NR :: Volume #2

#140: Pearl Island

pā lā pā lā! 啪啦啪啦 Silent, all fixed cables cut off. 无声无息之间,所有的固定缆绳都被砍断。 Giant anchor also slowly by pulling. 巨大的锚也缓缓被拉了起来。 huā lā la, urged by Second Mate, the sailors who only remains wishes one could a person to regard two people to use, rose the sail. 哗啦啦,在二副的催促下,仅剩的水手们恨不得一个人当成两个人用,将风帆升了起来。 The entire ships, completely are in the Marvin's control now. 整个船只,现在完全处于马文的控制中。 But now is unsafe. They still in the Blackdock Harbor wharf, like this illegally capture the ships, the Marvin previous generation have not done. This time, he was also depends Savage Lands Development Decree and White Elephant Chamber of Commerce has stressed Lola this first by the head, dares such to do. 但现在并不安全。他们还在黒坞港码头上,这样的非法夺取船只,马文前世也没干过。这一次,他也是仗着蛮荒开拓令白象商会先抓了萝拉这个由头,才敢这么做。 When the time comes Southern Sorcerer Alliance must arbitrate, oneself have Nine Moons Medal and White Elephant Chamber of Commerce contends. 到时候就算南方巫师联盟要仲裁,自己也有九月勋章白象商会抗衡。 No matter what, this ship, he must decide! 不管怎么样,这条船,他是要定了! Does not have the accident, is the same with other ships, Navigator is White-Silver Church pastor. The fellow of this coveting life and fearing death under Marvin's curved blade and money dual enticement, has revolted immediately, in Marvin proposed one can make Collins promote for him, when White-Silver Church internal position, he becomes the enthusiasm is very immediately strong. 不出意外,和其他船只一样,领航员白银教会牧师。这个贪生怕死的家伙在马文的弯刀和金钱双重诱惑之下,立马就叛变了,而在马文提出自己可以让柯林斯替他晋升在白银教会内部的职位的时候,他顿时变得积极性很强。 At this time although is at night, however the port lighthouse , the stars of space , the definite direction is not difficult. 此时虽然是夜间,但是港口的灯塔还在,天上的星辰还在,确定方向还是不难的。 So long as can flee Blackdock Harbor, to the sea, all became simple. 只要能逃离黒坞港,到了海上,一切就变得简单了。 However wants to flee Blackdock Harbor, is not that simple. 但是想要逃离黒坞港,也不是那么简单的。 Blackdock Harbor is enclosed port, the night dam is the closure. To open the dam, must have the pass and normal journey intelligence. 黒坞港是封闭式港口,夜间的水闸是关闭的。想要打开水闸,就必须要拥有通行证和正常的出行资质。 [The Southern] that very obviously, Marvin seizes does not have the normal general qualifications. 很显然,马文强抢的南方号是没有正常通行资格的。 Although they can drive away the ship, but needs the port people on duty allow to pass is good. 他们虽然能把船开走,但是必须要港口的执勤人员放行才行。 This needed some methods of practicing trickery. 这就需要一些瞒天过海的手段了。 ...... …… In Blackdock Harbor duty lighthouse. 黒坞港执勤灯塔上。 Two the soldiers of being bored to death are playing cards. 两个百无聊赖的士兵正在打牌。 Late at night, some people will not set sail. They are idling the safe, hits to play cards is also very normal. 半夜三更,又不会有人开船。他们闲着无事,打打牌也是很正常。 Mother *. Also lost.” And a fellow shouts crassly. “妈*的。又输了。”其中一个家伙骂骂咧咧地喊道。 However at this time, another person suddenly has stood. 然而就在这个时候,另外一个人突然站了起来。 Is up to mischief? Mental illness?” Another person lost obviously was sad. Cursed angrily one. “搞什么鬼?神经病啊?”另外一人显然输了心情不好。怒骂一句。 Does not suit! How some ships start to us!” “不对劲啊!怎么有船向我们这边开过来!” The soldier of duty sees the light that jet black has made. 执勤的士兵看到了漆黑中打出的灯光。 These flames are corresponding corresponding flag indicator, the meaning is to let them opens the Blackdock Harbor big floodgate. 这些火光对应着相应的旗语,意思是让他们打开黒坞港的大闸。 Is [The Southern], the White Elephant Chamber of Commerce ship.” “是南方号,白象商会的船。” Does not suit, they just put into port couple days ago, what records to report is two days later departs.” “不对劲啊,他们前几天刚刚进港,记录上报备的是两天以后出航。” How can the night depart?” “怎么会深夜出航?” Two soldiers look at each other in blank dismay, realized a strange place. 两名士兵面面相觑,都察觉到了一丝奇怪的地方。 However at this time, a person's shadow suddenly appeared before them. 然而就在这个时候,一个人影突然出现在他们面前。 Opens the sluice gates.” That person said fast: [The Southern] has Quest temporarily, must go to southern Whirlwind Harbor to meet a number of cargos.” “开闸。”那人快速地说:“南方号临时有任务,必须去南方的旋风港接一批货物。” You act a bit faster.” “你们动作快点。” Captain George! 乔治船长 Sees Captain George to appear, suspicions in two people of heart reduced slightly. 看到乔治船长出现,两人心中的怀疑稍微减轻了些。 After all everyone knows. The [The Southern] Ship Captain White Elephant Chamber of Commerce Master third son, George. 毕竟谁都知道。南方号船长正是白象商会主人的第三个儿子,乔治 But...... This does not gather the custom......” “可是……这不合规矩……” And a soldier said scruple. 其中一名士兵迟疑说。 However his words have not said that another soldier elbow hit suddenly on his belly! 然而他的话还没说完,另外一名士兵突然一肘子打在了他的肚子上! A latter severe pain bends the waist, his companion is a hand blade. 后者一阵剧痛弯腰,他的同伴又是一记手刀。 He has fainted thoroughly. 他彻底晕了过去。 Sir felt relieved that immediately opens the sluice gates for you.” That soldier flattered saying: White Elephant Chamber of Commerce Sir Montin is very good to us, this minor matter, we definitely will level for you.” “大人放心,马上就为您开闸。”那名士兵谄媚地说:“白象商会蒙丁大人对我们很好,这点小事,我们肯定会为您摆平的。” Marvin is stunned. 马文愕然。 After using Disguise Spell and Deceiver Mask, he seems with George completely is indeed exactly the same, the disparity of personal appearance was also cancelled in darkness. 在用了伪装术欺诈者面具之后,他的确看上去和乔治完全一模一样,身形的差距也在黑暗中被抹去了。 He wants to handle these soldiers of two duty through Cheating Fools. 他本来想通过唬骗搞定这两个执勤的士兵。 Has not actually thought. In these two also has person on one's own side. 却没想到。这两人里还有“自己人”。 White Elephant Chamber of Commerce has not bought little over the port soldier......” in the Marvin heart to laugh in one's heart, immediately he nodded, lost Sorcerer Gold Coin(s) at will in the past. 白象商会没少收买港口的士兵啊……”马文心中暗笑,当下他点了点头,随意地丢了一个巫师金币过去。 This is best, the south that batch of cargos do not wait for the person.” “这样最好,南边的那批货物可不等人。” The soldiers grovel: Is clear. You felt relieved.” 士兵点头哈腰:“明白明白。您放心。” All handle for you. This fellow I will make his little darling shut up.” “一切都替您搞定。这家伙我会让他乖乖闭嘴的。” Marvin nodded, at once Vanish in darkness. 马文点了点头,旋即消失在了黑暗中。 ...... …… In the Blackdock Harbor wharf, the dam was opened silently. 黒坞港的码头上,水闸无声无息地被打开了。 The people on [The Southern] look at each other in blank dismay. They have not thought that Sir Marvin only went to such a small little while. Has handled all! 南方号上的众人面面相觑。他们怎么也没想到,马文大人只去了这么一小会儿。就搞定了一切! Sir Marvin really and in myths equally mysterious.” 马文大人果然和传说中的一样神奇。” Yes, so long as left port. Did not have the issue.” “是啊,只要出了港口。就没问题了。” Miss Lola has not deceived us!” 萝拉小姐没有骗我们啊!” The sailors talked in a low voice excitedly. 水手们低声兴奋地交谈。 Rubbish, sets sail quickly!” The Marvin's form appeared on ship again. “不要废话,快开船!”马文的身影再次出现在了船上。 The people keep silent immediately. 众人顿时噤若寒蝉。 The sail drew the roof, the helmsman controls [The Southern] to leave Blackdock Harbor port, has thrown into the boundless sea! 风帆拉到最高处,舵手操控着南方号离开了黒坞港港口,一头扎进了茫茫大海中! ...... …… Sir, which direction do we in walk?” “大人,我们往哪个方向走?” In brilliantly illuminated Ship Captain, grizzled beard Navigator flattered to ask. 灯火通明的船长室内,花白胡子领航员谄媚地问。 Marvin looks at gradually the Vanish coastline, finally sent out a Coordinate! 马文看着渐渐消失的海岸线,最终报出了一个坐标! Navigator listened, to spread out the nautical chart , compared with the compass, immediately complexion big change: You were insane!” 领航员听了听,摊开海图,用罗盘一比,顿时面色大变:“你疯了!” The next second, curved blade put up once more on the neck of Navigator. 下一秒,弯刀再次架在了领航员的脖子上。 Should better not to question my decision.” “最好不要质疑我的决定。” Goes to that place, is the best means.” “去那个地方,是最好的办法。” Marvin let somebody cool off or calm down said. 马文冷冷地说。 White-Silver Church pastor the face was saying painstakingly: But that is a Beyzuzo place, if were known by the crew......” 白银教会牧师苦着脸说:“可那是一个被诅咒的地方,如果被船员们知道了……” They do not know that we will only stay some time on that island.” Marvin said calmly: Besides me, at nobody meeting island.” “他们不会知道的,我们只会在那个岛上停留一段时间。”马文镇定地说:“除了我之外,没人会上岛。” However besides you, nobody knows where that is, not?” “而除了你之外,也没人知道那是什么地方,不是吗?” Navigator is smiling bitterly nod. 领航员苦笑着点了点头。 This time, suddenly two sailors hurriedly were shouting: Behind had the ship to pursue!” 就在这个时候,突然有两名水手急急忙忙地喊道:“后面有船追上来了!” Their speeds compared with our rapidness!” “他们的速度比我们的快!” Marvin reveals one to sneer: Currently, do you have other routes to choose?” 马文露出一丝冷笑:“现在,你还有其他航线可以选择么?” pastor is silent. Just like Marvin said that the following two ships are pursuing. If walks the ordinary route, definitely will be overtaken. 牧师默然。正如马文所说,后面的两艘船在追。如果走普通的航线,肯定会被追上。 That place that only then said toward Marvin walks. Hopeful. 只有往马文说的那个地方走一走。才有希望。 He clenched teeth, leaves the Ship Captain room quickly, found the helmsman. 他咬了咬牙去,快步离开船长室,找到舵手。 In the boundless sea, [The Southern] started to deviate the original navigation, drove toward the southeast. 茫茫大海上,南方号开始偏离了原来的航行,往东南方驶去。 ...... …… They changed the direction!” “他们改变了航向!” Mother *, definitely had problems.” “妈*的,肯定出了问题。” In the sea level, two ship White Elephant Chamber of Commerce ships closely are following distant place that lonely shadow. 海面上,两艘船白象商会的船紧紧追随着远方那个孤单的影子。 They are the White Elephant Chamber of Commerce ships, first realized matter does not suit, has launched chase immediately. 他们都是白象商会的船只,第一时间察觉到了事情的不对劲,立马展开了追赶。 Their speeds are indeed faster than [The Southern]. Because on their ships. Provided Wind Sorcerer! 他们的速度的确比南方号快很多。因为他们的船上。都配备了【风巫师】! This Profession hear is very famous, is only some lacks the Sorcerer talent magic trainee to change professions actually dry Profession. 这个职业听上去很有名气,其实只是一些缺乏巫师天分的魔法学徒转行干的一个职业 The significance that they have provides the formidable wind power to the sail. As the matter stands, their cruising speeds will be faster. 他们存在的意义就是给风帆提供强大的风力。这样一来,他们的航行速度会快很多。 Naturally, because is Wind Sorcerer actuates, therefore will not be lasting, the short-term is used to pursue the ship, is not for a long time good. 当然,因为是风巫师驱动的,所以不会很持久,短期用来追船还可以,长期就不行了。 After [The Southern] changed the direction, they also can only be forced pursued. 南方号改变了航向之后,他们也只能被逼无奈追了过去。 After two hours, both sides are unceasingly close. 两个小时之后,双方不断接近。 However at this time. In the sea level raised suddenly bad fog! 然而就在这个时候。海面上突然升起了一阵大雾! „It is not good, we must go near that sea area.” “不好,我们要接近那片海域了。” Ship Captain of two ships had realized matter is not right! 两艘船的船长都意识到了事情的不对! Near entire East Coast, only then that piece of Beyzuzo sea area, all year long will be lingering such bad fog! 在整个东海岸附近,只有那片被诅咒的海域,才会终年萦绕着这样的大雾! About these superstitious myths of this sea area. Starts to reappear in the Ship Captain mind. 关于这片海域的那些迷信的传说。开始浮现在船长们的脑海中。 Pursues, doesn't pursue? 追,还是不追? This tenth a major problem. 这成了一个大问题。 Wind Sorcerer the strength has used up, but [The Southern] at present. 风巫师们已经力竭,但是南方号就在眼前了。 Ship Captain of two ships discussed simply. The decision continues to pursue! 两艘船的船长简单地商讨了一下。决定还是继续追击! After all was so near! 毕竟已经这么近了! However at this time, suddenly had the sailor to shout: Ship Captain. [The Southern] accelerated!” 然而就在这个时候,突然有水手喊道:“船长南方号加速了!” Acceleration? 加速? Is this possible? 这怎么可能? Two Ship Captain both are very stunned. On [The Southern] does not have Wind Sorcerer, how possibly suddenly to accelerate? 两名船长都是非常愕然。南方号上并没有风巫师,怎么可能突然加速? When they rush to the deck. Indeed sees [The Southern] to cast off them at the naked eye obvious speed! 然而当他们冲上甲板上的时候。的确看见南方号正以肉眼可见的速度甩开他们! It has fired into that piece of Beyzuzo sea area dutifully! 它义无反顾地冲向了那片被诅咒的海域! At the both sides current speed, most two hours, it can throw off the following two ships thoroughly! 以双方目前的速度,最多两个小时,它就能彻底甩掉后面两艘船! After all the marine fog was too big, after the visibility reduced, once lost the goal, wanted to intercept can only and experiences depending on the luck. 毕竟海上的雾太大了,可见度降低了之后,一旦失去了目标,想要拦截就只能凭运气和经验了。 Two Ship Captain but, can only issue the order of return finally. 两名船长无奈之下,最终只能下了返航的命令。 They do not want to be buried along with the dead with [The Southern]. 他们可不想跟着南方号陪葬。 That is the direction that has not to return to! 那是一条有去无回的航向! ...... …… But in [The Southern] deck, then transmits happy hū! 南方号的甲板上,则是传来一阵欢呼! They can also see, that two ships gave up the pursuit finally. 他们也能看见,那两艘船终于放弃了追击。 They were finally free! 他们终于自由了! All people look to the Marvin's vision, nearly blindly believed in! 所有人看向马文的目光,已经近乎迷信! Worship that from just started, to afterward fear, to the present superstition. Marvin only used for quite a while to be time! 从刚开始的崇拜,到后来的畏惧,到现在的迷信。马文只用了半天不到的时间! At this moment, above the [The Southern] sail, an exquisite person's shadow is releasing own Strength happily! 此时此刻,南方号的风帆之上,一个小巧的人影正在欢乐地释放着自己的力量 Storm Fey! 风暴精灵 Marvin's first retainer. 马文的第一个仆从 When he passes through Shrieking Mountain Range, he accidentally Discovery this was bestowed by Hathaway to his gift has bred successfully. 早在他穿越尖叫山脉的时候,他就偶然发现这个被海瑟薇赠送给自己的礼物已经孕育成功了。 Storm Fey that was just born, had quite splendid Strength. 刚出生的风暴精灵,就已经拥有了相当出色的力量 As Marvin's retainer, he does not need to doubt to Marvin's loyal. 作为马文的仆从,他对马文的忠心度是无需置疑的。 Level 1 Storm Fey, carries two abilities naturally, one type, is Manipulate the Winds! 1级风暴精灵,天然携带两种能力,其中一种,就是操控风 In this regard, is almost its instinct, may too be more than these Wind Sorcerer! 在这方面,几乎是它的本能,可比那些风巫师强太多了! A Storm Fey appearance, has spread out and following ships directly. 风暴精灵一出现,直接拉开了和后面的船只的距离。 [The Southern] opened crazily to the goal sea area. 南方号疯狂地开向了目标海域。 Marvin stands in the bow, lets somebody cool off or calm down is gazing at the sea level. 马文站在船头,冷冷地注视着海面。 But with passing of time, sailors the excitement that from most starts recovers. 而伴随着时间的流逝,水手们从最开始的兴奋当中缓过劲儿来。 The thick fog in sea level is not loose throughout, this makes them somewhat suspect. 海面上的浓雾始终不散,这让他们有些怀疑。 However concerned about Marvin's Dignity, nobody dares to be slack in work. 不过碍于马文的威严,没人敢消极怠工。 That night, all people were more tired much to fall face down. 这一夜,所有人都累得快趴下了。 To daybreak, the thick fog slightly a little weakens. However at this time, sat observation in cable screams suddenly: 一直到黎明时分,浓雾才稍稍有点减弱。但是就在这个时候,坐在缆绳上的瞭望手突然尖叫道: Heaven! Where we went!?” “老天!我们到底去了什么地方!?” Marvin listened, immediately is controlling Wishful Rope, several arrived at the position of observation. 马文听了,顿时操控着如意绳索,几下就来到了瞭望手的位置。 He has snatched the bronze mirror in opposite party hand, looked to the distant place. 他一把抢过对方手里的铜镜,看向了远方。 Although there is a thick fog to cover the line of sight, he saw clearly the coastline of that island. 尽管有浓雾遮挡视线,他还是看清了那个岛的海岸线。 Pearl Island! 珍珠岛 Marvin shows a happy expression. 马文露出一丝笑意。 Finally. 终于到了。 ......( To be continued please search the floating astronomy, the novel is better to renew is quicker! ……(未完待续请搜索飄天文學,小说更好更新更快! ps: Third! Eats meal first, turns head to continue to write! ps:第三更!吃个饭先,回头继续写!
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