NR :: Volume #2

#148: Warrior of deep sleep

Radiant brilliance revolves in the hall peak unceasingly, ultimately has formed a small vortex. 璀璨的光华在大厅顶端不断旋转,最终形成了一个小小的漩涡。 The light that in the vortex sends out makes people feel warm. 漩涡里散发出的光让人感到温暖。 Faint, the people heard low sang to transmit from the vortex. 隐隐的,众人都听到了低低的歌唱声从漩涡里传来。 Revolving that the vortex keeps, the central opening is getting bigger and bigger, in vision that the people stare dumbfounded, behind that opening, presented piece of radiant Starry Sky! 漩涡不停的旋转,中央的口子越来越大,在众人瞠目结舌的目光中,那个口子背后,出现了一片璀璨的星空 They have penetrated the barrier on castle directly, saw clearest Star Palace. 他们直接透过了城堡上的障碍,看到了最清晰的星宫 Swimming Fish Constellation. 游鱼座 Altogether two hundred 47 stars compose. 一共两百四十七颗星辰组成。 This type exists in the people merely passes on a message the story, such shows in the people at present. 这种仅仅存在于人们传言中的故事,就这么展现在了众人眼前。 The vortex revolves unceasingly. 漩涡不断旋转。 Finally, brilliance fused a luminous spot, descended slowly, integrated the Marvin's forehead. 最终,光华融合成了一个光点,缓缓降落下来,融入了马文的眉心。 What happened?” “发生什么事了?” The people are staring at Marvin, cares about his body change. 众人都盯着马文,关心他的身体变化。 However Marvin lets go: My anything has not felt.” 然而马文一摊手:“我什么也没感觉到。” Constantine zé zé expressed admiration: Your boy is really some luck...... Previous time saw that birthday Wish succeeds, seemingly is several years ago time.” 康斯坦丁啧啧称奇说:“你小子果然是有些运气的……上一次看到生日祈愿成功,貌似都是十几年前的时候了。” Old Blacksmith deeply looked at Marvin one, has not said a word. 老铁匠则是深深地看了马文一眼,并没有言语。 Marvin were also muddled. 马文自己也糊涂了。 About the Constellation Wish matter, Marvin knows. 关于星座祈愿的事情,马文是知道的。 In the game of previous generation, each enters the Fenan's players to have own birthday. Made a vow to Star Palace on the day of own birthday, will obtain three-day Blessing. 前世的游戏里,每个进入费南的玩家都会有自己的生日。在自己生日那天向星宫许愿,就会得到为期三天的一个祝福 This Blessing possibly raises attribute several points. Also possibly is direct promotion striking power some simply is the double experiences. 这个祝福可能是提高属性几点。也可能是直接提升攻击力有的干脆就是双倍经验。 However the Fenan's indigenous people, did not have this welfare. Only then few people in Wish, can get the response of Star Palace. 但是费南的原住民,就没有这种福利了。只有极少数的人在祈愿的时候,能够得到星宫的回应。 Marvin thought one were passes through in the body of indigenous people. Should not have anything possibly to get the response of Swimming Fish Constellation. 马文心想自己是穿越到了原住民的身体里。应该是没什么可能得到游鱼座的回应的。 Has not thought that Star Palace also really responded to itself. 没想到星宫还真的回应自己了。 In Blessing and game that just, this time he obtains are completely different. 只不过,这一次他得到的祝福和游戏里完全不同。 After radiant brilliance integrates the Marvin's body, his data panel not any change. 璀璨的光华融入马文的身体之后,他的数据面板并没有任何变化。 Only then under character column, were many Swimming Fish Constellation's Blessing( activation)】 Inscription. 只有人物栏下方,多了一个【游鱼座的祝福(未激活)】的字样。 How he does not know deactivate thing. 他不知道怎么去激活这东西。 However what lets his some caring, this Swimming Fish Constellation's Blessing The position that presents, exerted Blessing after initially Lucky Fairy Silly Ding to oneself appears Luck + 1 Exactly the same. 不过让他有些在意的是,这个【游鱼座的祝福】出现的位置,和当初幸运精灵笨丁给自己施加祝福之后出现的【幸运+1】的一模一样。 With previous time is the same, needs certain special conditions to trigger?” “难道是和上次一样,需要某些特殊条件才能触发?” In the Marvin heart so guessed. 马文心中如此猜测。 However no matter what. Can obtain Swimming Fish Constellation's Blessing, was definitely meddlesome. 不过不管怎么样。能够得到游鱼座的祝福,肯定是好事了。 At that moment the people joyfully celebrate. In one lively happy birthday, Marvin passed itself to arrive at the Fenan's first birthday. 当下众人欢庆一番。在一阵热闹的“生日快乐”之中,马文度过了自己来到费南的第一个生日。 At least before 12 : 00 pm, he except for chatted with the friends, beyond rest. Has not done anything. 至少当天晚上12点前,他除了和朋友们聊天,休息之外。没有干任何事情。 He has rested a while on the sofa of hall. 他在大厅的沙发上小憩了一会儿。 These days, was really exhausted. 这段时间,真是累坏了呢。 ...... …… The young girl who near in the seacoast temporary camp, wears Bu Qun is holding the knee, sits on the high rock, looks at the West. 海岸边的临时营地里,穿着布裙的少女抱着膝盖,坐在高高的岩石上,怔怔地看着西方。 In just, her saw with one's own eyes one group of radiant brilliance to descend from Swimming Fish Constellation, fell on not the far place. 就在刚刚,她亲眼看到一团璀璨的光华从游鱼座上降落下来,落在了不远的地方。 Swimming Fish Constellation. 游鱼座 Originally today is his birthday.” Lola calmly thinks. “原来今天是他的生日啊。”萝拉静静地想。 Passed today, was sea Throne leads central Star Palace. 过了今天,就是海王座主导中央星宫了。 A person was quietly to walk, sat with her abreast in row. 一个人悄无声息地走了过来,跟她并排而坐。 Little has sees you not to speak the time.” Elven Prince saw that [say / way] radiant brilliance similarly. “很少有见你不说话的时候。”精灵王子同样看到了那道璀璨的光华。 As Legendary he. Perception is higher than the average person. 身为传奇的他。感知比一般人高很多。 „The Swimming Fish Constellation Star Palace three years have not lowered Blessing probably, Marvin is a very special person.” 游鱼座星宫大概有三年没有降下祝福了,马文是个很特别的人。” He such said. 他这么说道。 Lola nodded, she seems some will seems to be depressed. 萝拉点了点头,她看上去似乎有些意志消沉。 You for cannot him tell personally happy birthday and annoying?” “你在为不能亲自跟他说一句生日快乐而懊恼么?” Ibo talked very much rarely on own initiative with Lola. 伊布很罕见地主动和萝拉搭话起来。 At the loathing degree of Elven Prince to woman. He the manner to Lola good to make person zé zé express admiration simply. 精灵王子对女人的厌恶程度。他对萝拉的态度简直好得让人啧啧称奇。 Perhaps she is that type, although talked endlessly, but was very difficult to be loathful her girl. 或许她就是那种虽然喋喋不休,但是却真的很难让人讨厌她的女孩吧。 Actually I to the words that these sailors spoke am fake, I was am deceiving them.” “其实我跟那些水手说的话都是假的,我是在欺骗他们。” Lola leaned the face, has avoided also this topic: I at all am not the White River Valley business executive. I just am a swindler.” 萝拉侧开了脸,同时也避开了这个话题:“我根本不是什么白河谷地的商业主管。我只不过是一个骗子而已。” Regarding Sir Marvin, I probably is also a such role. Then not worthy of mentioning.” “对于马文大人来说,我大概也就是一个这样的角色吧。那么的微不足道。” He chooses to believe me, but is because thought that everyone should have a time forgiven opportunity.” “他选择相信我,只不过是因为觉得每个人都应该有一次被宽恕的机会。” I actually mess up the matter. Purchases grain matter. I have not completed. Really a value does not have.” “我却老是把事情弄糟。就连采购粮食这种事情。我都没有做好。真是一点价值都没有呢。” Ibo silent a while. 伊布沉默了一会儿。 He has patted the shoulder of Lola gently: You spoke incorrectly.” 他轻轻拍了拍萝拉的肩膀:“你说错了。” Some matters you cannot complete, is not you do not have the value. But is nobody or the environment can help you display own value.” “有些事情你没能做好,不是你没有价值。而是没有人或者环境能帮助你发挥出自己的价值。” Moreover Marvin, he chooses to believe that you also are not only for this reason. I want essentially, because he believes that you is a good girl.” “而且马文,他选择相信你也不仅仅是因为这个原因。我想更加本质上的,还是因为他相信你是个善良的女孩。” This World is very chaotic, powerhouse cannot protect all people, therefore regarding the small and weak person, lies became the life necessary skill.” 这个世界很乱,强者不能保护所有人,所以对于很多弱小的人来说,撒谎就成为了生活必备技能。” „To go on living, must lie, not?” “想要活下去,就必须要撒谎,不是么?” The Ibo's words have not said that his girl, started silent to burst into tears. 伊布的话还没说完,他身边的女孩,已经开始无声地流泪。 You said is very right, actually I do not want to work as a swindler......” “你说的很对,其实我也不想当一个骗子的……” I very small time, father already not in......” “我很小的时候,爸爸就已经不在了……” My mother's time at the point of death, making me go on living well. What means but do I have? My this rural girl, without any life skills...... Grew up together the elder sister to sell in a brothel me, I did everything possible to run away.” “我母亲临死的时候,让我好好活下去。可是我有什么办法?我这种农村女孩,没有任何生活技能……一个从小一起长大的姐姐把我卖到了一个妓院里,我想尽办法才逃出来。” Then I start not to believe anybody. I start the society to deceive people, only by doing so. I can go on living.” “然后我就开始不相信任何人。我开始学会骗人,只有这样。我才能活下去。” I not like you or Sir Marvin, fight very fiercely. I could not protect me.” “我不像你或者马文大人那样,打架很厉害。我根本保护不了我自己。” You said like us the person, such difficultly lives on This World. What significance also there is?” “你说像我们这样的人,这么艰难地活在这个世界上。又有什么意义?” Lola sobbed is asking Ibo. 萝拉哽咽着问伊布 Elven Prince shook the head, then said firmly: „Everyone in this world, so long as is living, is meaningful.” 精灵王子摇了摇头,然后坚定地说:“这世上的每一个人,只要活着,就是有意义的。” These words is a my father, when I am very young tell me. He is on This World the most formidable person.” “这句话是我的父亲在我很小的时候告诉我的。他是这个世界上最强大的人。” Therefore his words, you must believe.” “所以他的话,你一定要相信。” Lola that the tearful eyes dance nodded ignorant. 泪眼婆娑的萝拉懵懵懂懂地点了点头。 Perhaps she does not know that the Ibo's father is what kind of concept. 她或许根本不知道,伊布的父亲又是怎样的概念。 However these words, to present her. Is comforts most greatly. 不过这句话,对现在的她来说。已经是最大的安慰了。 Thank you, Sir Ibo.” “谢谢你,伊布大人。” She asked cautiously: „. Why will you ask me to speak today on own initiative?” 她小心翼翼地问:“不过。你今天为什么会主动找我说话?” You are not do not like woman?” “你不是不喜欢女人的么?” Ibo looks at the color of being vigilant in the Lola eye braves suddenly, is at heart funny. 伊布看着萝拉眼里突然冒出来的警惕之色,心里好笑。 He smiled, in the eye flashes through a lonely color: 他笑了笑,眼里闪过一丝寂寥之色: Because of sometimes, I is also very bored. I can also think. Actually I am living for anything.” “因为有些时候,我也很无聊啊。我也会想。我活着究竟是为了什么。” Lola said earnestly: But you fight such fiercely, to you such good father.” 萝拉认真地说:“可是你打架这么厉害,还有一个对你这么好的父亲呢。” Ibo is silent: „After ten years old, he has not spoken any affirmative words to me.” 伊布默然:“十岁之后,他就没跟我说过任何肯定的话了。” Lola looks at Ibo, suddenly has also patted the Ibo's shoulder. 萝拉怔怔地看着伊布,突然也拍了拍伊布的肩膀。 Don't such moved good, at least you grow such gracefully.” “别这么伤感了好么,起码你长得这么帅。” „Do you know the Swimming Fish Constellation story? If you do not know, I can say to you.” “你知道游鱼座的故事么?如果你不知道的话,我可以给你讲一讲哦。” myths earliest time, on This World does not have Constellation this type of thing. After Sir Lance descends, had Constellation. But Swimming Fish Constellation, is he conveniently......” 传说最早的时候,这个世界上是没有星座这种东西的。兰斯大人降临之后,才有了星座。而游鱼座,就是他随手……” The sea breeze is very big. Girl's voice was blown off gradually in the wind. 海风很大。女孩的声音渐渐被吹散在了风里。 The night deeply, Swimming Fish Constellation on sky has flashed through the last ray gradually, finally was occupied central Star Palace by overbearing sea Throne. 夜渐渐深了,天空上的游鱼座闪过最后一丝光芒,最终被更加霸道的海王座占据了中央的星宫 In the summer. Quick must pass. 夏天。很快就要过去了。 ...... …… Late at night, Marvin opens the eye from the bed slowly. 深夜,马文从床上缓缓睁开眼睛。 This thinks that he rests very steadfastly. 这一觉,他睡得很踏实。 These days, perhaps was really too tired, was held the bedroom not to feel from the dining room unexpectedly. 这段时间,或许实在是太累了,竟然被人从餐厅抱到卧室都没感觉。 Marvin rubbed the temples, attempt has let own spirit. 马文揉了揉太阳穴,试图让自己精神起来。 He wears the clothes. Leaves the bedroom, went to the Old Blacksmith housing place quickly. 他穿好衣服。离开卧室,快步来到了老铁匠居住的地方。 That is a Blacksmith workshop. 那是一个铁匠工坊。 Late at night. Old Blacksmith still in the hammering, the kuāng dāng kuāng dāng sound merely is restricted in the Blacksmith shop, will not affect the rests of other people. 深夜里。老铁匠依然在打铁,哐当哐当的声音仅仅限于铁匠铺内部,不会影响其他人的休息。 „Did you come?” He as if already knows that Marvin can come. “你来了?”他似乎早就知道马文会过来。 You know that I do want to do?” Marvin smiled. “你知道我想干嘛?”马文笑了笑。 Naturally, this batch roar create an uproar noisy Adventurer, looks like overwhelms with numerical strength, can overthrow Ogre Tribe directly.” “当然,就这批哄哄闹闹的冒险者,看起来人多势众,能把食人魔部落直接推翻。” But fights actually, their morale and cohesive forces are dubious, once dies several people, perhaps dispersed.” “但是实际战斗起来,他们的士气和凝聚力值得怀疑,一旦死上几个人,说不定就散了。” „Can't you depend upon other White-Silver Church or alien influences won this war?” “你总不能依靠白银教会或者其他外来势力来赢得这场战争吧?” Old Blacksmith has shaken the eyebrow: You tonight do not come, tomorrow evening definitely can also come.” 老铁匠抖了抖眉毛:“就算你今晚不来,明晚肯定也会过来。” You think that you will rest for day.” “不过你以为你会休息一天。” I rested to suffice.” “我休息够了。” Marvin deeply inspires: Helps me open Country of Perpetual Night.” 马文深吸一口气:“帮我打开【永夜之国】吧。” I need their help.” “我需要他们的帮助。” Shien nods: „, Their also deep sleep was too indeed long.” 希恩点点头:“的确,他们也沉睡了太久了。” Was away from them to sink day of dormancy, This World had too many changes. I from many friend including Ms. Hathaway there, inquired many news.” “距离他们沉眠的日子,这个世界已经发生了太多的变化。我从很多朋友包括海瑟薇女士那里,打听到了很多消息。” This World must have the shocking change quickly.” 这个世界很快就要发生令人震惊的变化了。” If you are able, awakens them.” “如果你有能力,就去唤醒他们吧。” They are true Warrior.” “他们是真正的勇士。” ...... …… Next morning, a magnificent and expensive motorcade stopped slowly in White River Valley outside. 次日清晨,一个华贵的车队缓缓停在了白河谷地的界外。 The motorcade altogether three luxurious horse-drawn vehicles, more than 20 High Step Knight and many Knight retainer comprised. 车队一共由三辆豪华马车,20多名高阶骑士和更多的骑士仆从组成。 They flaunt a banner, on the flag are drawing the half crecent moon. 他们打着一个旗号,旗帜上画着半截新月。 Quick, the envoy who is responsible for notifying walked to mount White River Valley castle. 很快的,一名负责报信的使节步行登上了白河谷地城堡 This time Marvin, actually not in castle. 此时的马文,却不在城堡内部。 All business, are Anna and Wayne processing. 一切事务,还是安娜维尼处理。 When just they received that envoy, after listening to the purpose in coming of opposite party, they were surprised the different way as if by prior agreement: 只不过当他们接见了那名使节,听完了对方的来意之后,两人都是不约而同地诧异道: Another fiancee?” “又一个未婚妻?” ...... ( to be continued ) ……(未完待续) ps: The last chapter of May, the transition chapter, clues this slowly have launched. Thanks monthly ticket support. After zero point, will have to summarize this month. Here to the guaranteeing a minimum monthly ticket of everybody scheduled early June. Thanked. ps:五月的最后一章了,过渡章节,一条条线索都该慢慢展开了。谢谢各位的月票支持。零点之后会有个本月总结。在这里向大家预定一下六月初的保底月票。谢谢了。
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