LCG :: Volume #3 举着火把的人

#799: Presently kills ‚commission’

Presently Chapter 800 kills commission( big chapter asked monthly ticket) 第800章现杀的‘佣金’(大章求月票) The dim white light filled up the He Ao field of vision, the unprecedented fatigue spread from his all the limbs and bones, swept across his soul. Correct chapter novel read, google search 朦胧的白光填满了何奥的视野,前所未有的疲惫感从他的四肢百骸中传出,席卷了他的灵魂。【无错章节小说阅读,google搜寻】 This fatigue is ordinary like ten million jin (0.5 kg) mountain, presses on his body, keeping him even from moving to point. 这股疲惫感如同千万斤的大山一般,压在他的身上,让他甚至无法动弹一下手指。 But also in this dim white brilliance, illusory shadows appears from this pure white world bottom color slowly, their facial features have blurred, probably does not know the name the spirit. 而也就在这朦胧的白色光辉中,一道道虚幻的阴影缓缓从这纯白的世界底色中浮现,他们的面容都已经模糊,像是一个个不知姓名的魂灵。 Their empty shades pass through from the He Ao body, brought is actually not the ice-cold chill in the air, but seems to be soaks every inchs the warmth of muscle. 他们的虚影从何奥的身躯中穿过,带来的却不是冰冷的寒意,而是一股股仿佛浸透每一寸肌肉的温暖。 But along with these warm little fills the air to open in the He Ao body, that as if mountain capping exhausted melts like the spring breeze snow generally. 而伴随着这些温暖一点点在何奥的身躯中弥漫而开,那仿佛大山压顶的疲惫如同春风化雪一般消融。 He Ao moved to point, feeling whole person light. 何奥动弹了一下手指,感觉整个人都‘轻’了下来。 He looks up to the front, these innumerable across the empty shadow of his body, at this moment is collecting the same place in the front white brilliance, condenses the illusory person's shadow. 他抬头看向前方,那些无数穿过他身躯的虚影,此刻正在前面白茫茫的光辉中汇集成一起,凝聚成虚幻的人影。 Fuzzy, wears the long skirt gradually, the appearance of little girl the eyes shut tightly appears in the white light. 一个模糊的,穿着长裙,双眼紧闭的小女孩的模样渐渐的在白光中显现出来。 When the last empty shadow passed through the He Ao body, He Ao felt oneself as if fully restored the ability to act, but the little girl who the front empty shadow condenses also forms thoroughly. 当最后一个虚影穿过了何奥的身躯,何奥感觉自己似乎完全恢复了行动能力,而前方虚影凝聚成的小女孩也彻底成形。 The fuzzy illusory long skirt starts to construct the lightproof entity, then changes to pure blood red. 模糊虚幻的长裙开始构筑成不透光的实体,然后化作纯粹的血红。 Ellis?” “艾莉丝?” He Ao is gazing at present the red skirt little girl of forming gradually, gazes at these illusory shadows to integrate the body of little girl completely. 何奥注视着眼前渐渐的成形的红裙小女孩,注视着那些虚幻的影子完全融入小女孩的身躯。 The little girls open the eye, is gazing at present He Ao, she opens both hands slowly, stretch/leisurely of a blood red paper butterfly from her palm launches the wing, flies slowly to He Ao. 小女孩睁开眼睛,注视着眼前的何奥,她缓缓张开双手,一只血红色的纸蝴蝶从她的手心中舒展开翅膀,缓缓飞向何奥 He Ao puts out a hand, meets to the butterfly. 何奥伸出手去,接向蝴蝶。 At this moment he indistinctly somewhat clear, now what he faces is not Ellis, or purely is not Ellis. 此刻他隐约有些明白,他现在所面对的并不是‘艾莉丝’,或者说,并不纯粹是‘艾莉丝’。 These from side church by release once taking church cornerstone spirit, before returning to the world, left behind some on He Ao strength as thanks. 那些从里侧教堂被中‘释放’的曾经作为‘教堂基石’魂灵,在回归世界之前,在何奥身上留下了一些‘力量’作为感谢。 This strength collected on Ellis's paper butterfly continuously finally, forms appearance that now he sees. 这一缕缕力量最终汇集在了艾莉丝的纸蝴蝶身上,形成现在他所见到的模样。 Ellis is in these strengths has some type read remnantly the train of thought only, therefore naturally becomes the subordinations of these strengths, embodiment of these strengths also displayed Ellis's appearance. 艾莉丝是这些力量中唯一具有某种‘残念’的思绪,所以自然成为了这些力量的统属,这些力量的具象化也表现出艾莉丝的模样。 Before He Ao detected side church winding of some strengths vaguely in final departure on him and paper butterfly, after he left the side church, the paper butterfly has not appeared. 之前何奥依稀察觉到一些力量在最后离开里侧教堂缠绕在了他和纸蝴蝶身上,但是在他离开里侧教堂之后,纸蝴蝶却并没有出现。 Now looks like, that time was these strengths is unstable, formed a stable shape until this time completely. 现在看来,那时候是那些力量还并不稳定,直到这时候才完全形成了一个稳定的形态。 The bright red paper butterfly falls on the fingertip of He Ao, draws in the wing slowly. 鲜红的纸蝴蝶落在何奥的指尖,缓缓收拢翅膀。 Also in this flash, the entire pure white brilliance world was shattered. 也就在这一瞬间,整个纯白的光辉世界破碎。 He Ao opened the eye slowly, looks to the surroundings. 何奥缓缓睁开了眼睛,看向周围。 First the one who maps his view is a fine pretty cheek, with golden double ponytail that extends from the two sides. 首先映入他眼帘的是一个精致娇俏的脸蛋,和从两边延伸出去的金色双马尾。 „Do you awake?” “你醒啦?” Is gazing at He Ao, blinks, I also think that you will rest the little while again, your present condition how?” 维莉注视着何奥,眨眨眼睛,“我还以为你会再睡会儿的,你现在状态怎么样?” He Ao just prepared to open the mouth, the feeling entire body transmits the rich exhausted and weak feeling. 何奥刚准备开口,就感觉整个身体传来浓郁的疲惫和虚弱感。 Meanwhile, a warm strength transmits from his right shoulder, is repairing his body unceasingly. 与此同时,一股温暖的力量从他右肩上传来,不断的修复着他的身躯。 He has turned head, looked on a right shoulder to stretch the wing also somewhat illusory blood chromo paper butterfly, then returned comes, to look excessively, „the present is good.” 他扭过头去,看了一眼右肩上舒展翅膀还有些虚幻的血色纸蝴蝶,然后再回归过头来,看向维莉,“现在还好。” But at this time, followed his line of sight to look that congealed the solid paper butterfly to the little on He Ao shoulder. 而这个时候,维莉也跟着他的视线看向了何奥肩上的一点点凝实的纸蝴蝶。 She remembered clearly, just on the He Ao shoulder did not have this paper butterfly very much. 她记得很清楚,刚刚何奥肩上没有这只纸蝴蝶。 However she does not have to ask, after all on unusualness is a little secret is very normal, she has turned the head, looked at a Lehne, „, your guest came.” 不过她没有多问,毕竟超凡者身上有点秘密很正常,她转过头去,看了一眼身旁的莱娜,“诺,你的客人来了。” Then she draws out the body, you first chatted, I went to make a tea with milk to you.” 然后她直起身子,“你们先聊,我去给你们煮点奶茶。” Hears these words, some He Ao surprise looks. 听到这句话,何奥有些诧异的看向维莉。 Some Lehne surprise looks. 连带着莱娜都有些诧异的看向维莉。 Your what looks, I am the clothes put out a hand to be waited on hand and foot in your eyes, what cannot young lady?” “你们什么眼神,在你们眼里我就是衣来伸手饭来张口,什么都不会的大小姐吗?” Shows the whites of the eyes, I very small time learned to make the tea with milk from Uncle, the quick ten years of old craftsmanship, you must believe my technology!” 维莉翻了个白眼,“我很小的时候就跟着杰科叔叔学煮奶茶了,快十年的老手艺了,你要相信我的技术!” Saying, she clapped, rouses the face to go out of the inside room. 说着,她拍拍手,鼓着脸走出了里屋。 She is very different.” “她很不一样。” Lehne gazes at the form of young girl to disappear after the gate, turns head, looks to He Ao. 莱娜注视着少女的身影消失在门后,回过头来,看向何奥 At least she understood financial group young lady, no one will go to make the tea with milk personally, this is hires the work of maid or private chef generally. 至少她了解到的财团大小姐,没有人会去亲自煮奶茶,这一般是雇佣女仆或者私人厨师的工作。 Yes,” “是的,” He Ao looks direction that vanishes, nod gently looking pensive. 何奥看着维莉消失的方向,也若有所思的轻轻点头。 Although possibly is this city richest young lady, however her habitat lets her not like a young lady. 维莉虽然可能是这座城市最富有的‘大小姐’,但是她的生长环境却让她并不像一个大小姐。 Then he turns the head, looks to Lehne, „the condition of security federation how?” 然后他转过头来,看向莱娜,“安保联合会的状况怎么样?” Is poor, but compared with expectation is much better,” “不怎么好,但是比预料的要好得多,” Lehne nods gently, simple the situation of security federation narrates at present, then she then said,at present many people in federation hope can establish treaty of alliance with you ‚’, 莱娜轻轻点头,简单的将目前安保联合会的情况叙述了一遍,然后她接着说道,“目前联合会里的许多人都希望能和你建立‘盟约’, Your yesterday evening score has spread over entire Wynter and even the entire federation, now perhaps upper level the entire federation knows that had dropping angel machine armor to shoot down the aerospace giant beast. “你昨晚上的战绩已经传遍了整个温特市乃至整个联邦了,现在恐怕整个联邦上层都知道有一架堕天使机甲击落了空天巨兽。 Joint industry sent the announcement this morning, posts a reward 50 million federal coins to want your person, can provide the effective clue, has 10 million bonuses directly.” “联合工业今天早上就发了公告,悬赏五千万联邦币要你的人,能提供有效线索的,直接就有一千万的奖金。” „Don't you receive this bonus?” “你不去领这个奖金?” He Ao clamps an infusion hand to place on the leg, looks at her with a smile. 何奥夹着输液架的手放在腿上,笑着看着她。 Our monetary reward hunter line also has the custom “我们赏金猎人这行也是有规矩的・・・” Speaking of this, she, tilted the head looks at He Ao, the waterfall red hair coasts along her shoulder, at least I have the custom, should not money of gaining not gain.” 说到这,她顿了顿,歪头看着何奥,瀑布般的红发沿着她的肩膀滑下,“至少我是有规矩的,不该赚的钱不赚。” „Did you do the mercenary really to make money?” “你干佣兵真的赚到钱了吗?” He Ao somewhat looks at her curiously. 何奥有些好奇的看着她。 Also gains,” “也・・・赚到一点吧,” Lehne words, then changes the topic slightly immediately, good news is, the information that I receive at present, your pilot status has not divulged, the bad news is,” 莱娜话语稍顿,然后立刻岔开了话题,“好消息是,就我目前收到的情报,你的驾驶员身份没有泄露,坏消息是,” She looks at He Ao, your present warrant for arrest pasted completely entire Wynter.” 她看着何奥,“你现在的通缉令贴满了整个温特市。” „Does eternal esoteric buddhism do?” “永恒密教干的?” He Ao looked that she changes the topic the idea, does not expose, but thinks to say slightly. 何奥看出来她岔开话题的想法,也不点破,而是微微思索道。 When he to line of battle Vince, he discovered that the eternal esoteric buddhism seems to have had his material. 早在他对战列文斯的时候,他就发现永恒密教似乎已经掌握了他的资料。 Although the eternal esoteric buddhism possibly did not have the means to determine that these matters are he do, but does not affect them rather to kill does not let off mistakenly. 虽然永恒密教可能还没办法确定那些事就是他干的,但是不影响他们宁杀错不放过。 Yes,” “是的,” Lehne nods, present entire Wynter is others, where the warrant for arrest wants to paste pastes.” 莱娜点点头,“现在整个温特市都是人家的,通缉令想贴哪儿贴哪儿。” What therefore the joint industry and eternal esoteric buddhism are relate? Your does there have the information?” “所以联合工业和永恒密教到底是什么关系?你那里有情报吗?” He Ao continues to ask. 何奥继续问道。 Does not know, we had not received any message before,” “不知道,我们之前也没有收到任何的消息,” The expression on Lehne face is somewhat strange, 莱娜脸上的表情有些怪异, Hidden that „ these two deliberately plan was too long, the eternal esoteric buddhism can conceal the truth to be normal, but the joint industry can also conceal the truth unexpectedly. “这俩处心积虑的隐藏的太久了,永恒密教能瞒住是正常的,但是联合工业居然也能瞒住。 Until yesterday evening, uniting the industrial base intermediate level staff also thinks that the eternal esoteric buddhism is their enemies,” “直到昨晚上,联合工业基中层员工还以为永恒密教是他们的敌人,” Speaking of this, she continues to say looking pensive, at present I am the suspicion, unites the industry few people who perhaps only then the uppermost layer decides, is true and eternal esoteric buddhism has the relations, among them works out ‚’ perhaps treaty of alliance, unites the industrial board of directors not to know.” 说到这,她若有所思的继续道,“目前我是怀疑,联合工业恐怕只有最上层做决策的极少数人,才真正和永恒密教有关系,他们之间订立的‘盟约’,或许连联合工业董事会都不知道。” Un,” “嗯,” He Ao nodded gently, unites the industry to conceal the truth FBI, this time truly concealed was very good, he is gazing at Lehne again, that side FBI arranged?” 何奥轻轻点头,联合工业连联邦调查局都瞒过了,这次确实隐瞒的很好,他再次注视着莱娜,“联邦调查局那边安排好了吗?” I have arranged the person and doctor help them stabilize live in the injury,” “我已经安排人和医生帮他们稳定住伤势了,” Lehne nods, they should now already with the FBI Headquarters relation.” 莱娜点点头,“他们现在应该已经和联邦调查局总部联系上了。” Troubled,” “麻烦了,” He Ao expressed thanks in a soft voice, then he looks at Lehne, opened the mouth slowly, „can I have a look at you yesterday evening since that disc in side church?” 何奥轻声致谢,然后他看着莱娜,缓缓开口,“我可以看看你昨晚上进入里侧教堂的那个圆盘吗?” Naturally.” “当然。” Lehne puts out a hand, gives He Ao the disc of that belt/bring indicator, she detects vaguely, He Ao these looks for her time, the big probability is related with this disc. 莱娜伸出手去,将那个带指针的圆盘递给何奥,她依稀察觉到,何奥这一次找她,大概率和这个圆盘有关。 Thanks.” “谢谢。” He Ao received the disc, places under it the sunlight that the window sprinkles, is sizing up carefully. 何奥接过圆盘,将它放在窗户洒进来的阳光下,仔细打量着。 This disc presents the light light golden color, above drawing filled the dense and numerous distortion traces. 这个圆盘本身呈现淡淡的浅金色,上面绘画满了密密麻麻的扭曲纹路。 At this moment in the He Ao spirit regards in the field of vision, outermost this disc is patrolling together the brilliance of distortion, encircles one along the outside edge of disc link shape. 此刻在何奥的灵视视野中,这个圆盘最外侧游弋着一道扭曲的光辉,沿着圆盘的外边缘围成一个‘环’状。 In link that in encircles brilliance, is flooding massive distortion the design of moving restlessly, has the brilliance of some distortion to be similar to breath general fluctuating in the designs of these distortions indistinctly. 而在光辉围成的环内,则充斥着大量的扭曲的躁动的图案,隐隐约约有某种扭曲的光辉在这些扭曲的图案中如同呼吸一般起伏。 But in the above of disc, is mounting a light golden indicator. 而在圆盘的上方,则镶嵌着一个浅金色的指针。 He Ao saw Lehne puts out this indicator the time yesterday evening, the indicator faces the above, but now, this indicator was moved 180 degrees, faced under. 何奥昨晚上看到莱娜拿出这个指针的时候,指针是朝向上方的,而现在,这个指针被拨动了一百八十度,朝向了正下方。 This was Lehne has used one time. 这是莱娜已经使用过一次了。 You said yesterday evening, this disc is very dangerous?” “你昨晚上说,这个圆盘很危险?” Nearby Lehne looks at him to size up this disc, asking of some doubts. 一旁的莱娜看着他打量这个圆盘,有些疑惑的问道。 Strict, the disc is not dangerous,” “严格来说,圆盘并不危险,” He Ao puts down the disc, looks to Lehne, reorganized to express, 何奥放下圆盘,看向莱娜,整理了一下措辞, Is the pollution danger that in the disc stores up, in this inside stored up you to enter the pollution in side church, but can only store up one time, if your second use, this disc because is unable to save so many pollution directly to be exploded crowded, then inside pollution overflow will come out.” “是圆盘里储存的污染危险,这里面储存了你进入里侧教堂中的污染,但是只能储存一次,如果你第二次使用,这个圆盘就会因为无法存储那么多污染被直接挤爆,然后里面的污染就会外溢出来。” Then will I die?” “然后我会死?” Lehne looked at a disc, careful asking. 莱娜看了一眼圆盘,小心的问道。 Un, by human is this,” “嗯,以人类来说是这样,” He Ao nods, naturally, stricter point view is, you will turn into by the monster of eternal ray pollution,” 何奥点点头,“当然,更严格一点的说法是,你会变成被永恒光芒污染的怪物,” He is sizing up the disc in hand carefully, gives you person of this disc, should have the ability of monster can locate even controls by this disc to a certain extent is polluted, moreover his big probability is also an eternal ray follower, is very high-level follower.” 他仔细打量着手中的圆盘,“给你这个圆盘的人,应该具有能定位甚至一定程度上控制被这个圆盘污染的怪物的能力,而且他大概率也是一个永恒光芒的信徒,还是很高级的信徒。” Therefore this fellow doesn't want to pay a bill from the beginning?” “所以这家伙一开始就没有想付账吗?” The Lehne hand is supporting the chin, gazes at the disc in He Ao, on the face is appearing the extremely angry expression rarely, got rid of the pensioner not to need to pay the commission, bastard!” 莱娜手撑着下巴,注视着何奥手里的圆盘,脸上难得显现出愤愤的表情,“干掉受雇者就不用支付佣金了,王八蛋!” He Ao smiles, looks at Lehne, you did not fear that I do deceive you?” 何奥莞尔一笑,看着莱娜,“你就不怕我骗你?” You, if really wants to harm me,” “你要是真想害我,” Lehne looks at He Ao, reveals one smile, yesterday evening I died in the church.” 莱娜看着何奥,露出一个浅浅的微笑,“昨晚上我就死在教堂里了。” He Ao smiles, the hand is grasping the disc , to continue to ask, „, therefore in this is hires you to go to the person in side church to give you? You know that who he is?” 何奥笑了笑,手握着圆盘,继续问道,“所以这是雇佣你去里侧教堂的人给你的?你知道他是谁吗?” Does not know,” “不知道,” Lehne shakes the head, he is my senior customer, through black market understanding, first he took up a collection several times normally,” 莱娜摇摇头,“他是我的一个老客户,通过‘黑市’认识的,前几次他都正常打钱了,” Speaking of this, her, constrained slightly again was scolding one angrily, „ bastard! „ 说到这,她微微一顿,再次压抑着愤怒的骂了一句,“王八蛋!“ Since this,” “既然这样,” He Ao looks at her, „can I give you an request?” 何奥看着她,“我可以给你一个委托吗?” Un?” “嗯?” Lehne has doubts looks at him. 莱娜疑惑的看着他。 This person possibly is the eternal ray high-level follower, but the trace style of this disc, a little style of probably eternal old teachings catholicism.” “这个人可能是永恒光芒的高级信徒,而这个圆盘的纹路风格,有点像是永恒旧教的风格。” He Ao is looking at the disc in hand, saying looking pensive. 何奥看着手中的圆盘,若有所思的说道。 Eternal old teachings catholicism?” “永恒旧教?” Lehne stares, „weren't they arrange the person to enter the bishop hall? How can also seperately hire me to go in?” 莱娜一愣,“他们不是自己安排人进了主教堂吗?怎么还要另外雇佣我进去?” This is we need to investigate,” “这就是我们需要调查的,” In the He Ao mind flashes through the trap flow that the eternal esoteric buddhism arranges, the person who the eternal esoteric buddhism as if is very clear the eternal old teachings catholicism wants anything. 何奥脑海中闪过永恒密教所布置的陷阱流程,永恒密教似乎很清楚永恒旧教的人想要什么。 He thought that looks to Lehne honest saying, I want to entrust you to help me give you trustee to report a news, makes him to come out, I thought that he possibly and death of my parents has some connection.” 他思索了一下,看向莱娜坦诚的说道,“我想委托你帮我给你的‘委托人’发一个消息,约他出来,我觉得他可能和我父母的去世存在着某种关联。” According to custom,” “按照规矩,” Lehne is gazing at He Ao, we should not expose the status of trustee.” 莱娜注视着何奥,“我们不应该暴露委托人的身份。” He wants to repudiate a debt.” “他想赖账。” He Ao said with a smile. 何奥笑道。 Was dry.” “干了。” Lehne without hesitation should say. 莱娜毫不犹豫的应道。 Said that this, she, sighing, looks like me is not really suitable to make monetary reward hunter line, later is not dry, opens my bar with single-hearted devotion.” 说完这句,她顿了顿,叹了口气,“看来我真的不适合做赏金猎人这一行,以后不干了,专心开我的酒吧吧。” That this time request gold/metal, do you want?” “那这次的委托金,你要吗?” He Ao looks at her. 何奥看着她。 Wants!” “要!” Also is response without hesitation, then she is gazing at He Ao, said, you do prepare to what take the commission?” 又是毫不犹豫的回应,然后她注视着何奥,“说起来,你准备给什么作为佣金?” Your talent sequence is angry man (Han) following talent sequence? D level?” “你的天赋序列是‘怒汉’的后续天赋序列?D级?” He Ao looks at her, is thinking deeply about asking. 何奥看着她,思索着问道。 How do you know?” “你怎么知道?” Lehne hoodwinked, some doubts looks at He Ao. 莱娜蒙了一下,有些疑惑的看着何奥 Guesses.” “猜的。” He Ao blinks. 何奥眨眨眼。 The god knowledge can see the color of unusualness within the body energy, but this color is like the brilliance color in the unusualness blood having. 神识可以看到超凡者体内能量的颜色,而这颜色与超凡者血液中所带的光辉颜色是一样的。 According to the current experience, He Ao guessed following all talent sequences that the same F level talent sequence derives, likely is the same colors. 根据目前的经验,何奥猜测同一个F级天赋序列衍生出来的后续所有天赋序列,很可能都是同一个颜色。 For example talent sequence 5: Angry man (Han) is the red, E level that then the angry man (Han) derives wrestle, bull, D level hoodlum, martial arts, C level soldier, hunter, passes on military, is the red. 比如说‘天赋序列五:怒汉’是红色,那么怒汉所衍生出的E级‘格斗家’,‘公牛’,D级‘暴徒’,‘武术家’,C级的‘战士’,‘捕猎者’,‘传武者’,都是红色。 He Ao is unable to determine that now own guess is whether accurate, at least in the talent sequence that he understands, is this rule. 何奥现在无法确定自己的猜测是否准确,至少在他了解的天赋序列里,是这个规律。 The energy of this moment Lehne within the body in his field of vision is red, therefore he guess. 此刻莱娜体内的能量在他的视野中就是‘红色’,所以他就‘猜测’了一下。 But in angry man (Han) in three D level talent sequences of follow-up correspondence, two is He Ao is quite familiar. 而在‘怒汉’后续对应的三个D级天赋序列中,有两个都是何奥比较熟悉的。 In fact, the fight accomplishment that Lehne displayed before, He Ao actually has guess to her talent sequence. 事实上,莱娜之前所表现出的战斗素养,何奥其实对她的天赋序列已经有了‘猜测’了。 My ability is talent sequence 50: Martial arts.” “我的能力是‘天赋序列50:武术家’。” Lehne has not hidden, direct clear said own talent sequence, she had not asked how the He Ao matter guessed correctly, but looks at He Ao, „, therefore your commission and my talent sequence related?” 莱娜也没有隐藏,直接明明白白的把自己的天赋序列说了出来,她也没有问何奥事怎么猜到的,而是看着何奥,“所以你的‘佣金’和我的‘天赋序列’有关吗?” She actually does not know what He Ao can give commission, Lois's home background, she eliminates after all very much. 她其实也不知道何奥能给出什么样的‘佣金’,毕竟伊洛的家庭情况,她很清除。 If this child wants to write the bad check, she can also accept. 如果这个孩子想要打白条,她也可以接受。 Un,” “嗯,” He Ao nods, talent sequence 98: Soldiers, secret medicine and ceremony, but the secret medicine needs you to provide some accessory material.” 何奥点点头,“天赋序列98:战士,秘药和仪式,不过秘药需要你提供一些辅助材料。” If actually you really cannot put out the commission, can first owe?” “其实如果你实在拿不出佣金的话,也可以先欠・・・啊?” Lehne wants to comfort Lois, however after hearing the He Ao words, the direct whole person was ignorant, you have soldier talent sequence principal material? When? Where?” 莱娜本来想安慰一下‘伊洛’,但是在听到何奥的话语之后,直接整个人都懵了,“你有‘战士’的天赋序列主材料?什么时候?在哪儿?” In all-terrain vehicle trunk,” “在越野车后备箱里啊,” Some He Ao doubts looks at her, you do not drive all my -terrain vehicle to come?” 何奥有些疑惑的看着她,“你不是开我的越野车来的吗?” That corpse?” “那具尸体?” Lehne felt that oneself thought somewhat is stiff, she naturally saw He Ao places the thing of trunk, „is the talent sequence of that person soldier? Have you thought? Presently kills one soldier to make the commission?” 莱娜感觉自己的思维都有些僵硬,她自然是看到了何奥放在后备箱的东西的,“那个人的天赋序列是‘战士’?你早就想好了?现杀了一个‘战士’来做佣金?” Does not kill presently,” “不是现杀,” He Ao emphasized that that is Swintor of eternal esoteric buddhism, he first attacks my, I am the justifiable defense, cannot speak irresponsibly, must take the legal liability.” 何奥强调了一遍,“那是永恒密教的‘斯温特’,他先攻击我的,我是正当防卫,可不能乱说的,要负法律责任的。” Lehne: 莱娜: Good good,” “好・・・好吧,” Lehne felt that the whole person faints, the present child's style probably and she imagines is not quite same, she looks at He Ao, how, therefore you do want to direct that fellow? The fellow is very sly, will not easily come out.” 莱娜感觉整个人都晕乎乎的,眼前的孩子的行事风格好像和她想象的不太一样,她看着何奥,“所以你想要怎么把那家伙引出来?那家伙恐怕很狡猾,不会轻易出来的。” He will come out,” “他会出来的,” He Ao put down the disc in hand, looks to the room deep place, you and he said, you know whereabouts that triangle wooden sign that portrays the eye.” 何奥放下了手中的圆盘,看向房间更深处,“你和他说,你知道那个刻画着眼睛的三角形木牌的下落。” Early this month sought to guarantee a minimum the bill 月初求个保底票票 () ()
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