LCG :: Volume #3 举着火把的人

#795: The sky under shadow

Chief!” “局长!” The young detective is driving the hood all-terrain vehicle of speeding away in a fierce swing, across gloomy alley, along jolting road surface rapid vanguard. 年轻的探员驾驶着疾驰的敞篷越野车在一阵剧烈的摇摆中,穿过灰暗的小巷,沿着颠簸的路面飞速前行。 But in this all-terrain vehicle behind, with black hell apostle machine armor that greatly stands tall and erect. 而在这辆越野车的身后,则跟着一台巨大高耸的黑色地狱使徒机甲。 This moment this machine armor like broke off the eagle of wing, in in the air unceasing swing, but above this machine armor, a black clothes man who is grasping the giant metal chain hammer is stepping on after machine armor conducts the back, is brandishing the chain hammer unceasingly is hitting the joint spot of entire machine armor. 此刻这台机甲如同被折断翅膀的老鹰,在空中不断的摇摆,而在这机甲之上,一个手持着巨大金属链锤的黑衣男人正踩在机甲的后背上,挥舞着链锤不断的击打着整个机甲的关节部位。 The wind that at night howls has blown the profile of man, brings fiercely sways to be damaged machine armor that rapidly downward. 黑夜中呼啸的风刮过男人的侧脸,带着剧烈的摇晃受损的机甲迅速往下。 That machine armor is struggling the anti-aircraft artillery attack man who wants to transfer the back, in the next second, in the barrel by a chain hammer hammer in male person hand, will actually be exploded the round number block steel in the darkness the fragment. 那机甲挣扎着想要调用后背的防空炮攻击男人,却会在下一秒,被男人手中的链锤一锤击中炮身,在黑暗中炸成数块钢铁的碎片。 With the unremitting attack of chain hammer, entire machine armor also more and more controls deficient. 伴随着链锤的不断攻击,整个机甲也越来越缺乏控制。 Finally, the machine armor pilot seized a time, holds up the plasma main artillery in hand, dislikes behind, aims to step on the black clothes man who he conducts the back. 最终,机甲驾驶员抓住了一个时机,举起手中的等离子主炮,背向身后,对准踩在他背上的黑衣男人。 However the black clothes man as if had expected this step, he flings to act the chain hammer, exuded a golden iron chain to tie down machine the muzzle of armor like giant shackles, then the black clothes man jumped to below fiercely. 但是黑衣男人似乎早就料到了这一步,他甩出手中的链锤,泛着点点金色的铁链如同一把巨大的枷锁缠住了机甲的炮口,然后黑衣男人猛地向下一跳。 Stretched the straight chains to draw that spray coating the flame muzzle to aim at machine the back of armor. 绷直的锁链拉着那喷涂着火焰的炮口对准了机甲的后背。 Bang- 轰- With a thundering loud sound, that huge machine armor explodes radiant flame in the sky, but the body of black clothes man comes across the flame, the long chain hammer follows the form that he is falling to swing in the flame. 伴随着一声轰鸣的巨响,那庞大的机甲在天空中炸成一朵璀璨的火焰,而黑衣男人的身躯穿过火焰而来,长长的链锤跟随着他下落的身影在火焰中摇摆。 Bang- 砰— The black clothes man pounds in the ground, then receives the chain hammer, one step all-terrain vehicle that jumped up front also in the travel. 黑衣男人砸在地面上,然后收起链锤,一步跳上了前面还在行驶的越野车。 Chief!” “局长!” The young detective looked on one clothing to destroy most, the whole body covered entirely to lead the orange brilliance bloodstain black clothes man, got hold of the steering wheel excitedly, you were too graceful!!!” 年轻的探员看了一眼身上衣衫已经破坏大半,浑身布满带着橙色光辉血迹的黑衣男人,兴奋的握紧了方向盘,“你太帅了!!!” Graceful?” “帅吧?” Chief Just coughs, trades with the life,” 加斯特局长咳嗽一声,“拿命换的,” He turn head looks at the nighttime sky that the flame had not burnt through behind, two, came us to die again here.” 他回头看了一眼身后火焰还没燃尽的夜空,“两台了,再来一台咱们俩都得死在这里了。” „?” “啊?” The expression of young detective faded. 年轻探员的表情蔫了下来。 Signal recovery?” “信号恢复了吗?” Just turns head to look to the vehicle-borne screen, asked in a low voice. 加斯特扭头看向车载屏幕,低声问道。 No, they do not know that with what signal shield, the range was too big.” “没有,他们不知道用了什么信号屏蔽器,范围太大了。” The young detective shakes the head. 年轻探员摇摇头。 Perhaps is the army expenses,” “恐怕是军用款,” Just brow tight wrinkle, „, moreover incessantly.” 加斯特眉头紧皱,“而且不止一个。” He looked into one toward front, the vision across the front tattered the construction of path and tattered shack nearly, seemed like us quickly to the storm sea, they in deliberately drove away toward the seashore in us.” 他往前面眺望了一眼,目光穿过前面破破烂烂的道路和破破烂烂的近乎窝棚的建筑,“看起来我们快到风暴海了,他们在刻意把我们往海边上驱赶。” Chief, they must compel the dead end us!” “局长,他们是要把我们逼到绝路啊!” The young detective front path, jolts along with vehicles fierce about, somewhat extremely angry saying, joint industry they collude with the cults, but also attacks us, really doesn't fear our federation central investigation? These people already lawlessly to this situation?” 年轻探员前方的道路,伴随着车辆剧烈的上下颠簸,有些愤愤的说道,“联合工业他们勾结邪教,还袭击我们,真的不怕咱们联邦中央的调查吗?这些人已经无法无天到了这种地步了吗?” Dumb kid,” “傻小子,” Just lit cigarette, holds in the mouth on the mouth, somewhat silent saying, we are not the joint industry kill.” 加斯特点了一支烟,叼在嘴上,有些沉默的说道,“我们可不是联合工业杀的。” „?” “啊?” The young detective was replied by this hoodwinked, he said subconsciously, „, although they shield our signal now, but the chief you are not prepared early, just you already sent the praying for rescue news and special details, if we now evening die here, everyone knows that was the joint industry colludes with the cults dry/does.” 年轻探员被这句回答说的蒙了一下,他下意识说道,“虽然他们现在屏蔽了我们的信号,但是局长你不是早有准备吗,刚刚你已经把求救消息和具体情况发出去了,我们要是今晚上死在这里,所有人都知道是联合工业勾结邪教干的啊。” How you can determine, these news are I send?” “你怎么能确定,那些消息就是我发出去的呢?” Just turn head looked at his one eyes. 加斯特回头看了他一眼。 I noticed obviously you kiss go out spontaneously “我明明看到您亲自发出去・・・” Told only half, his words lived suddenly. 说到一半,他的话语突然顿住了。 He realized the meaning in Just words. 他意识到了加斯特话里的意思。 If they die now in the evening here, then no one is able to show that these distress messages are Just send. 如果今晚上他们死在这里,那么谁也无法证明那些求救信息就是加斯特发出去的。 Now after evening, these news can be the eternal esoteric buddhism decoded my mailbox using the electronics technology, deliberately instigated the relations of joint industry and FBI. “今晚上过后,那些消息可以是永恒密教利用电子技术破解了我的邮箱,刻意挑拨联合工业和联邦调查局的关系。 Also can be the eternal esoteric buddhism infiltrates the undercovers of FBI to wangle my trust secretly, after I die used my electronic device, for example,” “也可以是永恒密教渗透进联邦调查局的卧底偷偷骗取了我的信任,在我死后使用了我的电子设备,比如说,” Just turn head looks to the young detective, „, if now evening your lucky lived, then you possibly were traitor within who that swindled me to trust ‚’, then in the joint the fierce confrontation of industry and in eternal esoteric buddhism, was united industry to strike to kill.” 加斯特回头看向年轻探员,“如果今晚上你幸运的活下来了,那么你就可能是那个骗取我信任的‘内奸’,然后在联合工业与永恒密教的激烈对抗中,被联合工业‘击杀’。” As his said the possible supposition, the young detective was gradually peaceful, his back was somewhat stiff, seems like feels some biting cold chill in the air. 随着他一句句说出可能的假设,年轻探员渐渐安静了下来,他后背有些僵硬,似乎是感受到了某种彻骨的寒意。 Can adopt the artificial intelligence forge time in this video, anything not necessarily is really. 在这个视频都可以通过人工智能伪造的时代,什么都未必是‘真’的。 After tonight, united the industry and eternal esoteric buddhism controlled this city completely, truth was anything, is actually not so important. 今晚之后,联合工业和永恒密教就完全掌控了这座城市,‘真相’是什么,其实已经不那么重要了。 But, is,” “可是,可是,” The young detective slow sound said that that side headquarters, is not fool 年轻探员缓声说道,“总部那边,也不是傻子・・・” Headquarters naturally are not a fool,” “总部当然不会是傻子,” Just is holding in the mouth the smoke, sighed, 加斯特叼着烟,叹了口气, They will definitely send people Wynter to investigate, they even can guess correctly the truth,” “他们肯定会派人来温特市调查,他们甚至就能猜出真相,” He puts out haze, „, but, the young fellow, FBI is not a personification individual, but is the wholes of countless people comprised, this inside has the person who and joint industry does not deal with, will naturally have the person of support union industry, who do not forget behind the joint industry are.” 他吐出一口烟气,“但是,小伙子,联邦调查局不是一个人格化的个人,而是一个由无数人组成的整体,这里面有和联合工业不对付的人,自然也会有支持联合工业的人,你别忘了联合工业背后是谁。” Rockwell “洛克维尔・・・” The young detective said subconsciously, that was the federal top ten big financial groups 年轻探员下意识的接话道,“那是联邦排名前十的大财团・・・” Their procedures inevitably are reasonable compliant, however similar procedure/program, in the hands of different person, will go out of the completely opposite result,” “他们的程序必然是合理合规的,但是同样的程序,在不同人的手里,甚至会走出完全相反的结果,” Just held in the mouth the smoke to attract the mouth, he stood up, patted the shoulder of young detective, looked by a higher field of vision to the surroundings, they, when made this, the big probability prepared following.” 加斯特叼着烟吸了口,他站起身,拍了拍年轻探员的肩膀,以更高的视野看向周围,“他们在做出这一步的时候,大概率就做好了后面的准备。” „Doesn't their what fear?” “那他们什么都不怕了吗?” The young detective is gazing at front the bumpy ground, said in a low voice, we will die in this?” 年轻探员注视着前面坑坑洼洼的地面,低声说道,“我们都会死在这?” They, if really anything did not fear, will not shield our signal continually,” “他们要是真的什么都不怕,就不会持续屏蔽咱们信号了,” Just smiles, the vision continues carefully is sizing up the surroundings. 加斯特笑了笑,目光继续仔细的打量着周围。 Young detective one ignorant, then he responds immediately, „, so long as we can show that we are we, unites the industry truly to besiege us, they can blur have not been clear about the evidence the fact, but cannot the distortion the proven fact, 年轻探员一懵,然后他立刻反应过来,“只要我们能证明我们是‘我们’,联合工业确实在围攻我们,他们可以模糊没有明确证据的事实,但是不能扭曲已经被证明的事实, They are afraid the federal center, in fact not that strong advantage,” “他们还是害怕联邦中央的,实际上并没有那么强的优势,” His looking pensive said fast, chief, so long as we can escape, reported the specific information continually, submitted the status information, formed the complete logical chain, unites the industry definitely to be under the federal central question and investigation, when the time comes they will definitely pay the heavy price!” 他若有所思的快速说道,“局长,只要我们能逃出去,把具体的信息持续上报,提交身份信息,形成完整的逻辑链,联合工业肯定就会受到联邦中央的诘问和调查,到时候他们肯定会付出惨重代价!” He was saying to be saying, sound small. 他说着说着,声音小了下来。 Why he most starts to mention the joint industry is not afraid FBI Headquarters, is hopes that the threat of FBI Headquarters can make the joint industry be cautious about harming evildoers lest the innocent be hurt, does not chase down them, letting them to live. 他最开始谈起联合工业为什么不害怕联邦调查局总部,就是希望联邦调查局总部的威胁能让联合工业投鼠忌器,不追杀他们,让他们能活下来。 Finally the result of present analysis is, only then they live, can be true threat to the joint industry, making the joint industry be cautious about harming evildoers lest the innocent be hurt. 结果现在的分析的结果是,只有他们活下来,才能真正‘威胁’到联合工业,让联合工业投鼠忌器。 Therefore, we must live.” “所以,咱们得活下来。” Gaston extra light patted patted his shoulder, pinched out the cigarette butt in hand, the ball entered in the darkness. 加斯特轻轻拍了拍他的肩膀,将手中的烟头掐灭,弹进黑暗里。 Chief, what issue has?” “局长,有什么问题吗?” The young detective noticed Just as if to observe anything at this time. 年轻探员这时候才注意到加斯特似乎在一直观察着什么。 It‘s nothing, thought that was too peaceful.” “没什么,就是觉得太安静了。” Just looks up to the sky, got hold of the chains in hand. 加斯特抬头看向天空,握紧了手中的锁链。 Before from the joint the attack of industry and eternal esoteric buddhism was very crowded, but ruined that machine armor to start from just him, these attacks as if peaceful. 之前来自联合工业和永恒密教的攻击都很密集,但是从刚刚他毁掉那一台机甲开始,这些攻击似乎都安静了下来。 But in this instantaneous, a huge shadow appears from the end of his field of vision slowly. 而就在这瞬间,一个巨大的阴影缓缓从他视野的尽头浮现。 You are big this year.” “你今年多大了。” Just lowers the head, extracts cigarette to light again. 加斯特低下头来,再次抽出一支烟点燃。 27, Chief.” “27,局长。” The young detective was still gazing at the front path dedicated. 年轻探员仍旧在专注的注视着前方的道路。 Marriage?” “结婚了吗?” Just sat on the chair of copilot. 加斯特坐回了副驾驶的椅子上。 Also no,” “还没,” Also no,” “还没,” The young detective replied, „before , online knew a miss, chatted very well, we are preparing to meet.” 年轻探员回答道,“之前在网上认识一个姑娘,聊得挺好的,我们正准备见面来着。” Saying, him is sighing gently. 说着,他轻轻叹息一声。 Parking.” “停车。” Just said suddenly. 加斯特突然说道。 The young detective steps on to get on the brakes suddenly, then raised the head, doubts looks at Just. 年轻探员骤然踩下刹车,然后抬起头,疑惑的看着加斯特。 Turns around,” “掉头,” Just opened the vehicle door of copilot, gets out directly, round trip walks, stamps the accelerator, if can escape, looked for a place to lose the car(riage), if later had the confusion, you mixed in the crowd proceed to run, regardless had anything, do not turn head.” 加斯特推开了副驾驶的车门,直接下了车,“往回走,踩死油门,如果能逃出去,找个地方把车丢了,待会儿如果出现混乱,你就混在人群中往前跑,无论发生什么,你都不要回头。” How chief?” “怎么了局长?” Young detective somewhat doubts looks at Just. 年轻探员有些疑惑的看着加斯特。 According to doing that I said that this was the order.” “按我说的做,这是命令。” Just complexion ice-cold saying. 加斯特面色冰冷的说道。 Yes!” “是!” The young detective somewhat has doubts, but defers to Just's order to transfer the front. 年轻探员有些疑惑,但是还是按照加斯特的命令调转车头。 But Just received the chain hammer, settled down in the streets, looked up the sky. 而加斯特则收起了链锤,驻足在街道中间,抬头看着天空。 A huge shadow has flown from the top of the heads of two people slowly, camouflaged crowd of stars, camouflaged the tall building, camouflaged the path. 一个巨大的阴影缓缓从两个人的头顶飞过,遮蔽了群星,遮蔽了高楼,遮蔽了道路。 That is “那是・・・” The young detective raised the head, shock looks at top of the head that be continuous hundred meters, the huge shadow of sun-blocking, the mouth opens slowly. 年轻探员抬起头,震惊的看着头顶那绵延百米,遮天蔽日的巨大阴影,嘴巴缓缓张开。 His sees this thing previous time, is in the textbook. 他上一次看到这个东西,还是在教科书里。 This is should not present the thing in city absolutely. 这是绝对不应该出现在城市里的东西。 B level combat unit, aerospace giant beast,” “B级作战单位,空天巨兽,” Just is holding in the mouth the smoke, looks up that huge shadow, complexion tranquil saying. 加斯特叼着烟,抬头看着那巨大的阴影,面色平静的接话道。 Then he has turned around, turn head looked at a young detective, after this moment vehicles turn around, driver seat already side him. 然后他转过身,回头看了一眼年轻探员,此刻车辆掉头后,驾驶座已经在他身旁了。 He puts out a hand, confirmed the vehicles jurisdiction, then a hand lifted all -terrain vehicle lattern half, another hand control vehicles screen, arrives in a big way the electric switch. 他伸出手去,验证了车辆权限,然后一只手抬起了越野车后半部分,另一只手控制车辆屏幕,将电门开到最大。 The tight flash, the hanging trailing wheel of all-terrain vehicle on the rapid rotation, curls up wind in broken bits. 紧紧一瞬间,越野车的悬空的后轮就迅速的转动起来,卷起细碎的风。 Runs! Boys!!” “跑吧!小子!!” Then he in the young detective shocking expression, loosened hand that lifts all -terrain vehicle. 然后他在年轻探员震惊的表情中,松开了抬起越野车的手。 Bang- 轰- All -terrain vehicle of landing same jumps out like the shell. 落地的越野车如同炮弹一样窜出。 The young detective looks at behind scene by the rear view mirror. 年轻探员透过后视镜看着身后的场景。 Innumerable MICRO-UAV from sky great shipboard falls, like dark cloud of blotting out the sky, dense and numerous toward standing to sweep across in the street middle black clothes man. 无数小型无人机从天空中的巨舰上滑落,如同铺天盖地的乌云,密密麻麻的向着站立在街道中间的黑衣男人席卷而来。 Turnovers the miniature shell of flame, is falling in torrents from the sky like the crowded rainstorm under. 一颗颗吞吐着火焰的微型炮弹,如同密集的暴雨从天空中倾泻而下。 Hangs the flood golden metal chain of shuttle metal hammer to be brandished suddenly, brings the strong winds of howling, stirs completely broken shells. 挂着梭型金属锤的泛金色金属链被骤然抡起,带着呼啸的狂风,将一颗颗炮弹全部搅碎。 The flame of flaming combustion lightened by the sky of blanketing. 熊熊燃烧的火焰点亮了被阴影遮蔽的天空。 Just, we can cooperate.” “加斯特,我们可以合作。” An ice-cold old sound conveys from the unmanned aerial vehicle of highest place, you are very clear, you could not resist a combat formation of aerospace giant beast, the death cooperate, lay in your choice.” 一个冰冷苍老的声音从最高处的一个无人机上传来,“你很清楚,你抵抗不了一支空天巨兽的战斗编队,死亡还是合作,在于你的选择。” Cooperation?” “合作?” Just's form runs out from the flame of that flaming combustion, his mouth bites is also burning the cigarette butt of cigarette, raised the head looks at the great shadow of top of the head with a smile, you want to cooperate with me, wants to cooperate with Wynter FBI chief?” 加斯特的身影从那熊熊燃烧的火焰中冲出,他嘴里咬着还燃烧着的香烟的烟头,抬头笑着看着头顶的巨影,“你是想和我合作,还是想和温特市联邦调查局局长合作?” Naturally is you, Wynter FBI chief.” “当然是你,温特市联邦调查局局长。” The sound in unmanned aerial vehicle occupies a commanding position tranquil saying. 无人机里的声音居高临下平静的说道。 „, Actually we have the leeway that discussed that” “如果是我的话,其实我们还有商量的余地,” Just said with a smile. 加斯特笑道。 The unmanned aerial vehicle in sky stopped suddenly. 天空中的无人机骤然停顿了一下。 „Very regrettable, if Wynter FBI chief, perhaps we have no leeway that discussed that” “不过很遗憾,如果是温特市联邦调查局局长的话,我们恐怕没有什么商量的余地,” He is raising the chains, the sound is exceptionally tranquil, I do not know, how possibly sits the fellow in this position to think, so long as I am a day of chief, Wynter FBI absolutely not with the evil believer, as well as will advance the bastard cooperation of city the aerospace giant beast.” 他提着锁链,声音异常平静,“我不知道以后可能坐在这个位置上的家伙怎么想,但是只要我还是一天局长,温特市联邦调查局就绝对不会和邪教徒,以及将空天巨兽开进城市的混蛋合作。” Chain hammer flash of dancing in the air the unmanned aerial vehicle puncture of that highest place. 飞舞的链锤一瞬间将那最高处的无人机击穿。 The golden chains collides with the flowing light same shell and unmanned aerial vehicle, blooming brilliance in sky. 金色的锁链与流光一样的炮弹和无人机碰撞,在天空中一朵朵绽放的光辉。 Exterminates the evil god follower and recklessly the bastard of unseemly behavior.” “剿灭邪神信徒和肆意妄为的混蛋。” Just's tranquil reclamation chain hammer, this is my responsibility.” 加斯特平静的收回链锤,“这就是我的责任。” Dumb does not understand the flexible idiot,” “头脑迟钝不懂变通的蠢货,” In the unmanned aerial vehicle transmits ice-cold spitting to scold, such being the case, you relieved lying down enters in the tomb.” 无人机里传来一声冰冷的啐骂,“既然如此,你就安心的躺进坟墓里吧。” The innumerable unmanned aerial vehicles gush out from the sky like the colony generally again, is dense and numerous dragoon fighter aircraft. 无数的无人机如同蜂群一般再次从天空中涌出,紧接着是一架架密密麻麻的龙骑兵战机。 The innumerable fires and brilliance from turn toward Just's body upper berth to sprinkle in all directions. 无数炮火与光辉从四面八方向着加斯特的身上铺洒而来。 He can also brandish the chain hammer to keep off most shells from the beginning, even shoots down a dragoon fighter aircraft with the aid of the chain hammer jumping up dragoon. 他一开始还能挥舞着链锤挡下大部分炮弹,甚至借助链锤跳上龙骑兵击落一架龙骑兵战机。 However with the crowdedness of more and more fire, as well as carries the unmanned aerial vehicle of small-scale laser cannon to appear, his scar are getting more and more. 但是随着炮火的越来越密集,以及搭载着小型激光炮的无人机出现,他的身上的伤痕越来越多。 The black clothing turned into the tattered cloth strip thoroughly, the exposed flesh covers entirely the dense and numerous scars, the blood from the sky sprinkles like the raindrop generally. 黑色的衣装彻底变成了破破烂烂的布条,裸露的血肉布满密密麻麻的伤痕,鲜血如同雨滴一般在空中洒落。 Until finally, him stands in almost the repeat has become above hill same steel wreckage, is gazing in the sky that huge shadow, spits the mouth continuously bit already cigarette butt that burnt through. 直到最后,他站在已经几乎迭成一座小山一样的钢铁残骸之上,注视着天空中那巨大的阴影,吐掉了嘴里一直咬着的早已燃尽的烟头。 Covered entirely the scar the body to raise the chain hammer again. 布满伤痕的身躯再次提起了链锤。 At this moment, the flowing light flashes through from him together behind, the sharp sword blade cut open his back instantaneously, the blood of splash gushed out like the spring water. 就在这时,一道流光从他身后闪过,锋利的剑刃瞬间割开了他的后背,飞溅的鲜血如同泉水涌出。 Machine armor that has the blue painting appears in his behind. 一台带着蓝色涂装的机甲出现在他的身后。 This machine armor seems to have hidden in the , is waiting for the time. 这台机甲似乎一直躲在附近,等待着时机。 The instance that will also soon fall to the ground in Just body, that machine armor lifts the great sword again, must divide into two him. 也就在加斯特身体即将落地的瞬间,那机甲再次抬起巨剑,要将他一分为二。 Bang- 轰- In this instantaneous, a speeding away all-terrain vehicle rushed to the hill of wreckage, ran upon that day in the air great sword. 在这瞬间,一辆疾驰的越野车冲上了残骸的小山,撞上了那天空中的巨剑。 All -terrain vehicle was divided into two by the great sword, sends out the radical explosion, but affected the great sword attack shortly. 越野车被巨剑一分为二,发出剧烈的爆炸,但还是短暂的影响了巨剑攻击。 A youth who puts on FBI to overpower runs out after all -terrain vehicle, stands in tumbling side Just of place, aims in the sky the dark mass of piece of unmanned aerial vehicle to take the submachine gun strafe. 一个穿着联邦调查局制服的青年从越野车后冲出,站在滚落在地的加斯特身旁,对准天空中乌压压一片的无人机拿着冲锋枪扫射。 Especially,” “特么的,” Just shot a look at a youth, brat, doesn't the father make you run?” 加斯特瞥了一眼青年,“臭小子,老子不是让你跑吗?” Chief, could not run away.” “局长,跑不掉了。” The youth smile, look at the sky machine armor , to continue to touch off the trigger. 青年笑了笑,看着天空的机甲,继续扣动扳机。 The bullet of submachine gun hits on the unmanned aerial vehicle armor, only stays behind the trace. 冲锋枪的子弹打在无人机护甲上,只留下浅浅的痕迹。 But at this time, that blue painting machine armor had lifted the jet black great sword again. 而这个时候,那蓝色涂装机甲已经再次抬起了漆黑的巨剑。 The giant sword blade brings the breeze of death, has swept two people cheeks. 巨大的剑刃带着死亡的微风,扫过两人的面颊。 Bang- 砰- That sword blade stays before their bodies finally, a after two people the pure white great sword that stretches out supported the black sword blade. 那剑刃最终停留在他们的身前,一柄从两人身后伸出的洁白的巨剑架住了黑色的剑刃。 Has not responded while blue painting machine armor, the owner of white great sword opens out the black great sword fiercely, one step, the pure white sword frontal zone the radiant flowing light, a sword is dividing into two blue painting machine armor forward. 紧接着,趁着蓝色涂装机甲还没有反应过来,白色巨剑的主人猛地将黑色巨剑拨开,向前一步,洁白的剑锋带着璀璨的流光,一剑将蓝色涂装机甲一分为二。 Bang- 轰- With thundering the flame of explosion, white machine armor of standing tall and erect was similar to the broad gods to stand before two people generally, that pure white great sword across the flaming roaring flame, brings the scattered flame, took advantage of opportunity to break out the jet black unmanned airplane group. 伴随着轰鸣的爆炸的火焰,高耸的白色机甲就如同恢弘的神明一般站在了两人身前,那纯白的巨剑穿过熊熊烈焰,带着零散的火光,顺势劈开了漆黑的无人机群。 Broke out the sky under shadow like the flame of combustion. 如同燃烧的火焰劈开了阴影下的天空。 This month basically is 5000 characters about, diligent( believes firmly), at the end of the month asked a bill. 这个月基本都是五千字左右,勤奋(确信),月底求个票票。
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