is perfect. You are Night Traveler immediately best Leader.” Shien said with a smile: You have the merit that others do not have. Although you are powerful, but can actually listen to others' words.” “不,没有人是十全十美的。你是夜行人当下最好的首领。”希恩笑道:“你有别人所不具备的优点。你虽然实力强大,但是却能听进别人的话。” O'Brien said reluctantly: My mother very small time told me: O'Brien, you are not intelligent. Must listen to the word of Wise One.】 奥布雷恩无奈地说:“我母亲很小的时候就跟我说:【奥布雷恩,你不聪明。要多听智者之言。】” I have complied, therefore lives also pretty good. This matter of doing has not screwed up.” “我照做了,所以活得还不赖。该做的事情也没搞砸。” If this boy has awakened 19 Warrior. And has promoted Fourth Step, I will consider Half-God Tool Perpetual Night Paradise Gives him.” “如果这小子真的唤醒了十九勇士。并且晋升了四阶,我会考虑把半神器永夜乐园】交给他。” ...... …… Road of Thorns. 荆棘之路 A person's shadow is walking lonelily. 一个人影孤单地行走着。 The Marvin whole body is the sweat. 马文浑身都是汗水。 The ache of under the foot transmitting starts to turn by fits and starts. This not numb that pain. 足底下传来的疼痛开始变成一阵一阵的了。这是不会麻木的那种痛苦。 When you do not know, the pain will attack. 你不知道什么时候,痛苦就会来袭。 May walk without rest three steps not to feel that has the possibility fourth step is hurting of web. 有可能连走三步都没感觉,有可能第四步就是钻心的疼。 This is Road of Thorns the place of terrifying. 这就是荆棘之路恐怖之处。 This place, it is estimated that was also the ascetic person in Martial Monk most is good at coping. 这种地方,估计也就是武僧中的苦行僧最擅长对付了。 This road to test the heir disposition.” “这条路是为了考验继承人的心性。” myths initially King of the Night, personally passed through true Road of Thorns, saves from Hell one group of innocent people.” 传说当初夜之王,就是亲自走过一条真正的荆棘之路,才把一群无辜的人从地狱中拯救出来。” Therefore this road, is called Road of the First Ancient Sage.” “所以这条路,也被称为先古圣贤之路。” In the Marvin's mind appears the massive materials, he tries to divert his attention. 马文的脑海里浮现出大量的资料,他试图分散自己的注意力。 However at this time, a scream suddenly resounded by his ear! 然而就在这个时候,一声尖叫突然在他耳旁响起! He turns around suddenly. 他猛然转身。 Hangs up is hanging the face of half slough, suddenly appeared in the roadside. 一张挂着挂着一半腐肉的人脸,突然出现在了路旁。 He such lets somebody cool off or calm down is gazing at Marvin, inexplicable dread raises from the Marvin moral nature. 他就这么冷冷地注视着马文,一种莫名的恐惧马文心底升起。 dread. But is the will examination. 恐惧。但是不是意志检定。 after suffering, fear approaches, This is handwriting that King of the Night leaves behind.” “【痛苦之后,即是恐惧】,这是夜之王留下的笔迹。” So long as disregards these terrifying illusions, is then safe and sound.” “只要无视这些恐怖的幻象,即可安然无恙。” All these are the illusions of innermost feelings.” “这一切都是内心的幻象。” Marvin deeply inspires, is controlling the body of trembling, clenches teeth to continue to go forward. 马文深吸一口气,控制着发抖的身体,咬牙继续前进。 Also walked dozens steps, various terrifying pictures emerge one after another incessantly. 又走了数十步,各种恐怖的景象层出不穷。 Bones of the dead Hell, endless bloodshed, rotten gusano and abnormal human body...... 白骨地狱、无尽血海、腐烂的蛆虫、畸形的人体…… If there is changed another person, perhaps already frightened turns around runs. 如果换了另外一个人,恐怕早就吓得掉头就跑了。 This irrelevant willpower, purely is fearing of human heart to so ugly thing! 这无关意志力,纯粹是人类心地对如此丑恶之物的惧怕! However Marvin, gradually has actually been used to these gadget. 然而马文,却渐渐习惯了这些玩意儿。 Mother egg, when really the father previous generation did look at that many horror film is gives for nothing?” “妈蛋,真当老子前世看了那么多恐怖片是白给的?” Marvin starts to spit the trough to get up secretly. 马文开始暗自吐槽起来。 Reason that he is so confident, has the reason. 他之所以这么有信心,也不是没有理由的。 Perhaps entire Fenan, nobody compared with him knows how should resist these terrifying pictures. 整个费南,恐怕没有人比他知道该如何抵御这些恐怖的景象了。 He makes up in the picture brains of these terrifying the increase voluntarily some elements of comedy, dread was naturally paler. 他把这些恐怖的景象自行脑补添加上一些搞笑的元素,恐惧自然就淡了很多。 Road of Thorns second phase, for him, but piece of cake. 荆棘之路第二阶段,对他来说,不过小菜一碟。 Quick, the front crossroad, presented a furcation. 很快的,前方的路口,出现了一个分叉。 A monster occupies in the crossroad. 一头怪兽盘踞在路口。 ...... ( to be continued ) ……(未完待续) ps: Today wants to rest, but thinks carefully that the words of holiday, Burst does not conform to the style of diligent coconut tree suddenly! Therefore today, is small Burst! Guarantees a minimum three, the goal four, everybody prepares to guarantee a minimum the monthly ticket! Seemed like the beginning has carried on a activity, should some book friends Discovery their monthly ticket be many 12? Hurries to vote! This is first. ps:今天呢本来是想休息的,但是仔细想想,节日的话,不爆发一下不符合勤奋的椰子的风格啊!所以今天,还是小爆发一下吧!保底三更,目标四更,大家准备好保底月票!貌似起点搞了个活动,部分书友应该发现自己的月票多了12张吧?赶紧投票哇!这是第一更。
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