NR :: Volume #2

#145: Dragon Slayer

You have killed goal creature( Adult Red Dragon), obtains the Slaughter Experience 8000 points 【你杀死了目标生物成年红龙),获得杀戮经验8000点】 Dragon Race experience doubled, you obtain the Slaughter Experience 16000 points actually 龙族经验翻倍,你实际获得杀戮经验16000点】 You obtained title Dragon Slayer 【你获得了称号屠龙者 World Myths( Dragon Slayer) + 1 世界传说度(屠龙者)+1】 five color dragons detesting + 1, red dragon detesting + 3 五色龙憎恶度+1,红龙憎恶度+3】 ...... …… On the data panel, massive records flash through. Kills the red dragon advantage is obvious. 数据面板上,大量的记录闪过。杀死红龙的好处还是显而易见的。 First has attained Dragon Slayer this special title. 首先是拿到了屠龙者这个特殊称号。 Dragon Slayer: 屠龙者】: Effect 1: Your strength is formidable, Dignity + 50 效果1:你的实力令人敬畏,威严+50 Effect 2: dragon prestige resistance + 10 效果2:龙威抗性+10 These two attributes, are only on effect, Marvin know outwardly, after having the Dragon Slayer title, walks on human country, the advantage must be more absolutely. 这两个属性,只是明面上的效果,马文知道,拥有了屠龙者称号之后,在人类国度上行走,好处绝对要更多。 For example if he, when issued Savage Lands Development Decree to have Dragon Slayer to take the title, the person of coming with admiration will perhaps turn 34 times. 比如如果他在发布蛮荒开拓令的时候拥有了屠龙者作为称号,慕名而来的人恐怕会翻个34倍。 ...... …… After massacring grand dragon, Marvin has not only harvested the Dragon Slayer title. Moreover first time has attained World Myths. 杀掉巨龙之后,马文不仅收获了屠龙者的称号。而且还第一次拿到了世界传说度。 The death of myths each grand dragon, automatic looks like own same race will issue the warning, Marvin and Ibo collaborates to kill this red dragon, their bodies will have a red dragon resentment. 传说每一头巨龙的死亡,都会自动像自己的同族发出警告,马文伊布联手杀死了这头红龙,他们的身上就会有一丝红龙的怨气。 This resentment, making red dragon be can distinguish as for five color dragons. About Dragon Slayer myths, will flow out from their mouth, finally flows in the human world. 这种怨气,让红龙乃至于五色龙们都能辨别出来。关于屠龙者传说,也会从它们口中流出,最终流入人类的世界。 Naturally, after killing this dragon, a red dragon clan met Marvin perhaps not to have any favorable impression. five color dragons will have the hostility. 当然,杀死这头龙之后,红龙一族遇到马文恐怕没什么好感了。五色龙也会有敌意。 As for inborn is metal dragon of five color dragons enemy, instead will increase therefore to the Marvin's favorable impression for example Scarlet-Copper Dragon and Bronze Dragon and so on. 至于天生是五色龙对头的金属龙,反而会因此而增加对马文的好感比如赤铜龙青铜龙之类的。 Naturally. slaughter dragon is most important, is red dragon material. 当然。屠龙最重要的,还是红龙身上的材料。 If processed properly, alchemy goods or magic potion. Can manufacture big one batch of high-quality goods to come. 如果处理地妥善了,无论是炼金物品还是魔法药剂。都能制作出好大一批高质量的货色来。 myths bathes with dragon blood, has the effect of promotion physical quality. 传说龙血沐浴,更有提升身体素质的效果。 Marvin also wants certainly to try. 马文当然也想试一下。 However at present, troublesome has not passed. 不过眼下,麻烦还没有过去。 Because when just rumbled that artillery, Marvin was shaken spits blood crazily at the same time by the formidable recoil, he realized suddenly has not suited. 因为就在刚刚轰出去那一炮的时候,马文被强大的后坐力震得狂吐血的同时,他突然察觉到了一丝不对劲。 The automatic reduction hangs on Crown of the Sea Sovereign of waist, suddenly transmits a police trillion. 自动缩小挂在腰间的海皇之冕上,突然传来一阵警兆。 Marvin felt neighbor also several formidable creature to covet! 马文感受到了附近还有几个强大的生物在觊觎! Awful!” “糟糕!” Is unaware of the oriole behind?” “难道是黄雀在后?” In the Marvin heart sinks. 马文心中一沉。 Will this place, what person have? 这种地方,会有什么人呢? He thinks fiercely. At heart confident immediately. He holds Crown of the Sea Sovereign in bosom, while movement the Purple Brilliance giant gun tube, has been aiming at void of distant place slowly. 他猛地一想。心里顿时有了底。他一边把海皇之冕揣在怀里,一边缓缓地移动紫耀巨大的炮管,对准了远方的一片虚空。 Queen Your Majesty. Since came, doesn't need to hide Hide to hide?” 女王陛下。既然来了,就不必躲躲藏藏了吧?” His probes purely. 他这一句纯粹是试探。 Has not thought such remarks, that piece void has revealed several facial features beautiful female. 没想到此言一出,那一片虚空中真的露出了几个面容姣好的女性 Really is sea elf. 果然是海精灵 ...... …… Just that artillery, seriously was startled including Sea Elf Queen several powerhouse dumbfoundedly! 刚刚那一炮,当真是把包括海精灵女王在内的几个强者惊得目瞪口呆! They live in the sea. Has not seen such terrifying kills! 她们在大海里生活。从来没有见过这么恐怖的杀器! An artillery. Rumbles the ketchup that the head of red dragon flew everywhere randomly...... Such Prestige Energy, was too fearful. 一炮。就把红龙的脑袋轰成了到处乱飞的番茄酱……这样的威能,实在太可怕了。 Sea Elf Queen ponders to kill red dragon not to be for her difficult, but looks like Marvin to be so neat, was very difficult. 海精灵女王自忖杀死红龙对她来说也不难,但是像马文这么干脆利落的,就很难了。 Naturally, actually she does not know that these have the result of red dragon general idea. 当然,其实她并不知道这其中也有红龙自己大意的结果。 Marvin first time hits the artillery, unavoidably specially will not be accurate. 马文第一次打炮,难免不会特别准。 It does not take Marvin to be serious, swaggering delivers. 偏偏它一点也不拿马文当回事,大摇大摆地送上门来。 This does not deliver experience to Marvin is anything...... 这不是给马文送经验是什么…… No matter what, just shock. Let their flawless disguise present a flaw, the Crown of the Sea Sovereign Perception ability is very formidable. One reminded Marvin, spoke thoughtlessly to cheat them. 然而不管怎么样,刚刚的震惊。让她们天衣无缝的伪装出现了一丝破绽,海皇之冕感知能力还是很强大的。一下就提醒了马文,随口一句就把她们诈出来了。 Is you!” “又是你们!” Ibo crawls to Marvin laboriously is on the mountain peak, how he wants to have a look at Marvin, has not thought that actually saw Sea Elf Queen comes. 伊布辛辛苦苦爬到马文所在是山峰上,他想看看马文怎么样了,没想到却看到了海精灵女王现身。 Pitiful Elven Prince had Shadow at heart, just also overwhelming power incomparable he, immediately was a little frightened by the slightest sound. 可怜的精灵王子心里都有了阴影,刚刚还威猛无比的他,顿时有点风声鹤唳起来。 ...... …… I also officially have not become sea elf Queen, therefore does not need to shout me Your Majesty.” “我还没有正式成为海精灵女王,所以不需要喊我陛下。” Your Highness then.” 殿下即可。” Sea Elf Queen returned to normal, looks at Marvin saying: We well-meant.” 海精灵女王恢复了平静,看着马文说:“我们没有恶意。” hē hē......” Ibo sneers two. 呵呵……”伊布冷笑两声。 Marvin has coughed two, hints Ibo to be patient. 马文则是咳嗽了两下,示意伊布稍安勿躁。 The opposite party does not begin immediately, agree was reasonable, was the best result. 对方不马上动手,肯讲道理,是最好的结果。 Now Marvin fears is the opposite party is in a rage, not only need rob the Ibo person, but also is suitable for this red dragon corpse. 现在马文怕的就是对方一怒之下不仅要把伊布人抢走,还顺走这头红龙的尸体。 That Marvin may not have place to cry. 马文可就没地儿哭去了。 Respect Dame Queen...... Since you are well-meant, then please allow me to tidy up spoils of war first, then talked with you?” “尊敬的女王大人……既然你们没有恶意,那么请允许我先收拾一下战利品,再和你们交谈?” The Marvin words said that thick gun tube has still aimed at Sea Elf Queen. 马文话这么说,那粗大的炮管依然对准了海精灵女王 He bets the opposite party not to understand the structure of this gadget. 他就赌对方不了解这玩意儿的构造。 At this time, he also can only bluster. 在这种时候,他也只能虚张声势了。 Please at will.” Sea Elf Queen brow micro pressed. “请随意。”海精灵女王眉头微蹙。 Just that Strength, if did not dodge promptly, perhaps also rumbled to become slag! 刚刚那股力量,如果自己闪躲不及时的话,恐怕也会被轰成渣! Of pleasant to hear that this fellow, on the mouth said that in fact is threatening itself! 这个家伙,嘴上说的好听,实际上还是在威胁自己嘛! Really is a sly fellow. Has such formidable strength obviously, unexpectedly also disguise is so small and weak. 果然是个狡猾的家伙。明明拥有这么强大的实力,居然还伪装的这么弱小。 To the present at this time, oneself only could have the Third Step strength Perception to the opposite party. 到了现在这个时候,自己还只能感知到对方只有三阶的实力。 This is impossible! 这根本不可能! Can so killing red dragon easily, how possibly be Third Step?” “能如此轻易的杀死红龙,怎么可能是一个三阶?” Ibo has not realized my Invisibility Spell, but he actually realized, this fellow, was his strength stronger than Ibo?” 伊布都没有察觉到我的隐身术,但是他却察觉到了,这家伙,难道他的实力比伊布还强?” Actually is he who?” “他究竟是什么人?” Sea Elf Queen looks to the Marvin's look, becomes curious. 海精灵女王看向马文的眼神,变得好奇起来。 She also wants to have a look, Marvin in front of oneself, how prepares to tidy up spoils of war. 她也想看看,马文在自己面前,准备怎么收拾战利品 Who knew at this time. Marvin suddenly has pulled out a little thing from void conch. 谁知道就在这个时候。马文突然从虚空海螺里掏出了一件小东西。 That is Thousand Paper Cranes. 那是一只千纸鹤 Shadow Thief Owlet gives his gift on first meeting, after this only Thousand Paper Cranes integrates Marvin's within the body, not only made Marvin learn Origami Art. In one time accidental, Marvin Discovery can also summon this only Thousand Paper Cranes. 影贼送给他的见面礼,这只千纸鹤融入马文的体内之后,不仅让马文学会了折纸术。在一次偶然中,马文发现自己还能把这只千纸鹤召唤出来。 This is the gadget that thousand are not exchanged for gold! 这可是一件千金不换的玩意儿! Super Legendary Shadow Thief Owlet personal work. His Origami Art, makes Scarlet-red Shepherd Leader probably admit defeat. 超级传奇影贼的亲自作品。他的折纸术,是让赤红牧首都要吃瘪的。 Under Ibo and sea elves curious vision, Thousand Paper Cranes flew from the mountain peak slowly. 伊布和海精灵们好奇的目光下,千纸鹤缓缓从山峰上飞了下去。 The red dragon corpse, calmly lies down under the mountain peak impressively. 红龙的尸体,赫然静静地躺在山峰之下。 Thousand Paper Cranes passed over gently and swiftly gently the red dragon corpse, red dragon corpse Vanish disappears suddenly unexpectedly! 千纸鹤轻轻地掠过红龙的尸体,陡然间,红龙的尸体竟然消失不见了! Space goods!?” “空间物品!?” What item is this?” “这是什么道具?” Sea Elf Queen was even more curious. 海精灵女王越发好奇了。 Thousand Paper Cranes flew slowly. Finally fell into the Marvin's control, Vanish did not see. 千纸鹤缓缓飞了上来。最终落入了马文的手心,消失不见。 Marvin grows the one breath. 马文长出一口气。 Finally succeeded in obtaining. 终于到手了。 Shadow Thief Owlet gives this only Thousand Paper Cranes, is one can the mobile storage items dimension space. 影贼送给他的这只千纸鹤,就是一个可以移动收纳物品的次元空间。 This is one of the Origami Art highest boundary manifestations. 这是折纸术最高境界的体现之一。 This was also one of the Fenan first Divine Thief past tools. 这也是费南第一神偷当年的作案工具之一。 Guards the strict place. He does not need to go in actually personally, only needed to lose Thousand Paper Cranes to go on the line. 很多守卫严密的地方。他其实都不需要亲自进去,只需要丢一只千纸鹤进去就行了。 The red dragon corpse places in Thousand Paper Cranes, will be safe, because the Thousand Paper Cranes internal time coagulates. Although is still passing. However the speed is slow. 红龙的尸体放在千纸鹤里,会非常安全,因为千纸鹤内部的时间是凝固的。虽然依然在流逝。但是速度非常非常缓慢。 including dragon blood and dragon bone marrow and so on, the warranty will be very long. 包括龙血龙骨髓之类的,保质期都会很长。 ...... …… Dame Queen, if nothing, I and friend of mine first walked.” 女王大人,如果没什么事情的话,我和我的朋友就先走了。” Marvin is still supporting the gun tube, was saying to Queen: I always thought that you as if are not willing to put the appearance that we walk.” 马文依然挺着炮管,对着女王说:“不过我总觉得您似乎不愿意放我们走的样子。” Sea Elf Queen chuckle: I do not have any interest to you. However Ibo, he is my man. What qualifications do you have to take away him?” 海精灵女王轻笑一声:“我对你没什么兴趣。但是伊布,他是我的男人。你又有什么资格带走他?” Whose he * mother was your man!?” “谁他*妈是你男人了!?” Ibo almost must collapse! 伊布几乎要崩溃了! He incomparably said angrily: Anmiro, I know that you is a sea elf clan most outstanding talent, however your age can be my mother. If you like the formidable man, I can introduce my father to you. In any case his seemingly also unmarried many years.” 他愤怒无比地说:“安米罗,我知道你是海精灵一族最杰出的天才,但是你的年纪都可以做我母亲了。你要是喜欢强大的男人,我可以把我爹介绍给你。反正他貌似也单身很多年了。” Asked you to leave is entangling me again well!” “求求你别再缠着我了好么!” Nicholas?” Sea Elf Queen has seriously considered unexpectedly also: I see he has been young the time appearance, his potential was worse than you are far.” 尼古拉斯么?”海精灵女王居然还认真地考虑了一下:“我见过他年轻的时候的样子,他的潜力比你差远了。” Ibo, you are Elven Martial Saint, but I am Anmiro, believes me, our children, certainly are in Elf Race strongest......” 伊布,你是精灵武圣,而我是安米罗,相信我,我们俩的孩子,一定是精灵族中最强的……” However her words were interrupted by Ibo hot tempered: 然而她的话被伊布暴躁地打断了: I do not have a child to you!” “我才不要给你生孩子!” I will convince slowly your.” Sea Elf Queen appears very gentle. “我会慢慢说服你的。”海精灵女王显得很温柔。 Nautical mile years are very long, you can be familiar with one day.” “海里的岁月很漫长,你总有一天会习惯的。” Ibo deeply inspires. He has caused a meaningful glance to Marvin. 伊布深吸一口气。他给马文使了一个眼色。 Marvin has coughed, urged: Dame Queen, has a child this matter, actually cannot force.” 马文咳嗽了一声,劝道:“女王大人,生孩子这种事情,其实是不能勉强的。” „, We suppose, even if you use really strongly, catches your imperial palace Ibo, but if he does not coordinate, does not have the means?” “呐,我们假设一下,就算您真的用强,把伊布抓到您的寝宫,但如果他不配合的话,也是没办法的吧?” Queen smiles is very charming: I have the method to make him coordinate.” 女王笑的很妩媚:“我自有手段让他配合的。” Your men, are not simple.” “你们男人嘛,还不简单。” Marvin cold sweat. 马文一阵冷汗。 Did not have the means. 没办法了。 This Sea Elf Queen also really clings to for dear life hits rottenly. 这个海精灵女王还真是死缠烂打。 He has made a hand signal to Ibo, was rapid Purple Brilliance and box saves in Thousand Paper Cranes. 他给伊布打了一个手势,然后迅速把紫耀和箱子都存到了千纸鹤里。 The next second, Ibo holds Marvin, they go like Eastern leap(ing) from the mountain peak suddenly! 下一秒,伊布一把抓住马文,两人猛然从山峰之下像东方跳跃而去! The Elven Martial Saint formidable bouncing ability made them cross the sand beach directly, fell into the sea! 精灵武圣强大的弹跳能力让两人直接越过了沙滩,落入了大海之中! „To run away?” “想逃么?” Sea Elf Queen calm such as beginning: In the sea, how you to run away?” 海精灵女王镇定如初:“在大海里,你们怎么逃?” One crowd of sea elf sneak in the water rapidly. 一群海精灵迅速潜入水中。 However made Queen feel what was surprised, in her Perception, Ibo and Marvin lost the trail thoroughly! 然而令女王感到惊讶的是,在她的感知之中,伊布马文彻底失去了踪迹! This is impossible!” “这不可能!” Sea Elf Queen first time appeared rude. 海精灵女王第一次出现了失态。 ...... …… Crown of the Sea Sovereign. 海皇之冕 The function of this gadget are many and varied, before Marvin tested three, now detects fourth. 这玩意儿的功能多种多样,之前马文测试出来三个,如今又测出第四个。 That hides own aura in the sea. 那就是在大海里隐蔽自己的气息。 Becoming an ordinary fish disguise. 将自己伪装成一条普通的鱼儿。 Sea Elf Queen that even if familiar with the sea, does not have the means by Crown of the Sea Sovereign disguise. 就算是对大海了如指掌的海精灵女王,也没有办法透过海皇之冕伪装 At that moment Marvin and Ibo are controlling current of water, runs away toward East Coast. 当下马文伊布操控着水流,往东海岸逃去。 As for [The Southern], Marvin already ordering made them return. 至于南方号,马文早就下令让他们返航了。 Finally evaded tribulations.” “终于躲过一劫了啊。” Marvin sees the facial expression that Ibo feels relieved, at heart is also a funniness. 马文看见伊布如释重负的神情,心里也是一阵好笑。 This matter definitely has not ended. By the Sea Elf Queen disposition, after Ibo, perhaps does not dare to approach the seashore. 这事儿肯定还没完呢。以海精灵女王的性格,伊布以后恐怕是不敢靠近海边了。 Otherwise, seemingly may be grasped to breed anytime. 否则的话,貌似随时有可能被抓去配种啊。 ......( To be continued please search the floating astronomy, the novel is better to renew is quicker! ……(未完待续请搜索飄天文學,小说更好更新更快! ps: After seven explode, unavoidably is a little worn out...... Everybody understood. Today can write many coconut trees not to know. However must continue to ask monthly ticket brazeily. We once instead surpassed to last night first, finally in the morning got up to be exploded, throughout was the disparities of more than 100 votes. Was suppressed since the new book time now, is really is not feeling well. ps:七更爆后,难免有点疲软……大家都懂得。今天能写多少椰子也不知道。但是还是要厚颜继续求月票。我们昨晚曾经反超到第一,结果早上起来又被爆了,始终就是100多票的差距。从新书期开始被压制到现在,实在是不爽啊。
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