LCG :: Volume #3 举着火把的人

#811: Receiving and instructing of eternal god country's

After setting out, the vision of white robe person swept around one, finally stopped one on Lehne, then he goes out from the crowd slowly, forwards along the wall, desirably by a row that in Lehne is at stopped, swept this row of everyone's profile. 在起身之后,白袍人的目光扫了一眼周围,最后停了一眼在莱娜身上,然后他缓缓从人群中走出,沿着墙壁向前,刻意的在莱娜所在的一排旁边停顿了一下,扫了一眼这一排所有人的侧脸。 But at this time, Lehne also got hold of hid the black dagger in sleeve. 而这个时候,莱娜也握紧了藏在袖子中的黑色匕首。 The vision of white robe person covered entirely the sully in Lehne, on the complexion devout cheeks stopped the moment, marched forward, walked along the entire wall, then since another side went out, walked in the direction of church entrance. 白袍人的目光在莱娜布满脏污,面色虔诚的脸颊上停顿了片刻,就继续向前,沿着整个墙壁走了一圈,然后从另一侧走出,向着教堂门口的方向走去。 But squatted also to draw in the surrounding flesh in the old person of ground, wrapped up with the bag of breakage, bundles in one. 而蹲在地上的老人也将周围的血肉都收拢了起来,用破损的袋子包住,捆在了一起。 Simultaneously rear area sits in front Lehne as if discovers has an accident, she turns around immediately, must come, was actually waved to stop by the old person. 同时坐在前方莱娜似乎才发现后方出了事,她立刻转过身来,要过来,却被老人挥手制止。 Then the old person received the bag, continued to sit the straight body, looked to the white robe man on platform. 然后老人收起了袋子,继续坐直身子,看向讲台上的白袍男人。 All occurrences silently, most people's vision still on the white robe man of platform, be only a few noticed to seem like some people to pass through. 一切的发生都悄然无声,大部分人的目光仍旧在讲台的白袍男人身上,只有少数一些注意到了似乎有一些人经过。 But at this time, several white robe person's shadows had also returned to the church entrance position. 而这时候,几个白袍人影也已经都回到了教堂门口的位置。 What situation?” “什么情况?” The white robe leader looked that to just went to the old person the white robe person in region. 白袍领头者看向刚刚前往老人所在区域的白袍人。 The movement of white robe person was just received by him completely in the eye. 刚刚白袍人的动作全部被他收在眼中。 That side has the smell of blood vaguely, but seems like a mouse meat of old head harness to send,” “那边依稀有血腥味,但似乎是一个老头带的老鼠肉发出来的,” The white robe person slow sound said, his goal looks to the church deep place, I discovered that a person looks like the goal very much, on her face has the mud, I am unascertainable, moreover side that person also child, before us information that receives, the goal is all alone, in addition,” 白袍人缓声说道,他的目标看向教堂深处,“不过我发现一个人很像目标,她脸上有泥,我不能确定,而且那个人身边还有一个小孩,根据我们之前收到的情报,目标是孤身一人的,除此之外,” His voice stopped, that old man who brings the mouse meat as if intends to be a guarantor for her, that old man is a priest who brings the badge.” 他声音停顿了一下,“那个带着老鼠肉的老头似乎有意替她作保,那个老头是一位带着徽章的教士。” Badge priests are neighbor in the follower the prestigious person, once processes improper, might provode the follower unrest,” “徽章教士都是附近信徒里具有声望的人,一旦处理不当,很可能会引发信徒骚乱,” The leaders nod, he swept on a platform still in explaining religious doctrine the white robe man, „you do is very right, nearby this is the church looks after the region with emphasis, disrupts the eternal ray to proselytize this matter we unable to carry the responsibility, will offend these arrange/cloth taoist priests.” 领头者点点头,他扫了一眼讲台上仍旧在‘讲道’的白袍男人,“你做的很对,这附近是教会重点关照区域,扰乱永恒光芒传道这件事我们背不起责任,而且还会得罪这些布道士。” We how “那我们怎么・・・” The white robe person asked in a low voice. 白袍人低声问道。 You can determine that person is the goal?” “你能确定那个人就是目标吗?” The leaders look to the white robe person. 领头者看向白袍人。 Her back truly looks like very much, but her cheeks are not quite clean, is incompatible with the status of goal . Moreover the facial expression also seems like a real follower.” “她的背影确实很像,但是她脸颊不太干净,与目标的身份不符,而且神情也像是一个真的信徒。” The white robe person said in a low voice. 白袍人低声说道。 Goal is bold, should not want to hide in the church?” “目标再大胆,应该也不会想要躲在教堂里吧?” One side another white robe person said in a low voice, these arrange/cloth taoist priest strengths are not weak, do they hide are not walk into a trap here?” 一旁另一个白袍人低声说道,“这些布道士实力可不弱,他们躲在这里不是自投罗网吗?” If she is really the follower,” “如果她真是信徒的话,” A white robe person in corner interposed, under preaching, was in the glare of the public eye, seized one to have the follower of connection with the badge priest, disrupted preaching, when the time comes will perhaps cause some unnecessary event 角落里的一个白袍人插话道,“在布道的时候,众目睽睽之下,抓捕一个与徽章教士有关联的信徒,扰乱布道现场,到时候恐怕会引发一些不必要的事件・・・” The white robe person of earliest speech lowers the head, no longer opens the mouth. 最早说话的白袍人低下头,不再开口。 The leaders raised the head, looked at a back of distant place female, seems thinking, crossed a moment later, he lowers the head, looked to the white robe person of earliest speech, 领头者抬起头,看了一眼远处女子的背影,似乎正在思索,过了片刻之后,他低下头来,看向最早说话的白袍人, You stay here, monitors the goal, waited to preach to finish, the surroundings followers left, you went to inspect the status of that person again carefully, I the arrange/cloth taoist priest to this church will leave a message, making them help you.” “你留在这里,监视目标,等着布道结束,周围信徒都离开的时候,你再去仔细查验那个人的身份,我会给这座教堂的布道士留言,让他们帮你。” Yes!” “是!” The white robe person nods. 白袍人点点头。 „The arrange/cloth taoist priest in this church may the arrange/cloth taoist priest compared with conventional church,” “这座教堂的布道士可比常规教堂的布道士强多了,” The leaders look at the white robe man who on a platform preached again, „, if they want to do what most dangerous place are the ideas of safest place, will realize the great strength of eternal ray and church truly.” 领头者再次看了一眼讲台上布道的白袍男子,“如果他们想要搞什么最危险的地方就是最安全的地方的想法,就会真正认识到永恒光芒和教会的强大。” He looked again to white robe person who must keep, when the time comes you are primarily their, was sure to remember that do not have the conflict with them.” 他再次看向要留下来的白袍人,“到时候你以他们的为主,切记不要和他们起冲突。” Yes!” “是!” The white robe person nods again. 白袍人再次点头。 Immediately the leader leads other white robe people together, left this church. 随即领头者带着其他白袍人一起,离开了这座教堂。 But continuously squint careful looks that here Lehne looks these white robe people leave, long relaxing. 而一直斜眼小心的看着这边的莱娜看着那些白袍人离开,长长的松了口气。 The sound that these white robe people spoke was extremely low, is away from such far distance, in addition on platform preaching the sound disturbance of white robe man, even if were Lehne has not listened to be clear that they said anything. 这些白袍人说话的声音都极低,隔着这么远的距离,再加上讲台上‘布道’的白袍男人的声音干扰,哪怕是莱娜也没有听清楚他们到底说了什么。 However from staying behind the situation of that white robe person, they should not feel relieved here, deliberately kept a person to guard. 不过从留下的那个白袍人的情况来看,他们应该还是不放心这里,刻意留了一个人看守。 If only a person, the difficulty of breakthrough wants to be easier. 如果只是一个人的话,突破的难度就要容易很多。 Lehne estimated in the heart, then sets one's mind at ease, is waiting for the injury restoration. 莱娜在心底估算了一下,然后沉下心来,等着伤势恢复。 Entire preached to continue to continue, the white robe man on platform also spoke many contents fervently. 整个布道继续持续,讲台上的白袍男人又慷慨激昂的讲了许多内容。 But in this process, Lehne also shot a look at several not far away to sit carefully behind, as if immersed in preaching old person. 而在这个过程中,莱娜也小心的瞥了几眼身后不远处坐着的,似乎沉浸在‘布道’中的老人。 The old person has not turned head to look here, as if beforehand operation is the normal behavior. 老人从来没有扭头看过这边,似乎之前的操作都是正常的行为。 However Lehne heard the old person and white robe person's dialogue, her very clear old person did concealing for her. 但是莱娜是听到了老人和白袍人的对话的,她很清楚老人为她做了掩饰。 She is only some does not understand why this old person helps her. 她只是有些不明白这个老人为什么帮她。 That is Kuririn grandfather, he knows me .” “那是克林爷爷,他认识我,咳。” As if knows in her heart to think, a weak sound resounds in her ear bank. 仿佛知道她心中所想,一个虚弱的声音在她耳畔响起。 She gawked slightly, immediately in heart one happy, turns head to look. 她微微愣了一下,随即心中一喜,扭头看去。 Lay the young youngster on her thigh sits slowly sets out, the pale cheeks are showing a smile of apology to her, good work.” 原本趴在她大腿上的小少年缓缓坐起身,苍白的脸颊对着她露出一个歉意的笑容,“辛苦了。” Looks at that cheeks, Lehne first stares, immediately smiles, you, if I could not carry you again with emphasis.” 看着那张脸颊,莱娜先是一愣,随即莞尔一笑,“你要是再重点我就背不起你了。” Your strength may be a little small.” “那你的力气可有点小。” He Ao coughs with a smile. 何奥笑着咳嗽一声。 Your this little fellow is young, how to speak and small dregs male results,” “你这小家伙年轻轻,怎么说话和小渣男似得,” Lehne shakes the head, then she somewhat has doubts looks at He Ao, I have not thought that you have the acquaintance here unexpectedly.” 莱娜摇摇头,然后她有些疑惑的看着何奥,“不过我没想到你在这里居然都有熟人。” I have not thought that” “我也没想到,” He Ao has not then seen the old person, but continues to say slowly, „here the beforehand my father comes to distribute the grain frequently, Kuririn grandfather nearby this elder of noble character and high prestige, is one of my father's contact people, I also small time, my father leads me to come to here, has seen Kuririn grandfather.” 何奥并没有回头去看老人,而是缓缓继续道,“以前我父亲经常来这边分发粮食,克林爷爷这附近德高望重的长辈,也是我父亲的联络人之一,我还小的时候,我父亲带着我来过这边,见过克林爷爷。” He Ao has not truly thought that unexpectedly will meet Lois father these that here blessings left by predecessors, Lois father made in the past look will not have the matter of return, seems not an function does not have. 何奥确实没有想到,居然会在这里遇见伊洛父亲的‘遗泽’,当年伊洛父亲做的那些看起来不会有回报的事情,似乎也并非一点作用也没有。 Lehne also understood at this time. 莱娜这时候也明白过来。 However initially Lois father must distribute the grain, what definitely looks is neighbor reliable, prestigious person. 不过当初伊洛父亲要分发粮食,肯定找的是附近靠得住的,有威望的人。 But the eternal esoteric buddhism must do missionary work, first looks should also the prestigious person. 而永恒密教要传教,首先找的也应该是有威望的人。 This matter, actually is not completely the coincidence. 这件事,其实不完全是巧合。 After all in Novis so many years, have helped too many too many people. 毕竟诺维斯这么多年里,帮助过太多太多的人。 She recovers, looks at some He Ao flood white cheeks, your body many?” 她回过神来,看着何奥有些泛白的脸颊,“你身体好些了吗?” Yesterday evening a He Ao stupor on the stupor one in the evening, how long then rests today. 昨晚上何奥一昏迷就昏迷了一晚上,今天这才睡了多久。 Does not have,” “没好,” He Ao shakes the head, he raised the head to gaze at the white robe man on platform, „, but the present has to awaking come.” 何奥摇摇头,他抬头注视着讲台上的白袍男人,“但是现在不得不‘醒’过来了。” He just actually did not have the complete stupor, but keeps outside a mind induction, the strength of secret watcher makes him not need to open eyes also has some sensations to outside situation. 他刚刚其实没有完全昏迷,而是留着一丝心神感应外面,隐秘观者的力量让他不需要睁眼也对外面的情况有一些感知。 However after just the short rest, his body restored some abilities to act, letting him to depend upon the willpower to actuate the body again, from just half stupor condition wakes up. 不过经过刚刚短暂的休息,他的身体恢复了一些行动能力,让他能依靠意志力再次驱动身体,从刚刚的‘半昏迷’状态醒来。 What issue does this church have?” “这个教堂有什么问题吗?” At this time, Lehne also realized that situation some were not right. 这时候,莱娜也意识到情况有些不对。 Then, making me announce, we obtained entered the person lucky fellow who the eternal god country enjoyed the immortal life are,” “接下来,让我宣布,我们获得了进入永恒神国享受不朽生命的人幸运儿是,” At this moment, the white robe man on platform stopped preaching, the vision has swept the church. 就在这时,讲台上的白袍男人停下了‘布道’,目光扫过教堂。 The entire church may hear in the falling needle of this flash silencing. 整个教堂在这一瞬间静寂的落针可闻。 Everyone is gazing at the white robe man on platform. 所有人都在注视着讲台上的白袍男人。 Some people anticipated, some people are tense, even Lehne looked subconsciously to the white robe man. 有的人期待,有的人紧张,连莱娜都下意识的看向了白袍男人。 The white robe man calmly is gazing at all these, he as if enjoys this type very much by the feeling of everyone vision collection. 白袍男人静静地注视着这一切,他似乎很享受这种被所有人目光汇集的感觉。 He, cleared throat, then turns around the line of sight, looked that to the corner that Lehne and He Ao sit. 他顿了顿,清了清嗓子,然后才将视线扭转过来,看向莱娜和何奥所坐的这一片角落。 He opens the mouth slowly, sound bright sound in everyone's ear bank, 他缓缓开口,声音明亮的响在了所有人的耳畔, Kuririn venerable!” “克林老先生!” „!!!” “哇!!!” The entire church moved restlessly in this flash, some people lose, some people regretted, some people are jealous, some people relax. 整个教堂在这一瞬间躁动了起来,有人失落,有人遗憾,有人妒忌,有人松了口气。 But sat the person in this corner, looked to belt/bring Kuririn of badge. 而原本坐在这一片角落的人,都看向了身上带着徽章的克林。 In their eyes has the envy, refuses to accept, there is a joy, but in any event, on their faces showed the joyful expression, looks at Kuririn, venerable! In you! You can go to the eternal god country to enjoy happiness!” 他们眼中有妒忌,有不服,也有欣喜,但无论如何,他们的脸上都露出了喜悦的表情,看着克林,“老先生!你中了!你可以去永恒神国享福了!” Congratulations, congratulations.” “恭喜,恭喜。” Congratulations.” “恭喜啊。” Yes! Yes! Also thanks everyone.” “是!是!也谢谢大家。” Kuririn nods hastily, praise that the feedback surrounding person sends. 克林连忙点头,回馈周围人送来的赞美。 As him of entire event lead, on face not too many joys. 作为整个事件主角的他,脸上并没有太多的喜悦。 In fact, in the white robe man announced that the instance of final output, the He Ao vision stopped on Kuririn. 事实上,在白袍男人宣布最后结果的瞬间,何奥的目光就停在了克林的身上。 This somewhat silent old person, in that flash, on the face is startled, no happy. 这个有些沉默的老人,在那一瞬间,脸上全是惊,没有一丝‘喜’。 Ok ,” “好了,诸位,” The people who the white robe man looks at the noise on the scene, waving to hint everyone to be peaceful, the smile said, I can understand everyone blessed Kuririn venerable's mood, can understand that everyone longs for anticipation that went to the eternal god country to enjoy happiness,” 白袍男人看着在场喧嚣的众人,挥手示意所有人安静,微笑道,“我能理解大家祝福克林老先生的心情,也能理解大家渴望前往永恒神国享福的期待,” He enhanced some expressions slightly, asked everyone to be able rest assured that eternal ray equality is loving Its all people, then, will also have newly went to eternal god country's the birth of lucky fellow, finally, all of us can enter do not have the hunger, is flowing the red wine and honey great god country.” 他微微提高了些许语气,“请大家放心,永恒光芒平等的爱着祂所有的子民,接下来,还会有新的前往永恒神国的幸运儿的诞生,最终,我们所有人都能进入没有饥饿,流淌着红酒与蜜糖的伟大神国。” Praised the eternal ray!” “赞美永恒光芒!” The crowd neutrality inscribed the follower to stand, lifted up high both hands, shouted loudly. 人群中立刻有信徒站了起来,高举双手,大声喊道。 Praised the eternal ray!” “赞美永恒光芒!” The somewhat demented slogan resounds. 紧接着一个又一个有些癫狂的呐喊声响起。 As if so long as the sound is loud enough, can be selected by the eternal ray, went to the opportunity in god country's. 似乎只要声音够大,就能被永恒光芒选中,得到前往神国的机会。 But white robe man satisfaction on platform looks at all these, when the after momentum of entire noise is somewhat weak, he lifts the hand slowly, 而讲台上的白袍男人则满意的看着这一切,等到整个喧嚣的声势有些弱下来之后,他才缓缓抬手, Great eternal ray is gazing at Its follower forever, so long as everyone is reverent enough, certainly can enter the eternal ray the line of sight.” “伟大的永恒光芒永远的注视着祂的信徒,只要大家足够虔诚,一定能进入永恒光芒的视线的。” Immediately, he lifted the hand, ok, today's preaching end, everyone went back to rest sooner,” 随即,他抬了抬手,“好了,今天的布道结束,大家早些回去休息,” Then he looks to the direction of Kuririn, Kuririn venerable, you come with me.” 然后他看向克林的方向,“克林老先生,你跟我来。” Two wore the person's shadow of white robe to go out from the crowd similarly, arrives was thanking side Kuririn that the surrounding person congratulated, guiding Kuririn to move toward the door of church most deep place. 两个同样身穿白袍的人影从人群中走出,走到了正在感谢周围人道喜的克林身旁,引导着克林走向教堂最深处的小门。 But that stands the white robe man also same place on platform, moved toward that door with Kuririn. 而那个站在讲台上的白袍男人也一起,和克林走向了那个小门。 The surroundings go out of some white robe person's shadows to start to keep the order, making everyone leave orderly. 周围走出一些白袍人影开始维持秩序,让所有人有序离开。 At this moment stood the white robe person in church entrance place is camouflaged the line of sight by the dense and numerous crowds instantaneously, his vision has swept fast, reflected everyone's cheeks as far as possible in the mind. 此刻站在教堂门口处的白袍人瞬间被密密麻麻的人群遮蔽了视线,他目光快速扫过,将所有人的脸颊都尽量映在脑海中。 He did not worry that the opposite party directly broken the wall to walk, here everywhere is the person of arrange/cloth taoist priest, in the event of any mutation, will be detected by the arrange/cloth taoist priest, that was not his matter. 他不担心对方直接破墙而走,这里到处都是布道士的人,一旦出现任何异变,都会被布道士发觉,那就不是他的事情了。 He only needs calmly to examine each going out personnel, then blocks the person of that doubtful goal and that's the end. 他只需要静静地检测每一个出门的人员,然后把那个疑似目标的人拦下来就是了。 If originally that badge priest old man , may be troublesome, but that old man was selected unexpectedly went to the god country, he does not need to be worried slightly. 原本如果那个徽章教士老头还在的话,可能还会麻烦一点,但是那个老头居然被选中了去神国,他就丝毫都不必担心了。 Needs to guard only, is the opposite party sticks out suddenly suddenly. 唯一需要防备的,就是对方突然暴起。 However in his hand falling of has god bestowing, enough erupts the C level the strength, insisted that the arrange/cloth taoist priest catches up to support. 不过他手中有神赐之坠,足够爆发出C级的力量,坚持到布道士赶来支援。 The child of opposite party arms as if awoke, what can a listless child have to threaten? 对方怀里的孩子似乎醒了,不过一个病恹恹的孩子能有什么威胁? If the opposite party is really the goal, according to the information, the goal already with the severe wound that the person of old teachings catholicism put together, the strength ten did not save one. 如果对方真的是目标,根据情报来看,目标已经和旧教的人拼的重伤了,实力十不存一。 When the time comes perhaps his direct attack that child, can successfully implicate the opposite party. 到时候他直接攻击那个孩子,说不定还能成功拖累对方。 When the white robe person sizes up, sits Lehne and He Ao on stool simply has not moved. 而在白袍人四下打量的时候,坐在凳子上的莱娜和何奥两人根本没有动弹。 Then we what to do?” “接下来我们怎么办?” Lehne inquired in a low voice. 莱娜低声询问道。 She had realized at this moment, He Ao makes her come to this church, the reason do not avoid to capture that simply. 她此刻已然意识到,何奥让她来这个教堂,原因并非是要避开追捕那么简单。 Why does not know, after He Ao wakes up, her heart was all of a sudden steadfaster. 不知为何,在何奥醒来以后,她心底一下子踏实了很多。 Even if she knows that He Ao is very weak, but He Ao sits there, can give her enormous security sense. 哪怕她知道何奥现在还很虚弱,但是何奥只是坐在那里,就能给她极大的安全感。 With the past.” “跟过去。” He Ao looks that after the white robe man brings Kuririn was entering the door, puts out a hand to touch just Lehne to hide to enter his clothes inside knight sword, sets out slowly, said in a low voice. 何奥看着白袍男人带着克林走进了小门后,伸手摸住了刚刚莱娜藏进他衣服内侧的骑士剑,缓缓起身,低声说道。 At this moment in his spirit regards in the field of vision, in the surrounding distortion design, has the partly visible distortion to reappear indistinctly brilliance. 此刻在他的灵视视野里,周围的扭曲图案中,隐隐约约有若隐若现的扭曲光辉浮现。 These brilliance before sees construction that to become the brilliance of church in side church to be completely different, these brilliance are more like projection that’ some more powerful ray projects. 这些光辉与之前在里侧教堂看到的构筑成教堂的光辉完全不同,这些光辉更像是某种更强大的光芒投射下来的‘投影’。 Un.” “嗯。” Lehne also sets out, with He Ao stand forth. 莱娜也起身,跟着何奥向前走去。 Before two people arrived at that door of church most deep place, directly. 两人径直走到了教堂最深处的那道小门前。 He Ao put out a hand to touch this door, the gate wound through together the golden brilliance instantaneously, this seemingly light iron sheet seemed heavy like thousand honored, even if made an effort also to push completely motionless. 何奥伸手触碰了一下这道小门,门瞬间流过一道金色的光辉,这看起来薄薄的一张铁皮却仿佛重如千钧,哪怕用力也完全推不动。 „Do you do there?” “你们在那里干什么?” At this time finally had was responsible for the person of order discovering two people acted, walked fast. 这时候终于有原本负责秩序的人发现了两人动作,快速走了过来。 „Can't here enter?” “这里不能进吗?” He Ao raised the head, looks at to the security person's shadow. 何奥抬起头,看向走来的安保人影。 Naturally cannot enter.” “当然不能进。” Coming the person is on a face has the tall and strong robust man of scar of knife wound, although on him is throwing over the white robe, unlike these whole body plain-colored white robe person but who captures Lehne, under his white robe, what put on brings various types of suspension links the clothes of gangster probably. 来人是一个脸上有刀疤的魁梧的壮汉,他身上虽然披着白袍,但是与那些来追捕莱娜的浑身素色的白袍人不同,他的白袍下面,穿的是带着各种拉环的像是帮派分子的衣服。 He as if is not completely the eternal esoteric buddhism work. 他似乎并不完全为永恒密教工作。 That grandfather who just went in we knew, can stretch the rules?” “刚刚进去的那个老爷爷我们认识,能通融一下吗?” Lehne is gazing at this scar of knife wound face man, surrounding follower has walked was similar, stays along with them here, more and more seemed like eternal esoteric buddhism the person of believer to encircle. 莱娜注视着这个刀疤脸男人,周围的‘信徒’已经走的差不多了,伴随着他们在这里停留,越来越多的看起来似乎是永恒密教的教徒的人围了上来。 Just that goes to the lucky fellow in who eternal god country's, how to stretch the rules to you? Do you also want to go to the god country?” “刚刚那可是去永恒神国的幸运儿,怎么给你通融?你也想去神国?” The scar of knife wound face laughs at one, he sized up He Ao two people, stopped, remembered just in instruction that’ on wristband sees, 刀疤脸嗤笑一声,他打量了一下何奥两人,停顿了一下,想起了刚刚在手环上看到的‘吩咐’, Naturally, goes to method also incessantly one type of god country's, if you believe are firm enough, I can also send you to the god country.” “当然,去神国的方法也不止一种,如果你们信仰够坚定的话,我也可以送你们去神国。” He swept He Ao again two people. 他再次扫了一眼何奥两人。 At first sight had not just discovered, now carefully looks, these two people of wear as if did not have in the surface that sloppy, moreover this child arms are holding that sword, seemed like a good thing, can sell a lot of money. 刚刚乍一看没发现,现在仔细一看,这两人身上的穿着似乎并没有表面上那么‘邋遢’,而且这个小孩怀里抱着的那把剑,看起来似乎是个好东西,能卖不少钱。 The thoughts flash, he said fast, now, I suspected you are the important criminals who the church issues a warrant for arrest, now immediately is without a fight, otherwise I help you go to the god country.” 心思闪动之间,他快速说道,“现在,我怀疑你们是教会通缉的要犯,现在立刻束手就擒,否则我来帮你们去神国。” „Do you want to rob us?” “你想抢劫我们?” He Ao is gaining ground, is gazing at him. 何奥抬着头,注视着他。 Snort, child.” “哼,小孩。” Scar of knife wound face man cold snort/hum, he pulls out a pistol from the waist directly, these are the important criminals in church, just Mr. arrange/cloth Daoshi reported the news to me, immediately kills them.” 刀疤脸男人冷哼一声,他直接从腰间掏出一把手枪,“这几个是教会的要犯,刚刚布道士先生给我发了消息了,立刻杀了他们。” Surrounding the eternal esoteric buddhism esoteric buddhism personnel who encircle gawked slightly, but put out the weapon quickly. 周围的围来的永恒密教密教人员稍微愣了一下,但是还是很快的拿出了武器。 - 噗- However in the scar of knife wound face man finger buckles the instance on trigger, a shadow from in the air flashed through, pierced his throat. 但是就在刀疤脸男人手指扣到扳机上的瞬间,一道黑影从空中闪过,洞穿了他的喉咙。 Arrived this step, Lehne also no longer hid, she lifts the hand, the black dagger changes to the flowing light, welcomed puts out the eternal esoteric buddhism believer of weapon to other. 到了这一步,莱娜也不再隐藏,她抬起手,黑色的匕首化作流光,迎向其他拿出武器的永恒密教教徒。 In order to avoid the wound to He Ao, she spread out battlefield specially. 为了避免伤到何奥,她特意拉开了战场的距离。 The sound of gunfire flash of blasting open makes a sound in the worn-out church. 炸裂的枪声一瞬间响在破旧的教堂内。 But at this time, stood in the entrance white robe person also responded, he looks in the church all, somewhat compels ignorant. 而这个时候,原本站在门口的白袍人也反应了过来,他看着教堂里发生的一切,有些懵逼。 He does not know the person who arrange/cloth taoist priest how suddenly and goal hit. 他不知道布道士的人怎么突然和目标打起来了。 However this did not affect his crumb several golden color in hand to hang to fall, an arrow step rushes. 但是这并不影响他捏碎了手中的数个金色吊坠,一个箭步冲了上去。 That female body has the enormous power and influence, perhaps is the powerful C level, but that child seems like truly no battle efficiency appearance, as if also injures very much heavily. 那个女的身上带着极大的威势,恐怕是个强大的C级,不过那个小孩看起来确实没什么战斗力的样子,似乎还伤得很重。 Can first hold under duress the child, then threatens that woman. 可以先挟持小孩,进而威胁那个女人。 In the mind flashes through the tactical rules fast, he gave up Lehne without hesitation, charged into He Ao directly. 脑海中快速闪过战法,他毫不犹豫的放弃了莱娜,直接冲向了何奥 Also in this instantaneous, Lehne heart one tight, felt that a powerful C level power and influence was approaching fast. 也在这瞬间,莱娜心头一紧,感觉到了一股强大的C级威势正在快速靠近过来。 Also not necessarily deals with by her present strength. 凭借她现在的实力还不一定应付。 Is that white robe person, he really hid the strength. 是那个白袍人,他果然隐藏了力量。 Among thoughts hundred revolutions, she immediately withdrawing black dagger. 心思百转之间,她立刻抽回黑色匕首。 She realizes immediately, the goal of opposite party is not she, but is He Ao of not far away. 紧接着,她立刻意识到,对方的目标不是她,而是不远处的何奥 Be careful.” “小心。” She turns around to shout immediately. 她立刻转过身来喊道。 The black runs out brilliance suddenly, but has been too late. 黑色光辉骤然冲出,但是已经为时已晚。 At this time before that white robe person had rushed to the He Ao body . 这个时候那个白袍人已经冲到了何奥身前。 The fierce smile hung in his corners of the mouth. 狰狞的笑容挂在了他的嘴角。
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