NR :: Volume #2

#139: Night Demon King!

The salty sea breeze has blown from the window, constrained chants * recites the sound from filling the warm candlelight Ship Captain room transmits. n ∈ 咸咸的海风从窗边吹过,被压抑的呻*吟声从充满温暖烛光的船长室中传来。n∈ A person's shadow waist is tying up string, descended slowly about the window position. 一个人影腰部绑着绳子,缓缓降落到了窗口左右的位置。 Inside is the Ship Captain room. 里面就是船长室。 In the Marvin heart sneers: This Captain George, but also really has the interest.” 马文心中冷笑:“这个乔治船长,还真是有兴致。” By the transparent glass, he can see all clearly. 透过透明的玻璃,他可以清晰地看见一切。 A whole body is naked, the chest wool thick man positive pressure a flesh fair woman is doing farm work maliciously! 一个浑身赤裸,胸毛浓密的男人正压着一个肌肤白皙的女人狠狠地耕耘着! Ship Captain is doing, while also puffs to scold: 船长一边干着,一边还喘着粗气骂道: Peaceful! Young prostitute *!” “安静点!小婊*子!” If made my father know I brought to embark the woman, he must kill me not to be possible.” “要是让我老爹知道了我把女人带上船,他非得杀了我不可。” On the ship cannot lead the woman, this is the custom. Ships that rumor this can take a long journey bring the misfortune however in fact, looks like in Marvin, reason that on the ship unusual female, the reason is also very simple. In this male crowded place, any female possibly becomes the blasting fuse of riot. 船上不能带女人,这是规矩。传言这会给远行的船只带来厄运然而事实上,在马文看来,之所以船上少有女性,原因也很简单。在这种男性密集的地方,任何一个女性都可能成为暴乱的导火索。 In the long navigation process, from Ship Captain, to the sailor, will undergo a very depressing process. 在漫长的航行过程中,上至船长,下至水手,都会经历一个非常压抑的过程。 They can only constrain itself. If not the average situation, will be easy to produce the riot. 他们只能压抑自己。一旦出现不平均的情况,就会非常容易产生暴乱。 Therefore today Marvin kills [The Southern] Ship Captain George time, has not thought that can see at present this. 所以今天马文来杀南方号船长乔治的时候,根本没想到能看到眼前这一幕。 This Ship Captain, a little meaning. 这个船长,有点意思啊。 Marvin saw nearby not good-fitting men's clothing understood. 马文看到了一旁一身不合身的男装就明了了。 Indeed was dressed as a man to take the ship own woman, in addition the sound-insulated effect of Ship Captain room probably was quite good, not by person Discovery. 敢情是把自己的女人女扮男装带上了船,再加上船长室的隔音效果大概比较好,一直没有被人发现 ...... …… The bonus is so, the woman cannot bear sends out low chants * recites the sound. 饶是如此,女人还是忍不住发出低低的呻*吟声。 Ship Captain violent anger. hand patted on the latter fair buttocks, immediately has made ruddy being in charge. 船长暴怒。一巴掌拍在了后者白皙的臀部上,顿时打出了一个红扑扑的掌印。 Lets your him * mother light! If annoys these full of vigor young fellows. According to the custom, I have to give them you!” “让你他*妈的轻点!要是把那些血气方刚的小伙子惹过来。按照规矩,我是不得不把你交给他们的!” „Do you want to be turned deceitfully * by that gang despicable person of?!” “你想被那帮下贱的人轮*奸吗?!” The George anger said. 乔治怒道。 Who knows that woman does not show respect for somebody's ability. Unexpectedly answered back: round and round, the old lady was crisp, hasn't let call?” 谁知道那女人根本不买账。居然还嘴说:“轮就轮,老娘就是爽了,还不让叫了?” Thing that your has not planted, her women do not protect well, what Ship Captain but also works as?” “你个没种的东西,自己的女人都保护不好,还当什么船长?” Being impatient of George air/Qi, just wants to go all out teaches the woman who this is not obedient well. 乔治气的心头火起,刚想卖力好好教训教训这个不听话的女人。 Who knows that at this time, he saw suddenly bed leg pinch of shadow some do not suit! 谁知道就在这个时候,他突然看到了床脚一撮影子有些不对劲! Wait / Etc.......” “等等……” As Third Step expert George is not the fool, he felt immediately has not suited. 身为三阶高手乔治也不是傻瓜,他立马就感觉到了不对劲。 How? You move actually!” The women turn head, her words have not said. In the eye has been full of the surprised color! “怎么了?你倒是动啊!”女人回头,她的话还没说完。眼睛里就充满了惊讶之色! pā lā! 啪啦 A resounding, a person's shadow the broken window from the glass enters fiercely, takes George! 一声脆响,一个人影猛地从玻璃外破窗而入,直取乔治 But at the same time, that piece of Shadow also starts to condense. 而与此同时,那一片阴影也开始凝聚。 Shadow Doppelgänger and Marvin simultaneously started sneak attack! 阴影分身马文同时发动了偷袭! The Marvin double blade is swift and fierce, unemotionally. 马文双刀凌厉,面无表情。 This blade, George must die without doubt! 这一刀,乔治必死无疑! Because he is impossible the sneak attack that can block two sides simultaneously to initiate! 因为他根本不可能挡得住两边同时发起的偷袭! Really, in a hurry, after George rolled, threw down the nearby in Ship Captain room. 果然,仓促之间,乔治一个后滚,摔倒了船长室的边上。 He is caught off guard extracts dagger. The reluctant standard has blocked the Marvin's double blade, but on the waist was actually chopped a slit of deep obvious bone by Marvin! 他措手不及地抽出一把匕首。勉强格挡住了马文的双刀,但是腰上却被马文砍出了一道深可见骨的缝隙! Said goodbye, Captain George.” Marvin said callously. “再见了,乔治船长。”马文冷酷地说。 Shadow Doppelgänger starts suddenly! Launched the attack from the other aspect. George revolts radically without enough time. 阴影分身陡然发动!从另外一面发起了进攻。乔治根本来不及反抗。 ...... …… However at this time, command Marvin was that the surprised matter occurred. 然而就在这个时候,一件令马文感到意外的事情发生了。 The sneak attack of Shadow Doppelgänger has not gone well. He was broken out from back by a sharp knife blade! 阴影分身的偷袭并没有得手。他被一把利刃从背后劈开了! That woman! 那个女人! Her whole body is naked. Reddens all over the face, grasps a handle sharp knife blade, seems very angry! 她浑身赤裸。满脸通红,手持一柄利刃,看上去非常愤怒! Grass! This fellow is also Third Step expert!” “草!这家伙也是三阶高手!” Marvin thoughts racing. He has violated unexpectedly also preliminarily like this wrong! 马文心思急转。他竟然也犯了这样的低级错误! In Reconnaissance, he has evaluated the Captain George strength merely. Under the woman regarding his body, he neglected subconsciously directly! 侦察的时候,他仅仅评估了乔治船长的实力。对于他身下的女人,他下意识地直接忽略掉了! He thinks subconsciously this woman merely is the tool that Captain George abreacting * wants. Has not thought that she is the Secondary Profession bodyguard! 他下意识地以为这个女人仅仅是乔治船长的发泄性*欲的工具。没想到她还是个兼职保镖! Misjudged! 失算了! Electricity furious between. George suppressed the ache to draw back in the future several steps. 电光火之间。乔治强忍疼痛往后退了几步。 But that stark naked woman, is happy and willing does not look at Marvin very much, worked off anger almost to overflow: 而那个一丝不挂的女人,则是很不高兴地看着马文,杀气几乎要溢出来了: You want to taste one to be broken ** the anger of woman?” “你想要尝尝一个被打断**的女人的怒火么?” Marvin shrugs: Is sorry......” 马文耸了耸肩:“抱歉……” His voice has not fallen, the whole person threw suddenly! 他的话音未落,整个人突然扑了上去! First kills this woman! 先杀这个女人! Burst, Umbra Slicing Step, Catching Demon Footwork! 爆发,暗影切步,拘魔步法 In narrow and small space, Marvin's form if quickly the lightning, the double blade such as the landslide rumbled generally. 狭小的空间内,马文的身影快若闪电,双刀如山崩一般轰了过来。 The women are caught off guard, do not visit her to threaten, actually in a hurry, her nerve and body also not from ** in recovers consciousness. 女人措手不及,别看她气势汹汹,其实仓促之间,她的神经和身体都还没从**之中缓过来。 Marvin this formidable offensive hits to collapse her directly, kuāng dāng, the sharp knife blade falls to the ground. 马文这一顿强大的攻势直接将她打崩,哐当一声,利刃落地。 A blade, Marvin has ripped her head again easily. Dying with injustice unredressed. 再一刀,马文轻易地割掉了她的脑袋。死不瞑目。 She has not thought that with is Third Step, how the Marvin's attack speed can such terrifying! 她根本没想到,同为三阶,马文的攻击速度怎么会这么恐怖 That is because, she does not know in this world to have Profession known as Night Traveler. 那是因为,她不知道这世界上有个职业叫做夜行人 ...... …… After Marvin experienced Scarlet Monastery succinct, his Hidden Specialty Nocturnal Killing has appeared. 马文经历了猩红修道院的洗练之后,他的隐藏专长夜行杀人就已经显现出来了。 Once this Hidden Specialty were activated, Night Traveler's will enlarge formidable infinitely! 这个隐藏专长一旦被激活,夜行人的强大将会无限放大! Although now or Rank 1, but had the extremely superior attribute. 虽然现在还是一级,但是已经拥有极为优越的属性了。 Nocturnal Killing( Hidden Specialty already activation)】 夜行杀人隐藏专长-已激活)】 Type: Passive Specialty / can be upgraded 类型:被动型专长/可升级 Rank: One 等级:一 Effect: When the night combat, your striking power promotes 3%, your attack speed promotes 3%, your movement speed promotes 3%, your Burst strength promotes 3%, your nerve reaction rate promotes 3%. 效果:在夜间战斗的时候,你的攻击力提升3%,你的攻击速率提升3%,你的移动速度提升3%,你的爆发力提升3%,你的神经反应速度提升3%。 Five targets promote 3%! 五项指标提升3%! This in the Fenan world, is a digit of unusual exaggeration. Let alone, this is sustainable promotion Passive Specialty. 这在费南世界,已经是一个非常夸张的数字了。更何况,这还是一个可持续升级的被动专长 With dying the person under Marvin blade are getting more and more, he will be also getting stronger and stronger in night Strength! 伴随着死在马文刀下的人越来越多,他在夜间的力量也会越来越强! Why this is also the previous generation time. Formidable Night Traveler is called Night Demon Reason. 这也是为什么前世的时候。一名强大的夜行人会被称为【夜魔】的缘故。 Because during the dark night, they indeed is the fiendish person! 因为在暗夜之中,他们的确就是魔王! ...... …… In narrow cabin. Marvin kills that woman, although was rapid. However had still given time of Captain George response. 狭窄的船舱之中。马文强杀那个女人,虽然已经非常迅速了。但是仍然给了乔治船长一线反应的时间。 When Marvin has turned around wants to cope with him, this Third Step Sword Traveler longsword has been grasping while convenient, he also had the time to give itself to wrap big underpants unexpectedly. 马文转过身来想要对付他的时候,这名三阶剑客已经长剑在握顺便,他居然还有时间给自己套了个大裤衩。 „Who you are!?” The death of George to woman has not been offended. “你是什么人!?”乔治对女人的死一点都没有介怀。 He cautiously covers the wound, is staring at Marvin, tries to delay the time. 他只是小心翼翼地捂住伤口,盯着马文,试图拖延时间。 In just, him shook the alarm bell, should quick have other people to aid. 就在刚刚,他已经摇动了警铃,应该很快就会有其他人来援助的。 When the time comes, this does not know Assassin where braves died. 到时候,这个不知道哪里冒出来的刺客就死定了。 At this time said one: Kills your person, can appear the hackneyed stuff?” “这个时候说一句:杀你的人,会不会显得很老套?” Marvin smiled: Moreover. You draw the alarm bell useless. The person on your ship, had stirred up rebellion by me.” 马文笑了笑:“另外。你拉得警铃没有用的。你船上的人,已经都被我策反了。” „Did you hear the sound of footsteps?” “你听到脚步声了吗?” Captain George complexion is pale! 乔治船长面色铁青! He indeed has not heard the sound of footsteps. Properly speaking, after the alarm bell resounds, Boatswain meets first to catch up. 他的确没有听到脚步声。按理说,警铃响起之后,水手长会第一时间赶来。 Two Third Step expert collaborate, can kill this Assassin absolutely even captures alive, interrogates his origin. 两名三阶高手联手,绝对可以把这个刺客杀死甚至活捉,盘问他的来历。 However now only then he, but the Ship Captain room so is also narrow...... 但是现在只有他一个人,而船长室又这么狭窄…… Ship Captain grasps greatsword, closely is staring at Marvin, suddenly calls out one. Unexpectedly initiated Charge in such narrow space to Marvin! 船长手握大剑,紧紧盯着马文,突然暴喝一声。居然在这么狭窄的空间对马文发起了冲锋 Um? Courts death?” “嗯?找死么?” In the Marvin eye the none remaining dodges, by his strong Agility, such clumsy Charge he, if cannot shunt, that too comedy! 马文眼中精光一闪,凭借他的超强敏捷,这么笨拙的冲锋他如果都躲不开的话,那就太搞笑了! His side step. Easily avoid, convenient is a blade chops on the waist of Ship Captain. 他一个侧步。就轻易躲开,顺手又是一刀砍在船长的后腰上。 However the George goal has been achieved. 然而乔治的目的已经达到。 He rushed to the window directly, then jumped! 他直接冲到了窗台上,然后跳了下去! Marvin deeply inspires. Pursued immediately! 马文深吸一口气。立马追了出去! ...... …… On ship wall of brilliance, George suddenly twittering several incantations. A cable hangs suddenly. 光华的船壁上,乔治陡然呢喃了几声咒语。一条缆绳突然挂下。 He holds on to the string, quick steps on. Quick arrived in open deck! 他一把抓住绳子,疾步而上。很快就抵达了开阔的甲板上! Mother *, father's person!?” He roars. “妈*的,老子的人呢!?”他怒吼一声。 The people who however in the spacious deck, formerly the value defended calmly lie down in the ground these do not coordinate Marvin's to plot a rebellion to plan, they turned into the corpse. 然而空旷的甲板上,先前值守的人都静静地躺在地上这些都是不配合马文的谋反计划的,他们已经变成了尸体。 Only also in the fight, is two Sword Traveler. 唯一还在战斗的,是两个剑客 First Mate and Second Mate! 大副二副 Not knowing one's place that these two strength quite, therefore fights! 这两人实力相当,所以战的不分上下! Other people, have pledged allegiance to Marvin, in the cabin questions obediently whether also has the Ship Captain fish slip through. 其余的人,都已经归顺了马文,乖乖地在船舱里盘查是否还有船长的漏网之鱼。 Also fortunately is late at night, in wharf area nobody left, otherwise such big sound, had already drawn on troublesome. 也亏得是深夜,码头区上空无一人,否则这么大的动静,早就招来了麻烦。 Must fight a battle to force a quick decision!” “必须速战速决!” Marvin is relying on Catching Demon Footwork, rushed to the deck easily! 马文凭借着拘魔步法,轻易地冲上了甲板! George incomparably looks at Marvin angrily, he no longer gives a thought to the wound of waist, but holds up greatsword with raw hate, has launched the fierce attack to Marvin! 乔治愤怒无比地看着马文,他不再顾腰间的伤口,而是凶狠地举起大剑,对马文展开了猛烈的攻击! In this open area, he did not believe himself is also not the Marvin's match. 在这种开阔地带,他就不信自己还不是马文的对手了。 Must know, Assassin and so on Profession, only then in the narrow space can short weapons the incisiveness of merit display. 要知道,刺客之类的职业,也只有在狭窄空间才能把短兵器的优点发挥的淋漓尽致。 But to the open deck, is his world! 而到了开阔的甲板上,就是他的天下了! However the idea of Captain George was doomed to fail. 然而乔治船长的想法注定要落空了。 Because Marvin is not Assassin! 因为马文不是刺客 He is Ranger, Double-bladed Ranger. 他是游侠,双刀游侠 Meanwhile, he is Night Demon King! 与此同时,他还是暗夜魔王 sōu! 嗖! Suddenly, formidable Strength from Marvin within the body Burst, consecutively two simulates Umbra Slicing Step, not only touches and goes from George greatsword, ice-cold curved blade also hung on the shoulder blade of George! 陡然间,强大的力量马文体内爆发,连续两记模拟暗影切步,不仅从乔治大剑旁擦过,冰冷的弯刀还挂在了乔治的肩胛骨上! „!” “啊!” The George whinning sound has not passed on, before Marvin covers a half second, he taking advantage of curved blade Strength, after the whole person is spiral was changing to him, carries on the back! 乔治的哀嚎声还没传出来,就被马文一把捂住半秒钟之前,他借着弯刀力量,整个人螺旋着转到了他的后背上! The adept repertoire puts forth once more. 娴熟的套路再次使出。 Covers mouth, cut throat! 捂嘴,割喉 Person's Head Drops To The Ground! 人头落地 The Ship Captain corpse lost balanced, goes backward but actually, but Marvin is one with ease falls to the ground, the vision changed with Second Mate fight First Mate! 船长的尸首失去了平衡,向后倒去,而马文则是一个轻松落地,目光转向了正在和二副战斗的大副 ...... …… After a half minute, the smell of blood fills the air in the deck, all defying, already by Marvin kill and behead. 半分钟后,血腥味弥漫在甲板上,所有的违抗者,都已经被马文斩杀 Also remains behind sailors on ship, looks that the Marvin's vision already the worship that from most starts, turned into the awe. 还留守在船上的水手们,看着马文的目光已经从最开始的崇拜,变成了敬畏。 This murder such as the method of hemp, is not the average person can do! 这种杀人如麻的手段,不是一般人可以做得出来的! Sets sail!” “开船!” Marvin looked at jet black Blackdock Harbor, ordered decisively. 马文看了一眼漆黑的黒坞港,果断下了命令。 ......( To be continued please search the floating astronomy, the novel is better to renew is quicker! ……(未完待续请搜索飄天文學,小说更好更新更快!
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