MSBIBTC :: Volume #5

#412: «Giving for nothing»

Water God Fellow Daoist, this poor Daoist considers three days, always felt...... 水神道友,贫道思虑三日,总觉得…… Your beforehand words some are not right. 你之前的话有些不对。 Monster Race is not Human Race, not lump different matters together. 妖族并非人族,不可一概而论 Monster Race is the complex under Myriad Spirits pledge limit, does not have the same clan sentiment and no same clan altogether altogether to transport, was this poor Daoist Innate Life, what to come Monster Race to today is also perfidious a saying? 妖族万灵盟约制下的联合体,无同族之共情、无同族之共运,贫道亦为先天生灵,何来对今日之妖族背信弃义一说? Indeed, under Heavenly Way, this poor Daoist now or Monster Race heel, the matter of Lu Ya, this poor Daoist does truly carried transporting, but did not have to betray a saying certainly! 诚然,天道之下,贫道如今还是妖族跟脚,陆压之事,贫道做的确实背了运,但绝无背叛一说! Before three days, Fellow Daoist that words, listen to quite reasonable initially, truly broke through the heart of this poor Daoist to guard, was actually really the paradox and dark thoughts, a character included monsters of too went, solid victory non- military! 三日前,道友那席话,初听颇有道理,也确实攻破了贫道的心防,却实属诡辩、暗更念想,将妖之一字囊括了太多进去,实在胜之不武! Today your I, might as well discuss in the past the matter of Monster Race, by what is the famous litterateur of Great Desolate? 今日你我,不如论一论当年妖族之事,论一论何为洪荒之名士? After this poor Daoist holds the Monster Emperor control ten thousand clans escape unscathed, although its process many plot clever tricks, kill the evil retribution, but was makes ten thousand clans escape the destiny of food of Shaman Race eventually. 贫道妖帝统御万族后全身而退,虽其过程不乏阴谋诡计、杀孽冤孽,但终究是让万族摆脱了巫族之食的命运。 The poor cultivation end stands at attention, today pushes Monster Race to go out to help Heavenly Court, Lu Ya and this poor Daoist oneself, not guilty conscience. ” 道行端立正,今日推妖族外出成全天庭陆压贫道自身,并未亏心矣。” By the Black Pond Peak puddle, takes Li Changshou that several treasure sack are coming, seeing White Marsh comes up is this says a word, immediately smiled to narrow the eye. 黑池峰水潭旁,拿着几只宝囊而来的李长寿,见白泽上来就是这顿言语,顿时笑眯了眼。 This White Marsh, really compares Lord more difficult con that these can separate see a play spatially...... 白泽,果然比那些能隔空看戏的老爷们更难忽悠啊…… The truth that White Marsh says today, Li Changshou naturally understands, previously when with Saint Nuwa discussed these, the level of discussion has the depth. 白泽今日说的道理,李长寿自然明白,此前跟女娲圣人探讨这些时,讨论的层面更有深度。 But the paradox two characters, the itself/Ben robs the principle unreasonably, now White Marsh invites the war in turn, Li Changshou will not show one's ignorance. 但诡辩二字,本就是无理而强夺理,今白泽反过来邀战,李长寿自不会露怯。 Who hadn't prepared for three days? 谁还不是备战了三日 When White Marsh with the three days time, pondered that the Li Changshou foreword the loophole as well as paradox place, Li Changshou thinks, how is actually today should discuss. 白泽三日时间,去思考李长寿前言的漏洞以及诡辩之处,李长寿想的,却是今日该如何论。 The beginning of launching a psychological attack, lies in each other exchanging unceasingly. 攻心之始,在于彼此不断交流。 Deals with White Marsh character so, must have enough ideological collision, sole Spiritual Body fetter and Heavenly Way oath, but lets his surface obedience. 应付白泽这般的人物,必须有足够的思想碰撞,单单元神束缚、天道誓言,不过只是让他表面服从。 From now on if really must use White Marsh, he delimits the water not to use the full power, does not calculate that violates Heavenly Way oath...... 今后倘若真要用到白泽,他划水不用全力,也不算违背天道誓言…… Li Changshou puts out one pile of precious materials from treasure sack, said with a smile: „ Does Mr. White might as well begin with me today together, makes a dwelling and kitchen comes out? 李长寿宝囊中拿出一堆宝材,笑道:“白先生今日不如与我一同动手,做个住处和厨房出来? The matter of Monster Race, your I discussed slowly. ” 妖族之事,你我慢慢论。” Friendly,” White Marsh sprinkles, however smiles, are not many in this matter disputes, although having to speak out carefree, but are more, is eager to try, waits for Li Changshou today's debate. “善,”白泽洒然而笑,并未多在此事上争执,虽有一种不吐不快之畅快,但更多的,还是跃跃欲试,等待李长寿今日的辩。 Soon, this person of Luck Beast started to bustle about. 不多时,这一人一瑞兽就开始忙碌了起来。 White Marsh pulls sleeve and Li Changshou to put out Paper Daoist, looks for certainly the ground and cleanup weed, starts to begin to construct little building. 白泽挽起袖子李长寿拿出纸道人,找准地基、清理杂草,开始动手建一座小楼。 White Marsh said with a smile: Compared with magical powers magecraft makes on immortal residence, so made Way Heart peaceful on the contrary.” 白泽笑道:“比起神通法术做就的洞府,这般反倒更令道心安宁。” Li Changshou ejected today's subject light: Mr. White, your I might as well say today, among when Monster Race appears the differentiation degenerates, whether there is the opportunity recalls.” 李长寿轻飘飘地抛出了今日议题:“白先生,今日你我不如说一说,妖族其内出现分化堕落时,有无机会挽回。” This this poor Daoist decides such as last time is not ordinary, by Fellow Daoist chaotic fist stun, but is unable to argue.” “这次贫道定不会如上次一般,被道友乱拳打昏而无法辩解了。” Your I discussed the matter,” Li Changshou said with a smile, „ the matter of past years, the senior should know most clear, was elected by the mister. “你我只是论一论事而已,”李长寿笑道,“当年之事,前辈应该知之最清,由先生来选吧。 The mister felt, in the past Monster Race may rescue, or can't rescue? ” 先生觉得,当年妖族可救,或是不可救?” White Marsh hesitates several, said: May rescue.” 白泽沉吟几声,言道:“可救。” I may not rescue,” Li Changshou presses conveniently into the log in hand underground, digs the following pit while convenient, mister invited.” “那我就是不可救,”李长寿将手中的圆木随手摁入地下,顺便挖好后面的坑,“先生请。” Un cough! “嗯 The Monster Race past disease, did not lie in race are too many, among is too loose, but lay in Shaman Race gives the pressure that to be insufficient, Shaman Race hunted for purely, has not regarded as the enemy Monster Race...... 妖族当年的弊病,不在于种族太多、其内太散,而在于巫族给的压力不足,巫族只是单纯捕猎,并未将妖族视为敌人…… Although in the Shaman Race eye, food does not match to be called the rival...... ” 虽然在巫族眼中,食物也不配称为敌手……” Therefore, on Black Pond Peak, after three days person of Luck Beast, spoke with confidence again. 于是,黑池峰上,时隔三日的一人一瑞兽,再次侃侃而谈。 Before Li Changshou comes, prepared. 李长寿来之前,自是做好了充分的准备。 for the sake of being cautious, he prepares sufficiently for side and against side viewpoint, catches the slight loophole in White Marsh words with ease, immediately counter-attacks, leads into the own rhythm White Marsh gradually. 稳妥起见,他把正方、反方观点都准备充足,轻松捕捉到白泽话语中的些微漏洞,立刻反击,将白泽渐渐带入自己的节奏。 Awaits construction a simple garret, Li Changshou is unable to refute again, makes White Marsh that White Marsh said where feel not right faintly...... 待建好一处简单的阁楼,李长寿再次将白泽说的无法反驳,又让白泽隐隐觉得哪里不对…… Li Changshou said goodbye to go with a smile, after agreeing three days, comes in the peak to see. 李长寿笑着告辞而去,约定三日后再来峰上看望。 White Marsh paces three days when the puddle, three days, finally at present one bright, thought through joint. 白泽又在水潭旁踱步三日,第三日时,终于眼前一亮,想通了此间的关节。 Then is eager to try, waits for Li Changshou to come one war! 而后跃跃欲试,等待李长寿前来一‘战’! Li Changshou on Little Jasper Peak, handles the Heavenly Court trivial matters leisurely and carefree, has a look at Monster Race circumstances, under the care the personality change of that Black Leopard, takes a look at Tranquil Water City enjoy a life in retirement institute revolution. 李长寿小琼峰上,悠闲地处置一下天庭琐事,看看妖族情形,关心下那头黑豹的性情变化,瞅瞅安水城养老运转 Also, prepares the next debate topic to do with the pro and con argument, by the double-hour of agreement, sought White Marsh to go. 随之,准备好下一个辩论题干和正反论点,到了约定的时辰,寻白泽而去。 This should be, Li Changshou since the Great Desolate big stage has made a debut, life of the most difficult con. 这应是,李长寿洪荒大舞台出道以来,遇到的最难忽悠之生灵。 have no choice but to acknowledged, Li Changshou truly saved a point to subdue White Marsh, making the White Marsh thoughts of returning home help the own thoughts. 不得不承认,李长寿确实存了一点收服白泽,让白泽归心帮自己的心思。 He naturally do not use White Marsh, when own staff, cannot use so the staff...... 他自然不是要用白泽自己的幕僚,也用不到这般幕僚…… This is not, did Golden Body of Karmic Virtue rapid setting become? 这不是,功德金身快凝成了吗? Investiture of the Gods Great Tribulation nears, after Investiture of the Gods Great Tribulation, oneself rescues to save the person, must consider the matter of retired returning to native place. 封神大劫在即,在封神大劫后,自己救下想救之人,也就要考虑退休归隐之事了。 Let White Marsh be the Jade Emperor shadow staff, and White Marsh was always restricted by Human Cult, will not make the matter of chaotic day, calculates his Li Changshou, to final contribution that Your Majesty Jade Emperor makes. 白泽玉帝的影子幕僚,且白泽始终被人教所制约,不会做出乱天之事,算他李长寿,对玉帝陛下做出的最后贡献了。 Although —— always felt, oneself not easy to withdraw from Heavenly Court. ——虽然总感觉,自己并不容易自天庭脱身。 Early lets the White Marsh thoughts of returning home, when facing Investiture of the Gods Great Tribulation, Li Changshou can also many several points of assurance. 及早让白泽归心,在面对封神大劫时,李长寿也能多几分把握。 At least, when each other can trust, Li Changshou can put out the scattered plan to the White Marsh scrutinization, letting White Marsh be oneself pointed out is insufficient and place of not perfect, makes full use of magical powers that White Marsh makes use of favorable conditions and avoid unfavorable conditions. 起码,当彼此能信任之时,李长寿可以拿出零散的计划给白泽审阅,让白泽自己指出其中不足和不完善之处,充分利用白泽趋利避害的神通 The matter of debate, the law of launching a psychological attack, must insist. 辩论之事,攻心之法,还是要坚持下去。 So...... 就这般…… A time twice, 567 times ; 一次两次、五六七次; Eight chapters of ten chapters and 180. 八回十回、百八十回。 Probably after one -and-a-half years, White Marsh recovers finally, once again after Li Changshou con is blurry, looking at Li Changshou must walk, White Marsh sets out in cups and dishes in complete disorder, shouts loudly one: 大概一年半后,白泽终于回过神来,又一次被李长寿忽悠迷糊后,看李长寿要走,白泽杯盘狼藉中起身,高呼一声: Water God! Whether to give me discuss topic after three days today, I also make a preparation well!” 水神!可否将三日后的辩题今日就给我,我也好做个准备!” Li Changshou:...... 李长寿:…… Let you be ready, will the elder brother be next time difficult? 让你做好准备,下次哥岂不是就难了? However, launched a psychological attack already to complete 70% probably, the difficulty has promoted, pours also during Li Changshou’s estimated. 不过,攻心大概已经完成了70%,难度有所升级,倒也是在李长寿的预想之中。 Li Changshou calm smiles, puts out a scroll. 李长寿淡定的一笑,拿出一只卷轴。 Not only he next subject will give, gives the subject that following debated hundred times while convenient. 他不只是将下次的议题给了,顺便也将后面百次辩论的议题给了。 This made White Marsh shock , were also for many several points to admire to Li Changshou. 这让白泽着实震撼了一把,对李长寿又多了几分钦佩。 Probably is that type...... 大概就是那种…… Although clearly knows Water God this person heart viciously sly, but felt after all, since this person has been oneself is truly born, sole intimate friend.】 【虽然明知道水神这个人心脏手黑狡猾的很,但总归是觉得,此人确实是自己诞生以来,遇到的唯一知音。】 When in the dead of the night, White Marsh sits in the garret, the side dish that boils two oneself affections, puts out the good wine that Li Changshou presents as a gift, holds one volume of bamboo slips, starts the thin fine goods to read in the spirit bead bright. 夜深人静时,白泽坐于阁楼中,烹两道自己喜爱的小菜,拿出李长寿所赠的佳酿,捧一卷竹简,在灵珠的亮光中开始细细品读。 Soon, White Marsh carries the wine glass, to Little Jasper Peak direction distant respect. 不多时,白泽端起酒杯,对小琼峰方向遥遥一敬。 The Little Jasper Peak Pill Room corner, Li Changshou reads front Confucian classics, shows the little smiles...... 小琼峰丹房角落,李长寿看着面前的经书,露出少许微笑…… Master ~ brother!” “师~兄!” Ling‘e carries outside one bowl of Tang Zhouzi Pill Room to float, in wants with Mr. White discuss topic?” 灵娥端着一碗汤粥自丹房外飘来,“又在想跟白先生的辩题呢?” Li Changshou carried the jade bowl to taste the mouth, said with a smile: Led you to audit also ten several times, what feelings can have?” 李长寿端着玉碗尝了口,笑道:“带你旁听也有十数次,可有什么感想?” senior apprentice brother indulge in Mr. White is unable to extricate oneself.” 师兄沉迷白先生无法自拔。” Un?” “嗯?” cough, cough! , Mr. White worthily is ancient times wise and farsighted almighty, can you debate with senior apprentice brother dramatically, so many time falls on faintly leeward. 白先生不愧是上古睿智大能,能跟师兄你辩的有声有色,这么多次都只是隐隐落在下风。 This wise and farsighted character, is seriously rarely seen! ” 这种睿智的人物,当真不多见呢!” Li Changshou stares Ling‘e, laugh involuntarily, said: This debate real thing, but is I and Mr. White in mutual compromise forget it/that's all.” 李长寿瞪了眼灵娥,又哑然失笑,道:“这辩论并未动真格,只不过是我与白先生在互相妥协罢了。” Ling‘e blinks, puzzled said: How to compromise?” 灵娥眨眨眼,纳闷道:“怎么妥协?” He gives up heart instigating me to go to to become the Second Heavenly Emperor thought that I put down to his killing heart, then can take as the good friend, I can let his give advice.” “他放弃心底怂恿我去成为二天帝的念头,我放下对他的杀心,而后才能引为好友,我才能让他出谋划策。” Li Changshou ate soup gruel, praised: What did your inside add? Has a novel flavor, is quite actually good.” 李长寿喝了一口汤粥,赞道:“你这里面加了什么?有种新奇的味道,倒是颇为不错。” Hee hee, is the recipes that Mr. White previously gave,” Ling‘e said with a smile, senior apprentice brother did you like?” “嘻嘻,是白先生此前给的食谱,”灵娥笑道,“师兄你喜欢吗?” Fortunately.” “还好。” I later......” “那我稍后就……” Concentrates on cultivation, is far from Eternal Life, do not divert attention.” “专注修行,离着长生还远,勿要分心。” Li Changshou indifferently said: When you picked Eternal Life Way Fruit, is the daily 12 double-hour prepares food to wash clothes, brother will not be blocking you.” 李长寿淡然道:“待你摘了长生道果,便是每日十二个时辰做饭洗衣,为兄也不会拦着你。” The Ling‘e cheek one red, collected grinningly, wants to pinch the back to act like a spoiled brat anything to senior apprentice brother. 灵娥脸蛋一红,笑嘻嘻地凑了上来,想给师兄捏捏背撒个娇什么的。 Li Changshou asked: From going out learning through experience less than ten years, can prepare fully?” 李长寿问:“距离出门历练不足十年,可准备充分了?” āi yā,” what Ling‘e seemed like thought of suddenly, calmly has turned around, sneaked off toward the Pill Room entrance fast, Senior Apprentice Sister Youqin just broke the critical junction it is said that what gift should I prepare?” 哎呀,”灵娥像是突然想到了什么,淡定地转过身,朝丹房门口快速溜去,“有琴师姐据说刚突破大关,我该备一份什么礼物呢?” Li Changshou shakes the head , to continue scrip­tures in product read the hand. 李长寿摇摇头,继续品读手中的经文。 This junior apprentice sister, obviously is thinks the time repudiates a debt! 师妹,明显是想到时候赖账! Puts down the books, drinks up Tang porridge/gruel, Li Changshou remembered anything, slowly closes the eyes, mind transfers Paper Daoist body that in Southern Jambu Continent hid somewhere. 放下书卷,将汤粥喝完,李长寿又想起了什么,慢慢闭上双眼,心神挪移到了南赡部洲中部某处躲藏的纸道人身上 He just arrived at this, Way Heart shakes! 他刚到这,道心就是一震! A martial looking middle-aged guy, in the official residence dwelling back garden, hugs a boy, after placing on the knee makes an effort to whip...... , the buttocks...... 一名英武的中年汉子,在府邸宅院后花园中,将一名男童抱起来,放在膝盖上用力拍打……后臀…… Li Changshou corners of the mouth twitches. 李长寿嘴角一阵抽搐。 This mortal General Hua, you know that buttocks egg that you pull out now, precious as gold? 这位凡俗华将军,您知道您现在抽的那个屁股蛋,有多金贵吗? That is Soaring Firmament Throne Palace stage throne assigns the buttocks egg! 那可是凌霄宝殿的高台宝座指定屁股蛋! This General Hua can Lord Way Ancestor unable...... to be able dispute, simply! 这位华将军道祖老爷之不能……没的说,简直了! So circumstances, was Jade Emperor Hua Youming rushed to the disaster in the experience tribulation body of mortal world, this one was fiercely attacked by one's own father. 这般情形,自是玉帝凡尘的历劫身‘华有铭’又闯了祸事,这才被‘亲生父亲’一顿猛打。 Li Changshou thought that bore with Photo Ball, makes the impulsion of documentary film to Your Majesty Jade Emperor. 李长寿思索了一下,忍住了拿留影球,给玉帝陛下做个纪录片的冲动。 The —— Jade Emperor experience tribulations perfection, will restore originally memory, mortal world dozens years of memory also in heart. ——玉帝历劫圆满,自会恢复原本记忆,凡尘数十年的记忆也会记在心底 Then, Li Changshou mind moved Paper Daoist body of not far away, looks in another dwelling, and several maidservant study dances small girl. 而后,李长寿心神挪到了不远处的纸道人身上,看着又一座宅院中,正在与几名侍女学舞蹈的女童 This small girl, really looks compared with Hua Mansion bear child cute many, the cheek is fresh-faced. 女童,果然看着比华府的熊孩子可爱许多,脸蛋粉嫩嫩的。 Li Changshou then must spend some mind in this place, before must Jade Emperor and Queen Mother meet, various wishes are close to the man of Queen Mother of the West experience tribulation body knocking faint anything. 李长寿接下来还要花费些心神在此地,要把玉帝王母相遇前,各种想要接近王母娘娘历劫身的男子敲晕什么的。 Otherwise, always feels Your Majesty Jade Emperor a little intermittent head long horn flavor...... 不然,总觉得玉帝陛下有点‘间歇性头上长犄角’的味道…… Nipping in the bud, is Jade Emperor and Queen Mother provides the highest-quality reincarnation escort service, is the pursue of his ordinary Heavenly Court powerful minister vow to adhere to a chosen course. 防微杜渐,为玉帝王母提供最优质的转世护航服务,是他这个普通天庭权臣矢志不渝的追求。 Suddenly thinks White Marsh that related with Second Heavenly Emperor the stem, Li Changshou in underground almost smiles to make noise. 突然又想到了白泽有关二天帝’的梗,李长寿在地下差点笑出声。 So, is not more comfortable? 这般,不更自在吗? Observed Jade Emperor and Queen Mother, the Li Changshou mind circulation, returned to Tranquil Water City, saw under ancestor generation of retirement demon soldiers in enjoy a life in retirement institute. 观察了玉帝王母一阵,李长寿心神流转,回了安水城中,看望了下养老院中的各位祖宗辈退休魔兵 Recently, that two Commander started to bring demon soldiers to go out, or took to the streets to stroll, went to the seashore to blow the sea breeze, was truly better than the Profound Capital City environment. 最近,那两位统领开始带魔兵外出,或是上街逛逛,或是去海边吹吹海风,确实比玄都城的环境好了很多。 Does not know that was the psychological process, Li Changshou already can occasionally in their already in the stiff facial features, saw some, if had the happy expression that resembled not to have. 不知是不是心理作用,李长寿偶尔已经能在他们那早已僵硬的面容上,看到一些些若有似无的笑意了。 The except Heavenly Court war, as well as Investiture of the Gods Great Tribulation is getting more and more near, various matters are developing in the good direction...... 除却天庭战事,以及封神大劫越来越近,各类事都在朝着较好的方向发展…… This makes Li Changshou also feel quite happily. 这让李长寿也颇感欣慰。 Human Cult now also gradually flourishing population...... 人教现在也渐渐人丁兴旺了…… Dwelling does not know why Lord Saint, sleeps to except sluggishly has lost the pursue quickly Great Master, his worries about the Human Cult business not yet public new promote Saint disciple, Elderly Lord cow, Little Gold Little Silver, as well as...... 宅家不知在干啥的圣人老爷子,懒散到除却睡觉已快失去追求的大法师,他这个操心人教事务的尚未公开新晋圣人弟子,老君的牛,小金小银,以及…… Given for nothing White Marsh. 白给的白泽 This White Marsh is also an outstanding person, after accepts fate gradually, unexpectedly had many open-minded reading, every day studies the recipes, the cooking cooking food...... 白泽也是个妙人,在渐渐认命后,竟然有了许多豁达之念,每日研究研究食谱,烹饪烹饪菜肴…… Originally, making the matter of Junior Apprentice Sister Youqin heaven, Li Changshou arrange a some script desirably. 本来,让有琴师妹上天之事,李长寿安排了一部有些刻意的剧本。 Is Water God is generally injured is Youqin Xuanya rescues ; 大抵就是水神受伤为有琴玄雅所救; Reason that feels desirably, is in present Great Desolate, as long as pays attention to Heavenly Court Qi Refiner, which does not know what his Water God in Heavenly Court is only Incarnation? 之所以觉得刻意,是如今洪荒中,但凡关注天庭炼气士,哪个不知他水神天庭的只是化身 That type can at any time from exploding inexpensive Incarnation! 还是那种可以随时自爆的廉价化身 At the present are many White Marsh this Luck Beast, the Li Changshou thoughts was flexible immediately. 而今多了白泽瑞兽,李长寿心思顿时活泛了些。 Definitely can first in various Great Desolate places, propagandize several waves of White Marsh spirituality, stands erect to seek victory to avoid disaster and seeing has good luck chastely and sacred the Divine Beast concept White Marsh. 完全可以先在洪荒各处,宣传几波白泽灵性,把白泽竖立成‘趋利避凶’、‘见之就有好运’、‘纯洁神圣’的神兽概念。 Then, arranging White Marsh to rescue with Youqin Xuanya that person fighting method is wounded, before swaggering Youqin Xuanya takes away Heavenly Gate, lets Water God and Wood Duke together goes out with White Marsh to meet, the White Marsh mouth spits the criticism/human language, spoke this female to be honest with Water God, may for the Heavenly Court boost, make White Marsh tread the cloud to go again...... 而后,安排白泽救起与人斗法而负伤的有琴玄雅,大摇大摆有琴玄雅带去天门前,让水神木公一同外出与白泽相见,白泽口吐人言,与水神言说此女正直正义,可为天庭助力,再让白泽踏云而去…… So, not only gave Youqin Xuanya reputation, letting her to obtain the Heavenly Court approval quickly, and directly attacks these Monster Race morale. 如此,既给了有琴玄雅名声,让她能更快得到天庭认可,又直接打击那些妖族的士气。 ancient times ten big Monster Commander, will be full is the sense of justice young girls, sent to the Heavenly Court potency, this itself is to the huge blow of Monster Race. 上古十大妖帅,将满是正义感的少女,送去了天庭效力,这本身就是对妖族的巨大打击。 This time issue is, can White Marsh promise this matter. ‘此时的问题是,白泽会不会答应此事。 After all this is equal announces to the public directly, his White Marsh now is Human Cult and a Heavenly Court side, definitely will be scolded...... ’ 毕竟这等同于直接对外宣布,他白泽现在是人教天庭一方,必然会被骂……’ Li Changshou thinks deeply about 12, had decided when two days look for the White Marsh debate, directly asks this matter. 李长寿思索一二,决定过两日去找白泽辩论时,直接问一问此事。 Reads and here, Li Changshou just about to takes back mind, meditation comprehend 8-9 Profound Art, the Sea God Temple suddenly came little vibrations of Tranquil Water City. 念及此处,李长寿刚要收回心神,打坐参悟一阵八九玄功,安水城海神庙突然来了少许震动。 Divine Sense has swept in Sea God Temple immediately, saw stealthily Ox Head and Horse Face. 神念立刻在海神庙扫过,看到了鬼鬼祟祟地牛头马面 West the two brothers are looking east the back room nearby take a look, does not dare to rush hardly. 这哥俩正在后堂附近东看西瞅,并不敢硬闯。 Li Changshou’s Incarnation comes to meet immediately, inquires, but Hell has anything to trouble, Ox Head and Horse Face shakes the head hastily. 李长寿的化身立刻现身相见,问询可是地府有什么麻烦,牛头马面连忙摇头。 Their two witches deliver came three Jade Talisman, Shaman Race secret records that among Empress Mother Earth compiles, altogether high, middle, and low three volume. 他们两巫送来了三枚玉符,其内正是后土娘娘所编写的巫族秘箓,总共上中下三册。 Li Changshou is very happy, repeatedly expressed gratitude, Ox Head and Horse Face does not dare to claim credit. 李长寿喜上眉梢,连连道谢,牛头马面自是不敢居功。 Water God, when do you prepare to make war with Monster Race?” 水神,您啥时候准备跟妖族开战?” Ox-Head small sound said: „ Hell can transfer 20 ten thousand Yin Messenger, more than 1000 ancient times War Shaman. 牛头小声道:“地府这边能调动二十万阴差,一千多名上古战巫 ancestor said that our Hell belongs to Heavenly Court now, Heavenly Court accumulates now insufficient, if makes war to Monster Race, can depend upon some Dragon Race with our Hell...... 祖说了,我们地府如今已是归属天庭,天庭如今积累不足,若对妖族开战,可以多依靠些龙族跟我们地府…… Moo. ” 哞。” For my many thanks empress concerned,” Li Changshou said with a smile, „before treating made war, I decide the meeting messenger to go to Hell thank your for your hospitality.” “替我多谢娘娘挂念,”李长寿笑道,“待开战前,我定会差人去地府叨扰。” That is good, that is good,” Ox-Head relaxed, we rehearsed such long program immediately, must they use to Monster Race.” “那就好,那就好,”牛头顿时松了口气,“我们排演了这么久的节目,自是要给妖族他们用上。” Li Changshou puzzled said: What program rehearsed?” 李长寿纳闷道:“排演了什么节目?” Some ominous,” Horse-Face in side hastily said, at the appointed time Water God on the knowledge, decides these Monster Race air/Qi to seething with rage!” “有些不吉利,”马面在旁忙道,“到时水神就知,定会把那些妖族气到七窍生烟!” Li Changshou nods with a smile, had not asked. 李长寿含笑点头,并未多问。 Soon, Ox Head and Horse Face said goodbye depart, actually may I ask Li Changshou to ask some seasoning, Li Changshou this time has not prepared. 不多时,牛头马面告辞离开,却是没敢问李长寿求些调料,李长寿此次也没多准备。 After all recently was debating with White Marsh unceasingly...... 毕竟最近都在跟白泽不断辩论…… Packed off Ox Head and Horse Face on the 1st, Li Changshou belongs to the underground Paper Daoist storehouse Incarnation, obediently and honestly cultivation, prepared on the 1st discuss topic, when the double-hour arrived, riding the clouds flew on next door Black Pond Peak. 送走牛头马面,李长寿化身归于地下纸道人库,老老实实修行了一日,又准备了一日辩题,待时辰到了,驾云飞去隔壁黑池峰上。 Today, Li Changshou has not fallen to the ground, White Marsh wears the apron that Li Changshou previously presented as a gift, is raising an iron shovel, flushed from that splendorous and majestic kitchen, pressed the Li Changshou’s arm. 今日,李长寿还未落地,白泽穿着李长寿此前所赠的围裙,提着一只铁铲,从那富丽堂皇的厨房中冲了出来,一把摁住了李长寿的胳膊。 The Li Changshou eye stares, can this he instead? 李长寿眼一瞪,这丫要反? Fortunately what comes is main body Paper Daoist! 还好过来的是【本体】型纸道人 Is good your Water God! Hahaha!” “好你个水神哈哈哈!” In White Marsh both eyes is sending out the somewhat dazzling light, scolded: „ this poor Daoist to today, to today, wants to understand finally! 白泽双目之中散发着有些刺眼的光,骂道:“贫道到今日,一直到今日,总算想明白了! Why is this poor Daoist camoflauge face, said that what that day seeks this poor Daoist in Passing Disaster immortal residence, but bet right, 30% assurances, moistened your junior apprentice sister good fortune! 何必为贫道遮掩颜面,说什么那日在度厄洞府中寻到贫道,只是赌对了,有30%把握,沾了你师妹的福气! Your itself/Ben calculated dying this poor Daoist! 你本就是把贫道算到了死! The this poor Daoist instinct is to seek victory to avoid disaster, this is closely linked with Heavenly Way's revolution, but you at that time, so long as firm innermost feelings killing intent, may seeking the this poor Daoist possibility changes into ominously, can seek the this poor Daoist possibility to change into! 贫道本能就是趋利避凶,这与天道的运转息息相关,而你当时,只要坚定内心杀意,就可把寻不到贫道的可能性化为凶,将能寻到贫道的可能性化为吉! this poor Daoist's heart exudes the thought that when goes to that Passing Disaster immortal residence, had marched into your scheme ahead of time! 贫道心底泛起念头,去那度厄洞府时,已是提前步入了你算计 Good! Good! 好啊!好啊! āi, Water God you arrived at that time, but also uses a pretext this to the luck, preserves this poor Daoist this last face. ,水神你到了那时,还将此推说给运气,保全贫道这最后一点面皮 this poor Daoist clothing/taking! Took seriously! 贫道服了!当真服了! Water God on, be please done obeisance by White Marsh! White Marsh in the future is Water God constrain, does not have two hearts certainly! ” 水神在上,请受白泽一拜!白泽日后甘为水神驱使,绝无二心!” Li Changshou:...... 李长寿:…… Yes, such matter? 是,这么一回事? This captures the rapidness of completion improvement, is Changshou a little caught unprepared. 这攻略完成度提升之快,也是让寿有点措手不及 Really gives for nothing Divine Beast worthily, really...... a little thing. 果然不愧是白给神兽,真的……有点东西。
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