LCG :: Volume #3 举着火把的人

#797: The curtain in darkness

Stimulated plasma artillery almost crashes in the flash of main artillery in hell apostle machine armor, hit machine on A bunch in the together energy battery. 被激发的等离子炮几乎在地狱使徒机甲冲进主炮的一瞬间,击中了机甲身上捆在一起的能源电池。 The fierce battery explodes routs the main artillery internal energetic particle class/flow balance of aerospace giant beast the thermal energy storage completed will soon launch. 剧烈电池爆炸击溃了蓄能完成即将发射的空天巨兽的主炮内部高能粒子流的平衡。 A more magnificent explosion transmitted orally from that giant main artillery, the heat wave of howling pure white machine armor same will blow to fly like the out-of-control paper plane like the fierce strong winds. 更加辉煌的爆炸从那巨大的主炮口传出,呼啸的热浪如同剧烈的狂风将纯白的机甲如同失去控制的纸飞机一样吹飞。 Sits in the master control that sways fiercely, He Ao draws the control handle to make machine armor retrocede taking advantage of the circumstances stubbornly, leaves the explosion the core region. 坐在剧烈摇晃的主控制室内,何奥死死拉动操纵杆让机甲借着风势后退,离开爆炸的核心区域。 Actually he has not expected, this struck like this is successful. 其实他也没有料到,这一击就这样成功了。 Vian indeed does not have the blueprint of aerospace giant beast, but he has seen aerospace giant beast installment the same main artillery of the model of giant compression plasma artillery, the main artillery of Adam 1 profited from the design of this kind of main artillery. 维安的确没有空天巨兽的图纸,但是他见过空天巨兽安装的这款巨型压缩等离子炮的同款主炮,亚当一型的主炮就借鉴了这一类主炮的设计。 He Ao attacks the behavior of main artillery is actually very dangerous, this kind of main artillery actually has the safe backflow establishment of counter- attack main artillery. 何奥冲击主炮的行为其实是非常危险的,这类主炮其实都有反攻击主炮的安全回流设置。 If his time quick one second, the main artillery thermal energy storage had not ended, then the plasma artillery raises the explosion of performance battery to trigger the safe backflow installment in main artillery, reduces and solves the energy backflow that in the main artillery is full, avoids the main artillery exploding. 如果他的时间快一秒,主炮蓄能没有结束,那么等离子炮加高性能电池的爆炸会触发主炮内的安全回流装置,将主炮中充盈的能量回流化解,避免主炮爆炸。 If his time slow one second, the main artillery thermal energy storage ended, the muzzle launches, that direct impact will be hit by the main artillery to him of main artillery directly, at the body intensity of C level, was hit by the main artillery of aerospace giant beast directly, will not stay behind the skeleton. 而如果他的时间慢一秒,主炮蓄能结束,炮口发射,那直冲向主炮的他就会直接被主炮击中,以C级的身体强度,被空天巨兽的主炮正面击中,连尸骸都不会留下。 Even if the B level, the defensive power is not strong, this was bombarded, at least is the severe wound is also on the verge of death. 哪怕是B级,防御力不强的,被这一炮轰中,至少也是重伤濒死。 That that only will then have sent in the main artillery detonates the high performance battery instantly, then with the aid of the explosions of five high performance machine filament batteries, as disturbing main artillery internal structure blasting fuse, lets the main artillery shell interior explodes, can create blows up the effect of aerospace giant beast now. 只有在主炮将发未发的那一个刹那引爆高性能电池,然后借助五块高性能机甲电池的爆炸,作为扰动主炮内部结构的‘引信’,让主炮的‘炮弹’内部爆炸,才能造成现在炸毁空天巨兽的效果。 The biggest injury does not come from the battery of He Ao delivery, but is aerospace giant beast own main artillery. 最大的伤害并非来自于何奥投放的电池,而是空天巨兽自身的主炮。 In process that before fended, He Ao calculated the thermal energy storage time of main artillery in the heart, looked for certainly the essential node. 在之前闪避的过程中,何奥就在心中计算主炮的蓄能时间,找准关键的节点。 But process also unusual danger that finally escapes. 而最后逃生的过程也非常的危险。 If not He Ao is unusualness of C level, even if extremely weak, can in a short time erupt the C level the strength, and very early destroyed the cockpit cover of that hell apostle, he not possible to be able in such a short time, jumps out of machine armor to escape. 如果不是何奥本身就是C级的超凡者,哪怕极其虚弱,也能在极短的时间内爆发出C级的力量,并且很早就破坏了那台地狱使徒的驾驶舱罩的话,他不可能能在那么短的时间里,跳出机甲逃生。 Naturally, Eve local area procedure/program, if cannot control dropping angel machine armor stably, cannot catch him, let alone behind controlled the launch. 当然,夏娃本地程序如果不能稳定的控制堕天使机甲的话,也接不住他,更别说后面操控发射了。 If changes an ordinary machine armor pilot, even if D level unusualness, perhaps finally cannot run away, finally can only crash in the flaming combustion in the main artillery. 如果换一个普通的机甲驾驶员,哪怕是D级超凡者,恐怕最终都逃不出去,最后只能冲进熊熊燃烧的主炮中。 The energy of person is limited, the unusualness machine armor pilot is few, the C level machine armor pilot is almost extremely rare, let alone this pilot also needs extremely strong road sense, can under interferences of innumerable missile, in the situation of machine armor serious damage, cybertron armor not drift off course. 人的精力是有限的,超凡者机甲驾驶员是很少的,C级机甲驾驶员几乎凤毛麟角,更别说这个驾驶员还需要极强的驾驶技术,能够在无数导弹的干涉下,机甲严重损毁的情况下,控制机甲不偏航。 These key points, were short of any, in the time difference one millisecond, He Ao had possibly died under that broad main artillery. 这些关键点,少了任何一个,时机差上一个毫秒,何奥可能就已经死在了那恢弘的主炮下了。 But this dangerous opportunity, is He Ao can in fact only defeating the opportunity of aerospace giant beast. 而这个危险的机会,事实上是何奥唯一可以‘战胜’空天巨兽的机会。 In the beforehand fight, He Ao simply has not actually caused the damage to the aerospace giant beast main body, he cannot even the near body aerospace giant beast. 在之前的战斗中,其实何奥根本没有对空天巨兽本体造成伤害,他甚至没能近身空天巨兽。 Naturally, actually near body also useless. 当然,其实近身了也没用。 Under the aerospace giant beast huge outer covering is three armors, the theoretical design can shoulder aerospace giant beast own main artillery. 空天巨兽庞大的外壳下是三层护甲,理论设计上能扛得住空天巨兽自己的主炮。 The plasma artillery of dependence dropping angel machine armor, laser cannon, great sword, even aerospace giant beast against did not break. 依靠堕天使机甲的等离子炮,激光炮,还有巨剑,甚至连空天巨兽的防都破不了。 Clash/To main artillery, although the mortality rate is higher, but is actually only odds of success, is this giant beast only weakness. 冲主炮虽然死亡率更高,但是却是唯一的‘胜算’,也是这台巨兽唯一的‘弱点’。 Naturally, this only odds of success, in fact is the opposite party commander delivering gives He Ao personally. 当然,这唯一的‘胜算’,实际上是对方指挥官的亲手‘送’给何奥的。 The designer of aerospace giant beast actually considered the flaw of this giant machinery on main artillery, even if this is one is almost impossible the held flaw. 空天巨兽的设计者其实考虑到了这台巨型机械在主炮上的缺陷的,哪怕这是一个几乎不可能被人抓住的缺陷。 Therefore they gave the aerospace giant beast to provide massive combat formations, theoretically, including part of formations protected the main artillery specially. 所以他们给空天巨兽配备了大量的战斗编队,理论上来说,其中有一部分编队是专门来保护主炮的。 The functions of these formations only then one, that is prevents to try to explode the person of main artillery, even if they delay for one second, the main artillery that can finish sufficiently can also melt the enemy directly directly. 这些编队的作用只有一个,那就是阻止试图炸主炮的人,哪怕他们多拖延一秒钟,充能结束的主炮也能直接将敌人直接融化。 However at present the overwhelming majority guard formations of this aerospace giant beast are sent, this causes them to defending the army of main artillery moves to make the conventional forces to use. 但是眼前这台空天巨兽的绝大部分护卫编队都被派走了,这导致他们不得不把防御主炮的部队调出来做常规部队使用。 Starts this aerospace giant beast to present time, in front of main artillery also some colony unmanned aerial vehicle garrisons, when discovered and solved after He Ao, these unmanned aerial vehicles were also sent to pursue He Ao. 最开始这台空天巨兽出现的时候,主炮前面还有一些蜂群无人机卫戍,等到发现解决不了何奥之后,这些无人机也被派出来追何奥了。 Especially following He Ao after main artillery attacks for the second time destroys large number of unmanned aerial vehicles, finally the unmanned aerial vehicle of defense main artillery is also moved to pursue dropping angel machine armor. 特别是后面何奥利用主炮的第二次攻击一把摧毁大量的无人机之后,最后防御主炮的无人机也被调出来追堕天使机甲了。 This is also the reason that He Ao deliberately must ruin these unmanned aerial vehicles. 这也是何奥刻意要毁掉那些无人机的原因。 Then He Ao snatched hell apostle machine armor, drives hell apostle machine armor to charge into the main artillery, while time difference that the commander of aerospace giant beast has not responded, the short time of also for oneself winning. 然后何奥抢了地狱使徒机甲,驾驶着地狱使徒机甲冲向主炮,趁着空天巨兽的指挥官没有反应过来的时间差,又为自己争取的短暂的时间。 If he uses the dropping angel to clash, will definitely be sentenced to block from the beginning in advance. 如果他用堕天使冲,肯定一开始就会被预判拦住的。 But upper air changing planes armor operation majority unusualness will also do, is not in the foundation general knowledge, this actually hit a cognition to be bad. 而高空换机甲这个操作也大多数只有超凡者会做,不在基础常识之内,这其实是打了个认知差。 Moreover after changing planes armor, Eve also helps He Ao cover, making dropping angel machine armor appear still some people to control. 而且在换机甲以后,夏娃还帮何奥打了掩护,让堕天使机甲显得仍旧有人在操控。 Takes back in the mind the chaotic train of thought that flies to draw back along with machine armor backward, He Ao is gazing at the flame of in the air flaming combustion. 收回脑海中纷乱的思绪,伴随着机甲向后飞退,何奥注视着空中熊熊燃烧的火焰。 The explosion of main artillery caused the first half of entire aerospace giant beast fell into a sea of fire, these flame as if touched to distribute the compact battery on flame, therefore triggered the chain explosion. 主炮的爆炸导致了整个空天巨兽的前半部分的陷入了一片火海,这些火焰似乎触碰到了一些分布在火焰上的小型电池,于是触发了连锁爆炸。 With thundering sounds, the huge monster of that terrifying, is burning with the surroundings the shatter steel fragment of flame is crashing slowly downward. 伴随着一声声轰鸣的声响,那恐怖的庞然巨物,正随着周围燃烧着的火焰的破碎钢铁碎片缓缓向下坠落。 The hand of He Ao still drew on the control handle, however his body exhausted goes backward but actually, by seat. 何奥的手仍旧拉在操纵杆上,但是他的身躯正精疲力竭向后倒去,靠在座椅上。 The innumerable bright red warnings glitter in the screen of cab, inside includes the energy to exhaust the warning, including each spot damage warning. 无数鲜红的警告在驾驶室的屏幕里闪烁,里面包括能源耗尽警告,也包括各个部位的损坏警告。 The most structures of aerospace giant beast were still complete, perhaps but placed the main control room behind main artillery is completely destroyed. 空天巨兽的大部分结构仍旧是完整的,但是就安置在主炮后面的主控室恐怕是完全被摧毁了。 Regarding the commander of aerospace giant beast, they can violate many mistakes, but a He Ao mistake cannot violate. 对于空天巨兽的指挥官来说,他们可以犯很多错,但是何奥一个错都不能犯。 Avoids the missile, deals with the unmanned aerial vehicle, final flushing main artillery. 无论是躲避导弹,应对无人机,还是最后的冲主炮。 As long as his operation the mistake, the time does not have the card, this dropping angel machine armor already catastrophic crash. 他的操作但凡有一个失误,有一个时机没有卡准,这台堕天使机甲就已经机毁人亡了。 Every so often He Ao can only react by own fight intuition. 很多时候何奥都只能凭借自己的战斗直觉做出反应。 Once because he waits for the simulation operation of computer, even if only instant time, he will tear into shreds by the unmanned aerial vehicle or the missile of coming in swarms, or by that huge main artillery melting. 因为一旦他等待一下计算机的模拟运算,哪怕只是一个刹那的时间,他都会被蜂拥而来的无人机或者导弹撕碎,或者被那巨大的主炮融化。 The attack speed of that huge main artillery is actually quick, if not he sentences to react ahead of time in advance, runs radically without enough time. 那庞大主炮的攻击速度其实很快,如果不是他提前预判做出反应,根本来不及跑。 Not only this test on operational level, is under the high-intensity pressure on the mental test. 这不光是对操作水平的考验,也是高强度压力下对心智的考验。 Naturally, Eve's assistance also plays the vital role, many movements do not have Eve's detail control to the machine armor, He Ao unable to make. 当然,夏娃的辅助也起到了重要的作用,很多动作没有夏娃对机甲的细节控制,何奥根本做不出。 However has just broken the condition of net, the Eve client side operational capability of local edition was limited, therefore some operations, He Ao can only depend on itself. 不过刚刚一直是断网的状态,本地版本的夏娃客户端运算能力有限,所以有些操作,何奥还是只能靠自己。 But at this moment, the originally shielded signal replies with crash of aerospace giant beast again, in the cab shone the street light light, this was Eve reconnected the network. 而此刻,原本被屏蔽的信号随着空天巨兽的坠落再次回复,驾驶室内亮起了一路路灯光,这是夏娃重新连接了网络。 The innumerable out-of-control colony unmanned aerial vehicles fall from the sky, dense and numerous, like jet black mechanical raindrop. 无数失去控制的蜂群无人机从天空落下,密密麻麻,如同漆黑机械雨滴。 The radiant group star once again exposed in the sea days. 璀璨的群星再次暴露在了海天之间。 He Ao by chairback, long relaxing. 何奥靠在椅背上,长长的松了口气。 …… ・・・・・・ Dragoon fighter aircraft appear from the darkness. 一架架龙骑兵战机从黑暗中浮现。 They are support that’ the aerospace giant beast calls urgently. 他们都是空天巨兽紧急唤回的‘支援’。 If the commander of aerospace giant beast insists again, can wait till the allied force return. 如果空天巨兽的指挥官再多坚持一下,就能等到友军的‘返回’。 Naturally, He Ao has not given them this opportunity. 当然,何奥并没有给他们这个机会。 At this moment these allied force, is revolving near the coast, is gazing at the giant flight machinery that between that crowd of stars and sea levels crash from afar. 此刻这些‘友军’,正围绕在海岸边上,远远地注视着那群星与海面之间坠落的巨大飞行机械。 The radiant group star reflects above the sky, crash the giant machinery of unceasing combustion just like the daytime of the world illuminating. 璀璨的群星倒映在天空之上,坠落的不断燃烧的巨大机械将世界照亮的宛如白昼。 Under this scarlet flame shines, in that silent jet black sea level, as if burnt the raging flame, entire sky and sea in this moment as if blazing combustion. 在这赤红的火焰照耀下,那寂静漆黑的海面上,仿佛都燃烧起了熊熊烈火,整个天空与海洋在这一刻都仿佛炽烈的燃烧起来。 But before the giant machinery that this crashes, in this just like hell the roaring flame of general combustion, pure white machine armor turns around, raises from the sea level slowly, turns away from that is burning the broad giant sky giant beast, looks to the dense and numerous dragoon fighter aircraft. 而就在这坠落的巨大机械之前,在这宛如地狱的一般燃烧的烈焰中,纯白的机甲转过身来,缓缓从海面上升起,背对着那燃烧着的恢弘巨大的天空巨兽,看向眼前密密麻麻的龙骑兵战机。 Silent silent spread under nighttime sky, spreads in everyone's heart. 寂静的沉默蔓延在夜空下,也蔓延在所有人的心中。 Young detective who crawls from the ruins pile, looks up to the sky, looks at that to reflect the scarlet flame of sky and sea, before the flame is similar to pure white machine armor that the gods stand and wait for a long time, voiced the heartfelt feeling, lying trough, is really flamboyant.” 从废墟堆里爬出来的年轻探员,抬头看向天空,看着那映遍天空与大海的赤红火焰,和火焰之前如同神明伫立的纯白机甲,发出了由衷的感慨,“卧槽,真牛逼啊。” Stood in stood, raised the head to gaze at that day in the air machine armor that his Just also staggered. 站在他身旁的加斯特也踉跄的站了起来,抬头注视着那天空中的机甲。 Chief, this are the machine armor pilots who this you know so flamboyant?” “局长,这・・・这你认识的机甲驾驶员都这么牛逼吗?” The young detective turns head to look to chief. 年轻探员扭头看向身旁的局长。 No, only then he is so flamboyant.” “不,只有他这么牛逼。” Just said in a soft voice. 加斯特轻声说道。 He witnesses all that just had, shock in heart in the extreme, this is his first sight, perhaps is also in the federal history the first time, machine armor wrecked the aerospace giant beast. 他亲眼目睹了刚刚发生的一切,心中的震撼无以复加,这是他第一次见到,恐怕也是联邦历史上第一次,一台机甲击毁了空天巨兽。 Although as had held an office in the federal central army soldier, he also saw the commander of this aerospace giant beast is not specialized. 虽然作为曾经在联邦中央军队任职过的军人,他也看出了这台空天巨兽的指挥官并没有那么专业。 However this is in that white machine armor compared to the sky, changes anyone to come, the similar situation, died innumerable. 但是这是相对于天空中那台白色机甲来说的,换任何一个人来,同样的处境,都死了无数次了。 He just resisted the aerospace giant beast time, the aerospace giant beast even only sent out machine armor and few unmanned aerial vehicles and dragoon fighter aircraft, compelled the dead end him directly, even has not transferred an elevation angle of main artillery. 他刚刚对抗空天巨兽的时候,空天巨兽甚至只派出了一台机甲和少量无人机以及龙骑兵战机,就直接把他逼上了绝路,甚至于没有调动过一下主炮的仰角。 He in the C level is also the battle efficiency quite strong, facing aerospace giant beast time, is similar to the ants to be the same. 他在C级中也算是战斗力比较强的了,面对空天巨兽的时候,就如同蝼蚁一般。 After all this giant machinery, at the beginning of design, is used to cope with these open country the special weapons of huge B level unusual animals. 毕竟这个巨大机械,设计之初,就是用来对付那些野外的庞大B级异兽的特种兵器。 However 不过・・・ Just is gazing at that pure white machine armor in sky. 加斯特注视着天空中的那台纯白色的机甲。 This moment that machine armor in all directions is the smog, although the whole maintains the shape, but can see that vaguely damages everywhere. 此刻那台机甲四处都是烟雾,虽然整体维持形状,但是依稀可以看到到处都是损伤。 Moreover engaged in fierce battle is so long, perhaps the machine armor energy not necessarily enough, came a dragoon fighter aircraft to be able easily to wreck the opposite party at this time casually. 而且鏖战了这么久,机甲能源也不一定够了,这时候恐怕随便来一台龙骑兵战机就能轻易的击毁对方。 He turns head to look to behind that rows of dragoon machine armor. 他扭头看向身后那一排排龙骑兵机甲。 He can analyze, has coming out that these dragoon fighter aircraft of complete radar can also analyze. 他能分析出来的,拥有完整雷达的那些龙骑兵战机也能分析的出来。 He grasped the chain hammer in hand, looked at a side young detective, said in a soft voice, grasps the spear/gun.” 他抓紧了手中的链锤,看了一眼身旁的年轻探员,轻声道,“把枪握好。” The young detective gawked, got hold of the firearms in hand. 年轻探员愣了一下,还是握紧了手中的枪械。 Then two people noticed that pure white dropping angel machine armor flew slowly, falls before their bodies. 然后两人看到那台纯白的堕天使机甲缓缓飞了过来,落在他们身前。 But with nearness of machine armor, nearby dragoon fighter aircraft retrocedes slowly, in the encirclement ring, sinks to come out forcefully hollowly. 而随着机甲的靠近,旁边的龙骑兵战机都缓缓后退,在包围圈中,硬生生凹出一个凹陷出来。 Just looks that machine A pure white great sword will insert the back, then extends the hand to them in front of slowly, is gazing at them. 加斯特看着机甲将纯白的巨剑插回后背,然后缓缓将手伸到他们面前,注视着他们。 On!” “上!” Just without hesitation, shouted, jumped machine on armor directly, the young detective also followed to jump. 加斯特毫不犹豫,喊了一声,直接跳到了机甲手上,年轻探员也跟着跳了上去。 Then pure white dropping angel machine armor carries two people to stand up slowly, flies in in the air, flies toward the front. 然后纯白的堕天使机甲抬着两人缓缓站起,飞在空中,向着前方飞去。 As machine armor forwards, that encircles a dragoon fighter aircraft to split unexpectedly slowly, give away a path. 而随着机甲向前,那围成一圈的龙骑兵战机竟然缓缓分裂开,让出一条道路。 The palm of machine armor is not big, two people sit together slightly obviously crowded, Just hand is grasping the chains, closely gazes at the dragoon fighter aircraft under surrounding curtain of night, the muscle is tightening. 机甲的手掌并不大,两个人坐在一起还是稍显拥挤,加斯特手握着锁链,紧紧的注视着周围夜幕下的龙骑兵战机,肌肉绷紧。 He can feel, the muzzles of these dragoons have loaded the ammunition, is preparing a round of salvo at any time. 他能感觉到,这些龙骑兵的炮口都已经装填了弹药,随时都准备着一轮齐射。 After pure white machine armor passed through the encirclement ring of dragoon, separates the both sides dragoons to close up again, ice-cold muzzles aimed at machine armor behind. 在纯白的机甲一路穿过了龙骑兵的包围圈之后,分开两侧的龙骑兵则再次合拢,一个个冰冷的炮口对准了机甲的身后。 As we all know, this is their last chances, so long as a salvo round, has greatly to be very possible this dropping angel machine armor to remain forever. 所有人都知道,这是他们最后的机会,只要齐射一发,就有很大可能将这台堕天使机甲永远留下来。 All pilots placed above the hand the ammunition firing button, inspiration sounds as if reverberate in the public platform. 所有驾驶员都将手放在了弹药发射按钮之上,一声声吸气声似乎回响在公共平台中。 In they will soon make the final decision instantly, they noticed that front dropping angel machine armor has turned around, tranquil gaze they. 就在他们即将做出最后的决定的刹那,他们看到前方的堕天使机甲转过了身来,平静的‘注视’着他们。 The whole world again peaceful, as if is only left over in the hand to grip tightly the joystick, the finger is placing on the firing button the dragoon pilots. 整个世界再一次安静了下来,仿佛只剩下手里紧紧握着操控杆,手指放在发射按钮上一个个龙骑兵驾驶员。 They look by the Windows of dragoon to outside huge machine armor, distant place aerospace giant beast the brilliance of combustion, but also shining vaguely in that pure white painting. 他们透过龙骑兵的视窗看向外面的巨大机甲,远处空天巨兽的燃烧的光辉,还依稀的照耀在那纯白的涂装上。 Ice-cold heartbeats as if reverberate in the silent darkness, reverberates in everyone's ear bank. 一声声冰冷的心跳声似乎回荡在寂静的黑暗里,回荡在所有人的耳畔。 That pure white machine armor, is similar to the story to bring the end divine punishment the angel, tranquil gaze they. 那台纯白的机甲,就如同故事中带来末日神罚的天使,平静的注视着他们。 As if so long as acts rashly, the raging flame of hell will burn again vigorously. 仿佛只要一个轻举妄动,地狱的熊熊烈火就会再次蓬勃燃烧起来。 Everyone got hold of the control handle stubbornly, but no one presses down that to decide all buttons. 所有人都死死的握紧了操纵杆,但是没有人按下那个可以决定一切的按钮。 This short silent as if only continued instantly, as if continued for a long time is very very long. 这短暂的寂静仿佛只持续了刹那,又仿佛持续了很久很久。 Finally, that pure white machine armor turns around, the propeller of back emits brilliance, having that huge body to vanish in the silent darkness. 终于,那台纯白的机甲转过身去,后背的推进器喷吐出光辉,带着那巨大的身躯消失在寂静的黑暗中。 The fierce respite that as if are survivor of disaster made a sound in the public channel. 一声声仿佛劫后余生的剧烈喘息响在了公共频道中。 Pilots loosened in the hand to stain the sweat the control handle, lay down like the mud generally backward on the chair. 一个个驾驶员松开了手中沾满汗水的操纵杆,如同烂泥一般向后躺倒在椅子上。 The ice-cold sweat stain infiltrated the clothing of everyone, everyone is gazing at the direction that machine armor is vanishing. 冰冷的汗渍渗透了每个人的衣衫,每一个人都在注视着那机甲消失的方向。 As we all know, after tonight, a new legend will engrave the federation in the history. 所有人都知道,今晚之后,一个新的传奇将镌刻进联邦的历史之中。 …… …… Unites Gongye Building 联合工业大楼 „Was aerospace giant beast wrecked?” “空天巨兽被击毁了?” The facial features old person gazes at the middle-aged man who is lowering the head at present stubbornly, the surface sinks like the water, who does?” 面容苍老的老人死死的注视着眼前低着头的中年男人,面沉如水,“谁做的?” Is one doubtful dropping angel machine armor from not well-known seventh influence.” “是一台疑似来自不知名的第七势力的堕天使机甲。” Middle-aged man low voice saying. 中年男人小声的说道。 „, Machine armor?” “一台,机甲?” Old person's voice even more low and deep, brings constraining that some type is unable to release, „are you joking with me?” 老人的声音越发的低沉,带着某种无法释放的压抑,“你在和我开玩笑?” No no “没・・・没・・・” Saying that the middle-aged man shivers, that machine armor held the design defects of aerospace giant beast, detonated the main artillery of aerospace giant beast, we have looked for that side Rockville Commission Army corps to confirm aerospace giant beast, firmly really has this flaw.” 中年男人颤抖的说道,“那台机甲抓住了空天巨兽的设计缺陷,引爆了空天巨兽的主炮,我们已经找洛克维尔佣兵团那边确认过了・・・空天巨兽,确・・・确实有这个缺陷。” He also says immediately, although FBI there had/left the small problem, but we have controlled this city as a whole.” 紧接着他又立刻说道,“不过虽然联邦调查局那里出了一点小问题,但是总体上我们已经控制住了这座城市。” The vision ice-cold gaze of old person the middle-aged man, he is knowing that this flaw view is the approach of subordinate common shirking responsibility, 老人的目光冰冷的注视着中年男人,他知道这个‘缺陷说法’是下属常有的推卸责任的做法, The aerospace giant beast possibly really has such a flaw, but that flaw does not have to be broken through inevitably easily, otherwise this giant weapon not safety handling so many years. 空天巨兽可能真有那么一个缺陷,但是那个缺陷必然没有那么容易被攻破,不然这个巨大兵器就不会安全使用这么多年了。 He deeply inspires, asked directly, our security ministers? That old thing? He did not say that he will control the aerospace giant beast very much?” 他深吸一口气,直接问道,“我们的保卫部长呢?那个老东西呢?他不是说他很会操控空天巨兽吗?” Defends the minister he “保卫部长他・・・” The middle-aged man lowers the head, saying of shivering, he at that time in command post, after main artillery explosion, first destroyed is the command post, he at that time died in the line of duty 中年男人低着头,颤抖的接话道,“他当时在指挥室里,主炮爆炸后,第一个被摧毁的就是指挥室,他当时就・・・殉职了・・・” Just?” “加斯特呢?” The old person is constraining the sound , to continue to ask. 老人压抑着声音,继续问道。 Just was taken away by that machine armor,” “加斯特被那台机甲带走了,” The middle-aged man lowers the head, we now not their trails.” 中年男人低着头,“我们现在没有他们的踪迹。” In other words, did he run?” “也就是说,他跑了?” Old person's voice almost stood still in the extremely short time, he puts out a hand directly, exerted to stand, on all things the desktop dialed, waste! Is the waste!!!” 老人的声音几乎在极短的时间停歇了下来,他直接伸出手去,奋而站了起来,将桌面上所有东西都拨了下去,“废物!都是废物!!!” Falls along with notebook books and electronic products on the ground, makes the sound, the middle-aged man lowers the head. 伴随着一本本书籍和电子产品掉落在地上,发出噼里啪啦的声响,中年男人越加低下了头。 After the short silence, old person deep inspiration, his both hands support again on the desk, 在短暂的沉默之后,老人再次深深的吸了口气,他双手撑在办公桌上, Contacts with that side Rockwell Energy Group person, said that we will lose the aerospace giant beast pay damages completely to them, all was paid by us in this killed in action Rockville Commission Army corps the pension of soldier, the new energy ore order, we are willing to fall a percentage point the price again.” “联系洛克维尔能源集团那边的人,说我们会把空天巨兽损失全部赔付给他们,所有在这次战斗中死亡的洛克维尔佣兵团的士兵的抚恤金由我们支付,新的能源矿订单,我们愿意把价格再降一个百分点。” His finger is pinching the edge of desk stubbornly, side the palm because of the oppression ischemia, but exuded a white, we that side FBI Headquarters, needed them to help.” 他的手指死死捏着办公桌的边缘,手掌侧面因为压迫缺血而泛起了点点白色,“不过我们在联邦调查局总部那边,需要他们帮帮忙。” Yes!” “是!” The middle-aged man does not dare to raise the head, lowers the head should say fast. 中年男人不敢抬头,低着头快速应道。 Called the person of eternal esoteric buddhism.” “把永恒密教的人叫过来。” The old person deeply inspires again, looks at the middle-aged man. 老人再次深吸了一口气,看着中年男人。 Good.” “好。” The middle-aged man nods again. 中年男人再次点头。 Ok, went.” “好了,去吧。” Old person long sigh, lies down backward, by sitting on chair. 老人长长叹息一声,向后躺倒,靠坐在了椅子上。 Yes!” “是!” The middle-aged man has turned around, walks toward out. 中年男人转过身,向着门外走去。 Called to come personally,” “叫个人过来,” He just arrived at half, heard the old person to stop by calling out him, cleaned the office.” 他刚走到一半,就听见老人叫住了他,“把办公室打扫一下。” Good,” “好的,” The middle-aged man nods immediately, I called the person immediately.” 中年男人立刻点头,“我马上去叫人。” Saying, he opened the door of office to walk. 说着,他推开办公室的门走了出去。 The old person by the genuine leather soft back seat, looks under out of the window group star slantingly the quiet street. 老人斜靠在真皮软背座椅上,看着窗外群星下静谧的街道。 In the darkness the heavy/thick curtain covered this city finally, but seemed to be blown a slit by the storm marine strong winds, blown flap flap makes noise. 黑暗中厚重的帷幕终于盖住了这座城市,但是又似乎被风暴海上的狂风吹起一个缝隙,吹的猎猎作响。 5000 character ultra-large chapters, asked a bill at the end of the month. 五千字超大章,月底求个票票。
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