LCG :: Volume #3 举着火把的人

#814: God country's of ‚summon’

Chapter 815 god country's of summon( big chapter asked monthly ticket) 第815章神国的‘召唤’(大章求月票) The He Ao attempt this phalanx fossil close to this bulb, the bulb of brilliance on phalanx fossil following approaching was brighter, but also that is all. 何奥尝试将这节指骨化石靠近这个玻璃球,指骨化石上的光辉顺着靠近玻璃球亮堂了一些,但是也仅此而已。 Even if the phalanx fossil pasted completely on the bulb, the fossil trace did not have other obviously to change. 即便指骨化石完全贴在了玻璃球上,化石的纹路也没有其他更明显的变化了。 He Ao lowers the head, is gazing at the bulb in hand. 何奥低下头来,注视着手中的玻璃球。 In regards in the field of vision spirit, this bulb is twines the object that forms together by the distortion design and distortion ray completely. 在灵视视野中,这个玻璃球完全是由扭曲图案和扭曲光芒缠绕在一起形成的物体。 After the short thinking, He Ao attempts to calm the mind, goes to listening respectfully that in his ear bank has never cut off the summon of truth. 在短暂的思索之后,何奥尝试静下心来,去‘聆听’那在他耳畔从未断绝过的真理的呼唤。 Gushes out from his mind along with the pollution of distortion unceasingly, distortion design also little expansion in his field of vision. 伴随着扭曲的污染从他脑海中不断涌出,他视野中的扭曲图案也一点点的展开。 He saw clearly in the bosom in the bulb to twist the design and essence of distortion ray winding. 他看清楚了怀中玻璃球里扭曲图案和扭曲光芒缠绕的本质。 Is immobilization, is balanced. 是‘钳制’,也是‘平衡’。 These distortion designs twine in these distortion rays together, solidifies in the bulb, making these distortion rays be limited, but four will not dissipate. 这些扭曲图案将那些扭曲光芒缠绕在一起,固化在玻璃球内,让这些扭曲光芒被限制住,而不会四下逸散。 This bulb, is one vessel. 这个玻璃球,就是一个‘容器’。 However at this moment under the gaze of He Ao, this vessel disintegration. 不过此刻在何奥的注视下,这个容器正在‘瓦解’。 This is not because it lost the energy supply, instead is more like some type related with the ceremony disintegrates mechanism automatically. 这并非是因为其失去了能量供应,反而更像是某种与仪式相关的‘自动瓦解’机制。 Designs this bulb existence, when examines to have the problem with the related ceremony, lets the vessel voluntarily self-destruction. 设计这个‘玻璃球’的存在,在检测到与之相关的仪式出现问题的时候,让容器自行自毁。 But along with the self-destruction of vessel, stores up the brilliance in vessel also in rapid disappearance, this disappearance and does not seem like the natural escape of energy, instead is more like some type recycling mechanism. 而伴随着容器的自毁,储存于容器中的光辉也正在迅速的‘消失’,这‘消失’并不像是能量的自然逸散,反而更像是某种‘回收’机制。 If He Ao leaves alone, these brilliance big probabilities completely by recycling. 如果何奥放任不管的话,这些光辉大概率会完全被‘回收’。 After thinking through this point, He Ao takes back the train of thought that from approaches the truth in the condition to return unceasingly. 在想通这一点之后,何奥收回思绪,从不断靠近真理的状态中回归。 Then he without hesitation, following regards in the field of vision to twist the trace between designs spirit, a palm pats on the bulb. 然后他毫不犹豫,顺着灵视视野中扭曲图案之间的纹路,一掌拍在玻璃球上。 Bang- 砰- With a clear sound, on the entire bulb proliferated the crack instantaneously, next second, this bulb loudly shatter. 伴随着一声清脆的声响,整个玻璃球上瞬间遍布了裂纹,下一秒,这颗玻璃球就轰然破碎。 The radiant brilliance jumps to shoot in the He Ao bosom, innumerable the time flies in bulb was dissipated by restricting. 璀璨的光辉在何奥怀中迸射出来,无数原本被‘拘束’在玻璃球中的流光迅速逸散。 The praise sound reverberation of distortion in the He Ao ear bank, the wild pollution almost supported fully his mind. 扭曲的赞颂声回荡在了何奥的耳畔,狂暴的污染几乎将他的脑海撑满。 The bright red tears of blood flow out from his eye. 鲜红的血泪从他眼中流出。 Also at this moment, on the phalanx fossil in He Ao hand has glittered rapidly golden brilliance, flowing light of swallowing escape fast. 也就在这时,何奥手中的指骨化石上面迅速闪烁过一道道的金色的光辉,飞快的吞噬逸散的流光。 The speed that however this phalanx fossil swallows is not fast, is much lower than the degree of flowing light escape. 但是这个指骨化石吞噬的速度并不快,远远低于流光逸散的程度。 However other flowing light of escape have not completely vanished, but were collect in the He Ao trouser pocket. 不过其他逸散的流光也并没有完全消失,而是汇集到了何奥的裤子口袋里。 He Ao the eye of disappearing principle will put in the pocket, in original the thing the trouser pocket took while convenient. 何奥将消理之眼装回口袋,顺便把裤子口袋里原本的东西拿了出来。 That is exquisite sending out the golden brilliance sunglow shape goods. 那是一个小巧的散发着金色光辉的日冕状物品。 Glorious sunglow. 光辉日冕。 The flowing light that these phalanx fossils cannot absorb, was basically absorbed by the brilliance sunglow. 那些指骨化石没能吸收的流光,基本上都被光辉日冕吸收了。 In the bulb the remaining flowing light are not many, simply have not fled the bosom with enough time, in very short time was swallowed by two items. 玻璃球中还剩下的流光并不多,根本没来得及逃离开怀抱,很短的时间内就被两个道具吞噬一空。 At this moment, the phalanx fossil above trace in He Ao hand has shone the golden brilliance completely, the golden color in brilliance sunglow brilliance also rich many. 此刻,何奥手中的指骨化石上方的纹路已经完全亮起了金色的光辉,光辉日冕上的金色光辉也浓郁不少。 Dissipates along with the flowing light completely, the pollution of these distortions also diverge from the He Ao mind, he holds in the brilliance sunglow the pocket, is gazing at the phalanx fossil in hand. 伴随着流光完全消散,那些扭曲的污染也从何奥脑海中散去,他将光辉日冕揣回口袋里,注视着手中的指骨化石。 He can the obvious feeling, the phalanx fossil also be able to further absorb these flowing light, the above trace many places brilliance are very gloomy, at the beginning of present condition not its design most complete condition. 他能明显的感觉到,指骨化石还能进一步吸收那些流光,上面的纹路还有许多地方光辉都很暗淡,现在的状态并非其设计之初最完整的状态。 Perhaps all brilliance in just bulb forced in this phalanx fossil, insufficiently. 恐怕把刚刚的玻璃球里所有的光辉都塞进这个指骨化石里,都不够。 However these brilliance of this moment absorption, surpassed the critical point of some design, making this phalanx fossil activate some type ability. 不过此刻吸收的这些光辉,也超过了某种设计的临界点,让这个指骨化石激活了某种‘能力’。 When He Ao is gazing at the trace on this fossil, the brilliance that these scatter collects rapidly, in the most peak of phalanx fossil, forms one ray symbol. 何奥注视着这化石上的纹路的时候,那些流散的光辉迅速汇集起来,在指骨化石的最顶端,形成一个‘光芒’徽记。 The He Ao intention moves, looks to the side. 紧接着,何奥心念一动,看向身旁。 The blood-color brilliance design that ground had extinguished completely, shone the ray again. 那地上原本已经完全熄灭的血色光辉图案,再一次亮起了光芒。 Places around this design just various overthrown ceremony goods in the fight, started to glitter the fierce brilliance, and shivered rapidly. 紧接着,摆放在这图案周围的刚刚在战斗中被打倒的各种‘仪式物品’,开始闪烁着剧烈的光辉,并迅速颤抖了起来。 „Does Lois, what issue have?” “伊洛,有什么问题吗?” Lehne somewhat is surprised and worry looks at He Ao, He Ao just took the bulb time, spread out certain with her, in her field of vision, she only saw He Ao broke the bulb, then the brilliance flashes past. 莱娜有些惊讶和担心的看着何奥,何奥刚刚取玻璃球的时候,和她拉开了一定距离,在她的视野中,她只看到了何奥砸碎了玻璃球,然后光辉一闪而过。 All right.” “没事。” He Ao is pinching the phalanx fossil, he can the obvious feeling, the brilliance on this phalanx fossil the little gloom. 何奥捏着指骨化石,他能明显的感觉到,这个指骨化石上的光辉正在一点点的暗淡。 This means that this phalanx fossil is consuming the energy that it just absorbed, realizes some effect. 这意味着这个指骨化石正在消耗其刚刚吸收到的能量,实现某种效果。 Should be the location of this moment this altar is special, happen to triggered some of phalanx fossil ability effective condition. 应该是此刻这个祭坛的场地特殊,正好触发了指骨化石能力的某种‘生效条件’。 He Ao sets out rapidly, places according to the position that they were at the ceremony goods of ground in each point of ray design. 何奥迅速起身,将地上的仪式物品按照他们原来所在的位置摆放在光芒图案的各个点上。 However the beforehand skull had been crushed, that position does not have the ceremony goods, He Ao without hesitation, takes the phalanx fossil to stand in the position that the skull should lay aside directly. 不过之前的头骨已经被击碎,那个位置已经没有仪式物品了,何奥毫不犹豫,直接拿着指骨化石站在了头骨原本应该放置的位置。 In most of the time, the human bones in the occult sciences significance, refers to the generation intelligent life, but the skull somewhat is special, its not only can refer to generation intelligent life, and can refer to generation ‚the spirit of wisdom. 在大多数时候,人骨在神秘学意义上,都是指代着‘智慧生命’,而头骨则有些特殊,其既可以指代‘智慧生命’,又可以指代‘智慧之灵’。 According to this ceremony law ceremony goods, from the flare to the neon light block, is basically representing the lighting appliances of different time, places it clockwise, means time, years 按照此这个仪式法阵的仪式物品来看,从火把到霓虹灯块,基本代表着不同时代的照明器具,将其顺时针摆放,就意味着‘时光,岁月’ Lamps and lanterns' significance is ‚the light of shining. 灯具本身的意义就是‘照耀之光’。 In addition skull representative ‚the spirit of wisdom. 再加上头骨代表的‘智慧之灵’。 The occult sciences significance that this ceremony law each ceremony goods combine is very possible is, 039 ; Stretches across the years to the spirit of light 039 ;. 这个仪式法阵各个仪式物品组合起来的神秘学意义很可能是,039;横跨岁月的向光之灵039;。 Under normal conditions, this law ‚the spirit of wisdom position can also replace by the living person, even this position in certain ceremonies, can be the position of ceremony president. 通常情况下,这种法阵的‘智慧之灵’位置也可以由活人取代,甚至这个位置在某些仪式中,也可以作为仪式主持者的站位。 But like such that He Ao expects, in he stands the instance in last position, originally continuously in ceremony goods of tremor instantaneously peaceful, invisible brilliance since is bright. 而如同何奥所料想的那样,在他站在最后一个位置上的瞬间,原本一直在颤动的仪式物品瞬间安静了下来,一道道无形的光辉从其中亮起。 Meanwhile, Lehne's natural stand side behind He Ao ceremony goods. 与此同时,莱娜自然的站到了何奥身旁的一个仪式物品后方。 Although she does not understand that He Ao must make anything, but she completed, once this ceremony has the accident/surprise, ruins the preparation of ceremony immediately. 她虽然不明白何奥要做什么,但是她做好了一旦这个仪式发生意外,就立刻毁掉仪式的准备。 Sees Lehne's movement, He Ao nods to her gently, then he loosened the hand, the phalanx fossil nature in his hand float, flies the sky of law center hovering. 看到莱娜的动作,何奥对她轻轻点头,然后他松开了手,他手中的指骨化石自然悬浮而出,飞到法阵的中央的上空悬停。 The light golden brilliance sends out from the phalanx fossil, at this moment, this phalanx fossil replaced the original bulb, becomes the center of this ceremony. 淡淡的金色光辉从指骨化石上发出,此刻,这个指骨化石替代了原本的玻璃球,成为了这个仪式的中枢。 He Ao raised the head, looked at a phalanx fossil of top of the head, is gazing on the phalanx fossil, these derive gradually newly trace. 何奥抬起头去,看了一眼头顶的指骨化石,注视着指骨化石上,那些渐渐‘新衍生出’的纹路。 His standing, naturally does not want to realize that in this position the feeling of making the ceremony goods, but before is him, comes, Kuririn standing in this position. 他站在这个位置,自然不是想要体会一把做仪式物品的感觉,而是他之前进来的时候,克林就站在这个位置。 In other words, this position may be faces the eternal god country's of offering sacrifices position, is in entire law most is close that so-called eternal god country place. 也就是说,这个位置极有可能是朝向永恒神国的‘献祭位’,也是整个法阵中最接近那所谓的‘永恒神国’的地方。 He Ao does not know that Brite left behind anything to arrange on the phalanx, therefore he can only depend upon his knowledge of grasping, made the inference. 何奥并不知道布莱特在指骨上留下了什么布置,所以他只能依靠自己的掌握的知识,做出推断。 The brilliance from phalanx fossil, as well as phalanx fossil's ability, this phalanx fossil possibly is Brite is used for contact the item of eternal god country's. 从指骨化石上的光辉,以及指骨化石本身的能力来看,这个指骨化石可能是布莱特用来‘接触’永恒神国的道具。 If wants truly being close even entry god country, then standing ceremony president onlooking in position is very likely is incorrect, the entire ceremony more is close to the position of eternal god country's, easier true touching to that god country. 而如果想要真正的‘接近’甚至‘进入’神国,那么站在旁边仪式主持者的‘旁观’位置上很有可能是不行的,整个仪式越接近永恒神国的位置,越容易真正的‘触碰’到那个神国。 But at this moment He Ao stands, the big probability is in the ceremony most is close to god country the position. 何奥此刻所站的,大概率就是仪式中最接近‘神国’的位置。 He Ao has not said ceremony praying word, but ceremony still in normal operation. 何奥并没有开口说仪式‘祷词’,但是仪式仍旧在正常的运行。 Brite as if designed one completely automatic deceit procedure/program, enabling the phalanx fossil to be able the automatic performance. 布莱特似乎设计了一个全自动的‘欺骗程序’,让指骨化石可以自动运转。 With the ceremony goods and a ceremony law dragging brilliance, He Ao can feel a powerful strength to span the space and time to deliver. 伴随着仪式物品和仪式法阵摇曳的光辉,何奥能感受到一股强大的力量正跨越时空投送而来。 This strength passed through the phalanx fossil, then changed to a distortion, but the huge suction, tries to pull forcefully from the body the He Ao soul, having the He Ao soul to go to some place of void deep place. 这股力量穿过了指骨化石,然后化作了一股扭曲而庞大的吸力,试图将何奥的灵魂强行从身体中扯出,带着何奥的灵魂前往虚空深处的某个地方。 However He Ao admission this attraction, he has not looked on the phalanx fossil to shine immediately, the new trace of complete change no longer, has jumped to leap suddenly. 然而何奥并没有立刻‘接纳’这种吸引,他看着指骨化石上亮起的,已经完整的不再改变的新纹路,骤然纵身跃出。 Huge suction and body to pulling of soul, made the ache of some thorough soul. 巨大的吸力和身躯的对灵魂的拉扯,制造出了某种深入灵魂的疼痛。 However this ache regarding He Ao, is not strong. 不过这个疼痛对于何奥来说,并不算强。 As soon as he grasped the phalanx fossil in sky, then a somersault fell to the ground. 他一把握住了天空中的指骨化石,然后一个空翻落地。 Bang bang bang- 砰砰砰- With rapid sounds, his behind ceremony law loudly shatter, all ceremony goods under the out of control strength are exploding crush. 伴随着一声声急促的声响,他身后的仪式法阵轰然破碎,所有的仪式物品都在失控力量下炸得粉碎。 He Ao opens the hand, looks to golden law on phalanx. 何奥张开手,看向指骨上的金色法阵。 Just extended law that came out as in the ceremony newly just the interrupt of ceremony, the brilliance was gradually gloomy, but completely has not actually vanished. 刚刚在仪式中‘新延伸’出来的法阵正随着仪式的中断,光辉逐渐暗淡,但是却并没有完全消失。 Meanwhile, that in He Ao mind tried towed his soul to go to other places suction still to exist, but was smaller and weaker, and is weakening unceasingly. 与此同时,何奥脑海中的那股试图牵引他的灵魂去其他地方的‘吸力’仍旧存在,但是弱小了很多,并在不断减弱。 This ceremony seems like can only have his soul to enter the god country, cannot lead him to go to the god country directly. 这个‘仪式’似乎是只能带他的灵魂进入神国,并不能带他直接去神国。 However seems like, before him guess mostly is right. 不过看起来,他之前的‘猜测’大多都是对的。 He turn head looked at one broken law, in the mind flashed through some trains of thought. 他回头看了一眼已经破碎的法阵,脑海中闪过一些思绪。 We then what to do?” “我们接下来怎么办?” Looks that he finished safely, Lehne walked, hands over a clean towel. 看着他平安结束,莱娜走了过来,递过来一条干净的毛巾。 The eternal esoteric buddhism will soon discover the issue of here church. 永恒密教很快就会发现这边教会的问题。 Waits for.” “等一下。” He Ao receives the towel, moves toward room most deep place directly, is placing some wall units there, as well as is also turning on machine computer. 何奥收起毛巾,径直走向房间最深处,在那里摆放着一些组合柜,以及一台还开着机的电脑。 The golden ray on surrounding wall gloomy some, the strengths of these reinforcement walls after losing supplies, is dissipating rapidly. 周围墙壁上的金色光芒暗淡了些许,这些加固墙壁的力量在失去供给之后,正在迅速的消散。 10.2 15 十点二十五分 He Ao lifts wristband, looked at time, then connects on wristband the computer. 何奥抬起手环,看了一眼时间,然后将手环连接到电脑上。 [ Terminal installs successfully, is connecting local area network terminal, is decoding cryptographic system.] [终端安装成功,正在连接局域网终端,正在破解加密系统。] Appears on wristband along with one line of writing, He Ao captured the data line, received wristband. 伴随着一行文字在手环上显现,何奥拔掉了数据线,收起了手环 He turns head, looked that to Lehne and with Kuririn that Lehne walks, we first leave here.” 他回过头去,看向莱娜和正在和莱娜一起走过来的克林,“我们先离开这里。” Then he arrives at another side of room, tramples, in side a wall the room tramples directly. 然后他走到房间的另一侧,一脚踹出,直接将房间里侧的一面墙踹开。 This arrange/cloth taoist priest strength is not weak, the eternal esoteric buddhism keeps here other manpower should not be many, has not responded while the person of eternal esoteric buddhism, now should be best to top the time point of encirclement ring,” “这个布道士实力不弱,永恒密教留在这边的其他人手应该不多,趁着永恒密教的人还没有反应过来,现在应该是最好突破包围圈的时间点,” Lehne arrives at side He Ao, said in a soft voice, nearby this should have the secret sentry posts of many eternal esoteric buddhism.” 莱娜走到何奥身旁,轻声说道,“不过这附近应该有很多永恒密教的秘密岗哨。” In the mist and dust of splash, stood in Lehne Kuririn looked at the clothes of a He Ao bloodstain and breakage, the body, but anything has not asked the exit|to speak finally, but said in a soft voice, 在飞溅的烟尘中,站在莱娜身旁的克林看了一眼何奥身上的血渍和破损的衣服,身子顿了一下,但是最终什么都没有问出口,而是轻声说道, I know that has an alley, can go round the eternal esoteric buddhism in nearby based in sentry post, but there is a temporary sentry post to select me not to know.” “我知道有一条小路,可以绕开永恒密教在附近的常驻哨点,不过有临时哨点我就不知道了。” Troubled Kuririn grandfather.” “麻烦克林爷爷了。” He Ao turns head, looks to the old person, expressed gratitude in a soft voice. 何奥回过头去,看向老人,轻声道谢。 But stands is gazing at the present youngster in his Lehne, she suddenly thought that perhaps at this moment all these were the present youngster calculate. 而站在他身旁的莱娜注视着眼前的少年,她突然觉得此刻这一切或许都是眼前的少年计算好了的。 The just right enemy, after striking kills the enemy , the perfect breakthrough time, even refers to the native of road, just right appearance here. 恰到好处的敌人,击杀敌人之后完美的突破时机,甚至连指路的本地人,都恰到好处的出现在这里。 At present this youngster has not possibly guessed correctly Kuririn can appear here, so long as in the candidate in church person offering sacrifices, would some people showing the way for them. 眼前这个少年可能没有猜到‘克林’会出现在这里,但是只要教堂的人选中人‘献祭’,总会有人会为他们指路的。 In fact, without the guide, they can also break through the weak defense fast. 事实上,哪怕没有指路人,他们也能快速突破薄弱的防御。 Directs she arrives at this church the time from the youngster, all these seem to have been doomed. 从少年指引她来到这个教堂的时候,这一切似乎就已经注定了。 Kuririn does not know that Lehne is thinking anything, old person after hearing the He Ao words, continuously in gazing at He Ao is binding immature the face after scarf, he as if remembered anything, the vision of that pollution filled the air dimly some. 克林并不知道莱娜在想什么,老人在听到何奥的话语之后,一直在注视着何奥裹在围巾后的稚嫩的脸庞,他似乎想起了什么,那浑浊的目光弥漫上了些许朦胧。 All associations are good, Kuririn grandfather.” “一切总会好起来的,克林爷爷。” The youngster gaze at the old person to have the muddy eye of mist and recollection, immature and tranquil sound sound under silent curtain of night. 少年注视着老人带着雾气和回忆的混浊眼睛,稚嫩而平静的声音响在寂静的夜幕下。 Kuririn opens mouth, as if there is countless words, but finally, only changes to the smile that strokes, he received the He Ao words, should say, all associations are good.” 克林张了张嘴,似乎有千言万语,但最终,只化作一个浅浅拂起的笑容,他接下了何奥的话语,应道,“一切总会好起来的。” At this moment, he realized finally, what present is Lois, rather than Novis's son. 这一刻,他终于意识到,眼前的是‘伊洛’,而不是‘诺维斯的儿子’。 Whose child this youngster because of being not, but legend, he himself is the legend. 这个少年并不因为是谁的孩子而传奇,他自己就是传奇。 The cold wind of lonesome night has swayed old person's white hair, has stroked the youngster flood white face. 寂夜的冷风吹拂过老人的白发,也拂过少年泛白的脸庞。 …… …… The intersection point of storm area and Aka area 风暴区与阿卡区的交界处 You determined that he did run toward here?” “你确定他往这边跑了?” Puts on the man of gold thread white robe to turn head, looks to white robe priest. 穿着金线白袍的男人回过头来,看向身旁的白袍祭司。 Probably, ran toward here,” “好像是,往这边跑了,” White robe priest somewhat hesitant saying, monitoring video recording also showed, ran toward here 白袍祭司有些犹豫的说道,“监控录像也显示,往这边跑了・・・” Another side goal? Which direction did the person of eternal old teachings catholicism go to?” “另一边的目标呢?永恒旧教的人去了哪个方向?” The gold thread white robe man asked again. 金线白袍男人再次问道。 Probably,” “好像是去了,” The white robe priest lifts the hand, looked at wristband, that side storm building, in us behind,” 白袍祭司抬起手,看了一眼手环,“在风暴大厦那边,在我们身后,” Then he, continued saying that opposite direction.” 然后他顿了顿,继续说道,“相反的方向。” We were played!” “我们被耍了!” The gold thread white robe priest complexion changes, immediately goes back, goes to that side the storm building!” 金丝白袍祭司面色一变,“立刻回去,去风暴大厦那边!” …… …… Storm area 风暴区 He Ao sits in the back row of black all-terrain vehicle, looked at a Kuririn that sits in the copilot, as well as Lehne. 何奥坐在黑色越野车的后排,看了一眼坐在副驾驶的克林,以及身旁的莱娜。 They had broken through the encirclement ring of eternal esoteric buddhism completely, then with catching up all -terrain vehicle that Eve drives can with, prepare to go to Lehne's secret foothold. 他们已经完全突破了永恒密教的包围圈,然后与赶来的夏娃驾驶的越野车会和,准备前往莱娜的秘密据点。 In the coming journey met some temporary sentry posts, but the strength is not strong, was broken through by two people quickly. 过来的路途上遇见了一些临时岗哨,但是实力都不算强,被两人很快突破。 He Ao looked at car(riage) time on the airplane. 何奥看了一眼车机上的时间。 10.5 15. 十点五十五分。 His hand is grasping the phalanx fossil, that tows his soul the strength not to change the location to vanish with him, but was getting more and more weak. 他手握着指骨化石,那牵引他灵魂的力量并没有随着他改变场地而消失,但是却越来越弱了。 He closes the eye, accepted that invisible strength hauling. 他闭上眼睛,接受了那股无形力量的‘牵引’。 () ()
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