NR :: Volume #2

#143: Ibo's humiliation history

Since that day with Marvin after Whirlwind Harbor bids good-bye, Ibo goes by boat to go to sea, through all sorts of special means that he pursues Antiquity Red Dragon actually. 自从那天跟马文旋风港分手之后,伊布独自一人乘船出海,通过种种特殊的办法,他其实是追赶上了太古红龙 Although just, E'er by Dragon Slaying Sword running away in fear, but he has not received the too serious wound. 只不过,厄尔虽然被屠龙之剑给吓跑了,但他本身并没有受到太严重的创伤。 Ibo while E'er , in islands rests launched the surprise attack. 伊布趁着厄尔在一个岛屿上休息的时候发动了突袭。 Both sides fierce battle, finally it can be imagined is formidable Elven Martial Saint, was almost regarded the sandbag to destroy by terrifying Antiquity Red Dragon. 双方恶战一场,结果可想而知就算是强大的精灵武圣,也差点被恐怖太古红龙当成沙包打碎。 Ibo suffers defeat and flees. 伊布败走。 According to the Antiquity Red Dragon E'er temper, this situation certainly must pursue. 本来按照太古红龙厄尔的性子,这种情况肯定是要追的。 But then he, indeed was affected by Dragon Slaying Sword, as if had Shadow at heart. 只不过当时的他,的确是受到了屠龙之剑的影响,似乎心里是有阴影了。 Oversuspicious red dragon thinks that is the Southern Sorcerer Alliance plot, therefore has not pursued Ibo that runs away. 多疑的红龙以为是南方巫师联盟的阴谋,于是并没有去追击逃走的伊布 Ibo escaped by luck. 伊布侥幸逃过一劫。 However this does not mean that E'er will let off Ibo. 但是这并不意味着厄尔就会放过伊布了。 He has not gone to pursue, but summoned another grown red dragon to chase down Ibo. 他自己没有去追,但是却召唤了另外一条成年的红龙追杀伊布 Therefore a frigid fight launched in the sea level. 于是一场惨烈的战斗就在海面上展开了。 In normal condition Ibo, pounded the meat sauce this Adult Red Dragon completely sufficiently. 原本正常情况下的伊布,完全足以把这头成年红龙砸成肉酱。 However he was seriously injured. Martial Saint fight that in addition in the sea level really not suitable not to fly, both sides hit to stop from time to time unexpectedly, have pestered such a long time! 但是他受了重伤。再加上海面上实在不适合不会飞的武圣战斗,双方居然打打停停,纠缠了这么长时间! The final result, naturally is mutually wounded. 最后的结果,当然是两败俱伤。 Ibo exhausted has given a Adult Red Dragon fist fully, that Strength also keeps red dragon within the body therefore Ibo saying that he can feel red dragon in the nearby. 伊布用尽全力给了成年红龙一拳,那股力量至今还留在红龙体内所以伊布说他能感觉到红龙在附近。 This fist directly being on the verge of death that red dragon hits, what a pity red dragon will fly, Ibo does not have slaughter dragon to succeed eventually. 这一拳直接把红龙打的濒死,可惜红龙会飞,伊布终究没有屠龙成功。 Then was a story that Ibo is not willing to mention. 接下来就是伊布非常不愿意提起的一段故事了。 For all this. Under Marvin's closely examines over and over, this story is dug by Ibo was called humiliation history finally. 尽管如此。在马文的再三追问下,这段被伊布称为“屈辱史”的故事最终还是被挖了出来。 ...... …… Pitiful Ibo in severely wounded situation. Tries to return to the mainland. 可怜的伊布在重伤的情况下。试图返回大陆。 However in the process of drift, he has run into one group of women. 但是在漂流的过程中,他遇到了一群女人。 One group of persistently unreasonable women. 一群蛮不讲理的女人。 They are sea elf. 她们是海精灵 Different with wood elf. sea elf is the matriarchal society, all, is the women's rights is supreme. 木精灵不同。海精灵是母系社会,所有的一切,都是女权至上。 This crowd of sea elf are not average people, they are sea elf Imperial Family, Ibo even hear majority of sea elf to shout a quite elegant young girl for Queen. 这群海精灵也不是普通人,她们是海精灵皇族,伊布甚至听到大部分的海精灵喊其中一位颇为雍容华贵的少女为“女王”。 This means that that sea elf young girl's status in sea Elf Race group quite in Ibo's father Nicholas. 这就意味着,那位海精灵少女在海精灵族群中的地位就相当于伊布的父亲尼古拉斯 Sea elves has rescued Ibo. 精灵们救了伊布 However, the unfortunate matter occurred, that in Ibo mouth „the chest * does not have brain greatly the woman had a liking for Elven Prince. 然而,不幸的事情发生了,伊布口中的那个“胸*大无脑”的女人看上了精灵王子 She has not passed through Ibo's to permit, directly has brought back to her imperial palace severely wounded Ibo! 她没有经过伊布的允许,就直接把重伤的伊布带回了她的寝宫! With the Ibo's words. In front of formidable Sea Elf Queen, he almost **! 伊布的话来说。在强大的海精灵女王面前,他差点就**了! He has treated some time in the sea elf Imperial Family seabed palace, what during that time he was asks for advice is the person has to lower the head under the eaves. 他在海精灵皇族的海底宫殿里待了一段时间,那段时间他算是领教到了什么叫人在屋檐下不得不低头了。 He originally is not the Sea Elf Queen match, after the severe wound, was hopeless. 原本的他就不是海精灵女王的对手,重伤之后就更没戏了。 But Ibo has not given up hoping! 只不过伊布没有放弃希望! He does not want to become sea elf Imperial Family as the tool of breeding! 他不想成为海精灵皇族作为育种的工具! Pitiful Ibo seized an opportunity finally, the day before yesterday, he had found the loophole of sea elf Imperial Family palace, ran away. 可怜的伊布最终抓住了一个机会,就在前天,他找到了海精灵皇族宫殿的一个漏洞,逃了出来。 What a pity does not last forever, Sea Elf Queen Prestige Energy surpasses his imagination, she pursued unexpectedly. 可惜好景不长,海精灵女王威能远超他的想象,她居然追了过来。 Both sides are go all out. 双方又是大干一场。 Ibo is still not the match of opposite party. His severe wound stupor, but before then, he used mother to leave his item, ran away. 伊布依然不是对方的对手。他重伤昏迷过去,但是在此之前,他动用了母亲留给他的一件道具,逃走了。 That tattered plank. Also does not know where Ibo grasps perhaps is the seeking livehood instinct, in brief his such stupor held the plank to wander the period of time in the sea. 那块破烂的木板。也不知道伊布是从哪里抓过来的或许是求生的本能,总之他就这么昏迷地抱着木板在海上漂流了一阵子。 His mother's that item helped him evade the search of Sea Elf Queen, but if were not Marvin fishes him. God knows can he wander to the ends of the earth in light of this. 他母亲的那件道具帮助他躲过了海精灵女王的搜索,但是如果不是马文把他捞上来的话。天知道他会不会就此漂流到天涯海角去。 Therefore he to meets once more Marvin feels surprised at the same time, to Marvin expressed the sense of gratitude. 所以他对再次遇到马文感到惊奇的同时,也对马文表示了感激之情。 Was almost regarded story Ibo of toys Captivity in shackles to urge Marvin as for this phase of humiliation incomparable history by one group of women over and over seriously. Cannot disclose the half minute to the bystander. 至于这段屈辱无比的历史差点被一群女人当成玩物囚禁在牢笼里的故事伊布再三严肃地叮嘱马文。不许对外人透露半分。 Otherwise this friendship broke. 否则这交情就断了。 After Marvin has smiled, immediately him promised one will strictly observe the secret. 马文笑过之后,立刻向他保证自己会严守秘密。 Has not thought to this situation Elven Martial Saint formidable. Also will admit defeat, Marvin shook the head secretly. 没想到强大到这种地步的精灵武圣。也会吃瘪,马文暗地里摇了摇头。 This World has is too outstanding and formidable female, their individual military forces have even crushed 99% male creature. 这个世界有太多优秀而强大的女性,她们的个人武力甚至压倒了99的男性生物 This military force guarantee, can make them handle affairs according to own idea, but does not become the dependency of man. 这种武力保证,可以让她们按照自己的想法来行事,而不是成为男人的附庸。 But sometimes, the military force suppresses, will become a little strangely and extremely. 只不过有些时候,武力压制,就会变得有点怪异和极端了。 ...... …… However after listening to Ibo's humiliation history, Marvin most is interested, is not that crowd of sea elf. 不过在听完伊布的屈辱史之后,马文最感兴趣的,并不是那群海精灵 He fully realized that the arrogance of sea elf, have met in any case, they are impossible to have a liking for one tiny human. But essentially, sea elf is good, do not provoke her, they will not interfere you. 他深知海精灵的高傲,反正自己就算遇上了,她们也不可能看得上自己一个“渺小的人类”的。而从本质上来说,海精灵还是善良的,你别招惹她,她们不会来干涉你。 What he compares to care is that red dragon. 他比较在意的是那头红龙 According to Ibo, that red dragon should on a nearby island, after he cause heavy losses by Ibo, should unable to fly far! 伊布所说,那头红龙应该就在附近的一个小岛上,他被伊布重创了之后,应该也飞不了多远的! Ibo in that Strength that his within the body leaves behind, at this time became tracking good means. 伊布在他体内留下的那股力量,此时已经成为了一个追踪的上佳办法。 So long as can find that red dragon, Elven Prince expressed 99% assurances to be able the slaughter it! 只要能找到那条红龙,精灵王子表示有99的把握能屠了它! The remaining that failures are possible , because red dragon will fly...... 剩下的那一线的失败可能,是因为红龙会飞…… The Marvin ponder moment, the decision has made the decision finally! 马文沉思片刻,最终拍板做出了决定! This dragon, needs the slaughter! 这头龙,必须要屠! The experience big gift parcel that delivers adds on the dragon words big gift parcel not to pick, rather also too wasted the moral behavior. 送上门来的经验大礼包加上龙字号大礼包不捡,未免也太浪费人品了一些。 Just, he does not have like Elven Martial Saint strong **, even if two were also all right by dragon claw flexure. 只不过,他不像精灵武圣那样拥有超强的**,就算被龙爪子挠两下也没事。 Marvin even estimated one are continually grown dragon dragon prestige unable to resist. 马文甚至估计自己连成年龙的龙威都抵挡不住。 Wants slaughter dragon, must in guaranteeing in own safety situation, leaves a trail. 想要屠龙,必须在保证自己生命安全的情况下,别出蹊径。 Therefore he has patted the Ibo's shoulder: 于是他拍了拍伊布的肩膀: You rest again for day.” “你再休息一天。” Tomorrow evening. We begin.” “明天晚上。我们动手。” ...... …… In night tent, an unusual candle. Was lit by Marvin slowly. 深夜的营帐里,一只奇特的蜡烛。被马文缓缓点燃。 That side the candle broadcasts the Old Blacksmith impatient sound: Which ran?” 蜡烛那边传来老铁匠不耐烦的声音:“又跑哪儿去了?” Why do you relate my Coordinate not to be different each time?” “为什么每次你联系我的坐标都不一样?” Marvin has not opened the mouth, another sound joked: Marvin. You when also did not work as this Landgraf, the improper words simply gave me to satisfy a craving.” 马文还没开口,另外一个声音开玩笑说:“马文。你到底还当不当这个领主了,不当的话就干脆让给我过把瘾好了。” Constantine. 康斯坦丁 Marvin is overjoyed, he was saying to the candle immediately: Sir Constantine!” 马文大喜过望,他立马对着蜡烛说道:“康斯坦丁大人!” I want to borrow the same thing from you!” “我想要向你借一样东西!” The latter immediately became discrete: What?” 后者立刻变得谨慎了起来:“什么?” „, It is not that......” “唔,就是那个……” Marvin said itself to want. 马文说出了自己想要的。 Finally only waits for a character: 结果只等来一个字: Go away!” “滚!” ...... …… From a East Coast not far island. 距离东海岸不远的一个小岛上。 A colossus closely is pasting mountain wall, is gasping for breath. 一个庞然大物紧紧贴着山壁,正在喘气。 It was injured was very heavy, although grand dragon was formidable ** the restoration ability was helping him restore, however Elven Martial Saint that Strength still could hardly be removed. 它受伤很重了,尽管巨龙强大的**复原能力在帮助他恢复,但是精灵武圣的那股力量依然挥之不去。 Dragon Speech sorcery that he grasps, does not have means detachment Strength. 他所掌握的龙语巫术,都没办法移除这个力量 Present it, can only paste the mountain wall. Folds Disguise Spell to oneself. 现在的它,只能贴着山壁。给自己叠上一个又一个的伪装术 Rests again for several days, can carry on long-distance Flight, it will seek for the help of Sir E'er immediately. 再休息几天,可以进行长途飞行了,它立马就会去寻找厄尔大人的帮助。 When the time comes did not have the issue. 到时候就没问题了。 The present is the most dangerous time. 现在是最危险的时候。 red dragon Perception around four, he always feelings, probably some people are monitoring restlessly him. 红龙不安地感知着四周围,他总有一种感觉,好像有人在监视他。 However he actually could not find, this feeling makes him very anxious. 但是他却找不到,这种感觉让他很焦躁。 Outside the island, several person's shadows appear silently. 小岛外,几个人影悄然无声地出现。 „Doesn't Your Highness, why kill this red dragon?” 殿下,为什么不杀了这头红龙?” A careful sound so inquired. 一个细细的声音如此询问道。 Sea Elf Queen said lightly: I could not find him. He was hides certainly.” 海精灵女王淡淡地说:“我找不到他。他一定是躲起来了。” But I know, he can look for this red dragon troublesome.” “但是我知道,他一定会来找这头红龙的麻烦的。” So long as defends this red dragon. I can wait till him.” “只要守住这条红龙。我就能等到他。” Another person asked puzzled: Your Highness, that does Elven Martial Saint that attract you really?” 另外一个人不解地问:“殿下,那个精灵武圣真的那么吸引你吗?” Superficial.” Sea Elf Queen snort|hum: Semblance is just a leather bag, his strength and potential are I most regard as important.” “肤浅。”海精灵女王哼了一声:“外表都只不过是皮囊而已,他的实力和潜力才是我最看重的。” You know that our elf clan including wood elf, sea elf, moon elf wait / etc., many years had not left Martial Saint?” “你知道我们精灵一族包括木精灵海精灵月精灵等等,已经有多少年没有出过【武圣】了吗?” That person was not convinced said: But Your Highness you are many years have not appeared Anmiro.” 那人不服气地说:“可是殿下您也是很多年都没有出现过的【安米罗】呀。” Therefore. I must make him have a child to me.” Sea Elf Queen incomparably said aggressively: “所以。我才要让他给我生孩子。”海精灵女王霸气无比地说: Martial Saint and Anmiro's descendant, absolutely is most powerhouse on This World.” 武圣安米罗的后代,绝对是这个世界上的最强者。” I anticipated to see our child grows for world strongest that day very much.” “我很期待看见我们的孩子成长为世界最强的那天。” ...... …… Next morning, Marvin received Constantine eventually fruitfully with that goods that the special method flies. 次日清晨,马文终究是如愿以偿地收到了康斯坦丁用特殊手段飞过来的那件物品。 In order to borrow this fellow. Marvin has abandoned the innumerable argument, granted the innumerable advantage after slaughter dragon. Makes Constantine deliver thing with the mystique. 为了借这家伙。马文废了无数口舌,允诺了屠龙之后的无数好处。才让康斯坦丁用秘法将东西送过来。 Luckily both sides are away from are not far, the middle is only spanning a mountain range. Regarding Constantine such Legendary. Has some special teleportation methods is also very normal. 幸亏双方距离并不远,中间只横亘着一座山脉。对于康斯坦丁这样的传奇来说。掌握一些特殊的远程传送手段也是很正常的。 Marvin has resulted in the fellow, starts to prepare the slaughter dragon important matter. 马文得了家伙,就开始筹划起屠龙大计来。 This slaughter dragon plans, only then he and Ibo two people participates. 这一次屠龙计划,只有他和伊布两个人参加。 Other people, were excluded completely. 其余的人,全部被排除在外。 Perhaps under grand dragon dragon prestige, these sailors from afar looked that will frighten the urination pants. 巨龙龙威之下,这些水手恐怕远远看一眼都会吓得尿裤子。 All must Marvin begin. 一切还得马文自己动手。 Taking the opportunity of rising tide, Marvin made the sailors start [The Southern] once more, following the Ibo's Perception direction, along the Eastern travel in the past. 借着涨潮的机会,马文让水手们再次启动了南方号,循着伊布的感知方向,沿着东方行驶过去。 Marvin is controlling Crown of the Sea Sovereign, has compared with the grand dragon more remote Perception distance. 马文掌控着海皇之冕,拥有比巨龙更遥远的感知距离。 Quick, he had found that islands. Direction and distance and similar of Ibo description. 很快的,他就找到了那个岛屿。方向和距离都和伊布描述的差不多。 He orders [The Southern] to stay in same place, he and Ibo, is sneaks in the water, swam the past. 他命令南方号停留在原地,他和伊布,则是潜入水中,一路游过去。 The Marvin's physical strength so is not naturally good, but there is Crown of the Sea Sovereign, he can control the current of water. 马文的体力自然是没这么好的,只不过有了海皇之冕,他可以操控水流。 He and Ibo disguise becomes the ordinary sea clan himself, approached that islands quietly. 他把自己和伊布伪装成普通的海族,悄然地靠近了那个岛屿。 They wait in the sand beach. 他们在沙滩上等候。 To the darkness, they started to take action.( To be continued please search the floating astronomy, the novel is better to renew is quicker! 一直到了天黑,他们才开始行动。(未完待续请搜索飄天文學,小说更好更新更快!
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