NR :: Volume #2

#146: From Hell twittering

Marvin and Ibo are relying on the Crown of the Sea Sovereign strong capability, finally lands in East Coast again. 马文伊布凭借着海皇之冕的强大能力,终于重新在东海岸登陆。 They have spent the half-day time, returns to the camp. 他们花了半天时间,才返回营地。 Is good because of this group of sailors and slave under Lola and First Mate Roberts Management, but also is law-abiding. 好在这群水手和奴隶萝拉大副罗伯茨管理之下,还算安分。 The present is in the summer, besides the mosquito, does not have too many worries, the food on ship is enough. 现在是夏天,除了蚊虫之外,没有太多的烦恼,船上的食物还足够。 Marvin and Ibo discussed that hopes that he can help to guard temporarily. 马文伊布商量了一下,希望他能暂时帮忙镇守一下这边。 After all these sailors are male, if left, leaves behind Lola and Little Tuck and the others, god knows can they live any evil thought. 毕竟这些水手都是男性,如果自己离开了,留下萝拉小图克等人,天知道他们会不会生起什么邪念。 Ibo complied very much happily. 伊布很痛快地答应了。 Marvin has saved him first, then collaborates slaughter dragon with him, finally also saved from Sea Elf Queen him, this small issue was a cinch for him. 马文先是救了他,然后和他联手屠龙,最后还把他从海精灵女王手里救出来了,这点小问题对他来说不在话下。 Marvin urged some Lola matters needing attention, then orders Roberts to make the sailors continue to open this stretch of temporary camp. 马文叮嘱了萝拉一些注意事项,然后又命令罗伯茨让水手们继续开辟这片临时的营地。 This stretch of temporary camp, after a period of time, may establish brand-new port and city. 这片临时的营地,再过一段时间,就有可能建立成一个全新的港口和城市。 Starts to plan from the present well should be. 从现在就开始好好规划是应该的。 After transferring all these, Marvin alone left East Coast, to the west, goes toward White River Valley. 在交待了这一切之后,马文独自离开了东海岸,一路向西,往白河谷地而去。 ...... …… In night mountain range, if quickly the lightning person's shadow is shuttling back and forth rapidly. 深夜的山脉中,快若闪电的人影急速地穿梭着。 Since advance a step Night Traveler, Marvin liked hurrying along more and more at night. 自从进阶夜行人之后,马文越来越喜欢在夜间赶路了。 At night, his field of vision is also even better than the daytime, he can look that is very far. 在夜间,他的视野甚至比白天还要好,他能看出去很远。 This mountain range does not have what name, is not Shrieking Mountain Range part. Fluctuating does not exaggerate very much, can only say that is a piece of small hill, the middle has several mountains. 这道山脉没有什么名字,不属于尖叫山脉的一部分。起伏也不是很夸张,只能说是一片小丘陵,中间有几座大山罢了。 And a mountain. Marvin is very clear, that is that mountain that Ogre Tribe occupies. 其中一座山。马文是非常清楚的,那就是食人魔部落盘踞的那座山。 But stands looks downward on hill, the Marvin at least two roads, can bypass that mountain. 而站在山岗上向下望去,马文至少有两条路,可以绕过那座山。 South has woods, south of woods, is a trail, with White River parallel. Should be able to arrive in White River Valley smoothly \; But north mountain valley, in the mountain valley does not know that has any thing, but should not have formidable magic creature. Also can pass. 南方有一片树林,树林以南,是一条小径,和白河并行。应该是可以顺利抵达白河谷地的\;而北方则有一个山谷,山谷里不知道有什么东西,但应该没有强大魔物。也是可以通过的。 Present Marvin today we are no longer as we have been, Level 13 strength, even if meets monster of troop, he did not fear. 现在的马文今非昔比,13级的实力,就算遇到大群的怪物,他也不怕。 Even if cannot hit. Escapes does not have the issue absolutely. 就算打不过。逃跑绝对是没问题的。 Which road takes?” “走哪条路呢?” Marvin hesitant. 马文犹豫了一下。 But at this time. In his field of vision, flashes through a stealthy shadow suddenly! 只不过在这个时候。他的视野里,突然闪过一个鬼鬼祟祟的影子! That shadow is thin and small. 那个影子非常瘦小。 Jackalman!” 豺狼人!” Marvin at present one bright. 马文眼前一亮。 The next second, he no longer hesitates, runs directly toward the north side. 下一秒,他不再犹豫,直接往北边奔跑过去。 ...... …… He does not see Jackalman directly, but through the field of vision of dark crow sharing, Discovery in the north mountain valley, there is a trace that Jackalman appears and disappears. 他并不是直接看到豺狼人的,而是通过暗鸦共享的视野,发现了北边的山谷里,有豺狼人出没的痕迹。 He was very already strange, how initially invaded White River Valley these Jackalman is Doceroya as well as Miller gangs up on. 他早就很奇怪,当初入侵白河谷地的那些豺狼人是怎么和多西罗亚以及米勒勾搭上的。 South of other White River as well as suspicious places he had searched. Does not have the Jackalman trace. 白河以南以及其他可疑的地方他都已经搜查过了。并没有豺狼人的痕迹。 Finally in this place, caught clues to him. 结果在这个地方,给他抓到了一丝蛛丝马迹。 In the Marvin heart has the premonition. This stealthy Jackalman, has the possibility and that batch extremely invades oneself territory Jackalman to have the relations! 马文心中有预感。这个鬼鬼祟祟的豺狼人,极有可能和那批入侵自己领地豺狼人有关系! At that moment he improved speed fiercely, overran toward north. 当下他猛地提高了速度,往北方冲了过去。 ...... …… In the northern mountain valley, Jackalman is soundless oversteps the thick patch of grass and gravel place, bypasses an alley, prepares to walk toward the south mountain on. 北方的山谷中,一个豺狼人蹑手蹑脚地踏过草丛和石子儿地,绕过一条小路,准备往南边的高山上走去。 That Ogre Tribe, is situated on this mountain! 那座食人魔部落,就坐落在这座山上! However at this time, a person's shadow suddenly flushed, a foot trampled on the body of Jackalman. 然而就在这个时候,一个人影陡然冲了出来,一脚踹在了豺狼人的身体上。 The latter called out pitifully, was trampled to fly directly. 后者惨叫一声,直接被踹飞了出去。 By the Marvin present skill, Jackalman this creature, simply is casual oppressive. 马文现在的身手,豺狼人这种生物,简直是随便虐。 Quick, he is stranded this fellow with Wishful Rope solid. 很快的,他就用如意绳索把这家伙困得结结实实的。 Thanks to Lola, good, under the threat of curved blade the Marvin's Jackalman language said that this pitiful Jackalman anything incurred all of a sudden! 萝拉的福,马文的豺狼人语说的还挺不错,在弯刀的恐吓之下,这名可怜的豺狼人一下子就什么都招了! He presents the life of tribe Leader, delivers a letter to give Ogre Tribe. 他是奉部落首领之命,送一封信给食人魔部落的。 Their this Jackalman tribes, before are, invades the Marvin's Jackalman tribe, lived in this mountain valley deep place, afterward after retreating, only the remaining some old and weak remnants, difficultly drift along in the nearby. 他们这个豺狼人部落,就是之前入侵马文的豺狼人部落,原本居住在这个山谷深处,后来撤退之后,只剩下一些老弱残兵,艰难地在附近混日子。 For going on living, they became the Ogre Tribe dependencies. 为了活下去,他们成为了食人魔部落的附庸。 Jackalman these words, caused Marvin's to pay attention highly. 豺狼人的这句话,引起了马文的高度注意。 Dependency? Did ogre learn the info clerk dependency?” “附庸?食人魔都学会收纳附庸了?” This is almost the impossible matter. ogre is race concept very strong creature, how in formidable does ogre possibly take a broad view at Jackalman?” “这几乎是不可能的事情。食人魔是一种种族概念很强的生物,强大的食人魔怎么可能把豺狼人放眼里?” Has this situation, had a possibility. 出现这种情况,只有一种可能了。 This Ogre Tribe Leader, has extremely high Wisdom, is very likely Ogre Sorcerer. 这个食人魔部落首领,具备极高的智慧,很有可能是一名食人魔巫师 Concept of Ogre Sorcerer and Human Sorcerer, since is different, this gadget is the same with Dragon Race, has one set of unique system, can cross Universe Magic Reservoir to derive chaotic mana directly! 食人魔巫师人类巫师的概念既然不同,这玩意儿和龙族一样,拥有一套独特的施法体系,能够越过宇宙魔池直接汲取混乱魔力施法! Their principle, is similar to Dragon Speech spell, is depends upon itself formidable ** stores up chaotic mana. 他们的施法原理,和龙语法术非常相似,都是依靠自己强大的**来储存混乱魔力 Therefore after the Universe Magic Reservoir disintegration, Ogre Sorcerer has not come under any influence. 所以在宇宙魔池崩碎之后,食人魔巫师是没有受到任何影响的。 Meanwhile because of chaotic mana accompanying, they favors Ruin and Chaos for a long time. 同时因为长期和混乱魔力相伴,他们更倾向于毁灭混乱 This is a very difficultly tamed race. 这是一个很难被驯服的种族。 Therefore Marvin when developed savage lands to be ready, slaughtered to dare to stop his creature. 所以马文在开拓蛮荒的时候就做好了准备,屠戮一切敢于阻拦他的生物 This is doomed is a rivers of blood campaign, however on the successful road, Bleed is not incorrect. 这注定是一场血流成河的战役,但是在成功的路上,不流血是不行的。 ...... …… What letter? With.” The Marvin order said. “什么信?拿出来。”马文命令说。 Jackalman has put out that letter reluctantly. 豺狼人无奈地拿出了那封信。 Marvin looked up and down, content on Discovery letter completely did not understand. 马文上下看了一下,发现信上的内容自己全然不懂。 „It is not the Jackalman language...... Is the ogre language. Is Jackalman Leader writes personally?” “不是豺狼人语……是食人魔语。是豺狼人首领亲自写的?” Really damn.” “真是见鬼了。” Marvin receives the letter. The suspicion in his heart were getting more and more. 马文将信收好。他心中的疑团越来越多了。 Had determined cannot only draw out the loquacity after this Jackalman mouth, Marvin has killed him directly. 确定了从这只豺狼人口中套不出更多话之后,马文直接杀了他。 Regarding Jackalman. He never shows mercy. Initially the Jackalman tribe invaded White River Valley, massacred did not know many innocent villagers. 对于豺狼人。他从不手下留情。当初豺狼人部落入侵白河谷地,杀掉了不知道多少无辜的村民。 Has many people, exists in the Marvin's memory. 有很多人,都存在于马文的记忆里。 This intense and deep-seated hatred. Does not have the means to forgive. 这种血海深仇。是没办法原谅的。 It seems like must go to one that Jackalman tribe.” “看来必须去一趟那个豺狼人部落了。” Marvin deeply inspired, entered mountain valley. 马文深吸一口气,进入了山谷。 ...... …… After one hour, Jackalman Leader and that little soldier have encountered the similar treatment. 一个小时之后,豺狼人首领和那名小兵遭遇了同样的待遇。 As Night Traveler's Marvin, submerged the construction of Jackalman too to be really simple. 身为夜行人的马文,潜入豺狼人的建筑实在太简单了。 He directly Jackalman Leader grasping. 他直接把豺狼人首领给抓了出来。 Since that Warlock died, the present Jackalman tribe, Leader is relatively strong Soldier. 自从那名术士死了之后,现在的豺狼人部落,首领是一个相对强壮的战士 Naturally, strong always relative. In Third Step to the absolute military force suppression of First Step, pitiful Jackalman Leader and that little soldier not anything difference. 当然,强壮总是相对的。在三阶一阶的绝对武力压制之下,可怜的豺狼人首领和那名小兵没什么不同。 Just started him to be obstinate argumentative a while, what a pity after Marvin's simple several types of inquisition by torture methods. This fellow anything said. 刚开始他还嘴硬了一会儿,可惜在马文的简单的几样刑讯手段之后。这家伙就什么都说了。 After listening, Marvin was lost in thought. 听完之后,马文陷入了沉思。 Unexpectedly and an old person of wear black-clothed clothing/taking has the relations.” “居然又和一个穿着黑衣服的老人有关系。” „The content of this letter, is instigates Ogre Tribe to attack White River Valley unexpectedly.” “这封信的内容,居然是怂恿食人魔部落去攻打白河谷地。” That old man said that under White River Valley castle, is burying extraordinary hidden treasure!” “那个老头说白河谷地城堡下,埋藏着了不得的宝藏!” ...... …… Also is Mr. black-clothed! 又是黑衣老头! This image Marvin is not first time hears. He has heard one time from the Doceroya mouth. The present is Jackalman Leader. 这个形象马文已经不是第一次听说了。他从多西罗亚口中听说过一次。现在是豺狼人首领 Marvin attempt makes him describe a more careful image. However Jackalman Leader at a loss shakes the head. 马文试图让他描绘出更仔细的形象。但是豺狼人首领只是茫然摇头。 He is unclear. 他记不清了。 The person who he sees is fuzzy, the opposite party has mysterious Strength, as if can poison people's minds. 他看到的人是模糊的,对方拥有一种神秘的力量,似乎可以蛊惑人心。 However after separating, they only remember that the opposite party is a Mr. black-clothed, other specific contents, anything records is unclear. 然而分开之后,他们只会记得对方是一个黑衣老人,其余的具体内容,什么都记不清了。 This strange method, let the Marvin mental association to Hell. 这种诡异的手段,让马文联想到了地狱 That helped fiend seemingly most like playing this way wait / etc....... Hell, fiend? 那帮魔鬼貌似最喜欢玩这种路数了等等……地狱,魔鬼 Marvin remembers in the secret room that oneself grandfather leaves behind suddenly. That Great Fiend Skull. 马文猛然想起自己祖父留下的密室里。那个大魔鬼头颅 That Hidden Treasure Map. 还有那张藏宝图 All these clearly have the relation. 这一切显然都是有联系的。 Actually is what hidden treasure?” “究竟是什么宝藏?” On that day in the singing sound that in secret passage heard, came from Hell twittering?” “那天在密道里听到的歌声,难道是来自地狱的呢喃?” Thinks of here. Marvin on creepy feeling. 想到这里。马文就一阵头皮发麻。 Deals with fiend, a matter that has a headache about very much. This group of bastards most are good at poisoning people's minds, control the will of the people, plays with contract is also their strong point. 魔鬼打交道,是很头疼的一件事情。这帮王八蛋最擅长蛊惑人心,控制人心,玩弄契约也是他们的强项。 Very obviously, under oneself territory that thing definitely had to relate with fiend, moreover background not small appearance. 很显然,自己领地下面的那个东西肯定跟魔鬼有关系了,而且还来头不小的样子。 This is worried to Marvin. 这对马文来说非常苦恼。 Is under the buttocks is putting a timing bomb completely. 完全就是屁股下面放着一个定时炸弹啊。 God knows own grandfather there conceal anything. 天知道自己的祖父到底在那里藏了什么。 To clarify all these, perhaps starts from secret passage. 想要弄清楚这一切,恐怕还是得从密道入手。 Next time must look for several Legendary, tried to search densely. 下次必须多找几个传奇,试着探探密了。 Marvin has solved Jackalman Leader conveniently. 马文随手解决了豺狼人首领 Crosses this Jackalman tribe, walks toward the west again, quick can arrive in White River Valley. 越过这个豺狼人部落,再往西走,很快就能抵达白河谷地了。 At this time, he suddenly felt that at present hurts. 只是就在这个时候,他突然感觉眼前一疼。 His dark crow was killed! 他的暗鸦被人杀了! The opposite party starting speed is quick, Marvin even without enough time sees clearly the appearance of opposite party! 对方下手速度很快,马文甚至来不及看清楚对方的模样! Any ghost thing!” “什么鬼东西!” A Marvin brow wrinkle, opened Night Tracking this talent skill immediately! 马文眉头一皱,立刻开启了夜色追踪这个天赋技能! The opposite party definitely does not know that he also has this ability. 对方一定不知道,自己还有这个能力。 dark crow is Marvin's summon, itself has filled mark. No matter who has killed Marvin's dark crow, Marvin can come to clutch him with Night Tracking! 暗鸦属于马文的召唤物,本身就充满了标记性。不管是谁杀了马文的暗鸦,马文都能用夜色追踪来把他揪出来! A light red line extends, Marvin has rapidly made the judgment in not the far place! 一条淡淡的红线延伸出去,马文迅速做出了判断就在不远的地方! He sped up the footsteps, after five minutes, he overtook! 他加快了脚步,五分钟之后,他就追上了! When just he pursues, sees is actually one shadow that runs unceasingly. 只不过当他追到的时候,看到的却是一个正在不断奔跑的黑影。 The opposite party wears the black clothes. 对方穿着黑色衣服。 One strange atmosphere fills the air in the Marvin heart looks like. He suddenly cannot see through the opposite party strength! 一种诡异的气氛在马文心头弥漫看来。他竟然看不穿对方的实力! Who you are!” “你是谁!” Marvin clenches teeth, an acceleration, rushed to front of the opposite party, intercepts him forcefully! 马文一咬牙,一个加速,冲到了对方面前,将他强行拦截! Opposite party slam on the brakes, fell on trees of section of withering. 对方一个急刹车,落在了一截枯萎的树木上。 Marvin fixes the eyes on looked that is one to the old man who he sneers! 马文定睛一看,那是一个正冲着他冷笑的老头! Mr. black-clothed! 黑衣老人! Actually are you who?” The Marvin sinking sound asked. “你究竟是谁?”马文沉声问道。 I?” “我?” Opposite party Common Language said is very slow, seems is pondering over anything. 对方的通用语说的很慢,似乎是在琢磨什么。 However the next second, his body had the distortion suddenly! 然而下一秒,他的身体陡然发生了畸变! From a Mr. black-clothed, turned into Great Fiend Skull of three eye! 从一个黑衣老人,变成了一个三只眼睛的大魔鬼头颅 The Marvin whole body fine hair stands upside down! 马文浑身汗毛倒立! ......( To be continued please search the floating astronomy, the novel is better to renew is quicker! ……(未完待续请搜索飄天文學,小说更好更新更快! ps: Second delivers. Thank the book friend Star snow supple Gaining across the board! ps:第二更送上。感谢书友【星雪柔】的飘红!
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