LCG :: Volume #3 举着火把的人

#796 Part 1: Aerospace giant beast

Chapter 797 aerospace giant beast( ultra-large chapter asked monthly ticket) 第797章空天巨兽(超大章求月票) Aerospace giant beast 空天巨兽 He Ao raised the head, gazes at the huge shadow that seems blocking the sky. 何奥抬起头,注视着那仿佛遮天蔽日的巨大阴影。 Even if Vian, visit in some secret bases this terrifying huge monster. 哪怕是维安,也只是在一些秘密基地里‘参观’过这恐怖的庞然巨物。 This is the first time that He Ao saw it, appearance that moving gets up. 这是何奥第一次见到它,‘动’起来的样子。 This huge floats the spatial battleship whole to present the flat shape, like huge incomparable spreading out compressed waterdrop, like a giant beast that opens the pair of wings. 这庞大的浮空战舰整体呈现扁平形状,如同一片庞大无比的伸展开被压扁的水滴,又如同一只张开双翼的巨兽。 But in this waterdrop frontline, hollow that presents concavely glyph shape, hollow, is one can adjust the angle of pitch the diameter to surpass ten meters giant main artillery. 而在这‘水滴’的最前方,有一个呈现‘凹’字形状的凹陷,凹陷中间,是一个可以调节俯仰角的直径超过十米的巨型主炮。 The innumerable tiny anti-aircraft artilleries proliferate this only giant beast body, diameters two to three meters weaponized UAV like dense and numerous colonies general float around this giant beast, 15-meter dragoon fighter aircraft, by this giant beast , is only similar to the big point dragonfly. 无数细小的防空炮遍布这只‘巨兽’的身躯,一个个直径两到三米的武装无人机如同密密麻麻的蜂群一般悬浮在这巨兽周围,长达15米的龙骑兵战机,在这巨兽旁边,也只如同大一点的蜻蜓。 This is one of most peak weapons the federation can make now, B level combat unit, aerospace giant beast. 这就是联邦现在能制造出的最巅峰的武器之一,B级作战单位,空天巨兽。 This is the federation is also used to cope with one of the B level unusual animals primary armaments. 这也是联邦用来对付B级异兽的主要武器之一。 Aerospace giant beast powerful, not only lies in its weapon equipment, lies in it is a combat formation. 空天巨兽的强大并不只在于它身上的武器配备,也在于它本身就是一个战斗编队。 Under normal conditions, around the aerospace giant beast will provide ten to the elite operational squad that 15 machine armor compose, simultaneously provides several to dozens the dragoon low-altitude fighters of D levels. 通常情况下,空天巨兽周围会配备十到十五台机甲组成的精锐作战小队,同时配备数架到数十架不等的D级的龙骑兵低空战机。 During some large-scale operational grouping, will also provide some supersonic fighters. 在一些大型作战编组之中,还会配备一些超音速战斗机。 Simultaneously on it carried massively by the colony unmanned aerial vehicle of its master control computer control, it is a large-scale wireless signal projector, while launching own wireless signal, will also shield other civil or unlicensed wireless signals. 同时它身上搭载了大量受其主控电脑控制的蜂群无人机,它自身就是一个大型的无线信号发射器,在发射自身的无线信号的同时,还会屏蔽其他的民用或者未经许可的无线信号。 In a federal several hundred years of history, aerospace giant beast help human has solved massive powerful unusual animals, is one of strongest weapons the present federation army equips. 在联邦数百年的历史中,空天巨兽帮助人类解决过大量的强大异兽,是现在联邦军队列装的最强的武器之一。 When sees dead tree bar that Taiwan armed forces with signal shield, in He Ao heart some not wonderful premonition, but the appearance of aerospace giant beast, somewhat surpassed his estimate. 早在看到枯树酒吧那台军用信号屏蔽器的时候,何奥心中就有了不妙的预感,但是空天巨兽的出现,还是有些超过了他的预估。 This is not the thing that the general financial group even city defense force can do to obtain, only an aerospace giant beast the construction cost Gundam/reaches as high as several hundred hundred million federal coins, every year light/only the upkeep counts on by ten million/countless, opens it, every minute of expenditure on number by 100,000 ideas. 这已经不是一般的财团甚至城防军能搞得到的东西了,一台空天巨兽单是建造成本就高达数百亿联邦币,每年光保养费就以千万计,把它开起来,每分钟的花费就数以十万计。 Many small cities cannot raise this colossus. 很多小城市都养不起这种庞然大物。 Even if the big financial group, can afford and can raise the aerospace giant beast, is a few. 哪怕是大财团,买得起且养得起空天巨兽的,也是少数。 Moreover as Elvis space systems company super single product , the purchase of aerospace giant beast has the threshold. 而且作为伊维斯空间系统公司的超级单品,空天巨兽的购买是有门槛的。 Wants the direct purchase is not possible, must spend over a thousand hundred million federal coins in the Elvis space systems company long-term sustainability, becomes this/should company highest level distinguished guest user, then had the competitive tender to purchase in the past the qualifications of aerospace giant beast quota. 想要直接购买是不可能的,必须要在伊维斯空间系统公司长期持续性消费上千亿联邦币,成为该公司最顶级的贵宾用户,然后才有竞标购买当年空天巨兽名额的资格。 And the aerospace giant beast also not just sells, is the entire combat unit machine armor, unmanned aerial vehicle and dragoon together, the pack sells. 并且空天巨兽也不单卖,是整个作战单位连带着机甲、无人机和龙骑兵一起,打包售卖。 These rigorously screens, only then a small number of established financial groups possibly can have the qualifications of purchase aerospace giant beast. 这一番严格筛选下来,就只有少数老牌财团才可能能拥有购买空天巨兽的资格。 Alone Financial group that some young big financial groups, for example the grave mound grass is long, even if the market value is very high, in its commission army corps does not have the aerospace giant beast. 一些年轻的大财团,比如坟头草已经长出来的凯杰特财团,哪怕市值很高,其佣兵团里也没有空天巨兽。 However compares in hiring a B level powerhouse brings up the rear, the earlier invested cost of aerospace giant beast is by far higher, the financial group that therefore besides the federal army, is willing to purchase truly are not many. 不过相比较于雇佣一位B级强者压阵,空天巨兽的前期投入成本远远更高,所以除了联邦军队以外,真正愿意购买的财团也不多。 Synthesis, only then these save for a long time established big financial group to be richly entitled, will purchase the aerospace giant beast balanced financial group unusualness strength. 综合来看,只有那些积攒已久的老牌大财团有钱有资格,会购买空天巨兽平衡财团内部的超凡者力量。 Obviously, establishes 20-30 years of joint industries not in this established financial group. 很显然,成立才20-30年的联合工业不在这个‘老牌财团’之列。 Therefore this aerospace giant beast, the big probability is some established financial group lends joint industry to press gathering place. 所以这个空天巨兽,大概率是某个老牌财团借给联合工业‘压场子’的。 Except the purchase expense, the loss of aerospace giant beast operation is not in fact high, and this thing, if often does not take to open, put easily for a long time bad, if the relations were in place, some established financial group big probabilities wanted loaning. 除开购买花销,空天巨兽实际上运行的损耗也不算高,并且这东西如果不经常拿出来开开,放久了更容易坏,所以如果关系到位,一些老牌财团大概率是愿意‘出借’的。 Moreover the constriction of this thing compared with the B level powerhouse. 而且这东西的压迫感比B级强者强多了。 Heads on along with the dense and numerous shadows, the He Ao complexion is low and deep. 伴随着密密麻麻的阴影扑面而来,何奥面色低沉。 The joint industry actually violated a breakthrough bottom line mistake, that is in principle, aerospace giant beast type of super weapon does not allow to advance in the city. 联合工业其实犯了一个突破‘底线’的错误,那就是原则上,空天巨兽这种超级兵器是不允许开进城市里的。 This weapon accidental injury, can cause countless people to elapse. 这种兵器一个误伤,都可以导致无数人逝去。 What the luck is quite good, from its contour, this aerospace giant beast is not nuclear power, but is gamma ray compression battery. 运气比较好的是,从其外形来看,这一款空天巨兽并非是核动力款,而是超高能压缩电池款。 This volume is bigger, the price is cheaper , the maintenance cost is lower, but the weapon equipment of the cruise duration and carrying are less. 这一款的体积更大,价格更便宜,维护成本更低,但同时续航时间和搭载的武器设备更少。 Is one youth. 算是一个‘青春款’。 Designs this aerospace giant beast the person to be wish makes this aerospace giant beast adapt to the circumstances that some normal nuclear reactors are unable to adapt, but He Ao believes, in this environment, the big probability does not include urban environment. 设计这一款的空天巨兽的人应该是想要让这种空天巨兽适应一些正常核反应堆无法适应的环境,但是何奥相信,这个环境中,大概率不包括‘城市环境’。 But in side that the He Ao train of thought flashes through in a short time, the aerospace giant beast in sky as if also discovered his existence. 而在何奥思绪闪过的极短时间内,天空中的空天巨兽似乎也发现了他的存在。 ‚The seventh influence?” “‘第七势力’?” The old sound from resounds in the unmanned aerial vehicle that in the sky dances in the air, actually do you want to make what?” 苍老的声音从在天空中飞舞的无人机中响起,“你们究竟想做什么?” The He Ao vision shot a look at slit between an unmanned aerial vehicles, saw before , escapes hand/subordinate that stage black machine armor that from him. 何奥目光瞥了一眼无人机之间的缝隙,看到了之前从他手下逃生的那台黑色机甲。 This fellow has fled behind the unmanned aerial vehicle, should through the special channel just He Ao score gave the control room of aerospace giant beast synchronously. 这家伙早就窜到了无人机后面,应该是通过特殊频道将刚刚何奥的‘战绩’同步给了空天巨兽的操控室。 The surrounding unmanned aerial vehicle encircles He Ao, but does not have first to launch the attack. 周围的无人机将何奥团团围住,但是并没有第一时间发起攻击。 Obviously, they alert He Ao. 很显然,他们非常戒备何奥 „The seventh influence,” “第七势力,” Saw that He Ao does not have first to answer, in the unmanned aerial vehicle broadcasts the old sound again, 看到何奥没有第一时间回话,无人机里再次传来苍老的声音, Believes that you have seen, quick, we will rally the order of this city, if you really want to make anything in this city, the surrender is the you only choice, so long as you are willing to work for us, before all things, we can not go into one's past.” “相信你们已经看到,很快,我们将重整这座城市的秩序,如果你们真的想要在这座城市做什么的话,投降是伱们唯一的选择,只要你愿意为我们效劳,之前发生的所有事情,我们都可以既往不咎。” This sound keeps aloof, is backing on that giant aerospace giant beast, the invisible and depressing shadow covered everyone's body, I believe that you are very clear, what kind of result emaciated dropping angel machine armor facing the aerospace giant beast is, if you want with us for the enemy, then greets your, will be will die and destiny of destruction.” 这个声音高高在上,背靠着那巨大的空天巨兽,无形而压抑的阴影覆盖了所有人的身躯,“我相信你很清楚,一台孱弱的堕天使机甲面对空天巨兽是一种怎样的结局,如果你想要与我们为敌,那么迎接你的,将是死亡和毁灭的命运。” Monitoring of He Ao by machine armor is gazing at all these, he already not many strength speeches, does not want to speak here. 何奥透过机甲内的监控注视着这一切,他已经没有更多的力气说话,也不想在这里说话。 He promotes the control handle slowly. 他缓慢的推动操纵杆。 That pure white machine armor lifted the left hand slowly. 那洁白的机甲缓缓将左手举了起来。 Can surrender?” “要投降了吗?” That old sound sound under sky, keeping aloof is overlooking below life, he as if saw He Ao grips the hand that the long sword does not have, appropriate alert can permit, I allow you to grip your weapon, only holds up a hand surrender.” 那苍老的声音响在天空之下,高高在上的俯瞰着下方的生灵,他似乎看到了何奥握住长剑没有动的手,“适当的戒备是可以允许的,我允许你握住你的武器,只举起一只手投降。” Then in the cameras of all unmanned aerial vehicles, the palm deflection of pure white machine armor, the back of the hand faces the flank, slowly bent the little finger, the ring finger, the index finger and thumb. 然后在所有无人机的摄像头中,纯白机甲的手掌偏转,手背朝向外侧,缓缓的弯下了小指,无名指,食指和拇指。 Under the complementing of this friendly hand signal, the whole world as if in this moment peaceful. 在这个友好手势的映衬下,整个世界都仿佛在这一刻安静了下来。 Idiot of overreaching oneself!” “不自量力的蠢货!” The sound that almost clenches jaws sends out from the unmanned aerial vehicle. 几乎咬牙切齿的声音从无人机中发出。 The unmanned aerial vehicles of these soaring like sweep across the black wave that comes to be common from the region, emits the flame toward pure white machine armor. 紧接着那些飞翔的无人机如同从地域席卷而来的黑色浪潮一般,向着纯白机甲喷吐出火焰。 He Ao lifted the knight sword in hand suddenly, a sword wields, shell wrecking that the surface forward flight comes, explodes blooming flame, then his figure broke through these flame, the sky is similar to the tide common unmanned aerial vehicle to cut to pieces in the knight sword directly, grinds together the gap. 何奥骤然抬起了手中的骑士剑,一剑挥出,将面前飞来的炮弹击毁,炸成一朵朵绽放的火焰,然后他的身形冲过了这些火焰,用骑士剑直接将天空中如同浪潮一般的无人机切碎,碾开一道缺口。 Then he broke through unmanned airplane group , to continue to fly upward. 然后他冲过无人机群,继续往上飞。 Jacks from the He Ao very near dragoon fighter aircraft rapidly, while make way He Ao, fired a missile. 一架距离何奥很近的龙骑兵战机迅速抬升,在闪开何奥的同时,发射出了一枚导弹。 A He Ao sword cuts open this missile, along with the flame of explosion, same departs like the flowing light together, will be a sword the in the air dragoon fighter aircraft will divide into two. 何奥一剑切开这枚导弹,伴随着爆炸的火焰,如同一道流光一样飞出,又是一剑将空中的龙骑兵战机一分为二。 Then he turns head, looked that to the unmanned aerial vehicle that pursues behind, the laser cannon of right hand adjusts the low power to continue the pattern. 然后他回过头来,看向身后追上来的无人机,右手的激光炮调整成低功率持续模式。 The radiant laser has delimited the sky, then like brandishing the magic wand sweeps generally toward right. 璀璨的激光划过天空,然后如同挥舞的魔杖一般向右一扫。 Innumerable unmanned aerial vehicles under this laser loudly shatter, the fragment of blasting open wrecked other unmanned aerial vehicles, this flash, formed a flame curtain wall between He Ao and rear unmanned aerial vehicles, prevented the road ahead of rear unmanned aerial vehicle shortly. 无数无人机在这激光下轰然破碎,炸裂的碎片又击毁了其他的无人机,这一瞬间,在何奥和后方的无人机之间形成了一道火焰幕墙,短暂的阻挡了后方无人机的前路。 He Ao speed rapidly upward pull-up, direct impact on huge monster in sky. 紧接着,何奥的速度迅速往上拉升,直冲向天空中的庞然巨物。 Also in this instantaneous, two jet black machine armor flushed, blocks to He Ao. 也就在这瞬间,两架漆黑的机甲冲了上来,拦向何奥 He Ao in tandem, cuts broken the cockpits of these two machine armor. 何奥一前一后,将这两台机甲的驾驶舱斩碎。 Out-of-control machine armor crashes to the ground, drops in the boundary of sea and land. 失去控制的机甲坠落到地面上,跌落在大海与陆地的分界线上。 Here has stood in the storm sea edge, proceeds again , He Ao even can hear the distant place storm the howling sound. 这里已经是站在风暴海的边缘了,再往前一点,恍惚间,何奥甚至能听到远处风暴的呼啸声。 His form marches forward, charges into high float in the in the air aerospace giant beast. 他的身影继续向前,冲向高高悬浮在空中的空天巨兽。 The blueprint of Vian not aerospace giant beast, has not studied the aerospace giant beast, but he has gotten up the exhibit article aerospace giant beast of Elvis space systems company. 维安并没有空天巨兽的图纸,也没有研究过空天巨兽,但是他上过伊维斯空间系统公司的展品空天巨兽。 Although of Elvis space systems long leg golden hair sale that wears the black silk high-heeled shoes has not led him to visit the core region of aerospace giant beast, but he guessed correctly the position of main control room probably. 虽然伊维斯空间系统的那位穿着黑丝高跟鞋的长腿金发销售并没有带他参观过空天巨兽的核心区域,但是他还是大概猜出了主控室的位置。 Should at that giant main artillery following point. 应该就在那巨大的主炮后面一点。 Aerospace giant beast type of large-scale weapon, most is afraid small-scale attacks weapon near body high, therefore it entered the stage provided the machine armor formations at least more than ten machine armor. 空天巨兽这种大型兵器,是最害怕小型高攻兵器近身的,所以它出场就配备了至少十几台机甲的机甲编队。 Several machine armor close, in coordination unmanned aerial vehicle and dragoon, even if B level unusualness, breaks through very much difficultly fast. 十几台机甲一拥而上,配合上无人机和龙骑兵,哪怕是B级超凡者,也很难快速突破。 However this moment He Ao raises eyes to look, except for that two machine armor that he just got rid of, even if that escape machine armor fast, nearby this altogether also only remained Shimosandan machine armor in addition. 但是此刻何奥举目望去,除了他刚刚干掉的那两台机甲,哪怕加上那个逃命飞快的机甲,这附近一共也只剩下三台机甲了。 Obviously, sent the bishop hall before, by machine armor formation that He Ao beats, is the machine armor formation of defense aerospace giant beast. 很显然,之前派到主教堂,被何奥干掉的机甲编队,就是防御空天巨兽的机甲编队。 The surrounding dragoon fighter aircraft also compared was short of the larger part theoretically. 周围的龙骑兵战机也比理论上少了一大半。 …… ・・・・・・ The joint industry does not seem to think the aerospace giant beast will be attacked by the individual, has not thought the aerospace giant beast has the attacked danger. 联合工业似乎从来没有想过空天巨兽会遭受单兵攻击,也从来没有想过空天巨兽有被攻击的危险。 Therefore their easily will be used to coordinate the aerospace giant beast the combat formation to break up to handle other things. 所以他们轻易的就将用来配合空天巨兽的战斗编队拆散去做了其他事情。 As He Ao approaches the aerospace giant beast more and more, under this colossus starts to open opens the mouth, reveals inside miniature launching silo. 而随着何奥越来越靠近空天巨兽,这个庞然大物下方开始打开一道道开口,露出里面的微型导弹发射井。 Miniature missiles turn toward the position that He Ao to fall in torrents like the rainstorm generally, these missiles as if have to trace the equipment, has the tail flame crazily wells up toward He Ao. 一枚枚微型导弹如同暴雨一般向着何奥所在的位置倾泻而下,这些导弹似乎都带有追踪设备,带着尾焰疯狂的向着何奥涌来。 He Ao from the sky turns around immediately, a dive charges into below sea, then when the sea level of being close sudden pull-up, flies again to the sky. 何奥立刻在空中转身,一个俯冲冲向下方的大海,然后在接近的海面的时候骤然拉起,再次飞向天空。 Some missiles cannot adapt to such high mobile operation, because of losing the goal blows up in the sea level, but other missiles traced on the He Ao footsteps. 一些导弹适应不了这样高机动的操作,在海面上因为失去目标而炸毁,而另一些导弹则追踪上了何奥的脚步。 He Ao turns around immediately, lifts the right hand to prepare the good laser cannon, sweeps away, direct scrap of innumerable missiles under the illumination of laser, brings the rear missile together scrap. 何奥立刻转身,抬起右手准备好的激光炮,一个横扫,无数导弹在激光的照射下直接炸碎,同时带着后方的导弹一起炸碎。 But at this time, in the cab of machine armor resounded the grating alarm sound suddenly. 而这个时候,机甲的驾驶室内骤然响起了刺耳的警报声。 He Ao raised the head, looks to the sky. 何奥抬起头去,看向天空。 Forefront that broad shadow, in that jet black giant main artillery had been flooding the orange red brilliance. 在那恢弘的阴影最前端,那原本漆黑的巨大主炮中已经充斥着橙红色的光辉。 The terrifying heat wave spreads instantaneously in the jet black space, illuminated the sky like Sun generally, making the group star also gloomy. 恐怖的热浪瞬间在漆黑的空间中蔓延开来,如同太阳一般照亮了天空,让群星都随之暗淡。 He Ao without hesitation, drew directly fully all propeller horsepowers, diagonal rushed to the sky. 何奥毫不犹豫,直接将所有推进器功率拉满,斜向冲上了天空。 Bang- 轰- With a thundering artillery sound, the huge orange red hits the sea level that He Ao just stood brilliance. 伴随着一声轰鸣的炮响,巨大的橙红色光辉击中了何奥刚刚所站的海面。 The quiet sea water is touching the brilliance flash, became the innumerable confused white fog on the transpiration, one diameter several hundred meters huge appears in the place that He Ao just stood emptily. 静谧的海水在触及光辉的一刹那,就蒸腾成了无数迷茫的白雾,一个直径数百米的巨大空洞出现在了何奥刚刚所站立的地方。 The moist sea bed exposes in the air, under this high temperature is roasted in the fierce fish that in the sea water patrols innumerably roasts the adult fish to do, or was steamed by the scalding hot steam instantaneously. 湿润的海床暴露在空气中,无数在海水中游弋的凶猛的鱼类都在这高温下被炙烤成鱼干,或者被灼热的蒸汽瞬间蒸熟。 Near coast is anchoring the mining dredger that labelling joint industry inscription only had half at this moment, the molten iron of fusing had the scalding hot brilliance to hang in that residual section. 海岸边一艘停靠着的标注着联合工业字样的采矿船此刻只剩下了一半,熔融的铁水带着灼热的光辉挂在那残留的截面上。 The sea water of spout flowed in backward instantaneously, filled up the dry sea bed. 紧接着,喷涌的海水瞬间倒灌,填满了干涸的海床。 That in the air huge monster had also transferred the muzzle, faces has floated He Ao in sky, starts the thermal energy storage again. 那空中的庞然巨物也已经调转了炮口,朝向已经浮在天空中的何奥,再次开始蓄能。 Also two machine armor flushed, tries to block He Ao. 又有两台机甲冲了上来,试图拦住何奥 This He Ao destroyed machine the control bench of armor fast, then lifts the great sword, inserted machine armor back. 这一次何奥快速破坏了机甲的控制台,然后抬起巨剑,插入了机甲后背。 With an electric light of sparkle, two battery compartment that brings the energy battery fell into the hand of He Ao. 伴随着一阵闪耀的电光,两块带着能源电池的电池舱落入了何奥的手中。 Normally, cutts machine the filament battery directly trigger battery stress equipment, causes the explosion, therefore the understanding of He Ao direct utilization machine armor structure, removed together the battery and battery protection equipment. 正常情况下,强拆机甲电池会直接触发电池应激设备,导致爆炸,所以何奥直接利用对机甲结构的了解,将电池和电池保护设备一起拆下来了。 But wrecks machine the instance of armor in him, rounds of missiles again toward the He Ao chase. 而在他击毁机甲的瞬间,一发发导弹再次朝着何奥追逐而来。 He Ao dodges directly backward, like brilliance has drawn broken lines in the sky together, while casting off some missiles, charged into the ground. 何奥直接向后闪避,如同一道光辉在天空中划过一道道折线,在甩开一些导弹的同时,冲向了地面。 When will soon arrive in the coast, he turns round a round of laser cannon, wrecked followed after behind missile. 在即将抵达海岸的时候,他回身一发激光炮,击毁了跟在身后的导弹。 Immediately he falls, will fall two in coast just to be opened by the energy battery of machine armor he gets rid of. 随即他降了下来,将掉在海岸上的两具刚刚被他干掉的机甲的能源电池拆了下来。 This four high performance compression batteries. 这样就有四块高性能压缩电池了。 Just he solved these two machine armor time, deliberately without destroying their energy batteries, is thinking later was useful. 刚刚他解决这两台机甲的时候,刻意没有毁坏他们的能源电池,就是想着待会儿有用。 However if not the commander of joint industry arranges these machine armor two two to deliver, he did not have the means easily to achieve this step. 不过如果不是联合工业的指挥官安排这些机甲两个两个来送,他还没办法轻易做到这一步。 If 45 machine armor encircles from the beginning, he at least must ruin three batteries mostly . Moreover the body must be selected to affect. 如果一开始就是四五台机甲围过来,他多半至少得毁掉三个电池,而且身上还得受点影响。 Four, perhaps insufficiently. 四块,或许不够。 He Ao when flashes through unmanned airplane group that raids again, bundles with the iron sheet that machine in armor cuts four energy batteries in the same place, hugs in the hand, charges into the direction of sea again. 何奥在闪过再次袭来的无人机群的时候,将四块能源电池用机甲上切出来的铁片捆在一起,抱在手中,再次冲向大海的方向。 Meanwhile his speed rapid pull-up. 同时他的速度迅速拉升。 Altogether five machine armor, after He Ao destroyed four, the commander who unites the industry more machine armor has not stopped to delay He Ao. 一共五台机甲,被何奥摧毁了四台之后,联合工业的指挥官已经没有更多的机甲来阻拦拖延何奥了。 Therefore they transferred the surrounding all unmanned aerial vehicles and dragoons, raids like the dense dark cloud generally to He Ao. 所以他们调动了周围所有无人机以及龙骑兵,如同黑压压的乌云一般去袭向何奥 But finally that machine armor that escapes from the bishop hall follows behind the unmanned aerial vehicle, putting on airs launches the plasma artillery sneak attack in He Ao secretly behind. 而最后那台从主教堂逃命回来的机甲都跟在无人机后面,装模作样的偷偷在何奥身后发射等离子炮偷袭。 The unmanned aerial vehicle were also few. 无人机也少了。 Flashes through the plasma artillery that launches, He Ao swept one probably with unmanned airplane group. 闪过一发射来的等离子炮,何奥大概扫了一眼跟上来的无人机群。 The guard unmanned aerial vehicle of aerospace giant beast should select incessantly, perhaps majority was also moved to carry out other person of tasks. 空天巨兽的护卫无人机应该不止这么点,或许大部分也都被调去执行其他人任务了。 In the thinking, He Ao continues to draw the control handle. 在思索间,何奥继续拉动操纵杆。 Some re-equipping things, under He Ao erupts full power, the speed of this dropping angel machine armor at least is 130 of other dropping angel machine armor. 维莉的改装还是有些东西的,在何奥全力爆发之下,这台堕天使机甲的速度至少是其他堕天使机甲的130。 This enables He Ao in the situation of certainly mobile exercise doing, is hanging the rear unmanned aerial vehicle, but was not contacted. 这使得何奥能在一定机动操做的情况下,吊着后方的无人机而不被接触到。 But also when He Ao unceasing coping the shell of unmanned aerial vehicle, that grating alarm sound made a sound behind again in the cab. 而也就在何奥不断的对付身后无人机的炮弹的时候,那刺耳的警报声再次响在了驾驶室内。 He Ao promotes the control handle, shifts in the sky fiercely, raises the knight sword in hand, without hesitation fired into the unprepared unmanned airplane group. 何奥推动操纵杆,在天空中猛地转向,提起手中的骑士剑,毫不犹豫的就冲向了毫无准备的无人机群中。 The armors of rounds of shell centralized machine armor, leave behind black smokes. 一发发炮弹集中机甲的护甲,留下一道道黑烟。 After that giant main artillery has not as if expected He Ao fiercely to/clashes, calibrated the muzzle rapidly again. 那巨大的主炮似乎也没有料到何奥会猛地后冲,迅速再次校准了炮口。 Also in this instantaneous, He Ao saw that mixes machine armor in unmanned airplane group, in that machine armor some movements of doubts, his sword pierced machine armor, having this machine armor right angle to change, flies fiercely toward the sky. 也就在这瞬间,何奥看到了那混在无人机群中的机甲,在那台机甲有些疑惑的动作中,他一剑刺穿了机甲,带着这台机甲一个直角变向,猛地向着天空飞去。 Bang- 轰- The radiant brilliance illuminated under his body, the flash is similar to the dark cloud common unmanned airplane group to melt that the heat wave of spout the figure of in the air that machine armor is blowing to fly He Ao directly, same swings like the faded and fallen dandelion under the group star. 璀璨的光辉照亮了他的身下,一瞬间将那如同乌云一般的无人机群融化,喷涌的热浪直接将何奥连带着空中那台机甲的身形吹飞,在群星下如同飘零的蒲公英一样摇摆。 Still some unmanned aerial vehicles escaped from the control, crazy pull-up, in almost out-of-control pure white machine armor toward the sky flushed. 仍旧有一些无人机逃脱了控制,疯狂的拉升,向着天空中几乎失去控制的纯白机甲冲来。 That broad main artillery lifted the muzzle, aimed at He Ao again, starts the thermal energy storage. 那恢弘的主炮抬起了炮口,再次对准了何奥,开始蓄能。 At this time He Ao has flown compared with an aerospace giant beast higher place. 这时候何奥已经飞到了比空天巨兽更高的地方。 He has been able to pass machine armor monitoring equipment to see aerospace giant beast that giant streamline back, as well as latter conducts the back the obviously obsolete mechanical device. 他已经能通过机甲监控设备看到空天巨兽那巨大的流线型的后背,以及后背上明显老旧的机械设备。 This as if already the age for a long time colossus, like the terrifying giant beast that goes out of the history, the float of silencing under the radiant group star, the giant muzzle is surging the aura of death. 这台似乎已经年岁已久的庞然大物,如同从历史中走出的恐怖巨兽,静寂的漂浮在璀璨的群星下,巨大的炮口涌动着死亡的气息。
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