MTTIR :: Volume #4

#301: The lying trough, this was also too ruthless!

6 : 00 pm. 下午 6 点。 Guandong Buddha city has the characteristics dining shop, king Fujun plays the cell phone while waits for the service person to serve food. 粤省佛市一家非常有特色的餐饮小店,王付军一边玩手机一边等待服务员上菜。 This characteristics shop, is king Fujun beginning of the month time listens to an online glutton friend to introduce that at that time the glutton friend strongly recommended, various characteristics dishes introduced that resulted in king Fujun the saliva to come out, wished one could to visit to taste immediately. 这家特色小店,是王付军月初的时候听网上的一个吃货朋友介绍的,当时那吃货朋友极力推荐,各种特色菜品介绍得王付军口水都出来了,恨不得马上光顾品尝一番。 What a pity in beginning of the month time pouch shy, king Fujun can only endure patiently temporarily, paid out the wages until the middle of the month, first touches to visit, the preparation enjoys by the culinary specialty that the glutton friend blows to ascend the sky. 可惜月初的时候囊中羞涩,王付军只能暂时忍耐,直到月中发了工资,才第一时间就摸上门来,准备享受一下被吃货朋友吹上天的特色美食。 Close to serving food, suddenly a strange telephone forces one's way into, if social not many people, may converge to harass the telephone these strange telephones, then resists to meet or ignore. 临近上菜的时候,忽然一个陌生电话打了进来,如果是社交不多的人,可能会把这些陌生电话归为骚扰电话,然后拒接或者置之不理。 But king Fujun as the real estate sale, he did not harass others to be good, where will fear that others did harass him? Everyone in his eyes is the potential customer, therefore king Fujun first connected the call. 但王付军作为房产销售,他不骚扰别人就不错了,哪会怕别人骚扰他啊?每个人在他眼里都是潜在客户,所以王付军第一时间就接通了电话。 Hello, I am king Fujun.” “你好,我是王付军。” A frank clear sound passed from another side of cell phone, said: „The army elder brother hello/you good, I am Jiang Feng, is called Grandmaster river, does not know that your father does have with you have raised me?” 一个爽朗清亮的声音从手机的另一边传了过来,说道:“军哥你好,我是江枫,人称江大师,不知道你爸有没有跟你提起过我?” king pay the military news word said with a smile immediately: Originally is Grandmaster river, my father had called to say me couple days ago, was your helps me look for the suitable object?” 王付军闻言当即笑道:“原来是江大师啊,我爸前几天已经打电话跟我说过了,您这是帮我物色到适合的对象了?” Jiang Feng should say with a smile: Un, truly looks for a barbarian to suit your object, she this year is 28 years old, 1.68 meters in height, the face value is good, the stature is the top pick. Her occupation is a counselor, at present opens a psychology consulting work room in the Guangxi province provincial capital, is a very outstanding object, does not know that the army elder brother you are interested?” 江枫笑着应道:“嗯,确实物色到一个蛮适合你的对象,她今年28岁,身高1米68,颜值不错,身材更是上上之选。她职业是一名心理咨询师,目前在桂省省城开了一家心理咨询工作室,是一位非常优秀的对象,不知道军哥你感不感兴趣?” king Fujun hears one dull, the condition of bride's side is good somewhat not as he expected, waits to recover, he immediately whole face exciting asking: Grandmaster river, do you have the opposite party picture?” 王付军听得一呆,女方的条件好得有些出乎他的意料,等回过神来,他当即满脸兴奋的问道:“江大师,您有对方照片吗?” The men are the visual animals, with for Jiang Feng of man naturally understands that king Fujun the psychology, said with a smile: Picture has certainly, you add my WeChat, I issue you to have a look the picture.” 男人都是视觉动物,同为男人的江枫自然明白王付军的心理,笑道:“照片当然有,你加一下我的微信,我把照片发给你看看。” king Fujun hehe said with a smile: That troubled Grandmaster river, was your WeChat the cell phone same number?” 王付军嘿嘿笑道:“那就麻烦江大师了,您的微信是手机同号吧?” Is impolite, is the cell phone same number.” “不客气,是手机同号。” Good, I first hung, one will say again.” “好的,那我先挂了,一会再说。” Un!” “嗯!” After hanging the power failure words, king Fujun first then increases the WeChat of Grandmaster river. 等挂掉电话后,王付军第一时间便添加江大师的微信。 A moment later, Grandmaster river sends a picture to him, king Fujun selects to look, was charmed instantaneously. 片刻之后,江大师给他发过来一张照片,王付军点开一看,瞬间就被迷住了。 The concrete clothes were not many said that in brief the whole person looked very comfortable, even if the first time were saw her, the feeling of strangely not having alienated, was compassionate. 具体的穿着打扮就不多说了,总之整个人看起来非常舒服,哪怕是第一次看到她,都没有陌生疏远的感觉,极具亲和力。 Loved the love! 爱了爱了! king Fujun after staring at the picture was looking for one minute, then the telephone of impatient Grandmaster pull Tongjiang , indicating directly his attitude, said: Grandmaster river, her picture I had looked, your vision really lives up to reputation, she indeed is that type that I like.” 王付军在盯着照片看了一分多钟后,便迫不及待的拔通江大师的电话,直接表明了他的态度,说道:“江大师,她的照片我已经看了,您的眼光果然是名不虚传,她的确是我喜欢的那种类型。” Jiang Feng said with a smile: You like well, when you look have the time, I arrange you to meet to chat.” 江枫笑道:“你喜欢就好,那你看什么时候有时间,我安排你们见面聊聊。” king Fujun said immediately: I can fly back to the Guangxi province provincial capital tomorrow.” 王付军当即道:“我明天就可以飞回桂省省城。” Ok, I notified Teacher Cai, the specific meeting time and place turned head we to discuss again.” “行,那我跟蔡老师打个招呼,具体的见面时间与地点回头咱们再商量。” Good, troubled Grandmaster river.” “好的,麻烦江大师了。” „It is not troublesome, this is my labor of duty, that was all right first hung, turn head related again.” “不麻烦,这是我的本职工作,那没事就先挂了,回头再联系。” Un, Grandmaster river said goodbye.” “嗯,江大师再见。” Bye.” “再见。” After hanging the power failure words, the service person also started to serve food. 等挂掉电话后,服务员也开始上菜了。 Good food current, king Fujun no longer thinks, but wholly-absorbed enjoys. 美食当前,王付军不再多想,而是专心的享用起来。 ...... …… Next day. 次日。 king Fujun takes the morning airplane, flies to the Guangxi province provincial capital directly. 王付军乘坐上午的飞机,直接飞往桂省省城。 After the airplane flies the blue sky, king Fujun starts earnestly ponders over this being on intimate terms. 在飞机飞上蓝天后,王付军开始认真的琢磨这次相亲。 Without a doubt, this time Grandmaster river gives him to introduce that truly is one outstanding to letting his heart movement object, as a senior glutton, he always could not provide lodging for these years own mouth, the money of every month making entered his belly most likely, causes his wages, although is high, does not have a wee bit deposits. 毫无疑问,这次江大师给他介绍的,确实是一个优秀到让他心动的对象,作为一个资深吃货,这几年他老是管不住自己的嘴,每个月挣到的钱十有八九都进了他的肚子,导致他工资虽高,却没一丁点存款。 Even, except for about 100,000 riding instead of walking car(riage)s, he then did not have a thing in the world. 甚至,除了一辆十万左右的代步车,他便一无所有了。 In the past he ate to the full entire family is not hungry, the parental wages were not low, had no need for him giving financial aid, therefore he spent is a point has scruples does not have, really wants to spend on the flower. 以往他一人吃饱全家不饿,父母工资都不低,根本用不着他接济,所以他花钱是一点顾忌都没有,真的是想花就花。 He has to think contributes money issue that marries the wife, but he looks like «Cold Number Bird» is the same, when freezes trembles vowed solemnly that said tomorrow will build a nest, finally tomorrow Sun will come out, the myriad things regain consciousness, it was also good the scabs to forget the pain, started to sing joyfully, building a nest the matter threw into the Javan country. 他不是没想过攒钱娶老婆的问题,但他就像是《寒号鸟》一样,在冻得瑟瑟发抖的时候信誓旦旦的说明天就垒窝,结果明天太阳出来,万物苏醒,它又好了伤疤忘了痛,开始快乐地歌唱起来,把垒窝的事抛到了爪哇国。 king Fujun with «Cold Number Bird» is a morality, every month is thinking contributing money, when the time comes buys a house, remarries a young married woman to come back to live well. 王付军跟《寒号鸟》是一个德性,每个月都想着攒点钱,到时候买套房子,再娶个婆娘回来好好过日子。 What a pity wants to be a matter at heart, can achieve to be another thing. 可惜心里想是一回事,能不能做到又是一回事。 Obviously, king Fujun cannot achieve. 很显然,王付军就做不到。 Now, Grandmaster river gave him to introduce such a outstanding object, in king pay the morale of troops started to regret, why didn't contribute money before diligently? 现在,江大师给他介绍了这么优秀的一个对象,王付军心中开始后悔了,为什么之前不努力攒点钱呢? As the saying goes money was the heroic guts, the bill does not need to say regarding the importance of man much. 俗话说钱是英雄胆,钞票对于男人的重要性已经不需要多说了。 Without money, can he grasp such outstanding woman? 没有钱,他能把握住这么优秀的女人吗? Can others, have a liking for him? 人家,看得上他吗? All the way, king Fujun is somewhat swayed by personal gains and losses, until alighting from the airplane, he abandoned these negative ideas, felt the woman who he settles on should not be superficial, will not care about him to have the room. 一路上,王付军有些患得患失,直到下了飞机,他才摒弃掉那些负面想法,觉得他看中的女人应该没有那么肤浅,不会在乎他有没有房。 He received any case well, at the worst from now on will live simply and frugally, contributes money to purchase homes! 反正他收入不错,大不了从现在开始节衣缩食,攒钱买房呗! ...... …… At noon. 中午。 Some characteristics restaurant theater box. 某特色餐厅包厢。 Jiang Feng is smiling for a both sides introduced: „The army elder brother, this beautiful woman is Teacher Cai, Teacher Cai, this handsome fellow is I you have told the army elder brother.” 江枫微笑着替双方介绍道:“军哥,这位美女就是蔡老师,蔡老师,这位帅哥就是我跟你说过的军哥。” Teacher Cai hello/you good, sees you very much happily.” king Fujun takes the lead to greet. “蔡老师你好,很高兴见到你。”王付军率先打了个招呼。 „The army elder brother hello/you good, saw that your I was also very happy.” Cai Wenya also greeting of a smile. “军哥你好,见到你我也很高兴。”蔡文雅也含笑的打了个招呼。 Two people smalltalk several, took a seat. 两人客套了几句,才落座。 Also polite, is good the food. 又客气了一番,才把菜点好。 After the service person leaves the theater box, saying that Jiang Feng comes straight to the point: „ army elder brother, Teacher Cai, you although today is first meeting, but after my beforehand introduction, you are not strange. 等服务员离开包厢后,江枫才开门见山的说道:“军哥,蔡老师,你们今天虽然是第一次见面,但经过我之前的介绍,想必你们已经不陌生了。 Reputation that I act as a matchmaker how, you are also clear. 我做媒的口碑怎么样,想必你们也是清楚的。 Both are the outstanding person phoenixes, is not the coy person, we speak frankly simply, has to this wedding can talk clearly face to face, we who anything worries cut the gordian knot, strive to make a final decision the wedding in a short time. ” 两位都是人中龙凤,不是扭扭捏捏的人,咱们索性就打开天窗说亮话,对这门婚事有什么顾虑的可以当面说清楚,咱们快刀斩乱麻,争取短时间内就把婚事敲定。” king Fujun and Cai Wenya heard that the word somewhat is accidental/surprised, although is on intimate terms to getting married, but just met pricks this matter a little to be after all awkward. 王付军与蔡文雅闻言都有些意外,尽管相亲就是冲着结婚来的,但刚刚见面就挑破这事终归有点尴尬。 However, just like Jiang Feng said that two people were not the average person, king Fujun made so many years real estate sales, that facial skin has disciplined, destroyed Yellow Dragon not to bring to fear. 不过,正如江枫所言,两人都不是普通人,王付军做了这么多年的房产销售,那脸皮早就磨练出来了,直捣黄龙也不带怕的。 But Cai Wenya as a counselor, she faced every day said coarse was not a normal person, who will the normal person look for the counselor? 而蔡文雅作为一名心理咨询师,她每天面对的说句难听的都不是正常人,正常人谁会找心理咨询师啊? Every day receives various rare and beautiful flowers the guests, her facial skin disciplines does not miss compared with king Fujun. 每天接待各种奇葩的客人,她的脸皮磨练得一点都不比王付军差。 Therefore, two people silent, then starts to express own idea. 因此,两人沉默了一下,便开始表达自己的想法。 king Fujun is a hoodlum, his visual Cai Wenya, straightforward saying: I have no worry, so long as Teacher Cai agreed, tomorrow can get the card.” 王付军最是光棍,他目视蔡文雅,直白的说道:“我没有什么顾虑,只要蔡老师同意,明天就可以去领证。” Cai Wenya shows a faint smile, looks that king Fujun said: „The army elder brother, your making money ability, this Grandmaster river has told me, but until now you make many flowered many, this your time naturally is indifferent, but if after marriage also this definitely is incorrect.” 蔡文雅微微一笑,看着王付军道:“军哥,你挣钱能力强,这个江大师已经跟我说过了,但一直以来你都是挣多少花多少,这个你自己一个人的时候自然是无所谓,可如果婚后也这样肯定是不行的。” king pay the military news word is somewhat awkward, immediately guarantees saying: Teacher Cai you could rest assured that when we married, I change certainly this to spend the wasteful problem.” 王付军闻言有些尴尬,随即保证道:“蔡老师你放心,等我们结婚了,我一定改掉这个花钱大手大脚的毛病。” Cai has not said anything elegantly, but looks at him with a smile. 蔡文雅没有说什么,只是笑吟吟的看着他。 king Fujun as an excellent real estate sale, watching a person's every mood that is the instinct, sees that knows that his statement others are not very satisfied, for does not make this outstanding object sneak off, his saying promptly: Teacher Cai, I thinks, I am spending the automatic control ability in this aspect is not good, if Teacher Cai does not shut out, each month wages, you do help me manage?” 王付军身为一名出色的房产销售,察言观色那是本能,见状就知道他的表态人家不是很满意,为了不让这个优秀的对象溜走,他当机立断的说道:“蔡老师,我想了想,我在花钱这方面的自控能力不行,如果蔡老师不嫌弃的话,每个月的工资,你帮我管着?” Cai Wenya revealed wiped the kind smile, army elder brother, this appropriate?” 蔡文雅露出了一抹亲切的笑容,“军哥,这合适吗?” Nod of king Fujun unusual dog-leg, appropriate, naturally is appropriate, Teacher Cai only needs to give me every month 35,000 spending money on the line.” 王付军非常狗腿的点了点头,“合适,当然合适,蔡老师只需要每个月给我个三五千的零花钱就行。” Cai Wenya tone gentle say/way: „The army elder brother, I had not just a little listened clearly, how many does your each month spending money want?” 蔡文雅语气温柔道:“军哥,我刚刚有点没听清楚,你每个月的零花钱要多少?” king Fujun inexplicable feeling timid a little, afraid to say a word saying: 35......, 3500, on line.” 王付军莫名的有点发怵,吞吞吐吐的说道:“三五……呃,三五百,就行。” Cai Wenya put out a hand to stroke beautiful hair, the tone was even more gentle, „the army elder brother, you should hear a few words, the man went bad richly, in the family/home all expenditures did not need you to worry, did you want so many spending money uselessly are also not? Or, the following unit, do you trade again?” 蔡文雅伸手捋了捋秀发,语气越发温柔,“军哥,你应该听说过一句话,男人有钱就变坏,家里一切开支都不用你操心,你要那么多零花钱也没用不是?要不,后面的单位,你再换换?” king Fujun hears the eyelid to jump, this......” 王付军听得眼皮直跳,“这……” Cai Wenya vision is gentle, army elder brother , if not want, when I had not said.” 蔡文雅目光柔和,“军哥若是不愿意,那当我没说。” How could this boiled duck made you fly, in king pay morale of troops one ruthless, clenched teeth saying: Wants, I want certainly, Teacher Cai, how does the following unit change into ten?” 这煮熟的鸭子岂能让你飞了,王付军心中一狠,咬牙道:“愿意,我当然愿意,那蔡老师,后面的单位就换成十怎么样?” Cai Wenya blinks, „can this be too suffering you?” 蔡文雅眨了眨眼睛,“这会不会太委屈你了?” king Fujun probably swung suffers from primary stage to tremble is the same, was not suffering, was not suffering.” 王付军把头摇得像是患上了‘原发性震颤’一样,“不委屈,一点都不委屈。” Cai Wenya nods saying: That line, the wages deliver every month, then keeps 50 spending money to you, having the proper business needs to spend money can apply to me, if can achieve, tomorrow we will get the card.” 蔡文雅点头道:“那行,每个月工资上交,然后给你留五十块零花钱,有正事需要用钱的可以向我申请,如果做得到的话,明天咱们就去领证。” Jiang Feng looks dumbfoundedly in side. 江枫在旁边看得目瞪口呆。 The lying trough, this was also too ruthless! 卧槽,这也太狠了! In king Fujun eyes one bright, the head selects like the chicken pecking meter/rice, can achieve, will we get the card tomorrow?” 王付军眼中一亮,头点得就像小鸡啄米,“能做到,那咱们明天就领证?” Cai Wenya smiles un, assigned this wedding. 蔡文雅微笑的嗯了一声,把这桩婚事给定了下来。 From meeting to the determination marriage registration time ten minutes, renovated the Jiang Feng acting as a matchmaker speed directly, making him have a broadening the outlook feeling. 从见面到确定结婚登记时间连十分钟都不到,直接刷新了江枫的做媒速度,让他都有种大开眼界的感觉。 Two, I felt for the first time own this matchmaker is unnecessary, otherwise you eat, did I first remove?” “两位,我第一次感觉自己这个媒人是多余的,要不然你们吃,我先撤了?” Heard a Jiang Feng such saying, Cai Wenya many were somewhat embarrassed, says with a smile: Made Grandmaster river you be laughed, we progressed are smoother, this was not explaining that your acting as a matchmaker ability was stronger!” 听到江枫这么一说,蔡文雅多少有些不好意思,笑道:“让江大师您见笑了,我们进展越顺利,这不正说明您的做媒能力越强嘛!” king Fujun also echoes was saying: Teacher Cai said right, because of Grandmaster river your acting as a matchmaker reputation, is enabling our first meeting to trust each other, you plays the important role.” 王付军也附和着说道:“蔡老师说得没错,正因为江大师您的做媒口碑,才让我们初次见面就能互相信任,您在其中起到了至关重要的作用。” Jiang Feng said with a smile: Good, has saying that you two are really a match, believes that your life after marriage quite splendid, I blessed you in this ahead of time.” 江枫笑道:“好吧,不得不说,你们两个是真的般配,相信你们婚后的生活会相当的精彩,我在此提前祝福你们。” Thanks the Grandmaster river blessing.” “谢谢江大师的祝福。” Grandmaster river, received your auspicious words.” “江大师,承你吉言了。” ...... …… bends radiance and bends luminous intensity has a reunion 81 years later again, " parents , brothers and sisters "s who after worshipping had been killed by the bandit, the two brothers do not want just to have a reunion to separate. 屈光华与屈光强时隔81年再度重逢,在祭拜过被土匪杀害的父母兄妹后,兄弟俩都不想刚刚重逢就分开。 Later generations after soliciting two old gentlemen's suggestions, then bought two sets to be linked to each other directly in horizontal town Yang County the house that and has made a connection with, making two old gentlemen live in this. 后辈们在征求了两位老爷子的意见后,便直接在横阳县县城买了两套连在一起且已经打通的房子,让两位老爷子在此居住。 Also sends people to follow to serve. 同时也派了人跟着伺候。 Others have the respective work, leaves several days not to have the issue, but leaves for a long time definitely is incorrect. 其余的人都有各自的工作,离开个几天没问题,但长久离开肯定是不行的。 Therefore, after is calmly good two old gentlemen, bends radiance a numerous later generation then returns to the bay province, the later generations of bends luminous intensity also respectively the place that returns to them to work. 因此,在把两位老爷子安顿好后,屈光华的一众后辈便返回湾省,屈光强的后辈们也各自回到他们工作的地方。 Originally, according to bends radiance the meaning, must go to Gui Sheng personally, thank the obligation of Grandmaster river. 原本,依屈光华的意思,要亲自去一趟桂省,感谢江大师的大恩。 But his age is high, for these days went through each region, tossing about enough is tired, everyone then gave to calm down him, bends Chunming said that willingly must visit to thank Grandmaster river on behalf of Grandpa once. 但他年岁已高,这几天辗转各地,折腾得已经够劳累了,大家便把他给劝住,屈春明更是自告奋勇地说要代表曾爷爷登门感谢江大师。 bends radiance sees own body truly somewhat unable to endure, in addition has contacted with Grandmaster river is bends Chunming, lets him, when the representative visits to thank also passably, then agreed. 屈光华见自己的身子骨确实有些吃不消,再加上一直联系江大师的都是屈春明,让他当代表登门感谢也说得过去,便同意了下来。 According to the idea of it anteflexion radiance, is to prepare the heavy ritual to visit to thank, but Grandmaster river just before leaving time over and over rejects, he does not want the meaning of disobedient Grandmaster river, then made great-grandson bends Chunming buy precious tobacco and liquor tea of full car(riage) to deliver to Grandmaster river. 按之前屈光华的想法,是要备上重礼登门感谢的,但江大师临走的时候再三拒绝,他也不愿意忤逆江大师的意思,便让曾孙屈春明去置办了满满一车的名贵烟酒茶给江大师送了过去。 When bends Chunming brings the present of full car(riage) is going to the Guangxi province provincial capital the time, bends Shiqing and Wu Ping also drive to send the son bends Haidong to the train station, before their sons, took several days of false, now must go back to go to work. 等屈春明带着满满一车的礼品前往桂省省城的时候,屈世清与吴萍也开车送儿子屈海东去火车站,他们的儿子之前请了几天假,现在也要回去上班了。 Couple days ago the couple delivered Grandmaster river went to the airport the time, Grandmaster river suggested that they found the opportunity to chat with the son again, can look convince him to bid good-bye with present this girlfriend with the aid of the prestige of Grandmaster river. 前几天夫妻俩送江大师去机场的时候,江大师就建议他们找机会再跟儿子聊聊,看看能不能借助江大师的名望说服他跟现在这个女朋友分手。 For serveral days could not find the right opportunity to persuade continuously, the main these days elders and family members presented that they feared that mentioned this matter stubborn temperament, then made before the elders and family members disgraced, therefore the couple have suppressed the present. 只是这些天一直找不到合适的机会去劝说,主要这几天长辈以及众亲人在场,他们怕说起这事儿子犟脾气上来,然后闹起来在长辈以及众亲人面前丢人,所以夫妻俩一直憋到了现在。 Now, the son must return to the provincial capital to go to work, while delivering the son goes to the road in train station, bends Shiqing and Wu Ping started them to work as parents' last time persuasion. 如今,儿子要回省城上班了,趁着送儿子去火车站的路上,屈世清与吴萍开始了他们当父母的最后一次劝说。 If this time cannot persuade the son, that can only ask Grandmaster river to go into action personally. 如果这次还是劝不了儿子的话,那就只能请江大师亲自出马了。 In brief, says them to clash with the son present girlfriend in Grandmaster river, after without words that the means are together well, they have set firm resolve, no matter with what means that must break up them. 总之,在江大师说出他们跟儿子现在的女朋友相冲,没办法好好相处的话后,他们就已经下定了决心,不管用什么办法,都要拆散他们。 Otherwise their sons, really on white support! 否则他们这个儿子,真的就白养了!
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