LCG :: Volume #3 举着火把的人

#810: The lucky fellow in church?

At this moment in Lehne at present, is one broad is revolved crudely broad hut that’ becomes by the brick wall and iron sheet. 此刻在莱娜眼前的,是一栋宽阔的由砖墙和铁皮围绕而成的简陋宽阔‘棚屋’。 Lehne can recognize this is a church, is by iron-covered gate that because the hut opens, is putting together the rusty thick iron sheet, above uses the red paint to write illegibly church this word. 莱娜之所以能认出这是教堂,是因为棚屋敞开的铁皮门旁边,放着一块生锈的厚铁皮,上面用红色的油漆写着潦草的‘教堂’这个单词。 The floating snow that the sky scatters sprinkles on the red paint, calmly crawls in that bright red handwriting. 天空散落的飘雪洒在红色的油漆上,静静地匍匐在那鲜红的字迹中间。 The attire crude people's by iron sheet after this pass through, enters the hut to open wide in turn, is exuding the thick rust iron-covered gate. 一个个衣着简陋的人们从这后铁皮旁边经过,依次走进棚屋敞开的,泛着厚厚铁锈的铁皮门。 Searches for toward here, the goal definitely ran from here.” “往这边搜,目标肯定从这里跑了。” The rear area as if transmits vaguely shouting. 后方似乎传来依稀间的呼喊。 Lehne lowers the head, looked at clothes. 莱娜低下头来,看了一眼自己身上的衣服。 She originally fine red skirt already in fight shatter, on the road, she took advantage of opportunity to moisten some sludge, covered the pure white flesh, and rubbed the wrinkle to smear this tattered red skirt, was more like a distressed wanderer by oneself. 她原本精致的红裙早已在战斗中破碎,在过来的路上,她顺势沾了一些污泥,掩盖住洁白的肌肤,并将这破烂的红裙揉皱弄脏,让自己更像是一个狼狈的流浪者。 In fact, the appearance of her present, among wanderer, is bad. 事实上,她现在的这幅模样,在流浪者当中,也算是糟糕的。 In the Wynter wanderers, completely people in rags only account for quite few part, most wanderers have a wages meager temporary worker work, received exchange for a point maintaining the livelihood the income. 温特市的流浪者中,完全衣衫褴褛的人们只占比较少的一部分,大多数流浪者都有一份工资微薄的临时工工作,换取一点维持生计的收入。 Although these money insufficiently they pay the house rent, but buys some foundations food and daily necessities, is living reluctantly. 这些钱虽然不够他们付房租,但是买一些基础的食物和日用品,勉强活着还是可以的。 Therefore they mostly neat, this that oneself dress up will incur the employer to like. 所以他们大多会把自己打扮的整洁一点,这样会更招雇主喜欢。 Although is very bad, but everyone diligently is living. 虽然很糟糕,但是每个人都在努力的活着。 If the body were too dirty, enters some quite lively region, will be is driven away by the holding a spear/gun security even attacks. 如果身上太脏了,进入一些比较繁华的区域,是会被持枪保安驱赶甚至攻击的。 However here is nearby the storm building, this city most chaotic place, therefore Lehne carries out even if messy and dirty oneself dressing up, will not arouse suspicion. 不过这里是风暴大厦附近,这座城市最混乱的地方,所以哪怕莱娜把自己的装扮搞得脏乱一点,也不会太引起怀疑。 Lehne leans the clothing of young youngster looked at one to close one's eyes behind. 莱娜侧头看了一眼身后闭着眼睛的小少年的衣衫。 She also made to cover up on He Ao, but were not many, because He Ao has experienced the fierce fight, the clothes have broken, the body also brings the dry bloody scab. 她在何奥身上也做了一下遮掩,但是并不多,因为何奥本身就经历过剧烈的战斗,衣服早已破碎,身上还带着干涸的血痂。 She needs to do, but covers up these obvious wounds and bloody scabs, He Ao dresses up normal nearby resident appearance. 她所需要做的,只是遮掩那些明显的伤口和血痂,将何奥装扮成正常的附近‘居民’的样子。 This is not considered as to Lehne the difficult matter, although she for a long time does not have much, but here as before is the place that she grows up. 这对莱娜来说不算是难事,虽然她已经很久没有回来了,但是这里依旧是她长大的地方。 What kind of condition she very clear here person should be. 她很清楚这里的人应该是怎样的状态。 From the situation of surrounding passer-by, now this nearby condition as if once treat the time here her is worse. 从周围路人的情况来看,现在这附近的状况似乎要比她曾经待在这里的时候更加糟糕。 Because the time is urgent, her camouflage is very simple, at first sight does not have any issue, but carefully looked that will discover two people of bloodstains. 因为时间紧急,她的‘伪装’都很简单,乍一看没有什么问题,但是仔细看就会发现两人身上的血迹。 However this is not what important matter, regarding people in life difficult most storm areas, they rarely has the thoughts to care about a condition of stranger. 不过这并不算什么大事,对于生活都困难的大部分风暴区的人们来说,他们很少有心思去关心一个陌生人的状态。 After the determination camouflage does not have the issue, Lehne mixes in the crowd, entered this hut church. 确定伪装没有问题之后,莱娜混在人群中,走进了这个棚屋教堂。 She has somewhat understood why at this moment He Ao must direct her to here, sometimes, the most dangerous place, is the safest place. 她此刻已经有些明白何奥为什么要指引她到这边来,有时候,最危险的地方,就是最安全的地方。 However she regarding whether to evade hunt of eternal esoteric buddhism, somewhat lacks self-confidence at heart. 不过她对于能否躲过永恒密教的追捕,心里还是有些没底。 Now she and He Ao are the severely wounded conditions, once were discovered by the eternal esoteric buddhism, perhaps is more unfortunate than fortunate. 现在她和何奥都是重伤状态,一旦被永恒密教发现,恐怕凶多吉少。 Depresses the heart chaotic concern, the expression on her face has not changed, vision natural has swept the present scene. 压下心底纷乱的心事,她脸上的表情没有变化,目光‘自然的’扫过眼前的场景。 The ground in church is a pavement of disruption, here seems a small square in disrepair after many years, does not know when was encircled one church. 教堂里的地面是一片碎裂的水泥地,这里似乎原本是一片年久失修的小广场,不知道什么时候被围成了一个‘教堂’。 But in these pavements, is arranging the small plastic round stools in turn. 而在这些水泥地上,则依次排列着一个个小小的塑料圆凳。 This type of round stool physique is not big, majority have faded, the bearing power is also very bad, will sit incautiously badly. 这种圆凳块头并不大,大多数都已经褪色,承重能力也很差,一不小心就会坐坏。 This is in the clouds area not the thing that is possible to see, however is very common in the storm area. 这是在云端区不可能见到的东西,但是在风暴区却很常见。 On the wall that by the church rusty iron sheet encircles writes one line of characters with the red paint respectively. 教堂两侧的生锈铁皮围成的墙壁上各用红色的油漆写着一行字。 What on the left wall writes, eternal ray directs us to lead to the happiest god country.’ 左边的墙壁上写的是,‘永恒光芒指引我们通向最美好的神国。’ What on the right wall writes, damages the stool, according to the set price compensation.’ 右边的墙壁上写的是,‘损坏凳子,照价赔偿。’ But in the most deep place of church, is placing a circular, by the platform of cement construction, should be the place that the clergy of eternal esoteric buddhism stand. 而在教堂的最深处,则摆放着一个圆形的,由水泥浇筑的讲台,应该是永恒密教的神职人员站立的地方。 But right rear this platform, shears the iron-covered door from the iron-covered wall forcefully, behind the door is glittering faintly some brilliance. 而在这个讲台右后方,有一个硬生生从铁皮墙上割出来铁皮小门,小门后面隐隐闪烁着某种光辉。 The street light near storm building is not possible bright, even the street light, was removed to sell money by nearby person. 风暴大厦附近的路灯是不可能亮的,连路灯本身,都被附近的人拆了卖成了钱。 After the gate, has the light, means after the gate, has a region. 门后有灯光,意味着门后还有一个区域。 That should be the region that the clergy of eternal esoteric buddhism treat. 那应该是永恒密教的神职人员待的区域。 Lehne does not have the time to size up the entire church from the outside, can only through in the observation to church, deduce this church possible structure at heart. 莱娜并没有时间从外部对整个教堂进行打量,只能通过对教堂内部的观察,在心里推演这个教堂可能的结构。 When observes this church, she is also following the crowd rapidly forward. 而在观察这个教堂的时候,她同时也在跟着人群迅速向前走。 Compared with she and He Ao had gone to yesterday evening broad eternal esoteric buddhism Lord church, this church appeared some unsatisfactory. 与她和何奥昨晚上去过的恢弘的永恒密教主教堂相比,这个教堂就显得有些‘不尽人意’了。 On this moment church the small circle stools of dense and numerous arrangement, had sat many people one after another. 此刻教堂的密密麻麻排列的小圆凳上,已经陆陆续续的坐了许多人。 In Lehne front not far away, somewhat skinny, the chest front brings the ray badge of plastic, puts on the old person of loose long gown to make the hand signal to direct people to move toward the different regions. 就在莱娜前方不远处,一个有些干瘦,胸前带着塑料的光芒徽章,穿着宽松的长袍的老人正在做出手势指引着人们走向不同的区域。 Lehne lowers the head , to continue to proceed following the crowd. 莱娜低下头来,顺着人群继续往前。 Quick, she passed through that old person, the old person does not seem to pay attention to the crowd anyone, but is maintaining as before posture that shows the way. 很快,她经过了那个老人,老人似乎并没有关注人群中有谁,而是依旧维持着指路的姿势。 She relaxes slowly, however almost relaxes in her instantaneous, somewhat hoarse, but very light sound conveys from her behind, this church member.” 她缓缓松了口气,然而几乎就在她松口气瞬间,一个有些沙哑的但是很轻的声音从她身后传来,“这位教友。” Her body slightly one stiff, in the mind flashes through the innumerable plans, but on the face the expression has not changed, she has turned the head, looks to the old person, having the somewhat raw and cold sound to ask in a soft voice, what matter do you have?” 她身子微微一僵,脑海中闪过无数种方案,但脸上表情没有变化,她转过头去,看向老人,带着有些生冷的声音轻声问道,“您有什么事吗?” This is.” “这位是。” The old person lifts the hand slowly, refers to youngster who she conducted the back, the sound is still very light. 老人缓缓抬起手,指了指她背上的少年,声音依旧很轻。 This is my younger brother.” “这是我弟弟。” Lehne brings some vigilant slow sounds to say. 莱娜带着些许警惕的缓声说道。 This near the storm building, deals with the approach of stranger very much normally. 这在风暴大厦附近,是很正常的应对陌生人的做法。 No one knows that sudden is warm the person who greeted, can turn into the fierce robber suddenly. 没有人知道一个突然热情过来打招呼的人,会不会突然变成凶恶的劫匪。 „Does he seem like body some is not uncomfortable?” “他似乎身体有些不舒服?” After the old person looked at a Lehne , the youngster who conducts the back, lifts the hand slowly, the position of directional church corner, that side has not leaked out, wants to be warmer.” 老人看了一眼莱娜后背上的少年,缓缓抬起手,指向教堂角落的一个位置,“那边没有漏风,要温暖一些。” After the short stop, Lehne nods gently, thanks.” 在短暂的停顿之后,莱娜轻轻点头,“谢谢。” She has turned around slowly, walks in that direction that the old person refers. 她缓缓转过身,向着老人指的那个方向走去。 Confirmed here truly not to leak out, after wanting was warmer, she slowly sat. 验证了这里确实没有漏风,要温暖一些之后,她才缓缓的坐了下来。 She also put He Ao in stupor, places on the stool, then makes the young youngster rest the head in own leg. 她把昏迷中的何奥也放了下来,放在凳子上,然后让小少年枕在自己腿上。 She looked on a leg the crack of silk stockings, the pure white flesh that as well as under the crack reveals, drew a silk stockings edge slowly, the flesh that will expose blocks from. 她看了一眼腿上丝袜的破口,以及破口下露出的洁白肌肤,缓缓拉了一下丝袜边缘,将暴露出来的肌肤遮住。 Actually her original flesh not such clear fair, crawls since childhood in the mire as one, eats meal continually has the waif of issue, she basically cannot obtain what nutrition to supplement, skin condition not possible good. 其实她原本的肌肤并没有这么晶莹白皙,作为一个从小在泥潭里爬出来,连吃饭都有问题的流浪儿,她基本上得不到什么营养补充,皮肤状态也不可能好。 The change of body is completely because under her accident of sorts promotes becomes unusualness, the unusual strength remoulded her body. 身体的变化完全是因为她机缘巧合下晋升成为了超凡者,超凡的力量重塑了她的身体。 After sitting firmly completely, she has turned head, looks crowd that around made noise. 完全坐稳之后,她扭过头来,看了一眼周围喧嚣的人群。 Enters the person more or less belt/bring flavor of church, some are the smokes, some are the wine tastes, even some people have obviously, takes the illegal drugs excessively the flavor. 进入教堂的人身上或多或少带点味道,有的是烟味,有的是酒味,甚至有一些人身上有明显的,过量吸食违禁药品的味道。 These heterogeneous flavors combine in the crude church in the same place, covered they two people of smell of blood. 这些驳杂味道在简陋的教堂里混杂在一起,掩盖了他们两人身上的血腥味。 She recovered, looked at around one. 她回过神来,看了一眼周围。 Sits nearby her, basically is some clothing is quite frail, or seems like the body quite emaciated person. 在她附近坐着的,基本上都是一些衣衫比较单薄,或者看起来身子就比较孱弱的人。 As if was also directed to come by that old person. 似乎也是被那个老人指引而来。 Regarding room that in a snowy night leaks out everywhere, did not leak out indeed is a good place. 对于一个雪夜里四处漏风的屋子来说,不漏风的确算是一个好地方了。 Perhaps Lehne indeed wants to look for a quite warm position, because the He Ao condition seems like is not quite truly good. 莱娜本身也许的确想要找一个比较温暖的位置,因为何奥的状态确实看起来并不太好。 She looked down a wound. 她低头看了一眼自己身上的伤口。 These wounds have stopped bleeding, and is just smaller. 这些伤口早已止血,并且比刚刚已经小了很多。 This is the body change that the promotion brings about, soldier secret medicine, when remoulds her body, is accelerating her wound healing. 这是晋升带来的身体变化,‘战士’秘药在重塑她身体的时候,也在加速她的伤口愈合。 She was supposing, so long as treats some time again here, her injury can restore, basically also to restore part of strengths, at that time she can find the way to find the eternal esoteric buddhism defense weak place to break through. 她估摸着只要再在这里待一段时间,她身上的伤势就能恢复很多,基本上也能恢复一部分力量,那时候她就可以想办法找永恒密教防御薄弱的地方突围了。 The person in church are getting more and more. 教堂里的人越来越多。 With increase of sounds of people, the surrounding chill in the air also reduced. 随着人声的增加,周围的寒意也降低了许多。 The person who nearby Lehne sits are also getting more and more, her facial features are tranquil, maintain the raw and cold attitude, no one disturbs her. 莱娜附近坐着的人也越来越多,她面容平静,保持生冷的态度,也没有人来打扰她。 But when the person comes in similar, the old person of that wear long gown walked, he and sat in a Lehne following 12 rows of middle-aged woman talked in a low voice, then that middle-aged woman nods, set out slowly, moves toward the vacancy in not far away. 而就在人进来的差不多的时候,那个穿着长袍的老人走了过来,他和坐在莱娜后面一两排的一个中年女性低声交谈了一下,然后那个中年女性点点头,缓缓起身,走向不远处的一个空位。 The sound that the old person spoke was very low, but Lehne listened was very clear, the old person is changing the seat with that middle-aged woman. 老人说话的声音很低,但是莱娜听的很清楚,老人在和那个中年女性换座位。 After the middle-aged woman leaves, the old person sat in that position directly. 而等到中年女性离开之后,老人径直坐在了那个位置。 He has not turned head to look at Lehne, but raised the head to gaze at the direction of platform, as if really likes this position purely. 他并没有扭头看莱娜,而是抬头注视着讲台的方向,似乎真的只是单纯喜欢这个位置。 Lehne's careful with no trace saw an old person. 莱娜不着痕迹的小心看了一眼老人。 She cannot feel the threat on the old person, from its action, is a pure average person. 她在老人身上感受不到威胁,从其行动来看,就是一个单纯的普通人。 Quick, is filled along with the seat of church, a man of wear white robe after the door of church deep place goes out, his hand takes thick sending out brilliance books, arrived on the church platform. 很快,伴随着教堂的座位坐满,一个穿着白袍的男人从教堂深处的小门后走出,他手拿着一本厚厚的散发着点点光辉的书籍,走到了教堂讲台上。 Silence! Silence!” “肃静!肃静!” He lifts the hand slightly, the sound is not loud, did not have the transmission of hindrance in the ear of everyone, welcome fellow brothers and sisters to come here, listened respectfully to the instruction of eternal ray.” 他微微抬手,声音并不大,却毫无阻碍的传达到了每个人的耳朵里,“欢迎各位兄弟姐妹来到这里,聆听永恒光芒的教诲。” This should be some type of unusual goods, or ceremony strength. 这应该是某种超凡物品,或者仪式力量。 Lehne looked at man on a platform. 莱娜看了一眼讲台上的男人。 The strength of opposite party restrains, she is unable to appraise the true strength of opposite party. 对方的力量非常收敛,她无法评价对方的真正实力。 Before today's share, I tells everyone very much happily a good news,” “在今天的分享之前,我很高兴的告诉大家一个好消息,” The male manpower is shaking hand the classics, we accepted the enlightenment from eternal ray, among brothers and sisters, choosing one to go to the god country to enjoy happiness, from now, he does not need to receive the misery of the world again, in having all eternal god countries, enjoyed the endless years!” 男人手握着手中的经典,“我们接受了来自永恒光芒的启示,将在诸位兄弟姐妹当中,选一位前往神国享福,从此以后,他就不用再受人间的苦难,在拥有一切永恒神国里,享受自己无尽的岁月了!” He finishes speaking, in the entire church is similar to the hot soup that boils to blast out generally, the sound flash of noise filled up each slit. 他话音刚落,整个教堂里就如同沸腾的热汤一般炸开,喧嚣的声音一瞬间填满了每一个缝隙。 Peaceful! Peaceful!” “安静!安静!” The white robe man lifts the hand again, in his sound has some unquestionable dignity, entire hall in flash peaceful. 白袍男人再次抬手,这一次他的声音里带着些许不容置疑的威严,整个大厅在一瞬间安静了下来。 Unusual strength that some type has misleading nature. 某种带有‘蛊惑’性质的超凡力量。 Lehne's thinking in heart said. 莱娜在心中的思索道。 I after this share ended, announced this by lucky fellow who the gods care for ‚’ name,” “我会在这次的分享结束之后,公布这位被神明所眷顾的‘幸运儿’的名字,” The corners of the mouth of man have the smile, what seems from the heart is that by selection the person was happy, in determining everyone's attention again strongly after his body, he opens the books in hand , to continue saying that 男人的嘴角带着笑容,仿佛发自内心的为那位被‘选中’的人高兴,在确定所有人的注意力再次集中在他身上之后,他翻开手中的书籍,继续说道, Today, we must tell that is the eternal god country. “今天,我们要讲述的,就是永恒神国。 Eternal god country is the eternal ray domain, is the universe all finally, after this chaotic universe ultimately moves toward the destruction, the eternal ray will remould this world, founding one is stabler, the universe of order, “永恒神国是永恒光芒的领域,是宇宙一切的终焉,当这个混乱的宇宙最终走向毁灭之后,永恒光芒就会重塑这个世界,创建一个更加稳定的,秩序的宇宙, At the same time, his god country will cover above the new universe, creates the fresh life in this new universe, will live in his eternal god country. “与此同时,他的神国就会覆盖在新宇宙之上,在这个新宇宙中创生的生命,将生活在他永恒的神国中。 Eternal ray is loving Its new universe people, letting Its people in the eternal god country, the non- old codger, will not be hungry, does not have any worry. “永恒光芒爱着祂新宇宙的子民,让祂的子民能在永恒的神国之中,不老不死,不会饥饿,没有任何烦恼。 „ The life of old universe is not the great eternal ray creates, we not since birth are the eternal ray people, the theory, we should to destroy with the destruction of old universe together. “不过旧宇宙的生命并非是伟大的永恒光芒所创造,我们并非生来就是永恒光芒的子民,理论来说,我们应该要随着旧宇宙的毁灭一同毁灭。 But the eternal ray is the universal love, Its equality is loving all lives, therefore It gave us an opportunity, person who lets our these old universes, can enter It to be immortal, eternal god country. “但是永恒光芒是博爱的,祂平等的爱着所有生命,所以祂给了我们一个机会,让我们这些旧宇宙的人,也可以进入祂不朽的,永恒的神国。 We, so long as believes It devotionally, praised It, we can enter Its god country after dying, became Its people, obtaining to go directly to the new universe the eternal life. “我们只要虔诚的信仰祂,赞美祂,我们就能在死后进入祂的神国,成为祂的子民,获得能直达新宇宙的永恒的生命。 You also in the fear cold wind, the fear hunger, the violent people gangster who is afraid these terrifying? “你们还在害怕寒风,害怕饥饿,害怕那些恐怖的暴力分子匪徒吗? In that great eternal god country, all these will not exist, we will not have the hunger, without the pain, that perhaps is in our dream has presented the thing, but now, our actually tentacle may result in! “在那伟大的永恒神国中,这一切都将不复存在,我们将没有饥饿,没有痛苦,那或许是我们梦里才出现过的东西,但现在,我们却触手可得! This is the benevolence of great eternal ray, this is we are separated from life the only possibility in hardship, that is flowing the red wine and honey eternal god country, in the front is waiting for us, but we, only need to believe devotionally!” “这是伟大永恒光芒的仁慈,这是我们脱离生命中的疾苦的唯一可能,那流淌着红酒与蜜糖的永恒神国,就在前方等待着我们,而我们,只需要虔诚的信仰!” The white robe man raises both hands high, somewhat demented shouting, makes the great eternal ray see your irreverence, praised the great eternal ray!” 白袍男人高高举起双手,有些癫狂的喊道,“让伟大的永恒光芒看到你们的虔诚,赞美伟大的永恒光芒!” Praised the great eternal ray!” “赞美伟大的永恒光芒!” In the crowd has the frantic follower high raised own both hands. 人群中有狂热的信徒高高的举起了自己的双手。 Starts some people to lift up high both hands one after another, praise great eternal ray!” 紧接着,开始陆陆续续有人高举双手,“赞美伟大的永恒光芒!” As the person of raising hand are getting more and more, the entire church starts to be covered by the atmosphere that frantic also made noise, these somewhat hesitant person, high raised both hands. 随着举手的人越来越多,整个教堂开始被一股狂热又喧嚣的气氛掩盖,连带着那些有些犹豫的人,也高高的举起了双手。 But at the final moment, Lehne also followed to raise both hands. 而在最后时刻,莱娜也跟着举起了双手。 At this time, she discovered that and she was the same in her behind old person, was the last group of raising hand people. 这时候,她发现在她身后的老人和她一样,都是最后一批举手的人。 Ok, the great eternal ray will see our irreverence!” “好了,伟大的永恒光芒会看到我们的虔诚的!” The white robe man put down both hands slowly, starts to change the next page of classics. 白袍男人缓缓放下了双手,开始翻动着下一页经典。 Crowd of surrounding noise also again peaceful. 周围喧嚣的人群也再次安静了下来。 Also at this moment, the forms of several wear white robes go out after the gate. 也就在这时,几个穿着白袍的身影从门后走出。 They looked at white robe man on a platform, to the white robe man slight nod, along the both sides walls of church, is then taking a fast look around one after another fast is sitting the person's shadow in church. 他们看了一眼讲台上的白袍男人,对着白袍男人微微点头,然后沿着教堂的两侧墙壁,一排一排快速扫视着坐在教堂里的人影。 Immersed people in noise atmosphere rarely has to discover these person's shadows. 沉浸在喧嚣气氛中的人们很少有发现了这些人影的。 However Lehne is not one of them, almost in the earliest possible time that these people come, she discovered them. 不过莱娜不在此列,几乎在这些人进来的第一时间,她就发现了他们。 Obviously, these people come to look for her. 很显然,这些人是来‘找她’的。 Basically is the D level, did not remove to bring to erupt the C level strength the possibility of item. 基本都是D级,不排除带了能爆发出C级实力的道具的可能。 Lehne in the heart is estimating the strength of white robe person. 莱娜在心中估算着进来的白袍人的实力。 These white robe people have not basically covered oneself aura, therefore she can find out their strength scopes probably. 这些白袍人基本上没有掩盖自己的气息,所以她还是可以大概摸清楚他们的实力范围。 But while estimating the opposite party strength, she is also estimating at this moment the surplus strengths in the heart, how should operate, can safe brings He Ao to leave here. 而在估算对方力量的同时,她也在心中估算着此刻自己剩余的力量,应该怎样操作,才能安全的带着何奥离开这里。 While in the heart thinks deeply about, her vision is gazing at the platform as before, is ordinary with other devout followers. 在心中思索的同时,她的目光依旧注视着讲台,与其他虔诚的信徒一般。 Also at this time, is retrieving nearby her a white robe person to shrug a tip of the nose, as if smelled what flavor, walked fast. 也就在这时候,正在检索她附近的一个白袍人耸动了一下鼻尖,仿佛闻到了什么味道,快速走了过来。 This fellow is the dog. 这家伙是狗吗。 Lehne is criticizing one at heart. 莱娜在心里暗骂一句。 Meanwhile, she deeply inspires, completed the combat readiness. 与此同时,她深深地吸了口气,做好了战斗准备。 Bang- 砰- At this moment, Lehne behind made a slight sound, a plastic bag from sitting falls in the following old person sleeve, rolls the ground. 就在这时,莱娜后面发出了一声轻微的声响,一个塑料袋从坐在后面的老人袖子里掉了下来,滚到了地上。 This sound is very light, the surroundings person has almost not heard. 这声音很轻,周围人几乎都没有听见。 What thing?” “什么东西?” White robe man direct arrow step that but that walks flushed, put out a thin sword to open the plastic bag of ground fast. 但那走过来的白袍男人直接一个箭步冲了上来,拿出一把细剑快速挑开了地上的塑料袋。 The bunch also brings the bloodstain meat to divulge from old person's plastic bag. 一团团还带着血迹的肉从老人的塑料袋里泄露出来。 The rich smell of blood flash spreads. 浓郁的血腥味一瞬间蔓延开来。 Mouse meat that I just bought,” “我刚买的老鼠肉,” The old person lowers the head, careful is drawing in the meat of ground, raised the head, awkward looks at the white robe person's shadow, „do you want to taste?” 老人低下头,小心的收拢着地上的肉,抬起头来,尴尬的看着白袍人影,“您要尝点吗?” „In teaches the brothers and sisters,” “都是教内的兄弟姐妹,” The white robe person looked at an old person chest front plastic badge, starts to help draw in the hashed meat of ground, draws, while asked that old gentleman, what suspect did you have to see in neighbor?” 白袍人看了一眼老人胸前的塑料徽章,开始帮忙收拢着地上的碎肉,一边收拢,一边问道,“老爷子,你在附近有看到什么可疑的人吗?” Saying, his vision naturally shot a look at around one. 说着,他目光自然瞥了一眼周围。 No, is nearby resident.” “没有呢,都是附近的居民。” The old person shakes the head. 老人摇摇头。 These two also?” “这两位也是吗?” The vision of white robe person falls young youngster of Lehne as well as on the pillow that on Lehne leg, in not far away seemed listening. 白袍人的目光落在了不远处仿佛正在听讲的莱娜以及枕在莱娜腿上的小少年身上。 That is the distantly related great nephew, here my little grand-nephew, comes not to have two days,” “那是远房的侄孙女,还有我的小侄孙子,才来这边没两天,” The old person looks following the vision of white robe person, careful saying, „do you want to look for them? They are the children of cruel fate, but also is the devout followers, never dares to do the misdemeanor.” 老人顺着白袍人的目光看去,小心的说道,“您要找他们吗?他们俩都是命苦的孩子,不过也都是虔诚的信徒,从来不敢做坏事的。” Since is your relative, that was all right.” “既然是您的亲戚,那就没事了。” The white robe person's shadow looked at a back of female, sets out slowly. 白袍人影看了一眼女子的背影,缓缓起身。 Wrote a point, therefore later. 写多了一点,所以稍晚。
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