NR :: Volume #2

#144: The character and style of that artillery

After the darkness, Ibo and Marvin move separately. To this small islands , the induction of Ibo to red dragon was more intense. 天黑之后,伊布马文分头行动。到了这个小岛屿上,伊布红龙的感应更加强烈了。 He had pointed quickly out mountain valley that red dragon perches. 他很快就指出了红龙栖息的山谷。 Before Marvin, careful Observation a terrain, if red dragon must depend upon Flight to run away, then direction, only then east side. 马文之前也仔细观察了一下地形,如果红龙要依靠飞行逃走的话,那么方向只有东边了。 The Night Traveler's superiority, obtained the biggest display in the night. 夜行人的优势,在夜晚得到了最大的发挥。 Quick, he climbed up east on an island mountain peak. 很快的,他就爬上了小岛东部的一座山峰上。 On this mountain peak, he can the bird's eye view entire islands, even can see clearly red dragon disguise own that mountain valley. 在这座山峰上,他可以俯瞰整座岛屿,甚至可以看清红龙伪装自己的那个山谷。 Although by Marvin current Perception, cannot see the red dragon concrete position, however in this position, he can cover the eastern sky of island! 尽管凭借马文目前的感知,还是看不出红龙的具体方位,但是在这个位置,他可以笼罩小岛的东部天空! Was the time puts out everybody.” “是时候拿出大家伙了。” Marvin looked for a covert place carefully, then has pulled out a box. 马文仔细找了一个隐蔽的地点,然后掏出了一个箱子。 He has placed the ground the box, then takes out one with the box together by the parchment that Constantine delivers. 他把箱子放在了地上,然后取出一张伴随着箱子一起被康斯坦丁送过来的羊皮纸。 This is not a contract book, but is one takes office the book. 这不是一张契约书,而是一张就职书。 So long as on this parchment, signs own name, Marvin can obtain second Secondary Profession! 只要在这张羊皮纸上,签上自己的名字,马文就能获得第二个兼职 He with the feather pen, has signed the name without hesitation. 他毫不犹豫地用羽毛笔,签上了名字。 In an instant, the parchment automatic combustion control, turned into a black mark finally, integrated in the Marvin's forehead. 刹那间,羊皮纸自动燃烧,最终变成了一枚黑色的印记,融入了马文的眉心之间。 On the data panel, a record of big string has delimited in front of Marvin's. 数据面板上,一大串的记录划过马文的面前。 ...... …… You obtained second Secondary Profession Firearms Shooter( Sand Race People)】 【你获得了第二兼职-火线枪手沙族人)】 You receive Experience Penalty, deducts the Slaughter Experience 2000 points 【你受到经验惩罚,扣除杀戮经验2000点】 Your Sand Race People approval + 1 【你的沙族人认可度+1】 You obtain the hot weapon control( introductory)】 【你获得热武器掌控(入门)】 You grasped knowledge Basic Firearms Use and Maintenance 【你掌握了知识-基本枪械使用与维护 You obtained Setting Sun Proverbs 【你获得了落日箴言 ...... …… hot weapon control! 热武器掌控! Marvin wants, is this! 马文要的,就是这个! About own second Secondary Profession. He had considered is very long. Because of the Multi-talented reason, his first Secondary Profession has exempted Experience Penalty. This is a very worthwhile place. 关于自己的第二兼职。他曾经考虑过很久。因为多才多艺的缘故,他的第一兼职免去了经验惩罚。这是一个很合算的地方。 But second Secondary Profession is different, it will suffer very serious Experience Penalty. Just started double, afterward was three times even is five times! 而第二兼职就不一样了,它会遭受很严重的经验惩罚。刚开始双倍,后来是三倍甚至是五倍! Marvin must take office one, even if Level 1 can also display very strong effect second Secondary Profession! 马文必须就职一个哪怕是1级也能发挥出很强效果的第二兼职 After consideration excessively entire Fenan's Profession, the environment that in addition placed, Marvin chooses resolutely Firearms Shooter! 在考虑过整个费南的职业之后,再加上自己身处的环境,马文毅然选择了【火线枪手】! Firearms Shooter is Sand Race People characteristics Profession, only then the outstanding person in Sand Race People has the qualifications to take office this Profession. 火线枪手沙族人的特色职业,只有沙族人中的佼佼者才有资格让人就职这个职业 Without a doubt, is skilled in incomparable Constantine to the firearms, although is Night Traveler's one, but also pride in Sand Race People. 毫无疑问,对枪械精通无比的康斯坦丁虽然是夜行人的一员,但也沙族人中的骄傲。 The taking office book that he writes personally, naturally cannot have any issue. 他亲自书写的就职书,自然不会有什么问题。 Marvin obtained the hot weapon control successfully( introductory). 马文成功地获得了热武器掌控(入门)。 However introductory rank, but also is insufficient! 但是入门级别,还不够! He takes out two bangles. Takes to oneself. 他又取出两个手镯。给自己带上。 These two bangles, is he borrows from Constantine there, for this slaughter dragon , he also had the slaughter dragon later treasure future gold mine in any case, paid in advance. 这两个手镯,也是他从康斯坦丁那里借来的,反正为了这次屠龙,他已经把未来的金矿、还有屠龙之后的宝贝,都预支出去了。 You have equipped roaring flame bangle, your hot weapon grasps rank + 1 【你装备了烈焰手镯,你的热武器掌握等级+1】 You have equipped incorruptible bangle, your hot weapon grasps rank + 1 【你装备了冰霜手镯,你的热武器掌握等级+1】 Under the hard piles of two bangles, the Marvin's hot weapon control rank arrived directly expert Rank. 在两只手镯的硬堆之下,马文的热武器掌控等级直接来到了【高手】级别。 However! 然而! Also insufficient! 还不够! That everybody in box, at least needs other Master Grade hot weapon control. Can use. 箱子里的那个大家伙,至少需要大师级别的热武器掌控。才能使用。 He takes out pair of glove once more, this is a little special to glove, points at the part to build by the steel and iron, the turn over is not very flexible. However can protect the good palm. 他再次取出一对手套,这对手套有点特殊,手指部分由钢铁打造而成,翻转不是很灵活。但是能保护好手掌。 Took off has worn Gloves of Fright, Marvin has put on this pair of known as Wrath of Kurs magic goods! 摘下了一直佩戴的【可怕的手套】,马文戴上了这对叫做克尔苏之怒】的魔法物品! Finally, his hot weapon control rank achieved Master Rank! 终于,他的热武器掌控等级达到了【大师】级别! Closes right up against the equipment that borrows stiffly. Marvin arms to have Master Grade hot weapon control other Firearms Shooter successfully temporarily! 硬生生靠着一身借来的装备。马文成功地将自己临时武装成了一名拥有大师级热武器掌控的火线枪手 The next second, he turns on that box decisively. 下一秒,他果断打开那个箱子。 In jet black dim light of night. The thick gun tube appears in the Marvin's eye is such sex appeal. 漆黑的夜色中。粗大的炮管在马文的眼里显得是那么的性感。 Man, should play this type of rough thing!” “男人,就应该玩这种粗糙的东西!” Previous generation time , if not enter the morning of game. Firearms Shooter late is very open, perhaps did not play.” “前世的时候如果不是进游戏的早。火线枪手很晚才开放,说不定就不玩贼了。” Does not need to fight hand-to-hand personal, hits the artillery by far, thinks excitedly!” “不用贴身肉搏,远远地打炮,想想就兴奋啊!” He starts the rapid assembly this set of known as Purple Brilliance Legendary Item gets up! 他开始快速组装起这一套叫做紫耀】的传奇物品起来! The components of Purple Brilliance , the structure is also very complex. 紫耀的零件非常之多,构造也是很复杂。 Regarding Constantine, the assembly and disassemblage probably only need the flash, but Marvin on need at least one hour. 对于康斯坦丁来说,组装和拆卸可能只需要一瞬间,但是马文就需要至少一个小时了。 This is to the instruction booklet assembly. 这还是对着说明书组装的。 After all Marvin is a novice. 毕竟马文还是个新手。 ...... …… After one hour, Purple Brilliance was debugged finally. 一小时之后,紫耀终于被调试完毕。 Marvin hides by a giant rock, basically grasped the Purple Brilliance usage-style and fire opportunity. 马文隐藏在一块巨大的岩石旁,基本上掌握了紫耀的使用方式和射击时机。 Previous generation time, he has not been short in the siege warfare plays the trebuchet and so on thing, self-examines to the control of long-distance weapon should. 前世的时候,他也没少在攻城战里玩投石机之类的东西,自问对远程武器的掌控应该还是可以的。 Constantine only gave Marvin to send one Dragon Fang Shell. 康斯坦丁只给马文送来了一份【龙牙】炮弹。 In other words, he only then hits an opportunity of artillery. 换句话说,他只有打一炮的机会。 If this artillery hit crookedly, red dragon might escape. 如果这一炮打歪了,红龙就有可能逃跑。 That owed in a big way. 那就亏大了。 After all each artillery, at least takes 500 Sorcerer Gold Coin(s)! 毕竟每一炮,至少要500枚巫师金币 On Constantine also on five Dragon Fang, before to kill Zhu, has used up one, now only remaining four. 康斯坦丁自己身上也就五枚龙牙,之前为了杀,用掉了一枚,现在只剩下四枚。 Each Dragon Fang producuction process, is troublesome, this is also hot weapon throughout not in the Fenan popular reason. 每一枚龙牙的制作过程,都非常麻烦,这也是热武器始终没有在费南普及的缘故。 Go to war! 打仗! Hits is money. 打的就是钱。 Marvin understands this point. 马文深谙这一点。 Why isn't Sand Race People strong? Because their people are few, moreover lacks the resources, has not done business the brains. 沙族人为什么不强势?因为他们人少,而且缺乏资源,没有经商头脑。 Firearms Shooter needs to spend money to pile. 火线枪手是需要用钱堆出来的。 For example present Marvin, Level 1 Firearms Shooter, after having an equipment and weapon of terrifying, dares to go to slaughter dragon. 比如现在的马文,1级火线枪手,在拥有了一身恐怖的装备和武器之后,就敢去屠龙了。 Behind this, is the large amount money! 在这背后,是巨额的金钱! Naturally, there is the friendship between Night Traveler. 当然,也有夜行人之间的交情。 ...... …… Was getting more and more near from the time of agreement. Marvin is also getting more and more excited! 距离约定的时间越来越近了。马文也越来越兴奋! His warm-blooded was lit, the heartbeat is also getting quicker and quicker! 他的热血被点燃了,心跳也越来越快! After all this is slaughter dragon! 毕竟这可是屠龙啊! Although is only red dragon. 虽然只是一条红龙 However regarding present Marvin. Also was very dangerous existence! 但是对于现在的马文来说。也是非常危险的存在了! It is not careful, must build oneself. 一个不小心,就得把自己搭进去。 If not has the absolute confidence to the Ibo's strength and own reaction capacity. He does not dare to come. 如果不是对伊布的实力和自己的反应能力有绝对的信心的话。他是根本不敢来的。 Come, I have prepared.” “来吧,我已经准备好了。” Marvin is debugging the direction of gun tube unceasingly, discussed at heart. 马文不断调试着炮管的方向,心里默念道。 ...... …… After 15 minutes, Ibo got rid finally! 15分钟之后,伊布终于出手了! He gets rid, be relentless continuously attacks! 他一出手,就是毫不留情地连续进攻! He suddenly appears, becomes to that disguise red dragon of mountain wall is one fiercely punches! 他突然出现,冲着那伪装成山壁的红龙就是一顿猛揍! Roar! 吼! The terrifying dragon's cry sound transmits, a giant air wave tumbling, the entire island shivered. 恐怖龙吟声传来,一阵巨大的气浪翻滚,整个小岛都颤抖了一下。 The position that luckily Marvin chooses is good, has not received the influence of dragon's cry. 幸亏马文选的方位不错,并没有收到龙吟的影响。 Both sides probably a little about five miles distance! 双方大概有一点五英里左右的距离! This distance. To Marvin is very safe. 这个距离。对马文来说还是很安全的。 Under King of the Night's Blessing, he can see the fight that in the mountain valley has clearly. 夜之王的祝福下,他可以清晰地看见山谷里发生的战斗。 Huge red dragon under the Ibo fierce attack, appears that soft and weak. 庞大的红龙伊布凶猛的进攻之下,显得那么软弱无力。 The stature of both sides has formed the sharp contrast! 双方的身材形成了鲜明的对比! Under so the contrast, Ibo's each fist, appears that powerful powerful! 在如此反差之下,伊布的每一拳,都显得那么强悍有力! Crushes all fighting methods to be different from Martial Monk that type, the Ibo's fist, is having a more formidable forcing strength. 武僧那种粉碎一切的打法不同,伊布的拳,带着一股更强大的逼迫力。 Does not hesitate at all costs, even if burn both jade and stone, must hit the meaning of clothing/taking you! 就是不惜一切代价,就算是玉石俱焚,也要把你打服的意思! ...... …… Worthily is man who I have a liking for!” “不愧是我看上的男人!” Not far away. In Sea Elf Queen eye evade a faint trace extraordinary splendor. 不远处。海精灵女王眼里闪烁着一丝丝异彩。 If for the strategy, she does not wish one could to throw now the Ibo darkness during eclipse, is strong on. 如果不是为了策略,她恨不得现在就扑上去把伊布脱光,然后强上。 Too was really fierce! 实在太猛了! red dragon was punched áooo to call. Can punch grand dragon with dog, on unique. No other semicolon. 红龙被揍得嗷嗷直叫。能把巨龙揍得跟狗似的,也就独此一家。别无分号了。 Your Highness, he as if also has a companion.” Nearby sea elf reminder said. 殿下,他似乎还有个同伴呢。”一旁的海精灵提醒说。 „Did you say the fellow of that revealing only part of the truth?” “你说那个藏头露尾的家伙吗?” Sea Elf Queen disdains saying: Was too small and weak, lifts the telescope thing to peep. I do not have to his interest.” 海精灵女王不屑道:“太弱小了,举着个望远镜似的东西在偷看。我对他一点兴趣都没有。” But that telescope is sending out some strange energies probably. It seems is a good thing.” Her accompanying said. “可是那个望远镜好像散发着一些奇怪的能量呢。看上去是个好东西。”她身边的随从说。 Good thing in our palace to be few?” “我们宫殿里的好东西还少么?” Queen does not have the interest to Marvin completely, the vision closely is staring at Ibo. The mouth said: A while that red dragon definitely breakneck runs away.” 女王马文完全没兴趣,目光紧紧盯着伊布。嘴里说:“一会儿那条红龙肯定玩命地逃。” Martial Saint will not fly, this is the biggest regret. However I can help him block.” 武圣不会飞,这是最大的遗憾。但是我可以帮他拦下来。” When the time comes. I do not believe him not to subdue!” “到时候。我就不信他还不折服!” ...... …… Really, just like Sea Elf Queen said. 果然,正如海精灵女王所说。 red dragon knew that fights hand-to-hand is not the Ibo's match, has used a crafty plot quickly, then withdraws with Dragon Speech spell forcefully! 红龙自知肉搏不是伊布的对手,很快使用了一个狡计,然后用龙语法术强行脱身! His both wings open, the huge body raises rapidly! 他双翅张开,庞大的身躯急速升起! Ibo bounces freely astonishingly, but had been delayed a small little while after by Dragon Speech sorcery, cannot overtake! 伊布尽管弹跳惊人,但是被龙语巫术耽搁了一小会儿之后,还是没能追上! Begins!” Sea Elf Queen smiled was saying. “动手吧!”海精灵女王微笑着说。 The body of red dragon increases rapidly, walks toward the east side, before quick arrived at a mountain peak. 红龙的身体急速攀升,往东边走,很快就来到了一座山峰前。 However at this time, a giant rock directly fell from the east that mountain peak! 然而就在这个时候,一块巨大的山石直接从东边的那座山峰上滑落! hōng lóng lóng! 轰隆隆 A Marvin foot trampled already the loose stone, completely has exposed itself! 马文一脚把早就松动的石头踹开,完全暴露了自己! Above the mountain peak, the giant gun tube can adjust at will, no longer has any obstacle. 山峰之上,巨大的炮管可以随意调整,不再有任何障碍物。 Finally came.” “终于来了。” Marvin closely is holding Purple Brilliance, locks grand dragon that the rapid flight came stubbornly! 马文紧紧抱着紫耀,死死地锁定了疾飞而来的巨龙 His heartbeat turned several times immediately, estimates the distance of both sides silently, as well as attack position. 他的心跳顿时翻了好几倍,默默地估算双方的距离,以及攻击的位置。 „Does he want to do?” Sea Elf Queen noted this point, she has not gotten rid. “他想干嘛?”海精灵女王注意到了这一点,她没有出手。 red dragon also saw that tiny person's shadow on mountain peak. 红龙也看到了山峰上的那个渺小人影。 He does not care, the opposite party strength was too small and weak, is unable to become any threat to other party! 他根本不在意,对方的实力太弱小了,根本无法对他造成任何威胁! However the next second, Marvin deeply inspires. 然而下一秒,马文深吸一口气。 His both hands catch up, has drawn the spanner fiercely. A formidable recoil transmits, his whole person cannot help but backward falls, almost falls the mountain peak! 他双手发力,猛地拉动了扳手。一股强大的后坐力传来,他整个人不由自主地向后摔去,差点摔下山峰! hōng! 轰! In an instant, sturdy incomparable purple light has pounded from the gun tube together directly! 刹那间,一道粗壮无比的紫光直接从炮管上砸了出去! This passes through the artillery of world! 这是贯穿天地的一炮! zī zī! 兹兹 Flame and electric light, have passed through the head of grand dragon forcefully, has made into the pulp its head directly! 火焰和电光,强行贯穿了巨龙的脑袋,直接把它的脑袋打成了稀巴烂! The bloody water turned into the rain, sprinkles thick fallingly! 血水化成了雨,纷纷扬扬洒下! The red dragon corpse, incomparably crashes miserably! 红龙的尸体,凄凉无比地坠落下去! Sea Elf Queen and her accompany, almost must look scared! 海精灵女王和她的随从们,几乎要看傻眼了! ...... …… The Marvin chest severe pain, pū pū pū coughs up blood. 马文胸口剧痛,噗噗噗地咳着血。 However looks at the dense and numerous data that on data panel flashes through, he actually loudly laughs. 然而看着数据面板上闪过的密密麻麻的数据,他却放声大笑起来。 This artillery. 这一炮。 This he * the crispness of mother! 这他*娘的爽! ......( To be continued please search the floating astronomy, the novel is better to renew is quicker! ……(未完待续请搜索飄天文學,小说更好更新更快!
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