MSBIBTC :: Volume #5

#415: Beginning White Marsh reveals the prestige, West again uses/gives regard as

Heavenly Origin Mountain, white clouds departs from Golden Light great array, rises slowly to the starry sky. 乾元山,一朵白云金光大阵中飞出,缓缓升向星空。 In the cloud, Li Changshou looks down to nephew-apprentice that the side sits cross-legged, looks that his endures patiently, actually still the pitiful expression of getting angry circle diligently, say/way band that the shoulder that as well as that trembles unceasingly lightly, rocks gently...... 云上,李长寿低头看向身旁盘坐的师侄,看着他那努力忍耐、却犹自红了眼圈的可怜表情,以及那不断轻颤的肩头、轻轻晃动的道箍…… Li Changshou plants suddenly, oneself made the guilty conscience of what wrong thing probably. 李长寿突然有种,自己像是做了什么错事的负罪感。 Marvelous Spirit Bead Child. 奇妙的灵珠子 nephew-apprentice,” Li Changshou warm sound summoned. 师侄,”李长寿温声呼唤。 Spirit Bead Child raised the head weakly, in the eye reveals little helpless, Younger Uncle-Master Changgeng, I am all right.” 灵珠子弱弱地抬头,目中流露出少许无奈,“长庚师叔,我没事的。” Li Changshou Way Heart almost melted at the scene, hurries saying: „ Don't worry, I lead you to go to Heavenly Court, there life is very interesting, is very gentle. 李长寿一颗道心差点当场融了,赶紧道:“不用担心,我带你去天庭,那里的生灵都很有趣,也很温柔。 Or, do we make a bet? ” 要不,咱们打个赌?” Spirit Bead Child brittle sound said: „Does Younger Uncle-Master, how make a bet? Master said, the gambling is not the good custom, must have firm Way Heart and processing thing assurance.” 灵珠子脆声道:“师叔,怎么打赌?师父说,赌是不好的习惯,要有坚定的道心、处理事物的把握。” Li Changshou:...... 李长寿:…… In turn unexpectedly was educated by Spirit Bead Child! 反过来竟然灵珠子教育了! That changes a view,” Li Changshou said with a smile, „ later went to Heavenly Court, everyone saw you, will show some well-meaning smiles. “那换个说法,”李长寿笑道,“稍后去天庭,所有人见了你,都会露出一些善意的微笑。 If is really so, your promise your Younger Uncle-Master, becomes friends with a good friend in Heavenly Court, how? ” 如果真的是这般,你就答应本师叔,在天庭中结交一名好友,如何?” Un,” the Spirit Bead Child nod complied with the sound, disciple obeys the Younger Uncle-Master arrangement.” “嗯,”灵珠子点头应了声,“弟子听从师叔安排。” Li Changshou smiles temperately, no longer talks too much, riding the clouds goes toward Central Heavenly Gate. 李长寿温和一笑,不再多言,驾云朝着中天门而去。 On come road, Li Changshou also intended to fly the half-turn when the Monster Race control region edge, but went back, feared that by the Monster Race expert ambush, was really circled Western Ox Hè Continent above Western Heavenly Gate specially. 来的路上,李长寿还有意在妖族控制区域的边缘飞了半圈,而回去时,怕真的被妖族高手埋伏,特意绕去了西牛贺洲上空的西天门 Spirit Mountain does not dare open and without fear after all, feels embarrassed his Human Cult Disciple, will not let him meet with mishap near Spirit Mountain. 灵山总归是不敢明目张胆,为难他这个人教弟子,也不会让他在灵山附近出事 Does not have many words too, Li Changshou secretly is observing the response of Spirit Bead Child, wants to understand the Spirit Bead Child complete personality as soon as possible. 一路无太多话,李长寿暗中观察着灵珠子的反应,想要尽快了解灵珠子的全部性情。 Spirit Bead Child mood at this moment, accounted for majority disturbedly, after all after change form does not have depart on Heavenly Origin Mountain, this is also his first time goes far. 灵珠子此刻的情绪,忐忑占了大多数,毕竟自化形后就没离开乾元山上,这也算是他第一次出远门。 Younger Uncle-Master Changgeng......” 长庚师叔……” Un?” Li Changshou hears sound lowers the head. “嗯?”李长寿闻声低头。 Spirit Bead Child is looking up him, in the big eye of that pair of spiritual qi flood, reveals little helpless. 灵珠子正抬头看着他,那双灵气满溢的大眼中,流露出少许无奈。 „ Isn't my, very normal? “我这样子,很不正常吗? Master as if puzzles very much, has said makes me a man point, moreover Younger Uncle-Master Jade Cauldron looks at my time, frequently vision of sympathy. ” 师父似乎很困扰,一直说让我变得男子汉一点,而且玉鼎师叔看我的时候,也经常会有一种同情的目光。” Hahaha,” Li Changshou also provoked laughter by Spirit Bead Child. 哈哈哈哈,”李长寿也是被灵珠子逗笑了。 Spirit Bead Child is frowning, full is the doubts looks at Li Changshou, Younger Uncle-Master Changgeng, how?” 灵珠子皱着眉头,满是疑惑地看着李长寿,“长庚师叔,怎么了吗?” Safe/without matter, the safe/without matter,” Li Changshou beckons with the hand, sat cross-legged to sit in the cloud, the gentle appearance of white hair white eyebrows, made the Spirit Bead Child quite feeling be intimate with actually. “无事,无事,”李长寿摆摆手,也在云上盘腿坐了下来,白发白眉的慈祥模样,倒是令灵珠子颇感亲近。 Li Changshou said with a smile: „ Your Master has said makes you have male spirit, thought your temper was too soft. 李长寿笑道:“你师父一直说让你有男儿气概,是觉得你性子太软了。 Senior Apprentice Brother Jade Cauldron to you are not the sympathy, thought your temper is extremely delicate. 玉鼎师弟对你也并非同情,也是觉得你性子太过柔弱。 As a rule, the man is the manly representative, the females is the symbol of feminine, but this is not absolute, but most people are so. 通常而言,男子是阳刚的代表,女子多是阴柔的象征,但这并非绝对,只是多数人是这般。 Senior Apprentice Brother Supreme Unity is quite rough in this aspect, cannot tell you promptly these, but makes you be a man constantly. 太乙师兄在这方面比较粗糙,未能及时告诉你这些,只是一味的让你做个男子汉。 The Heaven and Earth Yin-Yang, the Yin-Yang not opposed absolutely, non- absolutely distinct. ” 天地阴阳,阴阳本就并非绝对对立,也非绝对分明。” Spirit Bead Child purses the lips to think. 灵珠子抿嘴思索。 Li Changshou added: Wish makes your Master happy, some small customs change well.” 李长寿补充道:“想要让你师父开心,有些小习惯改一下就好。” Spirit Bead Child hastily said: Asked Younger Uncle-Master to grant instruction!” 灵珠子忙道:“请师叔赐教!” Today was unsuitable to say with you, Li Changshou said with a smile, later arrived at Heavenly Court, I introduced 12 good friends for you, you and they first were together a period of time, oneself look for the appearance that your Master wants to make you turn into.” “今日不便与你多说,”李长寿笑道,“稍后到了天庭,我为你介绍一二好友,你与他们先相处一段时日,自己找找你师父想让你变成的样子。” Spirit Bead Child somewhat starts to speak but hesitates immediately. 灵珠子顿时有些欲言又止。 Li Changshou has not continued, took a Confucian classics to give Spirit Bead Child, making on his road find relief. 李长寿没有继续说下去,拿了一本经书递给了灵珠子,让他路上解闷。 Spirit Bead Child is ancient times spirit bead and Jade Void Palace family background, the cultivation base start is True Immortal Realm, at the present is also Heavenly Immortal Realm late stage, has a distance from Golden Immortal Realm. 灵珠子上古灵珠玉虚宫出身,修为起步便是真仙境,而今也已是天仙境后期,距离金仙境还有一段距离。 But the Spirit Bead Child foundation is deep, biggest taking advantage is oneself that peaceful life Spiritual Body, if cultivate successfully Golden Immortal and learning through experience two cycle, is Yun Zhongzi peaceful life Golden Immortal like that may transport additional for Enlightenment Cult. 灵珠子根基深厚,最大的依仗便是自身那清福元神,若是修成金仙历练一二元会,又是一位云中子那般的清福金仙,可为阐教增运。 In Li Changshou heart a daydream...... 李长寿心中一阵遐想…… In the Investiture of the Gods Great Tribulation original story, Section Cult's side becomes famous by Second Generation disciple tyrannical, a Enlightenment Cult side puts together Section Cult Second Generation disciple to become famous by third generation disciple hardly. 封神大劫原本的故事中,截教一方是以二代弟子强横出名,阐教一方则是以三代弟子硬拼截教二代弟子而出名。 Like cultivating 8-9 Profound Art, has Heavenly Court God Position before into the tribulation in True Monarch of Purity and Decency Yang Jian of body ; 像修有仈jiu玄功,在入劫之前已有天庭神位在身的清源妙道真君杨戬; previous life Spirit Bead Child, after entering the tribulation, unifies Lotus Flower Precious Body Three Altars Sea Assembly Great God Nezha by Spirit Bead Child Spiritual Body ; 前世灵珠子,入劫后以灵珠子元神结合莲花宝身三坛海会大神哪吒; Resulted in Guang Chengzi and Chi Jingzi treasure, Fellow Daoist please be actually please do not bother to see me off by Shen Gongbao one above, about jumps and almost instead kills Master’s Yin Jiao and Yin Hong horizontally...... 得了广成子赤精子的宝物,却被申公豹一句‘道友请留步’上头,左右横跳、差点反杀师父的殷郊殷洪…… These are Way Sect promising young person. 这些都是道门后起之秀 Indeed, Section Cult's side promising young person actually also many, but Holy Mother Fire Spirit, Wen Zhong and Yu Yuan, reputation is far less than Yang Jian, Nezha and Lei Zhenzi these. 诚然,截教一方后起之秀其实也不少,但火灵圣母闻仲余元,知名度远不如杨戬哪吒雷震子这些。 Whether oneself Lord Saint, chooses to stand in Investiture of the Gods Great Tribulation Enlightenment Cult, there are some considerations? 是否自家圣人老爷,在封神大劫中选择站在阐教这边,也有这部分考虑? Li Changshou is considering carefully, heart somewhat is also helpless. 李长寿仔细思量着,心底也有些无奈。 Why, he has also tacitly approved in Investiture of the Gods Great Tribulation, Enlightenment and Section must kill the red eyes...... 为何,他也已默认封神大劫中,阐、截必会杀红眼…… Symbolic great array that Ten Severing Array, Nine Tunes Yellow River Great Array and ten thousand Immortal Array, three great war promote...... 十绝阵九曲黄河大阵、万仙阵,三座大战升级的标志性大阵…… Li Changshou thinks of a matter suddenly. 李长寿突然又想到一件事。 These years watch the male and female sentiment development of Section Cult, Ten Severing Chain Array that Holy Mother Golden Light and Qin Wan Heavenly Lord Qin they study, how also did not know. 这些年都去关注截教的男女感情发展,金光圣母秦完秦天君他们研究的十绝连环阵,也不知如何了。 Can this become the Investiture of the Gods Great Tribulation small foreshadowing? 这会不会成为封神大劫的小伏笔? Li Changshou thinks deeply about 12, laugh involuntarily. 李长寿思索一二,哑然失笑 His butterfly has thrown the corner so many, to the development of this time all situations, still toward the Investiture of the Gods Great Tribulation vanguard. 他这个蝴蝶已扑棱了这么多下,到此时一切事态的发展,依然是在朝封神大劫前行。 The strength of Heavenly Way's revision, or this world line the strength of collecting, but also is really should not be underestimated. 天道的修正之力,或者说,这世界线的收束之力,还真是不容小觑 Previous wants to change Senior Reckless of myth history, already becomes small patch on a wheel of history ; 上个想改变神话历史的浪前辈,已经成为历史车轮上的一只小补丁; oneself, is by the oneself survival as the most important item, after all the person died, but anything did not have...... 自己,还是以自身存活作为首要事项,毕竟人死了,可是什么都没了…… Younger Uncle-Master Changgeng,” Spirit Bead Child asked suddenly in a soft voice, in this world, like my life so, does have?” 长庚师叔,”灵珠子突然轻声问,“这世上,像我这般的生灵,有很多吗?” Li Changshou thinks, warm sound said: „ Each life is the unique individual, does not need to think to get on well with others to change self, to make oneself promotes self perfectly. 李长寿想了想,温声道:“每个生灵都是独特的个体,不必想着为了合群而改变自我,要想着让自己变得更完美而提升自我 The life does not need too many edges and corners, but does not need to be extremely clear. 生灵不必有太多棱角,但也不必太过圆润。 After all, smooth anything, is the matters of our these elderly. ” 毕竟,圆滑什么的,是我们这些老人家之事。” Spirit Bead Child blinks, Spirit Bead Child cannot understand.” 灵珠子眨眨眼,“灵珠子听不懂呢。” Later said when uses me, do not say the given name, this was equal to that direct exposure oneself heel,” the Li Changshou sincere say/way, this is the small custom that your must first correct.” “以后自称时就用我,不要自称名号,这等于直接暴露自身跟脚,”李长寿正色道,“这算是你第一个要更正的小习惯。” Yes, spirit bead understood.” “是,灵珠明白了。” Un?” “嗯?” I understood......” “我明白了……” Then clever,” Li Changshou narrows the eye to smile, looked that front Western Heavenly Gate has been in sight, „ can still remember the agreement? “这才乖,”李长寿眯眼笑着,看前方西天门已是在望,“可还记得刚才的约定? You can have a look, they are smiling to you. ” 你可以一路看看,他们是不是都在对你笑。” Immediately, Spirit Bead Child brace oneself up, is somewhat shy he, at this moment actually observes these heavenly troops and generals on own initiative. 顿时,灵珠子打起精神,本是有些怕生的他,此刻却主动观察那些天兵天将 Numerous heavenly troops and generals:...... 天兵天将:…… reason things out, the Sir Water God belt/bring comes back pretty Little Fairy Maiden, this Little Fairy Maiden also sizes up oneself with a limpid and curious vision, what expression can oneself return by? 讲道理,水神大人带回来一个眉清目秀小仙子,这小仙子还用一种清澈、好奇的目光打量自己,自己能回以什么表情? Also is not smiling of various kinds! 还不都是各种各样的笑! The line to the halfway, Spirit Bead Child could not bear entrain Li Changshou’s way robe, in that pair of big eye full was the stars. 行至半路,灵珠子就忍不住拽了拽李长寿的道袍,那双大眼中满是星辰。 Younger Uncle-Master, Younger Uncle-Master, is really! Everyone is smiling to me!” 师叔,师叔,真的是耶!大家都在对我笑呢!” Li Changshou smiles not to speak, is carrying horsetail whisk, bringing Spirit Bead Child to go toward oneself Water God's Residence. 李长寿笑而不语,端着拂尘,带灵珠子自己水神府而去。 Competes such for a long time, suddenly a routine child with White Marsh, the body and mind is also quite joyful...... 白泽较劲这么久,突然套路一下小孩,身心也是颇为愉悦…… Returned to Water God's Residence, Li Changshou assigned/life heavenly soldiers to reorganize a house, made Spirit Bead Child live. 回了水神府,李长寿天兵整理了一处屋舍,就让灵珠子住了进去。 Spirit Bead Child, you, and stays in this place, one should lack may in heavenly troops and generals to the institute mention. 灵珠子,你且在此地住下,一应所缺都可对院内天兵天将提及。 your Younger Uncle-Master in Heavenly Court, the size is also civil official, everyone to me several points of thin surface, will want to stroll also to be possible. 本师叔天庭,大小也算个文臣,大家都会给我几分薄面,想要出去逛逛也是可的。 , I will have arranged several heavenly troops and generals on several th, with your compare notes magecraft and magical powers, you, and first makes some preparations, later take action must have the discretion, cannot injure someone. ” 过几日,我会安排几名天兵天将,与你切磋术法神通,你且先做些准备,稍后出手也要有分寸,莫要伤人。” Yes!” “是!” Spirit Bead Child this moment Essence, Qi and Spirit surged upward, with almost acts like a different person on Heavenly Origin Mountain. 灵珠子此刻精气神都高涨了起来,与在乾元山上几乎判若两人。 She, cough. 她, He made way greeting to Li Changshou, disciple understands, this time Path of Cultivation, asking Younger Uncle-Master to whip disciple heartily!” 他对李长寿做了个道揖,“弟子明白,此次修行之路,请师叔尽情鞭挞弟子!” Li Changshou almost face one red...... 李长寿差点老脸一红…… True Person Supreme Unity this old Yin-Yang master, taught Spirit Bead Child anything! 太乙真人这个老阴阳师,都教了灵珠子些什么! eh, is the oneself thought is too possibly complex...... ,也可能是自己思想太复杂…… Now was good. 现在好了。 Li Jing in Passing Immortal Gate, Nezha in Water God's Residence, if found Lady Yin now, the star turn of «Chentang Pass» this play, collected even. 李靖度仙门,哪吒水神府,若是现在就找到殷夫人,《陈塘关》这场戏的主要演员,就算凑齐了。 Nezha is the belt/bring capital to enter the group, protagonist that this play culmination decides. 哪吒属于带资进组,这场戏中天定的主角 Present Ao Bing dragon egg are not, actor's pay of Muzha and Jinzha not in this play. 现在的敖丙连龙蛋都不是,木吒金吒在这场戏中并无戏份。 That side Empress Shi Ji, can know the real situation ahead of time? 石矶娘娘那边,要不要提前摸摸底? In Pill Room, Li Changshou reads front Five Divisions Continent brief map, calmly entranced. 丹房中,李长寿看着面前的五部洲简略地图,静静地出神 His divide one's attention, was pondering how at the same time this drama leads. 一心二用,一边在思考这场大戏如何去导。 At the same time in guarding Water God's Residence heavenly troops and generals, looking for several manly aura is quite rich, conduct bringing proud halo Heavenly General, making them exchange with Spirit Bead Child later. 一边在镇守水神府天兵天将中,物色几名阳刚气息较为浓郁、行事自带豪情万丈光环的天将,让他们稍后与灵珠子多交流交流。 Li Changshou discovered gradually, in scheme Investiture of the Gods Great Tribulation, most importantly, is to think over clearly Heavenly Way's trend. 李长寿渐渐发现,在算计封神大劫中,最重要的,就是要掂量清楚【天道的趋势】。 By the Nezha example, in the Investiture of the Gods Great Tribulation script that Heavenly Way sets, do a series of consequences that the tribulation of Nezha experience, causes, how many have to affect to Investiture of the Gods Great Tribulation and to Heavenly Way? 哪吒举例,天道定下的封神大劫剧本中,哪吒经历的磨难、造成的一系列后果,对封神大劫、对天道有多少影响? This analysis is clear, can achieve with a clear goal...... 这个分析清楚,就能做到有的放矢…… Overall, is to guarantee that Nezha strength, guaranteeing Nezha becomes one of the Enlightenment Cult camp conventional main force groups ; 总体而言,就是要确保哪吒的战力,确保哪吒成为阐教阵营的常规主力团之一; Conflict of Supreme Unity and Shi Ji, may becomes sparks/Mars that ignites the two cults great war blasting fuse...... 还有太乙石矶的冲突,也有可能会成为引燃两教大战导火索的火星…… Depending on these with True Person Supreme Unity contact, Li Changshou no longer suspects True Person Supreme Unity times completely who strikes the first blow has the advantage the ideological consciousness, as well as mouth artillery and taunt and other ranks of skill. 凭这几次与太乙真人接触,李长寿完全不再怀疑太乙真人‘先下手为强’的思想觉悟,以及‘嘴炮’、‘嘲讽’等技能的等级。 What a pity, he was unable deliberately to aim at True Person Supreme Unity. 可惜,他还不能刻意针对太乙真人 Li Changshou knows, oneself cannot stand in Enlightenment Cult or the Section Cult standpoint, he is Human Cult Disciple, must stand in Teacher Grand Pure standpoint —— that wants oneself to be in 李长寿知道,自己并不能站在阐教或者截教的立场,他是人教弟子,更要站在太清老师想要自己处于的立场—— Way Sect. 道门 General situation......” “大局……” Thinks, Li Changshou stands up, has the little anxieties, calmly paces in Pill Room. 想了一阵,李长寿站起身来,带着少许忧虑,在丹房中静静踱步。 mind moves slightly, is actually that side Heavenly Court, Ao Yi and Bian Zhuang to Water God's Residence. 心神微微一动,却是天庭那边,敖乙卞庄到了水神府 At this moment, Ao Yi corners of the mouth has the happy expression, Bian Zhuang is actually dejected, the eye belt/bring blood threads, but hits spirit, making oneself seem like very happy appearance. 此刻,敖乙嘴角带着浓浓的笑意,卞庄却是垂头丧气、眼带血丝,但又强打精神,让自己看起来很开心的样子。 Before two people arrive in the study room, just about to salutes, the Li Changshou finger swings gently, front door open widely and array closure. 两人抵达书房前,刚要行礼,李长寿手指轻轻摆动,屋门大开阵法关闭。 Comes.” “进来吧。” Ao Yi and Bian Zhuang should be with one voice, lowered the head the study room, Li Changshou cup one fist in the other hand after to furniture saluted. 敖乙卞庄齐声应是,低头进了书房,对桌椅后的李长寿抱拳行礼。 Big Brother Cult Master, has looked for the right Monster Race female,” Ao Yi said with a smile, wants Bian Zhuang to begin now?” 教主哥哥,已找准了合适的妖族女子,”敖乙笑道,“可是要卞庄现在就动手?” Li Changshou asked: What you look is which female?” 李长寿问:“你们找的是哪位女子?” Is the Yue Lao homing,” Ao Yi said,is Southern Jambu Continent and Western Ox Hè Continent boundary karmic hinderance Great Monster, Heavenly Immortal Realm cultivation base ; “是月老寻的,”敖乙道,“是南赡部洲西牛贺洲边界处的一名业障大妖,天仙境修为; investigates passed/lived when the Myriad Spirits palace her heel, his bloodlines is also ancient times Great Monster, at the present some quite influence in Monster Race. 已在万灵殿中查过了她的跟脚,其血脉也是上古大妖,而今在妖族中颇有些影响力 The clay figurine of this monster drags Red String to scurry about frequently everywhere, is of no fixed abode and becomes second nature loosely, if spreads a love affair interesting rumor with Heavenly General, will not annoy the person to suspect. 此妖的泥人经常拖着红绳到处乱窜,居无定所、风流成性,若是与天将传出一段风花雪月的趣闻,也不会惹人怀疑。 Other, must look at the Vice-Commander Bian Zhuang ability. ” 其他,就要看卞庄副统领的本领了。” The Bian Zhuang both legs tremble, the forced smile said: humble general meets a cruel death and does not balk at ten thousand deaths, but Sir Water God...... humble general is pure......” 卞庄双腿一颤,苦笑道:“末将粉身碎骨、万死不辞,但水神大人……末将还是纯洁的……” Li Changshou said with a smile: Makes you go to the dream to be forgiving, does not make you devote, what fears?” 李长寿笑道:“只是让你去梦中留情,又非让你去献身,怕个什么?” Yeah, humble general follow your orders.” “哎,末将遵命。” Ao Yi pretend surprised shape, Vice Commander Bian unexpectedly so clean-living and honest?” 敖乙故作惊奇状,“卞副统领竟然如此洁身自好?” Bian Zhuang exhibited a live without hope face immediately. 卞庄顿时摆出了一幅生无可恋脸。 Ok,” Li Changshou said,this matter makes Fated Marriage Palace assist you full power, if inadequate also no harm in doing it. “好了,”李长寿道,“此事让姻缘殿全力协助你,若是不成也无妨 Moreover does not let your descend to mortal world, but lets you Monster Race female dream meets through Divine Might Hall and in...... 而且又不是让你下凡,只是让你通过神威殿妖族女子梦中相会…… Must remember, we must through this matter, publicize Heavenly Court outward are not the Heavenly Way control puppet, Heavenly General have the true feelings true feelings, is the flesh life, does not want you to be really intimate with the Monster Race female, particularly is karmic hinderance Great Monster. ” 需记得,我们是要通过此事,对外宣扬天庭并非天道控制的木偶,天将也有真情实感,也是血肉生灵,也不是要你真的跟妖族女子相好,尤其是还是一只业障大妖。” humble general understands!” 末将明白!” The Bian Zhuang clear and resonant voice replied, later looks distressed. 卞庄朗声回答,随后又愁眉苦脸。 Beginning his love affair experiences, wants...... 他的情缘缘初体验,难道就要…… Li Changshou knits the brows suddenly, said: „Under you first wait a bit, I have the matter in the close by.” 李长寿忽而皱眉,道:“你们先稍等下,我在旁处有事。” Said to close eyes with rapt attention, motionless like a statue. 言罢闭目凝神,一动不动 Little Jasper Peak, Li Changshou goes out of Pill Room, looks little on Black Pond Peak hiking up aurora, immediately with this main body Paper Daoist riding the clouds overtakes. 小琼峰,李长寿走出丹房,看着黑池峰上飘起的少许‘极光’,立刻用这具【本体纸道人驾云赶了过去。 Arrived Black Pond Peak, entered in great array, actually sees White Marsh become main body to lie by the puddle, the forehead three colored long feather ray sparkles, around the body is surrounding a wisp of seven colours immortal ray. 到了黑池峰,入了大阵中,却见白泽化作本体在水潭旁趴着,额头三枚彩色长羽光芒闪耀,身周环绕着一缕缕七彩仙光 Water God,” White Marsh around the body immortal ray sparkles, the become human form, made way greeting forward. 水神,”白泽身周仙光更为闪耀,化作人形,向前做了个道揖 Li Changshou said: Mr. White shouted me to come, what important matter but there is?” 李长寿道:“白先生喊我前来,可是有什么要事?” White Marsh sincere say/way: „ Not the important matter when to Water God, was only this poor Daoist comprehension Heavenly Mystery a moment ago, suddenly has induced. 白泽正色道:“对水神来说并非什么大事,只是刚才贫道感悟天机时,突然有所感应。 Has the ominous calamity presently north Northern Continent. 有凶祸现于北洲偏北。 Feared that is Monster Race must to Northern Continent Shaman Race take action, forcing Heavenly Court to dispatch troops to rush to rescue, thus with Heavenly Court upfront fight hand to hand. ” 怕是妖族要对北洲巫族出手,逼迫天庭出兵驰援,从而与天庭正面交手了。” Li Changshou made way greeting, sincere say/way: Mr. many thanks reminded.” 李长寿做了个道揖,正色道:“多谢先生提醒。” White Marsh said with a smile: „Does Water God have inference so early? So, this poor Daoist considered thoroughly actually.” 白泽笑道:“水神可是早有这般推断?如此,倒是贫道多虑了。” No, I have not had inference so,” Li Changshou said that „, but the thus truth, my cultivation day was shallow, realm has not arrived at the mister so. “不,我并未有这般推断,”李长寿道,“而且说实话,我修道日浅,境界也并未到先生这般。 Mentioned the method of calculation, I also just crossed the threshold, the matters of calculation not go out too many external body. 说起推算之法,我也只是刚刚入门,推算不出太多身外之事。 From now on if has circumstances so, but also asks the mister to inform my one promptly. ” 今后若有这般情形,还请先生及时告知我一声。” White Marsh knits the brows to ask: That, how Water God previously got involved in the Heavenly Way important matter, how also to resist with West, made so many resolutions?” 白泽皱眉问:“那,水神此前如何介入天道大事,又如何与西方相抗,做了这般多的决断?” Li Changshou sighed, a little helpless said the sentence: 李长寿叹了口气,有点无奈的道了句: Does not have him, makes some preparations, considers clear forget it/that's all various circumstances. “无他,多做些准备,把各类情形都考虑清楚罢了 When this matter, the mister does not need multi- concerned, the Monster Race round to ask for a day of manifesto, I secretly have officially informed Northern Continent Shaman Race, their already prepared dealing, will not be hit caught unprepared by Monster Race. ” 此事,先生也不必多挂念,妖族发讨天檄文时,我已暗中知会北洲巫族,他们已经做好了应对的准备,不会被妖族打个措手不及。” White Marsh made way greeting to Li Changshou, to praise sighed: 白泽李长寿做了个道揖,赞叹道: Understood that Water God are more, this poor Daoist is admiring. “了解水神越多,贫道越是钦佩。 Water God, Jade Emperor Queen Mother in Heavenly Court, Way Sect expert will perhaps not interfere with the struggle of Shaman and Monster now. 水神,如今玉帝王母不在天庭,道门高手或许不会干涉巫妖之争。 If Water God needs the helper to assist, but also please prompt consult with this poor Daoist! ” 水神需帮手相助,还请及时与贫道相商!” Li Changshou nod complied, made way greeting with White Marsh, said that first goes back to arrange the Northern Continent war, riding the clouds left the black pond. 李长寿点头答应一声,与白泽做了个道揖,道一声“先回去安排北洲战事”,驾云离了黑池。 mind returned to Heavenly Court, Li Changshou makes Ao Yi Bian Zhuang first put down previously that trifle, fitted out Heavenly River navy and packing Immortal Beans and other resources. 心神回归天庭,李长寿敖乙卞庄先放下此前那点小事,整备天河水军、填充仙豆等资源。 Bian Zhuang almost weeps. 卞庄差点喜极而泣。 Then, Li Changshou mind thrust in a big way, heart presented the one by one window, the Northern Continent Shaman Race gathering place and place of Northern Continent boundary Monster Race converge, performed in covering of his Paper Daoist Immortal Sense network. 而后,李长寿心神之力推到了最大,心底出现了一个个窗口,北洲巫族聚集之地、北洲边界妖族汇聚之地,尽在他纸道人仙识网络的笼罩中。 Just like Li Changshou said, Shaman Race has hidden into the place of seeking asylum ; Previously some Shaman Race War Shaman harassed Monster Race, is he incites. 正如李长寿所说,巫族早已躲入了避难之地;此前巫族有部分战巫去骚扰妖族,也是他授意。 The East Sea Sea Eye tragedy, Li Changshou must avoid performing again. 东海海眼的悲剧,李长寿自是要避免再次上演。 But the places of these Monster Race...... 但那些妖族之地…… Quite peaceful. 好安静。 Locates expert and trace of monster soldier no reassignment respectively. 各处高手、妖兵毫无调动的痕迹。 However, White Marsh gave warning sign, and attacking northern Shaman Race, to Monster Race is also a good chess, this matter has the probability to be extremely high. 不过,白泽给了示警,且攻打北部巫族,对妖族来说也是一步好棋,此事发生概率极高。 Li Changshou calmly is waiting, finally for several days, Monster Race has no response slightly. 李长寿静静等待着,结果一连几日,妖族丝毫没有什么反应。 Under Li Changshou heart puzzled, left behind most mind to supervise the place of Monster Race, less than half mind used to handle various place daily business. 李长寿心下纳闷,还是留下了大半心神监察妖族之地,小半心神用在处理各处日常的事务。 The strength of mind is insufficient, but the working efficiency reduces, Li Changshou everything is steady, will not go wrong. 心神之力不够,只是办事效率降低,李长寿凡事稳着来,也不会出什么乱子。 However what Li Changshou also didn't expect is, his first-grade, is enough a half year! 然而李长寿没想到的是,他这一等,就是足足半年! In a half year, Spirit Bead Child and Water God's Residence Heavenly General hits to put in an appearance several times, but is extremely each time shy because of Spirit Bead Child, except compare notes fighting method, looked that Heavenly General plays noisily in that cannot integrate. 半年中,灵珠子水神府天将打过几次照面,但每次都因灵珠子太过腼腆,除去切磋斗法,就只是看天将在那玩闹,根本融入不进。 This matter truly cannot over-hasty, when attempts it slowly. 此事确实不能操之过急,当徐徐图之。 Heavenly Court also prepared enough accepting a challenge, hundreds of thousands of elite heavenly soldiers bring million Immortal Beans, may support Northern Continent momentarily. 天庭也做好了足够的应战准备,数十万精锐天兵带着百万仙豆,随时可支援北洲 When Li Changshou starts to suspect, definition of White Marsh to disaster is some issues, wisp of familiar aura appeared in the place of Monster Race. 李长寿开始怀疑,白泽灾祸的定义是不是有些问题,一缕熟悉的气息出现在了妖族之地。 Wen Jing! 文净 Li Changshou Immortal Sense criss-crossed, immediately investigates following this aura, quick saw three somewhat fuzzy forms, in underground entered several Monster Race arrangement great array. 李长寿仙识如网,立刻循着这股气息探查,很快就看到了三道有些模糊的身影,在地下进入了几层妖族布置的大阵 Wen Jing will reveal that on own initiative this wisp of aura, actually before is them, one that sets cipher. 文净会主动显露这一缕气息,其实是他们之前定下的一种‘暗号’。 In order to protect undercover, at this time Daoist Wen Jing still cannot relate with him directly, but this wisp of aura showed sufficiently, the Daoist Wen Jing standpoint has not changed. 为了保护己方卧底,此时文净道人与他尚不能直接联系,而这缕气息就足以证明,文净道人立场并未发生变化。 These three form, Daoist Wen Jing occupies left, has the silver-white long hair, to raise a young girl of long sword to occupy right, comes , is actually a high thin form that brings the cape. 这三道身影,文净道人居左,一名有着银白色长发、提着一把长剑的少女居右,居中的,却是一名带着斗篷的高瘦身影。 Li Changshou counts calculation, determined that oneself has not seen this Daoist. 李长寿掐指推算,确定自己并未见过这名道者 That side West can do the matter? 西方那边又要搞事了? eh, should not be, West looks for Lu Ya to offer advice and provide the help, directs bright road —— to attack Shaman Race to Daoist Lu Ya and Monster Race, compelling heavenly troops and generals descend to mortal world to make war? ,该不会是,西方来找陆压献策、提供帮助,给陆压道人妖族指点一条明路——进攻巫族,逼天兵天将下凡开战? If really so, that...... 若真如此,那…… White Marsh this seek luck and avoid calamity magical powers, simply excessive! 白泽这‘趋吉避凶’的神通,简直过分
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