MTTIR :: Volume #3

#300: The father, mother, the unfilial son came back to look at you!

Chapter 300 father, mother, the unfilial son came back to look at you! 第300章爸,妈,不孝儿子回来看你们了! Goes to the road in airport. 前往机场的路上。 Wu Ping drives, Jiang Feng and bends Shiqing sits in behind. 吴萍开车,江枫与屈世清坐在后面。 Hears bends Shiqing the look to say his son's marital problem anxiously, Jiang Feng said: Uncle Qu, you said in detail.” 听到屈世清神色焦虑的说出他儿子的婚姻问题,江枫道:“屈叔,你详细说一下。” Grandmaster river, to be honest, I confessed that was also very liberal guardian, the girlfriend too that anything that if not my son discussed that I was really do not want to interfere with his marriage.” “江大师,说句实在话,我自认也算是非常开明的家长了,若非我儿子谈的这个女朋友实在太那啥,我是真不想干涉他的婚姻。” bends Shiqing first indicates own attitude, introduced: „ There me child you also saw a moment ago, 1.86 meters in height, the look is also handsome and intelligent, 985 university graduations, work in the province XX halls, the family background you are also clear. 屈世清先表明自己的态度,才介绍道:“我那儿子您刚才也见到了,身高1米86,相貌也算是一表人才,985大学毕业,在省XX厅工作,家庭背景您也是清楚的。 But that girlfriend who he discussed that 1.57 meters in height, was much longer, the high school record, before my son was in love is only the KFC service person, her parents works year to year outside. ” 而他谈的那个女朋友,身高1米57,长得普普通通,高中学历,跟我儿子谈恋爱前只是KFC的服务员,她的父母常年在外打工。” Hears here, Jiang Feng interposed: From individual condition and family condition, they are not truly a match.” 听到这里,江枫插话道:“从个人条件与家庭条件来看,两人确实不般配。” bends Shiqing whole face helpless saying: Grandmaster river, our couples are not that despising the poor and currying favor with the rich person, if individual condition and family condition is not a match merely, so long as my son is the sincerity likes, even if we are not glad at heart, will not interfere with his marriage, what after all marries the wife to live is he, are the shoes well-fit he himself to be clear.” 屈世清满脸无奈的说道:“江大师,我们夫妻都不是那种嫌贫爱富的人,如果仅仅是个人条件与家庭条件不般配,只要我儿子是真心喜欢,那我们就算心里不乐意,也不会去干涉他的婚姻,毕竟娶老婆过日子的是他,鞋合不合脚他自己清楚。” Jiang Feng said at the right moment: Can make you make the anxiety of such parents, isn't this female moral behavior good?” 江枫适时接话道:“能让你们做父母的这么焦虑,难道这女的人品不行?” bends Shiqing gives the thumbs-up saying: Worthily is Grandmaster river, hits.” 屈世清竖起大拇指道:“不愧是江大师,一语中的。” Commended, bends Shiqing stated said: Other these innocent minor matter, I do not raise here, mainly wants to say is the beginning of the year time, my spouse is hospitalized made a minor surgery, result that female has not come to the hospital to look at my spouse one eyes, even the telephone sent regards does not have, really made us too fearful.” 称赞完,屈世清才述说道:“其他那些不懂事的小事,我在这里就不提了,主要想说的就是年初的时候,我老伴住院做了个小手术,结果那个女的没来医院看过我老伴一眼,甚至连电话问候都没有,真的让我们太心寒了。” Wu Ping who has driven with single-hearted devotion cannot bear interpose: „ Grandmaster river, you should understand, the men and women are in love, as long as there is thoughts of marriage, parents who find the way to flatter the opposite party. 一直专心开车的吴萍忍不住插话道:“江大师,您应该明白,男女谈恋爱的时候,但凡有结婚的心思,都会想办法讨好对方的父母。 We do not need her to flatter, may be hospitalized to undergo the surgery, in emotion in managing her should come to see, should call to greet one again badly. 我们倒不需要她来讨好,可住院做手术,于情于理她都应该过来看望一下的,再不济也应该打个电话问候一声。 Finally others treat as do not know that this matter, this has a limited view, you said her, if really marries my son, if we life safe that is but actually indifferent, we are not short of money to spend in any case. 结果人家当作不知道这回事,这管中窥豹,您说她要是真的嫁给我儿子,我们夫妻俩要是一生平安那倒无所谓,反正我们也不缺钱花。 But the old age is accidentally unhealthy, her such daughter-in-law, can we count on? ” 可万一晚年身体不好,她这样的儿媳妇,我们指望得上吗?” Jiang Feng calm asking: Matter that Aunt bends, you are hospitalized, does she know?” 江枫冷静的问道:“屈婶,你住院的事,她知道吗?” Wu Pingdao: She knows certainly, she had lived together with my son, moreover my son comes to the hospital to look at my time, I also specially asked my son.” 吴萍道:“她当然知道,她早就跟我儿子同居了,而且我儿子来医院看我的时候,我还特意问了我儿子。” The Jiang Feng nod said: „, This female truly is not matches good, after all the wedding is not the matters of two people, but is two families' matters. However here I must say that the sentence is not of pleasant to hear, that female moral behavior no doubt has the issue, but the you son actually also has a big problem.” 江枫点头道:“如此说来,这女的确实不是良配,毕竟婚事不是两个人的事,而是两个家庭的事。但是在这里我要说句不好听的,那女的人品固然有问题,可伱们的儿子其实也存在不小的问题。” bends Shiqing heard word long sighed: Grandmaster river you said right, our son's issues are truly big, the main responsibility on us, is we, when parents tolerated him, fostered him now this willful selfish character.” 屈世清闻言长长的叹了口气道:“江大师您说得对,我们这个儿子的问题确实不小,主要的责任在我们身上,是我们当父母的太纵容他了,养成了他现在这种任性自私的性格。” Wu Ping also whole face regrets saying: „The truth of loving mother defeat we understand, but is easier said than done!” 吴萍也满脸后悔道:“慈母多败儿的道理我们都懂,但知易行难啊!” Jiang Feng had not said words that anything comforts, but said: „ This, Uncle Qu you said to me the name and record of one's horoscope of Brother Qu and his girlfriend, I calculate the marriage affinity to them. 江枫没有说什么安慰的话,只是说道:“这样吧,屈叔你把屈哥和他女朋友的姓名与生辰八字跟我说一下,我给他们推算一下姻缘。 If not know that the record of one's horoscope of his girlfriend, replaces with the cell phone number. ” 如果不知道他女朋友的生辰八字,用手机号码来代替也可以。” bends Shiqing and Wu Pingwen said is in the eye one bright, yesterday they had online understood that the material of crossing the river Grandmaster, knows Grandmaster river most famous was the marriage affinity calculation ability. 屈世清与吴萍闻言都是眼中一亮,昨天他们就已经在网上了解过江大师的资料,知道江大师最出名的就是姻缘推算能力。 Own son and are his girlfriend appropriate, so long as Grandmaster river calculates, was clear. 自家儿子与他女朋友到底合不合适,江大师只要推算一番,想必就一清二楚了。 Regarding the calculation ability of Grandmaster river, the couple had not suspected, material that on the non- scoop net checks, only facilitates the father and uncle has a reunion this matter, proved the ability of Ming Jiang Grandmaster sufficiently. 对于江大师的推算能力,夫妻俩都没有丝毫怀疑,不提网上查到的资料,单是促成父亲与大伯重逢这件事,就足以证明江大师的能力了。 Therefore, bends Shiqing first sent out son's name and record of one's horoscope, immediately also gave the name of son girlfriend, as for her cell phone number, bends Shiqing was also puts out the cell phone to read was clear. 于是,屈世清第一时间报出了儿子的姓名与生辰八字,随即又报出了儿子女朋友的姓名,至于她的手机号码,屈世清也是拿出手机来翻看了才清楚。 Jiang Feng takes down silently, said: Please wait a bit, my gives Brother Qu to calculate.” 江枫默默记下,说道:“请稍等一下,我这就给屈哥推算。” Then, Jiang Feng then counts to consider as finished, on mouth as always talked over he himself unable to understand the words that. 说完,江枫便掐指算了起来,嘴上一如既往的念叨着他自己也听不懂的话语。 Meanwhile, examines the match material of bends Haidong and good orchid in the virtual screen: 同时,在虚拟屏幕中查看起屈海东与牛兰花的匹配资料: Name bends Haidong good orchid 【姓名】屈海东牛兰花 Age 29 years old 27 years old 【年龄】29岁27岁 Height 186 cm 157 cm 【身高】186cm157cm Body weight 73 kg 44 kg 【体重】73kg44kg Family background background...... 【家世背景】…… Character hobby...... 【性格爱好】…… Sentimental experience...... 【感情经历】…… Detail...... 【详细资料】…… Current marital match value 53( couple sentiment 74 + properly matched 53 + family relationships 32) 【当前婚姻匹配值】53(夫妻感情74+门当户对53+家庭关系32) Limit marriage match value 62( couple sentiment 83 + properly matched 62 + family relationships 41) 【极限婚姻匹配值】62(夫妻感情83+门当户对62+家庭关系41) Children forecast...... 【儿女预测】…… Read two people match material sketchily, Jiang Feng looked up to Mr. and Mrs. bends Shiqing. 粗略看了一下两人的匹配资料,江枫才抬头看向屈世清夫妇。 bends Shiqing vision continuously centralized on Jiang Feng, sees that asks hastily: „Can Grandmaster river, calculate?” 屈世清的目光一直集中在江枫身上,见状连忙问道:“江大师,可推算出来了?” The Jiang Feng nod said: „ Calculated, their marriages did not have what problem, if did not involve two families, can mostly harmonious this life. 江枫点头道:“推算出来了,他们两人的婚姻本身倒不存在什么问题,如果不涉及两个家庭的话,多半能和和睦睦的过完这一生。 What a pity you clash with her, and this relations are place not good that if Brother Qu really marries her, that like you said a moment ago, the birth and death cannot count on this daughter-in-law absolutely. 可惜你们跟她相冲,并且这关系是处不好的那种,若屈哥真的把她娶回来,那就像你们刚才所说的一样,生老病死是绝对指望不上这个儿媳妇的。 Even said that pessimistic, the son you could not count on. ” 甚至说句悲观的,就连儿子你们都指望不上。” Such remarks, Mr. and Mrs. bends Shiqing are the complexion big change. 此话一出,屈世清夫妇都是脸色大变。 They had the worry in this aspect, otherwise the couple are also insufficient continuously hot and bothered, but they also infer depending on oneself story, does not dare to say affirmed. 原本他们心里就有这方面的顾虑,否则夫妻俩也不至于一直焦虑不安,但他们也只是凭自己的阅历来推断而已,不敢说得太肯定。 But who Grandmaster river is, that is the uncanny prediction Grandmaster of absolute authority. 可江大师是谁啊,那是绝对权威的神算大师。 Lianjiang Grandmaster said that that this matter percentage hundred mistakenly. 连江大师都这么说了,那这事百分百错不了了。 At this moment, the couple set firm resolve secretly, even if gets angry with own son, they cannot agree with this marriage. 这一刻,夫妻俩都暗自下定了决心,哪怕是跟自己的儿子翻脸,他们也坚决不能同意这门亲事。 Grandmaster river, does not know that this matter can have the solution?” bends Shiqing look dignified asking. “江大师,不知道这事可有解决办法?”屈世清神色凝重的问道。 Wu Ping of driving also raised up the ear. 开车的吴萍也竖起了耳朵。 Jiang Feng thinks, said: Aunt Uncle Qu qu, the honest official is as the saying goes difficult to break the housework, this matter my bystander many did not say anything, Brother Qu's personality you are the parents was clear compared with me, with he comes hardly possibly works just the opposite, therefore your only means are appeal, educates with reason, can look do to pass his ideological work.” 江枫想了想,说道:“屈叔屈婶,俗话说清官难断家务事,这种事我一个外人也不好多说什么,屈哥的性格你们做父母的比我清楚,跟他来硬的可能是适得其反,所以你们唯一的办法就是‘动之以情,晓之以理’,看看能不能做通他的思想工作了。” Wu Ping cannot bear say: Grandmaster river, is useless, I do best to convince have urged his many times with his father, said that this good orchid is not suitable with him, but there me child really ate the steelyard weight iron core, how regardless of we urged uselessly, what in his words was marries the wife to live was he is not we, suited he himself to know, did not need us to worry.” 吴萍忍不住道:“江大师,没有用的,我跟他爸苦口婆心的劝过他很多次,说这个牛兰花跟他不适合,但我那儿子真的是吃了秤砣铁了心,无论我们怎么劝都没用,用他的话来说就是娶老婆过日子的是他不是我们,适不适合他自己知道,不用我们操心。” bends Shiqing said: „ Grandmaster river, although there me child has crossed the age of rebel, will not do against with us again as before, the habit of but for these years forming cannot change for a short time, words that we spoke in his there really not major role. 屈世清接话道:“江大师,虽然我那儿子已经过了叛逆的年纪,不会再像以前一样跟我们对着干,但这么多年来养成的习惯一时半会也改不了,我们说的话在他那里真的没有多大的作用。 Therefore, if Grandmaster river you have the means that but also please help our helping hand, our couples will feel the obligation forever. ” 所以,如果江大师您有办法的话,还请助我们一臂之力,我们夫妇将永感大恩。” Uncle Qu spoke discreetly.” “屈叔言重了。” Jiang Feng beckons with the hand, immediately hesitated the moment, said: „ This, after Aunt Uncle Qu qu your time goes back, finds the opportunity to urge Brother Qu again, him tells the result that I calculated a moment ago, look can persuade him. 江枫摆了摆手,随即沉吟了片刻,说道:“这样吧,屈叔屈婶你们这次回去之后,再找机会劝一劝屈哥,就把我刚才推算的结果跟他说一说,看看能不能说动他。 If Ok, that naturally is happy, if cannot, I personally act to urge again, takes advantage to help him look for a suitable object this period of time, how do you feel? ” 若是可以,那自然是皆大欢喜,若是不能,我再亲自出面劝一劝,同时也趁这段时间帮他物色个适合的对象,你们觉得怎么样?” bends Shiqing hears word the spirit inspires, lights up with pleasure saying: That was too good, has Grandmaster river you to reveal, we did not use again hot and bothered like before.” 屈世清闻言精神一振,喜笑颜开道:“那就太好了,有江大师您兜底,我们就不用再像之前一样焦虑不安了。” Saying that Wu Ping also feels relieved: That goes back me to find the opportunity to discuss with him, hopes can have a good result.” 吴萍也如释重负的说道:“那回去我就找机会跟他谈一谈,希望会有一个好的结果。” Had Jiang Feng these words, bends Shiqing and in Wu Pingxin are relaxed. 有了江枫这一番话,屈世清与吴萍心中都轻松起来。 ...... …… On Saturday , August 12 , 2023. 2023年8月12日,星期六。 2 : 00 pm, three buses sailed to Hunan Qixian to turn over to town/subdues Su Village, from vehicle more than 120 people, what was the head was two old people. 下午 2 点,三辆大巴驶进了湘省祁县归镇苏家村,从车上下来了一百二十多人,为首的是两个年事已高的老人。 This group are not others, bends radiance and Brother bends who Guangqiang as well as their decendants yesterday recognized each other. 这一行人不是别人,正是昨天才相认的屈光华与屈光强兄弟以及他们的后代子孙。 Qu Jia people after landing, from laying aside the baggage place puts out gold and silver incense and funerary paper money, as well as paper cart paper building paper boat paper clothes sacrificial paper money wait/etc sacrificial offering things, must certainly have the water fruit-tea liquor sauced chicken sauced duck sauced pig head and so on. 屈家人在下车后,又从放置行李的地方拿出金银香纸,以及纸车纸楼纸船纸衣服冥币等等祭祀用品,当然也少不了水果茶酒卤鸡卤鸭卤猪头之类的。 In addition, many iron shovels, hoes, hatchet and other tools. 除此之外,还有不少铁铲、锄头、柴刀等工具。 The bus stops in the Su Village personnel quite centralized place, so many strangers arrived in the village, has brought to the attention of villagers, sees these sacrificial offering things and tools again, understands why these strangers are come. 大巴车是停在苏家村人员比较集中的地方,原本这么多陌生人来到村里,就已经引起村民们的注意了,再看到这些祭祀用品与工具,就都明白这些陌生人是来干什么的了。 However, will the present is not the Spring Festival, Dragon Boat Festival, Qingming Festival and double ninth festival these traditional sacrificial offering holidays, how emit so many people to come to their village to sweep the graves suddenly? 然而,现在并非春节、端午节、清明节、重阳节这些传统的祭祀节日,怎么会突然冒出这么多人来他们村扫墓的? The villagers then collect to inquire curiously, but the Qu person has not concealed, said truthfully. 村里人便好奇的凑过去询问,而屈家人也没有隐瞒,如实说了出去。 After waiting for the words to spread, the talents in Su Village were suddenly enlighted. 等话传开了之后,苏家村的人才恍然大悟。 Said bends radiance and Brother bends Guangqiang, after returning to be young the native place, the words of two brothers were many, is pointing at ten thousand years of invariable mountains, was recounting in the past picked the wild fruit to pull out the amusing thing of bird nest on these mountains. 却说屈光华与屈光强兄弟,在回到年少时的老家后,兄弟俩的话都多了起来,指着一座座万年不变的大山,述说着当年在这些山上摘野果掏鸟窝的趣事。 When arriving at some big mountain foot next, bends Shiqing then has the sound said: Father, Uncle, you were old, the mountain climbing will be unavoidably tired, is carried you to come up by the young and vigorous grandchildren!” 在走到某座大山脚下时,屈世清便出声道:“爸,大伯,你们年纪大了,爬山难免会累着,就由年轻力壮的孙辈们背你们上去吧!” bends Shiqing such remarks, more than ten young and vigorous grandchildren stand to say immediately: Grandfather, I carry you!” 屈世清此话一出,当即就有十几个年轻力壮的孙辈站出来道:“爷爷,我来背你!” bends radiance and bends luminous intensity does not show off power but actually, after all hundred years old, another also 93, they lived long compared with the average person, is not Zhang Zhen people such martial arts master. 屈光华与屈光强倒也不逞强,毕竟一个百岁高龄,另一个也九十三了,他们只是比普通人活得长一点而已,又不是张真人那样的武林高手。 Therefore, two old people let the respective grandchildren at the back of the mountain climbing. 于是,两位老人就让各自的孙辈背着爬山。 Quick, before the Qu person arrived at three overgrown with weeds earth graves, three earth graves assume the glyph, the uppermost that earth grave must be greatly more than below that two earth graves, bends radiance does not need the little brother to introduce, understands in the above that earth grave buries was his parents. 很快,屈家人就来到了三座杂草丛生的土坟前,三座土坟呈品字形,最上面的那座土坟明显比下面那两座土坟要大不少,屈光华不用小弟介绍,就明白上面那座土坟里埋葬的便是他的父母了。 bends radiance both eyes knelt with tears, father, mother, the unfilial son came back to look at you!” 屈光华双目含泪的跪了下去,“爸,妈,不孝儿子回来看你们了!” He knelt down, where other Qu people return the steady, followed to kneel. 他都跪下了,屈家其他人哪里还站得住,也都跟着跪了下来。 That that bends Guangqiang remembered in the past him with the senior hunting household came out to see after the remote mountain, similarly both eyes saying with tears: Father, mother, I led the descendants to come to see you with the big brother, you in underground seeking big brother with hardship, you can certainly rest in these years from now on, when I gathered ten years with the big brother eight years, arrived again together underground looks for you.” 屈光强想起当年他跟老猎户从深山出来后看到的那一幕,同样双目含泪的说道:“爸,妈,我跟大哥带着儿孙们来看你们了,想必你们这几十年一定在地下苦苦的寻找大哥,从现在开始你们可以歇一歇了,等我跟大哥聚个十年八年,再一起到地下寻找你们。” When told after the earth grave parents more than ten minutes of words, before bends radiance arrives at a lower left earth grave . 在跟土坟里的父母说了十多分钟话后,屈光华又走到左下方的一座土坟前。 bends luminous intensity introduced: Big brother, what in this is the Second Brother.” 屈光强介绍道:“大哥,这里面的是二哥。” bends radiance this time has not knelt, but squats, astringent sound said: Military, the big brother came to see you, you looked for my dozens years in the netherworld, I also looked for your dozens years in the world of the living, from now on your I will not need to look. And you wait again for several years, the big brother looks for you, at the appointed time the big brother makes the crossbow to you again, leads you to go to the river to catch a fish by hand again......” 屈光华这次没有跪,只是蹲下来,涩声道:“阿武,大哥来看你了,你在阴间找了我几十年,我在阳间也找了你几十年,从现在开始你我都不用找了。你且再等几年,大哥就下去找你,到时大哥再给你做弹弓,再带你去河里摸鱼……” After several minutes, before bends radiance arrives at the lower right earth grave, similarly is squats saying: Mei, the big brother left in the past, you are only a small girl, does not know that has the person to bully you below? Without that best, if any you remember, when the big brother got down to help you tidy up him again......” 几分钟后,屈光华又来到右下方的土坟前,同样是蹲下来道:“阿梅,大哥当年离开的时候,你还只是一个小丫头,也不知道在下面有没有人欺负你?如果没有那最好,如果有的话你就记下来,等大哥下去了再帮你收拾他……” The words when bends radiance should speak said similarly, bends luminous intensity said: „ Big brother, the parents Second Brother sister's earth grave should bury the summit, but at that time I was only 15 years old , was afraid that the bandit of help/gang killing without batting an eye to go to return. 等屈光华把该说的话都说得差不多了,屈光强才说道:“大哥,原本爸妈二哥三姐的土坟应该埋到山顶的,不过当时我才十五岁,又害怕那帮杀人不眨眼的土匪去而复返。 Therefore, I can only bury them with every effort here. ” 所以,我只能尽力把他们埋在这里了。” bends radiance said: „ Aqiang, you do enough already well, you are only 15 years old, facing the pitiful condition in village field littered with corpses, can maintain does not collapse, but also is thinking buried the parental elder brother elder sister walked again, trading to do is I varies the custom make to compare hello/you good. 屈光华道:“阿强,你做得已经够好的了,你才十五岁,面对全村尸横遍野的惨状,能够保持不崩溃,还想着把父母哥姐埋了再走,换作是我都不一定做得比你好。 I remember that I on battlefield, saw in the battlefield at that time for the first time that frigid scene, was hearing the courage vigor of that stench, spits the hands and feet worn out and aching! ” 我记得我当时第一次上战场,看到战场上那惨烈的景象,闻着那腥臭的血气,都吐得手脚酸软呢!” Hears big brother’s praise, in the black black face that bends luminous intensity that covers entirely the wrinkle revealed wiped the ashamed smile, said: „ Big brother, I may not have is so brave, actually at that time I who you said besides sadness, was also frightened the hands and feet worn out and aching. 听到大哥的夸赞,屈光强那张布满皱纹的黝黑脸上露出了一抹羞愧的笑容,说道:“大哥,我可没有你说的那么勇敢,其实当时我除了伤心以外,也同样被吓得手脚酸软。 Luckily has the senior hunting household, is he comforts me to help bury the parental elder brother elder sister, otherwise my 15-year-old youngster, where has the skill to bury the parental elder brother elder sister to here comes, can emergency burial very be great. ” 幸亏有老猎户在,是他安慰我并帮忙埋葬父母哥姐,否则我一个15岁的少年,哪有本事把父母哥姐埋到这里来啊,能就地掩埋就很了不起了。” bends Shiqing could not bear flatter one: Father, you do not need to be modest, trading to do is we at that environment, had been scared, you can let grandparent and Second Uncle aunt be laid to rest, is great.” 屈世清忍不住奉承了一句:“爸,你也不必谦虚,换作是我们处在那种环境,早就被吓傻了,你能够让爷爷奶奶以及二叔三姑入土为安,已经非常了不起了。” Others also praised, although everyone has not experienced, but thinks that modern these shocking scenes of accident, contrasted village several hundred people slaughtered the clean scene again, who traded to be them to shoulder? 其他人也都纷纷夸赞,虽然大家没经历过,但想想现代那些触目惊心的车祸现场,再对比全村几百号人被屠杀干净的场面,换作他们谁能扛得住? After bends radiance saving 81 years of mood divulged, is true worshipping, the people put out the tool cleaning up weed, some people burn the fragrance, in some people the sacrificial offering, performs its own functions, worships the ancestor. 屈光华把积攒了八十一年的情绪宣泄出来后,接下来才是真正的祭拜,众人拿出工具清理杂草,有人燃香,有人上祭品,各司其职,祭拜先祖。 Thank hitting of Wl good mood beautiful woman to enjoy. 感谢Wl好心情美女的打赏。
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