LCG :: Volume #3 举着火把的人

#818: On the eve of snowstorm

„?” “啊?” Is looking anxiously the He Ao young detective took the hand of coffee to shake. 正紧张的看着何奥的年轻探员拿着咖啡的手抖了一下。 Chief Just?” “加斯特局长?” Sits reminds in nearby Lehne carefully. 坐在一旁的莱娜小心的提醒道。 Oh,” “噢,” Just turns head hastily, then discovered the Lehne body coffee in cup to overflow, was sorry.” 加斯特连忙回头,然后才发现莱娜身前的杯子里的咖啡已经溢了出来,“抱歉抱歉。” He lifts the Mocha pot immediately, nearby young detective hands over the towel hastily. 他立刻抬起摩卡壶,一旁的年轻探员连忙递过来毛巾。 Just received the towel, places in the Mocha pot nearby cabinet, then cleans in the Lehne cup to overflow to sprinkle the coffee on small tea table hastily. 加斯特接过毛巾,将摩卡壶放在旁边的柜子上,然后连忙擦拭着莱娜杯子里溢出来洒在小茶几上的咖啡。 Is all right.” “没事没事。” Lehne partly met from his hand has taken the towel that hastily partly snatched, then put out a hand oneself to clean. 莱娜连忙从他手里半接半抢的拿过了毛巾,然后伸手自己擦拭起来。 Just looked at his hand, then looked at an appearance of Lehne careful cleaning. 加斯特看了一眼自己的手,然后看了一眼莱娜小心擦拭的模样。 Just the flash of Lehne's in receiving his hand towel, the strength that he can the obvious feeling Lehne cause subconsciously was very strong. 刚刚莱娜在接过他手中毛巾的一刹那,他能明显的感觉到莱娜下意识使出来的力道很强。 He had not realized before, this stature irritable red hair girl is also a powerful C level. 他之前从没有意识到,这位身材火爆的红发女郎也是一位强大的C级。 His fast deep breath several, depress surprised in heart. 他快速深呼吸几口,压下心中的惊讶。 Actually with his experience, originally not possible rude to this degree , the words that but He Ao just said that truly somewhat shock everybody, making him unable to control own mood for a while. 其实以他的经验,本来不可能失态到这种程度的,但是何奥刚刚说出来的话,确实有些惊世骇俗,让他一时把控不住自己的情绪。 One side he places already on the Mocha pot on cabinet the electromagnetic oven that burns out, having some remaining shock to look at He Ao, Mr. Lois, thanked your at night the day before yesterday help.” 他将柜子上的摩卡壶放在一旁已经熄火的电磁炉上,带着些许残余的震惊看着何奥,“伊洛先生,感谢您前天晚上的帮助。” All right,” “没事,” He Ao shakes the head, „is not my merit, the self-piloting system also helped me be many.” 何奥摇摇头,“也不全是我的功劳,自动驾驶系统也帮了我很多。” Just brow jumps. 加斯特眉头一跳。 If He Ao said that has another person to help drive together, he can also believe that but the self-piloting system of machine armor hasn't he known? That thing is a manpower is mental handicap! 如果何奥说是有另外一个人一起帮忙驾驶,他还能信,但是机甲的自动驾驶系统他还不知道吗?那东西就是一个人工智障! Moreover in that night that signal shielded situation, the self-piloting system function of off-line must by large scale weakening. 而且在那天晚上那种信号都被屏蔽的情况下,离线的自动驾驶系统功能还要被大幅度的削弱。 Quick, he consciousness, the present young youngster saw his just surprised and shocking, therefore deliberately weakened itself in at night the day before yesterday function, to give him steps, making him easier to accept. 很快,他意识过来,眼前的小少年看到了他刚刚的惊讶和震惊,所以刻意削弱了自身在前天晚上的作用,以给他一个阶梯,让他更容易接受。 In his heart was half believing and half doubting about this matter, but this moment this Lois little mister yields like this, instead made the anxiety in his heart eliminate. 原本他心中还是对着这件事情将信将疑,但是此刻这位‘伊洛’小先生这样的让步,反而让他心中的疑虑打消了很多。 Experience for a long time told him, in this world, never lacked the talent. 长久以来的经验告诉他,这个世界上,从不缺少天才。 He had also heard, some had never contacted the person of machine armor before, when first manipulator armor, such as the arm pulls strings. 他曾经也听说过,一些以前从未接触过机甲的人,在第一次操作机甲的时候,就如臂指使。 The present young youngster, possibly is that type in ten thousand does not have a machine armor talent. 眼前的这个小少年,可能就是那种万中无一的机甲天才。 Although the fact indeed, he is also convincing himself to accept, but shock on his face is unable as before the calm complete dissipation. 虽然事实的确如此,他也在说服自己接受,但是他脸上的震惊依旧无法从容的完全消散。 But at this time, is hearing He Ao to speak, some whole person dumbfounded gazes He Ao, was just only handing over the young detective of towel to have the courage finally, asked low voice, that night was really you?” 而这个时候,在听到何奥说话,整个人都一些目瞪口呆的注视着何奥,只在刚刚递毛巾的年轻探员终于鼓起了勇气,小声问道,“那天晚上的真的是你吗?” Just complexion changes, immediately prepares to make noise to remind the subordinate. 加斯特面色一变,立刻准备出声提醒手下。 The thoughts of many high-rank are evasive, likely because some rash words will enrage them, will cause the disaster. 很多上位者的心思是不可捉摸的,很可能会因为一些冒失的话语将他们激怒,引起灾祸。 What if you said is the person of driving machine armor, that indeed is I.” “如果你说的是驾驶机甲的人的话,那的确是我。” He Ao put the mouth to blow steam the coffee, the chuckle was saying. 何奥把咖啡放到嘴边吹了一口热气,轻笑着接话道。 You are you so fierce?” “你・・・你这么厉害?” The young detective looks at He Ao incoherently. 年轻探员语无伦次的看着何奥 He did not dread the death, can that night know perfectly well in situation that must die, but also drove the vehicles to come back with Just to fight side-by-side. 他并不畏惧死亡,可以在那天晚上明知必死的情况下,还驾驶着车辆回来和加斯特并肩作战。 However in that jet black curtain of night, that blows up the aerospace giant beast, in pure white machine armor that in the flame of flaming combustion is indomitable spirit, that merely one turns around, a look, makes the dense and numerous innumerable dragoon fighter aircraft lose the courage the broad war-god, carved the profound brand mark in his mind. 但是那个漆黑的夜幕里,那炸毁空天巨兽,在熊熊燃烧的火焰中顶天立地的纯白机甲,那仅仅一个转身,一个眼神,就让密密麻麻无数的龙骑兵战机失去勇气的恢弘战神,在他脑海中刻下了深刻的烙印。 He had once fantasized innumerable with the scene that legend machine armor pilot meets. 他曾幻想过无数次与那位传奇机甲驾驶员见面的场景。 Also had once fantasized the appearance of innumerable that legend machine armor pilot. 也曾幻想过无数种那位传奇机甲驾驶员的模样。 However he has never thought is now such situation, has not thought that this legend machine armor pilot, such young. 但是他从未想过是现在这样的情况,没有想过,这位传奇机甲驾驶员,这样的‘年轻’。 Should very be not fierce?” “应该不算很厉害?” He Ao sipped coffee carefully, rich coffee fat fragrant and mellow blasts out in his mouth. 何奥小心的抿了一口咖啡,浓郁的咖啡油脂的醇香在他口中炸开。 He was himself to achieve best. 他只是做了自己能做到的最好。 „Isn't this fierce?!” “这还不厉害?!” The young detective stared in a big way the eye all of a sudden, the entire body stretched straightly, „your then such then was really” 年轻探员一下子瞪大了眼睛,整个身子绷得笔直,“你就这样・・・然后那样・・・然后・・实在是・・・” His innumerable words to the mouth, suppressed for quite a while, finally said slowly, was too flamboyant.” 他无数话语到了嘴边,憋了半天,终于缓缓说道,“太牛逼了。” Nearby Just could not bear cover the forehead. 一旁的加斯特忍不住捂住了额头。 That that “那・・・那・・・” Young detective hesitant, then asked that you were so fierce, was since childhood in study machine armor driving?” 年轻探员犹豫了一下,接着问道,“你这么厉害,是从小就在学机甲驾驶吗?” Strict,” “严格来说,” He Ao holds the coffee, the steam of fluttering is dancing in the air in the gloomy room, that night was first driving machine armor.” 何奥手捧着咖啡,飘飞的热气在暗淡的房间里飞舞,“那天晚上是第一次驾驶机甲。” This indeed is Lois's first driving machine armor. 这的确是伊洛第一次驾驶机甲。 In this flash, everyone on the scene, and one side cannot insert the topic not to know that including Lehne had anything's Kuririn to stare in a big way the eye, the pupil contracted suddenly. 在这一瞬间,在场的所有人,包括莱娜和一旁插不进话题不知道发生了什么的克林都瞪大了眼睛,瞳孔骤然收缩。 You the first time driving machine armor “你・・・第一次・・・驾驶机甲・・・” This time, was some Lehne stutter opens the mouth. 这一次,是莱娜有些结结巴巴的开口了。 Exploded the aerospace giant beast?” “就炸了空天巨兽?” Just shivered was following her words. 加斯特颤抖着接过了她的话。 Un?” “嗯?” Some He Ao doubts looks at them, I have said that I have the help of self-piloting system, in addition my former childhood also looked has had the books of close-down armor.” 何奥有些疑惑的看着他们,“我说过啊,我有自动驾驶系统的帮助,加上我以前小时候还看过一些有关机甲的书籍。” Lois has indeed read many books, the toy that he most loves is also a machine armor toy. 伊洛是的确看过很多书的,他最爱的玩具也是一个机甲玩具。 Un un.” “嗯嗯嗯。” Nod that Just echoes. 加斯特附和的点头。 Right, the self-piloting does, your anything not this is what evildoer/monstrous talent! 对对对,都是自动驾驶做的,你啥都不会・・・・・・这到底是什么妖孽啊! Among the people, besides Kuririn, is the most shocking young detective hears this news on the contrary from the beginning shocking is weakest. 众人当中,除了克林以外,反倒是一开始最震惊的年轻探员听到这个消息的震惊度是最弱的。 He has not driven machine armor truly, does not have the cognition regarding the seat of honor difficulty of machine armor. 他并没有真正驾驶过机甲,对于机甲的上手难度并没有认知。 But the matter that He Ao in his mind handles enough has made him shock, arrived in his shocking threshold value, he felt , if He Ao, what happened is also very reasonable. 而他脑海中的何奥做的事情已经足够让他震惊,抵达了他的震惊阈值,以至于他觉得如果是何奥的话,发生什么事情也都都是很合理的。 The talent of first driving machine armor got rid of the aerospace giant beast for the first time, what issue does this have? This is very reasonable! This is the talent! 第一次驾驶机甲的天才第一次就干掉了空天巨兽,这有什么问题吗?这很合理!这就是天才! He lowers the head, the careful intense inquiry said, „that driving machine armor is difficult? My this age studies, but can also learn?” 他低下头来,小心紧张的询问道,“那,驾驶机甲难吗?我这个年纪去学,还能学会吗?” In which youngster heart does not have a machine armor dream, especially saw that legend after fighting . 哪个少年心中没有一个机甲梦呢,特别是看到了那传奇的一战之后。 Wants the earnest effort, should not be difficult?” “只要认真努力,应该并不难?” He Ao thought that careful saying. 何奥思索了一下,小心的说道。 In Vian's memory, his first learning machine armor time, is not indeed difficult. 在维安的记忆里,他第一次学习机甲的时候,的确并不难。 Although the operating mode of federation machine armor is the steering-column control of anti-human, so long as makes clear the function of each control handle, spending the time to practice, can cross the threshold. 虽然联邦机甲的操作方式是反人类的操纵杆控制,但是只要搞清楚各个操纵杆的作用,花时间练习一下,都能入门。 Really?” “真的?” In the young detective eyes brilliance flashes. 年轻探员眼中光辉一闪。 „,” “咳咳,” Just coughs hastily, machine armor operation needs quite long time learn/study basically, this matter ended, I can recommend the federal military academy to take advanced courses to you.” 加斯特连忙咳嗽一声,“机甲操作入门需要比较长的时间学习,这次事情结束了,我可以给你推荐到联邦军事学院进行进修。” Thanks the chief!” “谢谢局长!” The young detective salutes immediately excitedly. 年轻探员立刻兴奋的敬礼。 Machine armor driving is not an easy matter, you must be mentally prepared.” “不过机甲驾驶并不是一件容易的事情,你要做好心理准备。” Just urged. 加斯特叮嘱道。 This looks like the mathematics problems, some talents looked that sets the topic of answer, the average person must be quite a while. 这就像是数学题,有些天才看一眼就出答案的题,普通人要算半天。 In talent mouth simple, with true simple, but also bad long distance. 天才口里的‘简单’,和真正的‘简单’,还差的十万八千里。 Just feared that this boy has expected high, when the time comes falls to fall is too miserable. 加斯特就怕这小子期望过高,到时候摔下来摔的太惨。 However the young detective is listening to Just's words, opens mouth, starts to speak but hesitates, as if wants the appearance that refuted not to dare to refute. 不过年轻探员听着加斯特的话,张了张嘴,欲言又止,似乎想要反驳又不敢反驳的样子。 Yes,” “是的,” At this time, nearby He Ao said with a smile, „everyone defined differently regarding the difficulty, but regardless of he were difficult is easy, subjectively must think that he was very easy, then prepared to cope with it with the psychology of processing difficult problem.” 这时候,一旁的何奥笑道,“每个人对于难易定义不同,但无论他到底是难是易,主观上都要认为他很容易,然后用处理难题的心理准备去对付它。” Good!” “好!” The young detective nods, he listens is not quite clear, but is very obvious, he perceived. 年轻探员点点头,他听的不太明白,但是很显然,他听进去了。 Just brow jumps. 加斯特眉头一跳。 He felt that the young detective looked in the eye of He Ao must have the star. 他感觉年轻探员看何奥的眼睛里都要出星星了。 The subordinate who how oneself leads, how many words followed others? 怎么自己一手带出来的手下,才几句话就跟着别人跑了呢? However. 不过。 He looked around one to hold coffee He Ao. 他看了一眼一旁抱着咖啡的何奥 Although the youngster seem like the age to be very small, but as if has one type with the age completely incompatible maturity. 少年虽然看上去年纪很小,但是却似乎有一种与年龄完全不符的成熟。 Obviously is an age bigger young detective, before this young youngster, pours that child who is more like listens to teach. 明明是年纪更大的年轻探员,在这个小少年面前,倒更像是听训的那个孩子。 He did not suspect actually this has what issue. 他倒是不怀疑这有什么问题。 Talent always precocity. 天才总是早慧的。 This is the gracious gift of talent, is the misery of talent. 这是天才的恩赐,也是天才的苦难。 When Just thinks, He Ao has turned the head, looks to him, opens the mouth to ask, „did Chief Just, you relate on that side Irons?” 而在加斯特思索的时候,何奥已经转过头来,看向了他,开口问道,“加斯特局长,你们联系上了艾恩斯那边了吗?” In relation,” “联系上了,” Hears this issue, Just complexion sinks, said in a soft voice, FBI Headquarters accepted our material, and will express will put a case on file and begin investigations, they have dispatched the investigation group to come.” 听到这个问题,加斯特面色微沉,轻声说道,“联邦调查局总部接受了我们的资料,并表示会立案调查,他们已经派遣调查小组过来了。” How only to send the investigation group to come?” “怎么只派调查小组过来?” Lehne is somewhat surprised, your FBI is carried the branch now, was aloof?” 莱娜有些惊讶,“你们联邦调查局现在连分部被人端了,都无动于衷了吗?” „It is not aloof “并不是无动于衷・・・” Just's expression is somewhat awkward. 加斯特的表情有些尴尬。 How unites that side the industry to contradict?” “联合工业那边怎么抗辩的?” He Ao actually as if not seem surprised regarding this result, asked in a soft voice. 何奥倒是似乎对于这个结果不显得惊讶,轻声问道。 Issue here,” “问题就在这里,” Some people break through, Just relaxes, the slow sound said, joint industry said that was their security minister colluded with the eternal esoteric buddhism secretly, bringing the aerospace giant beast that their team and borrowed to visit to besiege us, at night the day before yesterday matter was purely the accident/surprise, they also by the victim who the eternal esoteric buddhism involved.” 有人解围,加斯特松了口气,缓声道,“联合工业说是他们的保卫部长偷偷勾结了永恒密教,带着他们的队伍和借来参观的空天巨兽来围攻我们,前天晚上的事情纯属意外,他们也是被永恒密教牵连的受害者。” But this looked that gave a pretext “可是这一看就是借口・・・” Lehne brow slightly wrinkle. 莱娜眉头微皱。 Indeed gave a pretext, so long as united the industry before it happened ahead of time reporting, conformed to the program flow, the big financial groups helped them operate again, that side FBI Headquarters was not good to draw a conclusion directly.” “的确是借口,但是只要联合工业在事发之前提前‘报案’,符合程序流程,再有一个大财团帮他们运作,联邦调查局总部那边就不好直接下结论。” He Ao said slowly. 何奥缓缓接话道。 Before it happened reported?” “事发之前报案?” Lehne hoodwinked. 莱娜蒙了一下。 Is this,” “是这样的,” Some Just surprise looked at He Ao , to continue saying that 加斯特有些诧异的看了一眼何奥,继续说道, They through bribe in ghost in Bureau of Investigation, when I embark encircles the eternal esoteric buddhism on reporting of’, and is depressed the news by ghost, reports to the headquarters alone, went round me, the reason that they claimed was the issue that the aerospace giant beast left discovers, they before it happened, completed all arrangement early,” “他们通过在调查局内买通的内鬼,在我出发去围剿永恒密教的时候就‘报了案’,并由内鬼压下消息,单独向总部汇报,借此绕开了我,他们声称的理由是空天巨兽离开才发现的问题,他们早在事发之前,就做好了所有的布置,” Speaking of this, he sighed, on the contrary was we, was hit to be caught off guard.” 说到这,他叹了口气,“反倒是我们,被打了个措手不及。” Wynter was too far from Irons,” “温特市距离艾恩斯太远了,” He Ao looks to burn the electronic fireplace of flame, adds on Chief Just not dead again, does not calculate that breaks the taboo of FBI specially, therefore operates slightly, can lengthen the time, then walks the normal investigation flow, so long as when the time comes flings all pots to the eternal esoteric buddhism, unites the industry to stay out.” 何奥看着燃烧着火光的电子壁炉,“再加上加斯特局长没死,不算特别触犯联邦调查局的禁忌,所以稍微运作一下,就可以把时间拖长,然后走正常的调查流程,到时候只要把所有的锅都甩给永恒密教,联合工业就可以置身事外。” Yes,” “是的,” Just nods gently, 加斯特轻轻点头, I applied for the direct social, but had not been authorized, but organized a elite investigation group to come, but these were FBI normal investigation flow, “我原本申请了直接支援,但是没有被批准,只是组织了一个精锐的调查小组过来,而这些都是联邦调查局内部的正常调查流程, But Wynter is away from remotely from Irons, waits for the investigation group to come, the investigation, the report, the confirmation, the time at least passed over half a month.” “但是温特市距离艾恩斯距离遥远,等调查小组过来,调查,汇报,验证,时间至少过去大半个月了。” „Is this is walking the procedure/program to lengthen the time purely?” “这是在纯粹走程序把时间拖长?” Lehne somewhat tastes, „does joint industry prepare to use the eternal esoteric buddhism to complete the complete control to entire Wynter? Then sold the eternal esoteric buddhism backhandedly, completes the cleaning with the strength of FBI to the eternal esoteric buddhism, then gains complete clean Wynter?” 莱娜有些回过味来,“联合工业准备利用永恒密教完成对整个温特市的完全控制?然后反手把永恒密教卖了,借联邦调查局的力对永恒密教完成清扫,然后获取一个完整干净的温特市?” Her complexion sinks, somewhat clenches jaws saying that misdemeanor is the eternal esoteric buddhism does, they are the pure small white bloom, this idea hits good.” 她面色微沉,有些咬牙切齿道,“坏事都是永恒密教做的,他们是纯洁的小白花,这主意打的挺好啊。” Immediately she thinks saying that „, if made them make the matter, the beforehand matter did write off? Moreover FBI such bastard, whatever unites the industrial deceit.” 随即她又思索道,“如果让他们把事情做成了,岂不是之前的事情都一笔勾销了?而且联邦调查局怎么也这么混蛋,任由联合工业欺骗。” Just in side awkward smiling. 加斯特在旁边尴尬的笑了笑。 If FBI is Pure Brightness pure, a he such meritorious C level will not adjust Wynter to hold an office from the Irons such remote place. 要是联邦调查局清明纯粹,他这样一个战功卓著的C级就不会调到温特市这个距离艾恩斯这么遥远的地方来任职了。 Strict, FBI Headquarters set does not have the issue, is the normal procedure/program. 严格来说,联邦调查局总部这一套走的并没有问题,是正常的程序。 However the same matter, in the different manpower, walks the different procedures, even can go out of the completely opposite result, moreover conforms to the flow. 但是同样的事情,在不同人手里,走不同的程序,甚至能走出完全相反的结果,而且都是符合流程的。 In this can operation the factor were too many. 这里面可以‘操作’的因素太多了。 He raised the head, looks at He Ao, judging from the present situation, the cooperation between eternal esoteric buddhism and joint industries seems not the monolithic bloc, perhaps we can use among them the contradiction to make some issues.” 他抬起头,看着何奥,“从目前的情况来看,永恒密教和联合工业之间的合作似乎并不是铁板一块,或许我们可以利用他们之间的矛盾做一些文章。” Speaking of behind, his tone lowered gradually. 说到后面,他的语气渐渐低了下来。 The eternal esoteric buddhism and joint industry very obviously are the old foxes of full belly dirty trick, more has the contradiction, this two more will be will restrain before getting angry. 永恒密教和联合工业很显然都是满肚子坏水的老狐狸,越是具有矛盾,这二者越是会在翻脸之前克制。 Instigation desirably, instead possibly outsmarts oneself. 刻意的挑拨,反而可能弄巧成拙。 Un,” “嗯,” He Ao nods gently, thinks was looking that could not insert the topic to the one side Kuririn, the slow sound asked that Kuririn grandfather, you know that what trend recently the eternal esoteric buddhism did have?” 何奥轻轻颔首,思索着看向一旁一直都插不进话题的克林,缓声问道,“克林爷爷,您知道最近永恒密教有什么动向吗?” I in other areas am not quite clear,” “其他地区的我不太清楚,” Kuririn thinks is replying, storm area recent preaching were getting more and more, was selected to enter the people in god country's is also getting more and more, my some youngest brothers alsoentered the god country by delivering, the idle faction boys were also incorporated by the eternal esoteric buddhism, and they also in unceasing attracts the rookie frombelievers, they are expanding probably massively.” 克林思索着回答道,“风暴区最近的‘布道’越来越多了,被选中进入神国的人也越来越多了,我的一些老兄弟也被‘送’进了神国,很多原本无所事事的帮派小子也被永恒密教收编了,并且他们还在不断的从‘信众’中吸纳新人,他们好像在大规模扩张。” Good,” “好,” He Ao was still thinking deeply about the nod, turns head, looks to Just, when can the investigation group of FBI Headquarters probably?” 何奥仍旧思索着点头,回过头来,看向加斯特,“联邦调查局总部的调查小组大概什么时候能到?” Should be before tomorrow evening .” “应该是明晚之前。” Just replied fast. 加斯特快速答道。 Weather forecast said that tomorrow evening has the snowstorm.” “天气预报说明晚有暴风雪。” Lehne in saying of some side doubts. 莱娜在旁边有些疑惑的说道。 Yes,” “是的,” Just nods, they to avoid this snowstorm, accelerates, will catch up as far as possible before tomorrow evening snowstorm, special fighter aircraft that they will take, the speed will want to be faster than the spatial ship.” 加斯特点点头,“他们正是为了躲避这场暴风雪,才加速过来的,尽量赶在明晚暴风雪之前到,他们乘坐的专门战机,速度比空艇要快一些。” Snowstorm.” “暴风雪么。” He Ao raised the head, looks to float these character cards in his field of vision. 何奥抬起头,看向悬浮在他视野中的那些人物卡片。 He has some inferences indistinctly, but always feels also almost anything. 他隐约已经有了一些推断,但是总感觉还差点什么。
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