LCG :: Volume #3 举着火把的人

#796 Part 2: Aerospace giant beast

Compared with like this huge monster, huge dropping angel machine armor also appears exceptionally tiny immature. 与这样的庞然巨物相比,庞大的堕天使机甲也显得异常的渺小稚嫩。 Under that radiant group star, He Ao catches machine armor, drew out single-handedly great sword that inserts machine armor, then in a boxing in hand the cockpit of hell apostle machine armor. 在那璀璨的群星下,何奥一手卡住机甲,一手拔出了插进机甲的巨剑,然后一拳击中了手中地狱使徒机甲的驾驶舱。 Bang- 砰- The cabin door of cockpit was crushed loudly. 驾驶舱的舱门被轰然击碎。 Cabin door opening of pure white dropping angel machine armor. 纯白的堕天使机甲的舱门开启。 Eve,” “夏娃,” He Ao goes out from control bench, in the light of cab sparkle, the difficult slow sound said, gave you.” 何奥从控制台走出,在驾驶室闪耀的灯光中,艰难的缓声说道,“交给你了。” Then he erupts the final physical strength, rushed to the cabin entrance, leaps fiercely. 然后他爆发出最后的气力,冲到了舱门口,猛地一跃。 The form of youngster passed through the brilliance of radiant group star, crossed the distances between two machine armor, jumped in the hell apostle machine armor crushed cabin door. 少年的身影穿过了璀璨群星的光辉,越过了两个机甲之间的距离,跳到了地狱使徒机甲被击碎的舱门里。 The machine armor pilot had not died, he looks at He Ao that jumps surprisedly, lifted nearby metal stick to dance a stick to be colored, flushed toward He Ao. 机甲驾驶员还未死去,他惊讶的看着跳过来的何奥,抬起一旁的金属棍舞了个棍花,向着何奥冲来。 Weak He Ao draws out the pistol of waist. 虚弱的何奥拔出腰间的手枪。 Bang- 砰- Then he also braves the haze the pistol to insert the waist, arrived is hit side the pilot who the forehead poured backward by the bullet, kicked out of the way the body of pilot, sat on the driver seat. 然后他把还冒着烟气的手枪插回腰间,走到了被子弹击中眉心向后倒去的驾驶员身旁,踢开了驾驶员的身体,坐到了驾驶座上。 This machine armor has not burnt out, the life authentication of pilot is still valid. 这台机甲还没有熄火,驾驶员的生命认证依然有效。 He Ao draws the control handle directly, having entire stage hell apostle machine armor to fly. 何奥直接拉动操纵杆,带着整台地狱使徒机甲飞起。 The strong winds of howling penetrate from the crack of apron are swaying his cheeks. 呼啸的狂风从保护盖的破口穿入吹拂着他的脸颊。 At this time, pure white dropping angel machine armor gave him the four energy batteries in hand. 这个时候,纯白的堕天使机甲将手中的四个能源电池交给了他。 Then He Ao without hesitation, grasps these four energy batteries, charged into also the aerospace giant beast main artillery in thermal energy storage directly. 然后何奥毫不犹豫,抱住这四个能源电池,直接冲向了还在蓄能中的空天巨兽主炮。 Soldier? What are you making?!!” “士兵?你在做什么?!!” The innumerable identification codes transmitted the interior of hell apostle machine armor instantaneously. 无数的识别代码瞬间发送到了地狱使徒机甲的内部。 The aerospace giant beast flash had not responded that this hell apostle machine armor had anything. 空天巨兽一瞬间没有反应过来这台地狱使徒机甲发生了什么。 He Ao has not managed these inquiries, but the control handle will draw finally, started the complete power of this machine armor. 何奥没有管那些询问,而是将操纵杆拉到最后,启动了这台机甲的全部功率。 The aerospace giant beast is impossible goods near body that makes the long-distance range throw, especially close to throwing of main artillery. 空天巨兽不可能让远距离投掷的物品近身,特别是靠近主炮的投掷。 Only can depend upon a high power also to have the equipment of self- defense capability to bring. 只能依靠一台高功率并且具有自我防御能力的设备带着去。 Stunned of aerospace giant beast is only short, quick, they discovered the He Ao goal. 空天巨兽的错愕只是短暂的,很快,他们就发现了何奥的目的。 The innumerable missiles send out from the aerospace giant beast, charge into hell apostle machine armor. 无数导弹从空天巨兽身上发出,冲向地狱使徒机甲。 He Ao opened all anti-aircraft artilleries and long-distance muzzles, undifferentiated flies the missile that to fall in torrents the ammunition toward the surroundings, 何奥打开了所有防空炮和远程炮口,无差别的向着周围飞来的导弹倾泻弹药、 In the short stunned time of aerospace giant beast, enough He Ao had just drawn the distance was very near. 刚刚空天巨兽的短暂的错愕的时间里,已经足够何奥将距离拉的很近了。 This moment that main artillery has been away from him to be close, he even can feel in the main artillery through the shatter opens the mouth the flame of flaming combustion. 此刻那主炮已经距离他近在咫尺,他甚至能通过破碎开口感受到主炮中熊熊燃烧的火焰。 Still had the missile to hit machine armor, but He Ao without hesitation, direct dependence machine armor died to shoulder, drew the dead control handle, further charged into that giant muzzle. 仍旧有导弹击中了机甲,但是何奥毫不犹豫,直接依靠机甲死扛,拉死操纵杆,进一步冲向那巨大的炮口。 All these only in electric light flint, even these pursue dropping angel machine A unmanned aerial vehicle not to transfer the muzzle with enough time. 这一切只在电光火石之间,甚至于那些追堕天使机甲的无人机都没来得及调转炮口。 In will soon submerge the main artillery instantly, He Ao jumps down from tattered and torn machine armor. 在即将没入主炮的刹那,何奥从千疮百孔的机甲中跳了下来。 His body has delimited the jet black nighttime sky, like fallen leaf in in the air faded and fallen. 他的身子划过漆黑的夜空,如同落叶在空中飘零。 Eve 夏娃・・・ Buzz- 嗡- The pure white form has flown from him, steady met him in the cockpit. 纯白的身影从他下方飞过,稳稳的将他接在了驾驶舱中。 He Ao sits in the cockpit, looks at outside scene, moves the control handle, pure white machine armor lifted the plasma artillery in hand, submerges the instance of main artillery in that jet black machine armor, aimed at the main artillery. 何奥坐在驾驶舱里,看着外面的场景,扳动操纵杆,纯白的机甲抬起了手中的等离子炮,在那漆黑的机甲没入主炮的瞬间,对准了主炮。 The radiant brilliance erupts suddenly. 璀璨的光辉骤然爆发。 Bang- 轰- The radical explosion was common like the flaming hot sun, illuminated the sky. 剧烈的爆炸如同熊熊烈日一般,照亮了天空。 About 6000 character ultra-large chapters, asked a bill at the end of the month 近六千字超大章,月底求个票票 () ()
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