MSBIBTC :: Volume #5

#413: So Spirit Bead Child

Li Changshou thinks carefully, thought on several th the set of theory of White Marsh, pours also a little view. 李长寿仔细想了几日,觉得白泽的这套理论,倒也有点说法。 The key point is White Marsh is very assured, how Li Changshou does not understand White Marsh magical powers, inquires the White Marsh heel details inconveniently directly...... 重点是白泽十分笃定,李长寿也不懂白泽神通到底如何,更不便直接问询白泽跟脚底细…… But debated that must continue to debate, the collision of thought can stop absolutely not ; 但辩论还是要继续辩下去的,思想的碰撞断不能停; for the sake of being cautious, must use up remaining discuss topic. 稳妥起见,怎么也要把剩下的辩题用完。 Also so, in three months, Li Changshou will feel relieved to White Marsh finally...... probably 10%. 如此,又过了三个月,李长寿白泽总算放心了……大概10%。 He and White Marsh debate from three days one time, changed to half a month one time, reduced oneself to go to the Black Pond Peak frequency, so as to avoid by Ling‘e was suspected issue that some should not suspect. 他与白泽的辩论从三天一次,改成了半个月一次,降低了自己黑池峰的频率,免得被灵娥怀疑一些不该怀疑的问题。 The matter of related with Youqin Xuanya, Li Changshou said to White Marsh probably, White Marsh had no hesitant, happily nod promise. 有关有琴玄雅之事,李长寿白泽大概说了一遍,白泽没有任何犹豫,痛痛快快地点头答应了下来。 According to the White Marsh words, he has become the Human Cult cart driver, must listen to Li Changshou to dispatch, let alone, this matter can also give him a increase reputation. 白泽的话来说,他既已成了人教的车夫,自是要听李长寿差遣,更何况,此事还能给他增加点声名。 Do not look that White Marsh live in seclusion has been hiding, cares to the reputation two characters. 别看白泽一直隐居躲着,对声名二字也是十分在意。 So, Li Changshou feels relieved boldly, gave...... Ao Yi this duty. 如此,李长寿就放心大胆地,将这个任务交给了……敖乙 Sends for by Heavenly Court and Dragon Palace secretly, in Five Divisions Continent locates in town to emit news respectively, propagandizing Luck Beast White Marsh is pure and just symbol, counter-balances some while convenient ten big Monster Commander inherent impression. 天庭龙宫暗中派人,在五部洲各处坊镇中放出消息,宣传‘瑞兽白泽’是‘纯洁与正义的象征’,顺便抵消一些‘十大妖帅’的固有印象。 Li Changshou was White Marsh drew «White Marsh Potable water Chart» personally, «White Marsh Treads Wave picture», after White Marsh looked, was quite surprised. 李长寿亲手为白泽画了《白泽饮水图》、《白泽踏波图》,白泽看后也是颇为惊讶。 this poor Daoist main body unexpectedly fresh so...... pleasing to the eyes?” 贫道本体竟生的这般……顺眼?” Li Changshou can only maintain the smile at that time, naturally cannot say that oneself has the pen tip to amend the chart big law. 李长寿当时只能保持微笑,当然不能说自己有笔尖修图大法。 More importantly composition and light effect! 重要的是构图和光效! While convenient, Li Changshou and White Marsh also made first matter —— jointly are Youqin Xuanya are tailor Heavenly Court War Goddess persona, and designed various details that Youqin Xuanya ascended to heaven. 顺便,李长寿白泽也联手做了第一件事——有琴玄雅量身打造天庭女战神人设,并设计好了有琴玄雅登天的各处细节。 Recently has broken through, consolidated cultivation base Youqin Xuanya in seclusion, at this moment does not know, pushes her to become the behind-the-scenes team of Great Desolate idol, obtains turned time the expansion of type. 近来一直在闭关突破、巩固修为有琴玄雅,此刻并不知,推她成为洪荒偶像的幕后团队,已得到了‘翻倍’式的扩充。 Then, is other White Marsh reputation rises slowly...... 接下来,就是等白泽名声慢慢涨起来…… That two scroll painting that in order to let White Marsh many point the mirror rate/lead, except spreads, Li Changshou was also considering, seeks a good time, making White Marsh go out to take a stroll two. 为了让白泽多一点出镜率,除却流传出去的那两张画轴,李长寿也在考虑,寻个合适的时机,让白泽出去溜达两圈。 Similar when this matter arranges, Li Changshou asked the matter of related with Daoist Lu Ya on own initiative ; 待此事安排的差不多,李长寿主动问起有关陆压道人之事; White Marsh hesitant, revealed one to Li Changshou important matter. 白泽犹豫一阵,还是对李长寿吐露了一件‘大事’。 Water God, compels the dead end Lu Ya not by any means that in his hand has the same rare treasure, calling is Nailing Head Seven Arrows Book.” 水神,切莫将陆压逼到绝路,他手中有一样秘宝,唤为钉头七箭书。” Li Changshou heart moves, says with a smile: This rare treasure, do could it be please turn aroundfiercely also compared with hisTreasure?” 李长寿心底一动,笑道:“这秘宝,莫非比他的‘宝贝请转身’还厉害?” Good,” White Marsh looks sincere, the nod, „ knows this valuable background slowly, will not calculate Lord Saint, in Great Desolate absolutely not over ten lives. “不错,”白泽面露正色,缓缓点头,“知此宝来路者,不算各位圣人老爷,洪荒中绝对不会超过十个生灵。 Nailing Head Seven Arrows Book, can kill Great Principle in invisible, the refining price is large, itself incomparably evil and cruel, it may be said that injure someone wound oneself. 钉头七箭书,能杀大罗于无形,炼制代价颇大,本身无比歹毒,可谓伤人伤己。 But only need tie up Great Principle Golden Immortal wisp of Spiritual Body sleepily on the straw man, every day pays respect, to the straw man archery, may make this Great Principle be incapable of revolting, changes into the bloody water...... ” 但只需将大罗金仙的一缕元神困缚在草人上,每日参拜,对着草人射箭,就可让这大罗无力反抗,化为血水……” The White Marsh words live, look at the Li Changshou mouth that continuously very calm smile, first stares, later then looks suddenly. 白泽话语顿住,看着李长寿嘴边那一直很淡定的笑容,先是一愣,随后便面露恍然。 „Has Water God known?” 水神早已知晓了?” So secret, how can I know?” “这般隐秘,我如何能知?” The Li Changshou’s smile restrains gradually, indifferently said: „ So, this Lu Ya must first eliminate it seriously. 李长寿的笑容渐渐收敛,淡然道:“如此看来,这陆压当真是要先除之。 Mr. White, this Nailing Head Seven Arrows Book is so fierce, the method of what evading can have? ” 白先生,这钉头七箭书如此厉害,可有什么躲避之法?” As far as I know, not the method of evading, only if during the opposite party starts the incantation technique, seeks the place of opposite party, the shattering straw man.” “据我所知,并无躲避之法,除非是在对方发动咒术期间,寻到对方施法之地,坏掉草人。” White Marsh hesitates several, said: 白泽沉吟几声,又道: So long as starts Nailing Head Seven Arrows Book, must consume Destiny and Karmic Virtue, depending on the Water God present Karmic Virtue accumulation, Nailing Head Seven Arrows Book whether to achieve the effect is also something yet to be ascertained. “但只要发动钉头七箭书,就需消耗气运功德,凭水神如今的功德积累,钉头七箭书能否发挥效果也是未知之数 After all, Water God careful is on. 总归,水神还是小心为上。 And, although this poor Daoist knew this saying should not say, but Lu Ya also calculated the this poor Daoist child nephew after all, wants to seek a sentiment for him. ” 且,贫道虽知这话不该说,但陆压毕竟也算贫道子侄,也想为他求个情。” Li Changshou thinks slightly, shakes the head slowly, warm sound said: 李长寿略微思索,缓缓摇头,温声道: This matter is not I can take responsibility, if Lu Ya can ruin Nailing Head Seven Arrows Book, following does not make any extreme action, I may look in the Mr. White face, before Your Majesty Jade Emperor harnesses asked favor for him, gave him means of livelihood. “此事并非我能做主,若陆压能毁掉钉头七箭书,后续又不做出什么过激的举动,那我可看在白先生的面子上,在玉帝陛下驾前为他求情,给他一条活路。 If he does not take the means of livelihood...... ” 只是,他若不走活路……” many thanks Water God,” White Marsh smiled bitterly the sound, „the disposition of Lu Ya, the far insufficient his father 110, feared that eventually is difficult to live.” 多谢水神,”白泽苦笑了声,“陆压之心性,远不足其父百一,怕是终究难活。” Let us hope so.’ ‘但愿如此吧。’ Li Changshou heart answered the sound, has had this topic. 李长寿心底答了声,将这个话题带过。 White Marsh is strong, at this moment calculation not go out Investiture of the Gods Great Tribulation, calculation not go out Lu Ya is also more active in Investiture of the Gods Great Tribulation. 白泽再强,此刻也推算不出封神大劫,更推算不出陆压封神大劫中何等活跃。 Li Changshou to whether to take the Lu Ya life, itself has no assurance, can only wait for the opportunity to act, is waiting for Lu Ya, in this time day monster confronts makes mistakes. 李长寿对能否取陆压性命,本身并无任何把握,只能伺机而动,等着陆压在这次‘天妖对峙’中犯错。 —— Heavenly Court in view of Monster Race each action, is actually concealing this one layer profound meaning now. ——天庭如今针对妖族的每个举措,其实都隐含着这一层深意。 Mr. White,” Li Changshou looks at middle-aged Daoist of front this face glowing with health, today is inferior to showing off abilities cooking skill, I invited Sect Master and in the gate look after quite a lot elder to me, came to drink wine to chat together.” 白先生,”李长寿看着面前这容光焕发的中年道者,“今日不如露一手厨艺,我去请掌门和一位门内对我关照颇多的长老,过来一同饮酒聊天。” White Marsh is happy: Friendly! this poor Daoist this time must surely well showing off abilities!” 白泽喜道:“善!贫道这次定要好好露一手!” Said to transfer the figure, with long hurried strides went toward that area bigger and bigger kitchen, entire Luck Beast was spirit surges upward. 言罢转过身形,大步流星朝那占地面积越来越大的厨房而去,整头瑞兽都是精神高涨。 Li Changshou riding the clouds went to Pill Cauldron Peak, asking Wanlin Yun Old Master to come Black Pond Peak to attend a banquet. 李长寿驾云去了丹鼎峰,请万林筠老爷子黑池峰赴宴 Now Elder Wanlin Yun is not far from Golden Immortal Tribulation already, 100-200 years should be able to arrive in Golden Immortal Tribulation with steady steps, self-satisfied Luck Beast auspicious omen aura is also excellent...... 如今万林筠长老距离金仙劫已经不远,一二百年应该就能稳步抵达金仙劫,多沾沾瑞兽的祥瑞气息也是极好的…… That side Sect Master cannot certainly go to invite personally, in the Li Changshou surface after all is only Passing Immortal Gate ordinary disciple, Transmitting Message Jade Talisman was enough. 掌门那边当然不能亲自去请,李长寿表面上毕竟只是度仙门普通门人,一枚传信玉符就足够了。 After half double-hour, several people gather on Black Pond Peak. 半个时辰后,几人聚在黑池峰上。 White Marsh holds the feast, Ling‘e offers the tune, Li Changshou and Wanlin Yun Old Master discusses Pill Way Poison Way ; 白泽开宴,灵娥献曲,李长寿万林筠老爷子谈论丹道毒道; Sect Master Ji Wuyou joins voluntarily, puts on Li Changshou to present as a gift to the White Marsh apron, hits to start in the kitchen, but also shut out clumsy by White Marsh...... 季无忧掌门主动请缨,戴上李长寿赠给白泽的围裙,在厨房中打个下手,还被白泽嫌弃笨手笨脚…… So circumstances, if makes Passing Immortal Gate sect disciple look, most likely must startled fall down close to. 这般情形,若是让度仙门门人弟子看去,八成是要惊掉下巴的。 But so circumstances, if lets seek for Monster Race numerous expert of White Marsh trail to see at this moment painstakingly, does not know that can be wild with rage several...... 而这般情形,若是让此刻在苦苦寻找白泽踪迹的妖族高手看到,也不知能气疯几个…… Northern Entirely Reed Continent boundary hills, in a secret palace. 北俱芦洲边界群山,一座隐秘的宫殿中。 Daoist Lu Ya shoulders both hands, comes to pace in stage throne ; In the stage also sits more than ten Monster Race famous elders, at this moment complexion is mostly bad. 陆压道人背负双手,在高台宝座前来回踱步;高台上还坐着十多名妖族名宿,此刻大多面色不善。 Under the stage, several Monster King tremble to kneel in the palace...... 高台下,几名妖王瑟瑟发抖跪在殿中…… Waste!” “废物!” The stage lowliest place, a snake mold snake type male monster holds the high-pitched and fine grating voice, cursed angrily to that several young Monster King: 高台末位,一名蛇模蛇样的男妖操起尖细刺耳的嗓音,对那几名年轻妖王怒骂: Makes you seek the related with White Marsh Marshal rumor is where comes, tens of thousands small monster scatter, news that results is two character —— “让你们去寻有关白泽元帅的传言是何处而来,几万小妖撒出去,得回来的消息就是两个字—— Doesn't know? 不知? It seems like that you were also neglect, does not train is not good! ” 看来,你们也是怠慢惯了,不调教不行了!” Several Monster King shouted hastily: Forgives! Old Ancestor forgives!” 几名妖王连忙大喊:“饶命!老祖饶命!” „The background of rumor does not need to inquire actually much, Old Monster strokes his beard that is going against the goat head said with a smile, according to seeing of this poor Daoist, deciding is who wants to tempt White Marsh Marshal to come, rather than saw White Marsh Marshal.” “传言的来路其实不用多打听,”一名顶着山羊脑袋的老妖抚须笑道,“依贫道之见,定是谁想诱白泽元帅现身,而非见到了白泽元帅。” Lu Ya knits the brows to sit throne, lifted the hand to wield drew back below several Monster King ; 陆压皱眉坐回宝座,抬手挥退了下方几名妖王; Several Old Monster simultaneously take action, isolates the main hall and outside world. 几名老妖同时出手,将大殿与外界隔绝开来。 Lu Ya said solemnly: White Marsh Marshal most likely depart the place of Five Divisions Continent, he has had no intention the multibarreled matter, can give us a strategy is not very easy.” 陆压沉声道:“白泽元帅八成离开五部洲之地,他无意多管此间事,能给我们一条计策已是十分不易。” Your Highness!” 殿下!” Monster Race famous elder Duke Lu sits in the chair, submissive asked: „ last time you sought White Marsh Marshal, White Marsh Marshal advised asked for the day while the Heavenly Court weak opportunity, then taking advantage of repelling the opportunity of heavenly soldiers, bargained back and forth with Heavenly Court...... 妖族名宿鹿公坐在椅中,拱手问:“上次您去寻了白泽元帅,白泽元帅谏言天庭虚弱之机讨天,而后借击退天兵之机,跟天庭讨价还价…… That, White Marsh Marshal may say how to cope with the current so aspect? 那,白泽元帅可有说,如何应对当前这般局面? Heavenly Court not only does not dispatch troops, but also always hangs the character, to destroy our morale of troops with the sunset glow, we gripped the fist, actually hit not go out to go. ” 天庭非但不发兵,还总是用晚霞挂字、毁咱们军心,咱们攥起了拳头,却打不出去呀。” We suspected that Heavenly Court Yue Lao is also doing the matter!” “咱怀疑啊,那天庭月老也在搞事情!” A polar bear fine snort/hum sound, jar sound said: „ Recently in the half year, our grandson and profound grandchildren, three pairs of husband and wife, participated fated marriage because of other monster, the result break off noisily! 一头白熊精哼了声,瓮声道:“最近这半年,咱的孙子、玄孙辈,有三对夫妇,都因别的妖插足姻缘,结果闹掰了! Our puzzled, will our great-great-granddaughter that zhang (3.33 m) tall Zhangkuan pitiful look, how have the fox clan male monster to have a liking for? 咱就纳闷了,就咱玄孙女那丈高丈宽的熊样,怎么会有个狐族男妖看上? Then is also dead set on faithfully, until death...... ” 还那么死心塌地、至死不渝……” Perhaps looked at the cross-eye.” “兴许看对眼了。” „, This matter is quite not unusual, has many young generation of even older generation husband and wife to have a falling out.” “不不,此事颇为反常,已有不少年轻一辈甚至老一辈夫妇闹翻了。” Has Old Monster that is going against the alligator head reflected at this moment: Hahaha! zhang (3.33 m) tall Zhangkuan!” 有个顶着鳄鱼脑袋的老妖此刻才反映了过来:“哈哈哈哈!丈高丈宽!” Un?” A Old White bear brow wrinkle. “嗯?”老白熊眉头一皱。 cough, this king Xiangqi happy matter.” ,本王想起高兴的事情。” Your obviously is smiling our bear clan pitiful look!” “你明明就是在笑咱熊族的熊样!” The polar bear stands up, sends out billowing monster qi just like the mountain figure! 白熊站起身来,宛若山岳般的身形散发出滚滚妖气 Today makes your small fish know, anything is special the strength of bear!” “今天就让你这条小鱼知道,什么是特么熊的力量!” You are the fish! Your entire family is the fish! Laozi was firm than the fish, but also feared that you were inadequate!” “你才是鱼!你全家都是鱼!老子比鱼瓷实多了,还怕你不成!” Sufficed!” “够了!” Lu Ya drinks one lowly, the purple flood white big bottle gourd appears in the hand ; 陆压低喝一声,紫中泛白的大葫芦出现在手中; Two have wanted come to blows Old Monster instantaneous peaceful, each one snort/hum the sound, sat the respective position. 两名已是要大打出手老妖瞬间安静了下来,各自哼了声,坐回了各自位置。 Lu Ya corners of the mouth twitches gently, indifferently said: 陆压嘴角轻轻抽搐,淡然道: Continues to send people to search for the origin of related with White Marsh Marshal rumor, cannot lives chaotically. “继续派人搜寻有关白泽元帅传言的来源,己方莫要生乱。 Behind Heavenly Court has Saint to support, this is the matter of your my being well aware, so long as we attack Heavenly Gate on own initiative, killing some heavenly soldiers is also no harm in doing it. 天庭背后有圣人撑腰,这是你我心知肚明之事,咱们只要不去主动攻打天门,杀一些天兵也是无妨 Everyone, very special period, but also please restrain to endure patiently. 各位,非常时期,还请克制忍耐。 What we want is Heavenly Court acknowledged that Monster Race in the Great Desolate position, dies to fight with Heavenly Court, can only the dead end. 我们要的是天庭承认妖族洪荒的地位,与天庭死斗,只能死路一条。 Also , to continue to absorb with edge Monster King that the ancient times bloodlines have nothing to do with, the more better, at the appointed time must subside the Heavenly Court anger with them. ” 还有,继续吸纳与上古血脉无关的边缘妖王,越多越好,届时还要用他们平息天庭怒火。” These more than ten Old Monster also stand up, makes way greeting to Lu Ya, said together: 这十多名老妖同时站起身来,对陆压道揖,齐称: Subordinate follow your orders!” “属下遵命!” āi,” Lu Ya sighed, at this moment with him of original appearance, the handsome facial features brings the light helplessness. ,”陆压叹了口气,此刻用本来面貌的他,英俊的面容带着淡淡的无奈。 If White Marsh Marshal may help your me, what worry...... “若白泽元帅可助你我,何愁…… forget it/that's all, White Marsh Marshal retires for many years, free and unfettered gets by, at this time among clouds free and unfettered. ” 罢了,白泽元帅退隐多年,逍遥度日,想必此时正在云间逍遥吧。” Duke Lu hastily said: I and others will exhaust ability, whips on for Your Highness!” 鹿公忙道:“我等自会竭尽所能,供殿下驱策!” Has Duke Lu and everyone, my heart is much relieved.” “有鹿公诸位,我心甚慰。” Lu Ya is saying with a smile, scolded the monster words to place heart these, in the eye was still revealing the little anxieties. 陆压含笑说着,将那些骂妖的话放在了心底,目中依然流露着少许忧虑。 Meanwhile, on Little Jasper Peak. 与此同时,小琼峰上。 Mr. White do not add the vegetable/dish! Everyone must unable to eat up!” 白先生别加菜了!大家都要吃不下了!” Hahaha, no harm in doing it no harm in doing it, rare Fellow Daoists is happy, looks in the this poor Daoist again reveal!” 哈哈哈,无妨无妨,难得各位道友开心,看贫道再露上一手!” Li Changshou hearing this shakes the head. 李长寿闻言一阵摇头。 Human Cult this was an adviser, resulted in a chef? 人教这到底是得了一位谋士,还是得了一名厨子? However, from daily of Human Cult big family, the chef is truly more useful than the adviser. 不过,从人教大家庭的日常来看,厨子确实是比谋士有用。 ...... …… In the mountain cultivation is primarily peaceful and quiet, makes noise the association/will to belong to silent, the banquet must end eventually ; 山中修行自是以清静为主,喧闹总会归于寂静,酒宴也终究要落幕; Leaves depart shortly, can have the next joyful reunion. 只有短暂别离,才能有下次欢聚。 When starry night, Ji Wuyou and Elder Wanlin Yun, Li Changshou and Ling‘e left Black Pond Peak respectively, only remains White Marsh snort/hum a folk song, returned to the dwelling to hold the volume night to read. 星夜时,季无忧万林筠长老,李长寿灵娥各自离了黑池峰,只剩白泽哼着一点小调,回了住处捧卷夜读。 Also after three days, Li Changshou is pondering over 8-9 Profound Art on Little Jasper Peak, mind is disturbed suddenly. 三日后,李长寿正在小琼峰上琢磨八九玄功,心神忽被扰动。 Counts calculation slightly, Li Changshou mind belongs to Heavenly Court Water God's Residence Paper Daoist immediately, reorganized under the hairstyle and clothes robe, carried horsetail whisk to go out of the study room. 略微掐指推算,李长寿心神立刻归于天庭水神府纸道人,整理了下发型、衣袍,端着拂尘走出了书房。 outside the gate, Bian Zhuang is carrying Jade Talisman, lowers the head to report: 门外,卞庄正端着一枚玉符,低头禀告: Sir Water God, has Way Child that Heavenly Origin Mountain comes to send this Transmitting Message Talisman, said that is Enlightenment Cult Twelve Golden Immortals True Person Supreme Unity, please go to Heavenly Origin Mountain Golden Light Cave to drink to attend a banquet!” 水神大人,有乾元山前来的道童送来这枚传信符,说是阐教十二金仙太乙真人,请您去乾元山金光洞喝酒赴宴!” oh?” ?” Li Changshou absorbs to start Jade Talisman, carefully read an among content, is feeling above residual Way Rhyme. 李长寿玉符摄入手中,仔细读了一遍其内的内容,感受着其上残留的道韵 Really is that has True Person Supreme Unity of achievements on Yin-Yang Great Way. 确实是那个在阴阳大道上颇有建树的太乙真人 Does Great Yin-Yang Master look for oneself to do really? 大阴阳师自己作甚? Idles is being all right to quarrel? 闲着没事想吵架? Li Changshou thinks deeply about 12, quick nods, said: This matter I have known, cannot foreign disclosure.” 李长寿思索一二,很快就点点头,言道:“此事我已知晓,莫要对外声张。” Yes! humble general ask to be excused!” “是!末将告退!” Bian Zhuang cup one fist in the other hand complied, turns around to from now on depart. 卞庄抱拳答应一声,转身就要自此离开 Li Changshou heart divine light flashes...... 李长寿心底灵光一闪…… wait a moment.” 且慢。” If oneself brings one team of heavenly soldiers to have Heavenly Gate intentionally, swaggering goes to Heavenly Origin Mountain, might annoy Monster Race to besiege, so may list the indictment to Lu Ya smoothly, and lets Enlightenment Cult expert right and proper to Monster Race take action.】 【若是自己故意带一队天兵天门,大摇大摆乾元山,很可能会惹来妖族围攻,如此就可顺利给陆压罗列罪状,且让阐教高手名正言顺妖族出手。】 Just exuded this thought that Li Changshou considers 12, eliminates immediately it. 刚泛起这念头,李长寿思量一二,又立刻将其打消掉。 Indeed, this is a good strategy, is only then, heavenly soldiers that oneself brings feared that is ten is difficult to save one. 诚然,这是一条不错的计策,只是如此一来,自己带出去的天兵怕是十难存一。 So the sacrifice was unnecessary, routed the Monster Race also means to have . Moreover the present time is not too good...... 这般牺牲并无必要,击溃妖族的办法还有很多,而且现在的时机也不算太好…… Bian Zhuang cup one fist in the other hand asked: Sir Water God? humble general in this, has the matter you to tell although.” 卞庄抱拳问:“水神大人末将在这,有事您尽管吩咐。” Li Changshou intention rotation, warm sound said: Vice Commander Bian helps Fated Marriage Palace be active recently, here has an assignment, does not know Vice Commander Bian interested.” 李长寿心念转动,温声道:“卞副统领近来帮姻缘殿有功,我这里有一件差事,不知卞副统领有没有兴趣。” Vertical meets a cruel death and does not balk at ten thousand deaths!” “纵粉身碎骨、万死不辞!” Does not need so, not to need so,” Li Changshou to narrow a chuckle, „is just makes Vice Commander Bian reveal that under individual charm, practices, previously Vice Commander Bian to various theories that Yue Lao said.” “不必如此,不必如此,”李长寿眯眼轻笑,“只不过是让卞副统领显露下个人魅力,实践实践,此前卞副统领月老说的各种理论。” hey? Bian Zhuang blinks, can only have a head wet from the fog. 卞庄眨眨眼,只能满头雾水。 ...... …… Heavenly Origin Mountain southwest Kunlun Mountains, is not far from Kunlun Mountains too, hidden in several Great Immortal Sect mountain gate boundary points of intersection, has one type greatly greatly faintly in the feeling of city. 乾元山昆仑山西南,离昆仑山并不算太远,隐于几个大仙宗山门边界交点,大有一种大隐隐于市之感。 As long as some well-informed Qi Refiner, know this Heavenly Origin Mountain is True Person Supreme Unity way temple ; That several great immortal gate also list as the restricted area the Heavenly Origin Mountain circumference several hundred li (0.5 km), usually in no one dares to disturb. 但凡消息灵通些的炼气士,都知这乾元山太乙真人道场;那几大仙门也将乾元山方圆数百里列为禁地,平日里无人敢去打扰。 Nature, protection great array on Heavenly Origin Mountain, non- common Golden Immortal may break. 自然,乾元山上的守护大阵,也非寻常金仙可破。 white clouds flutters from the upper air, flies toward Heavenly Origin Mountain at a moderate pace, above is standing that white blanch robe Old Daoist Immortal, is grand reputation Heavenly Court Water God. 一朵白云自高空飘下,朝乾元山不紧不慢地飞来,其上站着的那位白发白袍老神仙,自是大名鼎鼎天庭水神 —— Li Changshou’s Golden Immortal Realm high quality Paper Daoist. ——李长寿的金仙境品质纸道人 When True Person Supreme Unity invitation, had not stressed that must main body come, Li Changshou’s Paper Daoist reposes mind kind of Incarnation, coming to keep an appointment is not disrespectful. 太乙真人邀请时,又没强调必须本体前来,李长寿的纸道人是寄托心神化身,前来赴约也不算失礼。 Li Changshou is mainly fears main body to come, by True Person Supreme Unity air/Qi forcefully to hitting. 李长寿主要是怕本体前来,会被太乙真人硬生生的气到打起来。 Un, because of not fearing death, but does not dare to go out! 嗯,才不是因为怕死而不敢出门! Took True Person Supreme Unity Jade Talisman, Li Changshou was flying Heavenly Origin Mountain inside and outside 300, that seemingly had no barren hill suddenly Golden Light writings of positive result, mountain protecting great array appeared golden bell zhuang outline! 拿着太乙真人玉符,李长寿飞到了乾元山三百里外,那座看起来没什么名堂的荒山突然金光大作,护山大阵现出金钟状的轮廓! great array splits a slit, two familiar forms depart from, stand were saying that top-notch treats. 大阵裂开一条缝隙,两道熟悉的身影自阵中飞出,站在云上等待。 Thin Daoist that left side that wears the red robe, is True Person Supreme Unity. 左侧那位身穿红袍的清瘦道人,自是太乙真人 His dashing eyebrows star and bridge of the nose tall very/straight, distinctive face is quite handsome, is in Three Cults male immortal, face value and stature are top that a handful. 剑眉星目、鼻梁高挺,棱角分明的面庞颇为英俊,算是三教男仙中,颜值与身材都属顶尖的那一小撮。 What a pity, is not a mute. 可惜,不是个哑巴。 Side True Person Supreme Unity, that plane allows ordinary, to give people the thick honest feeling, is actually Jade Cauldron True Person. 太乙真人身旁,那位面普通、给人厚实敦厚之感的,却是玉鼎真人 Sees this Jade Cauldron True Person, Li Changshou heart on relaxed. 一见到这位玉鼎真人,李长寿心底松了口气 At least, today when he with Supreme Unity hits, will have Enlightenment Cult big shot stand out to try to break up a fight. 最起码,今天他跟太乙打起来时,还是会有个阐教大佬站出来拉架的。 Was away from counts hundred zhang, Li Changshou made way greeting, True Person Supreme Unity and Jade Cauldron True Person simultaneously returns salute. 隔着数百丈,李长寿做了个道揖,太乙真人玉鼎真人齐齐还礼。 But True Person Supreme Unity opens mouth, shuts out: 太乙真人一张嘴,就是略带嫌弃: Hehe, this poor Daoist really cannot compare with Section Cult senior apprentice sister junior apprentice sister, goes to Three Immortals Island, Water God uses main body, coming my Heavenly Origin Mountain to use Incarnation casually, .” “呵呵,贫道果然不能跟截教师姐师妹相比,去三仙岛上,水神就用本体,来我乾元山就随便用个化身,。” Li Changshou said with a smile: Now Monster Race causes trouble, on the road is not calm and steady, my cultivation base is superficial, if no expert to accompany in side, main body does not dare to take a walk.” 李长寿笑道:“如今妖族闹事,路上不安稳,我修为浅薄,若是无高手在旁相伴,本体自是不敢多走动。” Haha, speaking of head, but also blamed me not to meet you!” “哈哈,说到头,还怪我不去接你了!” True Person Supreme Unity gave the hand signal of invitation, Water God invited, today this poor Daoist has the matter to request, in we entered discussed.” 太乙真人做了个请的手势,“水神请,今日贫道有事相求,咱们入内相谈。” Li Changshou exchanged greetings several, riding the clouds forwards, obediently and honestly stood side Jade Cauldron True Person, entered in two Enlightenment Cult expert together. 李长寿寒暄几句,驾云向前,老老实实站在玉鼎真人身旁,与两位阐教高手一同入内。 mountain protecting great array closed, investigates this place these Immortal Sense, all isolation outside. 护山大阵闭合,也将那些探查此地的仙识,尽数隔绝在外。 Just entered great array, the Li Changshou’s vision, on immortal residence by front cliff was attracted. 刚进大阵,李长寿的目光,就被前方悬崖上的洞府所吸引。 Before immortal residence, several lad platoons become one row, is carrying the fruit liquor water. 洞府前,几名童子排成一排,端着瓜果酒水。 Side these lad, one wears way robe, to grip the meatball head Little Fairy Maiden, the clothes compared with lad refined, the position also were quite near the top, should be True Person Supreme Unity...... younger brother......? 这几名童子身旁,还有一位身着道袍、扎着丸子头的‘小仙子’,穿着打扮比童子精致了许多,站位也比较靠前,应是太乙真人的……弟……子? A while! 等会儿! True Person Supreme Unity disciple, is not Nezha previous life, that Spirit Bead Child? 太乙真人徒弟,不就是哪吒前世,那个灵珠子 Although Li Changshou in Great Desolate, so far, has not heard to cross Spirit Bead Child, but the Nezha story, how can Li Changshou not know? 虽然李长寿洪荒中,到目前为止,并没有听人说起过灵珠子,但哪吒的故事,李长寿如何能不知? Nezha possibly female? Isn't he Li Jing's third son? 哪吒怎么可能是女的?他不是李靖的三子吗? This pretty Little Fairy Maiden, is could it be...... Spirit Bead Child senior apprentice sister junior apprentice sister? 这个俊秀的小仙子,莫非是……灵珠子师姐师妹 True Person Supreme Unity harnesses the cloud top to fall, is saying with very gentle intonation: 太乙真人驾着云头落下,用十分温柔的语调说着: Clever hasn't disciple, saluted? “乖徒儿,还不行礼? This is Human Cult Changgeng Immortal, Heavenly Court Water God, today is master invites, for Great Immortal that you treat an illness. ” 这位是人教长庚仙人,天庭水神,今日便是为师请来,为你治病的大仙人。” That Little Fairy Maiden immediately turn very quiet, two small hands are pinching the lower hem corners, that pair of big eye glanced to run back and forth in confusion, sips several lip to save the strengths, is shouting low voice: 那‘小仙子’顿时屏住呼吸,两只小手捏着衣角,那双大眼眼波乱晃,抿了几下嘴唇积攒力量,才小声喊着: disciple Spirit Bead Child...... does obeisance and pays a visit...... Changgeng...... Younger Uncle-Master......” 弟子灵珠子……拜、拜见……长庚……师叔……” The Li Changshou top of the head emits several question marks, if not the oneself ear is good, cannot hear the words of this fragile mosquito sound seriously. 李长寿头顶冒出几个问号,如果不是自己耳朵不错,当真听不到这细弱蚊声的话语。 Afterward, this Little Fairy Maiden said in a low voice: Master, disciple has not gotten sick.” 随后,这‘小仙子’低声道:“师父,弟子没病。” Has not gotten sick that your big sound to speak,” the True Person Supreme Unity warm sound said, puts out to select the male immortal appearance to come out, lets master and your Younger Uncle-Master has a look!” “没病那你大点声说话,”太乙真人温声道,“拿出点男仙的样子出来,让为师和你师叔看看!” Yes.” “是。” Little Fairy Maiden complied, takes a deep breath, grips the horse stance, to grip the fist later gently, is making a fist to the front, the fist front has the lines after lines of air wave to surge! 小仙子答应一声,随后轻轻吸了口气,扎起马步、攥起拳头,对着前方打出一拳,拳锋有道道气浪涌动! Afterward also added the sentence in a baby voice: 随后还奶声奶气地加了句: Ha!” “哈!” Li Changshou:...... 李长寿:…… Jade Cauldron True Person lifts both hands in side silently, patted gently two, pushed an ugly smile to Spirit Bead Child, said solemnly: Good.” 玉鼎真人在旁默默抬起双手,轻轻拍了两下,对灵珠子挤了个难看的笑容,沉声道:“好。” ~ “呀~” Spirit Bead Child both hands cover the face, turns around to run back immortal residence, left behind the mist and dust, that: 灵珠子双手捂脸,转身跑回洞府,留下了一路烟尘,还有那声: Younger Uncle-Master Jade Cauldron you repugnant...... Master, spirit bead have not really gotten sick!” 玉鼎师叔你讨厌……师父,灵珠真的没病!” The Li Changshou eyes are out of sorts instantaneously. 李长寿双眼瞬间失神。 Kissed a mother, this Three Altars Sea Assembly Great God and future Heavenly Court star...... 亲了个娘的,这三坛海会大神、未来的天庭名将…… Nearby True Person Supreme Unity is out of control to raise head the deep sigh: 一旁的太乙真人禁不住仰头长叹: this poor Daoist this made what evil! 贫道这是做了什么孽! Changgeng , helping this poor Daoist, finding the way to make him select manly aura, otherwise this poor Daoist does not know how seriously should report after carrying out orders to Teacher. ” 长庚,帮贫道一把,想办法让他多点阳刚气息,不然贫道当真不知该如何对老师复命啊。”
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