LCG :: Volume #3 举着火把的人

#815: Sleepwalk god country

The light golden flowing light winds through from the phalanx fossil, some invisible suction as if pulled the He Ao soul from the void deepest distant place. 淡淡的金色流光从指骨化石上流过,某种无形的吸力似乎从虚空的最深远处拉扯住了何奥的灵魂。 He felt own body gradually is becoming light, the invisible cool breeze has stroked his body. 紧接着,他感觉自己的‘身体’正在渐渐变轻,无形的凉风拂过他的身躯。 His entire field of vision, turned into the pure blackness in this moment. 他的整个视野,在这一刻变成了纯粹的漆黑。 Also at this moment, in his hands, transmits a point stabbing pain feeling. 也就在这时,在他手中,传来点点的‘刺痛’感。 He opens the hand, looks to the palm, is sending out the golden brilliance phalanx fossil, at this moment static lying down in his palm. 他张开手,看向手心,一个散发着金色光辉的指骨化石,此刻正静静的躺在他的手心里。 He can feel, oneself had lost to the body control. 他能感觉到,自己已经失去了对身体的‘控制’。 However he can still feel existence of body, can feel itself and connection between body. 不过他仍旧能感受到身体的存在,也能感受到自己与身体之间的关联。 Has had one time enters the war-god he who different space experience is actually not strange to this feeling, therefore he does not have too many surprised. 有过一次进入战神的‘异度空间’经历的他对这种感觉其实并不陌生,所以他也没有太多的惊讶。 But followed in the hand the brilliance of phalanx fossil, He Ao can feel nearby one piece jet black darkness seemed having some change. 而伴随着手中指骨化石的光辉,何奥能感受到附近一片漆黑的‘黑暗’似乎产生了某种变化。 Fortunately, perhaps because of the relation of body and soul, lets he still retained certainly regard field of vision spirit, although is not strong, the seen thing looks like thousand degrees shortsighted person to take off the world after eyeglasses. 幸运的是,或许是因为身体与灵魂的联系,让他仍旧保留了一定的‘灵视视野’,虽然并不强,看到的东西就像是千度近视的人脱下眼镜后的世界。 But this also lets him to see clearly some periphery darkness scene, that is the bunch unceasingly creeping motion distortion design. 但这也让他能看清一些周围‘黑暗’中‘景象’,那是一团团正在不断‘蠕动’的扭曲图案。 These designs constitute some type was similar to gate the channel. 这些图案构成了某种类似于‘门’的通道。 But now, He Ao is passing through this leaf gate. 而现在,何奥就在穿过这扇‘门’。 However almost while he gazes at the distortion designs of these creeping motions, the darkness in his field of vision has been removing rapidly. 不过几乎就在他注视到这些蠕动的扭曲图案的同时,他视野中的黑暗就已然在迅速褪去。 Greets the nostrils, the light flower fragrance first spread to his nostril , brings the early morning breeze of some chill in the air. 扑鼻的,清淡的花香第一时间传入了他的鼻孔,紧接着,是带着些许寒意的清晨的微风。 A bright and open environment appears in his field of vision. 一片明亮而开阔的环境出现在他的视野中。 He raised the head, looks to the sky. 他抬起头,看向天空。 Fiery red morning sun is raising from the horizon, distant place partly visible palatial grand hills. 火红的朝阳正在从天际升起,远处若隐若现巍峨壮丽的群山。 He lowers the head, looks to own under foot. 他低下头来,看向自己的脚下。 The deep green grass fluctuates under early morning breeze, in this period was mixing with some yellowish white wild flowers. 碧绿的小草在清晨的微风下起伏,其间夹杂着些许黄白的野花。 He Ao deep inspiration. 何奥深深的吸了一口气。 Brought the fresh air of light delicate fragrance to flood into his nasal cavity again. 带着淡淡的清香的清新空气再次涌入了他的鼻腔。 In the transcription world, like this fresh air, is only then in the wilderness exists, in city morning air, although is also clean, but the association/will is more promiscuous the depressed flavor. 在副本世界,这样的清新空气,是只有荒野上才存在的,城市里早晨的空气虽然也干净,但是总会混杂一些沉闷的味道。 If in storm area, but can also feel the sea breeze the moistness, is completely different from the clean clean aura that at this moment he breathes. 如果是在风暴区,还能感受到海风的湿润,和此刻他所呼吸的干净清洁的气息完全不同。 „Is my morning sun subject good?” “我这个朝阳主题不错吧?” Also at this moment, He Ao transmits a vocal cord behind the neutral tone inquiry of happy expression. 也就在这时,何奥身后传来一声带着笑意的轻声询问。 His body, turns head. 他身子一顿,回过头去。 A wear casual attire, in the hand holds the red wine, sits the middle-aged man on sand beach chair is smiling was looking that to direction that he is. 一个穿着休闲装,手里捧着红酒,坐在沙滩椅上的中年男人正微笑着看向他所在的方向。 In the side of man, is placing tea tables that are putting another glass of red wines, with spatial sand beach chair. 在男人的身旁,摆放着一个放着另一杯红酒的茶几,和空沙滩椅。 Truly good.” “确实不错。” In invisible void, a charming chuckle sound transmits. 无形的虚空中,一声妩媚的轻笑声传来。 A stature is irritable, wears color stomacher, color leather hot-pants, a leg wears the fishing net sock, a leg bare the form of high ponytail beautiful appearance female appears from void. 一个身材火爆,穿着咖色抹胸,咖色皮质热裤,一只腿穿着渔网袜,一只腿裸着的高马尾美貌女子的身影从虚空中浮现。 He Ao is gazing at her cheeks, always thought that this face seems to have met before. 何奥注视着她的脸颊,总觉得这张脸似曾相识。 She is stepping on the high-heeled shoes, is dragging before the He Ao body passes through. 她踩着高跟鞋,摇曳着从何奥身前经过。 In this process, her vision has no displacement, does not seem to detect her side has a person. 在这个过程中,她的目光没有任何的偏移,似乎并没察觉到她身旁有一个人。 But sees female who walks at present, complexion that the middle-aged man smiles stiff, „can you receive in exchange your original appearance?” 而看到眼前走来的女子,中年男人微笑的面色僵硬了一下,“你能不能换回你本来的样子?” „,” “啧,” The female brow selects, the manner is charming, she arrives at the middle-aged man behind, the bending down body, the chest almost touches the cheeks of middle-aged man, 女子眉头微挑,神态妩媚,她走到中年男人身后,俯下身躯,胸口几乎触碰中年男人的脸颊, This is I spends the high price skin that does from that group of religious lunatic hands “这可是我花大价钱从那帮宗教疯子手里搞到的皮肤” In her tone brings some acting like a spoiled brat -type is unhappy, 她语气中带着些许撒娇式的不开心, This is I illuminated several years ago the idol of fire Qi to be possible the appearance pinches, flagship version Qi may, you very not like Qi being possible initially ‚’? Also wants to spend to pound on your bed others, how to change into me, don't you like? What's wrong, is unattractive? What doesn't want with me?” “这可是我照着前几年大火的偶像‘琪可’的模样捏的,旗舰版琪可,你当初不是挺喜欢‘琪可’的吗?还想花钱把人家砸到你床上,怎么换成我了,你就不喜欢了?怎么,不好看吗?不想和我发生点什么?” To be honest, very well looks,” “说实话,挺好看的,” The middle-aged man looked at a face of female, drank red wine, „, but, I to go to bed with the brothers am not truly interested.” 中年男人看了一眼女子的面庞,喝了一口红酒,“但是,我对和兄弟上床确实不感兴趣。” Insipid.” “没劲。” A female body spin, changed to an emaciated handsome man of white silk suit, he sits on another sand beach chair, takes up the red wine on tea table, sipped one, then at present one bright, 女子身子一旋,化作了一个白色丝绸西装的瘦弱俊朗男人,他坐在另一个沙滩椅上,拿起茶几上的红酒,抿了一口,然后眼前一亮, ‚Do hundred grams think? It is said this thing is the succuba church ferments, every year few bottles, my several years have not snatched, the fellow who that help/gang plays with the desire also is really repugnant, but you can do this thing unexpectedly, this eternal god country also is really a good place.” “‘佰克思’?据说这东西是魔女教会酿出来的,每年都没有几瓶,我好几年都没有抢到了,那帮玩弄欲望的家伙还真是讨厌,不过你居然能搞到这个东西,这个永恒神国还真是个好地方啊。” My this liquor, not compared with your skin cheap.” “我这个酒,可不比你的‘皮肤’便宜。” The middle-aged man drank liquor, indeed, this place was the higher level virtual reality web.” 中年男人喝了一口酒,“的确,这地方算是个更高级的虚拟现实网游了。” This may Bits Rison that broken virtual reality be much better,” “这可比特利森那个破‘虚拟现实’好多了,” The handsome man puts down the wine glass, pulls a section of grass from the ground, placed near the nose to smell lightly, 俊朗男人放下酒杯,从地上扯出来一截小草,放在鼻子边上轻嗅了一下, This sense of touch, this sense of smell, only if you are willing to do to help the mechanical righteousness body yourself, the Gentes Rison that fellows' in various pile of chemical substances to your brain deceive your brain, otherwise is impossible to have this feeling, “这触觉,这嗅觉,除非你愿意把自己搞成全机械的义体,让特利森那帮家伙给你脑子里堆各种化学物质欺骗你的大脑,不然不可能有着这种感觉的, Moreover even if the pile of chemical substances, they cannot pile such effect, their entire real modeling, must every year dying many people,” “而且哪怕是堆化学物质,他们也堆不出这样的效果,他们的全真模拟实验,每年都要死不少人,” He flies the half grass ball in hand, looks that the leave of grass flies to swing in early morning breeze, „, but here, we can have all these easily.” 他将手中的半截小草弹飞,看着草叶在清晨的微风中飞荡,“而在这里,我们可以轻而易举的拥有这一切。” If this place develops well,” “如果这个地方好好开发,” The middle-aged man sipped red wine, we invest earlier quickly can return to the itself/Ben.” 中年男人抿了一口红酒,“我们前期投入很快就能回本。” This group of evil believers, can always put in order the new thing gadget to come out, if we take this thing, Terley that group of people must scare to death, haha,” “这帮邪教徒,总是能整出新玩意儿出来,我们要是把这个东西拿出来,特利森那帮人得吓死,哈哈,” The handsome man laughs, his tosses down the red wine in cup, gets online rarely one time, I first went back my principal space to be happy.” 俊朗男人哈哈一笑,他一口将杯子里的红酒一饮而尽,“难得上线一次,我先回去我的主空间爽爽了。” Careless and wasteful use of nature's products,” “暴殄天物,” The middle-aged man loves dearly looked at a spatial wine glass, warned, remembers the board of directors voted time, cast my ticket.” 中年男人心疼的看了一眼空酒杯,告诫道,“记得董事会表决的时候,投我的票。” Naturally,” “当然,” The handsome man beckons with the hand, you must process this group of religious lunatics, do not promote any flash news, recently the way of the world was not peaceful.” 俊朗男人摆摆手,“不过你得处理好这帮宗教疯子,别搞出什么大新闻了,最近世道不太平。” This does not have the issue,” “这没问题,” The middle-aged man drank red wine, they have the reason of foundation.” 中年男人喝了一口红酒,“他们还是有基础的理智的。” He raised the head again, peaceful continues to watch the sunrise. 紧接着,他再次抬头,安静的继续看着日出。 But the body of handsome man changes to the brilliance dissipation in the space. 而俊朗男人的身体则化作光辉消散在空间中。 He Ao looked up around one, obviously felt periphery some distortion design presented the perturbation. 何奥抬头看了一眼周围,明显感觉到周围的一些‘扭曲图案’出现了扰动。 In some sense, this is also gate. 某种意义上,这也是‘门’。 He lifts the phalanx fossil in hand, looks to that perturbation direction. 他抬起手中的指骨化石,看向那个扰动的‘方向’。 Winds through from the phalanx fossil along with the golden brilliance together, his field of vision turns into white one piece instantaneously, then, a magnificent broad classical column hall appeared in his line of sight. 伴随着一道金色的光辉从指骨化石上流过,他的视野瞬间变成白茫茫的一片,然后紧接着,一个华丽宽阔的古典式立柱大厅出现在了他的视线中。 The bright sunlight shone the hall from the slit of hall column, all around of hall was filled with all kinds of good food with marble strip tables. 明亮的阳光从大厅立柱的缝隙照耀进大厅,大厅的四周则用一张张大理石条桌盛满了各式各样的美食。 He Ao sweeps, side church these rooms of these good food in compared with the eternal esoteric buddhism, these that Ellis fantasizes roast chicken elbow Hamburg want fine many. 何奥一眼扫过去,这些美食比永恒密教里侧教堂那些房间中,艾莉丝所幻想的那些‘烧鸡’‘肘子’‘汉堡’要精致的多。 Including is not restricted in various types of cold drinks, the desserts, the vegetarian diet, various type various class liquors, the red wines, the ratafia, as well as various types of fresh sea fish sashimi, the caviar, the grilled fish, with seeming like the unusual animals for the assorted food that the principal materials make. 包括不限于各种冷饮,甜品,素食,各式各类的蒸馏酒,红酒,果酒,以及各种新鲜的海鱼刺身,鱼子酱,烤鱼,和看起来似乎是异兽为主材料制成的各色菜肴。 But besides these good food, in the entire hall center, but also is placing a soft bed. 而除了这些美食之外,在整个大厅的正中,还摆放着一张松软的大床。 This moment that handsome man is sitting on the bed, his body has turned into the sexy girl who that selected high again, but the clothes turned into the frivolous gauze system long gown from color stomacher shorts. 此刻那个俊朗男人正坐在床上,他的身躯已经再次变成了那个高挑的性感女郎,只不过衣服从咖色的抹胸短裤变成了轻薄的纱制长袍。 He Ao looks at that some looking familiar face. 何奥看着那张有些‘眼熟’的脸庞。 Dancing girl who’ Qi is he once killed the succuba has taught one of the status. 琪可是他曾经杀死过的魔女教会的‘舞女’的身份之一。 To be honest, although according to the face that Qi may pinch, but the charming degree of this fellow, with dancing girl truly bad somewhat far. 老实说,虽然是照着琪可捏的脸,但是这家伙的妩媚程度,和舞女确实差的有些远。 But when the He Ao thinking, various height vary seemed like the handsome muscle robust man of production to appear in the hall baseless. 而就在何奥思索的时候,一个个各色各样的高矮不一的似乎是凭空生成的俊朗肌肉壮汉出现在了大厅里。 Sees this, the He Ao brow jumps. 看到这一幕,何奥眉头一跳。 Come, the treasure, making the elder sister have a look at your strengths.” “来,宝贝们,让姐姐看看你们的实力。” Sits on the hammock female, takes up one bottle of red wines, opens, then poured on the body. 坐在软床上的‘女子’,拿起一瓶红酒,起开,然后倒在了身上。 …… ・・・・・・ The He Ao silent moment, put aside the vision. 何奥沉默片刻,移开了目光。 When continuously music, he raised the head is sizing up this space carefully constitution. 在此起彼伏的‘音乐’中,他抬起头来时仔细打量着这个空间的‘构成’。 The fuzzy spirit regards under the field of vision, he can see vaguely this space completely by illusory twists design and distortion brilliance constitution. 模糊的灵视视野下,他能依稀看出这个空间完全是由虚幻的‘扭曲图案’和‘扭曲光辉’构成。 However with can enter the flesh life compared in side church, here is purer, twists the brilliance proportion also to go far beyond the distortion design. 但是与能进入血肉生命的里侧教堂相比,这里更加纯粹,扭曲光辉的占比也远远超过扭曲图案。 But in stability of this space, as if also goes far beyond the side church. 而这个空间的稳定度,似乎也远远超过里侧教堂。 It seems like, in existence of side church, perhaps is only one experiment, but this piece god country, is final end product. 看起来,里侧教堂的存在,或许只是一个‘试验’,而这片‘神国’,才是最后的‘成品’。 Walks in this space, He Ao can feel the surrounding distortion brilliance strength, in attempting corrosion. 走在这片空间中,何奥能感觉到周围的扭曲光辉的力量,在试图‘侵蚀’自己。 He looked in a hand to send out the golden brilliance phalanx fossil, he walked seemed not regular channel, but was some type has not obtained permission unusual channel. 他看了一眼手中散发着金色光辉的指骨化石,他走的似乎并不是‘正规渠道’,而是某种没有获得‘许可’的‘非正常通道’。 Brite through some special method, opened one in this god country back door, lets have the person of phalanx fossil to enter god country. 布莱特通过某种特殊的方法,在这个神国里开了一个‘后门’,让持有指骨化石的人能够进入‘神国’。 But as visitor who’ the unusual channel enters, the god country is unable recognition He Ao, therefore is unable to give the He Ao match in the god country correspondence position. 而作为非正常渠道进入的‘访客’,神国无法‘识别’何奥,所以也无法在神国中给何奥匹配‘对应’的位置。 The result that this phenomenon displays is, although He Ao can walk in this space, but this space master, that in strenuous exercise female actually cannot see him. 这一现象表现出来的结果就是,何奥虽然可以在这片空间内行走,但是这片空间的‘主人’,那个正在剧烈运动的‘女子’却看不到他。 But these try to invade his body distortion brilliance, seems this god country's of defense mechanism, it in attempting assimilation He Ao, transforms normal user it completely. 而那些试图侵入他身体的‘扭曲光辉’,似乎就是这片神国的‘防御机制’,它在试图‘同化’何奥,将其完全转化成‘正常用户’。 However this type being put on regular status, should not be good deed. 不过这种‘转正’,应该并不是什么‘好事’。 If ordinary C level unusualness, is entering this space the earliest possible time, possibly had been assimilated. 如果是一个普通的C级超凡者,在进入这个空间的第一时间,可能已经被同化了。 But He Ao in fact is the B level, ultra recalls in the deep sleep in his mind, moreover after innumerable transcriptions, the tenacious degree of his soul, as if must go far beyond the normal same level personnel. 何奥实际上是B级,超忆在沉睡在他的脑海中,而且经过无数次的副本之后,他的灵魂的坚韧程度,似乎也要远远超过正常的同级人员。 Now these distortion brilliance, have not at least been able to affect his soul. 至少现在那些扭曲光辉,还不能影响他的灵魂。 This means that he can also treat the long time in this god country. 这意味着,他还可以在这个神国中待较长的时间。 In the corner of hall, the fine attractive mirrors, before He Ao passed through the mirror, but has not seen own inverted image. 在大厅的角落里,有一面精致漂亮的镜子,何奥走过了镜子前,但是并没有看到的自己的‘倒影’。 He proceeds around this hall step by step, careful is sizing up hall detail in all directions. 他绕着这个大厅一步步往前,仔细的打量着大厅四处的细节。 He can still induce now, just entered this space gate. 他现在仍旧能感应到,刚刚进入这个空间的‘门’。 But reference this gate the distortion design constitution, he discovered, in this space, dense and numerous is proliferating all kinds of being similar in gate the structure. 而参照这个‘门’的扭曲图案构成,他发现,在这个空间内,密密麻麻们遍布着各种各样的类似于‘门’的结构。 Just like close star net, dense and numerous connections outside world. 如同细密的星网一样,密密麻麻的连接着外界。 The He Ao thinking moment, arrived before gate structure . 何奥思索片刻,走到了其中一个‘门’结构之前。 He took up the phalanx fossil in hand. 他拿起了手中的指骨化石。 Flashes through along with the golden light, the environment in his field of vision changes again. 伴随着金光闪过,他视野中的环境再次变化。 This time, the environment in his field of vision turned into a continuous palatial snowy mountain. 这一次,他视野中的环境变成了一片连绵巍峨的雪山。 A man of well-dressed equipment is jumping down from the snowy mountain peak, is enjoying the joy of extreme stimulation. 一个穿戴整齐装备的男人正从雪山顶端一跃而下,享受着极端刺激的快乐。 He Ao swept around one, lifted the phalanx fossil in hand again. 何奥扫了一眼周围,再次抬起了手中的指骨化石。 The scene in his field of vision changes again, changes to the bathing place that mist wound around, some stature graceful beautiful women are playing in the bathing place. 他视野中的场景再次变化,化作了一片水雾缭绕的浴场,一些身材曼妙的美人正在浴场中嬉戏。 A stature wide fat man sits near the bathing place, assumes an air of self approbation. 一个身材宽胖的男人坐在浴场边上,摇头晃脑。 The golden brilliance flashes past again, transforms the environment. 金色的光辉再次一闪而过,转变环境。 This time, he appears above sea that in storms fluctuated, a strong woman is stepping in the sailing ship, assaults the storm. 这一次,他出现在了一片风暴起伏的大海之上,一个强壮的女人正踩在帆船上,搏击风浪。 He Ao looked at surrounding sea, the form vanished again. 何奥看了一眼周围的大海,身影再次消失。 This time, he appeared in a silencing corridor. 这一次,他出现在了一个静寂的长廊内。 This corridor as if no one exists, on the wall hung all over fine portraits. 这个长廊似乎并没有人存在,墙壁上挂满了一张张精致的画像。 These portraits is a person, moreover is He Ao understanding person. 这些画像都是一个人,而且是何奥‘认识’的人。 Unlike several strange faces that before saw, in this room, what hanging was the portrait of joint industry current board president Vincent. 与之前所见的几张陌生面孔不同,这个房间里,挂着的是联合工业现任董事会主席‘文森特’的画像。 Paints a portrait also to have all kinds of reputations to raise the head, anything charitable everyone, industrial pioneer, ‚the king of energy, Wynter Savior. 画像上还有各种各样的名誉抬头,什么‘慈善大家’,‘工业开拓者’,‘能源之王’,‘温特市的救世主’。 Some are in Vincent reality has, majority that but He Ao sees is Vincent has not obtained. 有的是文森特现实中有的,不过何奥看到的大部分都是文森特没有获得过的。 Vincent in portrait is coquettish, the modeling of each picture is different. 画像中的文森特搔首弄姿,每一幅画的造型都不一样。 If everyone has a space, then the master of this space, either is the person who unrequited loves to worship Vincent, either is Vincent. 如果每个人都拥有一个空间,那么这个空间的主人,要么是暗恋崇拜文森特的人,要么是文森特自己。 He Ao is partial in the latter. 何奥更偏向于后者。 He looked up one one shortly the end corridor. 他抬头看了一眼一眼看不到尽头的长廊。 This fellow real narcissism. 这家伙真自恋啊。 However, 不过, He turns head, is gazing at the portrait before body, 他回过头来,注视着身前的画像, This god country seems like granting every request, as if ‚everyone’ in this god country in realized own desire. 这个神国似乎是‘有求必应’,似乎‘每一个人’都在这个‘神国’里实现了自己的‘愿望’。 Seeming like here as if is really perfect eternal god country. 看起来这里似乎真的是完美的‘永恒神国’。 He Ao remembered in these of side church most deep place imprisoned dead spirit. 何奥想起了里侧教堂最深处的那些被囚禁的‘亡灵’。 Then supports this god country's, is what? 那么支撑起这个神国的,是什么呢? He lifts the phalanx fossil in hand. 他抬起手中的指骨化石。 After multiple dropping in, the golden color on phalanx fossil was also glorious dim. 经过多次‘穿门’,指骨化石上的金色光辉也黯淡了许多。 But these distortion rays corrode his soul the progress also gradually are becoming quick. 而那些扭曲光芒侵蚀他灵魂的进度也在逐渐变快。 The next second, his field of vision flashes again. 下一秒,他的视野再次一闪。 This time, first enters his sensation, no longer is some type happy scene, but is the machinery clanking that a piece thunders to make noise. 这一次,首先进入他感知的,不再是某种‘美好场景’,而是一片轰鸣作响的机器声。 I do not go, I am not dry, I am the eternal ray most reverent servant,” “我不去,我不干,我是永恒光芒最虔诚的仆人,” In an anger brings the demented shout to resound in the He Ao ear bank, 一声愤怒中带着癫狂的喊声在何奥的耳畔响起, I sold off the family property, offered all things to the church, even/including the wife and kid abandoned, to enter the eternal god country enjoyed happiness, you and I said that here was the eternal god country? I do not believe! I do not believe!” “我变卖了家产,把所有的东西都奉献给了教会,连老婆孩子都抛弃了,就是为了进入永恒神国享福,你和我说这里是永恒神国?我不信!我不信!” Carvin, this transcription must conclude, making me stroke. 卡文,这个副本要收尾了,让我捋一捋。
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