LCG :: Volume #3 举着火把的人

#817: ?

Chapter 818?( Big chapter asked monthly ticket) 第818章啊?(大章求月票) In jet black silent space, He Ao is sensing the direction of body, the strength of while with ultra recalling packages old person's body. 漆黑寂静的空间里,何奥一边感悟着身体的方向,一边用超忆的力量包裹住老人的身躯。 In the surroundings darkness twists the big group design that wriggles, crazy draws close, tries to swallow old person's soul. 周围黑暗中扭曲蠕动的大团图案,疯狂的贴近过来,试图吞噬掉老人的灵魂。 Compares in the He Ao strength, a soul of average person is similar to the glimmer to be the same in this jet black space, even the slightest misstep, by these distortion design radical swallowing resolutions. 相比较于何奥的力量,一个普通人的灵魂在这漆黑的空间里如同微光一般弱小,稍有不慎,就会被这些扭曲图案彻底的吞噬消解。 Even if He Ao is protecting, old person's soul still had some not steady signs. 即便何奥一路护着,老人的灵魂也出现了些许不稳的迹象。 However this jet black space is not long, He Ao passes through quickly under the leadership of phalanx fossil, returned to the body. 不过这一段漆黑的空间并不长,何奥很快就在指骨化石的带领下穿越过去,回归了身体。 But after returning to body, he has not opened the eye directly, but appeared in a pure white space. 而在回归身体之后,他并没有直接睁开眼睛,而是出现在了一片纯白的空间中。 He loosens the hand, took back the strength of winding in old person soul, then closed ultra recalled. 他松开手,收回了缠绕在老人灵魂上的力量,然后关闭了超忆。 This moment old person had been in a state of stupor. 此刻老人已经陷入了昏迷的状态。 Even if there is a protection that ultra recalls, passed through jet black space to cause the big damage to old person ordinary soul. 哪怕有超忆的保护,穿越‘漆黑空间’还是对老人这种普通的灵魂造成了较大的伤害。 Even his soul had had the non- steady state. 甚至他的灵魂已经出现了不稳定的状态。 He Ao estimated that he also can only have a soul, leaves the god country, if again many pulls, the big probability two souls in passing through the process of jet black space were torn into shreds, becomes that jet black space nourishment. 何奥估算了一下,他也只能带着一个灵魂,离开神国,如果再多拉一个,大概率两个灵魂都会在穿越漆黑空间的过程中被撕碎,成为那个漆黑空间的养料。 Moreover only has a soul even if, the strength of also to ultra recalling created the enormous loss. 而且哪怕只带一个灵魂,也对超忆的力量造成了极大的损耗。 However what fortunately is, all have not surpassed the control. 不过所幸的是,一切都没有太超过控制。 In this white space, the old person borders on the soul of collapse no longer to continue to collapse. 在这一片白茫茫的空间中,老人濒临崩溃的灵魂不再继续崩溃。 The surrounding brilliance shivered, a red skirt little girl appears from He Ao, is gazing at float in the in the air old person soul. 周围的光辉颤动了一下,一个红裙小女孩从何奥身旁出现,注视着悬浮在空中的老人灵魂。 This space is paper butterfly within the body. 这片空间就是‘纸蝴蝶’的体内。 The paper butterfly is the product that becomes by the soul strength and spiritual strength collection, his also has special holds the spiritual strength the place. 纸蝴蝶本身就是由灵魂力量和精神力量汇集而成的产物,其自身也有专门容纳精神力量的场所。 Because of paper butterfly and special ties of He Ao, therefore He Ao can also enter this place. 因为纸蝴蝶本身和何奥的特殊联系,所以何奥也能进入这个场所。 But at this time, He Ao through is also regarding field of vision to gaze at old person's body condition spirit. 而这个时候,何奥也在通过‘灵视视野’注视着老人的身体状态。 In Ellis on wealthy spiritual strength raises warm, old person's soul condition stopped the trend of collapse not only, moreover is tending to the stability. 在艾莉丝本身就富裕的精神力量的温养下,老人的灵魂状态不光止住了崩溃的趋势,而且还在趋于稳定。 This made He Ao remember in eternal god country life these soul. 这让何奥想起了在永恒神国生活的那些‘灵魂’们。 Normally, exposes will in a short time dissipate in the soul, only if there are some type of special vessel to hold it. 正常情况下,暴露在外界的灵魂在很短的时间内就会消散,除非有某种特殊的容器将其容纳。 But even if holds, most vessels, for example He Ao had seen, vinylon special that can summon the unusual goods of dead spirit, these unusual goods still can only guarantee that the soul only stays behind some reads remnantly, cannot guarantee the soul complete. 但即使容纳,大多数容器,比如何奥曾经所见过的,维纶特的那件可以召唤亡灵的超凡物品,这些超凡物品也只能保证灵魂只留下些许残念,不能保证灵魂的完整度。 In these resentment of side church spirit, including Ellis, left behind some sane remnants to read, basically cannot preserve completely sane. 里侧教堂的那些怨灵,包括艾莉丝在内,也只是留下了部分理智的残念,基本上没有能保存完整理智的。 However read the strength because in side church these remnantly finally thanked He Ao, after collecting paper butterfly, this paper butterfly internal space had some mutation, has to a certain extent raised the soul warm the ability. 但是在里侧教堂这些残念力量最终因为感谢何奥,汇集成‘纸蝴蝶’之后,这纸蝴蝶内部的空间产生了某种异变,已经一定程度上拥有了温养灵魂的能力。 The innumerable trains of thought have delimited the He Ao mind. 无数思绪划过了何奥的脑海。 Seeming like, in the side church perhaps is really the eternal esoteric buddhism in the process of build eternal god country's, made test piece one. 看起来,里侧教堂或许真的是永恒密教在搭建永恒神国的过程中,做出的‘试验品’之一。 He looked up around one white space, looking pensive. 他抬头看了一眼周围白茫茫的空间,若有所思。 However he took back the train of thought quickly, is gazing at the old person before body. 不过他很快就收回了思绪,注视着身前的老人。 He can feel, the soul of warm retirement person, needs consumption the energy in this space. 他能感受到,温养老人的灵魂,需要‘耗费’这个空间里的能量。 Although a soul of average person to Ellis is not the burden, but if tens of thousands of souls? 虽然一个普通人的灵魂对于艾莉丝来说并不是什么负担,但是如果是成千上万的灵魂呢? Therefore this is the eternal god home, work the essence of exchange life? 所以这就是永恒神国内,‘工作’兑换生存时间的本质? Eternal god country could not provide to maintain so many souls the energies, therefore through letting these souls made certain work to gain the energy. 永恒神国自身提供不了维持这么多灵魂的能量,所以通过让这些灵魂做某些‘劳动’获取能量。 However these souls in eternal god country's of work, how can also transform eternal god country own strength? 但是这些灵魂在永恒神国的‘劳动’,又如何能转化成永恒神国自己的力量呢? Through absorbs from void? Some special capacity way? 通过从虚空中汲取?还是某种特殊的产能方式? From Ellis's consumption, stabilizes the energy that a soul consumes is not many at present, more complete body the consumption of eternal god country's will be perhaps lower. 从目前艾莉丝的消耗来看,稳定一个灵魂所消耗的能量并不多,更加完全体的永恒神国的消耗恐怕会更低。 If this conversion of energy way efficiency is high enough, the eternal god country is in fact urging these soul for oneself earning energy? 如果这种能量转化方式效率够高的话,永恒神国实际上是在驱使着这些‘灵魂’为自己‘赚取’能量? But from that several that starts He Ao to arrive in private, at least other people, can spend freely the energy in eternal god country recklessly. 而从最开始何奥抵达的那几个‘私人空间’来看,至少还是有另外一些人,是可以肆意挥霍永恒神国里的能量的。 In these population has also mentioned online and virtual reality these words and expressions. 那些人口中还提到过‘上线’和‘虚拟现实’这些词语。 This means that they are not the eternal god countries' of permanent resident? They in fact can pass some type of equipment, free on winding? 这是否意味着,他们并非是永恒神国的‘永久居民’?他们实际上可以通过某种装置,自由的‘上下线’? To them, the eternal god country is one higher-end game, they can enjoy in the reality, can enjoy the eternal god country. 对于他们来说,永恒神国就是一个更加高端的‘游戏’,他们可以在现实中享受,也可以到永恒神国中享受。 Perhaps in these person of eyes, eternal god country perhaps really ideal state. 或许在这些人眼里,永恒神国或许才是真的‘理想国度’吧。 He Ao takes back the train of thought that the vision stays on the old person of sinking dormancy gradually restores at present. 何奥收回思绪,目光停留在眼前逐渐恢复的沉眠的老人身上。 Wish lets the average person free on winding, this means that in the eternal god country cannot seem like the side church to be the same, wants a anti- wave of pollution, confirms to enter to the loyalty of eternal ray. 想要让普通人自由的上下线,这就意味着永恒神国不能像是里侧教堂一样,要抗一波污染,验证一下对永恒光芒的忠诚才能进。 Perhaps, the eternal god country in fact, wants leaning church being close real world? 或许,永恒神国实际上,要比里侧教堂的更加‘接近’现实世界? He Ao remembered most started to see that ray in the Wynter market spatially. 何奥想起了最开始在温特市上空看到那道光芒。 He takes back the vision, looked at a Ellis. 他收回目光,看了一眼身旁的艾莉丝。 Perhaps, incessantly is being close. 或许,不止是‘接近’。 Immediately, he is nodding to Ellis, left this pure white space. 随即,他对着艾莉丝点点头,离开了这片纯白的空间。 …… ・・・・・・ The bright sunlight enters the eye of He Ao by the narrow old window photo. 明亮的日光透过狭窄的旧窗户照进何奥的眼睛。 As he opens eyes slowly, the surrounding world is gradually clear. 随着他缓慢睁眼,周围的世界逐渐清晰起来。 At this moment side him, is one is lying the face that sleeps soundly in the bedside, a scattered red hair branch store on pure white bed sheet, part coasts along the bed string. 此刻正在他身边的,是一张趴在床边熟睡的脸庞,散落的红发一部分铺在洁白的被单上,一部分沿着床弦滑下。 But wakes up along with He Ao, that lay in the form of bedside shivered a lower lid, then opened the eye slowly, she sat the straight body, raised the head somewhat pleasantly surprised looks at He Ao, „did you awake?!” 而伴随着何奥醒来,那趴在床边的身影颤动了一下眼皮,然后缓缓睁开了眼睛,她坐直身子,抬起头来有些惊喜的看着何奥,“你醒啦?!” Regarding C level unusualness, even if the sleep condition, so long as she has not rested specially deadly, regarding the sensation is specially keen. 对于C级超凡者来说,哪怕是睡眠状态,只要她没有睡得特别死,对于外界的感知都是特别敏锐的。 Immediately He Ao this C level unusualness, seems to think at present own mood some are warm, received an expression slightly, temperate looks at He Ao, what do you feel?” 随即何奥眼前这位C级超凡者,似乎觉得自己的情绪有些过于热烈,稍微收了一下表情,温和的看着何奥,“你感觉怎么样?” Was much better,” “好多了,” He Ao nodded gently, looked at a Lehne somewhat chaotic hair, I resting how long?” 何奥轻轻点头,看了一眼莱娜有些混乱的头发,“我‘睡’了多久?” Un?” “嗯?” Lehne looked at a small electronic clock hanging on the wall, 67 hours.” 莱娜看了一眼墙上挂着的小电子时钟,“六七个小时吧。” The He Ao vision also looks to that electronic clock, the present time is morning 7 o'clock. 何奥的目光也看向那个电子时钟,现在的时间是早上七点30。 Yes?” “是么?” He rubbed the frontal eminence, looks to the surroundings, he seems to be lying down is similar in pharmacy the place, „is here?” 他揉了揉额角,看向周围,他似乎正躺在一个类似于‘药房’的地方,“这里是?” My secret base,” “我的秘密基地,” Lehne shrugs, she looked up around one, here was a hospital ward, was the pharmacy, I to nest that oneself prepared ‚’, my these did not know here existence hand/subordinate.” 莱娜耸耸肩,她抬头看了一眼周围,“这里是病房,同时也是药房,我自己给自己准备的‘窝’,我的那些手下都不知道这里的存在。” That two of FBI here?” “联邦调查局的那两位在这里?” He Ao after the short thinking, thought. 何奥在短暂的思索之后,想了起来。 Before Lehne said that arranged the place that the people of FBI no one knew. 之前莱娜说把联邦调查局的人安排到了一个谁都不知道的地方了。 „It is not ,” “不在,” Lehne shakes the head, they neighbor another secret base, yesterday evening Kuririn, I delivered to there to go them here, can see them? Doesn't your present condition have the issue?” 莱娜摇摇头,“不过他们在这里附近的另外一个秘密基地,还有昨晚上的克林,我把他们都送到了那里去了,要去见见他们吗?你现在状态没问题吗?” Does not have the issue.” “没问题。” He Ao shakes the head, walks supported by the edge of the bed the string to sit up the body, we saw them in the past.” 何奥摇摇头,扶着床弦坐起身子,“我们过去见见他们吧。” Ok.” “行。” Lehne looked for a spacious fur-lined coat to throw over to He Ao on the body. 莱娜给何奥找了一件宽大的皮袄披在身上。 …… …… Clouds area 云端区 What are you doing?” “伱们到底在干些什么?” In the luxurious office, the neatly dressed old person looks at the white robe priest before body angrily, yesterday evening opened an entire building! Harmed us to lose five machine armor, dozens dragoons, you think that these things were the cabbages?? Doesn't ask for money?” 豪华的办公室内,衣着整洁的老人愤怒的看着身前的白袍祭司,“昨晚上拆了一整栋楼!害得我们又损失了五台机甲,还有几十台龙骑兵,你以为这些东西是大白菜吗??不要钱吗?” His hand according to desktop, vision ice-cold, told me, whom yesterday evening were you capturing? What did you discover? If you also treat as the ally us.” 他手按在桌面上,目光冰冷,“告诉我,昨晚上你们到底在追捕谁?你们发现了什么?如果你们还把我们当做盟友的话。” No rush, Mr. Vincent,” “别着急,文森特先生,” White robe priest modest saying with a smile, 白袍祭司温和的笑道, „We are a body, yesterday evening had some us not to expect matter that two doubtful and fight of old teachings catholicism related B level powerhouse, tearing down a building is very normal matter, this can only explain unusual restraint that they fight, and very powerful, each one grasps to own strength unusual is perfect.” “我们是一体的,昨晚上只是发生了一些我们也没有预料到的事情,两个疑似和旧教有关的B级强者的战斗,拆掉一栋楼是很正常的事情,这只能说明他们战斗的非常的克制,并且都非常的强大,各自都对自己的力量掌握的非常完美。” „Is the B level so strong?” “B级有这么强?” Vincent is gazing at the white robe priest. 文森特注视着白袍祭司。 Naturally, you have seen the aerospace giant beast,” “当然,您是见过空天巨兽的,” The smile on white robe priest face is invariable, such powerful weapon, to marking the B level,” 白袍祭司脸上的笑容不变,“那样强大的兵器,也只是对标B级罢了,” Then he then said, probably aerospace giant beast type of large-scale weapon, without the words of fleet escort force, is actually not able to resist the speed to be quicker, the strength is stronger, build younger human form B level powerhouse, but opens this jumbo to need to spend a time.” 然后他接着说道,“像是空天巨兽这种大型兵器,没有护卫舰队的话,其实根本无法抵挡速度更快,力量更强,体型更小的人形B级强者,只是拆这种巨无霸需要费点时间而已。” „Are you threatening me?” “你在威胁我?” Vincent's complexion ice-cold, who do not forget is providing the fund to you, the location, as well as asylum? Your B level unusualness can, strong the federation? Strong Rockwell Energy Group?” 文森特的面色越加的冰冷,“不要忘了是谁在给你们提供资金,场地,以及庇护?你们那些B级超凡者,能强过联邦?强过洛克维尔能源集团?” You considered thoroughly, we are a body, a Rong Jurong, suffers if either one suffers,” “您多虑了,我们是一体的,一荣俱荣,一损俱损,” The smile on white robe priest face is maintaining as before stably, we also died yesterday evening a core sermonizer, was torn down a church, our losses also and heavy, we also wanted to catch that fellow of yesterday evening.” 白袍祭司脸上的笑容依旧维持着稳定,“我们昨晚上也死了一个核心布道者,被拆掉了一座教堂,我们的损失也并不轻,我们也想要抓到昨晚上的那个家伙。” What therefore exactly had yesterday evening?” “所以昨晚上到底发生了什么?” Vincent sits returns to the chair, the cold sound said, I need to know that the whole story of this matter, at least, I must know yesterday evening who caused the losses to us.” 文森特坐回到椅子上,冷声道,“我需要知道这件事的原委,至少,我要知道昨晚上谁给我们造成了损失。” Good,” “好吧,” The white robe priest sighed, lifted wristband to select, I have issued you information of that B level yesterday evening escaped from doubtful.” 白袍祭司叹息一声,抬起手环点了一下,“我已经把昨晚上疑似逃脱的那位B级的情报发给您了。” Vincent lifts wristband, read a document, then his complexion one stiff, angry looks at the white robe priest, „a child?” 文森特抬起手环,看了一眼文件,然后他面色一僵,愤怒的看着白袍祭司,“一个孩子?” Yes, according to our information speculated, that B level that yesterday evening lived was this little mister.” “是的,根据我们的情报推测,昨晚上活下来的那位B级就是这位・・・小先生。” The white robe priest said with a smile in a soft voice, we hope that you coordinated us, started the joint industry the strength, issues a warrant for arrest to seek for this, naturally, if you did not believe that we did not have the means that I also had the matter in the church, if you had other things, can contact with me again.” 白袍祭司轻声笑道,“我们希望您配合我们,发动联合工业的力量,去通缉寻找这位,当然,如果您不信,那我们也没有办法,我在教会还有事,您如果有其他的事情,可以再联系我。” Saying, he got to the office entrance directly, opened the gate to walk. 说着,他直接走到了办公室门口,拉开门走了出去。 In the office fell into again silent. 办公室内再次陷入了寂静。 No shadow that the angry expression on Vincent face vanishes in an instant does not have the mark, he is gazing at the small youngster portrait on wristband, looking pensive. 文森特脸上的愤怒表情在转眼间消失的无影无迹,他注视着手环上的小少年画像,若有所思。 Mister, do we need to send people to look for this child?” “先生,我们需要派人去找这个孩子吗?” In Vincent behind, has stood the middle-aged man who has not been speaking to open the mouth slowly, „can eternal esoteric buddhism be plays our?” 在文森特身后,一直站着没有说话的中年男人缓缓开口,“永恒密教会不会是耍我们的?” Is unlikely,” “不太可能,” Vincent shakes the head, „ they have been as if issuing a warrant for arrest this child, regardless of this child were yesterday evening B level, he was very certainly important to the eternal esoteric buddhism, do not despise anyone because of the age, the arranged person coordinates the eternal esoteric buddhism to look. 文森特摇摇头,“他们似乎一直在通缉这个孩子,无论这个孩子是不是昨晚上的B级,他对永恒密教一定很重要,不要因为年龄而轻视任何一个人,安排人配合永恒密教去找吧。 But found first do not tell the eternal esoteric buddhism the news, first told me.” “但是找到了先不要把消息告诉永恒密教,先告诉我。” „Do you want to use this child to keep in balance the eternal esoteric buddhism?” “您是想利用这个孩子制衡永恒密教?” The middle-aged man thinks was saying, saying, him is sighing, this group of evil believers were getting more and more impolite, if our aerospace giant beasts, them are impossible seem like like this arrogant today.” 中年男人思索着说道,说着,他叹了口气,“这帮邪教徒越来越无礼了,如果我们的空天巨兽还在,他们绝不可能像是今天这样傲慢。” His strength strong time, this/should he is arrogant, no rush,” “他实力强的时候,就该他傲慢,别着急,” Vincent shakes the head, he looked at eye piece the city outside overspreading snow, contacts with Commander Lutz, one side we should see.” 文森特摇摇头,他看了一眼窗外的铺满积雪的城市,“去联系卢茨团长,我们应该见一面了。” Yes!” “是!” The middle-aged man lowers the head slightly, the vision is profound. 中年男人微微低头,目光幽深。 …… …… Storm area 风暴区 The morning sky is fluttering as before flurry slightly, is throwing over He Ao and Lehne of fur-lined coat from all -terrain vehicle, stands before a worn-out iron gate. 上午的天空依旧飘着微微的小雪,披着皮袄的何奥和莱娜从越野车上下来,站在一栋破旧的铁门前。 Thump- thump- thump 咚-咚—咚 Lehne lifts to bring the hand of black leather glove, has the rhythm knocked three doors. 莱娜抬起带着黑色皮质手套的手,有节律的敲了三下房门。 Which?” “哪位?” After the short peace, a hoarse low and deep sound resounds after the gate. 在短暂的安静之后,一个沙哑低沉的声音从门后响起。 Landlord.” “房东。” Lehne's tranquil saying. 莱娜平静的接话道。 Ka- 咔- The obsolete iron gate pulls open, the body is tying the arms the man making way position of bandage, looks at the two person's shadows before body, comes in quickly, outside is cold.” 老旧的铁门拉开,身上绑着绷带的男人让开位置,看着身前的两个人影,“快进来吧,外面冷。” Two people in tandem entered the room, the bandage man looked up by a out of the door, closed the door. 两人一前一后的进了房间,绷带男人抬头看了一眼门外两侧,关上了房门。 The electronic fireplace in room is burning, enters the room, the warm aura heads on. 房间里的电子壁炉正燃烧着,一进屋子,温暖的气息就扑面而来。 He Ao and Lehne expose snow, hung the fur-lined coat on one side the iron pin rail. 何奥和莱娜抖落身上的积雪,将皮袄挂在了一旁铁质的衣帽架上。 Ha ~ “哈~” He Ao looks at the flood white finger, the tone, rubbed the palm. 何奥看着泛白的手指,哈了口气,搓了搓手掌。 Although unusualness does not take a chill easily, but the sensation is also stronger than the average person. 超凡者虽然不容易受凉,但是感知也比普通人更强。 Is Lois little mister?” “是伊洛小先生?” FBI Just who at this time closed the door walked, brings curiously some looks at He Ao. 这时候关上门的联邦调查局加斯特走了过来,带着些许好奇的看着何奥 Hello.” “你好。” He Ao smiles is nodding to him. 何奥微笑着对他点点头。 Hello,” “你好,” Just has the astonished and curious vision sized up He Ao, said with a smile, young promising, young promising.” 加斯特带着惊异和好奇的目光四下打量了一下何奥,笑道,“年少有为,年少有为。” Then he turns around, moves toward the fireplace, Kuririn and another young detective is sitting before the fireplace. 然后他转过身去,走向壁炉,克林和另一个年轻探员正坐在壁炉前。 He lifts a Mocha pot before fireplace, we made the coffee, can drink?” 他抬起壁炉前的一个摩卡壶,“我们煮了咖啡,要喝一点吗?” The Mocha pot is one type through the tool of steam extraction coffee, below turns on the water, the middle puts the coffee powder, in the thermal process, the steam can bring the coffee of extraction to spout from the most above spray nozzle of pot. 摩卡壶是一种通过蒸汽萃取咖啡的工具,下面放水,中间放咖啡粉,在加热过程中,水蒸气会带萃取的咖啡从壶的最上方一层的喷嘴中喷出。 Thanks.” “谢谢。” He Ao sits on the chair before fireplace, gently nod. 何奥坐在壁炉前的椅子上,轻轻点头。 „The coffee that I make but the flavor is very good.” “我煮的咖啡可是味道很好的。” Just smiles, puts out two paper glass, to the He Ao but actually coffee, then to Lehne but actually. 加斯特笑了笑,拿出两个纸杯,给何奥倒上咖啡,然后给莱娜倒。 But in the process of coffee, he looks at He Ao, asked freely spoken, right, Mr. Lois, that machine armor pilot who ruined the aerospace giant beast, was your person?” 而在倒咖啡的过程中,他看着何奥,顺口问道,“对了,伊洛先生,那位毁掉空天巨兽的机甲驾驶员,也是你的人吗?” Is I.” “就是我啊。” He Ao holds the coffee, the doubts looks at him. 何奥捧着咖啡,疑惑的看着他。 Just: „?” 加斯特:“啊?” () ()
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