NR :: Volume #2

#175: Magic Mirror Maze

The white clothing female as if completely has not expected that nearby White Deer Cave also some people ambush! 白衣女子似乎完全没有预料到,白鹿洞穴附近还有人埋伏! Stronger Binding Spell has displayed immediately the effect. Under the spell function of Mederly, her body was flung 20-30 meters directly! 强效缠绕术顿时就发挥了奇效。在梅迪尔丽法术作用之下,她的身体直接被甩出去二三十米! The next second, her body flies to the place, leaf of Randomized Gate opens suddenly. 下一秒,她身体飞向的地方,一扇任意门霍然打开。 Mederly is relentless, threw in her Randomized Gate directly. 梅迪尔丽毫不留情,直接把她丢到了任意门里。 This spell unusual is skilled, suddenly, Deceiver that coordinates her to use about 80 meters. 这个法术配合她用的非常熟练,眨眼间,欺诈者就在80米开外了。 But this time White Deer Cave front door, must close impressively. 而此时的白鹿洞穴的大门,赫然要关上了。 Marvin without hesitation, flushed, Mederly naturally is also follows. 马文毫不犹豫,冲了进去,梅迪尔丽自然也是紧随其后。 They just stepped into the White Deer Cave front door, formidable Strength revolves to come from all around, attracts separately them. 他们刚刚踏进白鹿洞穴的大门,一股强大的力量从四周围绕过来,将他们分别吸引过去。 Marvin only thinks a dizziness! 马文只觉得一阵天旋地转! ...... …… Outside the cavern, Deceiver form Vanish is suddenly in-situ. 洞穴外,欺诈者的身影陡然消失在原地。 When stone gate will soon close, a squirrel incomparably jumped down from above flexible, wormed one's way into calmly. 就在石门即将合上的时候,一只松鼠灵活无比地从上面跳了下来,从容地钻了进去。 Luckily my against, has not thought of really some people when White Deer Cave is open loot a burning house.” “幸亏我防了一手,没想到真的有人会在白鹿洞穴开放的时候趁火打劫。” In Deceiver heart anger. 欺诈者心中愤怒。 If were not she led away the attention of Mederly with doppelgänger spell intentionally, could not do well this Quest to screw up. 如果不是她故意用一个分身法术引开了梅迪尔丽的注意,搞不好这一次任务就要搞砸了。 One direct laboriously Holy Spirit White Deer, finally had actually been picked the fruit by others? 自己辛辛苦苦把圣灵白鹿引出来,结果却被别人摘了果实? This matter she may not endure! 这种事情她可忍不了! A man and a woman, must die! 那一男一女,都得死! The squirrel is thinking time. Similarly in formidable attraction by the cavern was controlled, falls involuntary toward the deep place! 松鼠这么想着的时候。同样被洞穴中强大的吸引力所控制,身不由己地往深处摔去! ...... …… wū wū wū. 呜呜呜 White Deer Cave stone gate is closing slowly. 白鹿洞穴石门缓缓地闭合着。 However at the last minute, light such as the shadow of white paper fluttered. He in same place hesitant a half second, finally wormed one's way into. 然而就在最后一刻,一个轻如白纸的影子飘了过来。他在原地犹豫了半秒钟,最终还是钻了进去。 Mother *, this boy also really can run, just tracking arrived at him with great difficulty, the side also has Fourth Step Sorcerer.” “妈*的,这小子也真能跑啊,好不容易刚刚追踪到他,身边还有一个四阶巫师。” Unicorn Household that fellow, if were not the past years has owed him a favour, this matter father does not want to implicate.” 独角兽家族的那个家伙,如果不是当年欠了他一个人情,这种事情老子才不想牵连进去啊。” How regardless of his innermost feelings conflict. Since Quest already following, he must complete. 然而不论他内心怎么样抵触。既然任务已经接下来了,他就得完成。 Even if for the Shadow Spider Society prestige. He also assassination falls that to call the Marvin's fellow. 就算是为了暗影蜘蛛会的信誉。他也得刺杀掉那个叫马文的家伙。 ...... …… Dizzy, Marvin stands before a mirror, calmed down. 天旋地转过后,马文独自一人站在一面镜子前,定了定神。 Here is the White Deer Cave deep place, Magic Mirror Maze. 这里是白鹿洞穴的深处,魔镜迷宫 Although in the heart already was prepared. When just, all alone stands in magic mirrors, Marvin is a little scared at heart. 虽然心中早就有了准备。只不过,当孤身一人站在一面面魔镜中间,马文心里还是有点发毛的。 Especially these magic mirrors, will also speak! 特别是这些魔镜,还会说话! Toward left, is toward right? This is one issue that is worth thinking.” “向左,还是向右?这是一个值得深思熟虑的问题。” I thought that left, perhaps that side does have the outlet?” “我觉得还是左边吧,或许那边有出路呢?” Naturally, the right as if also has the possibility.” “当然,右边似乎也有可能。” Magic mirrors talked in whispers by the Marvin ear endlessly, but Marvin has neglected their sound automatically. 一个个魔镜喋喋不休地在马文耳旁窃窃私语,但是马文自动忽略了它们的声音。 He already knows, after entering White Deer Cave. Each entrant will be transmitted to Magic Mirror Maze in alone. 他早就知道,进入白鹿洞穴之后。每一个进入者都会被单独传送到魔镜迷宫之中。 His around four, there are roads, each road. May lead to the exit / to speak of labyrinth, possibly leads to the impasse. 他的四周围,有一条条路,每一条路。都有可能通往迷宫的出口,也可能通往死胡同。 In the impasse, often has the lethal trap. 死胡同里,往往有令人致死的陷阱。 Magic Mirror Maze is in itself Holy Spirit White Deer gets down from Heaven the time a supernatural object that brings, the average person wants to go out of the labyrinth, is difficult. 魔镜迷宫本身就是圣灵白鹿天界下来的时候带来的一件神物,一般人想要走出迷宫,非常困难。 However regarding Marvin, all regarded as another matter. 不过对于马文而言,一切又另当别论了。 He knows that leaves the Magic Mirror Maze means: When a person is gazing in magic mirror. The magic mirror will speak a few words by your ear. 他知道离开魔镜迷宫的办法:当一个人注视着魔镜里的自己的时候。魔镜就会在你耳旁说一句话。 If in mirror is high, the magic mirror said is the lie. 如果镜子里的自己比自己要高,魔镜说的就是假话。 If in mirror are shorter than reality. Then the magic mirror said is truth. 如果镜子里的自己比现实要矮。那么魔镜说的就是真话。 What if in the magic mirror reflects is real, then, arrived has exported truly. 如果魔镜中反射的是真实的自己,那么,就到了真正的出口了。 This rule, Marvin has not told Mederly. He planned, in seeks help after direction told her again. 这个规则,马文并没有告诉梅迪尔丽。他打算在对方向自己求助之后再告诉她。 After all both sides have on hand Deep-blue Notepad, In Magic Mirror Maze, can the interconnection. 毕竟双方手头都有【湛蓝信笺】,在魔镜迷宫之中,也可以相互联系。 Marvin according to own means that mirrors looked at the past, quick, the mirror has given the feedback. 马文按照自己的办法,一面面镜子看过去,很快的,镜子就给出了反馈。 He starts movement. 他开始移动 After short three minutes, he had found a magic mirror, Marvin in mirror, and are equally high. 短短三分钟后,他就找到了一面魔镜,镜子里的马文,和自己一样高。 He is stroking the surface of magic mirror gently, tries to pass through this mirror. 他轻轻抚摸着魔镜的表面,试着穿越这面镜子。 He succeeded. 他成功了。 ...... …… Behind the mirror, is a small room. 镜子背后,是一个小房间。 In room empty, only then on table is placing goods. 房间里空空荡荡的,只有桌子上摆放着一个物品。 That is a box, in box thinks of wondrously incomparable Night Jewel! 那是一个盒子,盒子里装着一枚奇大无比夜明珠 This gadget similarly is the Heaven product, priceless. 这玩意儿同样是天界出品,价值连城。 Was only a pity that does not have what use value. 只可惜,没有什么使用价值。 Luck is a little bad.” “运气有点差啊。” „The Magic Mirror Maze rule is, consecutively for three times goes out of the labyrinth, can leave truly. However goes out of the labyrinth each time, will obtain a reward.” 魔镜迷宫的规则是,连续三次走出迷宫,才能真正离开。但是每次走出迷宫,都会得到一个奖励。” Has not thought that this reward unexpectedly is a jewelry.” “没想到这次的奖励居然是一颗珠宝。” Marvin is thinking, receives good Night Jewel, withdrew from this secret room. 马文这么想着,收好夜明珠,退出了这间密室。 The next second, he returned to Magic Mirror Maze once again. 下一秒,他再度返回了魔镜迷宫中。 When he looks once more to that mirror, in mirror, wanted to be high little than Marvin. 当他再次望向那面镜子的时候,镜子里的自己,已经比马文要高一点点了。 This means that the magic mirror can tell the lie. 这意味着魔镜会说假话。 Walks toward the left, there is the outlet.” “往左边走吧,那里是出路。” It so said. 它如此说道。 Marvin denied the left directly, started the second round journey. 马文直接否定掉了左边,开启了第二轮的征程。 This time, he has spent for enough ten minutes, found the reflection real mirror. 这一次,他花了足足十分钟,才找到反射真实的镜子。 Enters in the secret room. 进入密室中。 This secret room compared with former that must spaciously many. But has a storage cabinet similarly, on the storage cabinet three layers, is completely empty. 这间密室比之前那间要宽敞地多。只不过同样只有一个储物柜,储物柜上面三层,全部都是空空荡荡的。 Only then Fourth Layer is placing shoes. 只有第四层摆放着一双鞋子。 That is a straw sandal. 那是一双草鞋。 Marvin somewhat does not know whether to laugh or cry. 马文有些哭笑不得。 Own luck was also too bad! 自己的运气也太差了吧! In White Deer Cave that many good things, first time to have attained Night Jewel. Second time has attained straw sandal unexpectedly! 白鹿洞穴里那么多好东西,第一次拿到了夜明珠。第二次居然拿到了草鞋! Although this straw sandal is also wondrous thing, but there is a very serious restriction on use. 虽说这双草鞋也是奇物,但有很严重的使用限制。 This is the straw sandal that pair of Martial Monk can dress! 这是一双只有武僧才能穿戴的草鞋! The effect also has one: It is not able to damage. 其效果也只有一个:无法破损。 „The Heaven product, is the Shoto'Bano thing...... It is not materially beneficial.” 天界出品,全是虚头巴脑的东西……一点都不实惠。” Marvin has pounded the mouth. This straw sandal only effect puts on does not go bad. 马文砸了砸嘴巴。这双草鞋唯一的效果就是穿不坏。 Thinks carefully that the Martial Monk practicing few dependence nonego, however general Martial Monk along will prepare several straw sandals. 仔细想起来,武僧的修行很少依赖外物,但是一般的武僧都会随身备上好几双草鞋。 Does not have him, their fights were too wild, basically after firing off one, must change a straw sandal. 无他,他们的战斗实在太狂暴了,基本上打完一架之后,都得换一双草鞋。 In the game of previous generation, time of most struggling in hardship. Almost every Martial Monk player learned Straw Sandal Knitting This pitiful skill, seeing the roadside to have the appropriate plant to pick. Then forms skilled does not calculate that the solid straw sandal at least can put on is not. 在前世的游戏里,最艰苦奋斗的时期。几乎每一个武僧玩家都学会了【草鞋编织】这项可怜的技能,看见路边有合适的植物就去摘一把。然后熟练地编成不算结实的草鞋起码能穿不是。 But the nest arranges Martial Monk of straw sandal to be also not infrequent by the major road, this also calculates a Fenan's big pretty scenery line. 而窝在官道旁编草鞋的武僧也不在少数,这也算费南的一大靓丽的风景线。 This straw sandal, most suits the Martial Monk use actually, making them exempt many inconveniences. 这双草鞋,倒是最适合武僧使用,让他们免去了诸多不便。 However regarding Marvin. Any has not used! 但是对于马文来说。并没有任何用! Ok, receives.” “算了,还是收起来吧。” He sighed. Perhaps, will meet Martial Monk that which sparkles flamboyant? Delivered this Heaven sign straw sandal also becomes friends with the favour. 他叹了一口气。说不定自己以后会遇到哪个牛逼闪闪的武僧呢?把这双天界牌草鞋送出去也算是结交人情了。 As for Inheim, he has Boots of the Void, did not need this shoes mostly. 至于因海姆,他有虚空之靴,多半是不需要这双鞋子了。 ...... …… Returned to Magic Mirror Maze once more, Marvin just wants to continue to go forward according to the know-how. 再次返回魔镜迷宫,马文刚想继续按照窍门前进。 At this time, his waist suddenly burnt. 就在这个时候,他的腰间陡然一烫。 Yes Deep-blue Notepad. 是【湛蓝信笺】。 Marvin showed a faint smile, took. 马文微微一笑,取了出来。 Really is the Mederly news: 果然是梅迪尔丽的消息: 【Does this road this walk? You definitely know is right? Just a day fell Disassociation Art almost to kill me!】 【这条路到底该怎么走?你一定知道的对不对?刚刚一个天降解离术差点把我杀了!】 Marvin shows a faint smile, rapid reply: 马文微微一笑,迅速回复: I know certainly how should leave Magic Mirror Maze, moreover can gain many advantage. However you must comply with my matter.】 【我当然知道该怎么离开魔镜迷宫,而且还能获得不少好处。但是你必须答应我一件事情。】 Labyrinth another side. Mederly was mumbling the mouth, looks at the Marvin's reply. 迷宫另外一方。梅迪尔丽嘟囔着嘴,看着马文的回复。 This fellow, is anything knows really probably!” “这个家伙,真的好像是什么都知道啊!” Obviously is only small Ranger. How suddenly became such fierce.” “明明只是个小游侠。怎么突然变得这么厉害了。” Ok, believes his one time.” “算了,还是相信他一次吧。” Both sides have rapidly completed a transaction orally. Naturally, because there is existence of Law Decree Contract, Marvin did not fear that Mederly reneges on a promise. 双方迅速完成了一次口头上的交易。当然,因为有律令契约的存在,马文也不怕梅迪尔丽反悔。 Marvin has given Mederly the means that then continues. 马文把办法交给了梅迪尔丽,然后继续前行。 ...... …… This time, he has spent compared with the former twice long time. Found the exit / to speak of labyrinth. 这一次,他花了比之前两次都长的时间。才找到迷宫的出口。 He passes through the real magic mirror, arrives in a more spacious secret room. 他穿越真实魔镜,抵达一间更加宽敞的密室中。 This time. Another end of secret room, another leafed door. 这一次。密室的另外一端,还有另外一扇门。 So long as Marvin shoves open that leafed door, can leave Magic Mirror Maze, arrives in the true White Deer Cave deep place. 马文只要推开那扇门,就能离开魔镜迷宫,抵达真正的白鹿洞穴深处。 There, is really containing innumerable hidden treasure. 那里,才真是蕴藏着无数的宝藏 However these hidden treasure cannot take casually. If took over three one time, will be realized by Holy Spirit White Deer. 不过那些宝藏也不是能随便拿的。如果一次性拿了超过三件,就会被圣灵白鹿察觉。 It will follow the aura to look for you, when the time comes Legendary creature of Heaven template, Marvin thought that draws in Constantine and Daniela, not necessarily is this seems like the temperate white deer match. 它会循着气息来找你,到时候一个天界模板的传奇生物,马文觉得就算自己拉上康斯坦丁丹妮拉,都不一定是这头看似温和的白鹿的对手。 In this secret room, does not have other thing, is placing a weapon frame merely. 这间密室里,没有别的东西,仅仅摆放着一个武器架。 On the rack, places one is seeming like average and not-so-wonderful longspear. 架子上,摆放着一杆看似平平无奇长枪 To own luck felt desperate Marvin saw on that longspear, both eyes stare Boss immediately! 原本已经对自己运气感到绝望的马文看到了那杆长枪上,双眼顿时瞪得老大 This spear|gun, appears unexpectedly here! 这杆枪,竟然出现在这里! Unexpectedly will appear in the Magic Mirror Maze reward secret room! 居然会出现在魔镜迷宫的奖励密室里! Marvin overran impatiently, he suppresses the pleasant surprise of oneself heart forcefully, wants to confirm to misread. 马文迫不及待地冲了过去,他强行压住自己心头的惊喜,想要验证一下自己有没有看错。 Who knows that this time, another corner of room, clashes a shadow suddenly totteringly! 谁知道就在这个时候,屋子的另外一角,突然跌跌撞撞地冲进来一个黑影! That is a black-clothed middle-aged man! 那是一个黑衣的中年男人! In Marvin suddenly startled Magic Mirror Maze, besides oneself and Mederly, has other people unexpectedly? 马文陡然一惊魔镜迷宫里,除了自己和梅迪尔丽,居然还有其他人? Deceiver? Obviously is not! 欺诈者?明显不是! That man sees Marvin, has gawked obviously. 那个男人看到马文,明显也是愣了一下。 At once he shows a friendly smiling face: Ran into the person finally.” 旋即他露出一丝友好的笑容:“总算遇到人了。” How long I transferred in this damned place did not know, where can you tell me this are?” “我已经在这个鬼地方转了不知道多久了,你能告诉我这是什么地方么?” He was saying, while walked to Marvin slowly. 他一边说着,一边缓缓向马文走了过来。 On his face is having the genial smile, on both hands does not have weapon. 他的脸上带着和善的微笑,双手上也没有武器 Evidently is not the enemy. 看样子不是敌人。 However Marvin's, already according to dual pistols. 但是马文的手,已经按在了双枪上。 The next second, his back transmits a fierce ache suddenly! 下一秒,他的背后陡然传来一阵剧烈的疼痛! ...... ( to be continued ) ……(未完待续) ps: Second delivers. ps:第二更送上。
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