LCG :: Volume #3 举着火把的人

#812: Offering sacrifices

Chapter 813 offers sacrifices( big chapter asked monthly ticket) 第813章献祭(大章求月票) However the happiness on white robe face has not continued is too long. 但是白袍人脸上的高兴并没有持续太久。 Almost in a short time, he noticed that in that youth's the scabbard is inserting in bosom knight sword belt the place, opened the palm slowly, an eyeball of clear flesh as if gem as if appeared in the youngster hand. 几乎在极短的时间里,他就看到那个少年将怀中的骑士剑带着剑鞘插进地里,缓缓张开了手心,一只晶莹的仿佛血肉又仿佛宝石的眼球出现在了少年手中。 That eyeball from the hand of youngster float, the rotation line of sight, looked instantaneously approached him. 那眼球从少年的手中悬浮而起,转动视线,瞬间‘看’向了他。 The radiant orange ray collects in the pupil position of that eyeball, then engraves a delta in -line tight closing one's eyes pupil. 璀璨的橙色光芒在那眼球的瞳孔位置汇集,然后镌刻成一个内嵌紧闭眼眸的倒三角形。 Under the gaze of that eye, that rushes, is flooding his body, as if inexhaustible coming from the gracious gift of eternal ray, like cancelled the common, rapid retrogression by the invisible eraser together. 在那眼睛的注视下,那澎湃的,充斥着他的身体,仿佛无穷无尽的来自于永恒光芒的恩赐,如同被一块无形的橡皮擦抹去一般,迅速消退。 Does not know that is one instantly, is period of long time, before he arrives in the youngster body, the strength of his within the body had been dispelled completely. 不知道是一个刹那,还是一段漫长的时间,在他抵达少年身前的时候,他体内的力量就已经完全被消解。 Then he sees, was the youngster drew out the knight sword of ground calmly, a sword punctured forward slowly. 然后他所见到的,就是少年从容的拔出了地上的骑士剑,一剑向前‘缓缓’刺出。 The movement of youngster seems slow, can see clearly these movement all details to him slowly probably, but seems also quick, leaves to move aside to him quickly radically without enough time. 少年的动作似乎很慢,慢到他好像能看清楚这些动作所有的细节,但是又似乎很快,快到他根本来不及抽身躲闪。 - 噗- The sharp sword pierced his abdomen sharp, there is not his strategic point, however by the flash that the sharp sword pierces, his body as if lost the control, the strength of rushing lost control instantaneously, destroyed his body. 锋利的剑尖刺穿了他的腹部,那里并非是他的要害,但是在被利剑刺穿的一瞬间,他的身躯仿佛失去了控制,澎湃的力量瞬间失控,摧毁了他的身躯。 The blood of splash has delimited the pale yellow light, splashes on the flood white plastic lamp. 飞溅的鲜血划过昏黄的灯光,溅在泛白的塑料灯上。 That pure white long gown dyed bright red. 那纯白的长袍被染的鲜红。 This falls in Lehne's eyes, was He Ao launched the palm, revealed eye spherical goods, then another hand drew out the knight sword. 这一幕落在莱娜眼中,就是何奥展开了手心,露出了一个眼球状的物品,然后另一只手拔出了骑士剑。 The next second, the white robe person collects to be the same like oneself, was pierced by the He Ao knight sword. 下一秒,白袍人就如同自己凑过来一样,被何奥的骑士剑刺穿。 Time when Lehne responded completely. 等到莱娜完全反应过来的时候。 He Ao has pulled out the knight sword, inserts the scabbard. 何奥已经将骑士剑抽出,插回了剑鞘。 Like nothing happened generally, tranquil, calm, nature. 如同什么都没有发生过一般,平静,从容,自然。 At this moment, Lehne realized suddenly, she to He Ao weak has misunderstood. 这一刻,莱娜突然意识到,她对何奥的‘虚弱’有所误解。 The severely wounded fierce tiger lies on the ground rests, was not the wild dog of roadside can bully. 重伤的猛虎趴在地上小憩,也不是路边的野狗能够欺负得了的。 She takes back the mind, recalled the dagger. 她收回心神,召回了匕首。 He Ao solves the movement of white robe person is too quick, surrounding besieges their people even not to respond, but also continued attack. 何奥解决白袍人的动作太快,周围的围攻他们的人甚至还没有反应过来,还在持续的攻击。 Does not have the Lehne form of extra worries to intrude the crowd, the hand has the blade to fall, solved these people rapidly. 没有后顾之忧的莱娜身影闯入人群,手起刀落,迅速解决了这些人。 These people, seem like nearby gangster, mixed the priests of several eternal esoteric buddhism, their strength is not strong, the core personnel should in the gate.” “这些人,似乎是附近的帮派分子,混了几个永恒密教的祭司,他们实力都不强,核心人员应该都在门内。” When last white robe person who seems like the priest drops down, Lehne receives the dagger, returns looks to He Ao, and said own inference, 当最后一个看起来似乎是祭司的白袍人倒下,莱娜收起匕首,回看向何奥,并说出了自己的推断, „It seems like the eternal esoteric buddhism member in eternal esoteric buddhism member and this church that hunt down is not the same place, the eternal esoteric buddhism member's in church regarding hunting down this matter is not careful, they cared rises being enthralled country matter.” “看起来来搜捕的永恒密教成员和这个教堂的永恒密教成员并不是一起的,教堂里的永恒密教成员对于搜捕这件事并不上心,他们还是更关心‘升入神国’的事情。” Un.” “嗯。” He Ao nods gently. 何奥轻轻点头。 At this time, he knight sword of scabbard will have been drawing out from the ground, before arriving at that say/way light iron gate . 这个时候,他已经将连带着剑鞘的骑士剑从地上拔出,走到了那道薄薄的铁门前。 In regards in the field of vision spirit, on this iron gate twined massive distortion designs, even also combined some fragmentary rays. 在灵视视野中,这道铁门上缠绕了大量的扭曲图案,甚至还混杂了一些零碎的光芒。 This seems like with the eternal ray gracious gift strength, made one alone seal. 这似乎是用永恒光芒的恩赐力量,单独做了一个‘封印’。 Should only then knows the person who special method, can enter this secret room. 应该只有知道特殊方法的人,才能够进入这个密室。 This church seems like not that simple.” “这个教堂看起来并没有那么‘简单’。” Lehne also walked, she put out a hand to push a door, has not shoved open. 莱娜也走了过来,她伸手推了一下门,没有推开。 Can have rise being enthralled country quota, but can also have the unusual strength reinforcement door church, although seemingly crudely, but his position should not be low. 一个能有升入神国‘名额’,还能有超凡力量加固门扉的教堂,虽然看起来简陋一点,但是其本身的地位应该不低。 At this moment in her heart realized more and more, He Ao is not afraid this region the pursuer of eternal esoteric buddhism, his big probability discovered the strange place of this church, to this church. 此刻她心中越来越意识到,何奥根本不害怕这一块区域的永恒密教的追捕者,他大概率是发现了这个教堂的奇异之处,就是冲着这个教堂来的。 I can try to be able the violence to break open.” “我可以试试能不能暴力破开。” Lehne lifted the black dagger in hand. 莱娜抬起了手中的黑色匕首。 The defense of this gate should not be in the situation that non- B level is unable to break open. 这个门的防御应该还没有到那种非B级无法破开的地步。 However regarding the two people under severely wounded condition, breaks open this door forcefully, must consume some strengths. 但是对于重伤状态下的两人来说,强行破开这扇门,还是要耗费一些力气的。 Does not use.” “不用。” He Ao shakes the head. 何奥摇摇头。 He raised the head, took a fast look around around one, then has turned around, proceeds along the wall that the rust iron sheet encircled directly. 他抬起头,扫视了一眼周围,然后转过身,沿着锈铁片围成的墙壁径直往前。 Finally, he has in doubts and confused vision in Lehne, stopping was rare in this church, before the cement wall of pillar/backbone. 最后,他在莱娜带点疑惑和迷茫的目光中,停在了这个教堂少有的,作为支柱的水泥墙壁前。 This wall is wide, only then approximately more than one meter, moreover seems very thick. 这堵墙壁宽只有约一米多一点,而且看起来就很厚实。 He Ao put out a hand according to the wall, stood before this wall, after he can hear the wall, slight speaking voice that indistinctly heard. 何奥伸手按了按墙壁,站在这面墙壁前,他隐约能听见墙后传来的细微的说话声。 Then he retroceded half step, lifted the foot. 然后他后退了半步,抬起了脚。 …… ・・・・・・ The bright light shines in the narrow room. 明亮的灯光照耀在狭窄的房间里。 Compares in the crude church hall, in this church side small room wanted fine many. 相比较于简陋的教堂大厅,这个教堂里侧的‘小房间’就要精致的多了。 Sits on the soft sofa of room corner, the Kuririn vision has swept the decoration in entire room slowly, this is the first time that he entered to this room. 坐在房间角落的柔软沙发上,克林目光缓缓扫过整个房间内的装饰,这是他第一次进入到这个房间。 The giant and fine hanging lamp brought the warm brilliance to the room, does not know that with what method, entire room exceptionally peaceful, cannot hear slightly the noise sound. 巨大而精致的吊灯给房间带来了温暖的光辉,不知道用了什么方法,整个房间异常的安静,丝毫都听不到外界的喧嚣声。 These white robe priests have not made anything to him directly, but makes him sit in the corner waits a bit a while, but they surround in the same place, takes all kinds of goods, bustled about. 那些白袍祭司并没有直接对他做什么,只是让他坐在角落里稍等一会儿,而他们则围拢在一起,拿着各种各样的物品,忙碌了起来。 This old fogy luck is really good, unexpectedly can enter being enthralled country ahead of time.” “这老家伙运气真好啊,居然能提前进入神国。” Is manipulating the white robe priest of candlestick to say with a smile. 一个正在摆弄着烛台的白袍祭司笑着说道。 „Is god country so really happy?” “神国真的有那么美好吗?” Another priest turns a white candle from a cabinet. 另一个祭司从一个柜子里翻出来一支白色的蜡烛。 Heard that there imagines happy 1000 times compared with us,” “听说那里比我们想象中美好一千倍,” Takes the priest of candlestick to say after a sigh, it is said teaches most core some high levels, suffered the graciousness of gods to summon, to enter the god country, has looked at that happy world, and stays in the god country?” 拿着烛台的祭司感叹道,“据说教会最核心的一些高层,就曾经蒙受过神明的恩召,进入过神国,看过那美好的世界,并在神国中停留?” „Can living person also enter the god country?” “活人也可以进入神国?” The priest who nearby takes the old light bulb is somewhat surprised. 一旁一个拿着旧灯泡的祭司有些惊讶。 So long as it is said contributes enough to the church, can obtain the eternal ray ignorant/veiled summons, enters the god country by the flesh and blood, enjoys the happiness in god country.” “据说只要对教会贡献足够,就能获得永恒光芒的‘蒙召’,以血肉之躯进入神国,享受神国中的美好。” Takes the priest of candlestick to say with a smile. 拿着烛台的祭司笑道。 sect is Zuo certainly passing such day daily?” “那宗座一定天天过着这样的日子吧?” The old light bulb priest fantasizes said. 旧灯泡祭司幻想道。 What are you saying?” “你们在说什么呢?” An ice-cold sound inserted the topic, from turning away from everyone's white robe man. 一个冰冷的声音插进了话题,正是来自背对着所有人的白袍男人。 His hand holds a 30 cms in diameter clear glass ball, turns around, vision ice-cold swept people. 他手捧着一个直径约为30多公分的透明玻璃球,转过身来,目光冰冷的扫了一眼众人。 Entire space flash peaceful, the people do not dare to speak, is busy at work the respective matter respectively. 整个空间一瞬间安静了下来,众人不敢说话,各自忙活着各自的事情。 Arrange/Cloth taoist priest Sir,” “布道士大人,” After a while, the hand takes the priest of candle to poke head in carefully, looks to the white robe man, „can our live people, really enter the eternal god country?” 过了一会儿,手拿着蜡烛的祭司小心的探过头来,看向白袍男人,“咱们活人,真的能进入永恒神国吗?” The white robe man vision swept a candle priest, after the short stop, said slowly, naturally.” 白袍男人目光扫了一眼蜡烛祭司,在短暂的停顿之后,缓缓说道,“当然。” Movement instantaneous of people, Kuririn in corner was also casting the vision. 众人的动作都瞬间一顿,连带着角落里的克林也把目光投了过来。 Before me goes to the bishop hall to meet news obtained,” “据我之前去主教堂开会的时候得到的消息,” The white robe man is holding the bulb in hand, ignorant/veiled of god country's summons to further expand quickly, when the time comes is not only the church high level, we have the opportunity to enter the god country!” 白袍男人抱着手中的玻璃球,“神国的蒙召很快就会进一步的扩大,到时候不光是教会高层,我们也有机会进入神国!” Really!?” “真的!?” Candle priest at present one bright. 蜡烛祭司眼前一亮。 Naturally real!” “当然是真的!” White robe man cold snort/hum, I will also deceive you, is well dry, the church will not forget that your merits, when the time comes your merits, in the capital that the god country enjoys happiness!” 白袍男人冷哼一声,“我还会骗你们吗,好好干,教会不会忘记你们的功绩的,到时候你们这些功绩,就是在神国享福的资本!” Yes, yes.” “是,是。” A priest proposed one barrel of blood from corner, the people nods hastily, the movement on hand also sped up. 一个祭司从角落里提出一桶鲜血,众人都连忙点头,手上的动作也加快了很多。 The entire room center, was drawn a bright red ray design rapidly. 整个房间中心,迅速被画出了一个鲜红的光芒图案。 This design the line that is varied by six lengths composes, these line ends in the same point, another end diverge continually outward, the entire design whole seems like one to disperse the brilliance singular point. 这个图案由六段长短不一的线条组成,这些线条一端连在同一个点上,另一端向外发散,整个图案整体看上去就像是一个发散着光辉的奇点。 White robe priests in turn in decayed flare hand, inserts the candle on candlestick, the liquid fuel lamp, the worn out electric lamp bulb, the neon light sign of breakage, as well as a skull places six line segments clockwise the terminals. 白袍祭司们依次将手中腐朽的火把,插在烛台上的蜡烛,液体燃料灯,废旧的电灯泡,破损的霓虹灯牌,以及一个头骨顺时针放在六条线段的末端。 Then the white robe man arrived at law, he places a law center the bulb in hand above slowly that singular point. 然后白袍男人走到了法阵的中,他缓缓将手中的玻璃球放在法阵最中心的那个奇点上方。 The surrounding priest puts out six to glitter golden brilliance hanging to fall instantaneously. 周围的祭司瞬间拿出六个闪烁着金色光辉的吊坠。 Praised the eternal ray!” “赞美永恒光芒!” With recitation with one voice, the golden brilliance of twinkle falls from hanging of their palm gushes out. 伴随着一声齐声的吟唱,闪烁的金色光辉从他们手心的吊坠中涌出。 In this instantaneous, a vast ray, as if arrives from the endless space and time, then flashes past. 在这瞬间,一股浩瀚的光芒,仿佛从无尽的时空外降临,然后一闪而过。 Since the next second, the invisible brilliance is suddenly bright from the most center of bulb , since the surrounding candle, the flare, the light bulb of breakage, the neon light block, the fuel lamp, is bright driven by does not have any energy, since twinkle radiant brilliance. 下一秒,无形的光辉骤然从玻璃球的最中心亮起,紧接着,周围的蜡烛,火把,破损的灯泡,霓虹灯块,燃料灯,都在没有任何能量驱动下亮起,闪烁起璀璨的光辉。 Is gazing at all these, the white robe man loosened the hand slowly. 注视着这一切,白袍男人缓缓松开了手。 That seems like the weight heavy bulb not to fall, but same breaks surface like the balloon slowly, float in the law central point above about two meters positions. 那看起来重量并不轻的玻璃球并没有落下,而是如同氢气球一样缓缓上浮,悬浮在法阵中心点上方两米左右的位置。 Brilliant ray of twinkle entire law. 闪烁的光辉照耀着整个法阵。 At this time, after white robe man, withdrew from law, looked to sitting Kuririn in corner. 这时候,白袍男人后退出了法阵,看向坐在角落里的克林。 The surrounding two white robe priests quickly walk up, put up Kuririn. 周围两个白袍祭司迅速走上前去,将克林架了起来。 The silver-haired old person has looked that these in the blood red trace is shining the bright brilliance, looks that these do not have the lantern that the fuel and battery shine naturally. 已经白发苍苍的老人看着那些在血红色纹路上亮着的明亮光辉,看着那些没有燃料和电池自然而然亮起的灯具。 Present scene so bright, but floods the strangeness that is unable to understand. 眼前的场景如此的明亮,但是又充斥着无法理解的诡异。 Venerable, congratulates you, you had the opportunity of entering the god country's,” “老先生,恭喜你,你拥有了进入神国的机会,” The white robe man gazed at Kuririn, on the face was hanging up the modest smile again, you were lucky, that is countless people are expected, but unavailable opportunity.” 白袍男人注视着克林,脸上再次挂起了温和的微笑,“你是幸运的,那是无数人可望而不可得的机会。” Do not try to cheat me,” “你们不要试图骗我了,” Kuririn gazes at this, the body is somewhat shivering, but continues saying that 克林注视着这一幕,身子有些颤抖,但是还是继续说道, So-called was selected enters god country the person, wants, even these for your so-called eternal rays, sell off the family property, does by selection who is with one's family broken up and decimated ‚’, cannot live, you loathed me to hinder you to extort taxes ruthlessly near the storm building, find an excuse to remove me!” “所谓被选中进入‘神国’的人,无论是愿意不愿意的,甚至那些为了你们所谓的永恒光芒,变卖家产,搞得家破人亡的‘被选中者’,都没有能活着回来的,你们只是厌恶我阻碍了你们在风暴大厦附近横征暴敛,找个理由除掉我罢了!” He, as if aroused the courage, said sternly, 他顿了顿,仿佛鼓足了勇气,厉声说道, I cooperated with you initially , because you will pledge nearby people to storm building to bring the good life, what did you have a look at you to make? “我当初和你们合作,是因为你们承诺会给风暴大厦附近的人们带来更好的生活,你们看看你们都做了什么? Is flaunting to the banner that the gods offer, is cruder than greedily these factions! Your this, will be destroyed sooner or later!” “打着向神明奉献的旗号,比那些帮派更加粗暴贪婪!你们这样,迟早是会被毁灭的!” It seems like the venerable has misunderstood to the matter that we handle,” “看来老先生对我们做的事情有所误解,” Kuririn is maintaining shaking the head of smile as before, god country is real, we also truly want to make you go to the god country to enjoy the happy life, as for extorting taxes ruthlessly that you said ‚’, the lunch that in this world has not eaten without paying, sometimes, they indeed need to make anything for the god country.” 克林依旧保持着微笑的摇摇头,“神国是真实的,我们也确实想让您去神国享受美好的生活,至于您说的‘横征暴敛’,这个世界上没有白吃的午餐,有些时候,他们的确需要为神国做些什么。” These were deceived to lose the people of grain hunger and death by you, did they really enter your so-called god country?” “那些被你们欺骗而失去粮食饥饿而死的人们,他们真的都进入了你们那所谓的神国了吗?” The old person deeply inspires, cold sound asked. 老人深深吸了一口气,冷声问道。 In this world always some unfortunate people, die before the daybreak, they had are not many, even without us, they will still die,” “这世上总有一些不幸的人,死在黎明前,他们本来就拥有的不多,即便没有我们,他们也是会死的,” The white robe man, the chuckle was saying, at least, your contribution is enough, you can enter the god country's.” 白袍男人顿了一下,轻笑着说道,“至少,您的贡献是够的,您是可以进入神国的。” Therefore they damn?” “所以他们就该死吗?” Words that hears the white robe man, the old person flash sound is somewhat depressing, he brings in a low voice angrily roars to ask, 听到白袍男人的话语,老人一瞬间声音有些压抑,他带着低声的怒吼问道, „ Are the unfortunate people? If they do not provide for you with not many income, but must be used the method of deceit to demand by you excessively, will they die? “他们是不幸的人吗?如果他们不是要用原本就不多的收入供养你们,还要被你们用欺骗的手段过分索取,他们会死吗? You ate their grain, took their consecration, helping them unable to pass the cold winter, instead said that they are will die? Therefore are you doing the good?” “你们吃了他们的粮,拿了他们的供奉,让他们过不了寒冷的冬天,却反而说他们是本来就会死的?所以你们是在做善事?” You were excited.” “您激动了。” White robe man tranquil saying. 白袍男人平静的说道。 So long as I die here, I did enter the god country?” “只要我死在这里,我就进入神国了?” The old person deeply inspires, sneers saying that just you said that does not know the living person can also enter the god country, since you said that this enters the god country is one type gracious gift, I do give up this gracious gift? I give you this happy opportunity, do you want?” 老人深吸一口气,冷笑道,“刚刚你们自己都说,不知道活人也可以进入神国,既然你说这个进入神国是一种‘恩赐’,那我放弃这个‘恩赐’可以吗?我把这个美好的机会让给你,你想要吗?” You have the quite big misunderstanding to us,” “您还是对我们有比较大的误解,” The white robe man shakes the head, you see the god country truly, knows god country's was happy, as for flesh and blood, you, since has become the eternal ray people, the flesh body of that old universe, actually does not need to exist.” 白袍男人摇摇头,“等您真正见到神国,就知道神国的美好了,至于血肉之躯,您既然已经成为了永恒光芒的子民,那旧宇宙的血肉身躯,其实也没有必要存在了。” Saying, him is not waiting for Kuririn to speak again, looked at a white robe priest in two sides, belt/bring respectable venerable to the position of correspondence , the eternal ray will not give up any follower who made the outstanding contribution.” 说着,他不等克林再次说话,看了一眼两边的白袍祭司,“带这位尊敬的老先生到对应的位置上,永恒光芒不会放弃任何一个做了卓越贡献的信徒。” The two sides priests are towing Kuririn directly, arrived at entire law, does not only have the bright ray, is putting the position of skull. 两边的祭司直接拖着克林,走到了整个法阵,唯一没有亮光芒的,放着颅骨的位置。 Kuririn struggling furiously, is gazing at the white robe man, tried to continue anything, at this moment, that float brilliant ray on in the air bulb in his body. 克林奋力的挣扎,注视着白袍男人,试图继续说什么,也就在这时,那悬浮在空中的玻璃球上的光辉照耀在了他的身体。 In entire law all shone the brilliance goods to glitter simultaneously. 整个法阵上的所有亮着光辉的物品都同时闪烁了一下。 Immediately, two priests let go immediately, draws back backward. 随即,两个祭司立刻松手,向后退开。 Also in this instantaneous, Kuririn as if suffered enormous suffering, he is bending the body instantaneously, the angry expression climbed up the distortion of pain, he attempts to leave this position, but the entire body has not moved the half a point. 也就在这瞬间,克林仿佛遭受了极大的折磨,他瞬间弓着身子,愤怒的表情爬上了痛苦的扭曲,他尝试着离开这个位置,但是整个身体未曾移动半分。 His rickets body, painful is pressing the chest, 他佝偻着身子,痛苦的压着胸口, Your these people dies like a dog “你们这些人・・・不得好死・・・” Pain is short,” “痛苦都是短暂的,” The white robe man is gazing at the old person, tranquil saying, 白袍男人注视着老人,平静的说道, Quick, you can go hungrily does not have any, great eternal god country, “很快,你就能前往没有任何饥饿的、伟大的永恒神国了, Do not try to revolt, no one can violate the eternal ray the wish, the ceremony, once starts, will be impossible to be prevented. “不要试图反抗,没有人可以违背永恒光芒的意愿,仪式一旦开始,就绝不可能会被阻止。 Your destiny has been doomed, the resistance will only aggravate your pain, quick, all finished,” “你的命运早已注定,反抗只会加重你的痛苦,很快,一切就结束了,” He stands before law, raises both hands high, shouts loudly, 他站在法阵之前,高高举起双手,大声喊道, All living things universe is sin “众生宇宙皆为罪孽・・・” Bang- 轰- A thundering loud sound covered his voice. 一声轰鸣的巨响掩盖了他的声音。 In the place of his body side not far away, a standing tall and erect wall proliferates the innumerable cracks instantaneously, loudly collapse. 就在他身侧不远处的地方,一堵高耸的墙壁瞬间遍布无数裂纹,轰然倒塌。 This moment all priests raise the head, dumbfounded looks at all these. 此刻所有的祭司都抬起头来,目瞪口呆的看着这一切。 They reinforced through the mystique the gates and all weak iron sheet, but does not have to reinforce to seem like very thick wall only. 他们把门和所有薄弱的铁皮都通过秘法加固了,但是唯独没有去加固看起来就很厚实的墙壁。 The normal people are thinking opening the door, who is all right to tear down the wall! 正常人都想着开门,谁没事拆墙啊! But in the vision of people, takes the pure white knight sword, is binding the red scarf, throws over in jacket the mist and dust of young youth's after wall to run out, tramples on the white robe man, tramples to fly him, bang hits on another side wall. 而在众人的目光中,一个拿着纯白骑士剑,裹着红色围巾,披着夹克的小少年从墙壁后的烟尘中冲出,一脚踹在白袍男人身上,将他踹飞出去,轰的一声撞在另一侧的墙壁上。 () ()
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