MSBIBTC :: Volume #5

#414: This child, suffer an accident cannot!

Younger Uncle-Master Jade Cauldron is too repugnant......’ 玉鼎师叔太讨厌啦……’ This voice always revolved in the Li Changshou ear , to continue the moment unable to dissipate. 这嗓音总在李长寿耳中回旋,持续了片刻都未能消散。 This excessive delicate Spirit Bead Child ; 这个过分秀气的灵珠子; That day did not fear that did not fear, long spear pokes the biological father, Chaotic Heaven Damask stirs the East Sea water, Universe Ring hits Old Dragon King Little Nezha...... 那个天不怕来地不怕,一杆长枪戳亲爹,混天绫东海水,乾坤圈老龙王小哪吒…… What did this child experience? 这孩子到底经历了点啥? Laozi on, a could it be Spirit Bead Child reincarnation, direct personality big change? 老子在上,莫非灵珠子一个转世,就直接性情大变? Spirit Bead Child is reincarnated has not passed through Six Paths Samsara Plate, after become Nezha, seems only oneself memory vanishes, cultivation base of Spirit Bead Child period should, properly speaking, the personality not have the too sweeping change...... 灵珠子转世并未经过六道轮回盘,化作哪吒后,似乎只是自身记忆消失,灵珠子时期的修为应该还在,按理说,性情不会有太大变化…… Li Changshou this is first time feels, oneself somewhat cannot grasp this Great Desolate and this Investiture of the Gods Great Tribulation vein. 李长寿这还是第一次感觉到,自己有些把握不住这个洪荒、这个封神大劫的脉络。 Changgeng, you are the Three Cults recognized idea are many.” 长庚,你是三教公认的点子多。” Supreme Unity arm that holds on Li Changshou this Paper Daoist, is this poor Daoist owes you favor, helping me have idea.” 太乙一把拉住李长寿纸道人的胳膊,“算是贫道欠你一个人情,帮我出个主意。” Li Changshou hesitates several, calmly nods, said: Your son, is not, can the matter of Nephew-Apprentice Spirit Bead Child, why also confess to Lord Saint?” 李长寿沉吟几声,淡定地点点头,道:“令公子、不是,灵珠子师侄之事,为何还要对圣人老爷有所交代?” True Person Supreme Unity sighed, drew Li Changshou to enter immortal residence, while is explaining: 太乙真人叹了口气,一边拉着李长寿洞府,一边解释着: My this disciple, is treasure bead that in Kunlun Mountains Treasure Pond breeds, since ancient times absorbs since the sun and moon essence, had spiritual wisdom gradually, heel upright and honourable and aptitude are uncommon, if change form may achievement peaceful life Spiritual Body. “我这徒儿,本是昆仑山宝池中孕育的一颗宝珠,自上古吸收日月精华至今,渐渐有了灵智,跟脚清正资质不凡,倘若化形就可成就清福元神 Teacher apportioned me spirit bead, making me help his change form, receive is disciple. 老师灵珠分给了我,让我助他化形、收为弟子 In 3000 cultivates, dynasty change form, become lad of 5 or 6-year-old appearance, āi —— 三千年培育,一朝化形,化作了五六岁模样的童子,—— True Person Supreme Unity long sighed: „ Has not felt to have anything at first, because of being the boy who spirit bead is, itself does not have manly aura not to have feminine aura, is reasonable. 太乙真人长长地叹了口气:“最初也没觉得有什么,因是灵珠化做的男童,本身既没有阳刚气息也没有阴柔气息,也合乎情理。 But discovery gradually, his temper is actually quite soft. ” 但渐渐的就发现,他性子却是颇为柔软。” In the speech, Li Changshou and Jade Cauldron True Person, have entered Golden Light Cave with True Person Supreme Unity, True Person Supreme Unity did not have greeting and their two not politely, sits in a circle at a stone table directly. 说话中,李长寿玉鼎真人,已随着太乙真人进了金光洞,太乙真人没招呼、他们两位也没客气,直接围坐在一只石桌旁。 Li Changshou thinks deeply about 12, asked: Whether to give an example in detail?” 李长寿思索一二,又问:“可否详细举个例子?” True Person Supreme Unity thinks, said: He just the change form fifth year......” 太乙真人想了想,道:“他刚化形第五年……” On a Heavenly Origin Mountain hillside, shallow grass and wild flower all over, meditation cultivation of handsome youth Daoist in the sunlight, not far away has attractive lad, is opening the small hand to throw the butterfly unceasingly. 乾元山一处山坡上,漫山遍野的浅草与野花,英俊的青年道者在阳光中打坐修行,不远处有个灵秀的童子,正张开小手不断扑蝴蝶。 is throwing, the boy, youth Daoist opened eyes to look, forehead immediately one black. 扑着扑着,男童呀了一声,青年道者睁眼看去,额头顿时一黑。 lad is squatting on the ground, very carefully holds a butterfly in the hand, is blowing out immortal qi to the butterfly, in a soft voice saying: 童子正蹲在地上,小心翼翼将一只蝴蝶捧在手中,对着蝴蝶吹出一口仙气,轻声说着: Sorry, injured you.” “对不起呀,把你伤到了。” The butterflies brandish the wing gently, then flew slowly, transferred side lad, lad exuded the euphonious laughter. 小蝴蝶轻轻挥舞翅膀,而后慢慢飞了起来,在童子身旁转了一圈,童子发出了银铃般的笑声。 At this time! 正此时! —— —— A shadow drops from the clouds, that is a big foot, blocked directly before the boy. 一道黑影从天而降,那是一只大脚,直接拦在了男童面前。 The youth Daoist forehead is stretching the cross muscle, exclaimed lowly: Man so plays the butterfly?” 青年道者额头绷着十字筋,低吼道:“男子汉是这般玩蝴蝶的吗?” lad small mouth one flat, eye brimming with tears, Mas, master...... you will frighten the butterflies.” 童子小嘴一扁,眼泪汪汪的,“师、师父……你会吓到小蝴蝶的。” Frightens?” “吓到?” Youth Daoist shows a faint smile, pair of eyes as if become three corniformises, among glittered fully are being the malice light. 青年道者微微一笑,双眼仿佛化作了三角状,其内闪烁着满是恶意的光。 Lifts the left hand, the fingertip blooms wisp of immortal ray, youth Daoist indifferently said: „ Today must make you have a look, how the man should play! 抬起左手,指尖绽放出一缕仙光,青年道者淡然道:“今天就要让你看看,男子汉是该怎么玩耍的! A Yin-Yang finger/refers! Two fingers! Middle finger! ” 阴阳一指!二指!三指!” xiū xiū xiū! Several stream of light fly to shoot in the butterfly all around, the butterflies go all out the shining wing, lad frighten covers mouth to cry. 道流光在蝴蝶周遭飞射而过,小蝴蝶拼命忽闪翅膀,童子吓的捂嘴大哭。 Youth Daoist chases the butterfly after unceasingly, the fingertip projects streams of light, exudes wild big laughter...... 】 青年道者在后不断追赶蝴蝶,指尖射出道道流光,发出一阵猖狂的大笑声……】 True Person Supreme Unity words, looks that at present these two eager to get into action, each one fishes out magical treasure's Way Sect Immortal, moved the stool backward. 太乙真人话语一顿,看着眼前这两个摩拳擦掌、各自摸出法宝的道门仙人,向后挪了挪凳子。 Two junior apprentice brother do you want to do really? this poor Daoist this also to direct Spirit Bead Child returns to the proper way!” “两位师弟你们要作甚?贫道这也是为了引灵珠子回正途!” small cauldron in Jade Cauldron True Person hand vibrates gently, stares True Person Supreme Unity, takes back small cauldron ; 玉鼎真人手中的小鼎轻轻震动,瞪了眼太乙真人,又将小鼎收回; Li Changshou also takes back Yu the Great Water-Controlling Chart, looked a moment ago Jade Cauldron True Person wants to begin, wants to take advantage of opportunity to draw a frame to gain wave of favor. 李长寿也将大禹治水图收回,刚才看玉鼎真人想动手,本想顺势拉个架赚一波人情 Jade Cauldron True Person said: „The Spirit Bead Child so temper, is senior apprentice brother you causes.” 玉鼎真人道:“灵珠子这般性子,便是师兄你导致的。” no no no,” True Person Supreme Unity shakes the head unceasingly, „ this temper is inborn, this poor Daoist is thinks that stimulation he protects the butterfly, somewhat takes on. 不不不,”太乙真人不断摇头,“这性子是天生的,贫道不过是想刺激他保护蝴蝶,有几分担当。 Can Changgeng, what method have? ” 长庚,可有什么法子?” Li Changshou said: Can look at Nephew-Apprentice Spirit Bead Child, what now is making?” 李长寿道:“能否看下灵珠子师侄,现在在做什么?” Friendly,” True Person Supreme Unity not hesitant on promise, in side Treasure Pond from immortal residence brings in the little water current, forms at the same time the mirage, among appeared Spirit Bead Child circumstances at this moment. “善,”太乙真人没怎么犹豫就答应了下来,自洞府内的一方宝池引来少许水流,汇成一面水镜,其内现出了灵珠子此刻的情形 Li Changshou: Are you so why skilled? 李长寿:你为何如此熟练? Spirit Bead Child is lying on a bed, is holding a bed thinly in that motionless like a statue. 灵珠子正趴在一处床榻上,抱着一床薄被在那一动不动 The Jade Cauldron True Person concern said: How was this?” 玉鼎真人关切道:“这是怎了?” Was attacked probably,” True Person Supreme Unity lifts a hand to hold the forehead, after a while you will see...... came.” “大概是被打击到了,”太乙真人抬手扶额,“过一会儿你们会看到……来了。” The True Person Supreme Unity words just fell, in the mirage spread a sigh, Spirit Bead Child lifted a head in the quilt, revealing tear stains had not dried out fully is the firm delicate small face. 太乙真人话语刚落,水镜中传出一声叹息,灵珠子在被子中抬了个头,露出了一张泪痕未干却满是坚定的秀气小脸。 At this time Spirit Bead Child is equivalent to the Human Race ten ba jiu years, is not low, but the figure is somewhat frail ; 此时灵珠子已是相当于人族十仈jiu岁,个头也不算低,但身形有些单薄; The facial features also said no on the feminine appearance, because is spirit bead is reincarnated, spiritual qi were truly many. 面容也说不上女相,但因是灵珠转世,灵气确实偏多了些。 He turns over/stands up to jump from the bed on, before arriving around vertical mirror, purses the lips to look at oneself in mirror, then suspends the expression that stared and knit the brows. 他自床榻上翻身跳起,走到了一旁的竖镜前,抿嘴看着镜子中的自己,然后摆了一个瞪眼、皱眉的表情。 Un, without that rouses corners of the mouth, is truly dignified. 嗯,假如没有那一下鼓嘴角,确实很威严呢。 Afterward Spirit Bead Child sighed dejected, stood before the mirror depressed, brace oneself up, both hands fork waist, threw out the chest to raise the head, the small hand one wielded toward the front, brittle sound said sentence: 随后灵珠子颓然一叹,站在镜子前消沉了一阵,又打起精神,双手叉腰、挺胸抬头,小手朝着前方一挥,脆声道了句: I am Heavenly Origin Mountain True Person Supreme Unity disciple Spirit Bead Child, demons and ghosts fast draw back! “我乃乾元山太乙真人弟子灵珠子,妖魔鬼怪速速退下! ...... We also very have the spirit. ” 呜……咱也是挺有气概的嘛。” In immortal residence reception room that dozens zhang (3.33 m) separate, True Person Supreme Unity disperses the mirage, is out of control to raise head the deep sigh: 几十丈之隔的洞府会客厅中,太乙真人将水镜散掉,禁不住仰头长叹: What!” “呜个什么!” Li Changshou said with a smile in side: „ Although so said that senior apprentice brother may not be unhappy, but Spirit Bead Child is also so good. 李长寿在旁笑道:“虽然这般说师兄或许会不喜,但灵珠子这般也是不错的。 Your my does Qi Refiner, why rigidly adhere to the air/Qi of manly? Some male gender live the spirituality sentiment to be gentle, inborn is quite delicate, there is a female life to be inborn staunch and casual, this is reasonable, we should contain. 你我炼气士,何必拘泥于阳刚之气?有些雄性生灵性情温柔,天生就较为秀气,也有雌性生灵天生刚烈、大大咧咧,这都是合理的,咱们应包容。 So long as does not hound this contrast, will not have any major problem. ” 只要不去追捧这种反差,也不会有什么大问题。” Jade Cauldron True Person nods slowly, said solemnly: Junior Apprentice Brother Changgeng said in the principle.” 玉鼎真人缓缓点头,沉声道:“长庚师弟所说在理。” What is managing? It is not your disciple you do not worry!” “在理什么?不是你徒弟你不着急!” True Person Supreme Unity sighed: 太乙真人叹道: His so temper affects the cultivation advancement, from now on will perhaps plant in the oneself personality. “他这般性子已是影响到了修行进境,今后说不定就会栽在自身性情上。 this poor Daoist secretly gave him to arrange several smelting trials, he displayed indecisive and softhearted side each time, met difficultly frightens feared, weeping endlessly made not go out any to deal. 贫道暗中给他安排了几次试炼,每次他都表现出了优柔寡断、心慈手软的一面,遇到困难一吓就怕,哭哭啼啼不出任何应对。 How does this survive in Great Desolate? How many cycle in the hole can't cultivation not go out? 这在洪荒如何生存?总不能在洞中修行几个元会不外出吧? Also, so temper, even if became Eternal Life Way Fruit, goes out to take a walk, perhaps will be killed by Heavenly Immortal! ” 再说,这般性子,哪怕成了长生道果,外出走动,说不定会被天仙打杀了!” Li Changshou careful consideration...... 李长寿细细思量…… Therefore, is this you bullies the Empress Shi Ji root? 所以,这就是您欺负石矶娘娘的根源? However True Person Supreme Unity so has the sense of crisis, to understand Enlightenment Cult expert of who strikes the first blow has the advantage, truly can also be called the ruthless person...... 不过太乙真人这般有危机感、懂先下手为强的阐教高手,确实也称得上狠人…… Although cultivation base missed a meaning compared with the true ruthless person. 虽然修为比起真正狠人差了点意思。 Jade Cauldron True Person said: „ Personality warm good is not a wrong thing, nowadays Heaven and Earth doesn't where know Three Cults? 玉鼎真人道:“性情温善并非错事,现如今天地何处不知三教 circumstances that Spirit Bead Child must face, was at the Great Desolate wanderer unlike us in the past is completely. ” 灵珠子要面对的外界情形,与咱们当年在洪荒闯荡已是完全不同。” Various True Person Supreme Unity types shake the head, „ junior apprentice brother, must nip in the bud, take preventive measures surely, the non- time prepares for so, from now on must suffer a loss. 太乙真人各种摇头,“师弟,定要防微杜渐、防患于未然,不时刻做好这般准备,今后必然是要吃亏的。 In any case, this poor Daoist is the master of Spirit Bead Child, must be stiff his temper surely! 反正,贫道灵珠子之师,定要将他这性子板正! Can Changgeng, have the ingenious plan? ” 长庚,可有妙计?” Li Changshou hesitates several, sits calmly thinks in that. 李长寿沉吟几声,坐在那静静思索。 True Person Supreme Unity waited for one, small sound said: Always thought how you in do not want to help Spirit Bead Child, but how in wants to take advantage of this poor Daoist?” 太乙真人等了一阵,小声道:“总觉得你不是在想如何帮灵珠子,而是在想如何敲贫道一笔竹杠?” How can senior apprentice brother so say?” 师兄如何能这般说?” Li Changshou knits the brows: How can I not have unable to benefit person early like that? If that is right, how to be trusted by Senior Apprentice Brother Profound Capital?” 李长寿皱眉道:“我怎会是那般无利不起早之人?若如此,何以被玄都师兄信任?” Jade Cauldron True Person casts the vision that appreciates in side. 玉鼎真人在旁投来赞赏的目光。 How to expect Li Changshou thread of conversation one revolution: Senior Apprentice Brother Supreme Unity insists to give some favor rewards, I am not good to decline, otherwise does not give the senior apprentice brother face.” 怎料李长寿话锋一转:“不过太乙师兄硬要给些人情报酬,我也不好推辞,不然就是不给师兄面子嘛。” True Person Supreme Unity laughs: Does not use, brother not being concerned about face lining these empty.” 太乙真人哈哈大笑:“不用,为兄不讲面子里子这些虚的。” āi, the personality is the day decides,” Li Changshou looks the sympathy...... ,性情乃是天定,”李长寿面露同情…… „!” True Person Supreme Unity ridicules saying that what kind of you do want favor, brother to return inadequately?” “给给给!”太乙真人笑骂道,“你想要哪般人情,为兄都给还不成?” Sympathy on Li Changshou face, immediately become warm happy expression, slow sound said: 李长寿脸上的同情,顿时化作了温暖的笑意,缓声道: But, the character can also the Acquired (day after tomorrow) improvement, we try to find some solutions, proceeding in an orderly way should have the effect.” “不过,性格也是能后天改善的,咱们想些办法,循序渐进应该会有效果。” True Person Supreme Unity said: „Do you want what favor?” 太乙真人道:“那你想要何种人情?” Li Changshou thinks, said with a smile: When has the matter needs the helper, will invite senior apprentice brother take action or receives favor of hand.” 李长寿想了想,笑道:“自是有事需帮手时,会请师兄出手或是收手的人情。” True Person Supreme Unity sprinkles, however smiles, „, even if no your nephew-apprentice this matter, you have the matter to ask this poor Daoist Heavenly Origin Mountain to come up, will this poor Daoist also resist outside the gate to be inadequate you?” 太乙真人洒然而笑,“哪怕无你师侄这事,你有事求到贫道乾元山上来,贫道还会将你拒之门外不成?” Friendly,” Li Changshou and True Person Supreme Unity look at each other one, two people look at each other to smile. “善,”李长寿太乙真人对视一眼,两人相视而笑。 Jade Cauldron True Person shakes the head, brings own stone stool, is far from these two Immortal slightly. 玉鼎真人摇摇头,带着自己的石凳,离着这两仙人稍微远些。 True Person Supreme Unity also asked: „Does Changgeng have what ingenious plan?” 太乙真人又问:“长庚到底有何妙计?” This somewhat is slightly complex,” Li Changshou said that „, and first makes me prepare the half day, then discussed with senior apprentice brother.” “这个略微有些复杂,”李长寿道,“且先让我准备半日,再与师兄相谈。” True Person Supreme Unity heard this word, the heart worry abated most probably, expresses gratitude to Li Changshou. 太乙真人听闻此言,心底的忧心消退了大半,对李长寿道了声谢。 Li Changshou closes the eyes, the most mind withdrawing main body place, spreads out a scroll, starts to consider carefully. 李长寿闭上双眼,大半心神抽回本体处,摊开一张卷轴,开始细细思量。 Helped the person change character matter, Li Changshou had not previously done, but actually knows that this non- may change from morning until evening, must have a process. 帮人改性格这种事,李长寿此前也没做过,但却知道这非朝夕可改,必须有个过程。 Therefore, he needs to do, makes a long-term plan. 所以,他需要做的,是制定一个长期规划。 Today Li Changshou attains True Person Supreme Unity the favor to promise, actually when also for Investiture of the Gods Great Tribulation arrives, in the Nezha story, can many point initiative. 今日李长寿拿到太乙真人的这个人情许诺,其实也是为封神大劫降临时,在哪吒的故事中,能多一点‘主动权’。 True Person Supreme Unity burns down Empress Shi Ji, is in Investiture of the Gods Great Tribulation, positive/direct conflict that two cults quite gets up early, but Empress Shi Ji is not deep in Section Cult heel, is only Loose Immortal, has not caused Section Cult too to respond. 太乙真人火烧石矶娘娘,算是封神大劫中,两教较为早起的正面冲突,不过石矶娘娘截教跟脚不深,只是一名散仙,并未引起截教太多反应。 But so, may still be used by the person with high aspirations even...... 可就算这般,也有可能被有心人所利用…… The spark can set the prairie afire, if this Empress Shi Ji the kindhearted generation, Li Changshou stemming from probing the consideration of Heavenly Way bottom line, will try to be able her to rescue at the appointed time. 星星之火可以燎原,这石矶娘娘若是良善之辈,李长寿出于试探天道底线的考虑,到时自会试试能不能将她救下。 To change the Heavenly Way's script, where is so easy. 想改天道的剧本,哪有那么容易。 Un? 嗯? Whether oneself in the Spirit Bead Child temper, does work hard again? 自己可否在灵珠子的性子上,再下点功夫? Although does not know that the Nezha effect on later generation is big, but can try after all. 虽说不知对后世哪吒影响多大,但总归可以一试。 Read and here, Li Changshou started writing such as brightly, on the scroll were many from the right to the left long arrow, the arrow high and low labelled the one by one option. 念及此处,李长寿下笔如有神,卷轴上多了一只从右至左的长箭头,箭头上下标注了一个个选项。 ...... …… After two double-hour, outside Little Jasper Peak Chess Room, Li Changshou takes record Jade Talisman to take a step. 两个时辰后,小琼峰棋牌室外,李长寿拿着一只记事玉符迈步而来。 Ling‘e, Jiang Lin'er and Poem Raining Wine garret in the sign the hand cover immediately, why although does not know, but this stretches across three Seniority females, at this moment has snacks empty. 阁楼内的灵娥江林儿酒雨诗立刻将手中牌扣住,虽然不知道为什么,但这横跨三个辈分的女子,此刻都有点心虚。 Grand Master, Younger Uncle-Master.” 师祖,师叔。” Li Changshou made way greeting, enters the front door with a smile, comes straight to the point directly: This coming, mainly trifle inquired Grand Master.” 李长寿做了个道揖,含笑走进屋门,直接开门见山:“这次前来,主要是有一件小事问询师祖。” Jiang Lin'er is somewhat pointing at the oneself tip of the nose stunned, I?” 江林儿有些错愕地指着自己鼻尖,“我?” Li Changshou said: Good, thinking it over, this issue asked that Grand Master is most appropriate.” 李长寿道:“不错,思来想去,这个问题问师祖最合适。” You such a asked suddenly, making this/Ben Grand Master quite not adapt.” “你突然这么一问,让本师祖相当不适应呐。” Jiang Lin'er immediately sit upright and still, thought that some are not comfortable, the left leg lifts steps in round-backed armchair, the skirt suspends falls gradually. 江林儿顿时正襟危坐,又觉得有些不自在,左脚一抬踩在圈椅上,裙摆垂垂落下。 Although asked!” “尽管问来!” Grand Master,” the Li Changshou whole face is earnest, outside when asking the Way, past Grand Master just depart Passing Immortal Gate went to the wanderer, the personality should be gentle outside and firm inside, competitive all-out effort, want learning through experience, to wrestle to break in Heavenly Immortal Realm outside at risk of life, but is right?” 师祖,”李长寿满脸认真,问道,“当年师祖离开度仙门去外面闯荡时,性情应是外柔内刚,有一种不服输的拼劲,想在外历练,拼死一搏冲入天仙境,可对?” Jiang Lin'er blinks, right.” 江林儿眨眨眼,“对呀。” „Did that actually have what?” “那,究竟发生了什么?” Li Changshou puzzled said: Lets Grand Master from the gentle outside and firm inside personality, turned...... inside and outside consistent?” 李长寿纳闷道:“才让师祖从外柔内刚的性情,变成了……内外一致?” This.” “这个呀。” Jiang Lin'er pinches bright and clean chin one to recite lightly, the top of the head as if presents the air bubble that one after another gradually increased, inside has delimited pictures. 江林儿捏着光洁的下巴一阵轻吟,头顶仿佛出现了一只只逐渐变大的气泡,里面划过了一幅幅画面。 【 When that was she just went out to mix, some beheading monsters and eliminating demons loose cultivator small team just scored one big reward minute/share to end dirty, one crowd of licking blood on sharp blade loose cultivator, get together drank to chat. 【那是她刚出去混时,某次斩妖除魔散修小团队刚得了一大笔报酬分完脏,一群刀尖舔血散修,聚在一起喝酒聊天。 Forest river, you are dressed as a man, is look so delicate?’ ‘林江,你是不是女扮男装啊,长得这么秀气?’ How possibly! I may useless Camoflauge Method!’ ‘怎么可能!我可没用障眼法!’ Jiang Lin'er racket chest, several partners cast the vision of came trust immediately , to continue the big mouth to drink, the big stuttering meat. 】 江林儿拍拍胸口,几个同伙顿时投来了信任的目光,继续大口喝酒、大口吃肉。】 eh......” ……” Jiang Lin'er a hand holds the forehead, she after all is the married woman, the life is now happy, good that these black history try not to mention. 江林儿一手扶额,她现在毕竟是有夫之妇,生活幸福美满,这些黑历史还是尽量不要提及的好。 Li Changshou said with a smile: I understood probably, many thanks Grand Master.” 李长寿笑道:“我大概明白了,多谢师祖。” Yeah! What did you understand?” “哎!你明白啥了?” Jiang Lin'er one startled, pounds on the table to stand up, exclaims: 江林儿一惊,一拍桌子站起身来,吼道: I may not have to drink to fight with one group of men all day! My cultivation and sleeps, separates with them!” “我可没整天跟一群汉子喝酒打架!我修行和睡觉的时候,都是跟他们分开的!” Ling‘e and Poem Raining Wine look at each other one, respective covering the mouth chuckle. 灵娥酒雨诗对视一眼,各自掩口轻笑。 Right, right, disciple has not let one's thoughts wander.” “对,对,弟子可没乱想。” Li Changshou nods with a smile, wrote —— those who handle cinnabar are stained red, those who work with ink are stained black in Jade Talisman, the partner is very important. 李长寿含笑点头,在玉符中写了一句——近朱者赤近墨者黑,伙伴很重要。 Afterward Li Changshou also asked: Grand Master felt, the male what kind moral character is most precious, and is different from the female.” 随后李长寿又问:“师祖觉得,男子哪般品性是最珍贵的,且有别于女子。” Un?” Jiang Lin'er thinks, has the acting.” “嗯?”江林儿想了想,“有担当。” Has the acting...... Younger Uncle Master Poem Rain, lets you?” “有担当……雨诗师叔,让你来说呢?” Poem Raining Wine also seriously pondered, said in a soft voice: to assume personal responsibility.” 酒雨诗也认真思考了一阵,轻声道:“独当一面。” Li Changshou writes down earnestly, looks to Ling‘e, turns around to leave. 李长寿认真记了下来,又看向灵娥,转身就要走人。 senior apprentice brother didn't you ask my?” 师兄你都不问我的吗?” Does not use, your answer brother has known.” “不用,你的答案为兄早已知晓。” No, senior apprentice brother you ask! “别嘛,师兄你问问呀! Perhaps with different that you think...... is steady, steady most important! senior apprentice brother! 说不定跟你想的不一样……是稳健,稳健最重要呀!师兄 āi, flew away. ” ,飞走了。” Ling‘e sighed spookily, annoyed in Chess Room another happy laughter and cheerful voices. 灵娥幽幽一叹,惹来棋牌室内又一阵欢声笑语 After a little while, Li Changshou settled down in Spirit Beast Pen, inquires the Xiong Lingli similar issue, the Xiong Lingli show she recently a little muscle of inflation. 少顷,李长寿灵兽圈驻足,问询熊伶俐同样的问题,熊伶俐秀了一阵她近来又有点膨胀的肌肉。 Be stronger than me!” “一定要比我壮!” Li Changshou nods with a smile, almost the Jade Talisman crumb. 李长寿含笑点头,差点把玉符捏碎。 Soon, Li Changshou Paper Daoist sends out, investigates everywhere. 不多时,李长寿纸道人出动,四处做调查。 In Heavenly Court, inquired Long Ji, to inquire Jade Lake's Fairy Maiden, to inquire the Water God's Residence military officer ; 天庭之中,问询龙吉、问询瑶池的仙子、问询水神府的将领; In Sea God Temple, inquired God Envoy, to inquire Acolyte, inquired getting old some mortal. 海神庙中,问询神使、问询庙祝,问询一些上了年纪的凡人 The answer of finally getting reorganizes perfect, fills oneself to make the vacancy of plan, revises some details, this plan, told to the True Person Supreme Unity hear. 最后将得到的答案整理完善,填补自己所做计划的空缺,修改一些细节,才将这份规划,讲述给太乙真人听。 —— generally throws in Spirit Bead Child the heavenly troops and generals pile, gradually influences a period of time. ——大抵就是把灵珠子扔到天兵天将堆里,熏陶一段时日。 True Person Supreme Unity is quite excited, lifts the hand to draw the Li Changshou’s arm, sighed: My this Treasure disciple, entrusted to junior apprentice brother temporarily you!” 太乙真人颇为激动,抬手拉着李长寿的胳膊,叹道:“我这宝贝徒儿,暂时就托付给师弟你了!” senior apprentice brother felt relieved, I decide do everything in one's power.” 师兄放心,我定尽力而为。” Li Changshou warm sound promise, was also saying: „ When later senior apprentice brother to Nephew-Apprentice Spirit Bead Child spoke this matter, needless to say are too many, said...... 李长寿温声答应着,随之又道:“稍后师兄灵珠子师侄言说此事时,不用说太多,就说…… This is becomes cultivation that is indomitable spirit a fine man to. ” 这是成为顶天立地好男儿所必须的修行。” Un, according to junior apprentice brother, must make him braver, do not shrink,” True Person Supreme Unity decides the sound said, „, even if crude point also safe/without matter! “嗯,都依师弟的,一定要让他胆子大一些,不要畏畏缩缩,”太乙真人定声道,“哪怕鲁莽一点也无事! This child, the temper is since childhood soft, suffer an accident cannot! ” 这孩子,从小就性子软,连闯祸都不会!” The Li Changshou forehead hung several black line, only almost, he really believed. 李长寿额头挂了几道黑线,只差一点,他就真信了。
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