LCG :: Volume #3 举着火把的人

#798: Changes to live

The moonlight of scattering sprinkles in the silencing city, the brilliance that behind huge pure white sprays glittered, immediately transferred the direction, slow downward landing. 流散的月光洒在静寂的城市里,巨大的纯白背后喷射的光辉闪烁了一下,随即调转了方向,缓慢向下降落。 Finally, machine armor stops among abandoned worn-out little building, the squatting down body, places the ground own hand. 最终,机甲停在一栋栋废弃的破旧小楼之间,蹲下身子,将自己的手放在地上。 It seems like we arrived.” “看来我们到了。” Just looked at around one, drew young detective to jump down machine the palm of armor. 加斯特看了一眼周围,拉着身旁的年轻探员跳下了机甲的手掌。 Immediately machine armor takes back the palm, stands up again, the back emits some unstable brilliance, flies to in the air. 随即机甲收回手掌,再次站起,后背喷吐出有些不稳定的光辉,飞向空中。 Yo, you are also living.” “哟,你还活着呢。” Surprised sound conveys from the one side a slightly obviously. 一个稍显惊讶的声音从一旁传来。 In the curtain of night of immersion, is holding in the mouth the fine count madam cigarette, the stature plentiful red hair female goes out from the dark street slowly. 在沉浸的夜幕中,一个叼着细支女士香烟,身材丰满的红发女子缓缓从黑暗的街道中走出。 Lehne?” “莱娜?” Just sees the present female, obvious look. 加斯特看到眼前的女子,明显神色一顿。 What's wrong, is very surprised?” “怎么,很惊讶吗?” Lehne smiles, moves toward Just. 莱娜笑了笑,走向加斯特两人。 The young detective got hold of the submachine gun in hand subconsciously, he knows FBI, although with the security federation now is the cooperation, however the beforehand relations are not harmonious, frequently has the regional conflict. 年轻探员下意识握紧了手中的冲锋枪,他知道联邦调查局虽然和安保联合会现在是合作关系,但是之前的关系并不融洽,经常发生局部冲突。 Just put out a hand to press down young detective the submachine gun on hand, is gazing at basically not injured Lehne, then looked at the direction that machine armor vanished, „was this influence that you hid?” 加斯特伸手按下了年轻探员的手上的冲锋枪,注视着基本上没怎么受伤的莱娜,然后回头看了一眼机甲消失的方向,“这是你们隐藏起来的势力?” Chief Just, my custom you are not do not know.” “加斯特局长,我的规矩你又不是不知道。” Lehne took down the cigarette in hand, counting on the fingers shot the cigarette ash. 莱娜取下了手中的香烟,屈指弹了弹烟灰。 „Is this information?” “这算是情报是吧?” Just nods, how much money do you want?” 加斯特点点头,“你要多少钱?” We now were also the allies,” “我们现在也算是盟友了,” Lehne is holding in the mouth the smoke, a black all-terrain vehicle drives out of her behind, this news was gave in vain,” 莱娜叼着烟,一辆黑色越野车从她身后驶出,“这个消息算是白送了,” She, looks at Just, in the eye has the happy expression, you thought that we do seem like can raise machine the appearance of armor?” 她顿了顿,看着加斯特,眼中带着笑意,“你觉得我们像是能养得起机甲的样子吗?” Just vision slightly, looking pensive. 加斯特目光微顿,若有所思。 Then he raised the head, looks to that jet black all-terrain vehicle, „are you?” 然后他抬起头,看向那辆漆黑的越野车,“你这是?” Met an request,” “接了个委托,” Lehne turned around, opened the cross country vehicle door, looked for a safe house to you, found an underground doctor again.” 莱娜转身,拉开了越野车门,“给你们找个安全屋,再找个地下医生。” She turn head looks to Just, boards.” 她回头看向加斯特,“上车吧。” Chief?” “局长?” The young detective turns head to look to Just. 年轻探员扭头看向加斯特。 Walks,” “走吧,” Just stand forth, no one Lehne compared with dead tree bar understands the storm area directly.” 加斯特径直向前走去,“没有谁比枯树酒吧的莱娜更了解风暴区。” …… …… Pure white machine armor flew a stretch of abandoned factory district swayingly, back the brilliance of propeller was glittering, immediately lost balanced, like faded and fallen fallen leaf, some swayingly to dropping 纯白的机甲晃晃悠悠的飞到了一片废弃的工厂区,后背的推进器的光辉闪烁着,随即失去了平衡,如同飘零的落叶,有些晃晃悠悠的向下降去 But under of machine armor, in the silent dim light of night, an abandoned little building rooftop like pushing the sliding door is ordinary, slowly since the middle separates, reveals below circular platform. 而就在机甲的下方,沉默的夜色中,一栋废弃的小楼的天台如同推拉门一般,缓缓从中间分开,露出下方的圆形平台。 Machine armor swayingly stood in the circular platform finally, both hands put down, and shut down the propeller. 晃晃悠悠的机甲最终站在了圆形平台上,双手放下,并关闭了推进器。 The entire platform starts rapidly to drop, having machine the body of armor to sink to little building. 整个平台开始迅速下降,带着机甲的身躯沉入小楼中。 Opened rooftop closes up again, the silent dim light of night restored the passing tranquility. 打开的天台再次合拢,寂静的夜色恢复了过往的平静。 Edge of a steel platform from some yet higher goal extends, holding blonde double ponytail young girls to forward, finally stopped in machine armor chest place. 一个钢铁平台从某一层楼的边缘延伸而出,托着一位金发双马尾少女一直向前,最终停在了机甲胸口处。 Ka- 咔- The cabin door of machine armor chest opens, scatters to cover the line of sight the smog. 机甲胸口的舱门打开,散落出遮盖视线的烟雾。 The blonde double ponytail young girls look at this, a brow wrinkle, crashed in the cockpit directly. 金发双马尾少女看着这一幕,眉头一皱,直接冲进了驾驶舱。 Then she saw the young youngster who a whole body is bathed in blood went out from control desk, takes down fixed in control wristband, slow wearing in hand. 然后她看到一个浑身浴血的小少年从操作台边上走出,取下了固定在操控台手环,缓慢的戴在手上。 He raised the head, saw the double ponytail young girl, just prepared to open the mouth, entire body on forward tipping. 他抬起头,看到了双马尾少女,刚准备开口,整个身子就向前倾倒。 The young girls put out a hand immediately, wants to support the young youngster, actually felt that a great forcing lived in own arm, then the small youngster inclined body of leads her to go directly together backward but actually. 少女立刻伸手出去,想要扶住小少年,却感觉一股巨力压住了自己的手臂,然后小少年倾斜的身子直接带着她一起向后倒去。 Bang, pressed her on the ground of control room. 砰的一声,把她压在了操控室的地上。 She searches the hand to go out immediately, touches to the carotid artery of young youngster, discovered also after having the beat, long relaxing. 她立刻探手出去,摸向小少年的颈动脉,发现还有跳动之后,才长长的松了口气。 Then the uphold hand that she tries hard, wants to shove open from oneself the youngster, but endeavor whole body strength , can only promote little. 然后她努力的抬起手,想把少年从自己身上推开,但是奋进全身力气,也只能推动一点点。 Finally, she chose giving up, looks before the body suppresses own young youngster, your unusualness such heavy? How your I lead you to treat like this 最终,她选择了放弃,看向身前压住自己的小少年,“你们超凡者都这么重的吗?你这样我怎么带你去治疗・・・” Immediately her vision, stays in the youngster tune on arm. 随即她的目光一顿,停留在少年曲起的手臂上。 The young youngster before fainting, deliberately forwarded the arm tune, supported part of weights. 小少年在晕倒前,刻意将手臂曲起向前,支撑了一部分的重量。 Otherwise, she in was just possibly crushed and injured directly. 不然的话,她可能在刚刚直接被砸伤。 This fellow “这家伙・・・” She cast aside goes excessively, makes an effort to move a body of youngster slightly, changed a posture, placed on the head of youngster the soft thigh, making the posture of youngster more natural, then she lay down on the ground like this, lifted wristband, 她撇过头去,用力微微挪动了一下少年的身体,改变了一下姿势,把少年的脑袋放在自己柔软的大腿上,让少年的姿势更自然,然后她这样躺在地上,抬起手环, Asks the doctor to come immediately, comes all medical treatment facility belts,” “请医生立刻过来一下,把所有医疗设施都带过来,” Then she looked that to profile that the youngster stains the bloodstain, the tone stopped, takes a hot towel again.” 然后她看向少年沾满血迹的侧脸,语气停顿了一下,“再拿一条热毛巾。” …… …… A night passes by 一夜过去 When early morning brilliant ray in the silencing street, the sound of gunfire of noise as if also stood still finally. 当清晨的光辉照耀在静寂的街道中的时候,喧嚣的枪声似乎也终于停歇了下来。 People get out of bed daily washing, having the exhausted body to sit to unite the industrial public transit system the vehicles. 人们日常起床洗漱,带着疲惫的身躯坐上联合工业公交系统的车辆。 The tent of street opens the zipper, people of some wear frail clothing also revolve the snow in the tent to go out from the surroundings, in the hand takes half piece of bread, has the yawn to push near the public transportation platform. 街边的帐篷拉开拉链,一些穿着单薄衣衫的人们从周围还围绕着积雪的帐篷中走出,手里拿着半块面包,打着哈欠挤在公交站台边上。 Close to the position of public transportation platform is also the good position, here puts up a tent can rest the little while to think in the morning. 靠近公交站台的位置也是好位置,在这里支帐篷早上就能多睡会儿觉。 These positions are the wanderer are usually indeterminable, controls by some factions and security companies, wants to put up a tent in this, needs to the faction or security company extra junction position fee/spent. 这些位置通常是流浪者不能决定的,被一些帮派和安保公司所控制,想要在这附近支帐篷,需要给帮派或安保公司额外交一笔‘位置费’。 The position that if the tent is the industry of joint industry, junction position fee/spent the object turned into the joint industry. 如果帐篷所在的位置是联合工业的产业,交‘位置费’的对象就变成了联合工业。 Naturally, this situation is quite common in the Aka area, the Aka area had 7/10 public facilities to be sold to the joint industry, including park and path. 当然,这种情况在阿卡区比较常见,阿卡区有十分之七的公共设施都被卖给了联合工业,其中包括公园和道路。 But in the storm area, this digit is less than 1/10. 而在风暴区,这个数字是不到十分之一。 The reason that creates this result has, the public facilities in storm area are exceptionally tattered no value is a reason. 造成这种结果的原因有很多,风暴区的公共设施异常破烂没什么价值是其中一个原因。 But security federation in the hindrance of storm area deep-rooted influence, is a more important reason. 而安保联合会这个在风暴区根深蒂固势力的阻碍,则是其中更重要的一个原因。 Lehne takes back from the tent of street the vision, looks to the front. 莱娜将目光从街边的帐篷上收回,看向前方。 Obviously, quick, all public facilities in storm area will become the industry of joint industry. 显而易见的,很快,风暴区的所有公共设施都会成为联合工业的产业了。 She had received once companion news. 她已经接到了曾经‘同伴’的消息。 After losing the support of FBI, the security federation cannot resist the alliance of joint industry and eternal esoteric buddhism obviously. 在失去联邦调查局的支持之后,安保联合会显然不能对抗联合工业和永恒密教的联盟。 Finally many surrounding the members of security federation chose directly to the joint industry surrender, and obtained blessing of joint industry. 最终许多外围的安保联合会的成员选择了直接对联合工业投降,并得到了联合工业的庇佑。 The security federation is not a firm group, in this situation has the treachery is very normal matter. 安保联合会本身就不是一个坚固的团体,这种情况下发生倒戈是很正常的事情。 However once the most cores of security federation leader, then united one, now leads own person to break up the whole into parts, hides in the storm area, continued with the eternal the influence fight of esoteric buddhism as well as joint industry. 不过曾经安保联合会的大部分核心‘领袖’们,则团结到了一起,现在带着自己的人化整为零,潜藏在风暴区中,继续和永恒密教以及联合工业的势力战斗。 Naturally, is not they have not thought the surrender. 当然,并非是他们没有想过投降。 But in fact, everyone is clear now, those who unite the industry and eternal esoteric buddhism wants is one receives them to control storm area completely. 而是事实上,现在所有人都清楚,联合工业和永恒密教想要的是一个完全受他们掌控的‘风暴区’。 Under this prerequisite, these are also living, has the prestige, can pull up important goods person a leader of once security federation momentarily, then becomes the powerful hindrance. 在这个前提下,这些还活着的,具有威望的,随时能拉起一大帮人的曾经安保联合会的领袖,则成为了强大阻碍。 Therefore these core leaders must die. 所以这些核心领袖必须死。 Even if surrendered, finally was also the result of death. 哪怕投降了,最终也是死亡的结局。 Naturally, from this huge power gap, behind will definitely have more and more people unable to support the encircling of joint industry and eternal esoteric buddhism, is hugging impractically anticipation surrender. 当然,从这庞大的实力差距来看,后面肯定会有越来越多人撑不住联合工业和永恒密教的围剿,抱着不切实际的‘期待’投降的。 The car(riage) wheel-pressure excessively tranquil road surface of all-terrain vehicle, when will soon bump into a blockade crossroad, turns round, entered an alley. 越野车的车轮压过平静的路面,在即将碰到一个封锁路口的时候,拐了个弯,进入了一条小巷。 Lehne turned head to look in a rear view mirror the iron thorn of road block. 莱娜扭头看了一眼后视镜中将道路封锁的铁荆棘。 That blocked path extends backward, was the yesterday evening destroyed eternal esoteric buddhism Lord church. 那条被封锁的道路向后延伸,就是昨晚上被摧毁的永恒密教主教堂。 Finally on the bishop hall ruins the fight of two groups of people, seemed like the person of eternal old teachings catholicism to defeat the person of eternal esoteric buddhism. 最终主教堂废墟上两拨人的战斗,似乎是永恒旧教的人战胜了永恒密教的人。 However the victory of eternal old teachings catholicism small range cannot change the wide scope the result. 不过永恒旧教小范围的胜利并不能改变大范围的结局。 From the current information, seemed like the joint industry to be responsible for coping with FBI yesterday evening, the security federation, as well as supports the bishop hall. 从目前的情报来看,昨晚上似乎是联合工业负责对付联邦调查局,安保联合会,以及支援主教堂。 But the eternal esoteric buddhism collects all strengths, is used to cope with the eternal old teachings catholicism the influence. 而永恒密教则将所有的力量都汇集起来,用来对付永恒旧教的势力。 Naturally, the old teachings catholicism has not revolted against the ability completely, between the two groups of people of this similar belief eternal ray had the fierce fight. 当然,旧教也不是完全没有反抗能力,这同样信仰永恒光芒的两拨人之间发生了激烈的战斗。 Although Lehne has not obtained concretely two teach the combat report, the result of but from the informer feeding back, finally the old teachings catholicism should lose, most footholds were destroyed. 虽然莱娜也没有得到具体的两教战报,但是从眼线反馈的结果来看,最终旧教应该输了,大部分的据点都被摧毁了。 Naturally, the eternal esoteric buddhism won is not perfect, paid massive prices, and bishop hall did not have. 当然,永恒密教赢得也不怎么完美,也付出了大量的代价,并且主教堂也没了。 Actually can obviously see very much, this is the joint industry and eternal esoteric buddhism preparation for a long time kills bureau, they almost complete the arrangement that is unable to revolt against, in each segmentation battlefield, is the absolute advantages. 其实可以很明显看出,这是联合工业和永恒密教准备已久的‘杀局’,他们几乎做好了无法反抗的布置,在每个细分战场上,都是绝对的优势。 If yesterday evening bishop hall trap success, that B level bishop who has the terrifying strength can return to the battlefield, perhaps the old teachings catholicism will be pressed is hitting. 如果昨晚上主教堂的‘陷阱’成功,那位拥有恐怖战力的B级主教能返回战场的话,旧教恐怕是会被压着打的。 Because that bishop cannot return, the bishop hall collapses, the esoteric buddhism influence of bishop hall was conquered by the old teachings catholicism, causes the strong help that the influence of main battlefield esoteric buddhism lost should present. 而因为那位主教没能返回,主教堂倒塌,主教堂的密教势力被旧教战胜,导致了主战场密教的势力失去了原本应该出现的强援。 In turn caused the eternal esoteric buddhism to spend surpassed the price of expectation to eradicate the old teachings catholicism influence. 进而导致永恒密教花费了远超出预料的代价才铲除了旧教势力。 Meanwhile because of crash of aerospace giant beast, causing the joint industry the influence also to be weakened, making FBI many employees from that encircle kills escapes. 同时因为空天巨兽的坠落,导致联合工业的势力也被削弱,使得联邦调查局许多雇员都从那场围杀中逃脱。 These factors combine, caused the joint industry and eternal esoteric buddhism could not put out the sufficient strength to cope with the security federation yesterday evening, finally made the security federation retain the effective strength, continually hindrance joint industry- eternal esoteric buddhism alliance regarding storm area's control. 这些因素组合起来,使得联合工业和永恒密教昨晚上都拿不出足够的力量来对付安保联合会,最后让安保联合会保留了有生力量,持续阻碍‘联合工业-永恒密教联盟’对于风暴区的控制。 If continues to proceed to push, can discover that yesterday evening this chaos fought, not in eternal esoteric buddhism and in joint industry original plan. 而如果继续往前推,可以发现昨晚上这场‘大乱斗’,并非是在永恒密教和联合工业原本的规划中的。 The sudden chaotic war that ahead of time arrives at made the meticulous plan present various oversights, made joint industry defecting in a hurry not make the proper progress. 提前到来的突然乱战使得原本缜密的计划出现了各种疏漏,也使得联合工业仓促之间的反水并没有取得应有的效果。 Lehne had seriously pondered, if let the plan of joint industry and eternal esoteric buddhism carries out according to their original plans, she can have the possibility of counter-attack? 莱娜曾经认真思考过,如果让联合工业和永恒密教的谋划按照他们的原计划推行,她能有反击的可能吗? She thinks is very long, the result of ultimately obtaining is, is impossible. 她想了很久,最终得到的结果是,不可能。 Even if FBI, the eternal old teachings catholicism and security federation binds together, even if three influences can cooperate intimately, they are impossible to defeat to have incessantly powerful B level unusualness and joint industry of aerospace giant beast- eternal esoteric buddhism alliance. 哪怕把联邦调查局、永恒旧教、安保联合会绑在一起,哪怕三个势力能亲密无间的合作,他们都不可能战胜拥有不止一个强大B级超凡者和空天巨兽的联合工业-永恒密教联盟。 This is the fact. 这就是事实。 This is an absolute dead end. 这是一个绝对的死局。 The joint industry and eternal esoteric buddhism will control this city thoroughly, she does not know that what kind of future that is, but her premonitions, that is one will also want the desperate world compared with the present, this desperate will not even limit to Wynter. 联合工业和永恒密教将彻底掌控这座城市,她不知道那是一个怎样的未来,但是她有一种预感,那将是一个比现在还要绝望的世界,这绝望甚至不会局限于温特市。 If the trend of history really arrives that step, Lehne felt oneself and do not die other choices except for the surrender. 如果历史的走向真的走到那一步,莱娜觉得自己除了投降和死没有其他选择。 The opportunity that the eternal esoteric buddhism runs away probably will not give her. 永恒密教大概连逃走的机会都不会给她。 Naturally, the history ultimately has not moved toward that direction. 当然,历史最终并没有走向那个方向。 All -terrain vehicle bypasses the joint industry mercenary who on the street went on patrol, stopped in front of crude funeral parlor, Lehne put out a hand, opened the vehicle door, went down all -terrain vehicle. 越野车绕过了街道上巡逻的联合工业佣兵,停在了一家简陋的殡仪馆门前,莱娜伸出手去,推开了车门,走下了越野车。 The blonde double ponytail young girls who is throwing over white Qiu clothes are standing in the glass door of funeral parlor at this moment, is carrying one cup of tea with milk, seems waiting for her. 一个披着白色裘衣的金发双马尾少女此刻正站在殡仪馆的玻璃门内,端着一杯奶茶,似乎正在等待她。 The present girl skin is fair, the appearance is fine, from its bearing, receives specialized etiquette training very much obviously, the big probability came from the upper layer of big financial group. 眼前的女孩皮肤白皙,模样精致动人,从其站姿来看,很显然受过专业的礼仪培养,大概率来自于大财团的上层。 However inside the finger has the slight grinding cocoon that fully does not conform to her status, perhaps also organic armor driving experience. 不过手指内侧有完全不符合她身份的轻微的磨茧,或许还有机甲驾驶经验。 Young lady, machine armor pilot, because of hobby? Some special status? 大小姐,机甲驾驶员,是因为爱好吗?还是某种特殊身份? In the flash of meeting, Lehne reorganized her observation on the general idea obtained. 在见面的第一瞬间,莱娜就大概整理了一下自己的观察所得。 But the double ponytail young girls are seeing Lehne's flash, gawked, then her subconscious lowering the head looked at an own tip of the toe. 而双马尾少女在看到莱娜的一瞬间,也愣了一下,然后她下意识的低头看了一眼自己的脚尖。 However the young girl took back the vision quickly, put out a hand to open the glass door, looked to Lehne, asked in a low voice, Lehne?” 不过少女很快就收回了目光,伸手拉开了玻璃门,看向莱娜,低声问道,“莱娜?” Un.” “嗯。” Lehne nodded gently , helping shove open the glass door, entered in the funeral parlor. 莱娜轻轻点头,帮着推开了玻璃门,走进了殡仪馆内。 Actually here she had come one time yesterday, helping Lois bring to come to here his parents. 其实这里她昨天已经来过一次了,帮伊洛将他的父母带到这里来。 „.” “维莉。” The blonde double ponytail young girls put out a hand, introduced oneself. 金发双马尾少女伸出手来,自我介绍道。 Lehne, monetary reward hunter.” “莱娜,赏金猎人。” Lehne puts out a hand, shakes hand with gently, introduced oneself. 莱娜伸出手,和维莉轻轻握了握手,还是自我介绍了一遍。 I know,” “我知道,” Nods gently, Lois issues my mail to mention you finally, he said that he made today to meet with you in the mail yesterday evening here,” 维莉轻轻点头,“伊洛最后发给我的邮件有提到你,他说他昨晚上在邮件里和你约好了今天在这里见面,” She puts out a hand to take up nearby canteen, takes up a spatial cup, poured one cup of tea with milk, can drink the tea with milk?” 她伸手拿起一旁的水壶,又拿起一个空杯子,倒了一杯奶茶,“要喝奶茶吗?” Thanks.” “谢谢。” Lehne received the tea with milk, then saying of some doubts, Lois? Hasn't he arrived now?” 莱娜接过了奶茶,然后有些疑惑的说道,“伊洛呢?他现在还没到吗?” He “他・・・” Voice stopped, carries the tea with milk to move toward the funeral parlor deep place, you come with me.” 维莉的声音停顿了一下,端着奶茶走向殡仪馆深处,“你跟我来吧。” After two people shove open a leaf of door, a pure white small bed appeared in two people field of vision. 两人推开一扇小门之后,一个纯白的小床出现在了两人的视野中。 The figure is somewhat thin, the flesh superficial white young youngster is lying on the small bed, a white medicine bag hangs by the small bed, under the medicine bag connects a pure white transfer line, the medical infusion of transfer line is clamping is clamping in his wrist/skill. 身形有些消瘦,肌肤泛白的小少年正躺在小床上,一个白色的药袋挂在小床旁边,药袋下连接着一根纯白的输液管,输液管的一头的医用输液夹正夹在他手腕上。 The small youngster bloodstain had been as if cleaned carefully, even the bloodstain between hair slits was eliminated. 小少年身上的血迹似乎都被仔仔细细的擦拭过,甚至连头发缝隙间的血渍都被清除掉了。 „Is his?” “他这是?” Lehne got hold of the coffee cup in hand subconsciously. 莱娜下意识的握紧了手中的咖啡杯。 His present life symptom has stabilized, yesterday evening I almost think that he was dying,” “他现在生命体征已经稳定了下来,昨晚上我差点以为他要死了,” Is also grasping the coffee cup, the slow sound said, „the doctor said his body does not know because of what reason, is weak, being possible be was too exhausted, must rest some time, can wake.” 维莉也握着咖啡杯,缓声说道,“不过医生说他的身体不知道因为什么原因,非常非常虚弱,有可能是太疲惫了,恐怕要休息一段时间,才能醒过来。” Lehne looked at a nearby stool, sat side the youngster, is gazing at the small youngster weak cheeks. 莱娜看了一眼旁边的凳子,坐在了少年身旁,注视着小少年虚弱的脸颊。 She actually in did not hear Lois this name recently, before met each time, Novis in chatting with her will say that oneself youngest son is how lovable. 她其实并不在最近才听到‘伊洛’这个名字的,以前每次开会,诺维斯都会在闲聊的时候和她说自己的小儿子如何如何可爱。 She also once saw the too small Lois's picture, that time Lois face was round, but loved cute, looked was very likable. 她也曾经见过小伊洛的照片,那时候的伊洛脸圆圆的,可可爱爱,一看就很讨人喜欢。 But all these stop suddenly on that day that Lois has an accident. 但这一切都在‘伊洛’出事的那一天戛然而止。 From then on, she has not heard Novis to talk about oneself youngest son again. 从那以后,她再也没有听到诺维斯谈到过自己的小儿子。 However in the security federation some people asked each time Novis your son time, Novis would the question is which, and earnest stressing, oneself have two children, is alive. 但是每次安保联合会里有人问诺维斯‘你儿子’的时候,诺维斯总会反问是‘哪一个’,并且认真的强调,自己有两个孩子,都在世。 Then, in the past Lois nutrition cabin, is Novy Stoke she from Wittring purchase. 说起来,当年伊洛的‘营养舱’,也是诺维斯托她从维特兰‘购买’的。 She does not know when Lois wakes up, but she knows, Lois wakes up, perhaps is not good time. 她不知道‘伊洛’是什么时候醒来的,但是她知道,伊洛醒来的时候,恐怕并不是什么‘好时候’。 Perhaps only then the most desperate experience, can one already half the child who foot treads the hell awakens. 恐怕只有最令人绝望的经历,才能将一个已经半只脚踏进地狱的孩子唤醒。 The occult sciences knowledge that she understands are not many, but she is very clear, this world is the equivalent exchange. 她了解的神秘学知识并不多,但是她很清楚,这个世界是等价交换的。 Must help an average person obtain the powerful strength suddenly, pays the price that the average man is unable to understand inevitably. 要让一个普通人突然获得强大的力量,必然付出了常人所无法理解的代价。 „Do you know him very much long time ago?” “你很早就认识他吗?” Also moved a stool, sat by Lehne. 维莉也搬了个凳子,坐在了莱娜旁边。 I knew his parents before, his father is the member of security federation, has the reputation in the federation very much,” “我以前认识他的父母,他父亲是安保联合会的成员,在联合会里很有威信,” Lehne turns head, looks, how, therefore you do know his?” 莱娜回过头来,看着维莉,“所以你是怎么认识他的?” Because of accident/surprise.” “因为一场‘意外’。” Hesitant, repeated oneself with the matter that Lois met simply. 维莉犹豫了一下,简单把自己和‘伊洛’相遇的事情复述了一遍。 Therefore you are evening light meeting person?” “所以你是‘暮光会’的人?” Lehne somewhat looks at curiously. 莱娜有些好奇的看着维莉。 She knows that evening light meeting this organization, knows that this organization has been resisting the eternal esoteric buddhism, even the evening light will also ask her to buy the information. 她知道‘暮光会’这个组织,知道这个组织一直在抵抗永恒密教,甚至暮光会还找她买过情报。 However she has not thought that the evening light will have so many machine armor. 不过她没有想到暮光会会有这么多台‘机甲’。 Un.” “嗯。” Nods. 维莉点点头。 Originally ’” starts fromevening light meeting “原来是从‘暮光会’开始的么・・・” Lehne's saying looking pensive. 莱娜若有所思的说道。 What do you mean?” “什么意思?” Somewhat has doubts. 维莉有些疑惑。 Un,” “嗯,” Lehne looks at the present golden hair young lady, after the short thinking, the beforehand analysis will state simply, then summarized, 莱娜看着眼前的金发‘大小姐’,在短暂的思索之后,将自己之前的分析简单陈述了一下,然后总结道, I have been thinking before the eternal esoteric buddhism and joint industry original plan is anything, now looks like, their initial plans should be to defeat one by one. “我之前一直在想永恒密教和联合工业原本的计划是什么,现在看来,他们最初的打算应该是‘逐个击破’。 First solves with their contradiction that you are is deepest, simultaneously has the machine armor strength evening light meeting, then merges to absorb weakly the security federation that but is most difficult to eradicate, solves FBI and eternal old teachings catholicism finally again directly, completes the control to entire city.” “先解决掉你所在的与他们矛盾最深,同时拥有机甲战力的‘暮光会’,然后再合并吸收掉最弱但是最难铲除的安保联合会,最终再正面解决掉联邦调查局和永恒旧教,完成对整座城市的控制。” Finally their has not been solved,” “最终他们一个都没解决掉,” Thinks was saying,even because of the first point of mistake, caused the series mistakes of other links, 维莉思索着说道,“甚至因为第一环的错误,导致了其他环的连环错误, Has not solved us evening light meeting, eventually caused organic armor to participate to cope with the fight of aerospace giant beast. “没有解决掉我们‘暮光会’,最终导致了有机甲能参与到对付空天巨兽的战斗。 Cannot assimilate the successful security federation, causing the present security federation to become the enemy thoroughly, and destroyed them in the robustness of storm area rule. “没能同化成功安保联合会,导致了现在安保联合会彻底成为了敌人,并且破坏了他们在风暴区统治的稳固性。 But, biggest variable “不过,最大的变数还是・・・” She has turned the head, looks to lying down the young youngster on bed. 她转过头去,看向躺在床上的小少年。 If not this young youngster, she several days ago died in the snowfield, the evening light will thoroughly also be destroyed. 如果不是这个小少年,她几天前就死在了雪原里了,暮光会也会被彻底摧毁。 Behind this all, are the empty talk. 这后面的一切,都是空谈。 Yes.” “是啊。” Lehne also turns head to look to the youngster on bed. 莱娜也扭头看向床上的少年。 Tries to drive the carriage of history to move to them in the joint industry and eternal esoteric buddhism to plan the good destination time, a small hand extended, drew that tight reins, making this carriage move to the completely different directions. 在联合工业和永恒密教试图驾驶着历史的马车驶向他们规划好的目的地时候,一只小手伸了出来,拉动了那紧绷的缰绳,让这辆马车驶向了完全不同的方向。 Although the joint industry and eternal esoteric buddhism are keeping the advantage now as before, but the advantage is not terrifying. 虽然联合工业和永恒密教现在依旧保持着优势,但是优势已经没有那么恐怖。 The chessgame of this arrange/cloth in city, had turned into the live bureau from the dead end. 这场布在城市里的棋局,已经从死局变成了活局。 The sunlight sprinkles across the window of inside room on the cheeks of young youngster, during that frail shoulder, is dim, an illusory butterfly empty shadow stretch/leisurely is launching the wing slowly. 阳光穿过里屋的小窗洒在小少年的脸颊上,在那单薄的肩上,朦胧之中,一只虚幻的蝴蝶虚影正在缓缓舒展开翅膀。 The eye pupil that shuts tightly, shivered slightly. 那紧闭的眼眸,微微颤动了一下。 5000 character ultra-large chapters, seeking to guarantee a minimum the bill early this month. 五千字超大章,求个月初保底票票。
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