NR :: Volume #2

#141: Crown of the Sea Sovereign

Pearl Island. 珍珠岛 In myths Beyzuzo place. 一个传说被诅咒的地方。 This rumor is spreading in Ship Captain, but the sailors understand are not many, Navigator possibly knows, after all their responsibility are to lead the crew avoids the marine all terrifying things. 这个传言在船长们之间流传着,但是水手们了解的就不多了,领航员可能知道一些,毕竟他们的职责是带领船员避开海上一切恐怖的东西。 The majority of sailors have heard, this is place of taboo! 大部分的水手只是听说过,这是一个禁忌之地! The direction when the observation Discovery ships go to unexpectedly is Pearl Island, during all sailors fell into were scared! 所以当瞭望手发现船只前往的方向竟然是珍珠岛的时候,所有的水手都陷入了恐慌之中! If not the Marvin's remaining prestige still, perhaps they already did not do. 如果不是马文的余威犹在,恐怕他们早就不干了。 Just, compared with most starts, these sailors started the hands and feet to tremble. 只不过,和最开始相比,这些水手已经开始手脚发颤了。 ...... …… Sir Marvin!” 马文大人!” Second Mate Roberts originally after helping Marvin captured [The Southern] , to promote for First Mate on ship successfully. 原本的二副罗伯茨在帮助马文夺得了南方号之后,成功地晋升为了船上的大副 Marvin granted after new port established, will appoint him as [The Southern] Ship Captain. 马文允诺在新港口建立完毕之后,将任命他为南方号船长 After all he is impossible to rush about in the sea for a long time. 毕竟他自己不可能长期在海上奔波的。 This makes Roberts competitive. 这让罗伯茨干劲十足。 He is fearless and is full of the ambition the role, has snorted contemptuously to Pearl Island myths. 他本身就是个天不怕地不怕、充满野心的角色,对珍珠岛传说一直嗤之以鼻。 They a little are afraid. They want to know that actually you want toward where to go.” “他们有点害怕。他们想要知道,您究竟想要往哪里去。” Roberts said: I can comfort their mood temporarily, but is impossible to continue to be too long.” 罗伯茨解释说:“我可以暂时安抚他们的情绪,但是不可能持续太久。” Marvin has turned around, looks to the terrified people, said loudly: 马文转过身,看向了惶恐的众人,大声地说: Pearl Island is just an ordinary island. Marine myths is incredible, moreover [The Southern] will not anchor in Pearl Island, we will only stop in the morning the time near Pearl Island, we will turn then back to the southwest.” 珍珠岛只不过是一个普通的小岛罢了。海上的传说不足为信,而且南方号也不会在珍珠岛停泊,我们只会在珍珠岛边上停上半天时间,然后我们就会折返向西南。” In there. The open beaches suit the debarkation. We can bypass safely Shrieking Mountain Range in the sea, there is I must establish the new port place!” “在那里。有一片开阔的海滩适合登陆。我们可以在海上绕过安全地尖叫山脉,那里就是我要建立新港口的地方!” However to that place. It is not far from my White River Valley.” “而到了那个地方。距离我的白河谷地也就不远了。” Listened to the Marvin words, sailors were slightly calm. 听了马文一席话,众水手稍微镇定了一些。 In fact. Now they participated in murder original Ship Captain, has had no place to go. Marvin said that anything is anything, they were indisputable. 事实上。现在他们都参与了谋杀原先的船长,已经无处可去了。马文说什么就是什么,他们无可辩驳。 At that moment, [The Southern] approached Pearl Island slowly, and in stopped from a coastline almost several miles place. 当下,南方号缓缓地靠近了珍珠岛,并在距离海岸线差不多十几英里的地方停了下来。 At this time display of vigour and vitality time, under the function of sunlight, the thick fog of Pearl Island edge also became thin. 此时正是旭日东升的时候,在阳光的作用下,珍珠岛边缘的浓雾也变得稀薄了很多。 Sailors some seized the chance to rest, some restlessly were looking into this myths place of taboo. 水手们有的趁机休息了,有的则在不安地眺望着这个传说中的禁忌之地。 Marvin ordered, besides him. Cannot anybody land on the island. 马文下令,除了他自己之外。不许任何人登岛。 During he lands on the island, is exercised his authority by the Lola agent. 而在他登岛期间,由萝拉代理行使他的权力。 He did not fear one in ascending the process of island, this fellows set sail oneself to sneak off. Without Marvin, where this group of people cannot go. 他也不怕自己在登岛的过程中,这帮家伙开着船自己溜走了。没有了马文,这帮人什么地方都不能去。 Only then White River Valley can accept them. 只有白河谷地才能收容他们。 Even if ambitious First Mate Roberts is also so. 就算是野心勃勃的大副罗伯茨也是如此。 Let alone, Marvin also has to keep way of escape. He kept on Storm Fey the ship. 更何况,马文也不是没留后手。他把风暴精灵留在了船上。 Once this group of people have any acting rashly, can free Flight, and can Manipulate the Winds Storm Fey be able to prevent them with ease. 一旦这帮人有任何的轻举妄动,能够自由飞行,并且可以操控风风暴精灵可以轻松阻止他们。 ...... …… Lands on the island while the daytime, province helps fog monster have to do with that.” “趁白天登岛,也省的跟那帮雾妖打交道。” In the Marvin heart is thinking, a boat was put. 马文心中这么想着,一只小船就被放了下去。 A strong sailor will row a boat Marvin sends to the island. 一名强壮的水手将划船把马文送上岛。 The people look that the boat goes far away unceasingly. Although they do not know that Marvin is making anything, but relies on the Marvin's reputation, they guessed that this Sir is certainly planning any important matter. 众人看着小船不断远去。虽然他们都不知道马文在做什么,不过凭借马文的名声,他们猜测这位大人一定在谋划什么重要的事情。 After all Mysterious Marvin This nickname, has spread East Coast from River Beach City gradually. 毕竟【神奇的马文】这个外号,已经渐渐从河滩城流传到东海岸了。 The popularity basically and of this nickname Double-headed Snake Marvin Differs not many. 这个外号的知名度基本上和【双头蛇马文】相差不多。 They are willing to believe that Marvin can lead them to cross compared with a former better day. 他们还是愿意相信马文能带领他们过上比之前更好的日子的。 Since Captain George has taken over [The Southern]. The short temper, treats people harsh he to make the day of sailors even more not feel better. Otherwise Lola was impossible that easily to stir up rebellion these fellows. 自从乔治船长接手南方号以来。脾气暴躁、待人苛刻的他让水手们的日子愈发不好过了。否则萝拉也不可能那么轻易地就策反了这些家伙。 Although Marvin similar murder like hemp, but at least does not issue the temperament. 马文虽然同样杀人如麻,但是至少不乱发脾气。 The majority of sailors think actually: No matter what, impossible to be worse than George. 大部分的水手心里其实是这么想的:不管怎么样,不可能比乔治更差了。 But under comforting of Lola. The mood of people also gradually tends to be stable. 而在萝拉的安抚之下。众人的情绪也渐渐趋于稳定。 Pearl Island under sunlight , is very as if attractive. Does not have myths terrifying in that. 阳光下的珍珠岛,似乎也挺漂亮的。并没有传说中的那么恐怖 ...... …… The ocean waves are turbulent, the boat is approaching Pearl Island strenuously. 海浪汹涌,小船吃力地接近着珍珠岛 That strong sailor already obtained Marvin over and over warning: Cannot mount Pearl Island. 那名强壮的水手早就得到了马文再三的警告:不许登上珍珠岛 All things on Pearl Island. Is Beyzuzo.” 珍珠岛上的一切东西。都是被诅咒的。” You look, on that pure white beach, dense and numerous is the pearls. Once you cause trouble greedily, takes a pearl, the person of entire ship will be killed by you.” “你看,那洁白的海滩上,密密麻麻的都是珍珠。一旦你贪心作祟,取走一枚珍珠,整艘船的人都会被你害死。” „In same place I, understood?” “就在原地等我,明白了么?” The honest sailor nodded. 老实的水手点了点头。 Although he also saw the pearl of distant place, but place the hearsay as well as the Marvin's warning about taboo makes him shrink back at the sight. 虽然他也看见了远方的珍珠,但是关于禁忌之地的传闻以及马文的警告还是让他望而却步。 The wealth is good, is the life is important. 钱财再好,还是性命要紧。 However he could not bear ask one: Such being the case, why do you want on the island? Don't you fear?” 不过他还是忍不住问了一句:“既然如此,您为什么要上岛呢?您不怕么?” Marvin said calmly: I go to the island to return the thing. Does not take the thing, is all right.” 马文镇定地说:“我是去岛上还东西的。不取走东西,就没事。” The sailors nodded, no longer says a word. 水手点了点头,不再做声。 Also after a while, Marvin orders him to stop going forward. 又过了一会儿,马文命令他停止前进。 Here waits for me.” “就在这里等我。” He exhorts said. 他嘱咐道。 Then he reorganized clothes, plunged into the sea water. Here was not far from the Pearl Island beach, he can definitely swim the past. 然后他整理了一下衣服,就跳入了海水之中。这里距离珍珠岛的海滩已经不远了,他完全可以游过去。 ...... …… On [The Southern], Roberts looks at this from afar, has shown the puzzled look: Miss Lola, you said that Sir Marvin does want to do?” 南方号上,罗伯茨远远地看着这一幕,露出了不解的神色:“萝拉小姐,您说马文大人想要干什么呢?” Does not know.” Lola simply said very much. “不知道。”萝拉很干脆地说。 Nobody can be fully correct his idea.” “没人能猜透他的想法。” He can always create miracle, this actually real. Beforehand White River Valley has encountered food crisis, I come out for this, finally he solved.” “不过他总是能创造奇迹,这倒是真的。之前的白河谷地遭遇了粮食危机,我就是为了这个而出来的,结果他自己一个人解决了。” We must believe Sir Marvin. Although he is the Swimming Fish Constellation man, but is very reliable.” “我们要相信马文大人。尽管他是个游鱼座的男人,但是还是很可靠的。” Swimming Fish Constellation?” On the face of Roberts has revealed vacant. 游鱼座?”罗伯茨的脸上露出了一丝茫然。 Yeah, you navigate not study Constellation?” Lola asked back: How you become First Mate?” “哎,你们航海的都不学星座的吗?”萝拉反问道:“你是怎么当上大副的啊?” Nearby Navigator has wiped perspiration silently. Looks that the Marvin's form finally arrived everywhere is on the island of pearl. 一旁的领航员默默地抹了一把汗。看着马文的身影终于抵达了遍地是珍珠的海岛上。 That is a Beyzuzo sand beach, wishing God of White-Silver to bless......” “那可是一个被诅咒的沙滩啊,愿白银之神保佑吧……” ...... …… Marvin walks in the sand beach. Here all such make the person fondly remember. 马文在沙滩上行走。这里的一切是这么的让人怀念。 The memory appears little, he rejoiced very much. One to Fenan's each Instance Dungeon so familiar. 记忆一点点浮现而起,他很庆幸。自己对费南的每一个副本都是如此的熟悉。 Pearl Island indeed is a very dangerous place, especially in the evening, has incautiously bumped into terrifying fog monster. 珍珠岛的确是一个非常危险的地方,特别是晚上,一不小心就碰到了恐怖雾妖 But here each thing, cannot move easily, let alone carried. 而这里的每一件东西,都不能轻易触碰,更别说携带了。 Each pearl, has the senile curse. Touches, little lives for a half year.” “每一枚珍珠,都有衰老诅咒。碰一下,少活半年。” Black Pearl, curse of immediate death......” 黑珍珠,即死诅咒……” Blue Star Shell, curse of mutation......” 蓝星贝壳,异化诅咒……” He goes round the memory places of these terrifying cautiously. Finally passed through this piece everywhere is landmine sand beach. 他小心翼翼地绕开记忆里的那些恐怖之处。终于走过了这片遍地都是“地雷”的沙滩。 The front is mountain place, does not have the trees, only then bare cavern. 前方是一片山地,没有树木,只有光秃秃的洞穴。 Here on relative security. 这里就相对安全一些了。 Marvin this time, does not think thorough opening Pearl Island hidden treasure, but searches the details first, takes an advantage while convenient. 马文这一次来,并不是想彻底的开启珍珠岛宝藏,而是先来探探底细,顺便拿点好处。 After all he did not have collection complete six Beyzuzo's Pearl. 毕竟他还没有集齐六枚被诅咒的珍珠 However, can make him trade the advantage on Pearl Island. 不过其中一枚,也能让他在珍珠岛上换到好处了。 The premise must understand know-how. 前提是要懂得其中的窍门。 About Marvin Observation, had found an appropriate cavern, wormed one's way into. 马文左右观察了一下,找到了一个合适的洞穴,钻了进去。 In the cavern is very gloomy moistly. Walks toward the deep place, he had found a puddle. 洞穴里很阴暗潮湿。往深处走,他找到了一个水潭。 Puddle very opacitas, but Marvin knows, in the cavern on island has similar puddle. Each puddle, leads to the secret of Pearl Island most deep place. 水潭很浑浊,但是马文知道,岛上的洞穴里都有类似的水潭。每一个水潭,都通往珍珠岛最深处的秘密。 He takes out that Beyzuzo's Pearl, threw in this pearl the water gently. 他取出那枚被诅咒的珍珠,轻轻将这枚珍珠丢到了水里。 Should with me remember is same......” “应该会和我记忆里的一样吧……” His both eyes closely are staring at the change of pearl. 他的双目紧紧盯着珍珠的变化。 Really. Under this mysterious pond water function, the pearl starts to melt slowly. 果然。在这神奇的潭水作用之下,珍珠开始慢慢融化。 Suddenly. A light brilliance flashes through, passes one. wandering fish of that in the pearl jumped from the pearl unceasingly directly. 陡然间。一阵淡淡的光辉闪过,噗通一声。那条在珍珠里不断游动的鱼儿直接从珍珠里跳了出来。 It swam a while in pond water cheerfully, then jumped. 它欢快地在潭水里游了一会儿,然后蹦了上来。 Its vision stares at Marvin, unexpectedly mouth spat the criticism saying: You have untied my shackles, I will give your gift.” 它目光凝视马文,居然口吐人言说:“你解开了我的牢笼,我会赠送你一件礼物。” I give your gift, will not be cursed, but must remember surely, other things on this island, you cannot touch.” “我送你的礼物,不会受到诅咒,但是千万要记住,这岛上的其他东西,你不能碰。” The fish so said. 鱼儿如此说道。 Marvin nodded. 马文点了点头。 The next second, the fish , drilled toward pond water in! 下一秒,鱼儿噗的一下,往潭水里钻了下去! In the Marvin heart is somewhat excited! 马文心中有些激动起来! The pond water deep place, is Pearl Island hidden treasure! 潭水的深处,就是珍珠岛宝藏 In there, the most inferior thing, is the magic goods! 在那里,最次的东西,都是魔法物品! Even may touch Legendary Item! 甚至有可能摸到传奇物品 This is bets the luck time. 这就是赌运气的时候。 This fish will choose any thing to give Marvin, is completely stochastic! 这条鱼会挑选什么东西送给马文,完全是随机的! Hopes the luck well, can take best quality goods in the magic goods......” “但愿运气好点,能拿个魔法物品中的极品……” If were Legendary were better......” “如果是传奇就更棒了……” Marvin sat by the puddle waited for a long time, a shadow strenuously swam from the puddle. 马文坐在水潭旁等了好久,一个影子才吃力地从水潭里游了上来。 It top that thing with the head! 它是用脑袋把那件东西顶上来的! Takes away quickly! I am about unable to withstand! Too heavy.” “快拿去!我快顶不住了!太重了。” The fish said strenuously. 鱼儿吃力地说。 Marvin hurries to take away that wet thing. 马文慌忙把那件湿漉漉的东西拿走。 This is a sovereign crown thing. 这是一件皇冠似的东西。 Marvin has sized up a while carefully, at once is wild with joy! 马文仔细打量了一会儿,旋即欣喜若狂! This thing he knew! 这东西他认识! Crown of the Sea Sovereign Legendary Item! 海皇之冕传奇物品 Wait / Etc....... Well? Demonstrates by the seal condition?” In the Marvin heart joyful reduces slightly. “等等……咦?怎么显示是被封印状态?”马文心中喜悦稍减。 Previous generation time, he has not obtained Crown of the Sea Sovereign. 前世的时候,他并没有得到海皇之冕 However it is said had this gadget, can dominate to dominate in the sea! 但是据说有了这玩意儿,在大海上就可以称雄称霸了! Luck was good, can pull out to by Legendary Item of seal, should be content. At least should have some effects to display.” “运气已经不错了,能抽到被封印的传奇物品,应该知足。至少应该有部分效果是可以发挥出来的。” Marvin has decided that he just wants to thank that fish well, is only suddenly, the opposite party Vanish has disappeared. 马文定了定,他刚想好好谢谢那条鱼儿,只是眨眼间,对方已经消失不见了。 Marvin does not care, after all also has the reunion time his collections complete six Beyzuzo's Pearl, can open Pearl Island true hidden treasure! 马文也不在意,毕竟还有重逢的时候的等他集齐了六枚被诅咒的珍珠,就能开启珍珠岛真正的宝藏 When the time comes, Marvin estimated that was money number succeeds in obtaining to cramp. 到时候,马文估计真的要数钱数到手抽筋了。 After is the wealth that six generations of Pirate King stay behind! 毕竟是六代海盗王留下的财富啊! ...... …… After two hours, Marvin returns to [The Southern], the order hoists the sails! 两个小时之后,马文返回南方号,命令扬帆! Goal, White River Valley southeastern shore! 目标,白河谷地的东南岸! The concrete Coordinate, Marvin does not know, so long as with coastline parallel, passed Shrieking Mountain Range, was almost in his mind that establishes the port good place. 具体的坐标,马文不知道,但是只要和海岸线平行,度过尖叫山脉,差不多就是他心目中那块建立港口的好地方了。 In Ship Captain, he is grasping Crown of the Sea Sovereign, starts to probe this by seal the effect of Legendary Item. 船长室内,他握着海皇之冕,开始试探这件被封印的传奇物品的效果。 His both hands are touching Crown of the Sea Sovereign both sides gently, suddenly, an open sea area appears in his mind! 他双手轻轻触摸着海皇之冕的两端,突然间,一片开阔的海域出现在他的脑海里! He saw [The Southern], saw each creature! 他看到了南方号,看到了海里的每一个生物 Eye of the Seas and Oceans?” The first function that Marvin to testing is very satisfactory. 海洋之眼么?”马文对测试出来的第一个功能很满意。 However at this time, he saw coastal water piece of Shadow suddenly! 然而在这个时候,他突然看到了附近海域的一片阴影 On that piece of Shadow, transmits a formidable vitality! 那片阴影上,传来一阵强大的生机! However this vitality is inactive, but is depressed. 但是这股生机并不是活跃的,而是消沉的。 What thing?” “什么东西?” Marvin is controlling Eye of the Seas and Oceans curiously, looked toward that piece of Shadow on. 马文好奇地控制着海洋之眼,往那片阴影上看了过去。 The result looked that he thoroughly was speechless. 结果一看,他就彻底无语了。 That is one is hugging the life of plank drift! 那是一个抱着木板漂流的生灵! He is in a comma now, but still stubbornly grasps that plank, does not know how long in the sea level he wandered. 他现在正处于昏迷状态,但是依然死死抱住那块木板,也不知道他在海面上漂流了多久了。 Unexpectedly ran upon by me at this time, does not know that is my luck, was his luck.” “居然在这个时候被我撞上,不知道是我的运气,还是他的运气了。” In the Marvin heart thinks funny, immediately after he passes immediately Eye of the Seas and Oceans has set the direction, making [The Southern] temporarily change the direction, is good in it place toward that piece of Shadow. 马文心中觉得好笑,当下他立马通过海洋之眼确定了方向之后,让南方号暂时改变了航向,往那片阴影所在之地行去。 After a half hour, several sailors have fished that fellow strenuously. 半小时后,几个水手吃力地把那家伙捞了上来。 pā! 啪! Opposite party fell distressedly in deck, has spat several water, was still at half comatose condition. 对方狼狈地摔在了甲板上,吐了几口水,依然处于半昏迷状态。 Lola has braved suddenly, said surprisedly: 萝拉突然冒了出来,惊奇地说: Well? How can be he?” “咦?怎么会是他?” ......( To be continued please search the floating astronomy, the novel is better to renew is quicker! ……(未完待续请搜索飄天文學,小说更好更新更快! ps: Fourth! Number of words 3500 +! Thank the new hegemon Star snow supple Hits to enjoy with the monthly ticket continuously! ps:第四更!字数3500+!感谢新盟主【星雪柔】的连续打赏和月票!
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