NR :: Volume #2

#142: slaughter dragon?

Previous meeting time, he did not say that ran slaughter dragon?” “上次见面的时候,他不是说跑去屠龙了么?” Turned into this appearance?” “怎么变成这个样子了?” Lola asked curiously. 萝拉好奇地问道。 Marvin shrugs, god knows this fellow encountered anything in the sea. 马文耸了耸肩,天知道这家伙在海上遭遇了什么。 At that moment he ordered saying: Holds him, making him rest my bunk.” 当下他只是命令说:“把他扶起来,让他睡我的床铺吧。” The Ship Captain room, is the most comfortable place. 船长室,是最舒服的地方。 A Lola pair of big eyeball keeps spinning, on Marvin and Ibo back and forth, does not know that she is thinking anything. 萝拉一双大眼珠不停地打转,在马文伊布身上来回,也不知道她在想什么。 But in other person of eyes, then seemed like by Marvin and Lola the superficial dialog is scared. 而在其他人眼里,则是被马文萝拉看似轻描淡写的对话吓傻了。 slaughter dragon? 屠龙 This does not make is playing! 这可不是闹着玩儿的! In Fenan, any establishes the relational with grand dragon the thing is very powerful. Not to mention grand dragon itself. 费南,任何跟巨龙搭上关系的东西都是非常强悍的。更别提巨龙本身了。 At this time, supported by the arm Ibo's that sailor to shout suddenly loudly: I thought.” 就在这个时候,搀扶着伊布的那个水手突然大声喊道:“我想起来了。” This is not Antiquity Red Dragon that initially that fought with the fists falls into into the sea|nautical mile Elven Martial Saint of!?” “这不是当初那位一拳打的太古红龙跌进海里的精灵武圣嘛!?” Is he?” “是他?” Is Elven Martial Saint Sir Ibo?” “是精灵武圣伊布大人?” Did the sailor to seethe with excitement immediately! 一干水手顿时沸腾了! After Whirlwind Harbor fights, not only Antiquity Red Dragon E'er ominous starts to know for the people, these resists the evil dragon Legendary reputation bravely, spreads unceasingly. 旋风港一战过后,不仅太古龙红厄尔的凶名开始为众人所知,那些勇敢地对抗恶龙传奇的名声,也不断流传开来。 Ibo as Elven Prince, originally known. In addition that fight, was he bravely has made the first fist, although merely has hit from beginning to end also a fist, but the Elven Martial Saint Ibo's name, was almost well-known in East Coast. 伊布作为精灵王子,本来就小有名气。再加上那一场战斗,是他率先勇敢打出了第一拳虽然从头到尾也仅仅打了一拳而已,但是精灵武圣伊布的名字,在东海岸几乎已经家喻户晓了。 The people looked that immediately changed to Marvin and Lola complexion. 众人看向马文萝拉的脸色立刻就变了。 Listens to their expressions, as if Ibo very familiar appearance. 听他们的语气,似乎和伊布非常熟悉的样子。 No wonder White River Valley can rise recently, heard Sir Marvin and Three Rings Hightower Legendary Sorcerer Dame Hathaway relations are not general good...... You understand my meaning.” “难怪白河谷地能在最近崛起了,听说马文大人和三环高塔传奇巫师海瑟薇大人关系不是一般的好……你明白我的意思的。” Now. This Sir Ibo, probably with Sir Marvin is also very familiar appearance!” “现在。这位伊布大人,好像和马文大人也是很熟悉的样子!” Moreover all these are only the surfaces that we see! Actually god knows behind this Sir is any background!” “而且这一切只是我们看到的表面!天知道这位大人背后究竟是什么来头!” The sailors discussed in secret in a low voice. 水手们暗中低声议论。 Relations of Marvin and numerous Legendary. Let the people feel at ease, strengthened them to follow the Marvin's heart. 马文和众多传奇的关系。让众人更加心安了,更加坚定了他们追随马文的心。 ...... …… Over the next few days. Was the bored marine profession. 接下来的几天。就是无聊的海上生涯了。 These slave, Marvin shifted previous several them partially. After all the bottom warehouse is really not the place that person should treat. 那些奴隶,马文将他们部分转移到了上几层。毕竟底仓实在不是人应该待的地方。 However Marvin has still not made them run around, but granted, once to land, if they wanted to leave, he momentarily released them to be free. 不过马文依然没有让他们到处乱跑,只是允诺,一旦到了陆地,如果他们想要离开的话,他随时释放他们自由。 This makes these slave be deeply grateful. 这让那些奴隶感激不尽。 After must be traded shortly north, Marvin called upon the gods the soldier to rescue them just like the day, this has made them very satisfied. 毕竟眼看着就要被贩卖到北方了,马文宛如天降神兵解救了他们,这已经让他们很满足了。 In some slave, some were abducted. Some were seized forcefully. They majority are underage child and also calculate the pretty woman. 这部分奴隶中,有的是被拐骗的。有的是被强行抓捕的。他们大部分都是未成年的孩子和还算漂亮的女人。 Marvin warned that all sailors cannot touch this group of people, has safeguarded they most basic right to subsistence. 马文警告一切水手不许碰这批人,保障了他们最基本的生存权力。 As for arriving on land, can they find their home, Marvin want to help but unable. 至于到了陆地上,他们到底能不能找到自己的家,马文就爱莫能助了。 If they want, he can provide some work in White River Valley to them. 如果他们愿意,他可以在白河谷地给他们提供一些工作。 This was extreme limit that he can achieve. 这是他能做到的极限了。 ...... …… The Marvin's luck is good, leaves several days after Pearl Island, they meet is the fine weather. 马文的运气不错,离开珍珠岛之后的几天,他们遇到的都是好天气。 Quick, they had found the East Coast coastline, so long as is maintaining with the coastline the distance. Can penetrate in the sea of savage lands. 很快的,他们就找到了东海岸的海岸线,只要和海岸线保持着距离。就可以深入蛮荒之海中。 According to the experience of Marvin previous generation, this sea area, does not have any danger actually. 根据马文前世的经验,这一片海域,其实没什么危险。 Reason that nobody comes, but does not have the economic profit. 之所以没人来,只不过没有经济利润罢了。 In addition frightening of Shrieking Mountain Range. Therefore little has the fleet to stare the vision to here. 再加上尖叫山脉的震慑。所以很少有船队把目光盯向这边。 Ships static is leading the way, Marvin these days, probed the function of Crown of the Sea Sovereign. 船只静静的前行着,马文在这些日子里,把海皇之冕的作用试探出来了。 The current situation is. Crown of the Sea Sovereign indeed lived by a Strength seal. This perhaps and some origin relations of Pearl Island. 目前的情况是。海皇之冕的确被一股力量封印住了。这或许和珍珠岛的来历有些关系。 Present Marvin did not have the ability to solve, but so. This treasure in Marvin, can display to affect considerably large. 现在的马文还没有能力解决,但是就算如此。这件宝物在马文手里,也能发挥出相当大的作用了。 First is Eye of the Seas and Oceans. 首先就是【海洋之眼】。 This ability can let easily any situation that Marvin sees clearly the coastal water: monster, ocean current and monsoon that including possible severe weather, presented at any time wait / etc.. 这个能力能让马文轻易洞察附近海域的任何情况:包括了可能出现的恶劣天气、随时出现的怪物、洋流和季风等等。 It can assure the [The Southern] safe navigation in the maximum degree. 它可以在最大程度上保证南方号的航行安全。 Then is controls the fluent ability. 然后就是操控水流的能力。 It can add on Blessing of some sea to [The Southern] simply. Picks up the cruising speed. Avoids the dangerous vortex wait / etc.. 它可以给南方号简单地加上一些大海的祝福。加快航行速度。避开危险的漩涡等等。 Third is control preliminary sea creature Strength. 第三就是操控低级海洋生物力量 This aspect, because meets is some ordinary schools of fish, Marvin has not experimented. 这方面,因为遇到的都是一些很普通的鱼群,马文还没有试验过。 Other Strength, as if got up by the seal. The bonus is so, Crown of the Sea Sovereign enough has also gone against heaven's will, once de-archives, absolutely is the best quality goods in Legendary Item! 其余的力量,似乎都被封印起来了。饶是如此,海皇之冕也足够逆天了,一旦解封,绝对是传奇物品中的极品! Sea Sovereign three-piece set, each has the ability of control sea.” 海皇三件套,每一件都有主宰海洋的能力。” Heard that collection complete three, can become true King of the Seas and Oceans. The previous generation seems like several guild has been snatching this set of treasure, what a pity did not have any impression.” “听说集齐三件,能成为真正的海洋之王。前世貌似有几个工会一直在抢这套宝物,可惜没什么印象了。” Marvin receives cautiously Crown of the Sea Sovereign. 马文小心翼翼地将海皇之冕收好。 This thing is he will gallop in the future marine relying on, can obtain it, is the Marvin's luck. 这东西是他日后驰骋海上的凭借,能得到它,是马文的运气。 ...... …… Also in one day. 又过了一天。 [The Southern] bypassed Shrieking Mountain Range safely, finally in an ocean current slow area debarkation. 南方号安全地绕过了尖叫山脉,终于在一处洋流较缓的地区登陆。 This piece has certain distance from Shrieking Mountain Range, the terrain is superior, if the manpower and resources are enough, can definitely make use of local materials, establishes volume of goods handled astonishing port. 这一片距离尖叫山脉有一定的距离,地形还算优越,如果人力物力都足够的话,完全可以就地取材,建立起一个吞吐量惊人的港口来。 But this place still belongs to the savage lands region, has the possibility that monster appears and disappears anytime. 只不过这地方依然属于蛮荒地带,随时有怪物出没的可能。 Marvin lets the sailors while the rising tide time, opened a sand beach of open security [The Southern], then fixed it. 马文让水手们趁着涨潮的时候,将南方号开上了一处开阔安全的沙滩,然后将它固定好。 Then, built a temporary camp in this nearby. 接下来,就是在这附近搭建一个临时营地了。 The sand beach toward east, is a piece of open plain, the distant place has woods, again toward east, is a piece of mountain range. 沙滩往东,就是一片开阔的平原,远方有一片树林,再往东,就是一片山脉。 Marvin range estimate, so long as crosses that piece of mountain range, is White River Valley. 马文目测,只要越过那片山脉,就是白河谷地 On the mountain range lives. Is Ogre Tribe that this Savage Lands Development Decree must cope with emphasis! 山脉上居住的。就是这次蛮荒开拓令要重点对付的食人魔部落 Constructs the temporary camp on the land is the specialty of sailors, but these slave. Also gets down the help. 在陆地上构筑临时营地是水手们的拿手好戏,而那些奴隶们。也下来帮忙。 In this place, they do not dare to run all over the place. Only can follow the direction of First Mate Roberts. 在这种地方,他们不敢乱跑。只能遵循大副罗伯茨的指挥。 Luckily [The Southern] is the slave ship, above has transported many food, this group of food enough this group of people have even supported this winter in the camp. 幸亏南方号奴隶船,上面运了不少食物,这批食物甚至足够这批人在营地里撑过这个冬天。 Quick, before the sunset, calculates together the reasonable temporary camp ties. 很快的,在日落之前,一块还算靠谱的临时营地扎住完毕。 Then, these sailors did not have no Quest. 接下来,这些水手就没有什么任务了。 Marvin gives their order is the recuperation. But he, then the preparation passes through this mountain range, returns to White River Valley. 马文给他们的命令是就地休整。而他自己,则准备穿越这座山脉,重返白河谷地 Now at this time, thinks before me, Adventurer that recruits has completed building up.” “现在这个时候,想必我之前招募的冒险者已经完成了集结。” Three Rings Hightower, White-Silver Church and River Beach City allied armies have also taken place.” 三环高塔白银教会河滩城的联军也已经就位。” Is the time with the aid of their Strength. Crew cut Ogre Tribe, developed savage lands!” “是时候借助他们的力量。推平食人魔部落,开拓蛮荒了!” Marvin thinks of all these, one's blood bubbles up to the brim. 马文想到这一切,就热血沸腾。 But he just wants to leave, that side Lola, actually spreads a news: 只不过他刚想动身的时候,萝拉那边,却传来一个消息: Handsome Elf awoke!” 精灵帅哥醒了!” ...... …… Ibo awoke, drifts the sea did not know many days later, this fellow by not dead cockroach common vitality, actually. 伊布醒了,在海上漂泊了不知道多少天之后,这家伙凭借不死小强一般的生命力,硬是挺了下来。 Marvin knows that Elven Martial Saint will not be easy to hang. Great Elf King is staring at him. 马文知道,精灵武圣是不会那么容易挂的。大精灵王盯着他呢。 That Sir, although boasting has been looking down upon Ibo, actually at heart but worries tight. 那位大人,虽说嘴上一直瞧不起伊布,但其实心里是牵挂的紧的。 Because of Ibo, is Forest of a Thousand Leaves heir. 因为伊布,是千叶之森继承人 Nicholas is very high to his request is very high. High to harsh situation! 尼古拉斯对他的要求很高很高。高到苛刻的地步! The average people, in this age, can achieve Martial Saint. Is the talent in talent. 一般人,在这个年纪,能达到武圣。已经是天才中的天才了。 However in the Nicholas eye, still by far insufficient! 但是在尼古拉斯眼里,依然远远不够! ...... …… You must lift up the entire wooden Elf Race man. These that you make, is far from enough.” “你是要扛起整个木精灵族的男人。你做的这些,远远不够。” This is Ibo in most words that in Dreamland hears. 这是伊布梦境中听到的最多的话。 When he wakes up. Blurry half of the day, opens eyes with great difficulty, actually surprisedly incomparably saw a familiar face. 当他醒来的时候。迷迷糊糊了半天,好不容易睁开眼,却惊讶无比地看到了一张熟悉的脸。 Marvin. 马文 I know why you have certainly many doubts for example are I. But actually all can only explain with coincidence. Is such simple.” “我知道你一定有很多疑惑比如为什么又是我。但其实一切只能用巧合来解释。就是这么简单。” Marvin let go, sees in the Ibo eye the surprised vision, he also can only such say. 马文摊了摊手,看见伊布眼里吃惊的目光,他也只能这么说道。 Indeed is the coincidence, if obtain is not Crown of the Sea Sovereign, had not looked with Eye of the Seas and Oceans everywhere randomly, could not find this fellow. 的确是巧合,如果自己得到的不是海皇之冕,没有用海洋之眼到处乱看,也就找不到这家伙了。 Where god knows this fellow meets a person to wander to goes. 天知道这家伙会一个人漂流到哪里去。 However thinks carefully that their coincidence number of times also were too rather many. 不过仔细想想,两人的巧合次数未免也太多了些。 Initially a Ibo fist bang on red dragon, was rebounded, falls side Marvin. 当初伊布一拳轰在红龙身上,被反弹回来的时候,也是摔在马文身边。 In the words that Lola in secret and sailors described that is Sir Marvin actually and Handsome Elf very much has the fate!” 萝拉私底下和水手们说的话来形容就是“马文大人其实和精灵帅哥还是很有缘分的呐!” Ibo slow, long vented anger. 伊布缓了缓,长长地出了一口气。 The next second, he shot from the bed directly! 下一秒,他直接从床上弹了起来! Mother *, the father also has a dragon not to have the slaughter!” “妈*的,老子还有一头龙没屠呐!” Marvin let somebody cool off or calm down attacks saying: On you now this condition? Also wants to cope with Antiquity Red Dragon E'er?” 马文冷冷地打击说:“就你现在这种状况?还想对付太古红龙厄尔?” No, is not E'er!” “不,不是厄尔!” Ibo said with clenched jaws: Is another red dragon!” 伊布咬牙切齿地说:“是另外一条红龙!” I guaranteed with you that dragon had been killed by me quickly, only remained the final one breath.” “我跟你保证,那条龙已经快被我打死了,只剩最后一口气了。” It in the, I can feel!” “它就在附近,我能感觉得到!” Damn, if initially I am willing to study even if a wee bit magic were good, if I will fly, that dragon already died!” “该死,如果当初我肯学哪怕一丁点的魔法就好了,如果我会飞的话,那条龙早就死了!” Marvin hears, immediately a parade is big. 马文听得云里雾里,顿时一阵头大。 You are calm first calmly.” “你先冷静冷静。” What's the matter? After you go to sea, what had? Takes your time.” “到底是怎么回事?你出海之后发生了什么?慢慢来。” He hints Ibo to be patient. 他示意伊布稍安勿躁。 Ibo tranquil, gives on him the bandage to tear off these sailors completely. 伊布平静了一下,把身上那些水手们给他上的绷带全部扯掉。 Before the wounds of these edema, returned to normal. This is the Martial Saint formidable mortal body! 之前那些浮肿的伤口,已经全部恢复正常。这就是武圣强大的肉身! He starts to relate after Marvin one go to sea the bitter experience. 他开始向马文诉说自己出海后的遭遇。 Marvin more listens is the heart movement, heard afterward, his entire eyes shone. 马文越听越是心动,听到后来,他整个儿眼睛都亮了。 If Ibo said real, then as if slaughter dragon also really possible! 如果伊布说的都是真的话,那么似乎屠龙还真的有戏啊! Adult Red Dragon of being on the verge of death, very much has the attraction to Marvin! 一头濒死的成年红龙,对马文来说还是很有诱惑力的! Wait / Etc., I need more details.” “等等,我需要更多细节。” Marvin hurries saying: „, Why will you hold a plank to wander in the sea?” 马文慌忙说道:“还有,你为什么会抱着一块木板在海上漂流?” On the Ibo's face reveals color of the forced smile immediately: 伊布的脸上顿时露出一丝苦笑之色: Not to mention. That was the later matter.” “别提了。那是之后的事情了。” Yeah, why can I always meet the chest * the woman of big non- brain?” “哎,为什么我总是能遇到胸*大无脑的女人?” ......( To be continued please search the floating astronomy, the novel is better to renew is quicker! ……(未完待续请搜索飄天文學,小说更好更新更快!
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