LCG :: Volume #3 举着火把的人

#813: Glorious projection

But He Ao stands in the mist and dust that the cement collapses, is gazing at the present all. 何奥站在水泥倒塌的烟尘中,注视着眼前的一切。 Actually besides tearing down wall, he also has another plan, that is he that named knocking at a door stone attains from Breit phalanx fossil. 其实除了拆墙以外,他还有另外一种方案,那就是是他从布莱特身上拿到的那块叫做‘叩门石’的‘指骨化石’。 Its effect only then, can pass through below any angel gate. 它的效果就只有一个,能穿过任何天使以下的‘门’。 However when across the door, needs the user to pay certain price. 不过在穿过门扉的时候,需要使用者支付一定的代价。 In addition, on this rubble stone also carved completely the dense and numerous traces with some special method, somewhat resembled with eternal old teachings catholicism the trace of person, indistinct between as if also had the eternal ray strength to remain, perhaps was also transformed other use. 除此之外,这块石头上还用某种特殊的方法刻满了密密麻麻的纹路,与永恒旧教的人身上的纹路有些相像,隐约之间似乎还有永恒光芒的力量残留,或许还被改造出了一些其他的‘用处’。 Naturally, compares in paying the price use unusual goods, opens wall convenience to be quick directly. 当然,相比较于支付代价使用超凡物品,还是直接拆墙更加的方便快捷。 The He Ao vision has swept nearby ceremony law, as well as stands the people who compel before law ignorant, finally stays on complexion fierce pain Kuririn. 何奥的目光扫过旁边的仪式法阵,以及站在法阵前懵逼的众人,最终停留在面色狰狞痛苦的克林身上。 After his footsteps moves, kicks instantaneously on the brick of under foot. 他脚步后挪,瞬间踢在脚下的一块砖块上。 The brick of splash cuts the bright space suddenly, from shining brilliance blood-color law is passing through, hit by the Kuririn foot skull in a flash. 飞溅的砖块骤然划破明亮的空间,从亮着光辉的血色法阵上方穿过,一瞬间击中了克林脚旁的头骨。 Bang- 砰- With a light sound, the entire skull disrupts instantaneously, changes to the splash the fragment. 伴随着一声轻响,整个头骨瞬间碎裂,化作飞溅的碎片。 After losing essential ceremony item, that shone brilliance law to glitter instantaneously, like had been stroked by some type of mobile wind, these pendulums extinguished in the law surrounding ceremony lantern instantaneously. 在失去关键仪式道具之后,那亮着光辉的法阵瞬间闪烁了一下,如同被某种流动的风拂过,那些摆在法阵周围的仪式灯具瞬间熄灭。 Also in this flash, on the Kuririn painful look reduces suddenly, then his body staggered, poured to go backward, was separated from a law range. 也就在这一瞬间,克林身上的痛苦神色骤然减轻,然后他的身体踉跄了一下,向后倒去,脱离了法阵的范围。 At this time, the mist and dust that the brick wall collapsed has not cleared, a red form ran out from He Ao behind, charged into the direction of Kuririn directly. 这时候,砖墙倒塌的烟尘还未散尽,一个红色的身影从何奥身后冲出,径直冲向克林的方向。 He Ao swept a top of the head, was shattered after law, the bulb of sky still float in in the air, is sending out the light brilliance. 何奥扫了一眼头顶,在法阵破碎之后,天空的玻璃球仍旧悬浮在空中,散发着淡淡的光辉。 Who are you?” “你是谁?” Also at this moment, the one side hit the white robe man on wall to stand, he looked at He Ao, an arrow step ran out, in the hand condensed a golden great sword instantaneously, the front surface chops toward He Ao. 也就在这时,一旁撞在墙上的白袍男人站了起来,他看了一眼何奥,一个箭步冲出,手中瞬间凝聚成一把金色的巨剑,迎面向着何奥劈来。 Looks at this wielding the great sword, in the He Ao hand grips the scabbard of knight sword, throws to gently, the sharp knight sword springs half from the scabbard instantaneously, blocks knight sword that the front surface divided. 看着这把挥来的巨剑,何奥手中握住骑士剑的剑鞘,轻轻向上一抛,锋利的骑士剑瞬间从剑鞘中弹出一半,挡住了迎面劈来的骑士剑。 The He Ao arm shakes, the golden great sword in white robe male person hand was shaken instantaneously. 紧接着,何奥手臂一震,白袍男人手中的金色巨剑瞬间被震开。 C level? C级? He Ao looked up a white of the eye robe man. 何奥抬头看了一眼白袍男人。 Why he somewhat understood this arrange/cloth taoist priest position such high reason. 他有些明白这个布道士为什么地位这么高的原因了。 The opposite party do not depend upon the C level strength that the gracious gift draws out forcefully, but is the C level. 对方并非是依靠恩赐强行拔出的C级力量,而是自身就是C级。 Unusual child? What monster?” “超凡小孩?还是什么怪物?” But at this time, was shaken retrocedes half step white robe male manpower to grasp the golden great sword, looked at an own fingers/tiger mouth, the vision stays, in He Ao was covered on half of cheeks by the red scarf. 而这个时候,被震得后退半步的白袍男人手握着金色巨剑,看了一眼自己的虎口,目光停留在何奥被红色围巾遮盖一半的脸颊上。 He is gazing at the pupil of that pair of deep and quiet abyss as if, always thought that the present child somewhat looks familiar. 他注视着那双幽邃的仿佛深渊的瞳孔,总觉得眼前的孩子有些眼熟。 Meanwhile, that float in in the air, glittered the brilliance bulb to fly his top of the head rapidly, was ordinary like the curtain of dangling, sprinkles next one brilliance continuously. 与此同时,那悬浮在空中,闪烁着光辉的玻璃球迅速飞到了他的头顶,如同垂下的帷幕一般,洒下一缕缕光辉。 His imposing manner increases rapidly successively, but along with increasing of strength, his complexion also more and more ice-cold, 他的气势迅速节节攀升,而伴随着力量的攀升,他面色也越来越冰冷, Stupid fellow must pay the price for your stupidity, destroys the great eternal ray the ceremony, needs repays with your flesh and soul.” “愚蠢的家伙就要为你的愚蠢付出代价,破坏伟大的永恒光芒的仪式,需得拿你的血肉和灵魂来偿还。” He got hold of the golden great sword in hand, overlap rapid sticks out from his body like the air-root common muscle, supports generally like the balloon his body. 他握紧了手中的金色巨剑,重重迭迭如同气生根一般的肌肉迅速从他身体里隆起,将他的身体如同气球一般撑起来。 His vision ice-cold and earnest, after just collision, he has certain cognition to the strength of youngster at present. 他目光冰冷而认真,经过刚刚的碰撞,他已经对眼前少年的实力有了一定的认知。 The opposite party is very strong C level, but condition not good. 对方是很强的C级,但是状态并没有多好。 Holds in gracious gift in addition of eternal ray, he only needs one move, can kill the opposite party, thoroughly destroys the flesh of opposite party, changes manure that offers sacrifices. 在永恒光芒的恩赐加持下,他只需要一招,就可以杀死对方,彻底摧毁对方的血肉,化作献祭的肥料。 His corners of the mouth bring back, reveal one to grin fiendishly, little fellow, hopes that you realize, what price you will pay for your rash ignorantly.” 他嘴角勾起,露出一丝狞笑,“小家伙,希望你认识到,你将会为你的莽撞无知付出什么样的代价。” The wild and invisible wind has blown this narrow space, these by the golden ray has reinforced the iron sheet, at this moment was also blown by this circumstances, fierce shivers. 狂暴而无形的风刮过这个狭窄的空间,那些被金色光芒加固过的铁皮,此刻也被这风势刮动,剧烈的颤抖起来。 But on the other hand, has rescued Kuririn, placed corner Lehne on sofa also subconscious to look at a He Ao direction Kuririn anxiously. 而在另一方面,已经救下克林,将克林放在角落的沙发上的莱娜也下意识的紧张的看了一眼何奥的方向。 The strength that light ball lowers perhaps, has been close to the B level, she has never thought that in such place, can meet such enemy unexpectedly. 那光球降下的力量,恐怕已经接近B级,她从未想过,在这样的地方,居然能遇见这样的敌人。 But under this terrifying pressure, on He Ao flood white cheeks does not have any expression. 而在这恐怖的压力下,何奥泛白的脸颊上没有任何的表情。 He looked in sky the float light ball, opened another hand slowly. 他看了一眼天空中悬浮的光球,缓缓的张开了另一只手。 That not only looks like the flesh, and looks like the eye of gem from his palm float. 那既像血肉,又像宝石的眼睛从他手心中悬浮起来。 This eye lifted upwardly, sweeps in sky to serve the brilliance bulb. 这眼睛向上抬起,扫了一眼天空中发着光辉的玻璃球。 As if was touched and gone general by some type of invisible eraser, brilliance disappearance that successively then sprinkles from the sky, until was disintegrated completely. 紧接着,仿佛被某种无形的橡皮擦擦过一般,那从天空中洒下的光辉一节节的消失,直到完全被瓦解。 The bulb is sending out the brilliance as before, but this brilliance could not have scattered the body of white robe man. 玻璃球依旧在散发着光辉,但是这光辉已然撒不到白袍男人的身上了。 But muscle that white robe man that whole body blows up, with this brilliance disappearance, just like balloon of air leakage generally withered. 而白袍男人那浑身鼓起的肌肉,也随着这光辉的消失,宛如漏气的气球一般干瘪了下去。 The strength of this eyeball, He Ao, when has understood to the war with Brite. 这只眼球的力量,何奥在和布莱特对战的时候已经领略过了。 It eye named disappearing principle, the ability of its most core, assigns a goal, dispels this/should goal all exterior strengths in addition holds, from unusual goods, came from some in special gracious gift. 它名叫‘消理之眼’,它最核心的能力,就是指定一个目标,消解该目标一切外部的力量的‘加持’,无论是来自超凡物品,还是来自于某种特殊的恩赐。 However it seems to be most can only dispel the B level level the strength. 不过它似乎最多只能消解B级层次的力量。 Strict, this is one external erases, regarding liking depending on the evil believer who the external force opens hangs the improvement strength, or its strength does not depend upon the person who the item opens hangs to be especially effective. 严格来说,这是一个‘外挂’抹除器,对于喜欢靠外力开挂提升力量的邪教徒,或者本身实力不强依靠道具开挂的人尤其有效。 Naturally, this thing regarding ultra recalled that does not have the effect. 当然,这个东西对于超忆没有效果。 Ultra recalled, although was regarded temporary increase to use by He Ao frequently, but it as before is He Ao her strength, is only the usage cost is quite high, must therefore use at crucial moments. 超忆虽然经常被何奥当成‘临时增幅’来用,但是它依旧是何奥自身的力量,只是使用的成本比较高,所以要用在关键时刻罢了。 Before this is also , Brite the increase that starts unable to slice off ultra recalls time, feels the reason of surprised doubts. 这也是之前布莱特最开始无法削掉超忆的增幅的时候,感到惊讶疑惑的原因。 Naturally, the white robe man just increase was complete external strength, can therefore be cancelled by the eye of disappearing principle easily. 当然,白袍男人刚刚的增幅是完完全全的‘外在力量’,所以很容易就能被消理之眼抹去。 After the eye of disappearing principle appears, on the face of white robe man short flashes through startled, but was quick he to be calm, is gazing at He Ao, 而在消理之眼出现之后,白袍男人的脸上短暂的闪过一丝惊慌,不过很快他就镇定了下来,注视着何奥, You, although hindered the eternal ray gracious gift with this unusual goods, but your aura is so weak, perhaps the strength ten do not save one.” “你虽然用这件超凡物品阻碍了永恒光芒的恩赐,但你的气息这么微弱,实力恐怕十不存一。” His hand is grasping the golden great sword, the vision sweeps the He Ao hand eye of disappearing principle, the eye deep place has flashed through greedy, shows the ability that from this unusual goods, this perhaps is exceptionally rare and precious unusual goods. 他手握着金色巨剑,目光扫过何奥手中的消理之眼,眼睛深处闪过一丝贪婪,从这件超凡物品所表现出的能力来看,这恐怕是一件异常稀有且珍贵的超凡物品。 He deeply inspires, golden great sword in his hands congealing reality, he sneers, then said that 他深吸一口气,金色巨剑在他手中更加凝实,他冷笑一声,接着说道, Moreover this unusual goods are not perhaps good to control, you lifted eyeball that hand also to be lived by immobilizationat this time similarly ‚, can't move heedlessly? “而且这件超凡物品恐怕并没有那么好操控,你抬着眼球那只手这时候也同样被‘钳制’住,不能乱动了吧? Without the gracious gift of eternal ray, you thinks that your hand can defeat me? “哪怕没有永恒光芒的恩赐,你以为你一只手就能战胜我了? Our power gaps were further enlarged, I killed you is still effortless, you will pay the price for your stupidity.” “我们的实力差距被进一步拉大,我杀你仍旧不费吹灰之力,你会为你的愚蠢付出代价。” His these words were actually more say to behind white robe priests, after He Ao dispelled the eternal ray the gracious gift, he needed some expressions, raised the white robe priests morale. 他这句话其实更多是说给身后的白袍祭司们的,在何奥消解永恒光芒的恩赐之后,他需要一些言辞,鼓舞白袍祭司们士气。 Meanwhile, he lifts the golden great sword fiercely, has swept crosswise, the arc length about two meters radiant golden color half arc brilliance from forms imperceptibly, has delimited void, has the circumstances of turbulent air, flies toward He Ao. 与此同时,他猛地抬起金色巨剑,横向扫过,弧长近两米的璀璨的金色半弧形光辉自无形中形成,划过虚空,带着搅动空气的风势,向着何奥飞去。 The He Ao gaze focuses on golden color that the forward flight comes arc light, the circumstances that the arc light has have blown his temple, disturbed some round of wisps. 何奥注视着眼前飞来的金色‘弧光’,弧光所带的风势吹过他的鬓角,扰动了些许发缕。 He throws to below the scabbard conveniently, the pure white scabbard departs downward, but has partly used the knight sword of sheath because the inertia stays in in the air. 他随手将剑鞘向下一掷,洁白的剑鞘向下飞出,而已经半出鞘的骑士剑则因为惯性停留在空中。 The scabbard separation, the sharp pure white sword blade reflects the dazzling cold light under the strange light. 剑鞘分离,锋利的纯白剑刃在诡异的光明下反射出刺眼的寒光。 But at this time, he has lifted the hand to grip the in the air sword hilt, 而这个时候,他已经抬起手握住空中的剑柄、 At this moment in the eyes of surroundings person, He Ao movement quick just like the illusory image, has not started to fall to the in the air knight sword quickly, had been closely gripped by him. 此刻在周围人的眼中,何奥的动作快的宛如幻影,快到空中的骑士剑还未开始下落,就已经被他紧紧握住。 His wrist/skill spin, knight sword, the sharp sword light hits forward gently above that giant golden arc light, crushes this arc light instantaneously. 紧接着,他手腕一旋,骑士剑向前轻轻一荡,锋利的剑光撞在那巨大的金色弧光之上,瞬间将这道弧光击碎。 Then he stops doing slightly, the pure white knight sword dance a sword was colored, in the scattered golden brilliance, the sword faces forward sharp, aims at the direction of white robe man, the sound after scarf is hoarse and tranquil, 然后他微微抽手,纯白的骑士剑舞了个剑花,在零散的金色光辉之中,剑尖朝前,对准白袍男人的方向,围巾后的声音沙哑而平静, „A hand, sufficed.” “一只手,够了。” Arrogant fellow.” “傲慢的家伙。” The white robe man complexion sinks, his arrow step runs out, the golden great sword lifts to brandish suddenly. 白袍男人面色微沉,他一个箭步冲出,金色的巨剑骤然抬起挥舞。 The surroundings present exquisite arc light instantaneously, these arc light long most 20-30 centimeters, are far less than just giant arc light to shock, but its brilliance actually congealing reality. 周围瞬间出现一道道小巧的弧光,这些弧光长最多20-30厘米,远不如刚刚的巨型弧光震撼,但是其光辉却更加的凝实。 The He Ao sword light/only dances in the air like the flower, only in a flash, these arc light 11 crushing. 何奥剑光飞舞如花,只在转瞬之间,就将这些弧光一一击碎。 But at the same time, more arc light also from in the air condense. 但与此同时,更多的弧光也从空中凝聚出来。 But at this time, Lehne also flushed, with these white robe priest dogfights in the same place. 而这个时候,莱娜也冲了出去,与那些白袍祭司缠斗在一起。 These white robe priest strengths are irregular, but the body has the golden color to hang to fall, with the aid of the golden armor, can display to be close to the C level reluctantly the strength. 这些白袍祭司实力参差不齐,但身上都带着金色吊坠,借助金色的护甲,勉强能发挥出接近C级的实力。 However even if Lehne is seriously injured, is in the C level combat capability strongest one batch soldier, moreover brings C level unusual goods. 但是莱娜哪怕受了重伤,也是C级中战斗能力最强一批的‘战士’,而且自带一个C级超凡物品。 Only in a short time, she got the winning side. 只在极短的时间里,她就占据了上风。 However, these white robe priests also successfully hindered her footsteps, making her not have the means to support He Ao immediately. 不过,这些白袍祭司也成功阻碍了她的脚步,让她没办法立刻去支援何奥 You, if must wait for your teammate to come, you were perhaps disappointed.” “你如果要等你的队友过来,那你恐怕要失望了。” In is naturally also noticing this with the white robe man of He Ao to war, he looked at He Ao, the corners of the mouth brought back, the He Ao of golden great sword in arc light that while the manipulation sky even more strove difficultly time, a sword pared toward the He Ao nape of the neck. 正在与何奥对战的白袍男人自然也注意到了这一幕,他看了一眼何奥,嘴角勾起,金色巨剑趁着何奥愈加艰难勉力的应付天空中的弧光的时候,一剑向着何奥的脖颈削去。 Clang- 铿- With a clear sound, pure white knight sword before golden great sword. 伴随着一声清脆的声响,纯白的骑士剑架在了金色巨剑之前。 This moment He Ao sword point toward below, the vertical sword crosses the shoulder, turns head, happen to blocks the golden great sword that sneak attacked. 此刻何奥剑尖朝下,竖剑过肩,回过头来,正好挡住了来偷袭的金色巨剑。 He looked up a white of the eye robe man, the arm made an effort to shake slightly, shook the golden great sword in white robe male person hand. 他抬头看了一眼白袍男人,手臂微微用力一震,将白袍男人手中的金色巨剑震开。 His one step, takes advantage of opportunity the knight sword spin forward crosses the top of the head, dancing a sword was colored, a sword cuts crosswise to the nape of the neck of white robe man. 紧接着,他向前一步,顺势将骑士剑旋过头顶,舞了个剑花,一剑横向斩向白袍男人的脖颈。 The white robe man pulls out the sword to return at this moment keeps off already without enough time, his sword is giant, this moment He Ao has drawn and his near body, the physique of great sword instead becomes impeding that he acted. 白袍男人此刻抽剑回挡已经来不及,他的剑过于巨大,此刻何奥已经拉到了和他近身,巨剑的块头反而成了他行动的掣肘。 At this time, he somewhat understood finally, He Ao is really not just able to deal with the golden arc light in sky, but pretended the appearance that strove to deal with, attracted him to sneak attack, making he himself pull closer the distance. 这时候,他终于有些明白过来,刚刚何奥并非是真的无法应付天空中的金色弧光,而是装作勉力应对的样子,吸引他来偷袭,让他自己来拉近距离。 However at this moment thinks these already without enough time, desperate, he lifts the left hand immediately, the golden brilliance covers above his left hand, blocked He Ao to sweep the knight sword. 但是此刻想这些已经来不及了,情急之下,他立刻抬起左手,金色的光辉覆盖在他的左手之上,挡住了何奥扫来骑士剑。 However the next second, the golden brilliance on the instantaneous shatter, sharp knight sword has delimited the wrist/skill of white robe man, leaves behind a bloodstain. 但是下一秒,金色的光辉就瞬间破碎,锋利的骑士剑划过白袍男人的手腕,留下一道血痕。 The white robe man steels one's heart, the golden color covers brilliance directly on the palm, puts out a hand to grasp the He Ao knight sword. 白袍男人心一横,金色光辉直接覆盖在手掌上,伸手去抓何奥的骑士剑。 His condition is better than He Ao, purely by continuing stable and superior strength, he has the confidence to be able the knight sword from the He Ao hand seizes. 他的状态是比何奥好的,纯靠持续稳定且处于优势的力量,他有信心能将骑士剑从何奥手中的夺过来。 However after He Ao strikes has not become, immediately pulls out the sword, then brandishes a sword the flower, white robe man who put out a hand facing sword flower of dancing in the air immediately withdrawing. 然而何奥一击未成之后,立刻抽剑,然后舞剑成花,原本伸出手去的白袍男人面对飞舞的剑花立刻抽回手去。 Immediately He Ao takes advantage of opportunity to lift the hand, the sword has spent the top, a sword chops to the white robe man right shoulder. 随即何奥顺势抬手,剑花过顶,一剑劈向白袍男人右肩。 At this time the white robe man responds immediately, after the body supine, simultaneously diagonal raised the golden great sword in hand, while pulling open with the He Ao distance, blocks knight sword that He Ao divided. 这个时候白袍男人立刻反应过来,身子后仰,同时斜向提起手中的金色巨剑,在拉开与何奥的距离的同时,挡住何奥劈来的骑士剑。 The knight sword in He Ao hand was shaken, the white robe man is continuing with his move back distance as before, prepares to draw to the golden great sword suitable distance. 何奥手中的骑士剑被震开,白袍男人依旧在继续和他拉远距离,准备拉到金色巨剑适合的距离。 But this moment He Ao movement has not stayed, his direct leaps the step to forward, lifts the sword to lift, a sword thorn to the nape of the neck of white robe man. 而此刻何奥的动作也没有丝毫停留,他直接一个跃步向前,举剑抬起,一剑刺向白袍男人的脖颈下方。 The white robe man lifts the golden great sword immediately horizontally, upward don't to the He Ao thorn knight sword. 白袍男人立刻横抬金色巨剑,向上别向何奥的刺来的骑士剑。 This he almost exhausted the whole body strength time, the powerful strength role on the He Ao knight sword, he prepares the direct utilization force superiority, shakes the He Ao knight sword lets go. 这一次他几乎用尽了全身力气,强大的力道作用在何奥的骑士剑上,他准备直接利用力量优势,将何奥的骑士剑震脱手。 However not as he expected, in instantly, He Ao that the knight sword and golden great sword collide simply does not have such as him to imagine attempts to get hold of the knight sword generally, even under also took advantage of opportunity pressed a sword hilt. 然而出乎他预料的,在骑士剑与金色巨剑碰撞的刹那,何奥根本没有如他想象一般尝试握紧骑士剑,甚至还顺势下按了一下剑柄。 Meanwhile, the body of He Ao opens toward a side. 与此同时,何奥的身体向着一旁侧开。 The pure white knight sword under the function of this staggered strength, in in the air vertical spun up and down anti-clockwise, the sword blade from above the golden great sword, spun under the golden great sword. 纯白的骑士剑在这上下交错的力道的作用下,在空中竖直逆时针旋了一圈,剑刃从在金色巨剑之上,旋到了金色巨剑之下。 Then had preparation He Ao to grip the sword hilt of knight sword early immediately, following sword potential, suddenly to throat. 然后早有准备的何奥立刻握住了骑士剑的剑柄,顺着剑势,骤然向前探去。 This flash, the white robe man realizes anything immediately, but the golden great sword is still following his just strength to brandish toward the above, withdrawing golden color great sword already without enough time. 这一瞬间,白袍男人立刻意识到了什么,但是金色巨剑还在顺着他刚刚的力道向着上方挥舞,抽回金色巨剑已经来不及了。 He lifts nearer left hand to grasp immediately toward the He Ao knight sword, tries to hold the He Ao knight sword. 他立刻抬起更近的左手向着何奥的骑士剑抓去,试图抓住何奥的骑士剑。 However his moved fiercely directly causes just He Ao in scar tearing that on his left wrist left behind, along with radical painful and temporary out-of-control, the movement on his hand slow instantly. 但是他这猛地一动直接导致刚刚何奥在他左手腕上留下的伤痕撕裂,伴随着剧烈的痛苦和短暂的失控,他手上的动作慢了刹那。 Knight sword no hindrance of He Ao pierced his heart. 何奥的骑士剑毫无阻碍的刺穿了他的心脏。 Just in bulb ‚before gracious gift strength arrived completely, was cancelled by the eye of disappearing principle, the present white robe man body had not been transformed completely, although his within the body has the embryonic form that other energy aggregate points formed, but its true energy aggregate point only had one. 刚刚玻璃球中的‘恩赐’力量完全降临之前,就被消理之眼抹去了,眼前的白袍男人身躯还没有被完全改造,虽然他体内已经有其他的能量汇集点形成的雏形了,但是其真正的能量汇集点还是只有一个。 Is located in of his heart position. 就是位于他心脏位置的这一个。 Naturally, He Ao has not exposed own goal from the beginning, but chose around the nape of the neck to take the deceptive attack point, dialog robe man as misleading. 当然,何奥一开始并没有暴露自己的目的,而是选了脖颈周围作为佯攻点,对白袍男人作为误导。 No possibly “不・・・可能・・・” The white robe man lowers the head, gazes at He Ao to jab into his chest knight sword dull, bringing the orange brilliance blood to flow following the snow white sword blade. 白袍男人低下头,呆呆的注视着何奥刺进他心口骑士剑,带着橙色光辉的鲜血顺着雪白的剑刃流淌而出。 He compares this child so many obviously, opposite party or in severely wounded situation, but also can only use a hand 他明明比这个孩子强这么多,对方还是重伤的情况下,还只能用一只手・・・ He opens mouth, wants to say anything, but anything has not said. 他张了张嘴,想要说什么,但是什么都没有说出口。 Walks along with the energy violent of white robe man within the body, the body was completely destroyed, He Ao pulled out white robe man the knight sword of within the body, under strange brilliance of blood splash, he and white robe man wrong body. 伴随着白袍男人体内的能量暴走,身体被完全摧毁,何奥抽出了白袍男人的体内的骑士剑,在鲜血飞溅的诡异光辉下,他和白袍男人错身而过。 Originally this young youngster was not just arrogant, he in statement fact. 原来这个小少年刚刚并不是傲慢,他只是在陈述事实。 The body slope forward of white robe man, falls on the ground. 白袍男人的身子向前倾斜,摔在地上。 He Ao has not put too many attention on the white robe man, determined after the white robe man really died, his vision stayed in Lehne's battlefield. 何奥并没有在白袍男人身上放太多的注意力,确定白袍男人真死了以后,他的目光停留在了莱娜的战场上。 This moment Lehne has solved most priests, is processing the last priest. 此刻莱娜已经解决了大部分祭司,正在处理最后一个祭司。 But in her behind, the white robe priest who feigning death that lies on the ground crawled slowly, in his hand is grasping a fine small sickle, while Lehne the dagger jabs into the last priest body the time, he jumps fiercely, blade to Lehne's back of the body. 而在她身后,一个趴在地上的装死的白袍祭司缓缓爬了起来,他手中握着一把精致的小弯刀,趁着莱娜将匕首刺进最后一个祭司身体的时候,他猛地跃起,一刀扎向莱娜的后心。 - 噗- With the sound of blood splash, Lehne only felt that anything splashed after oneself conducted the back. 伴随着鲜血飞溅的声音,莱娜只感觉什么东西溅在了自己后背上。 She turns head, looks to behind, only saw the white robe priest stares the big eye, with almost must paste the sickle in her back of the body, as well as snow white sword point that punctures from the white robe priest chest. 她回过头去,看向身后,只看到了白袍祭司瞪大的眼睛,和已经几乎要贴在她后心上的弯刀,以及从白袍祭司胸口刺出的雪白的剑尖。 This white robe priest body shivered, backward face upwards inverted/fall. 紧接着这个白袍祭司身子颤抖了一下,向后仰倒。 But stood withdrew in his behind He Ao the knight sword that inserted his body, looked up to slightly Lehne who stared the big eye, tranquil saying, careful behind.” 而站在他身后的何奥抽回了插进他身体的骑士剑,抬头看向微微瞪大眼睛的莱娜,平静的说道,“小心背后。” Lehne takes back the vision, looks at the youngster to moisten the bloodstain face, earnest nod, good.” 莱娜收回目光,看着少年沾着血迹的脸庞,认真的点点头,“好。” Immediately the He Ao shift line of sight, looks to float in the in the air bulb. 随即何奥转移视线,看向悬浮在空中的玻璃球。 Even if the ceremony were destroyed, even if all ceremony holding personnel already not, but this bulb is actually shining the brilliance as before. 哪怕仪式被破坏,哪怕所有的仪式举行人员都已经不在了,但是这个玻璃球却依旧亮着光辉。 This bulb is this ceremony most core, has the goods of occult sciences strength. 这个玻璃球才是这个仪式最核心的,具有神秘学力量的物品。 Actually He Ao just came, noticed this bulb. 其实何奥刚一进来的时候,就注意到了这个玻璃球。 In regards in the field of vision spirit, these as if are more powerful brilliance projection the brilliance of distortion are the winding above the bulb of this illumination. 在灵视视野中,那些仿佛是更强大的光辉的投影的扭曲的光辉就是缠绕在这个发光的玻璃球之上的。 He jumps to jump, grasped this bulb directly, it entraining from sky. 他纵身跃起,直接抱住了这个玻璃球,将它从天空中‘拽’了下来。 At this moment, his intention moves, took out a phalanx fossil from the bosom. 就在这时,他心念一动,从怀中取出了一个指骨化石。 Above this fossil, some as if innumerable close golden traces are flowing the twinkle. 在这化石之上,仿佛有无数细密的金色纹路在流淌闪烁。
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