NR :: Volume #2

#147: Birthday

In the jet black dim light of night, Great Fiend Skull of three eyes, smile is so strange. 漆黑的夜色中,三只眼的大魔鬼头颅,笑的那么诡异。 Marvin clenches teeth, has closed both eyes fiercely, the next second, he opens both eyes, the Discovery opposite party Vanish did not see! 马文一咬牙,猛地闭上了双眼,下一秒,他睁开双眼,发现对方已经消失不见! Made him run away?” “还是让他逃了么?” Marvin looked at the data record silently. 马文默默地查看了一下数据记录。 Really, in the earliest possible time that Great Fiend Skull presents, he had the instinct to respond that this was very likely illusion spell! 果然,在大魔鬼头颅出现的第一时间,他就有了本能反应这很有可能是个幻术 will examination on the data record has indicated this point. 数据记录上的意志检定表明了这一点。 This illusion spell, establishes with the grandfather in the study room secret room, mostly the same except for minor differences. illusion spell that but from the intensity, the enemy uses in a hurry, does not have great strength that in the secret room solidifies. Therefore Marvin can exempt easily. 这个幻术,和自己祖父设置在书房密室里的,大同小异。只不过从强度上来看,敌人仓促间使用出来的幻术,并没有密室里固化的那么强大。所以马文才能轻易豁免。 Just, this spell has won the time for the escape of opposite party eventually. 只不过,这个法术终究为对方的逃命争取了时间。 Although cannot completely understand the opposite party strength, but Marvin can feel that the opposite party is not own match. 虽然看不透对方的实力,但是马文能感觉,对方不是自己的对手。 form that this possible and he has the relations. 这可能和他存在的形态有关系。 Marvin at heart feelings, the opposite party is actually not an entity. 马文心里有一种感觉,对方其实并不是一个实体。 May similar resentment spirit that exist. 有可能只是类似怨灵的那种存在。 His is sending out formidable Strength, but as if by more formidable Strength suppressing. 他身上散发着强大的力量,但是似乎被一股更强大的力量给压制住了。 This makes Marvin very obscure. 这让马文非常费解。 No matter what, he opened Night Tracking not to have the form that the means found Mr. black-clothed once more. 然而不管怎么样,他再次开启夜色追踪也没办法找到黑衣老头的身影了。 At that moment he was searching a while same place, can only choose the old route to return. 当下他在原地搜索了一会儿,只能选择原路返回。 Passed by the Jackalman mountain valley, Marvin without hesitation, spends Jackalman that a half hour has conquered by killing has only saved. 路过豺狼人山谷,马文毫不犹豫,花了半个小时血洗了仅存的豺狼人 His method is ruthless spicily. It may be said that stamps out the source of trouble, has not let off including the immaturest Jackalman bastards. 他的手段非常狠辣。可谓是斩草除根,连最幼小的豺狼人崽子都没有放过。 The Jackalman instinct is cruel, since both sides have had such enmity. Even if now they are impossible to pose too many threats to White River Valley again, but may also injure to the territory people. 豺狼人天性残忍,双方既然已经结下了这样的仇怨。就算现在它们不可能再对白河谷地造成太多的威胁,但是也有可能伤害到领地的人民。 Marvin's is benevolently limited. He eventually is not that Saint. 马文的仁慈是有限的。他终究不是那种圣人 In some sense, Jackalman is also Fenan Continent Wisdom life one, they also merely the survival, fight for race Multiply. 从某种意义上来说,豺狼人也是费南大陆智慧生命的一种,它们也仅仅是为了种族繁衍而生存、而战斗。 However This World is such brutal. 但是这个世界就是这么残酷。 Marvin must develop savage lands, these monster sooner or later must kill off completely. 马文要开拓蛮荒,这些怪物迟早是要全部杀光的。 He will not leave any hidden danger to himself, because he must guarantee own Guardianship that place, needs the Guardianship person. Not by any injury. 他不会给自己留下任何隐患,因为他要保证自己守护的那个地方,需要守护的人。不受任何伤害。 Therefore, even if to finally. In his hand blood to become He, he does not care. 为此,哪怕到最后。他手上鲜血成河,他也不在乎。 ...... …… Breaks through that small valley, is a fluctuating uncertain rough terrain, after passing through sparse woods, again. The open area of big piece appeared in front of Marvin. 突破那座小山谷,就是一段起伏不定的丘陵地带,再经过了一段稀疏的树林之后。大片的空地就出现在了马文面前。 The distant place, familiar White River flowed slowly, on a mountain, castle was faintly visible. 远方,熟悉的白河缓缓流了过来,一座高山上,城堡依稀可见。 White River Valley, arrived finally. 白河谷地,终于到了。 Marvin sped up the footsteps, quick returned to territory. 马文加快了脚步,很快就返回了领地 Just, what surprising him somewhat is, this time territory, imagines must be lively! 只不过,让他有些意外的是,此时的领地,比自己想象中的还要热闹很多! Over 300 Low Step Adventurer build up in this sloppily. They catch up from Gemstone Bay. 超过300名低阶冒险者在此散漫地集结。他们都是从宝石湾赶过来的。 And approximately only then less than 1/10 people are Marvin's recruit the person on list. 其中大约只有不到1的人是马文的招募名单上的人。 Other people, are join in the fun, can look pick up a bargain. 其余的人,都是自己过来凑热闹,看看能不能捡便宜的。 These many Adventurer. White River Valley this small place cannot contain. 这么多冒险者白河谷地这种小地方是容纳不下的。 Luckily in territory the grain is enough, chefs work overtime at the same night, the bread that a new roasting draws a charge quickly is also sold out. 幸亏领地里粮食足够,厨师们连夜加班,一个新鲜烘烤出炉的面包也很快售罄。 Besides Marvin recruits Adventurer on list to have the qualifications to live in the castle outer city special place, other people, built a tent by White River under mountain. 除了马文招募名单上的冒险者有资格居住在城堡外城专门的地方外,其余的人,都是在山下的白河旁搭建起了一个营帐。 Marvin clearly stipulates, cannot these Adventurer disturb the life of ordinarily resident. Otherwise handles the severe punishment. 马文明文规定,不许这些冒险者打扰普通居民的生活。否则将严刑处理。 Now looks like, this group of people are law-abiding. 现在看来,这帮人还算安分。 But looks that they create an uproar by White River unscrupulously. Marvin cannot bear frown. 只不过看着他们在白河旁肆无忌惮地哄闹。马文也是忍不住皱起了眉头。 This group of people, do not look for a matter to do to them, they greatly the energy sooner or later can have the matter. 这帮人,不给他们找点事情做,他们大把的精力迟早会出事情。 The White River people have not seen these many formidable Adventurer, luckily also has the garrison often to go on patrol, making them feel to feel at ease. 白河的人民还从来没有见过这么多强大的冒险者呢,幸亏还有警备队时常巡逻,让他们感到心安。 ...... …… Marvin returns to castle time, is high noon, Anna and Wayne see Marvin to return, is pleasantly surprised incomparable. 马文返回城堡的时候,已经是正午,安娜维尼见到马文返回,都是惊喜无比。 They start to complain to Marvin as if by prior agreement. 两人不约而同地开始向马文诉苦。 The content of complaint is same, that was this group of Adventurer too difficult Management! 诉苦的内容只有一样,那就是这帮冒险者实在太难管理了! Only obeys the verbal command of sponsor the savage lands development leads because of Adventurer that being subject to duty to come, we cannot control them.” Anna lets go reluctantly. “因为应征而来的冒险者只听从蛮荒开拓领的发起者的号令,我们管不了他们。”安娜无奈地摊手。 Several hot tempered Adventurer have been fighting to cause trouble, although they prevented by me and Andre. However several households of innocent peasant families were affected. Therefore I rushed to near them White River.” “有几个性情暴躁的冒险者一直在打架闹事,虽然被我和安德烈他们阻止了。但是还是有几户无辜的农家受到了影响。为此我把他们统统都赶到了白河边上。” But they still in lawless.” “但是他们依然在无法无天。” Yesterday left an important matter. Has gotten drunk Adventurer tries to plan to be stronger * a girl in violent territory, luckily Sir Constantine gets rid, has killed him directly.” “昨天出了一件大事。有一个喝醉了的冒险者试图强*暴领地里的一名女孩,幸亏康斯坦丁大人出手,直接杀了他。” When that group of people knew that our territory also has Legendary assumes personal command, they slightly have restrained.” “当那帮人得知咱们领地还有传奇坐镇的时候,他们稍微收敛了很多。” Wayne added: But they are very troublesome, their feces and urine, is anywhere uncivilized.” 维尼补充说:“但是他们还是很麻烦,他们随地大小便,非常不文明。” Marvin listened, has rubbed the temples. 马文听了,揉了揉太阳穴。 These matters, early as he expected. 这些事情,早在他的预料之中。 Anna and Wayne left, right, he has almost also made clear the White River Valley recent situation. 安娜维尼左一句,右一句的,他也就差不多搞清楚了白河谷地的近况。 ...... …… Goes to war indeed is the work of fever money. 打仗的确是个烧钱的活儿。 In order to recruit these Second Step Adventurer on list, Marvin almost consumes from 200 Sorcerer Gold Coin(s) of Black Jack getting so far as completely. 为了招募名单上的那些二阶冒险者,马文黑杰克身上的弄到的200枚巫师金币就几乎消耗殆尽。 Not to mention these many Adventurer gather in White River Valley, once their food and drink rubbish the supply, will have problems. 更别提这么多冒险者汇聚在白河谷地,他们的吃喝拉撒一旦供应不上来,就会出问题。 Adventurer on list, Marvin pledged the provision. However outside the list, they want to buy, needs White River Valley to have this productivity to be good. 名单上的冒险者,马文是承诺供应粮食的。但是名单以外的,他们就算想买,也需要白河谷地有这个生产能力才行。 Luckily at this time, River Beach City that batch of commodities finally. 幸亏在这个时候,河滩城那批物资总算是到了。 Under the Anna's arrangement, several hundred people of livelihood demands that this came out can supply properly finally reluctantly. 安娜的妥善安排下,这多出来的几百人的基本生活需求总算是勉强能供应了。 Under the testimony of Hathaway. The transaction of Marvin and Mederly was closed. River Beach City in the future is part of Marvin's influence, now delivers a commodity to come a Marvin psychological burden not to have. 海瑟薇的见证之下。马文梅迪尔丽的交易是完成了的。河滩城在未来本来就是马文的势力的一部分,现在送点物资过来马文一点心理负担都没有。 Mederly is also enough cruel-hearted. For Legendary, anything gave up.” 梅迪尔丽也是够狠心啊。为了传奇,什么都放弃了。” „After waited for her to promote Legendary. All do not say.” “不过等她晋升传奇了之后。一切就不好说了。” Marvin fully realizes the disposition of that woman. 马文深知那个女人的脾性。 After Mederly promotes Legendary, own Law Decree Contract will be invalid. When the time comes god knows can she pay River Beach City to Marvin as promised. 梅迪尔丽晋升传奇之后,自己的律令契约就会无效。到时候天知道她会不会如约将河滩城交付给马文 The commodity that however this time she delivers, makes Marvin quite satisfied actually. 不过这一次她送过来的物资,倒是让马文相当满意。 In this batch of commodities, weapon that the liquor water that not only including the grain and White River Valley most lacked, some simple clothing and River Beach City patrol leaders eliminated. 这批物资里,不仅包括了粮食和白河谷地最缺的酒水,还有一些简单的衣物和河滩城巡逻队淘汰下来的兵器。 Do not despise these weapons, these may be military weapon. 别小看了这些兵器,这些可都是军用武器 Maintains slightly, sharp degree compared with the ordinary Adventurer use is much better. 稍微保养一下,锋锐程度就比普通冒险者使用的要好很多。 In addition. She also delivered a number of fresh fruits and vegetables to come, these free of charge offered to Marvin's. 除此之外。她还送了一批新鲜的蔬果过来,这些都是免费赠送给马文的 Moreover this is also only the first batch of commodities. Second batch of commodities also on road. 而且这还只是第一批物资而已。第二批物资还在路上。 Mederly pledged that during developing savage lands, River Beach City becomes the White River Valley strongest backing. 梅迪尔丽承诺,在开拓蛮荒期间,河滩城会成为白河谷地最强的后盾。 This also makes in the Marvin heart satisfy many. 这也让马文心中满意不少。 At least that page of Book of Nalu are not Bai Na. 至少那一页纳鲁之书不是白拿的。 Book of Nalu 3rd Page, Marvin do not dare to take risk to read. Before promoting Legendary, he will not bump. 纳鲁之书第三页,马文自己是不敢冒险阅读的。在晋升传奇之前,他都不会去碰。 This chapter Ruin, Can make the disposition of person twist thoroughly, possibly makes the person go crazy thoroughly. 这一章【毁灭】,可以让人的性格彻底扭曲,也可能让人彻底发疯。 Lich of Scarlet Monastery deep sleep is an example. 猩红修道院沉睡的巫妖就是一个例子。 Therefore he is actually not worried about Mederly now, what he is worried is Hathaway. 所以他现在其实并不担心梅迪尔丽,他担心的是海瑟薇 Although Seer is wise, but through the ages many people, by the Book of Nalu pit like mad, even Deity died by the pit. 天醒者虽然明智,但是古往今来多少人,都被纳鲁之书坑的要死要活的,甚至有一位神明被坑死。 Indicated that this book had multi- terrifying. 足见这本书有多恐怖了。 Hathaway is relying on Book of Nalu 6th Page New Life Promotes Legendary, Marvin is afraid her to have the dependence to Book of Nalu. 海瑟薇正是凭借着纳鲁之书第六页新生】晋升传奇的,马文害怕她对纳鲁之书产生依赖。 However spreads the news that from that Second Step Sorcerer Group is. Dame Hathaway seemed busy with a development of new spell recently, has no time to care about other matters. 不过从那个二阶巫师团传来的消息是。海瑟薇大人最近似乎忙于一个新法术的开发,无暇顾及其他事情。 This made Marvin stabilize at heart slightly. 这让马文心里稍微安定了些。 Regarding this individuality very strong woman, Marvin ponders over airtight. At this time. He also can only pray that she had enough Wisdom to read Book of Nalu. 对于这个个性极强的女人,马文是琢磨不透的。这种时候。他也只能祈祷她有足够的智慧去阅读纳鲁之书了。 ...... …… Was right, for these days, these Adventurer a little could not tarry. When they have been asking the bottom to start to develop savage lands.” “对了,这几天,那些冒险者有点呆不住了。他们一直在问到底什么时候开始开拓蛮荒。” Anna worries saying: I feared that the words this way, in territory possibly present the riot at any time.” 安娜发愁道:“我怕这样下去的话,领地里随时可能出现暴乱。” Although Sir Constantine, but may also present the personnel to damage, this is very unworthy.” “尽管康斯坦丁大人在,但是也有可能出现人员损伤,这是很不值得的。” Marvin nodded. 马文点了点头。 He thinks slightly. At once blocks the way: Since this group of people such are all right to do, that makes them be ready.” 他稍微想了想。旋即果断道:“既然这帮人这么没事干,那就让他们做好准备吧。” They want the war. Gives them the war.” “他们想要战争。就给他们战争。” ...... …… Burning hot afternoon, idle Adventurer stripped dive in White River. 炎热的下午,无所事事的冒险者们光着膀子在白河里潜水。 However at this time, a significant news suddenly has spread over White River Valley. 然而就在这个时候,一个重大消息突然传遍了白河谷地 The war mobilization order of signature was issued by Sir Marvin personally! 一份由马文大人亲自签署的战争动员令发布了! Garrison Knight took that mobilization order to locate the Adventurer gathering place to read out Sir Marvin order in territory respectively! 一名警备队骑士拿着那份动员令在领地各处冒险者聚集之地宣读了马文大人的命令! Starting from today, war mobilization starts! 从即日起,战争动员开始! A point of assembly east White River Valley, builds the temporary camp there. 就在白河谷地东部的一个集结地点,在那里修筑临时营地。 One week later, all armies will complete building up. All wants to participate in this fight, and carves up the spoils of war person, must participate in building of temporary camp. 一周之后,所有军队将完成集结。所有想要参与这次战斗,并且瓜分战利品的人,都必须参与到临时营地的修筑中。 Temporarily building of camp, is responsible for by Dame Anna personally, everyone must register to be on record. 临时营地的修筑,由安娜大人亲自负责,每个人都必须登记在案。 At once, by White River seethed with excitement thoroughly! 一时之间,白河旁彻底沸腾了! They rush to White River Valley from afar for anything, is the war! 他们千里迢迢赶到白河谷地为了什么,就是战争! After war, in ogre lair countless valuables and money, as well as gold mine in myths! 还有战争之后,食人魔巢穴中数不尽的财宝,以及传说中的金矿 ...... …… sun drops below the western mountains, under launch of war mobilization order, majority of Adventurer changed the position. 日落西山,在战争动员令的发动下,大部分的冒险者都已经转移了阵地。 They that batch of forest lands and mountainous region overlapping places that goes to Marvin to assign, under the direction of White River Valley garrison vice-captain Gru, builds the temporary camp. 他们前往马文指定的那批林地和山地交叉的地方,在白河谷地警备队副队长格鲁的指挥下,修筑临时营地。 But in White River Valley castle, a somewhat different evening banquet has begun. 白河谷地城堡里,一场有些不同的晚宴拉开了序幕。 Birthday?” “生日?” Marvin some look at Anna and Wayne in consternation, present also has Alchemist that and the others Constantine and Old Blacksmith Shien and his daughter Jane, Necromancer Federer, loses recalls. 马文有些愕然地看着安娜维尼,在座的还有康斯坦丁老铁匠希恩和他的女儿简、亡灵巫师费德勒、失忆的炼金师等人。 Yes? Did you forget?” “是啊?难道您忘了么?” Anna somewhat loves dearly looks at Marvin: Today is your birthday.” 安娜有些心疼地看着马文:“今天是您的生日啊。” Marvin suddenly. 马文恍然。 In August 14, Swimming Fish Constellation last day. 八月14,游鱼座的最后一天。 Tonight, Swimming Fish Constellation will lead Fenan most central Star Palace. 今天晚上,游鱼座将主导费南最中央的星宫 Marvin somewhat is at heart affected, perhaps entire White River Valley, only then Anna and Wayne remembered his birthday. 马文心里有些感动,恐怕整个白河谷地,也只有安娜维尼记得他的生日了。 Wayne is not no need saying that Anna, this has supported the White River Valley woman behind oneself silently, Marvin is being very grateful. 维尼就不必多说了,安娜,这个一直在自己背后默默支撑着白河谷地的女人,马文是非常感激的。 This Stewardess achieves all that she has been able to make, even had sacrificed own individual strength, comes for Marvin Management territory. 这位女管家做到了她所能做的一切,甚至牺牲了自己的个人实力,来替马文管理领地 She does unusual is good. 她做的非常不错。 Thank you.” Marvin said wholeheartedly. “谢谢你们。”马文真心实意地说。 An attractive cake was carried. 一个漂亮的蛋糕被端了上来。 This is Jane does personally.” Anna said in a soft voice. “这是简亲手做的。”安娜轻声说道。 Jane Weiwei said with a smile: Instead is in castle also nothing.” 简微微笑道:“反正在城堡里也没什么事情。” The Marvin slight bow, expressed gratitude. 马文微微点头,表示感谢。 The Fenan's birthday, is very important a day. 费南的生日,是非常重要的一天。 Because leads your one's horoscope to respond your Wish on this day, although this Wish possibly cannot achieve the too big effect, but some luck are good, can come from oneself Constellation Blessing. 因为主导你的命宫会在这一天响应你的祈愿,虽然这种祈愿可能发挥不出太大的效果,但是有些运气好的,还是可以得到来自自己星座祝福 Wish.” Constantine said: Perhaps by the luck of your boy, really can pray anything.” 祈愿吧。”康斯坦丁笑着说:“以你小子的运气,说不定真能祈祷到什么呢。” Marvin lowered the head, according to the Fenan's custom, silently Wish. 马文低下头,按照费南的习俗,默默地祈愿 His Xu's desire is very simple, is hopes own person can pleasant safe. 他许的愿望很简单,就是希望自己身边的人能喜乐平安。 Good, as before, Swimming Fish Constellation has not responded me......” “好吧,和往年一样,游鱼座还是没有响应我……” After a half minute, Marvin smiles bitterly. 半分钟之后,马文苦笑一声。 People hā hā laughs. 众人哈哈大笑。 This is actually the normal condition. Only then few talented people may meet the response of Constellation. 这其实才是正常情况。只有极少数的人才有可能得到星座的响应。 Who knows that at this time, together the radiant brilliance, suddenly has shone in the hall! 谁知道就在这个时候,一道璀璨的光辉,突然在大厅里亮了起来! ...... ( to be continued ) ……(未完待续) ps: Big chapters about 4000 characters! Is a small welfare. ps:将近4000字的大章!算是个小福利吧。
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