LCG :: Volume #3 举着火把的人

#816: In god country foundation

The dim brilliance dissipates in the He Ao field of vision, at this moment, He Ao saw clearly finally at present scene. 朦胧的光辉在何奥的视野中消散,此刻,何奥终于看清楚了眼前的‘场景’。 The giant workshop, the machine of thundering, before the machine, the vision is empty, unceasing is bustling about person's shadow. 巨大的厂房,轰鸣的机器,一个个在机器前,目光空洞无神,不断的‘忙碌着’的人影。 „Aren't you clear?” “你还不明白吗?” The hoarse old sound conveys from the one side, you had died, here is place that only then the deceased person can come, your body has become sacrificial offering, but your soul arrived here,” 沙哑苍老的声音从一旁传来,“你已经死了,这里是只有死人才能进来的地方,你的身体已经成为了‘祭品’,而你的灵魂来到了这里,” He Ao the line of sight shift in the past, happen to saw an old person and a middle-aged man who sit on the ground spoke. 何奥把视线转移过去,正好看见一个老人和一个坐在地上的中年男人说话。 You deceived people,” “你骗人,” The middle-aged man stood angrily, he sees the old person, puts out a hand to try to grasp old person's collar, was actually retroceded to evade by the old person, gets nothing for one's effort, I have not died, I was enter the god country to obtain the eternal life!!!” 中年男人愤怒的站了起来,他看着老人,伸手试图去抓老人的衣领,却被老人后退避过,抓了个空,“我还没死,我是进入神国获得永生了!!!” Old person vision tranquil looked at him, then sighed, „, when held the ceremony, haven't you felt the pain? Had not felt that own body is melting?” 老人目光平静的看了一眼他,然后叹息一声,“在举行仪式的时候,你没有感觉到痛苦吗?没有感觉到自己身体正在融化吗?” Priest Sir told me, this is the normal situation, removes the pain that the physical body of Old World must experience normally,” “祭司大人和我说过的,这都是正常的情况,是褪去旧世界的肉体正常要经历的痛苦,” The middle-aged man stares the round eye, the complexion becomes flushed, he sees the old person angrily, you understand anything! I have not died! I have not died!” 中年男人瞪圆眼睛,脸色涨红,他愤怒的看着老人,“你懂什么!我没死!我没死!” This time, the old person has not spoken again, but shakes the head, sighed, turned around to leave. 这一次,老人没有再说话,而是摇摇头,叹息一声,转身离开了。 Your these swindlers, you are the swindlers, definitely is the diabolists misleads my!” “你们这些骗子,你们都是骗子,肯定是恶魔派来蛊惑我的!” The middle-aged man swept around one in the earnest work person's shadow, angry rushing over, looks at revolution the screen on machine, wields the fist to rush over, these things are also the devil are definitely used to deceive my!” 中年男人扫了一眼周围正在认真工作的人影,愤怒的冲了过去,看着运转的机器上的屏幕,挥起拳头就冲了过去,“这些东西肯定是也是魔鬼用来欺骗我的!” In the entire process, no one prevents his movement, even most starts besides that with the old person who he spoke, no one prevented him. 在整个过程中,没有一个人阻止他的动作,甚至除了那个最开始和他说话的老人以外,没有一个人上来阻止他。 But also in his fist will soon arrive in the instance before machine, his entire body twitched, the anger on the face becoming flushed turned into the pain of distortion instantaneously. 而也就在他拳头即将抵达机器前的瞬间,他整个身子抽搐了一下,脸上涨红的愤怒瞬间变成了扭曲的痛苦。 His both hands press firmly between the fingers oneself neck, falls down, the distortion is struggling, was thrown the fish that comes ashore to be the same like one, unceasing twitching. 他双手捏住自己的脖子,倒在地上,扭曲的挣扎着,如同一条被抛上岸的鱼一般,不断的抽搐。 He Ao is gazing at that man who lies down on the ground, at this moment in regards in the field of vision spirit, the distortion ray of man within the body his body, or soul crazy fluctuation. 何奥注视着那个躺在地上的男人,此刻在灵视视野中,男人体内的扭曲光芒正在他的身躯,或者说‘灵魂’中疯狂的波动。 Crossed some little time, he recovers consciousness, seemed like just punitive pain vanished. 过了好一会儿,他才缓过来,似乎是刚刚惩罚性的‘痛苦’消失了。 His whole person difficult supports the body, lies on the ground, pea-sized sweat unceasing coasts from his profile, but in dropping in in the air, on complete disappearance, has not dropped on the ground. 他整个人艰难的把身体撑起来,趴在地上,豆大的汗水不断的从他的侧脸上滑下,但在滴落在空中的时候,就完全的消失,并未滴落在地上。 This is, what is this?” “这是,这是什么?” Raising the head of he shivers, sees the old person. 他颤抖的抬起头来,看着老人。 This is the eternal god country.” “这就是永恒神国。” Old person tranquil replied. 老人平静的回答道。 I was deceived,” “我被骗了吗,” The middle-aged man was finally calm, he sits cross-legged on the ground, does not know that is the sweat or the tears coasts from his face, I paid so many, how can, they say that here will not have the hunger, had various food of being able to finish eating, enjoyed not beautiful woman 中年男人终于冷静了下来,他盘坐在地上,不知是汗水还是泪水从他脸上滑下,“我付出了这么多,怎么会呢,他们说这里不会有饥饿,有吃不完的各种各样食物,还有享受不尽的美人・・・” He raised the head, looks in field of vision vast the machine that rumble makes noise, they deceived me 他抬起头,看着视野中一望无际的隆隆作响的机器,“他们骗了我・・・” Strict, they have not deceived you,” “严格来说,他们没骗你,” The old person also swept a surrounding environment, here will indeed not have the hunger, you will not feel exhaustedly, you can the endless work.” 老人也扫了一眼周围的环境,“这里的确不会有饥饿,你也不会感觉到疲惫,你可以永无止尽的工作。” Is impossible!” “不可能!” The middle-aged man raised the head, sees the old person angrily, I am impossible to work!” 中年男人抬起头来,愤怒的看着老人,“我绝不可能干活!” He staggers crawls, angry walks toward this giant factory edge, I paid so many, to not come to here gives here factory owner to work!” 他踉跄的爬起来,愤怒的向着这个巨大工厂边缘走去,“我付出了那么多,不是为了来这里给这里的工厂主人干活的!” However he arrived at half, suddenly the body twitched, falls down, twitched fiercely, he sees the old person panic-stricken, not! Why! My anything has not bumped!” 但是他走到了一半,突然身体一抽搐,倒在了地上,剧烈的抽动了起来,他惊恐的看着老人,“不!为什么!我什么都没碰!” Crawling that he twists to old person, I am quite uncomfortable, compared with just also uncomfortable, why why 他扭曲的爬向老人,“我好难受,比刚刚还难受,为什么・・・为什么・・・” Your time arrived, has a look at your wrist/skill.” “你时间到了,看看你的手腕。” Old person tranquil looks at him. 老人平静的看着他。 The men tuck up the sleeve immediately, looks to own wrist/skill, digital of one skewer of illumination in his wrist/skill, 00 : 07 : 58 : 36. 男人立刻撩开袖子,看向自己的手腕,一串发光的数字显示在他的手腕上,00:07:58:36。 This seems like a countdown, in his gaze, this skewer of digits rapidly is changing is small, in an instant, the final digit from 36 turned into 33. 这似乎是一个倒计时,在他的注视中,这串数字在迅速变小,转眼之间,最后的数字就从36变成了33。 What is this?” “这是什么?” His panic-stricken raising the head, looks to the old person. 他惊恐的抬起头,看向老人。 Your final life,” “你最后的生命,” Old person tranquil saying, you wasted the too much time, the person who comes in newly only has 12 hours of life, you work every time for 16 hours, can obtain 1 day of life, if your exhausted own life, in the final eight hours, you in the pain of gradually strengthening will be dying.” 老人平静的说道,“你浪费了太多时间,新进来的人只有12小时的生命,你每工作16小时,才能获得一天生命,如果你的耗尽了自己的生命,那么在最后八个小时内,你会在逐渐加强的痛苦中死去。” He sighed , to continue saying that „the present starts, the pain that you bore will rise a level every ten minutes, in this process, your soul will not dissipate, the pain will have strengthened, exhausted until all your time.” 他叹了口气,继续说道,“现在只是开始,你所承受的痛苦会每十分钟上升一个层次,在这个过程中,你的灵魂一直不会消散,痛苦一直会加强,直到你所有的时间耗尽。” Saves me! Saves me!” “救救我!救救我!” The man appearance at this moment already fierce, his corners of the mouth flow out the viscous saliva, as if already somewhat unconscious. 男人此刻的面目已经越加的狰狞,他嘴角流出粘稠的口水,似乎已经有些神志不清。 Went to me just to tell your post,” “去我刚刚告诉你的岗位,” The old person sighed gently, „, so long as you have worked, your time has increased, the pain will also vanish.” 老人轻轻叹息一声,“只要你一直工作,你的时间就会一直增加,痛苦也会消失。” Hears this saying, the man staggers crawled, by a charging into machine without hesitation position. 听到这话,男人踉跄的爬了起来,毫不犹豫的冲向机器旁边的一个位置。 Contacts the instance of machine in him, his fierce expression for it one light , the components on his nonstop start operation mechanical arm assembling machine. 在他接触到机器的瞬间,他狰狞的表情为之一轻,紧接着,他马不停蹄的开始操纵机械臂拼装机器上的零件。 This work is not relaxed, needs very carefully, the operation intensity of mechanical arm is also very high. 这个工作并不轻松,需要非常仔细,机械臂的操作强度也很高。 Unceasing downhill of tears and sweat from his cheeks, but only in midair, on complete resolution. 泪水与汗水从他的脸颊上不断的滑下,但是只在半空中,就完全的消解。 Sees this, old person long sighing, turning around to vanish on the spot. 看到这一幕,老人长长的叹了口气,转身消失在原地。 He Ao looks at the direction that an old person vanished, lifted the phalanx fossil in hand. 何奥看了一眼老人消失的方向,抬起了手中的指骨化石。 He passed through one again gate. 他再次穿过了一道‘门’。 This time, what appears before him is a broad hall. 这一次,出现在他面前的是一个宽阔的大厅。 In the hall is suspending golden columns, some people are standing before the column, places on the hand the column. 大厅里摆着一个个金色的立柱,有一些人正站在立柱前,将手放在立柱上。 „Did you save enough the time quickly?” “你这么快就存够了时间了?” Before the old person of factory space in the He Ao front, before he arrived at to place the young man body on column the hand at this moment, asked in a low voice. 之前在工厂空间的老人此刻就在何奥前方,他走到了一个正把手放在立柱上的年轻男人身前,低声问道。 At this moment on the column before young man body, float liquor of one bottle of fine packing. 此刻在年轻男人身前的立柱上,正悬浮着一瓶精致包装的蒸馏酒。 Oh, without saving enough, where is so quick, I consider as finished, does for 16 hours, 24 hours, deduct the time of working, were only 8 hours “唉,没存够,哪有这么快呀,我算了一下,干16小时,得24个小时,扣除掉干活的时间,就只有八个小时了” The young people seemed familiar with the old person, he turns the head, sighing complained, my these daily heavenly stems full one all day 24 hours, a day can only be left over for 12 hours, altogether saved for 72 hours, but this liquor cheapest ultra small bottle price-marked for 5 days, said, Old gentleman, you said before you, saved the time the thing that prepared to buy, saved enough the time?” 年轻人似乎和老人很熟悉了,他转过头来,叹气抱怨道,“我这几天天天干满一整天24小时,一天只能存下12小时,一共才存了72小时,但这酒最便宜的超小瓶都标价五天,说起来,老爷子,你说你之前存时间准备买的东西,存够时间了吗?” Saved enough,” “存够了,” Old person, then the nod, here anything has slightly gently.” 老人微微一顿,然后轻轻点头,“这里什么都有。” Ha,” “哈哈哈,” Young people side another skin black female said that what on her front column was one looks has the appetite very much, but a not big roast chicken, in this god country truly anything had, anything can buy, but was anything cannot afford.” 年轻人身旁另一个皮肤偏黑的女子接话道,她面前立柱上的是一只看起来就很有食欲,但是个头不大的烧鸡,“这神国里确实啥都有,啥都可以买,但是就是啥都买不起哦。” Your chicken how much money?” “你那只鸡多少钱?” The young man looked at roast chicken on the women's column, somewhat curious asking. 年轻男人看了一眼女子立柱上的烧鸡,有些好奇的问道。 Small advantage, 16 hours.” “便宜,16个小时。” The females pat the column gently, that only illusory roast chicken the congealing reality, the rich fragrance spreads to the entire hall immediately rapidly, we do for two days, on value roast chicken,” 女子轻轻一拍立柱,那只虚幻的烧鸡立刻凝实,浓郁的香气迅速蔓延到整个大厅,“咱们干两天,就值这一只烧鸡,” The females smiled one, holds the roast chicken, turns around to move toward by the table of hall corner. 女子笑了一声,抱起烧鸡,转身走向大厅角落的桌子旁。 He Ao looks at that roast chicken, the small share roast chicken of this head, usually is the fast-growing chicken of gene edition, federal regional selling prices in 16-19 federal coins, generally not over 20 federal coins. 何奥看着那只烧鸡,这种个头的小份烧鸡,通常都是基因编辑的速生鸡,联邦各地的售价在16-19联邦币之间,一般不超过20联邦币。 The surrounding person smells this fragrance, the subconscious peak the tip of the nose, surged a throat. 周围的人闻到这股香味,都下意识的耸了耸鼻尖,涌动了一下喉咙。 The young people looked at present liquor, swallowed saliva. 年轻人看了一眼眼前的蒸馏酒,咽了一口唾沫。 „, First was especially crisp said again!” “特么的,先爽了再说!” A not far away man pats the column fiercely. 不远处一个男人猛地一拍立柱。 Instantaneous one set of luxurious beef steak meal appears instantaneously in his hands, he holds the beef steak meal, turns head also to move toward by the hall table. 瞬间一套豪华的牛排套餐瞬间出现在他手中,他捧着牛排套餐,扭头也走向大厅旁边的桌子。 Yo, are you so rich?” “哟,你这么有钱?” Black skin female who is eating the roast chicken looked at a man, „your beef steak meal, at least -and-a-half days.” 正在吃烧鸡的黑皮女子看了一眼男人,“你这牛排套餐,至少得一天半吧。” My which rich, credit card of Rockwell Energy Group swipes,” “我哪有钱,刷的洛克维尔能源集团的信用卡,” Saying that the beef steak meal man does not have scruples, manages his, was first crisp said again.” 牛排套餐男人毫不顾忌的说道,“管他的,先爽了再说。” „, Credit card.” “啊,还有信用卡啊。” But has audited the young people who two people are talking to turn head, looks at front liquor illusory image, swallowed a saliva. 而一直旁听着两人谈话的年轻人回过头来,看着面前的蒸馏酒幻影,咽了口唾沫。 „The credit card of Rockwell Energy Group, the monthly interest surpassed 5%, you determined that can brush?” “洛克维尔能源集团的信用卡,月息超过百分之五了,你确定要刷吗?” His old person asked in a low voice. 他身旁老人低声问道。 Is truly higher than outside,” “确实比外面都高很多,” The young people smile bitterly, „, but we this, does not have the means now probably, can a day be a day, wants dead could not die, I want dead each time, that pain makes me not gasp for breath.” 年轻人苦笑一声,“但是咱们现在这样,好像也没有办法,能过一天是一天,想死都死不掉,每次我想死的时候,那痛苦都让我喘不过气来。” He shot a look at surrounding people, everyone is actually same, this god country, is more painful than the hell.” 他瞥了一眼周围的众人,“大家其实都一样,这神国,比地狱更痛苦。” The old person fell into silent. 老人陷入了沉默。 Rockwell Energy Group can make in this eternal god country the business , is really flamboyant.” “不过洛克维尔能源集团能把业务做进这永恒神国里,也真是牛逼。” Sees the atmosphere to be sad, the young people smiled one, changed the topic. 见到气氛沉闷起来,年轻人笑了一声,岔开了话题。 Truly,” “确实,” The old person nods gently, he looks at the young people, „do you prepare later? Continues to work, finds a place to rest?” 老人轻轻点头,他看着年轻人,“你待会儿准备去哪儿?继续工作,还是找个地方休息?” Rests,” “休息一下吧,” The young people rub their head, I did continuously for several days, felt some brain dizzy, never expected that our types have died person, will be tired, I made eight hours of dormitory beds,” 年轻人摸了摸头,“我连续干了几天,感觉脑子有些晕乎乎的,没想到我们这种‘死过’的人,也还会累,我约了八个小时的宿舍床位,” He Ao raised the head looked at young people soul. 何奥抬头看了一眼年轻人的‘灵魂’。 In regards under the field of vision spirit, the soul of this young people some are not steady. 在灵视视野下,这个年轻人的灵魂已经有些不稳了。 The soul will not be not tired, long-term ponder and action, will create to overdraw to the soul, making the stable soul easier to dissipate. 灵魂并不是不会累的,长时间的思考和行动,也会对灵魂造成透支,让稳定的灵魂更容易消散。 Mudd this god country really black,” “玛德这神国是真的黑啊,” When He Ao looks at the young people soul, the young people indignant spitting mortise, 而在何奥看着年轻人灵魂的时候,年轻人愤愤不平的吐槽道, „The bunk bed dormitory bed must spend the time to exchange, two hours of life exchanges eight hours of period of revolution, has not let rest in the factory and hall, can only rest in the dormitory bed, to rest for eight hours, I must do again for four hours.” “上下铺的宿舍床位也要花时间兑换,两个小时生命兑换八个小时使用时间,还不让睡在工厂和大厅,只能睡在宿舍床位上,为了睡八个小时,我还得再多干四个小时。” Normal,” “正常,” The old person smiles, this is house rent, here all are like the federation, but the currency changed.” 老人笑了笑,“这就是‘房租’呗,这里一切都和联邦一样的,只不过货币变了罢了。” Truly,” “确实,” Young people long sighing, this eternal god country, even is blacker than the joint industry.” 年轻人长长的叹了口气,“这永恒神国,甚至比联合工业更黑一点。” Is uncertain,” “也不一定,” The old person shakes the head, joint industry does not make us do for 20 hours, is not they do not think, is because they know that our bodies cannot withstand, we will not do, but the eternal god country does not have this worry.” 老人摇摇头,“联合工业之所以不让我们干20个小时,不是他们不想,是因为他们知道我们的身体承受不住,我们绝不会干的,而永恒神国没有这个担心。” Is occupied by a robber in nest,” “住在一个窝里的强盗罢了,” The young people sighed. 年轻人叹息一声。 We are unable to revolt against here rule, can only be driven away is seeming like the domestic animal and machine equally endless work, until that moment of soul destruction.” “我们无法反抗这里的规则,只能被驱赶着像是牲畜和机器一样永无止尽的工作,直到灵魂毁灭的那一刻。” The old person looked at one to brave the brilliance column, was hoarse was saying. 老人看了一眼冒着光辉的立柱,沙哑着说道。 Oh,” “唉,” The young people sighed again, moved away from the column the hand, looks to the old person, that I rested.” 年轻人再次叹息一声,将手从立柱上拿开,看向老人,“那我去休息了。” Saying, his form from in the air is vanishing. 说着,他的身影从空中消失。 Before the old person is gazing at the body , the empty space, the feature hangs down. 老人注视着身前空空荡荡的空间,眉目低垂。 Surrounding space peaceful extraordinary. 周围的空间安静的出奇。 Everyone is silent. 所有人都沉默不语。 The old person placed on own hand the column slowly, a sharp short-sword appeared in his front instantaneously, fell in his hand. 老人缓缓将自己的手放在了立柱上,一把锋利的短剑瞬间出现在了他的面前,落在了他的手中。 He grips tightly this short-sword, as if fell into some recollection. 他紧握住这把短剑,似乎陷入了某种回忆。 In this gaze, his little holds up the sword in hand high, then, wields suddenly. 在这注视中,他一点点的将手中的剑高高举起,然后,骤然挥下。 Bang- 砰- The metal short-sword and column hit, makes the clear sound. 金属短剑与立柱撞击,发出清脆的声响。 Also in this instantaneous, old person's body pulls out, the painful expression appears on his cheeks. 也就在这瞬间,老人的身体一抽,痛苦的表情在他脸颊上浮现。 However his movement does not stand still, still silent, unceasing dividing is cutting the surrounding column. 但是他的动作毫不停歇,仍旧沉默着,不断的劈砍着周围的立柱。 Even if his movement is unable to cause any damage to these columns, dividing of anger but he also spares no effort is cutting. 哪怕他的动作无法给这些立柱造成任何的伤害,但是他也不遗余力的愤怒的劈砍着。 His head is scattered in disorder, the eyes are red, unlike the beforehand modest appearance completely. 他的头散乱,双眼通红,与之前温和的模样完全不同。 Everyone in hall was similar to just awakened from the dream general, they rolled up the body to retrocede, panic-stricken looked to that silent somewhat demented old person. 大厅的所有人都如同刚从梦中惊醒一般,他们蜷缩着身子后退,惊恐的看向那个沉默中有些癫狂的老人。 Entire hall fierce shivers, the invisible golden ray the old person will tie up instantaneously, is hanging him in the space. 整个大厅剧烈的颤抖起来,无形的金色光芒瞬间将老人捆住,将他悬挂在天上。 Please do not damage any public good.” “请不要损坏任何公共物品。” Ice-cold but gentle mechanical female sound in all corners of hall. 冰冷而‘温柔’的机械女声响在大厅的所有角落。 The surrounding environment as if becomes illusory. 紧接着,周围的环境似乎都变得虚幻起来。 But distortions the fuzzy factory space appeared in the surroundings, can see in these factories vaguely busy person's shadow. 一个个扭曲而模糊的工厂空间出现在了周围,依稀可以看到这些工厂中忙碌的‘人影’。 At this moment these person's shadow raised the head, doubts looks to the sky, looks to the old person been hanging direction. 此刻这些‘人影’都抬起头来,疑惑的看向天空,看向老人被悬挂的方向。 This as if put in the god domestic each working space. 这一幕似乎被投放到了神国内的‘每一个工作空间’。 Please do not damage any public good.” “请不要损坏任何公共物品。” The ice-cold mechanical female voice resounds again, at the same time, the space twines old person's golden ray to tighten. 冰冷的机械女声再次响起,与此同时,天上缠绕着老人的金色光芒越加收紧。 Lying trough nun mother!” “啊・・・卧槽尼妈!” Old person complexion pain fierce periphery looks at the illusory space, suddenly laughs to make noise, „your dirty ghost things!!! Greedy, arrogant, despicable 老人面色痛苦狰狞的看着周围虚幻的空间,突然大笑出了声,“你们这些肮脏的鬼东西!!!贪婪,傲慢,卑鄙・・・” Stop that these golden rays and have no, as before slow tightening. 那些金色光芒并没有任何的停顿,依旧缓慢的收紧。 The old person is scolding as before, but the sound is actually not able to send again. 老人依旧在骂着,但是声音却无法再发出来。 His expression is getting more and more fierce, is getting more and more painful. 他的表情越来越狰狞,越来越痛苦。 The young people who that had vanished appeared in the hall again, panic-stricken sees the old person in top of the head. 那原本已经消失的年轻人再次出现在了大厅中,惊恐的看着头顶的老人。 But at this moment, not far away He Ao raised the head to gaze at all these. 而此刻,不远处何奥抬头注视着这一切。 These try to invade his body the ray of distortion to be getting more and more powerful, will soon corrode his body. 那些试图侵入他身体的扭曲的光芒已经越来越强大,即将侵蚀他的身体。 He has arrived has been able to treat the limit in this god country. 他已经抵达了能待在这个神国里的极限了。 He lifts the hand, looked at a palm phalanx fossil. 他抬起手,看了一眼手心的指骨化石。 In this instantaneous, he opened ultra recalled. 在这瞬间,他开启了超忆。 Without the limit of physical body, in the pure soul condition, the strength that he instead can the use of no limit ultra recall. 没有了肉体的限制,在纯粹的灵魂状态,他反而能毫无限制的使用超忆的力量。 Surrounding person flash turned into the purple shadow completely. 周围的‘人’一瞬间完全变成了紫色阴影。 He raised the head, looked was hanging the old person who to the top of the head, then rushing of without hesitation, grasping lived in old person's wrist/skill. 他抬起头,看向头顶被悬挂出来的老人,然后毫不犹豫的冲了上去,一手‘抓’住了老人的手腕。 He looked up sky. 紧接着,他抬头看了一眼天空。 Spiritual impact! 精神冲击! Soul strength impact of rushing in that golden strength. 澎湃的灵魂力量冲击在那金色的力量上。 The unprepared golden color was crushed brilliance directly. 毫无准备的金色光辉直接被击碎。 The distortion ray of old person within the body perturbation was also suppressed directly by He Ao, his fierce expression for it one light. 老人体内扰动的扭曲光芒也直接被何奥压制住,他狰狞的表情为之一轻。 He Ao is controlling the strength of soul, the distortion ray of old person within the body will wrap, forcefully peeling. 紧接着,何奥控制着灵魂的力量,将老人体内的扭曲光芒包裹起来,强行‘剥离’。 This is only an ordinary soul, in fact attaches in the distortion ray of its within the body are not many. 这只是一个普通的灵魂,实际上附着在其体内的扭曲光芒不多。 Meanwhile, some type terrifying powerful line of sight has swept the entire space instantaneously. 与此同时,某种恐怖的强大的‘视线’瞬间扫过了整个空间。 He Ao lifted the phalanx fossil in hand. 何奥抬起了手中的指骨化石。 The next second, his form and old person's form same place, vanished in this space. 下一秒,他的身影和老人的身影一起,消失在了这片空间中。
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